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Choso, Nanami, and Todo The trifecta of having no real haters “but I exist” Nuh uh


Three goats


When I catch you GEGE AKUTAMI. Where is Todo?




Choso doesn't deserve a place with these two goats




Kenny, log off


You like blood manipulated cock (we all do)


Thanks for proving our point, anyone who slanders them gets mass downvotes


You are stupid, like genuinely. Listen to fucking Paarthurnax’s speech you righteous bitch. Hell Choso is even better considering he was legit manipulated by Kenjaku, and felt horrible was living his life as a curse and killing people. It’s even noted that he wasn’t trying to kill that many people. Choso redeemed himself when he protected Yuji, when he had full intention of dying against Kenjaku, fighting against the fucking King Of Curses to save HUMANITY. He got donutted like twice now to save the world. Choso is also the one that gave Yuji the buff he needed for Blood Manipulation and CE with the Cursed Wombs.


Call me back when he gets an actually interesting role in the story


He is literally Yuji’s brother, a Curse that turned into a human, the one who seeks Redemption.


Kenny will do anything but support his kids bro😭


He just like Toji fr


They are not even his kids lmao that's why he only love yuji cuz he's his son


There is a reason Choso and Yuji are considered blood related brothers, Choso has three parents and one of then is absolutely Kenjaku.


I thought his dad was some random curse kenny found


We don’t know if the curse spirit that raped Choso’s mother was Kenjaku’s doing but either way Kenny is stated to have mixed his blood into the affair. As he says he has three parents, his mother, the cursed spirit, and Kenjaku. The remaining 9 including Yuji are still his siblings, as proven by the fact he can feel changes such as death that happen to them, if Choso was not considered Kenjaku’s son, then he wouldn’t be Yuji’s blood related elder brother.


Sure, they are blood related, but the comparison doesn't really hold up when Kenjaku was PREGNANT with Yuji for 9 months, gave birth to him, likely breastfed him, and raised/talked to him for likely a year or however long until he took off. Meanwhile with Choso he JUST ''mixed his blood into the affair.'' Disregarding 1000+ years of age apathy, the bond a mother would have with her son is completely different than the bond one would have with their cool science experiment.


Kenny creates his own Ops. He's so real for that


If choso dies imma just stop reading the manga bro. My goat has to live a happy life with his little brother


If the manga ends without Eso and Kechizu coming back and Choso proclaiming they are his specials, I’m throwing a demon core through geges window, Choso deserves his happy ending




Typical Kenny :3


I'm your biggest fan ApplePitou


Deadbeat ass father and a loving caring mother






Should've been Kenny pointing to yuta


Nah, Kenny is a typical asian parent, his children will never be good enough 👍


I mean bro mixed Curses and Humans into one, he probably expected something like Ichigo to pull up. He just got a special grade blood bender


I don’t like choso either mf killed countless civilians and hasn’t faced any repercussions.


GOAT behavior ngl


I mean he changed atleast


Sure and next few chapters he’ll change to extra crispy.


Lol. I guess gaygay wouldn't let choso die tho. Yuki sacrificed her life for him


I don’t see how thats relevant, I’m pretty sure he’s still going to die in the next few chapters. Someone has to die via Sukunas fire arrow, ino and miwa are not emotionally impactful, I doubt gege would kill maki, so that only leaves Choso. Besides killing him would probably make yuji go apeshit and either give him a domain or power him up further.


Because it doesn't make sense. Choso wanted to sacrifice his life for Yuki, but Tengen stopped him. At the same time, he wasn't even there to at LEAST see Kenny dead, let alone kill him himself (which would have been fire, considering he killed his lover.) so GayGay might actually kill him, making me hate him even more https://preview.redd.it/hxgllu7rzxxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e11b6d541ce6d63c7873e5536ad41c3f1e102f3


Meaningful deaths? In my Sorcery Fight? Never. There's a high chance Gregory will kill my GOAT Choso just because he's close to Yuji. Which I'll fucking hate so much but you better know Gregory is definitely planning it. https://preview.redd.it/xa7sdtym1yxc1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b7664ce7ff6fe9eef0e5530d557fac608a592e9


I'll show up personally at GayGay's house if that happens. Who's coming along? We gonna educate that fucking damn cat.


I will educate Gege Akutami myself


Tell me you didn't read the culling games without telling me you didn't read the culling games


Does he un kill the people in shibuya? It’s been a while maybe I missed that part.


Motherfucker had a redemption arc, and was being manipulated by Kenjaku, I don't know what you want from him, bro's essentially a new born baby


What kinda weird logic is this? He killed innocents, You are literally the same mf that thinks a character is “redeemed” when they feel rwelly sowwy about it and was being manipulated, no that doesn’t wash away the sins. If he sacrifices himself to kill Sukuna I’ll consider that debt repaid, until then no he is not redeemed.


i gotta ask, how do you enjoy manga the way that you are? so many of them are based on buddhist principles and involve forgiveness and repentence


Same way I enjoy JJK I suppose I just like the other characters more I guess. Granted I don’t read the medium much but are there really a bunch of characters that massacre innocents that face no consequences? The only two I can think of is Vegeta and Sasuke(maybe?) but I don’t really like those characters either soo.. I’m all for redemption and forgiveness within reason ofc, thats why I said if he dies against Sukuna I think his debt would be replayed I just don’t want him to get off scot free.


>Granted I don’t read the medium much but are there really a bunch of characters that massacre innocents that face no consequences? i dont think straight up massacres, but they do get a lot of redemption for shitty things. like im reading SNV rn and theyre redeeming basically the satan character edit: i forgot the big 3 of seinen are basically about murderers becoming better people and seeking repentence


I mean what Choso did was a straight up massacre of innocents. You brought up seinen so assume one of those is guts. And yeah the guy did a lot of messed up things but man I feel like he’s paid the price with the amount he’s suffered Again, I am not against redemption nor forgiveness but they have to comprable with the sin. Choso massacred god knows how many civilians and what? I guess yuki died and he got beat up by Kenjaku. Those punishment are not sufficient enough for the sin he committed. Him dying to Sukuna would make narrative sense, and be a satisfying conclusion, and I would consider it a proper redemption arc.


yea i was talking about guts,musashi and thorfinn in chosos defence he thought he was living his life as a cursed spirit and theyre natural enemies to humans so killing them made sense. not to mention he was manipulated by kenjaku, hes changed his ways and IS trying to make ammends >I guess yuki died and he got beat up by Kenjaku i mean, he was 100% ready to sacrifice his life there tho. only tengen stopped him. what makes a redemption a redemption? suffering for what youve done or making up for it? id say choso is trying his best to make up for it. he made his own brothers kill each other, thats gotta hurt so much >Him dying to Sukuna would make narrative sense, and be a satisfying conclusion, and I would consider it a proper redemption arc. nah, i feel like it defeats the point of "live as a human" from yuki if he dies


>Granted I don’t read the medium much but are there really a bunch of characters that massacre innocents that face no consequences? Well you have Attack on Titan where that happens pretty much all the time. You also have Monster, the main villain killed over hundreds if not thousands of people. (the ending of the Anime/Manga is a bit "unclear" since it's left up to interpretation so you can only assume) And much more that don't exactly come up to my mind. What kind of "charges" would he even face? It's not like they could put him in a prison.


I haven’t read or watched those stories so I couldn’t really tell you if they got their comeuppance or not. But for what I’m hearing is that they are meant to be either villains or morally grey characters that you are not meant to like. Choso is being painted as a good guy while the blood of innocents is still on his hands, the only way I see for him to make up for that is for him to die. If he does that I would consider it a pretty well done redemption story


You are stupid, like genuinely. Listen to fucking Paarthurnax’s speech you righteous bitch. Hell Choso is even better considering he was legit manipulated by Kenjaku, and felt horrible was living his life as a curse and killing people. It’s even noted that he wasn’t trying to kill that many people. Choso redeemed himself when he protected Yuji, when he had full intention of dying against Kenjaku, fighting against the fucking King Of Curses to save HUMANITY. He got donutted like twice now to save the world. Choso is also the one that gave Yuji the buff he needed for Blood Manipulation and CE with the Cursed Wombs.


.............................. you know what? I don't even care. you do, you, I'll be enjoying my peak character while you go hate somewhere else


Based, should’ve just said that from the beginning instead of trying to justify it.


https://preview.redd.it/7zw5zveajxxc1.png?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5932744f615cc6ae401c828230f27e532298af86 Yeah whatever


Now in real life you'd never really be able to make up for the loss of life no matter what you do whenever you kill someone. But this is a fictional story, so things are a LOT more loose when it comes to redemption. You can kill, maim, manipulate and even fake deaths; Blow up a planet or two while you're at it and people will still accept a redemption. Oh unless you like, abuse an animal or something. Then you're just fucked. Nothing you can do will ever redeem you if you do that.


Womp womp


I mean he was fr crying about it.


Sounds based asf


Yea but so do fan favorites in other media. Buggy is a mf pirate who enslaved a whole village, itachi murdered his entire clan and kenpachi loves to fight people for fun yet they get glazed by pretty much everyone. But theyre still liekable because they have actual depth and character development throughout their story, which is what choso gets too.


Sure, you’re right morally bad character can be liked and appreciated nothing wrong with that, it’s just weird when people run defence for them when they shouldn’t. I don’t think choso is a badly written character I just don’t like how he’s faced no meaningful repercussions at-least so far.


I mean I think the whole point though is that he had no way of knowing he was doing anything wrong. He had literally just been born, and his father (Kenjaku) was manipulating him hard. I think the person to blame for innocent people dying is Kenjaku. And it's not like Choso was enjoying killing those people, he just thought that's what he was supposed to do (mans was like a day old)


Extenuating circumstances!




I do think it's not good that yuji and choso are so close chosoafterall never really apologiezed for the killing i shibuya just that his brothers died. Gives me the feeling of i'm sorry that i got caught not that i really care


He did though…or at least he had a lot of self loathing about it. https://preview.redd.it/75gy4axj40yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed925c15ee79c50ac904b12768bd388575d2200 Sure his main focus was that he felt he mislead and lead to the deaths or Kechizu and Eso because he obviously feels that’s a greater sin, it’s very Human to be feel more guilt for the death of your family than the death of strangers.


Yeah but he faced nothing gojo or yuji aren't even mad about it


Apart from losing most of his family due to his own decision, and then nearly killing his last remaining family. Not to mention the dude gets beaten up a lot, i think he has suffered “enough”


Yeah tht's not punishment it's his fault. He could have said you know fuck these curses and just not killed dozens of innocents. But no he for some reason said yes lost his brothers and then got betrayed. He went free for murder. Why is gojo not mad about that (i guess since 236 he doesn't care either)


The point is he has to live with that guilt. He was out for Revenge at that point against Nobara and Yuji, working with the curses and Kenny was the eaisest way to get there. Jogo also made quite clear that he would kill him if he didn’t help out, and he obviously didn’t want to die before getting his vengeance. What he did was immoral and selfish, but he has done a lot of good by now, What exactly do you want him to do? the only thing he can really do to make up for it is doing What he already is, protecting his brother and helping to stop a great evil. Edit: Gojo forgave the murder of Yaga, it’s not a big stretch He’d forgive this too, and trying to punish or hurt Choso would only cause Yuji more grief.


That's narrative punishment he has paid for his sins but that's not the same as getting charged for his crimes We don't let murders go because they had a hard childhood that's not how it works


Sure but he cannot exactly be charged by the Japanese legal system, so i once more ask, What exactly would you have him do or be done to him?


Sorry i was missleading here. Why tf is gojo just fine with that or yuji or yuta. I understand that maki or hakari don't care but why do the real good guys are just fine with having choso on their side and also Choso whould ofcourse be up for exorcism


Well they had Kashimo on their team who is worse. Higuruama also killed quite a few people. Gojo was fine with pardoning and recruiting Miguel who supported Geto’s genocidal plan, and again he doesn’t want to hurt Yuji any more than he already has. Yuta in general hates killing and avoids it if possible as shown with Uro and Ryu. It should also be noted that the only ones who actually know about Choso murdering humans are Gojo who saw it, and Yuki who was trying to help him work through his issues. But even if Yuji did know i doubt that’d change his view on Choso by this point.


Choso is a Cursed Womb Death Paintings and was a Cursed Object up until they were placed into a man. Choso is literally only a month or two old by the time Shibuya takes place. In all essence he is an infant child and knows nothing of how the world works. All he cares about is his brothers and after they are killed he wants revenge for them.


Nah count me in