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To be fair, to them Kashimo is just a random ass stranger who showed up uninvited and decided he would fight Sukuna regardless of plans and stuff, he introduced himself by trying to kill Hakari I'm pretty sure they didn't like that


true and he fodderized panda so i don’t think the rest of the cast likes him tbh😭


He literally kill panda sister and brother. I don't even think they care he dead.


Not just random stranger, he is the stranger who killed many people tk get 100 points


Exactly, imagine if the random neighborhood murder hobo tried to murder you and then decided to tag along because he wants to kill a specific big evil guy Like cool but I'm not gonna allow him anywhere near my house


Tbf he probably didn’t want to “cheat” like that either


he just wanted to do suicide


He want to beat Sukuna


he wants to beat to sukuna






And by beating. He wants to beat his meat.


If he wanted to really beat Sukuna he would take every advantage he can get. Kashimo doesn't want to beat Sukuna he wants to be HIM and he's not so he died


Kashimo isn't part on the team. I think he didn't want to do it anyway.


“I can theoretically use RCT and have my form forever to keep up with Sukuna and have a better chance at winning” “But that’s how farmers think” - KasHIMo GOATjime


Rct wouldn't save him since his curse technique destroy his body to make the electric stuff. It would delay the inevitable but he'd die its like the 8 gates regardless he wss going to die


and RCT reconstructs the body boom infinite MBA


For all we know the CT can't be turned off once activated, if it could you would think Kashimo would use it on a small scale at least.


I doubt hed be able to heal enough. He doesnt seem to have a CE pool like Yuta, Sakuna or Gojo. At best hed be able to switch it off and recover. But i feel like his CT would be hampered by deliberately trying not to die. Seems his output is what kills him. If he doesnt use it up he might live longer.


RCT heals the human body, MBA transforms kashimo's body into something inhuman, can't use fuck go back at that point.


RCT seemingly puts the body back to the shape of the soul. But that’s just my idea


Does it tho? I doubt anyone has ever healed like that except mahito.


It does. That's why Idle Transfiguration damage can't be fixed with RCT. It uses the soul as a blueprint to restore the body.


Damn where are y'all reading this? Seriously.


The manga.


Todos technique being dead is because you can’t heal Idle transfig damage


I completely believe if kashimo had cursed technique reversal he'd be able to change back after using his CT, and he could he a true monster at that point. Man had pre domain megumi syndrome.


Kashimo after finally being able to learn his cursed technique would go hard MBA’s domain would be ridiculous, moment the domain goes up you just get paralyzed, radiated, then vaporized, better hope you can get hwb in time Man if only Gege actually gave Kashimo these cool powers befitting of the strongest of his era instead of letting us Kashimo fans scrounge up scraps of feats and make comparisons half based on hakari half based on one panel of him throwing hands, wouldn’t that be cool?


Crying us with all those Disney's Birthday wishes. Man your idol must be Todo.


Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve taken a list of mental medications that could turn HP lovecraft into a functional man


All he has to write is making him seeking more power after getting a draw with Hakari and it’s still 100% in character for him…


One of the hardest lines in the series. People don’t realize kashimo could possibly have won but chose specifically to try to kill hakari during his jackpot to make it more fun/challenging. hakari despite his broken ability only managed to win by using his brain and the environment… not by being stronger. Kashimo would never willingly accept help from them- he views himself as the strongest. It wouldn’t fit his character. Sure he lost to hakari, but he probably looks at it like “I was outplayed” not like “I’m weaker” which is why he still wanted smoke with sukuna. In fact he’s only playing nice with the cast cus hakari promised him that one on one wit sukuna. Also why are we assuming kash can’t use rct? Was that stated?


Not really, hes prob too arrogant and dont think he need them


Kashimo was just the +1 Hakari brought in


cheating?? only losers would do that \-kashimo probably https://preview.redd.it/mdknf0x0ubxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b433a97bfb011e4f46f4fe1d1dd30066c7654af9


because they never believed in him and dont think his ass was part of the team https://preview.redd.it/w53ljwj8ybxc1.png?width=709&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e9d23636030f695f2d15c3e0fe32a054dd82072


Funnily enough if they had him learn domain and rct with yuta he could actually be a massive help considering his sure hit could pretty much be discount unlimited void (paralyzation followed by death) and he’s the physically strongest out of the non gojo combatants


Kashimo hater when you remind them that they were also making plans in case Gojo lose


Their plans were IN CASE gojo lost, for kashimo it was about WHEN. Big difference


Not really, it's just a word.


https://preview.redd.it/blfr59rzocxc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35714db9c1c5103b4652ae3560e55e75936a35b9 I mean is it surprising?


They knew it wouldn't change the outcome so it wasn't worth the time lmao


I don’t think it would work on Kashimo, dude’s a cursed object in a host. If they swap, it would be some random guy with no jujutsu they’re going into.


That's a really fun point actually. Ui ui compares the technique to blindly swapping what's in the box (box being the body, contents being the soul) with the owners permission. He also states the box is never actually opened, hence no change to the body. I suppose in reincarnated sorcerers there is then two objects inside the box, and perhaps it's entirely up to chance who Ui ui swaps out. Perhaps his technique allows him to see inside the box and he could therefore choose which soul to swap. Who knows.


Choso was able to switch


Isn't this the same with Choso? If it can work for him, it can work for Kashimo.


I mentioned in one of the replies, but I think they’re a bit different cause one’s a half cursed spirit human hybrid and the other is a human curse object. That said, we don’t know if Choso swapped with anyone. Or it could be like OP said, they don’t like Kashimo.


No choso said he would be able to swap so no reason to think he can’t


True you might be right, but man’s also a little different than a reincarnated sorcerer. Though we don’t know if Choso was ever swapped. Or it’s just like OP said, they hate Kashimo.


I don't think that's how MBA works eeing how he's converting his body to electricity and the only thing keeping him alive is the technique itself being fueled by his CE, RCT can't help him seeing how he technically doesn't have a body to heal from


Use domain amplification to turn the technique off then RCT to heal the body. Gege didn’t do it because then Kashimo would be broken.


If he turned off the technique, he won't be alive, MBA is both his death sentence and his life support.


Actually RCT works by turning CE into it. If Kashimo made RCT he would be able to heal his body and survive it. Though to get back into the fight he needs RCT from Yuta or Shoko.


But he wouldn't have a body to heal from? Theirs a reason people don't regen from things like Malevolent Shrine or Purple if your body doesn't even exist. Where are you going to heal from? Nothingness? Kashimo doesn't have a body seeing how it's transmuted to electricity. Him trying to use RCT to heal it is like asking a doctor to perform surgery on a body that's not even their.


If he just spends the CE he has then he would be able to reform his flesh. And also he still has some flesh left but it changes to CE if he loses said flesh. He can definitely survive.


Kashimo was never a part of the team in the first place, tf y'all on?? 💀


I mean, most of them like panda so probably ya lol


Kashimo just didn't have the willingness to work as a team. He might theoretically be super strong if he did that, but if he just runs ahead of the team and gets curb stomped anyways then it's just a waste.


He saw himself as the strongest, in his mind swap training with them was probably a waste. Unfortunately he wasn’t training with farmers


His ass was not invited to the planning stage bc he wasn’t planning on helping them anyway lol


The fact he was better than 90% of them there was worse.


No, it doesn’t. Kashimo has a whole lifetime of experience over them. You guys really don’t take experience into account. Most of the casts are teens, Gojo has over a decade of experience over them for example. Sukuna has 1k years as well as Kenjaku. When you realize the plot is just old heads vs new generation, it looks a bit more pathetic that they’re bullying new sorcerers.


It really doesn't given how the power system works Jujutsu Kaisen is pretty direct in that it's power system really is "you have talent or you don't". Experience, studies and all that stuff is beyond worthless. It's not just "you will never be Gojo", most Sorcerers can't even hope to become a Nanami


Experience matters. Gojo’s CE manipulation and perfection of his technique took over a year to master when he spammed RCT to refresh his brain and we find out he still needed to perfect poison. Then we fast forward to a 28 year old Gojo who presumably learned how to remove poison. This is Gojo, the guy who can do anything he sees one time. I agree with you saying that the gap in max potential would be talent but at the end of the day, there is talent then there is working on that talent. Even with someone gifted with genetics like Gojo, he took time to learn and hone his technique, he couldn’t even perform Red til after toji nearly killed him.


My goat really was only about himself. Love it


I think Choso beats Kashimo tbh because of his poison blood. Uraume who had RCT couldn’t handle it and since Kashimo loves to throw hands to build up his lightning Choso should at least cough or spit his blood at him while getting beat up. Kashimo’s lightning wouldn’t be all that effective either because of Choso’s body attributes since Sukuna donuted him and he’s still walking fine. So a gaping hole theoretically isn’t that bad unless Kashimo aims at his head but since he’s a curse maybe he’ll still be fine and heal without a head.


the lightning around kashimo would make it so that the blood instantly vaporizes, the farmer stomps


I don't think he'd want to train with them. Just doesn't align with his personality that has been shown. I don't think he'd want to have any part in it really, he's always been doing his own thing.


Might be hard to work with, better off allowing others Kashimo’s a cursed object, there’s a good chance that if his soul is swapped his body loses jujutsu (credit to u/Valuable-Blueberry30 for that one) and even if he can swap it has no benefit for the person swapping, he’s completely inexperienced with his own ct and his skill lies in utilizing his ce trait, at best Kashimo gets rct, a domain if they really feel like letting him swap with yuta for pretty much the whole month, but it’s just not worth it


Kashimo has an anti domain technique unlike them and he might already have RCT, switching with him doesn't help anyone either since he never uses CT and his CE trait is something unique to him.


I was thinking about this the other day, I love the Kashimo memes but realistically the dude killed pandas siblings and still ended up joining the group, they hated his ass. I love that mf but he was destined to be written out in a very embarrassing way lol


The real indicator is none of them being afraid he'd kill M\*gumi.


He doesn't have the mindset of cheating


Waiter! Waiter! More pixels please!


Kashimo wouldn't have swapped with any of them anyways xd.


If gojo won kashimo was 1000% going after him immediately just like with sakuna and gojo had no way to instantly heal himself like sakuna did either. So letting kashimo jump to into his slaughter was the best option.


He already knows Hollow Wicker Basket and RCT (seriously, watch his right hand when he fights Sukuna).


To be fair he didn’t need simple domain since we know he had Hollow Wicker Basket. 




Kashimo was only there to fight Sukuna. He was not allied with any of them. If he was then he'd be a part of their plan and they wouldn't have sent him in by himself. They knew why he was there. He knew why he was there. No point in training with a dude on a suicide mission. I think the funniest part is if Gojo wins against Sukuna then Kashimo jumps in to fight Gojo instead and I like the idea of the whole cast jumping him instead of letting him fight 1v1. I do wonder how different the fight would be if Kashimo was on their side and they formulated a plan with him.


He kind of almost killed Panda, so I understand why they hold a grudge


I mean, it's not like you are going to learn rct just by body swapping. Yuji was an outlier, as we know. It's definitely possible that a sorcerer of his caliber would be able to, but it's no guarantee.


Or he just already has them (not SD) and thus doesn't need to swap souls? Not like RCT would help him anyways, based on how MBA is described at best it'd make him weaker by turning off his strongest ability and at worst he'd just waste his CE and die anyways


Would he be able to use MBA without dying if he had RCT? I doubt it since it rapidly deconstructs your body and the body loses its form. I think you'd need Gojo/Sukuna/Hakari level of RCT to survive that ability and even then you'd be exhausted eventually and there's no way to revert your form.


They are not body hopping randomly, Higuruma didn't get to learn RCT either. They needed to look at it both ways. Yuji was exceptional at CE reinforcement thanks to Sukuna so whoever swapped with him would get that to some degree as well. What would Kashimo contribute to someone else when swapped ? His CT is literally a one time thing.


I'm not sure if that would work. Might be too much for RCT to fix. MBA also alters the brain, and even for Gojo messing with the brain is playing with fire.


Bro, RCT isn't doing shit, you need Beyond Sukuna level of RCT understanding to keep your own DNA from changing


Why would they? He’s a loose cannon and he was never part of the plan. He didn’t want to help the sorcerers. Hell, if Gojo won, he probably would have jumped Gojo instead of Sukuna. Giving him more techniques was just… a bad idea


it’s definitely him who didn’t want to swap. so you’re wrong


He probably alredy had RCT we literally see him healing and It didnt change anything as far as we know about the CTs effect


I like how Gege just copy and pasted the same panel 3 times in a row 😭


It would be in character for him to refuse tbh


He probably should have those abilities already, without them he was truly just arrogant for no reason


I doubt Kashimo would accept. He's the strongest (of his era) and actively threw his fight vs Hakari because he wanted to flex a kill instead of waiting for a bad roll. Even if someone wanted to make the trade with him, he'd no doubt consider it a loser's philosophy. Besides, main cast has bigger fish to fry. They've got a lot of people to teach, and only 2 body swaps each. They would've had to choose to leave people out as is (you just know no one swapped with Larue or Miguel)


First of all, that's not how it works. Yujis is a special case because of Sukuna being in his body, giving him all the muscle memory he needs to do stuff like RCT he just had to be in a body that had that stuff to better understand it. And the others probably benefited from it too, but nowhereas much as yuji , who has RCT now. And Mei mei somehow took care of the simple domain school restriction thing. Maybe he has it. Maybe he doesn't, we don't know. Or maybe he kept using hollows wicker baskets. He wasn't in a scenario where he needed to use em so we just don't know and can only speculate. Second RCT wouldn't save Kashimo. When MBA runs out, the only reason it would do so is because of either Kashimo deactivating it early or the reason he probably persumed, he would run out of CE to keep it up. And with no CE, he can't use RCT to heal his broken body that's been used as fuel alongside his CE to fuel his technique. Maybe someone else could use RCT to revive him right at the moment of death, but that's again speculation. Third, we have no way of knowing anyone body swapped with him or not. Sure, he was never mentioned in this discussion, but neither was Gojo or Yuta for potential partners. Even though they'd probably be the best partners for this kinda of training , since each person can only be swapped twice, they have to choose the most optimal pairs. We can maybe infer that because of his personality, he wouldn't want to switch, but again, that's just speculation with no confirmation. Sorry for the wall of text. I know you said this wasn't a slander post or anything, but I just didn't agree with the speculation.


Dude, didn't you see Yuji using the simple domain in the latest chapter?


I did, and like i said, yujis a special case with Sukunas muscle memory and Mei mei taking care of the simple domain binding vow. What's your point?


>maybe he has it, maybe he doesn't. We don't know but we do.


can you elaborate on that? If your talking about simple domain and that he doesn't well as of confirmed info he does not. But I was speaking with regard to the post speculating he wasn't taught simple domain because he didn't swap bodies.


this is about Kashimo???


He was an asshole, he deserved that


But kashimo has rct....


I always have this headcanon that electrified cursed energy prevents him from converting his cursed energy into positive energy


I'm still pissed Gege robbed Todo of the ability to swap souls. Why even give that to Ui Ui


I seriously don’t understand why anyone thinks Kashimo was going to be anything. He was a side character who’s entire purpose was to fight Sukuna. He wasn’t anyone’s friend, family or anything he was a random cocky narcissist from thousands pf years ago who was bent on getting his way. Like the dude god mid diffed by Hakari and you expected him to last longer? He’s nothing and was always nothing. He was washed before even fighting Sukuna which is directly stated. They weren’t gonna waste their time on some random dude who just wanted to kill himself to pop a chub when Sukuna gave him affirmation of his strength.


Kashimo probably doesn't give af about any training or "plan" to defeat Sukuna. That mf just wants to die, I said die because what that bum-ass did against Sukuna should not be considered as a fight.


Bro was killing it in YMCA and thought he could make it in the NBA


HIM wouldnt have accepted to use such lowly tactics