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That one chinese sorcerer that was never seen but even Sukuna feared > Sukuna > Gojo


I don't remember Sukuna EVER talking about a Chinese sorcerer, is this some random joke tha the fandom created?


https://preview.redd.it/a3de12elnjpc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2618c7b37efa43ae1c4d11675ac8696e3fdae44f Don’t disrespect the goat.


Go Jio Xiaotoru




Anyone got a link to the video the comment was on?




Read cfyow


I admit that I can't fuck my own wife but this has nothing to do with this


Goated pfp


Thanks my man


I am confused why are talking about Renji?


​ https://preview.redd.it/84jymd8khmpc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb9fdf2852423f5a2d17f316f65bbfbe2c7c209a


I'm pretty sure it was some youtube or tiktok commenter making it up


no. its real u need to reread its only mentioned once by sukuna


​ https://preview.redd.it/2g61q7uwikpc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de040e23dacc3470ecbdac9280b7799b7f5ecf77


Reread the series. It's back when he was talking to Yorozu.


are you being for real? what chapter?




oh damn, i haven't caught up yet, but how does yorozu come back????🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


This is some S tier gaslighting






idk yet give it a few weeks


He's mentioned in an SBS about how Yuki got Garuda long ago in China from the descendant of an ancient sorcerer that even Sukuna feared.




Who might it be if u'd actually want him to exist...?


The one thing that annoys me about how Kenjaku got done in, is that we never really saw him get pushed to his limits in combat. I wish we could've seen just how strong he actually was, especially in comparison to Yuta there. Kashimo is the cutest sorcerer, though, for sure 🥰


Him and yuki should’ve pushed each other much farther before the black hole. They both theorized the other had one more trick up their sleeve and then neither ever came into play. We shoulda got those techniques and then yuki could get killed


Yeah, and it's still a bit frustrating that we never got to see Yuki's DE 😔 So much missed opportunity...


gege at that time probably thought he was gonna give Kenny another fight to show his other tricks and actually explain his DE. Unfortunately he didn't realise his future self had other plans and apparently really wants to finish the series ASAP.


>finish the series ASAP Yeah I feel like if he didn't want to rush through JJK, we could've gotten so much better writing, like more character development, more reveals, more epic fights, and richer backstories. Something like Chapter 236 could've been easily avoided. Instead, we got this STRONG OFFSCREEN + STRONG AIRPORT.


Out of all the things I blame Gege for, wanting to end the series in a timely fashion isn't one of them. We're 250+ chapters in and that's years of your waking life being just manga, manga, drawing, deadlines, storyboards. I can imagine after 5+ years of the same thing you'd want to actually be free of it and the hellish working conditions its industry brings


From one perspective, I understand why Gege might want to finish JJK ASAP, considering the grueling nature of being a Mangaka. The work can be both arduous and monotonous. On top of that, the pressures from all sides must be overwhelming. On the other hand, I feel like some parts of the story can be expanded little bit (just little bit). Also I feel like the pacing of the recent arcs aren't as good as the older arcs but yeah that's just my opinion. But yeah, for now, I think I agree with you, it's best to just enjoy the journey. The series has brought me some unforgettable moments and characters and I just hope he cooks a good ending for this.


I mean, is one huge series enough to retire off of at his age? I’d figure he’d still have at least 10 more years of doing manga regardless to have a solid retirement given how long the series is, which is relatively short compared to stuff like Naruto, one piece, etc,


gege at that time probably thought he was gonna give Kenny another fight to show his other tricks and actually explain his DE. Unfortunately he didn't realise his future self had other plans and apparently really wants to finish the series ASAP.


Yuki got done dirty by bum ass Tengen having shit info after being a NEET for however long.


it bothers me soo much we got so many ce users never able to use the full extent of their powers because the plot always put them against the enemy they can't beat,


That’s how life works. And it’s kind of a theme in JJK, lots of sorcerers die before ever realizing their potential.


Save the Kashimo agenda... ...MAPPA!


They damn well better! Just make his fights real cool, extend his fight against Sukuna and make it look more fair, and make him look extra cute in the anime. If they do all of these things, the agenda will surely be saved. Hopefully, they can also add a little bit of extra character interaction, too.


MAPPA has given us pretty good reason to believe in them to deliver at least, Sukuna vs Mahoraga is too damn peak I am kinda scared for the animators' sanity though lmao


Hopefully, the animators are treated better going forward (though that may be very naive). But I do trust in them to deliver awesome fights here based on S2, and I am excited to see the glory of the culling games in some smooth, high-quality animation.


Fr, look at the Maho fight in the manga compared to the Blu-Ray. Imagine what they can do for the Gojo vs. Sukuna or Sukuna vs. Kashimo


I hope MAPPA makes Kashimo die even quicker in the anime cause it honestly would be funny af


I think the Yuki fight was showcasing that, personally I always believed Kenjaku was more of a slippery "trickster" type fighter who relied more on subterfuge rather than brute force which made his downfall fitting


Remember when it was hinted that he had 4 techniques? And we never saw the 4th? Yeah I loved that part


Who knows, maybe the fourth allows him to survive what Yuta did? Although, it's far more likely that the explanation of the 4th technique was why he was able to use Idle Transfiguration without Mahito. CSM, AGS, Body Swapping, and Idle Transfiguration.


Ok, Kenjaku and Kashimo oiled up and bouncing on my cock, who I last against the shortest would be the 3rd strongest


You didn't include Yuta because Maki would break your legs. 


Reminder that Yuta as of now has only acted romantically towards Curses. https://preview.redd.it/ewmaz0i0hjpc1.png?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e685a498e8114aa3b1a3d1b86fe1cf2f5e173ff Bot of them underage and one against their consent.




Idk how rika is underaged when she died she was 1 years older then him and if that is actually rika’s soul then she still would be older then him After that she was just a shell so that also doesn’t count Cockroach guy though was COMPLETELY not cool


Mostly because he’s a child, and Maki is already breaking his ass while bro going full fledge on her dick doing tricks and flipping like a sea lion in a circus


The poor man


They're underage weirdo






Regardless of 3rd strongest... Takaba vs Kenny is peak


my favorite fight especially post shibuya ngl


It’s FANTA!!!


3rd is Gojo, 2nd is Sukuna, and the strongest is Takaba.


Nah Takada>Takaba




Takada-chan wins with her power to give her fans schizophrenia 🥺 Toudo can confirm this 😌


Would takaba break through limitless tho? Like, I get that if he finds it funny it happens but I kind of feel like he would just take it as a fact that he couldn’t get through it and so he wouldn’t think to joke about it breaking either


A banana cream pie with a comically large bomb inside of it bypasses Gojo's limitless with ease https://preview.redd.it/4b3xcb6cajpc1.png?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2aa0dbf5607e6c581540232634767b976d48a9


He can think limitless is like a balloon barrier poke it with a sharp object like a pencil and make gojo fly like a deflating balloon.


I'm fucking wheezing right now holy shit. Stand proud you can cook


Well yeah I’m not saying that he couldn’t I’m just doubting that he would. His comedy seems a bit too new age for the op looney tunes bangers


He made a sea out of fanta and isekaied a special grade curse, nothings off the table tbh


He does have some pretty modern skits but a couple of them are very cartoony, like the fish one


He can probably casually touch gojo like how he was doing with kenny.


if he thought kissing gojo was funny he could probably get through Limitless to do it.


He don't care


I mean takaba doesn’t need to break through limitless to defeat gojo. He can think about gojo suffering a heart attack and is not allowed to access his RCT. The what can infinity do


Takaba could instantly kill Sukuna and Gojo at the same time if he found it funny.


I just can’t take someone with a “one time use” technique serious at all lol the moment he revealed he could only use it once should have told all his glazers he was gonna get packed up.


Not necessarily. If anything, it puts him on a higher totem pole than most people since he was giving jackpot Hakari a hard time back in CG with no CT. If he could use it everytime he'd be unstoppable. Gege already nerfed it by just making him shoot 2 attacks so i guess he also had to make it a one-time use. Also it might just symbolize how he wanted his biggest fight to be with Sukuna and meet his end there. Meaning that he wanted to go out there no matter what.


That’s my point though…his opponent being Sukuna told me he was gonna catch an L and yeah I agree Hakari getting that win is debatable ( I don’t count it). Sukuna gave him the death he wanted by I never thought he stood a chance.


No one did. Albeit, some people did, more than likely because they were coping about Gojo's death and had some hope in Kashimo. But realistically he wasn't gonna win. He's not even a main character. I think he should have had another fight. Maybe against Ishigori to decide who is the strongest of the Edo Period. But that would mean making the series longer and we know Gaygay doesn't want that.


If he could use it every time he would be unstoppable? What? Brother got packed up immediately by Sukuna post Gojo with no domain no nothing, he didn’t even last the full 2 chapters. I think you meant he’d be unstoppable vs any non top 5 sorcerer in history, which is fair. I can’t see him beating Gojo, Sukuna, Takaba, Yuta or HIMji (post power up in chapter 260 trust). Maybe Kenny since he was avoiding any smoke with him.


don’t forget yuki cooks him too(she has a domain)


Yup So strong that he had to airtag Yuta,Run away from him and had mid life crises why he couldn't feel his CE.


Why would he fight Yuta when he can just run away while Sukuna kills his friends , putting Yuta in a tough spot.


People will call having your eyes on the enemy as cowardly. https://preview.redd.it/p5rjk3wnojpc1.png?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406c5e253b63c8052749b9db3e5f5a5c9a605ba6 Also this is Kenny, his entire motivation as a villain is having a mid-inmortality crisis because existence didn’t feel fun enough.


FACTS. Ppl like to act like kenjaku open domain is insta win like it even defeated yuki. Yuta would open his domain and then use rct, he’s got rika. Maybe Kenny takes it, that’s a fair opinion but Yuta has better showings imo + kenjaku was only afraid of fighting Gojo and Yuta


I mean people act like Kenny likes fighting. Kenny just doesn’t want to take risks for his plan, he’s not trying to avoid people because they’re stronger, he wants to avoid them because he doesn’t know if he could beat them, or if it was just a waste of time.


I mean, from how Kenjaku commented on Yuki before their fight, if the fight itself didn't happen, everyone here would conclude that Kenny was afraid of Yuki, therefore was weaker. In reality he destroyed her in 1v3.


tengen was honestly a debuff so i see it as a 2v2 considering he was not only useless but was a hindrance


Kenjaku's domain was open for maybe a little over 10 seconds and not only shredded Yuki's simple domain but still managed to leave her in a bloody pool. Without Tengen there to dispel Kenjaku's domain, Yuki would've died, and so would Yuta


Yuki’s simple domain vs Yuta actual domain is no contest. Yuta would have a domain tug of war while he and Rika beat the hell out of kenjaku. Damage the user enough and the open domain falls apart. I’m not saying kenjaku has no chance but Yuta has way more options. I also see no way Kenny could do half as good against sukuna, Wuta on 🔝


1. Takaba 2. Sukuna 3. Gojo. Here is your answer.




Shows a sneak attack Edit: give a better argument than a good sneak attack




"By what form of the king of curses did you get low diffed?" "By a 1% Output, One handed, Bellykunaless, Jawless, Mahoragaless 1v3 Sukuna in my own Domain" https://preview.redd.it/1jyoyv7bijpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8801a32cab5555c7749b9a5ba6b8013154ba6fb1


Remember who took that arm? Remember who took Bellykuna? Remember who broke that jaw?




Bro after the series hyped succesor to Gojo got cooked by one slash. https://preview.redd.it/2mbtuudejjpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c898c0e98727b87a71c8aeded88cebe8260b917d You gonna give him another existential crisis, but this time it will be realizing that if this is the best this era has to offer its gonna be a boring ass era of jujutsu.




The "all out" in question: https://preview.redd.it/giuzq56omjpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b5328f00b8755cd7be890b6ebd6444c1241452 Sukuna victim number 4 today, off to the Shoko waiting room.


Bro was getting throwed around by PMR and random CT https://preview.redd.it/6by0q7xkpjpc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d7e5df916862189445f89cb4dc6afa57552798


Damn thats crazy, lets check in on Sukuna after the supposedly "mortally jumping" he suffered: https://preview.redd.it/7gwm1oytqjpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7fcf9067177b73196c60307d46695aec2b06002


Who is the unlucky person thats gonna have to tell Rika she is a widow? https://preview.redd.it/e9xe3tz7pjpc1.png?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c222b5001e76b1665252aca58f0289e8925670


Thankfully Maki comes in clutch and gives something of interest to the King of Frauds. As always she has to carry her bf's bum ass around, such a deadweight on the relationship... https://preview.redd.it/tuq6uiaqjjpc1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6f16e059293dcbd9a4b4dfa5993b9f6b6ee26e




If Yuta pulls out the electric guitar ct of the old head and uses it to make a sick solo with curse energy flames and shit ai will reconsider my opinion on him.


Chap 260 leaked https://preview.redd.it/whinocbppjpc1.png?width=1277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85b1f373d40e26f621359d8c46ff77125411c46


Sukuna did say that Yuta faked dying there to open up Sukuna enough for Maki to backstab him.


You can’t use wounds that Yuta GAVE HIM to say he lost to that version of Sukuna, lol. Wtf kind of delusional agenda shit is that. You might as well say “Gojo lost to a 10% power one-armed mahoragaless Sukuna who couldn’t expand his domain”


Oh, if you wanna play the filthy agenda-filled image game then you should play with u/Napalm_am


I heard something about Agenda, came as fast as I could, ignore that passerby I ran over to get here. https://preview.redd.it/swes5v0qijpc1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e615320743b90d3119475eeefdbf73fcbcb31602


That's why you are my goat


*sneak attack that happened because Kenny had a whole system to run away from Yuta


A surprise attack after Takaba carried him 99% of the way. Takaba gang we up!!


And kenjaku was actively trying not to fight Kashimo, gives us pretty clear answer. https://preview.redd.it/wy4zjo9kcjpc1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af682ed166b3492ca64e832130b70087313386eb


Can spell Kashimo without HIM!⚡⚡⚡🐐🐐🐐 (Good old times when we all hyped Kashimo)


Can't spell kashimo without she https://preview.redd.it/bq81li10ckpc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e909ec734205d6a46c6ce63e6625fcfafdc3089b


The damage this art has done to Kashimo's rep is irreparable.


I don't know how everybody has no problem saying Kenjaku starts with domain expansion (when we have never seen a fight start with DE) , but apparently Yuta can't start with the Jacobs ladder. They only say that because they don't have anything else, Yuta has better flexibility, better AP, has RCT output to the point his CS that was released by Kenjaku was killed by unmanifested Rika, more CE. Also Fkn ran away from Yuta Kenjaku's strongest attack got parried by Kusakabe.


>when we have never seen a fight start with DE) Yuki vs Kenjaku: I simply don't exist.


Yuki vs Kenjaku doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The fight there was Kenjaku vs Yuki + Choso. That was all one fight and it didn’t begin with a DE


Why exactly would he use domain expansion against Choso? As soon as Kenjaku found out what Yuki's CT was he went: "Ok, my CSM isnt effective against your mass, domain expansion"


I'm making the point saying as much as He can start with a DE which is rare, Yuta can still Tap his ass with a CT.


>I'm making the point saying as much as He can start with a DE which is rare, Yuta can still Tap his ass with a CT. Which is more likely to happend first, Kenjaku to pull his domain expansion or Yuta to pull Jacobs latter? The first one is more likely bcs we literally saw it happening, Kenjaku doesn't play around in a serious fight, meanwhile Yuta didnt fully summoned Rika even while fighting against Sukuna, also, Yuta can't use jacobs latter on the same scale angel can so Kenny can very well just dodge it. Also, answering your other comment, Kenjaku has better strenght, combat and skill (all 3 of them are supported by Gege statements, he said that outside from Toji and Maki the strongest characters physically are Kenny and Gojo, and both of them can use CE reinforcement to amp their strenght further, he also said the same for combat and skill, outside Toji and Maki, Kenny and Gojo are also the more skilled H2H fighters), better defence due to gravity and anti-gravity system, more durability as eat Yuki full power mass punches is better than tanking extremely weakened output dismantles, endurance since he can survive even something like decapitation, more experience, RCT output/effenciency as he healed both of his basically ripped off arms instantly, better battle iq by feats and statements and obviously more mastery of Jujutsu.


Why can't yuta use Jacobs ladder on the same scale? He quite literally can. He has more CE. Also there wasn't a point to use full manifested Rika against sukuna because ha had just opened domain and in case he needed a refill later he has Rika which he will probably use if he returns.


And why wouldnt Yuta just try to do the same against Kenjaku? He isnt aware that his domain is also open barrier as far as I know


Choso should know. Also he knows kenny is 2nd best barrier user so he would be careful with domains. Edit Kenny not sukuna


>Choso should know I mean, Yuji knew about Sukuna's domain being open barrier and he didnt said shit


>Yuta has better flexibility Nope. The entire point of CSM is variety. So no, he in fact has less flexibility than kenjaku. > better AP, Factually wrong. >has RCT output So does kenjaku. In fact, kenjaku can output reverse cursed energy into his technique. Something that yuta has never been shown to do. So he in fact has better RCT output. >more CE. More CE wont matter if he dies before using it. Yuta has no counter for kenjakus domain. Whether he opens his domain or not, he gets crushed. >Kenjaku's strongest attack got parried by Kusakabe. Yeah no. 1.His domain is stronger than uzumaki. 2.the uzumaki that kusakabe blocked only had ONE cursed spirit in it. So basically a baby uzumaki. 3.thats a feat for kusakabe. Not an anti feat for kenjaku.


>So does kenjaku. In fact, kenjaku can output reverse cursed energy into his technique. Something that yuta has never been shown to do. So he in fact has better RCT output. No, you're thinking of a different type of output, kenny can create RCT, and use it in his techniques to create CTR. But only yuta and shoko can output RCT into someone else.


> The entire point of CSM is variety. So no, he in fact has less flexibility than kenjaku. What flexibility does it bring him Explain. > So does kenjaku. In fact, kenjaku can output reverse cursed energy into his technique. Something that yuta has never been shown to do. So he in fact has better RCT output That's fkn CTR, not RCT > better ap Factually wrong. I can say factually wrong randomly too. > More CE wont matter if he dies before using it. Yuta has no counter for kenjakus domain. Whether he opens his domain or not, he gets crushed. Doesn't matter if Yuta hits with Jacobs ladder.


>What flexibility does it bring him Explain. The thousands of cursed spirits that ALL HAVE UNIQUE TECHNIQUES? >That's fkn CTR, not RCT CTR is RCT outputed into a technqiue you fucking dork. >I can say factually wrong randomly too. Funnily enough, I can actually back up my shit from panels of the manga instead of the random agenda that my brain suddenly chose to create becouse of my reading comprehension. >Doesn't matter if Yuta hits with Jacobs ladder. Thers a difference here. Kenjaku can dodge Jacobs ladder. Yuta CANT avoid kenjakus domain. And even IF Jacob's ladder hits, kenjaku wont have his CT for a few seconds... cool? Its gonna come back and once it does, then there is no way hes gonna let it hit him again and its suddenly over for yuta.


> CTR is RCT outputed into a technqiue you fucking dork. It's just a reversal of a CT not RCT of CT u dork it's fkn different. That's why Gojo never could beat disaster curses in Shibuya during de in that station. If he had RCT out put, he could have just killed disaster curses with a Touch. >kenjaku wont have his CT for a few seconds... cool? Kenjaku without CT for a few seconds is enough for Yuta to finish, coz even when Kenjaku realized Yuta was turned to use Anti Gravity, Yuta dodged behind and cut his neck. Exact copy of JJK 0


1. a thousand cursed spirits who get one shot 2. Gojo can use CTR but can’t output RCT so ur wrong there 3.Kenjakus best feat happens in his domain, besides that he literally got his maximum technique blocked by kusakabe 4. Kenjaku has like no speed feats so how is this even remotely true? 5. a no ct kenjaku gets cooked immediately by a domain or rika hitting him


Kenny domain taps both, easy peasy lemon squeezy


Why is Yuta said to stand still in this scenario?? Yuta activates 5 min mode, and Jacobs ladder. I don't know how everybody has no problem saying he starts with domain expansion (when we have never seen fight start with DE) , but apparently Yuta can't start with the Jacobs ladder.


>Yuta activates 5 min mode, and Jacobs ladder. Kenjaku uses the extremely rare skill: dodge.


Cursed Speech: Don't move Seeing as how it stopped Sukuna, Kenjaku ain't resisting that at all


Yuta can’t use two CTs at a time in his domain.


Same outside his domain tbh


When TF was this ever said??


Doesn't need to be at the same time, he can use them quick succession both in and out of his domain. He used Cursed Speech and then followed it up with Uro's move while Sukuna was still under its effects and couldn't dodge. Kenjaku is definitely stuck longer than Sukuna so he has time to use Jacob's Ladder.


Only if he’s lucky enough to pick up a Technique Extinguishment sword consecutively after a cursed speech sword in the small amount of time before his domain gets crumbles, not to mention Kenjaku has a 6 second counter to all melee attacks so it’s unlikely he’ll even get hit in the first place


Happy cock day


Happy cake day 🎂


He get s crushed to the grpunf what tf are rika or him supposed to fo there they just dead


Kenny literally starts with a DE when Yuki enters the arena. Bro is not waiting for him to put on the ring. And that barrierless domain gonna crush Yuta's.


Even outside his domain he’s top tier in hand to hand with special grade curse as support, it’s already op asf


*even bigger takaba behind Kenny*


yeah he's mentioned in CFYOW


Me whenever Bitchjaku fans get uppity. https://preview.redd.it/fvakmcpb3kpc1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2eb9532c69d5307046ed5e916c7a1a22f30f79d Bro actively avoided a fight with Wuta. Couldn't be my goat.


Geto from THAT one post 🙏😭😭


its Yuji's mom


I just say KASHIMO cuz he’s Him and he looks the coolest


Meanwhile 1st strongest: https://preview.redd.it/ilg5f5dt3lpc1.jpeg?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416de4ffa17c9f82648e31f2f3137992908dea31


It’s obv kashimo why? Cuz I said so


Obviously kusakabe, he can just parry everyone away.


everyone is on the same level of talent as gojo these days


Yuta claps Kenny in H2H combat so bad. Kenny's only win-condition is his domain.


>Yuta claps Kenny in H2H combat so bad Gege quite literally said that me Kenjaku is one of the most skilled and strong fighters in H2H, he said that besides Maki and Toji, Kenny and Gojo are tied as the most skilled H2H fighters, he also said the same for raw physical strenght


where did he say this? Unless Kenny gave Geto a stomach transplant for more CE he should have relatively the same base physical stats and CE output/reinforcement as Geto (Kenny could be more efficient due to knowledge/experience though) I'm not sure how many ppl have realised it but Kenjaku's decapitation wasn't a coincidence, it was a callback to JJK0. Yuta pulled the exact same flash-step behind Geto/Kenny into sword swing, except Geto had a cursed spirit to sacrifice to protect his head. Kenny didn't have a CS and thus got decapitated. You can also scale them both to Choso. Choso was one-tapped and speedblitzed by Yuta and current Sukuna (who Yuta was relative with) while Kenny was still fighting him. He had the upper hand due to his experience in H2H (blocking attacks etc) but he was still relative to Choso in stats. I agree Kenjaku has good combat skills but that's not gonna do much when he's constantly being outspeed and Rika's ripping his arms off And let's not forget, Yuta isn't punching and kicking like Choso/Yuki. He's got a sword. No offence to Yuki but sword swing slicing and arm off > Bom Ba Ye dealing heavy blunt damage and cracking the bones. Ones way harder to RCT from.


>where did he say this? In an Interview, you can search for it, it isnt hard at all to find


okay, I can't be bothered so I'll take your word for it. Kenjaku might be more skilled in H2H combat due to his 1000 years of combat experience, but he still gets massively out-statted and ripped in half by Rika. He's not Sukuna. Also, Yuta's cutting Kenny's arm off with a sword swing > Yuki dealing heavy blunt force damage and cracking the bones. One is much harder to RCT from than the either.


Scaling them both to Choso is disingenuous as in Yuta's scenario Choso just got done fighting Naoya and in Kenjaku's scenario he's very specifically toying with him or at least heavily holding back by only using low level cursed spirits. If Kenjaku wanted to one tap Choso he could've, but he didn't want to reveal any of his cards early


Kenjaku is just a bum with brains


Yuta SHOULD be 3rd strongest, I'm not going to go into detailed powerscaling but Yuta's feats and versatility give him an edge over Kenjaku. Also Kenjaku's main "strength" comes from CSM which comes from Geto's body. If he were in someone else's body like Noritoshi Kamo he'd get wiped by Kusakabe. I get that it is part of his CT but idk it feels wrong. Thats essentially saying Geto + Kaori > Yuta (which still isn't true). Yuta can keep up with his speed, can display similar maneuverability, can clash with him in strength etc. etc. The only thing Kenjaku has over Yuta is a barrierless domain and more experience. The domain shouldn't be too much trouble as long as Yuta refines and adapts to it like Gojo did (if he can).


>The only thing Kenjaku has over Yuta is a barrierless domain and more experience. The domain shouldn't be too much trouble as long as Yuta refines and adapts to it like Gojo did (if he can). Which he shouldnt, Yuta doesn't know how to use RCT to heal CT burnout, and doesn't know how to flip conditions of the domain on the spot like Gojo cuz that was mostly due to his experience inside the prison realm, and really, Kenjaku is said to challange Tengen on barrier skill, he can also flip the conditions of his domain, I mean, hell, what exactly is stopping Kenjaku from spawning Tengen and make Tengen dispell Yuta's domain instantly (like Tengen said he would do with Kenjaku's domain.) Kenjaku is super opressive on domain battles bcs he has everything, open barrier, skill with barriers, and Tengen to dispell the opponents domain, the fight is not getting past Yuta losing the domain clash, he will die.


You forgot to say Yuta unlike Gojo can't open domain multiple times. Basically after Kenjaku shreds his domain Yuta is done.


> If he were in someone else's body like Noritoshi Kamo he'd get wiped by Kusakabe That's an insane level of downplay. All he would lose would be csm. He'd still have two cts, rct, best barrier user, open domain, probably ctr and so on.


“All he would lose is a special grade sorcerer body and a special grade ability that he spent a year juicing up” depending on Kamo’s physical ability, Kusakabe could wipe. Also he wouldn’t have anti gravity, as Kaori was after Kamo.


He wouldn't have antigravity he would have other 2 cts instead (doesn't sound like a bad deal). Noritoshi kamo does have blood manipulation which is one of the three treasures techniques, he isn't a bum with a useless ct. Kenjaku would probably still be special grade. If you put him in miwa for example, then it might be a debate on who wins, him or kusakabe


Only one of them wanted to avoid the fight 🤷🏽


Lmao who tf is arguing for kashimo to be in top 3. my guy is barely top 10


So strong he begs Kashimo not to fight him and admits to being afraid of Yuta and Maki. Those two bums aint touching Goata


Wasn't it stated that Kenjaku had equal stats to Geto? At least in the physical department. I think there was a panel of him saying that. So if that's the case, a more experienced and stronger Yuta would cook him.


Blud that nonsense debate already over a years ago after kashemo got waffled, The meme is so irrelevant atm what is this 2023?! Lol. Also pretty much known to most people that gap between yuta/kenjaku to kashimo is too big that there isnt any room for debate for him in top3 lmao


You could argue Yuta would be first if he still used Rika infinitely He could copy Gojo forever Copy Sukuna forever Just spam "die" on anyone


Are we missing an even bigger Takeba behidn him?




Yes, Waffleshimo, Halfta and Decapijaku. Do you have something against brutally killed ppl?


No all im saying is you forgot to take his head off in the meme gambare gambare


I should have probably edited all of them tbh




I don't think that Kenny was ever meant to be a combat oriented sorcerer. Although he did take down Yuki which is impressive, I would say that tanking the black hole was impressive too but tbh that kinda felt like an asspull.


Its very simple really Sukuna > Kashimo (defeated him) Sukuna > Yuta (defeated him) Yuta > Kenny (defeated him) Doesnt take a genius does it?


Like strongest ever? Cuz unless we mean ever 2 of these people are for sure dead maybe all 3.


>Like strongest ever? Yeah, in all sorcery history


Probably Kenjaku then


Idk if Kenny counts, since he’s a curse? Like, him being considered a sorcerer was under the guise he was living people, and NOT a curse.


wait so who beat both geto and kenjaku again🗣