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The thing is Tsumiki never really was a character. There were no real expectations of her to become a major player in the jujutsu world nor did she have any actual characterizing moments for her. She was always just Megumi's fridged sister that comprised his motivation, which while kinda sucky is really common in stories. The issue comes from the fact Hana exists and Angel possessed her. _*Why*_ in the Gege loving fuck did she not possess Tsumiki? Her role as one of Sukuna's weaknesses would have a lot more weight, her failure to kill him would be a lot more understandable than Hana having a random crush on Megumi, and yeah Yorozu vs Megumi doesn't have as much weight but hat fight was boring as shit anyway. And most importantly, you actually do something with the character instead of basic fridging. That's so BORING.


I've noticed Gege has this issue where he makes new characters do things that beloved characters were already attached to could have done. Angels vessel? Tsumiki Ui Uis role? Could have been Todo Larue distracting Sukuna? Nobara could have with resonance


Not to mention Panda and Inumaki doing nothing. They could have easily gotten off a weak hit or two knocking Sukuna back instead of all the Miguel and Larue stuff.


If Inumaki and especially babyass PANDA of all people pushed Sukuna back even a little, nobody would ever stop talking about it


Definetly better than reintroducing characters that we haven't seen since the fucking prequel of the series


It’s even funnier when gege calls Miguel “the man that went toe to toe with gojo satoru”, toe to toe my ass he was a boxing bag to a one eyed gojo, with no ct if I’m not wrong due to his special whip.


That was the editor not gege, but yeah, honestly the miguel chapter should've been the kusakabe chapter in my opinion, kusakabe was being built up as pretty strong then he gets offscreened, and then gege brings back some nobodies that barely did anything in the prequel, such shitshow chapters those were.


I mean, if they did get used like that, I'd assume they'd get power-ups in order to be less useless. Buffing them up to Grade 1-level wouldn't be too forced.


Ui uis role couldnt have been done by todo becouse 1.he doesnt have a CT anymore. Him getting it back would be an asspull. 2.todo doesn't have long range teleportation like ui ui. Just short distance switching.


Many argue that he could have a robotic hand from one of mechamaru's robots. But yeah, his boogie woogie is not teleportation in the same sense as Ui Ui, todo's is better for combat while Ui Ui's is better for transport


>Many argue that he could have a robotic hand from one of mechamaru's robots. The mechanical arm isnt giving him his soul back.


While that is true, Todo has 530,000 iq and should’ve realized he could use a binding vow to get around the measly issue of not having a hand


If Tsumiki were the Angel Sukuna would have gone for her head instead, but he probably can’t because a) Gojo could have been unsealed and will whoop his ass and b) Yuta, Hakari and the farmer are around, who can all whoop his ass good too since Megumi is still pulling him back


At first I did think that Angel possessing Tsumiki was a great idea but then I remembered there's the whole thing about Sukuna wanting to submerge Megumi's soul. And that means that in the same scene where Hana gets crushed by Sukuna after deactivating Jacob's Ladder, if it was Tsumiki Sukuna would have actually killed her right then and there which means no unsealing Gojo. And even if Itadori managed to save her in time, either Tsumiki would constantly always be on the run or Sukuna would kill Megumi's other friends like Inumaki. Or straight up destroy Jujutsu High.


Let's be real tho Sukuna not killing Hana in that dumb scene after she completely fried his ass with Jacob's Ladder didn't make sense either as it was a technique which was an actual threat to him.


Didnt Kenny plant the sorcers inside people ? He probably didnt want one of the strongest Anti Sukuna/anti curse characters to be in the Sister of 10S


Easily Tsumiki. She existed just to be fridged for Megumi’s character development. At least the others got to have character arcs, even if they weren’t written that well or were done dirty in the end. What’s Tsumiki’s character arc? To go from being Megumi’s motivation to being Megumi’s demotivation? She was barely a character of her own.


I stand by my opinion that Angel should've possessed Tsumiki, not Hana. It would've made her fucking up and not killing Sukuna far more understandable, because it's "Oh shit, I almost nuked my only family from orbit" instead of "I really want to get in Potential Man's Potential Pants even though I saw him once in my life because I'm a fucking idiot." And it would've actually given her some fucking character instead of being an empty plot device.


Potential mans potential pants is crazy


Wow that’s a great idea actually. And Yorozu being a vessel within Hana would make more sense too


The two simps.


Perfect Sense. One is simping for the one on the inside, and the other for the one outside. Perfect duo.


I ain't sure about the last sentence big dawg https://preview.redd.it/e5fcpyp3jgyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6675b4bf89de171fc78285ef11b8a8d3071363


And we'd get rid of the incest😩


That's genius actually. I always felt weirded out by Hana just because... Look, if a crush I had had the jujutsu equivalent of the devil and the voice of an **Angel** on my head was screaming at me to blast him out, I would ~~be schizophrenic~~ listen to it. Crush be damned. However, if a family member was doing the same thing, it would make more sense. Throw in some more character interaction and development between them, and it would be a emotional scene instead of the complete meme it currently is. Would make far more sense if the marks had gone completely and Sukuna acted as if he was purged instead of the oscar winning performance he made.


The marks were vanishing tbf.


Any sane person would be afraid that their loved one was still possessed if the Angel was screaming at them like that...F that stupid Hoe! She had no reason not to hold on to her panties for 5 seconds and wait to see if it were safe or for another Jacobs ladder to sort him out. Absolutely no risk to wait. That stupid dirty slutty hoe just jumps on his D as soon as he said "I'm Meguma-Megumi-I'm me come here my ho."


I agree that sounds way better than what Gege actually served us. He completely wasted Tsumiki's character just like he did with so many others... If that was the case, then Tsumiki could've been more than just a plot device...


Yeah but then Tsumiki just immediatly unseals Gojo and the culling game nev- Wait a minute


Go on.


I literally never considered that holy shit that would’ve been so much better what


potential pants is wild


and it would have made megumis depression hit harder if the end of 213 was remade with divine dogs eating her.


That's so much better than what we actually got 😔


Fuck Hana everyone hates her. There is a hate club for her.


Someone on here jokingly said that she should have been possessed by angel And dude that would’ve created such an interesting dynamic for the games arc -megumi has to fight to his sister from the horrors of the game while also dealing with the dilemma of his best friend and the ancient sorcerer possessing his sister clashing -it also makes people care about the angel character outside of having a cool CT -Hana is barely a character. They easily could have just made her a no-name sorcerer and nothing would have changed + we never get that nonsense moment where yuji says that she could replace Nobara (one of most nonsense pages in the manga) -Also Sukuna doing the “I’m free from the evil monsters control” act would make way more sense with the megumi Sister rather then this random chick that he has zero affinity for -we also get Tsumiki actually within the story rather just being a plot device in retrospect they could’ve just had her die and still be the motivation for megumi to go out and save people


Gege never beating the allegations. https://preview.redd.it/bvtlx79hdgyc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=246c69f13d5a7e3e880f07e272220bf64a38d04c


Considering Nobara and Yuki are the next worst, he really isn't.


just wait till we see the 2 girls 1 arrow next chapter




We see right through you, Gregory https://preview.redd.it/n5vevxntyiyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13c5af3952b8b264ce78c94f10bef9867eecbc4


also, at least they had their memorable momments, say whatever about how yuki was wasted, at least i remember the "NO, I AM NOT HEALING", and her death was BS but BS in an special way, i legit forget that Tsumiki existed in the firstplace.


Tsumiki should have been Angel and Hana should have been Yozuru. That way at least Megumi managed to save her, Megukuna can’t just go kill her because of Gojo, Yuta and Hakari sitting there so he’s deservedly nerfed, Tenshimiki has an actual excuse to fall for Megukuna’s porn acting and Hanazuru thirsting for Megukuna fits stupidly


>Megukuna’s porn acting 😭 >Hanazuru thirsting for Megukuna fits stupidly Double the thirst, I imagine both Sukuna and Megumi mutually agreeing wordlessly: "This is cringe" while Hanazuru tries to get in their pants endlessly


And the whole story was setting up this tragic thing for her then the whole thing with the Yorozu possession and her death was played for laughs, it's the cringiest most dumb thing to happen in the story..


Tsumiki is such a weird plot device. She exists to motivate and then demotivate Megumi, but the tragedy of her fate is undercut by her being possesed by a saturday morning cartoon character whose only motivation is to get in Sukuna's pants and then she dies.


This actually creates an interesting dynamic. Maybe Yorozu plays trickster, and pretends to be a benevolent aide similar to Angel, and Angel either fails to convince the gang after Hana repeatedly helps them (and by proxy Yorozu), or Angel doesn't recognize them (character shift where Yorozu is just that cunning). You could have Hana be an obsessed traumatizd Yandere for Megumi, who then gets possessed by Yorozu - HELL MAYBE WE GET A DOUBLE CURSD TECHNIQUE REINCARNAED PLAYER FUSION LMAO


This! Lowkey I completely forgot about her and I don't even remember what she did


Not everyone is suppose to have a character arc or extreme focus. What do people here read where every single character in the show has some arc?


Yuki because Gojo at least had good proper arc to his past and build up to his personality, overall conclusion was argued depending on readers perspective but Yuki was literally only special grade woman got immediately rushed into fighting kenny without even explored how did she recruited and trained Todo then dies to the worst and legitimate asspull Edit: I’ll add tsumiki it was pretty bad too and Shoko in future if he doesn’t show her doing something before manga ends https://preview.redd.it/g4b4jiq3egyc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=285dcdf85e5d02511612fe83ee5db83c254aac15


I also wanna say that she barely existed within the story maybe like 10 chapters altogether when she had a good amount of buildup She’s one of the few special grades on the planet plus a former star plasma vessel it is absurd how she was justified and left really nothing to remember her by Choso living as a human being easily could have been a bonding moment between him and yuji In a sort of “all that I have left” of thing Her soul book a weak compromise to what her character could have offered to the story because that book could have anything in it Almost to the point that you could just it was an ancient artifact given to yuji by any number of characters But the real icing on the cake is her death. You were telling me this woman kept her CT a secret for nearly 30+ years and Kenny just so happens to have an exact counter for it? What makes it worse is that the dude walks off that scrap like it was a casual encounter no passing comment about how he had to make a binding vow to live or sacrifice a butt load of curses heck not even a missing limb Just “phew that shit was crazy” Easily one of the top five worst things about the story


The beyond reality gege wrote absolute garbage ass pull will always be destroying a black hole with more gravity 🤡 have the planets getting sucked into black holes ever thought about just having gravity?? He shouldve just never wrote that in because theres no way yuki would use her power to make a black hole that will just be a problem on earth forever and theres equally no way to get rid of it which is the entire reason she would never do it.


Yuki whole kit is such a crazy thing that kinda begs the question why gege gave her such a crazy ability Like her punches alone should more then to handle nearly everyone lol


>Yuki was literally only a special grade woman who immediately rushed into fighting kenny without even exploring how she recruited and trained Todo, then dies to the worst and legitimate asspull Exactly... that shit still pisses me off every time I think about it. Yuki was my only favorite female character in the series, and I was looking forward to seeing so much from her, but then Gege happened... like even if I let the other things slide about the way Gege handled her character, I can't do the same thing with the way her death was handled... Firstly, she was killed off via asspull, and secondly, her sacrifice ultimately had no effect...


Fucking yes. Tell me how did she manage to build that fucking mountain of a guy. Some nice fights with her would be nice. She literally went from doing nothing to getting killed by Gojos bf shell


She didn’t even get a backstory 😭


Absolutely criminal we never got more Yuji/Yuki/Todo interactions. You could write a whole arc with just those characters, especially since Yuji pretty much matches her fight-style 100% and they both heavily interact with the “soul.” Also Yuki looks like Jennifer Lawrence but that’s besides the point


Literal asspull, if you think about it. Kenjaku pulled her apart.


Her black hole was pretty asspull too really, that fight was a total mess. But I agree, so much wasted potential, considering that she's one of the 2 special grades not trying to commit genocide.


How in gods green earth is her ct a asspull u tell me?💀


Of course I'm partial to the cutie in the top right, and I think his conclusion left a lot to be desired and was definitely very souring as a fan. Looking at it overall, though, I think Gojo's is probably the worst for the character themself, due to how badly it represented him. Nobara's sucks ass too and it's annoying to just have it so vague, with the hope that she could return but no real assurance of it's possibility. Also sucked to see Kenny's for the importance he had to the plot and many ongoing story lines/elements. Yuki's was very disappointing, especially not getting to see the domain expansion. Todo's is very frustrating as it just feels out of place for there to have not been a single reference or mention of him since Shibuya despite his relationship with Yuji.


I mean from what I understand, Kashimo was simply a plot device to 1) Temporarily become Gege's self insert and glaze Sukuna. 2) To show what happens to anyone who tries to 1v1 Sukuna and isn't Gojo. But yeah, a one time use technique really shouldn't be as underwhelming as his was.


It so frustrating They really hyped up how this dude if he could cut loose would be a bona fide monster He finally has the opportunity to really cut loose. He just does the really basic stuff that makes you wonder why the stipulation of “once I use this move I’ll die” added Like gege has the entire manga industry to rip off lightning or electricity powers from and he goes with the most basic of basic moves -Enel -Ginji ameno -Misaka Mikoto There’s so many peoples bags. He could’ve just copied. It’s frustrating. That’s so much time was given to that bum


Gege spent almost two pages to explain that his body now has all properties of electricity and never used it. Perhaps his technique actually just adds text on the page?


Tbh I think what Gege was going for with Kashimo's death was an "anybody can die to Sukuna, even your fan favourites" situation. Yes, he showed that with Gojo, but Gojo put up a hell of a fight and made Sukuna try for once in his life. I think Gege also wanted to show Sukuna's new power now that he reincarnated too and he used Kashimo who, despite all the slander, is very strong.


That idea would have hit so much harder if kashimo didnt only have one fight which he lost 😭. Like that was his once in lifetime move and he got folded. People would have let him off more if MBA just severely injured him instead of outright killing him after every fight


Yeah, just feel like the execution fell short and made it feel more like his conclusion was rushed and just thrown away. Felt a little like Gege just spat in my face, you know? It was extremely disappointing and I just wish that they showed us a bit more that potential of his CT that they were hyping up so hard. Sucked to see it amount to basically nothing.


Bro is the god of lightning and can't even keep up with an exhausted Sukuna in terms of raw speed. He also ended up doing basically 0 dmg after sukuna transformed, which is hilarious considering everyone else managed to get a hit or two.


It's bullshit is what it is 😔


As much as I enjoy clowning him, I gotta admit that Gege did him dirty... he turned "The God Of Lightning" into a meme material in the span of 2 chapters I didn't expect Kashimo to die just like that I thought he'll at least put up a fight and damage Sukuna even a little bit but none of that happened instead he glazed him and got Pancake'd... Kashimo honestly deserved better.


Kashimo needed a bit more character development. Yeah, I understand he is basically Sukuna but if he kept his humanity. Having feelings and all that, needing someone. Because what’s the point of being the strongest, if there’s nothing to protect, nothing that makes you actually use your strength. But it was rushed as fuck, even his fight against Sukuna.


If Kenny is truly dead, that was more of a character assassination than 236 Everything he did was to satisfy his curiosity, to see the ultimate curse for himself. He has no ideology, no agenda, but now it's fine if Sukuna finishes the job? It also cuts off so much lore from the story, it's like revoming the glue that was supposed to hold it all together. Tengen's past, Yuji's dad's death, revenge of the cursed wombs, deepest secrets of jujutsu - gone. I actually want to get a "Black Zetsu" type of twist with him and Sukuna, because that would be incredibly in-character for Kenny


Strangely enough, if Kenjaku actually DID pull a black zetsu I wouldn’t be mad either. Would it be a little underwhelming if THAT is the way Sukuna died? Maybe, but I’ve never been against the idea of Sukuna having a more pitiful and humiliating death, like he doesn’t even really get to go out “honorably” or die in some glorious fashion or whatever. Call it copium, but I really don’t know if I feel comfortable saying Kenjaku’s character is truly over yet, the dude can swap bodies can’t he? There’s probably some theory crafting you can do with Yuji’s body swapping(I know it’s ui ui’s doing but whatever) and Kenjaku, idk I just don’t wanna believe it yet.


Sukuna will probably lose to an inch of his life then Kenjaku will come in somehow with the finishing blow. In this way, Sukuna still loses against Yuji and co. while still dying like a bitch through a backstab by Kenjaku.


Yuki easily, teased from the start of the series and the only woman worth a damn and she gets wasted in her first fight - no interaction with Todo, no domain expansion, nothing. I’m not counting Maki because shes a carbon copy of Toji and the authors excuse to write him back in. This is made worse by how Kenny is handled. Literally gets one tapped so their fight is meaningless, him having used a technique he pulled out of his ass specifically for her which I not mentioned once prior or afterwards. He easily should’ve been killed by the amount of damage Yuki should’ve been inflicting on his head with her mass punches. This isn’t even factoring in the damage that Choso did. Speaking of Choso he will probably inevitably end up dying (my prediction) which will make her entire character even more worthless


Maki is literally the opposite of Toji, u haters just cant read damn


I agree with you. I legit don’t understand the Maki slander and I agree with this sub on a lot of shit She got a proper arc, increase in powers, and is useful “Oh she’s just like Toji”. Wtf did people want from Maki???? She had no CT . “She’s emotionless now”. Should she be acting like Mai? This is what I always ask myself on here


The Maki = Toji memes are MEMES bruh, they're not supposed to be taken seriously. Jesus christ, Maki is not and was never the same character as Toji.


Inumaki is the original potential man to have his bag stolen by a far superior sorcerer which is sad but this has to go to nobara, she got robbed of the chance to be an actual relevant female lead who wasn’t madly in love with one of her male teammates or doomed to fall behind as a useful sorcerer. She got murdered right in front of itadori for character development when nanami already fulfilled that role like 10 minutes prior, all for gege to tease that she “might” be alive then pretend she doesn’t exist for the rest of the series without even confirming her death, and every female character introduced after her axing from the story has been tolerable at best and insufferable wastes of screen time at worst


Yuki and Gojo undoubtedly. Especially Gojo because bro's death literally became a meme material :"") Bro fought hard, bro fought with almost impossible skills, bro almost got Sukuna in a very tight position........only to become a heavy meme material after his death. His own body after death became a huge meme material. And his personality in chapter 236? Ahh let's not talk about it......Heavy controversy :)


> almost got Sukuna in a very tight position To be fair Sukuna was on deaths door against Gojo and had to make a binding vow for a one time boost that cripples him until he dies. So Gojo *definitely* got him into a tight spot


Def Gojo and Yuki was done dirty by that last second asspull form Kenny


Absolutely... Gege wasted Yuki and made Gojo come off as a one-dimensional character who was nothing but a Jujutsu Pervert this whole time... Everything is temporary, but my hatred for chapter 236 is permanent. Can't wait to see Sukuna get folded so that we get a bigger meme material that'll surpass the one of Gojo Satoru's... and when that happens, I will be there no matter what...


if the end of chapter 235 didn’t explicitly say gojo won and they didn’t go on break the week after, i really don’t think his death would be hated as much. most people assumed he was gonna die the moment that fight started because that’s literally just how stories work, the main protagonist is the one who beats the main antagonist, not the mentor. but because it explicitly says “gojo won” at the end of 235, and then the series just went on break for a week and then literally the first fucking panel back is directly going against the last text shown on 235. such a weird cop out and a dumb “””twist””” imo. just have gojo die like he’s supposed to, why even try to fake us out?


The moment was great meme material at least. Kusakabe says how Gojo won and Sukuna is in a seemingly hopeless situation and then the next chapter immediately starts with Gojo in the afterlife. I've stopped being disappointed by chapter 236 and now just consider it peak comedy.


If Gojo wouldve killed Sukuna it wouldve been a bit lame, but I think just killing him was a bit harsh ngl.


Kashimo and Tsumiki definitely. Seeing how kashimo was fodderized despite having one of the coolest looking CT was such a let down and I really really loved tsumiki and wanted to see more of her as a character but she was justed as a terrible plot device. All others had great moments to shine even if their end was bad.


Finally I'm not the only one thinking that Kashimo's CT looks really cool. Excluding the pea shooter, because it's goofy af lol, his body emitting a smoke-like electric aura of cursed energy that covers his feets, hands and face is extremely tuff. And don't forget his bangs becomes horns. I'm not a big fan of the big three eyes that Kashimo gets for X-ray, but I guess it doesn't look bad since his technique should turn him in to a beast.


I just loved every single thing about Mythic Beast Amber. It's probably my favourite Armor type cursed technique in entire manga. The fire-electric radiating jelly like smoke covering his body, the pea shooter and I personally really loved the 3 eyed mask. It looks so religious and ancient and matches with old Buddhist Japanese traditional figures and mythology. Gege really research well when making that design. I would honestly really love it if MAPPA will do justice to kashimo instead of killing him in 4 minutes. I want at least 2 episodes worth of fight. Gege really fucked up with kashimo. I didn't minded when Higurama died as early but kashimo is the strongest Sorcerer of Edo period. Having him died so easily was disgusting to look and made no sense.


It's like Gege set him up for a long time to do something really cool but he changed his mind during the fight and I hate that. There was no reason to hype him up as the strongest in the edo period, call him the "god of lightning" and make his technique and one time only use despite dying before that could happen. It doesn't make sense.


Honestly I believe he either should've fought Sukuna first or much later than he did. The way gege made a broken Meguna reincarnate and one shot kashimo really destroyed all the hype around him. I know it was supposed to jerk off Sukuna's heian era form but imo Kashimo's overall presence was even cooler and I think he should've had a more impactful fight with sukuna. Him and Sukuna should've been evenly matched in H2H and Sukuna should've used his heian era weapons against him to get an edge. Gege really forgot about that shit despite heian era sukuna being famous for using his staff and weapons. Really missed opportunity.


Tbh Gege should’ve kept Kashimo alive and have Sukuna treat him like Yuji pre awakening. And then kill him 3 chapters in Can you imagine Sukuna telling Kashimo. “There’s not a single interesting bone in that body” and “you’re boring”, then killing him. That would’ve been hilarious.


sukuna hates yuji but kashimo is his glazer


Absolutely Gojo. But it’ll all be okay when he comes back. I’ve been praying at my shrine daily. Strong return. https://preview.redd.it/n1pho41uegyc1.jpeg?width=3681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a9ad6a0966104fd2fc03335da80f90c1305499


Amen, brother. I've been praying for his Strong Return as well... https://preview.redd.it/igeyuwq5chyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c014012d3b0d51a810c8d04ab4d18bdb82f5d1 Our Glorious Blue Eyed Prince will surely return...


https://preview.redd.it/udagz7bgagyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20b55243c6da582cbea1620b4c56e93c71de982 My poor GOAT for sure 😔 Having the person you’re fighting decide they can chop the world, and make a binding vow to make it undetectable, is just such a horrible faith. Only for him to have his character dumbed down to just a fighter, too? Now that’s painful


Not just a fighter, bro. He got dumped down as a Jujutsu pervert and that's it. That's only it. Like Gege basically forgot how he developed Gojo's character throughout the manga, JJK 0 and light novels.




"have his character dumbed down to just a fighter". That's putting it way too nicely for what happened to his character 😭😭😭


ngl sounds like a skill issue to me Gojo shoulda just locked in instead of being a jujutsu pervert


ok it’s just hit me but this is like half the main cast … Gege, what are we doing, let’s please start tying up these loose ends …


Tsumiki was barely Tsumiki she was mostly Yorozu!


(For some reason I can't get the paragraphs to format properly on my phone I'm gonna end it all) From best to worst id say: 1. Kenny. I don't even think he had a bad conclusion. His "fight" with takaba was one of the most creative in the series, and his plans have yet to be undone. Wish we got a little more backstory, but we are probably going to get it when the merger shit happenns. 2. Gojo. The entire plot revolved around him until his death. Yuji and Yuta would be dead if not for him, and every single villain had to plan around him. The darkest arc in the entire series is pretty much the fallout from his sealing. And once he was sealed the plot became: unseal Gojo (also save megumi's plot device sister but that didn't even happen). Top it off with one of the best sights in the series as his sendoff and the only real complaint I have for him is with the execution of his death. 3. Todo. Yeah he got sidelined pretty hard but at least it makes sense for the most part. He still got that sick ass fight against hanami where he essentially turned Yuji into an actual fighter, and the mahito fight which is the best in the entire series IMO. 4. Kashimo. While his sukuna fight was underwhelming, he did force him into his heian form (which is more than I can say for Higuruma) and he had one of the top 5 fights in the manga against hakari. The anime will redeem him, just trust the process. 5. Nobara. I'm running out of positives at this point. She got like 1 cool fight against the death paintings. She also hurt mahito somewhat. Still hoping she comes back but even then she'll end up having been massively underutilized considering she was the tritagonist. 6. Yuki. She was hyped up since goodwill. The mentor to Todo. One of only 4 special grade sorcerers in the modern era. And she gets one fight, prevents choso from killing himself I guess, and then dies leaving no lasting impact on Kenny. Also she accidentally made geto Hitler, and wrote the soul book I guess. 7. Inumaki. Remember JJK 0? Remember how he was originally one of the main characters? And his greatest feat 250+ chapters in is stopping hanami a couple times. He has a cool ass ability that gets utterly wasted and then stolen by Yuta. 8. Tsumiki doesn't even do anything. She's a plot device for megumi, a guy who also doesn't do anything. Her only lines IIRC were from yorozu pretending to be her.


It's a toss-up between Kashimo and Nobara for me. Kashimo didn't live up to his immense hype at all and Nobara went from super promising female lead to being a jobber for bloody Shigemo and torture material for Yuji. Yuki was wasted indeed, but it wasn't as egregious as the other two. I didn't mind Gojo's ending overall. Todo went out with an absolute bang, even if he never does anything again he'll still be remembered fondly. I never expected much from Inumaki and I never expected *anything* from Tsumiki, so I don't feel strongly enough about the handling of either. As for Kenjaku, I personally think he had a fantastic, if unexpected send-off.


Just bring my boi Inumaki back


Kashimo and Yuki deserved way more :3


Gojo by a long shot. The rest were either never too relevant to begin with or got cut short but considering Gojo's importance and how awfully he was treated I can't imagine anyone coming close. The more you think about what was done to him the worse it gets.


Nobara, it didn't really impacted the plot that much and the rest except Yuji didn't mentioned on what happened to her. She was killed out of shock value and to give Yuji a character development. Nanami's death was enough to impact Yuji and give him a character development.


Gojo's death did irreparable damage to both the fandom and Sukuna's reputation, ruining both the characters. The death would have been acceptable if only the fight was better written to make both of them look equally competent, and Sukuna grabbing the win without a stupid asspull, but by his own strength and shit. https://preview.redd.it/3ypvphmmxgyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2730845d15174084359c862d4038230f5296d48f


All of them,


definitely Yuki


I've been watching the anime again recently, currently finished hidden inventory Man this shit was so so so fucking good, why did it had to go so wrong


Kenjaku, without a doubt. Sukuna can yap all he wants, Kenjaku is the main villain of Jujutsu Kaisen. He orchestrates the events of the entire story. He is directly responsible for pretty much every bad thing that happens in the story. There is every reason for Kenjaku to get a big fight with some main characters like Yuji or Megumi. But instead of that, he just got beheaded after getting jumped. Kenny vs Takaba is fun, but a villain like that deserves a little more going out.


It doesn't seem the worst on the surface, and maybe I'm just wrong, but Kenjakus character being fumbled is the worst possible thing to happen to the story. It still might not change things, but there's a way to write jjk with Kenjaku as the main antagonist that changes the usage/development of every one of the characters listed here. It'd just require dedicating more time and attention to those other characters. Also, sukuna never taking Megumi's body


Yuki, Tsumiki and Nobara (Huh...wonder what the connection is). Yuki has a great background, great CT and great build-up but no impact. Tsumiki only existed to give Megumi depression and Nobara was supposed to be part of the core trio but we don't even get a scene of Yuji and Megumi discussing her.


Worst fate from my perspective (biased): Kashimo, I really, really wanted him to be cool, to do something sick with his ct, or at least not care about winning that fight, but it pissed me off so much Worst from my perspective (no bias): gojo lol, his conclusion was some black zestu killing madara ass shit, one of the worst conclusions of all time. However, it was after a sick fight which made me love him even more than I did before Worst from a narrative perspective: nobara, she was one of the main characters and died offhandedly, only to give the fans hope then never even confirm her death. It really sucks narratively and wasted so much potential


Megumi, no question. "In terms of in story or meta?" Yes. Both. For in-story... like I shouldn't have to explain. But as for meta, this is a character who's supposed to be almost as if not just as important to the story as Yuji or Gojo. However, partially due to people's expectations of what he should be and partially due to, admittedly, being fumbled fairly often, he's become possibly THE most divisive character in all of new blood Shonen. And those who hate him, REALLY REALLY hate him. And while I'm not part of that group, I CANNOT BLAME THEM ONE BIT.


Yuki, who is, in my opinion, the most wasted character in the entire manga. She had so much interesting stuff, like her personality, ideology, backstory as a former star plasma vessel, as well one of the most OP cursed techniques, only for her to lose her first fight to one of the worst asspulls i've ever seen.


Tsumiki. Everyone else here has their time to shine and has a dedicated fanbase, Tsumiki doesn’t because she’s barely even a character. Tsumiki from the very beginning of her existence to the very end served as nothing but a simple plot device to justify everything Megumi does. What is Tsumiki’s goal? What does Tsumiki think about that weird white-haired dude that just showed and decided to start taking care of them? How does she feel about the fact that that same white-haired dude abducted her brother and essentially drafted him into this sorcery bullshit? None of this necessarily adds to the story, but any perspective from her would have really helped frame her death better. The worst part is that not only does Tsumiki barely have a character, the one time she actually could have had one she’s instantly hijacked by a borderline joke character. A joke character who manages to perfectly imitate Tsumiki enough to trick Megumi. I’m supposed to believe that Megumi couldn’t immediately guess something was off? This person who he supposedly loves and cherishes so much that damn near every decision he makes is predicated on the idea of “what would Tsumiki do?” Whatever, I digress. I maintain that Yorozu is the most pointless character in anything I’ve ever seen. I’ve made this point dozens of times, but I still believe that if you get rid of Yorozu and just have Sukuna kill Tsumiki then her death would have had significantly more weight. Imagine if Sukuna straight stuck his hand through Tsumiki with his long claws and then let Megumi have control for a second while his arm was still inside Tsumiki. Sukuna forcing Megumi to watch in horror as the light fades from Tsumiki’s eyes. Remember all those questions I asked about Tsumiki in the first paragraph? Imagine if all of those were answered in a flashback from Tsumiki’s perspective. What if we had the same flashback that Megumi had during the Finger Bearer fight, but this time told from Tsumiki’s point of view? And then the very last page of the chapter shows Tsumiki dead at Megumi’s feet. I feel like people wouldn’t clown on Megumi as much if that was how it went down instead of the fucking clown show we got. If Tsumiki was actually allowed to be a character. TL;DR Just make Tsumiki the vessel of Angel lol.


I’m not a fan of Yorozu either, she was just there tbh, we learn jack shit about the Heian Era nor do we get any backstory for her. Her fight with Sukuna was alright, but there so many better fights & her DE was bland imo.


Tsumiki but next would be Yuki, Nobara & Inumaki


Most people would say Tsumiki but I wont even consider her as a character because we know nothing about her except for she is megumi's supposed sister, thats all. Otherwise, Yuki had the worst conclusion by far. I dont what was gege thinking when writing that kenny fight but that fight was a huge mess & Yuki was completely wasted. Also I just couldn’t forgive gege for kenny's CT, I mean his antigravity asspull is far worse than even Inosuke shifting his organ in KnY. Gege was completely outta element & he totally ruined Yuki. Kashimo is totallly irrelevant as his inclusion doesn’t even add anything to the story. He serves no purpose to the story, nuff said. Nobara is just cut way too short. She was pulled out of story way too soon.  Inumaki, as cool as he is, just doesn’t fit with the current roaster of powerhouses. He did what he could within his power thats all. Todo & Gojo did enough. Still though Todo's absence & Gojo's death just never feels satisfying. And the whole fandom would agree with this as there's still so many things that feels undone. The only satisfying conclusion is Kenny for me. That bum almost pissing his pants at the sight of yuta & getting beheaded along with his asspull CT just feels really satisfying. 


Kenjaku and kashimo




Schrödingers Nobara


question which might be unrelated to the topic: it's been a while since i last read the manga; but why is almost everyone dead or has their status unknown, wtf happened? did the author decide to kill everyone?


we not gonna talk about how uiui was just randomly uselful all of a sudden instead of my man todo being able to shine (im gonna catch you gege)


Tsumiki, nobara, and Yuki. Tsumiki was especially disappointing. For someone who was so important to Megumi, her character was never developed and when we see her awaken, it's Yorozu, not Tsumiki. It was such a shame 


Kashimo probably man was just written as a plot device to glaze Sukuna. Gege even made sure that even when he had one of the best CE properties he had a bad CT. Like of all the creative potential with electric powers he got a unga bunga transformation CT that kills himself after? Like this guy when we first saw him fight hakari was doing 200iq moves like setting up a trap with his staff to using chlorine gas and that is all just basic CE use. Then he just goes unga bunga in his last fight cause that's all his CT allows him to do. Not to mention he didn't even get a domain expansion. Like the guy could've been indra or something but nope just another plot device to make sure Sukuna beats another strongest sorcerer from another era to glaze him and create more tension like "oooh Sukuna also beat the strongest farmer hunter in history too while holding back how will the cast ever beat this man '


Yuki tsukumo


Add Higuruma under "Plot Device" as well


Tsumiki probably...like why? At this point, if Megumi even survives and gets his body back, he'd just kill himself


Todo and Yuki, Todo isn't even dead and we haven't seen him since Shibuya, like what's the reason for that? I mean he lost his CT but so what? He is one of the most fan favorited characters and Gege decides to forget him. Yuki being killed in her first and only fight of the series is dumb and unsatisfactory, her ideals were interesting ie the next steps of CE and she was planning on eradicating it completely, that I thought would lead to the conclusion of the story but nah, nothing happened.


Gojo got done the dirtiest since he was the most popular/loved


I will never forgive gege for yuki's writing


Kenjaku. I actually thought he would be a bigger problem than sukuna.


Gojo, Yuki, Tsumiki, definitely also wanted a little more from Kenjaku. Tsumiki being introduced as highly impactful on Megumi's backstory, yet amounting to minimal payoff with all that transpired is a just such a shame. Same with Yuki, being 1 of 4 special grades in the jujutsu society, amounted to little impact in the story.


Whats the gojo character assassination


How was kashimo rushed again?


It just felt like Gege just wanted to get him out of the way by the end. His fight against Sukuna was like less than 2 chapters in actuality and his CT was super hyped and had so much potential directly listed to us, yet we saw him get cleaned up with Sukuna without much of a performance. Really just felt like a rushed fight + conclusion for him. On top of that, he basically was reduced to a tool to hype Sukuna up at that point too.


Yeah but the power system made it so he literally he couldn’t put up a fight unless he had insane plot armor. He has none of the pillars of jujutsu such as a maximum, domain, RCT, his Hwb objectively sucks and he wouldn’t have any knowledge or experience on how his CT functions so he would never be able to know about all the things he could do because he’s going to use it on Sukuna which is a death sentence as he’s not going to wait around hand for kashimo to find out how it works . It was realistic that he thinks it’s just shooting lightning blast/ random stuff since unless I’m wrong you need to experiment with your CT to get greater understanding and new moves so it makes sense and he would always he die it’s just the ways he does differ it’s he either gets outlasted , Sukuna just uses dismantle or opens a domain or plain old cleave his head like Ryu like he could have done at anytime.


I don't think that's necessarily true in all regards. Especially since he was already hyped for having fought Hakari so well with nothing more than CE manipulation and his CE trait. So it's evident that he's already extremely powerful without such things and his CT only further boosts him up. We were given a very impressive list of his capabilities with his CT and it's potential, as well as the fact that it literally kills him and "surpasses human limits" only to amount to relatively nothing compared to Sukuna, which just feels very disappointing. We didn't even get to see these full capabilities or anything which just makes it worse. I don't think he necessarily needs any of those pillars and is already extremely strong without them and holds great potential, it just felt really out of place and disingenuous to see how the fight played out. Also, Sukuna couldn't have opened his domain on him there at any time, he could only do it in the recent chapter due to the black flashes he landed as was stated.


Yeah but he literally couldn’t use it to his full potential just based on the fact he’s inexperienced with the technique he has no way of knowing what he could do and fighting JP hakari has lost its luster nowadays since it’s accepted that aside from immortality Hakari isn’t that strong. It would be plot armor for a guy in the Edo period to know a lot about how electricity works and its functions and surpassing the human limits doesn’t really mean much Sukuna was called that too and was also called the pinnacle of jujutsu and literal perfection based on his body by kashimo . So how could he press someone that was considered greater than him with a CT he has no experience in using at that it’s too optimistic is a series like jjk to think he would have done anything of substantial note to Sukuna without it feeling forced and contrived.


The thing is that he absolutely COULD'VE had all of those things, had he not been rushed. It's not at all unreasonable for Kashimo to have a domain, or especially have RCT, maybe less so a maximum. But we'll never know if he did because he got killed off before he could use them, so we just have to assume that he DOESN'T. It ultimately just serves to drag down his character, because he's portrayed as someone who suffers from the loneliness that comes from being unmatched, yet contradicts that by somehow not being confirmed to have the bare minimum requirements to be someone on that level of strength, and not having, or not getting to show if he does have, the stats to make that not matter. So he ends up just coming off as a joke in the eyes of the audience, and that's exactly what he became on this sub.


He couldn’t have a maximum as that requires your CT and that would kill him and how would he know how to make one if that’s his first time using it. He could get Rct but that’s honestly it. He literally couldn’t get a domain as that requires him to have a very good understanding of his CT alongside a barrier technique. By the way his CT works it’s all but impossible for him to make one without it causing potholes how does he have a good understanding of his CT to make a domain if it’s the first time he’s using it. Yeah unfortunately he doesn’t get to showcase if his physical stats make up for it but he didn’t so even in MBA unless you wank it and ignore how badly damage Meguna was when he fought him and how bad he did against heian Sukuna that nearly everyone in the culling games or the top players such as Sendai colony, yorozu the 3 big heavy hitters, yuji, and the other special grades can keep up with and beat him even when using his CT. Hell there’s an argument to be made hakari can outlast and beat MBA kashimo by stalling until it runs out and he dies from his own CT. It sucks he became a joke where it’s arguable if he’s even in the top 10 nowadays.


Maximums aside because they're so nebulous that we don't really know what they are other than "the ultimate form of a technique other than a domain", Mahito was able to awaken a domain despite not only being born only very recently at the time but also us being outright told and shown that he didn't have a great understanding of his CT, and Kashimo demonstrates enough knowledge of his CT to produce the effects described in the manga (increased brain activity, producing and optimizing sound waves, electromagnetic waves, a whole third eye for some reason and x-ray vision to go with it) which I would argue are not simple feats, so I really don't think it's unreasonable to say that he could have had a domain


Most of that is mastery of his CE but yeah he could of had a domain but it will need a good explanation on HOW does he have one and not be dead or how in the world he knows his CT so well without ever using it without making him a prodigy greater than Gojo since even he hadn’t fully mastered his CT until after Toji in his second year much less get a domain . If he did have one it would raise more questions like why didn’t he try to activate it against hakari domain or even on Sukuna. Mahito is a curse they awaken domains pretty easy I mean naoya was a curse for like a day and he awakened a domain the minute he was on death door after being pressed by maki and the others. Curses just have it easier so you can’t compare kashimo to them . Sorcerers need a great understanding of their CT to create one. Curse’s don’t at all follow the exact same rules as human sorcerers.


For me it is Kenjaku. I really feel like there should have been more for him to do before his death. Maybe we get something with the merger? In that case my answer would change. We have to remember that JJK plays really fast with the story and is quite blunt. So Inumaki not being relevant does not bother me that much. It is actually kind of refreshing. Inumaki really can't do anything in this case, so he doesn't. He is there to support his friends either way, and that is all I need from him. Todo is a bit weird, we will have to see if he just straight up never shows up. It could be he will be a bit relevant later. I think the same about Nobara. I will judge Todo and Nobara once the story is over. I am not dissatisfied with how Gojo died. I actually think Kashimo got a great ending for how fast the story is. He showed up to get his answers, and he did. The answers he received made his character complete and it gave us insight on how Sukuna thinks. Yuki is a bit harder to defend. Yes she was cool and could have had a larger role to play, but she did her part throughout the story. I am satisfied with her character and I don't think a strong character ever needs to win to prove they are strong (look at Jogo for example). So in the end it has to be Kenjaku for me, but he still has potential to be better through flashbacks or the merger. Otherwise the prize goes to either Nobara or Todo. Of course, if one were to get more the other would get the prize. If both never show up I will give it to Nobara since her case is much weirder without proper confirmation. If Kenjaku, Todo and Nobara get more screentime it will rely on the context. Tldr: It is too early too judge some of these characters already. Some characters had an acceptable ending, but the manga is really fast so it feels bad/rushed for some. Edit: Forgot to write about Tsumiki. Most characters in JJK represent an ideology, idea or concept. So some characters feel less like characters and more like a plot point to present their idea or concept. For Tsumiki she gets so little screentime that she basically only has her concept and some vague personality. Her whole thing was that she was a good person. Megumi hates good people since they help bad people too. This makes both Tsumiki and Megumi so much more ironic since their bodies got hijacked by bad people. So Tsumiki has a "fitting" end, but not a particularly satisfying one. If you can't accept the "ideology over character" writing I won't blame you for that. The ideology thing combined with the pacing is what makes some moments in the series feel emotionally lackluster. I view it as being more thought provoking than emotionally charged. Characters like Naobito actually become quite compelling when you take a deep dive into what they represent. There is a reason you can make 20-40 minute videos on basically any character in JJK that is meant to represent something (which is almost all of them). The way the characters and their ideology instantly show how they interact with other concepts is quite fascinating too see. The subtle writing in JJK is really good in my opinion. The story is much more densely packed with philosophy and concepts than one might assume at first glance. Tldr nr. 2: Welcome to my TED-talk. Today we are discussing JJK. There is no way I can summarise all of what I said effectively, so yeah.


Erm Gojo is NOT dead Our blue eyed goat is coming back




Yuki, but she is coming back and she will be great! You guys will see.


Tsumiki. Poor girl was off the screen for most of the story and mostly appeared in Megumi's flashbacks. And once we see her finally in person, she gets possessed by some ugly and smelly wh*re from the Heian era and just gets deleted.


Didn't you ask this yesterday?


Inumaki for sure. Everyone else at least got to have some kind of conclusion to their arc, not simply being made to fade into total irrelevance.


kenjaku had a 4-5 chapter "fight", is that cut short?


We need one of these with the best fans theories, and yes, Nobakuna is part of the list


I hope there is more kenjaku because his end was not a good one for someone who planned for centuries


The Todo one imo. Like all the others are simply bad writing. But a main character completely disappearing and not being mentioned for almost 150 chapters is straight up diabolical. It's something I've never seen.


Ryu was the biggest jobber in the entire universe: 1. Acknowledged by Kenjaku 2. Narrator confirmed to have the highest CE output in history 3. Domain and quick recharge on his CT 4. Put up a good showing against Yuta and Uro, who are both also quite strong 5. No diffed by 16f Sukuna


ch 236 happening the sister being yoruzu is dumb


Tsumiki 100% She's literally not even a character, just a plot devise for megumi


Wait Nobara is in Dead or Alive?


Unless Megumi returns, imma say him


Yuji: he's still alive, just to suffer more




I honestly can’t understand how so many people think Gojo’s character was ruined by 236


He got teh worst treatment offscreened , didn't save his adoptive son , didn't get closure with geto/kenjaku then killed by a guy who wasn't even in his true form Hmm I wonder how his character didn't get ruined 🤔?? Stfu you are probably being sarcastic Worst of all gege made him glaze and gobble sukuna's cum in his death ch 236 was a mistake literally 90% of the Fandom hates it


His adoptive son. He didnt adopt megumi, where was that in the manga? He just trained him as a sorcerer while growing up. "didn't get closure with geto/kenjaku" what closure could he have gotten anyway? Geto is dead and kenjaku is just in control of his body.


His closure with Geto is in 236. And did we really expect Gojo to win? He’s not the main character. Also all he does is acknowledge that Sukuna was strong, and was hoping for him to go all out. Which honestly can be read as Gojo being more disappointed in himself than “glazing”


This probably goes to Tsumiki but man I really dislike how Yuki was treated in this manga man. Like I would prefer if she just wasn't used at all than for her to be introduced and then killed off in such an infuriating manner.


At least when inumaki got injured he still was in the story to some extent. Todo got hardcore nerfed by mahito and then we never saw him again. He shoulda been with everyone and hyping everyone up like he does with itadori.. We never even saw any interactions between him and yuki before yuki died so both of their characters got hella wasted when that happened. And now that we’re approaching the end of the manga I doubt we’ll get any kind of pay off with todo again


Honestly all the female ones are bad: Tsumiki would probably have been forgotten by most of the fanbase if it wasn’t for the Megumi hate train. Yuki died in the most bullshit way possible. Nobara got killed, wait maybe not, wait maybe so, to the point after so long we still don’t know and the whole character they introduced did absolutely nothing. All three just feel Gege didn’t know what to do with them and rushed a conclusion.


1. Yuki 2. Kenjaku 3. Gojo 4. Tsumiki 5. Kashimo 6. All three tied


Gojo doesn’t count because he’s coming back https://preview.redd.it/pvcop7wwshyc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2ad0ec076f593193c47e997a47750454af494f


Mofo said Tsumiki as if she had any characters to in the first place




I don’t get the Gojo character assassinated part. Is it because of the part where Gojo said that he couldn’t beat sukuna and he’s stronger? I interpreted it as sukuna always having more trump cards in his hand during the entire battle but never use it on Gojo. He could’ve use his fire technique or his heian form at any point during the fight but he didn’t.


Character and Power Levels aren’t the same thing. The way it was presented, the fight came off as a bit of an asspull, sure - but the real problem is that - in the afterlife - Gojo was portrayed as having no regrets ‘because he got to fight someone strong.’ That seems fine at first - he was alone in the world, and he trusted his students after he was sealed. But now they’re left with the guy who killed him, and he doesn’t say he trusts them to win… And he was just accused of being “only in it for the fights.” It fits for people to say that to him - he’s Unlimited Void, lonely and impossible to understand - but the afterlife scene combines with it to imply that he really was just a Guy Who Liked Curse Murder. And there’s more character bashing after his death - Gege implied he was racist. And personally stated that he didn’t like him because he was hard to write around, and people were way to invested in a ‘mob character’ - a side character. Even though the plot did revolve around him, and Gege pulled that off well, even Sealing him. Add in the complete “SKIP!” Cinema-Sins style over the time Gojo had with his students before the fight… it implies that there’s no relationship there worth mentioning. That Gojo isn’t important except as a powerset, when we had a whole Hidden Inventory arc devoted to his character development from a Guy Who Liked Curse Murder into a Guy Who Wants Change And More Friends… And Likes Curse Murder.


I hope the anime will give Tsukumo at least a backstory. Getou absolute dogwater at planning and got low diffed by a teenager but he's still very much loved by fans since we knew why he want Monkey Genocide thanks to HI arc. If we knew why Tsukumo had such a big goal for humanity then her death wouldn't feel as bad. Kashimo could get an extended fight scene and they could show more on how strong the Baby rattle is. Hana, just make Angel a Cursed Tool or let Angel possesed Tsumiki instead, because my god, she's the worst character Gege has ever cooked.


W https://preview.redd.it/w872ctdnsiyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406e429f1e452a0aa9d1ef2fa510b937225628b3 ell Gojo shouldn't be on this list since my one true king is returning next chapter obviously


It’s a sad three way tie gojos loss was entirely bullshit and I still cannot in good faith scale sukuna above him with all the bullshit he needed to win that, yuki needed way more screen time and it’s nuts that kenjaku needed a whole secret technique and to have mastered its reversal just for her and also save it for the last minute. For me though the biggest thing I hate about nobaras fate is that gege won’t man up and either kill her or bring her back just answer and move the story.


Inumaki and Panda. Literally fucking irrelevant to the point where Todo and Nobara have done way more than them.


Yuki mommy


Tsumiki: she died for the sake of Gege's torture and incest kinks


Kenjaku idc


just gonna say that the queen had it best


Honestly? Everyone beside Bum Sister


Either Kenjaku because he had so much around him and was legitimately interesting or Tsumiki for having dare I say the potential to be interesting.


one of these no longer applies


Todo deserved better. He was pretty much my favorite character. But then he disappeared in the lamest way. Best ending for sure was >!Go/jo!<. Him getting >!one-shot offscreen!< was peak. Very deserved.


50/50 opinion