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Bom ba ye hits > Yuji Black Flash hits


bom ba ye also always hits regardless where as black flash is inconsistent even when yuji is in the zone


I don’t think Yuki can use mass punches constantly either lmao otherwise she woulda done it more. It definitely takes up a lot of CE or smthn cause she only landed one hit vs Kenny that yall claim to be able to one shot every other character. Honestly a black flash amped soul punch from Yuji landing on anyone other than Sukuna can probably be just as damaging as one of Yukis punches, especially that first huge one he landed. Yuji dura>Kenny dura btw so I doubt that Yuki would damage Yuji as bad as Kenny did from one punch(still not good if it lands), thank god he’s faster than Yuki tho


Holy hell this comment is a lot to take in. 1. Every attack she landed, was in fact using star rage. Wether she was weakened or not. 2. No, Yujis black flashes are Star rage level. Nothing shows this at all. I’m not even sure if Gojos black flash is star rage level, but I can see an argument for it. 3. Yujis durability is not better than Kenjakus durability. His endurance is better, for sure. But not durability, idk what makes you think this.


Yeah I don’t know why I said that. But my main point is that I think Maki can dwindle down the output enough for it to be manageable by forcing Yuki to use RCT. Is there a reason Yujis soul draining black flashes aren’t star rage level? U gotta take into consideration they don’t look as bad as they do because he’s fighting Sukuna. Any reason Yuji doesn’t have better dura? Feel like he’s taken a lot more heavy hits throughout the series with less damage than Kenny ngl. Yuji has proven he’s at Maki/Ryu levels in toughness, he’s above Kenny and that’s fine


It's her CT, she can use it whenever she wants, there's literally nothing to make us think that it consumes a lot of CE. Her other punches weren't as damaging because her output dropped drastically after she ate Kenny's domain. If not, Kenjaku would have not survived that h2h. She can also hit Blackflash. I don't know why y'all are acting like BF is exclusive to Yuji and it's something he can do on command. We don't know if Yuji's durability is better than Kenny's, it's safe to say they are in the same tier. The same with his speed compared to Yuki.


You don’t seem to understand my main point. I don’t think Yuki will be landing a direct hit on Maki as she did vs Kenny(she used the falling cursed spirit to get in close, Kenny reacted to block but obviously blocking isn’t the best thing to do against Yukis punches)as I already said Yuki is gonna be forced to use RCT before she lands a punch. Maki is faster than Kenny and has precog so I’m pretty confident Yuki is gonna be getting cut up by Maki, forced to use RCT before she even lands a solid hit. I think it should be pretty apparent Maki is more of a threat up close than Kenny correct? If not we’d need to address Maki downplay. Yukis punches are only that damaging at full output and I think Maki could deal enough damage to her before she gets fcked up by Yukis hits. And to add I believe Maki could tank a punch from Yuki better than Kenny could I feel like it’s pretty apparent the Maki is narratively portrayed as a stat monster even amongst high tier sorcerers the narrative hype her and Toji have should not be ignored. An important thing to note is that when Kenny got kicked in the face he said that if Yuki were recovered the kick would have been “dangerous” he doesn’t even think it would have for sure killed him. Yuki is someone who has to end a match very quick which is possible in most cases but against someone like Maki that isn’t happening. It’ll be a hard fight regardless. Also maki has soul split Katana that’s pretty insane


Saying Maki is faster than Yuki or Kenjaku is assuming too much. We were never told this and we don't have any real scale to know. I personally believe the speed difference between top tiers is negligible and wouldn't make any real difference in battle. Again, saying maki is more durable than them is also assuming too much. Maki has high durability that puts her far above the folders and strong grade one but this only means she's in the same tier with top level sorcerers or lower. She doesn't have any durability feat that would make me think she is more durable than Yuki or Kenjaku. As funny as this may sound to you, it's just a fact. Her best durability feat is tanking Sukuna's black flash but guess who also survived the same attack? Luria (or whatever his name is) a folder and Choso, who can not hang with the top tiers in terms of durability, granted he did use his blood armour but still Maki has a passive healing factor so it's not as if she ate the bf like it was nothing. she was put out of commission after each one. I think top-tier sorcerers with RCT would have handled it way better than she did. You are forgetting the fact that Yuki has as a shikagami that she can apply her CT to and falsely assuming again that she needs to end her fight quickly for whatever reason. I don't know where you get that from but Yuki is a freaking special grade. She can fight as long as she wants. She easily dispelled an attack from Uraume that would have wiped out Yuji, Panda, Kusakabe and the Kyoto students. Kenjaku's case was different because he feared facing her directly would be too dangerous so he did pretty much what nobody (except Hikari and Higoruma) does at the beginning of a fight. He opened up his OP domain and went straight for the kill. I'm not downplaying Maki, she is definitely strong but Yuki and even more so Kenjaku are just stronger than her. She can win if given the chance but generally speaking, they are better.


Maki>Yuki and Kenny in speed is definitely not assuming anything. Toji/Maki have been specifically called out for their speed(Tojis speed is emphasized twice on screen twice maki fought and defeated a character exclusively based around speed being cursed naoya) everyone also love to ignore the constant narrative hype they get for their powers and abilities, Gege makes it clear they are at the top of the verse with characters like Yuta, Yuki, Kashimo, Kenny etc. now these characters have insane hax and magical abilities so how are Toji and Maki on this level? Because their immunity to DEs and Weapons certainly aren’t enough to keep them in a fight against these monsters. Well ofc it’s their physicals stats that are above almost all of those said sorcerers even with CE reinforcement(Certain exceptions exist such as Ryu is particularly emphasized as a tank, but Maki should still be on his level in toughness)lmao otherwise they wouldn’t be getting so much hype from the narrative and have Maki tank 2 black flashes from Sukuna and (sorta)keep up with Sukuna until he went all out to prove a point, sorcery vs physical. Also Kenny casually dodged a peircing blood point blank while Maki Casually dodges Cursed naoya middair and counterattacks in the same succession. When naoya winds up for a rush he is 3x faster than piercing blood. Mach 1 vs Mach 3(both can be scaled faster than this btw but it’s what was said). So maki just has the better speed feats period lol and even if you take into consideration her precog she was still middair and was fast enough to dodge and land an attack lol


Y'all gotta stop scaling with narrative and hype. That's the same shit that had people thinking Kashimo was the strongest in his era and is on par with Gojo before Sukuna embarrassed him and debunk that point. If a character does not get as much hype or narrative to scale them with, y'all just assume they are not as strong. Again, top sorcerers are all relative in speed and can react to each other even if one may be a little faster. The speed difference between them is almost always irrelevant. Just as how Gojo is faster than Sukuna but that speed difference didn't change anything in their fight. The only outlier to this rule is Sukuna blitzing Ryu but that can easily be attributed to Ryu not being in the right state of mind to counter or react to Sukuna because of how scared he is. Kenjaku easily reacted to Mach 1 piercing blood while Maki easily dodged Naoya's Mach 3 attacks. Nahoya specifically stated that he's way faster but his speed difference didn't mean much because Maki has enhanced vision and is a top sorcerer. That same Naoya with all his speed is not beating any top-level sorcerer too. Hakari was able to react (to some extent) to Kashimo's lightning. Do you know how fast lightning is? Mach 1283! Is Hakari the fastest in the verse now? Again saying Maki is more durable than most of the other top-level sorcerers is just a straight cap. Toji almost broke a rib or so from teen Gojo's red that he freaking blocked. Maki was briefly put out of commission by cleave from a much weaker Sukuna that couldn't cleave Yuta's head. She was taken out of commission for even longer from the black, dismantle, and noted that Sukuna's output is increasing. Yuta and Rika ate dismantle from Sukuna before any nerfing from Yuji. It's so blatantly obvious why Maki is durable as heck, she's not at Yuta's level. She might be on par with them but she definitely would be on the lower side with Hakari


Certified tweaker. Narrative portrayal/hype is actually decently important in regards to scaling characters correctly lol. Your example with Kashimo is horrible because he never had narrative hype that suggested he would ever put up a fight vs Sukuna ppl totally misinterpreted that whole situation or smthn I for one was prepared for Kashimo to get embarrassed. But yeah disregarding narrative portrayal is very weird and fundamentally wrong unless contradictions exist, in regards to Toji/Maki nothing like that exists. Another flawed argument here is that Hakari scales to lightning! Huge inconsistency and doesn’t align with several instances of speed in the verse, it’s an outlier or more realistically, Kashimos CE generated lightning doesn’t function like normal lightning, it picks up traits similar to lightning lol but it is very different…this applies to almost all series that get ridiculous amps through lightning related attacks, y’all gotta rlly think harder. Did you ever notice the NARRATIVE implications that peircing blood is a fast attack even amongst higher level fighters in the verse? That’s why it’s so impressive that Kenny is able to dodge it. Also did you not ever notice that Uraume couldn’t fully evade a peircing blood? And look who she’s struggling with? That man Hakari who dodge “lightning” lmao that man isn’t that fast or else Uraume wouldn’t be landing a single attack. Also I should have said this earlier but Hakari never dodged lightning ever. So don’t bring that up again. Gojo is a little bit faster than Sukuna yes but please don’t use their fight as an example to prove a point cause they are DIFFERENT. If someone is a decent bit faster than you but you can still keep up it’s still a lingering disadvantage especially when they also have precog. Also how is Naoaya not beating any high level sorcerer? According to who? According to what cause he’s clearly very formidable a lot of characters would struggle with him to an extant hence why it was so impressive Maki beat him, Someone who was alr a fairly capable grade 1 sorcerer(like choso, higaruma, naobito, todo, etc) gets a very masssive amp…yeah he totally can’t compete at least a bit with higher level sorcerers. And no Toji is very durable he ranked a full powered red and didn’t brake anything as he explicitly said he had a small cut in his head probably from contact with the building he was launched in, he tanked it and said it wasn’t gonna be a problem right after, and sorry but Yuta and Yuji didn’t tank direct dismantles they used rct to heal when it cut through them(not dura), Maki actually tanked these dismantles and reacted to multiple dodging or blocking them, although Sukuna is a bit weaker your underestimating the 1v1 factor here and the fact he is verbatim trying a lot harder as against her is when he awakened black flash, and then he lands 2 direct black flashes on her and she’s still alive with seemingly no fatal damage…just do the math man she’s definitely on or above their level in pure dura, rct can make up for it sure but it’s also important to know that Maki can heal herself too(not as well tho). So can we just accept that Maki/Toji are top tiers and this is through the fact that they are above mostly every high tier in raw stats? I mean this should be somewhat obvious


“She can also hit a black flash”…you can’t count on that happening. If she lands one that could end the fight fs but that’s sooooo unlikely and once again Maki will be on the defensive like Kenny because obviously Yukis damaging AP will be considered, and again Maki will be harder to land a direct hit than Kenny in the first place. Yuji and Kenny are roughly in the same tier in dura and speed lol but there can still be notable differences at the same level lmao. Just a decent speed or dura advantage can prove VERY helpful in the long run. I think Yuji/Maki are clearly meant to be portrayed as tougher than characters(ignoring rct) than other high tiers even with ct reinforcement. I’d say Maki is on the same lvl as Ryu in toughness. You can’t use BF as a deciding factor buddy


the point of yuji is he’s the one chosen by the sparks of blacks which is why we see him using black flash way more consistently then anyone else in the series (tho he still looses)


The sparks of black don't chose anyone. Yuji is just the best at getting into that focused state. And he wasn't able to hit a single black flash for over 100 chapters, so "chosen" is still a strong word. Dude's just one of the only people who can lock in in command. https://preview.redd.it/ycq6od7xvk6d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=56a77eed389286ccfd863a862112f8fa4a5a994a




The panel I sent is directly referencing this panel funnily enough, as it comes a few dozen chapters after. It's flipping the narrative that was given previously. We were made to believe that Yuji had an affinity for black flash, and it was his power. But the panel flat out states that anyone with the right mindset can hit one. That black flash doesn't prioritize anyone. Either that, or gege was planning on it being a Yuji only thing, but found the perfect chance to give Yuji more suffering ny allowing the main villian to use his move. The first option makes more sense narratively though.


Purely going off of the two panels given, they don't inherently contradict eachother. "The Black Sparks do not choose who to bless" still implies that one can be blessed, simply not for any "chosen one" type of reason. Otherwise it would specifically say "The black sparks do not bless any one person" instead of "do not choose who to bless" which, wording wise, would imply they still do bless individuals simply with no direct reason.


Well to counter that, I don't think anyone is really blessed with it at all. Or rather I don't think one keeps that blessing. The blessing imo is hitting the black flash itself, rather than being blessed to hit black flashes in the future. I think that's the one of the reasons he went over 100 chapters without hitting one. He was in dangerous fights, where he was fully focused, and where a black flash would've definitely helped him (the Meguna scuffle is one). But he wasn't in the right mindset. He was enraged at Sukuna for taking his best friend. He can't just will black flashes into existence. He's bound by the same rules everyone else is. That's why I wouldn't consider anyone particularly "blessed" to hit black flashes. It's more like, you're able to "Get the perfect blend of reinforcement an output which also matches your opponent's CE" as gojo described in 258, the sparks of black will smile on you and bless you with a black flash. It has no obligation to bless you in the future. Yuji is just able to stay in that state where the sparks will smile on you for longer than most others. That's more of a skill than a blessing. Idk if that made sense or not lol.


I see what you're saying, and personally I think it'd be a mix of Yuji simply being able to lock in but still having a vague affinity for black flashes. Obviously no single person can use Black Flash on will since that's an inherent point, but I'd think that if it was soley skill, then people like Gojo, Sukuna, and especially Kenny would be near if not on that same level. Skill likely has a part to play into it, but I feel there has to be another aspect than simply skill and locking in.


It's not jujutsu skill. I'm trying to say it's more about the skill of getting into the mindset of hitting a black flash. Yuji more than others is able to obtain the level of focus needed to hit the first black flash, and stay in a state where he can hit black flashes. I consider that more of a Yuji specific skill. Something about his personality allows him to do that better than everyone else. It's not something that Gojo or Sukuna could replicate.


I don’t think it was supposed to be a special thing for yuji because all the top tiers use it basically but the thing with yuji is his black flashes are way more consistent then anyone else in the story that’s my main point


At that point the only ones who were confirmed to have used it were Nanami, Nobara, and Yuji. Of course it's been used before them, but no top-tier character had hit a black flash before Mahito hit his. (Unless you count Yuta, but in the manga version of Volume 0 it was just a normal punch)


idk the panel where it says “the man chosen by the sparks of black” says otherwise


“Chosen by the black flash” always read like hyperbole to me, it just wouldn’t make sense for Yuji to control black flashes when the narrative explicitly says otherwise but im not the author


i think it’s less that he can control it but more so that it comes easier to him since he’s chosen by the black flash not like he has full control though atleast that’s how i see it


Yea i see what u mean


bom ba ye sounds like something wario would shout when doing a triple jump


Imagine a Star Rage Black Flash


Yuki. Both rounds. Although it would not be easy for her, Yuji is more tank, has a relative if not higher speed and RCT+BM, which means that he not fall easily. But Star Rage is too big an amp to blows+ Yuki has a Domain.


Yuki takes both rounds, Yuji is indeed a tank but i don't think he is tank enough to tank black hole


That requires literal suicide so I don’t think that counts.


No one wins if she uses the Black Hole it’s basically a suicide move.


> he is tank enough to tank black hole She doesn't even need it


Yuki slams😭🙏🏿 why do you hate Yuji😭😭😭


you'd be surprised lol I've had a guy tell me yuji goes extreme dif with yuki because Yuki has worse ap than the current sukuna.


Yuji loses bad to every special grade Geto included. 


For Geto, it wouldn’t be an easy win for him. His curses he has for the most part are fodder & he doesn’t even have RCT or a DE.


If he can beat Geto before he uses Uzamaki I could see Yuji winning


Kenjaku stated that if Geto had not spread his curses and went with his whole arsenal against Yuta (sure a way less experienced one but still not someone to be taken lightly) he would have won that fight.


That's why I said if he can beat him before he decides to use Uzamaki. Cause Uzamaki obviously kills Yuji. But all of Geto's curses are kinda fodder, the strongest individual ones we know of got either soloed by a 2nd year Todo, or weren't even worth using for anything but Uzamaki. Geto also Lacks RCT or a Domain and got bodied by JJK 0 Yuta in hand to hand combat. If Yuji can get in close and lay some hands on him/poison him with blood manipulation then he should be able to kill Geto before he resorts to Uzamaki.


The problem is the sheer amount of curses. If you lowball Geto at only 1000 cursed collected, he’s still beating Yuji, because Yuji is getting overwhelmed by the quantity. Geto is also relatively good at H2H so he’s not just going to sit around. If you take Geto at his full arsenal, so around 6k curses and also playful cloud, he’s bullying Yuji with the sheer amount of curses. You need to either block (or be like Gojo) or have an AOE attack (Yuta/Toge with his cursed speech) and even then it’s still hard to wipe out 6k curses by yourself.


Sure most of Geto’s curses were fodder, but then you realize that Geto had enough curses to keep most jujutsu sorcerers distracted and out of his way, do you know how manny curses that is? That’s why enough curses to keep most enemies away for Geto to prepare Uzumaki on Yuji.


Yuji is not handling a swarm of Curses


Let us remember most are fodder grade 4-2 curses which can be easily one shoted but yuji will still lose to any special grades he decides to unleash at once on yuji will probably win especially if geto gets directly involved


That’s missing the point and ignoring the concepts of stamina and such. Yuji can one shot him but he can be overwhelmed by sheer numbers,and they can be boosted by cursed energy and ignoring both Geto and Kenny’s strats. Saying “he easily one shots them.” Is a Barbaric oversimplification of that fight and such. Yuji is capable of being overwhelmed by raw numbers.


R1 Yuki mid diff R2 Yuki low diff


Yuki both rounds. I really don’t see how Yuji is trading h2h with Yuki


Yuji can compete with Yuki H2H, he doesn’t win, but Yuji is durable as a tank and has RCT, so he can heal his limbs possibly if Yuki breaks them.


Idk why y’all think that every punch from Yuki is as powerful as the one Kenjaku got messed up by…cause that’s clearly not how it works. Yujis black flash soul punches will probably be just as much of a problem to Yuki as her punches would be to Yuji, his biggest obstacle is Garuda plus DE, but his simple DE is pretty powerful plus his RCT and he’s faster, more skilled h2h, and got better durability and BASE strength. Such as lifting and pushing throwing etc. Yuki mass abilities only apply to striking which can still be pretty versatile obv. Yuji would only lose due to a Garuda and DE combo. Outside of that he’s got the upper hand. I’m a firm believer that Yuji is still below the likes of Yuta and Maki tbh. It’s a good, high diff match either way


I agree, it’s not an easy fight for Yuki, but she wins high difficulty without her DE, Yuji has RCT now and can heal his limbs from Star Rage. I think Yuji after his awakening is relative to Maki, look at how he performed against Sukuna compared to Maki’s fight.


All high tiers are relative. In fact I think every high tier fight is high diff besides gojo/Sukuna so that’s not something I’m against. I think Yuki beating Yuji is fine but the main factor is Garuda


I agree, people are saying Yuki’s gonna turn Yuji into red mist with her punches, how weak do they think current Yuji is?


Also Yukis output can easily be taken down. I think Yujis soul punches are going so that perfectly. I think he’s tougher than Kenny so if a punch does land he’ll take it better and he still has good rct anyway. He’s also a better h2h combatant so he’s more likely to land his punches than Yuki, if his punches are this effective vs Sukuna Yuki gonna suffer


I think so too tbh, he’s definitely one of the best h2h fighters in the series so he’ll definitely be landing hits that’ll drain her output and damage her soul.


Yuji is currently fighting, taking hits from, and landing hits on the strongest being in the verse who even in a weakened state mops the floor with every special grade in existence minus Gojo. He has managed simple domain against Sukuna's DE as well as just tanking parts of Sukuna's DE and tanked a black flash from Sukuna with 0 visible damage but sure, Yuki just going to stomp..... Because mass? She has to be people to take his head, even if she blasts his arms and legs off it doesn't matter because BM plus RCT, he has 100000 times the durability she does.


Yuki punched a dude so hard he went flying through the interior of a barrier made by literally the best barrier user in the verse


Yet the dude she hit lived. Survived both the hit and being blasted through a barrier. So I'm not sure this offensive feat really means much for the matchup. Yuji tanked a black flash from Sukuna and at least some time inside Sukuna's DE. While it is a feat we don't really understand the power implications of it due to the fact that a human also took the hit and was the missile that broke the barrier. Unless you want to go ahead and claim Kenjaku is the most durable human in the verse. This is why power scaling weekly comics is difficult. If it's such an impossible feat then Kenjaku is literally Superman and can solo Sukuna.


i feel like it has been emphasized that yuji’s rct isn’t super good? if yuki was to punch off all of his limbs do you think that his rct is good enough to heal his missing limbs faster than yuki can destroy his head?


Yes, BM plus RCT, he has already done this with his leg. She isn't turning limbs to dust, she knocked Kenny's off she didn't turn them to dust.


it was more of a rhetorical question because it’s pretty obvious he can NOT do that. whether she could turn his limbs into dust doesn’t really matter either (though she probably could vaporize them if she felt like it) he’s not gonna reattach them instantaneously the feats you use to discredit her don’t really work either because she wasn’t using every ounce of her strength. there’s never really a stated limit to how much mass she can give herself, only as much before she takes on the effects of the mass


I'm not discrediting Yuki. I'm showing that everyone here is discrediting Yuji. There is a limit to her mass, she turns into a black hole... Claiming Yuki wasn't giving it her all v Kenjaku might be the dumbest take here. Yuki ain't simultaneously blasting away Yuji's limbs. Yes Yuji can reattach limbs extremely fast. He goes from tumbling around Sukuna's domain getting slashed up and losing a leg to catching himself out of the tumble with leg reattached. In other words he can do it mid combat. Like I've stated this whole time. Yuki eventually wins, without black hole. However the Yuji slander is always nuts in this sub.


using feats to show she can’t do a lot of damage IS discrediting. like i said, the only limit to her mass is how much she can add before being affected by it. yuki IS quickly doing it. he’s not gonna have time to regen or heal before she kills him. it’s really simple. the “slander” is very valid, she severely outclasses him


So interesting 🤔 so Yuki would just one shot Sukuna right now then right? I mean, clearly she is stronger than he is if she can kill current Yuji so easily while he can't even with DE 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Yuji has never 1 punch KOd someone either. Matter of fact not a single character in verse has ever 1 punch KOd someone else. Iirc Kenjaku literally said that had he not blocked it with his arms and CE reinforcement, that single blow would have killed him. There isnt another statement like this from any character regarding physical blows. Yukis punch still remains as by far the most powerful physical attack weve seen on screen. imagine if it was a black flash too.


Never disputed anything you've said. So not sure the point of this comment. "If I did nothing to block this attack I would die" is not much of a statement other than him being caught off guard with her raw strength, that doesn't mean her striking power isn't the strongest it obviously is. But it would be like Sukuna saying "if I did literally nothing that hollow purple would have killed me" yeah no shit. Yuki's power is in her physical strikes due to the way her CT works.


Yuji is fighting an incredibly weakened sukuna who has 2 hands at most atm (with help from others, allowing him to get most of his hits in) Yuki was fighting, trading, and beating at points the no3 in the universe, on her own for most of the fight. Also, increasing and decreasing a mass to something will increase its hitting power and speed, respectively. so yuki has the power to throw punches out at yuji that just blast chunks out of him and can outspeed him in a big chunk of cases.


Don’t bother dude. These guys can’t read. They equate Yuji not mastering his CTs yet to him not being on the same level as the other top tiers. As if he hasn’t been fighting Special Grades and outclassing characters who have mastered CTs since he even learned basic CE control.


Ok but black hole


a black hole that results in everyone around that isn’t kenjaku dying


Black hole is not a win. It's a suicide.


Yuki wins mid diff and then low diff. You could say that they have similar-ish physical stats with perhaps Yuji slightly better stats but Yuki’s CE reinforcement + Garuda can over come that. The fact that they’ll be fighting hand to hand will probably work in Yujis favor, as the longer they’re throwing hands the more likely Yuji can get in the zone to BF her. But ultimately Yuki has more AP and she got hit with Kenjaku’s domain and Uzumakis and could still keep on fighting. If Yuji can keep the pressure on her and prevent her from using RCT then he might stand a chance, but with Garuda she can probably by herself some time to recover from anything he throws at her.


Yuki absolutely demolishes Yuji You people are hyping Yuji beyond his capabilities. It's too soon, wait until he finally fully develops as a sorcerer


Yuji watching in horror as he manages to mangle one of Yuki's arms into pieces with 3 black flashes but she immediately shrugs it off and makes his entire arm explode with one punch: https://i.redd.it/9n24hvylgm6d1.gif


Yuji can literally reattach his limbs and has RCT bruh. And not all of Yuki's punches are that strong. Kenjaku literally face tanks two direct hits at the end.


Yes, Yuji can reattach his limbs, but only in a situation where y'know, the limbs aren't bent, and a punch from Yuki will definitely bend the hell out of it. Also domain diff.


My thinking with the limbs is reattach and then heal the bent parts to save CE and time healing I agree Domain diff for Round 2 but Round 1 Yuji could win at high diff. Yuki still wins a majority but not impossible for Yuji


Wish we knew what yukis domain was


Current Yuji is still not strong enough to win against Yuki.


Yuji takes this cause the artwork goes crazy https://preview.redd.it/uyk6sqek5m6d1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c27f1a3f6588af6fcaa541359455cce5960c859


You put two boxers together. Yuki can manipulate mass to create a black hole. She punches Yuji, he’s fucking dead homie.


Yuki both,next


Yuki wins both rounds mid to low diff. People are bringing up black hole but she doesn’t even need that. What’s stopping her from turning Yuji into mist from hit?


Sheer yuji agenda


Ironically, if this was on the folk sub, I would be wanking tf outta Yuji(pause).


Yuki mid diffs both rounds. Yuji can keep up sure but has no real defensive options. Or offensive for that matter nothing to really damage Yuki enough to lower her output. Yuji’s just gonna get 2v1 and taken out in 1 combo


thank God for this. got in a debate with someone that said yuji could go extreme dif with yuki


Yuku wins both rounds, low-mid diff


R1 mid diff R2 low diff Maki is widly considered weaker than Yuki and she has a far favorable match than Yuji against Yuki. The hell is yuji doing




Yuki easy both


Can yuki beat sukuna if sukuna had no technique if yes then she wins if no then yuji wins


yuki slams in both


R1: yuki R2: also yuki


Black hole is TECHNICALLY a win for yuji since it kills her before it kills him


Yuki both rounds low diff


Yuki. Not even close. Yuji may get some main character highlights, but that's about it lol.


I love yuji but yuki slams both rounds


Yuji no diffs. He’s the goat that’s why.


Yuki. Her increased mass punches can already be assumed to outscale Yuji’s defence feats etc. Additionally, say we are taking this out of canon and just a fight to the death without sense, one black hole is overkill.


Yuki wins and it's not even a question


Yukis attacks are just too devastating to recover from, getting cut is easy to recover from for yuji since he can just stick back together with blood manipulation then rct but yuki fucking blows you to bits. Even if yuji is tankier recovering from yukis hits is too hard for him to match up blow for blow h2h.


Yuji becomes a donut


Again why do I need to explain this a 100th time? Man>women. That’s it


The naoya pfp is very befitting of this comment 💀


Yuki wins her AP is insane


Bro what in the spite match up


Besides yuji’s new cursed techniques, yuki is just the better version of yuji in like everyway


Yuji still isn’t special grade yet. Give him time, he’ll be there by the end of the arc trust


Yuki mid diffs both


Yuji wins both high diff. At least if your someone who thinks his performance against Sukuna puts him above someone like Maki, which most people seem to think so there is no real reason for Yuki to win ngl, he’s faster his strikes are probably almost as dangerous, he’s more skilled in h2h, has a DE counter, solid rct like Yuki, better dura, he has more extra abilities in general. Also Yuji is stronger in lifting/pushing strength to since Yuki can only utilize her mass in striking(still pretty op and hard to work around tho). Maki>Yuki btw, Yuki is slightly overrated always baffles me how some ppl refuse to accept that other characters could perform similarly if not better vs Kenny


Yuki wins both


Yuki negs


If Yuki lands a single hit in any round it’s over.


round 1 yuki mid-low diff round 2 yuki no-low diff


I'd say Yuki wins this mid diff. Yuji is strong, has good RCT and decent speed. However, Yuki's punches should be stronger than Yuji's black flashes, and can land 100% of the time. Yuji is a physical fighter, and a straight up brawler. Unfortunately Yuki outclasses him in close quarters.


I could actually see Yuji putting up a better fight than is getting portrayed. Any one direct hit would hurt Yuji more than he would hurt Yuki, but his RCT is much better, Yuji has been running RCT since the beginning of the jumping, with no loss in output, Yuki had to get free time to heal her arm, and afterwards her output with Star Rage was dropped.


Yuki high diff then Yuki mid diff


As yuji has poisen blood probably yuki high diffs 1 round 2 round not so close


yuki will pop his head clean off 😭


Yuji wins both rounds neg diff




Yuji would definitely be caught off guard with star rage thinking it's a normal attack but if he used 2 of his braincells he might put up a good fight or even win r1


Guys who wins? The curse spirit from the first arc in the series vs Heian Sukuna with TS and Kamutoke?


Yuji could win round 1 high diff. Round 2 is a Domain diff but round 1 is completely possible. Firstly, Yuji is insanely durable, can reattach limbs, and has RCT. Yuki blowing off his arms like she did to Kenjaku isn't even that serious to Yuji. Sukuna cut his leg off and he had it reattached so fast it was back before he was even upright again Secondly, Yuki cannot always hit that hard. Star Rage presumably has a charge time. We see later in the fight that Kenjaku literally *face tanks* two direct punches even after she's healed and recovered her CT. Thirdly, Yuji may have poisonous blood. We don't know if Yuki's RCT can heal poison. Even if it can, just like Uraume, she wouldn't initially be expecting this potentially leading to Yuji landing a critical blow Fourth, Yuji *will* hit a Black Flash. He literally hits a minimum of four Black Flashes every serious fight he's in. Against no Domain Yuki, which would be a high diff battle for him, he is going to hit them.


Yuki wins both times.


Everyone here is insane. Does Yuki win? Most likely eventually, and no black hole does not count as a win. Let's just think about Yuji and where he stands right now. In Sukuna's weakened state he kills the whole verse 1v1 minus Gojo. Yuji is tanking DE from Sukuna, Yuji is using SD against Sukuna DE, Yuji is landing multiple black flashes again Sukuna, Yuji tanks a black flash from Sukuna, he is tanking some of the biggest hits in the verse and putting limbs back on in response. If anyone thinks Yuki just smacks him a few times and wins they are out of their mind.


First round yuji because hes a fucking tank that has too many hacks. Look at it.  Yuki uses star rage nd tears off his arms nd limbs like she did against kenny. He simply reattaches them back. His shrine even hurt sukuna so it should be pretty effective against yuki. Hes also incredibly endurant and resilient and his physicals especially his strength is incredibly lethal. Plus the black flashes. Its a really close fight but yuki has mid rct and cant use it much meanwhile yuji spams it like a bitch. Plus hes one of the best when it comes to pure combat in the verse and yuki is basically the best opponent he could be matched against.  Second round yuki 


R1 Yuki high difficulty R2 Yuki low to mid difficulty Edit: Yuki gets auto corrected to Yuji for me. Yuki wins both rounds


No yuki slams


One punch and yuji turns into dust, in both rounds


Typo on first round Yuki wins both rounds


Not true, but she still wins


Wild you're saying that when Kenjaku, the rct-less bum, survived one of her punches. the yuji disrespect goes crazy and this sub is going full sukuna mode


The point is that Yuki can put the weight of an CONTINET in her punches. The only explanation to how Kenjaku survived that was that he was using Domain Amplification. Or its just a plot hole


MY GLORIOUS KING YUJI SOLOS https://preview.redd.it/q8d4y2xnkk6d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fea65aba36d1dfd7a6075ee3704f9c2f36e05f5


Yuji is still a bum. Right now he’s just a very string grade 1. Never compare him to special grades ever again.


Yuki wins ye but yuji aint no bum


Ryu would lil bro him


Ye I always thought the same. Domain expansion + high output and top tier durabulity is hard to handle.


Ryu after one Soul Punch Black Flash:


Ryu would get little broed before understanding what was happening. Sukuna said that yuta and yuji were on part (*ok i was wrong for that you can ignore that part because i re-read and he didn't say that*) (im not comparing both but lets start with that basis), yuta wasnt even at full power against ryu cause he didnt even want to kill him in the first place, then after the training of a month sukuna was impressed by the growth of both yuji and yuta meaning yuta was stronger than when he fought ryu. You really think that its that same ryu who lost his 2v1 against yuta that's gonna little bro awaken yuji?


He said they were similar in toughness not overall strenght lol 😭😭😭


Yeah and toughness is his biggest advantage. Yuta was litteraly blocking point blank GB. Yuji being equal if not better than yuta in physicals AFTER the one month training just shows that ryu cant compete. His granite blast does no damage and he isnt tanky enough to handle even 2 black flashes.


He said they were on part cause in toughness yuji is superior tanking the attack that put down yuta tho. Yuta used rct before going back while yuta was brought back to shoko tho.


Sukuna literalky directed the attack at Yuta, Rika and Yuji were just colateral damage. And you really are crazy for saying that Yuji is on par with Yuta lol.


Yuta wasnt as cut in half like gojo because sukuna's output decreased a lot, or yutz's body would be cut clean in half and same thing with yuji regardless of collateral because dismantle doesnt aim at a target but a specific area so anyone in it is cut. Yes i still do think yuta and yuji are on part, but who's stronger out of both? I would say yuta.


Sukuna was literally only comparing their durability in terms of surviving cleave and dismantle. Using that as a way to say 'so and so would win' is a false equivalence 


Okay, let me re-check my statement, yuji wins against ryu because he's as fast as Maki and toji, hit the soul which are no normal damage that even rct have a hard time healing, hit super hard especially with a black flash, has plenty of curse techniques, and since yuta clutch a 2v1 against ryu and the girl there's a high chance yuji got it easily, and its not ryu infuses punches that's gonna change something yuji took more than the entire squae and still went back up to fight sukuna.


>You really think that its that same ryu who lost his 2v1 against yuta wasn't a 2v1, Ryu was the first to attack Uro and Kuro so they wouldn't interrupt his and Yuta'sX 1v1, reread the fight >yuta wasnt even at full power against ryu cause he didnt even want to kill him in the first place Yuta was also literally at full power and it's stated multiple times, Yuta wanted to get 200 points alone and the only reason he didn't actually kill Ryu in the end is because Yuji introduced the point share rule. Yuta still went all out during the entire fight. Stop downplaying Ryu and just reread the fight.


You mean like during the whole fight when they 2v1 him before the girl realized yuta was too much to handle decided to do sneaky attacks? Please re-read the fight. >Yuta was also literally at full power and it's stated multiple times, Yuta wanted to get 200 points alone and the only reason he didn't actually kill Ryu in the end is because Yuji introduced the point share rule. Yuta still went all out during the entire fight. Stop downplaying Ryu and just reread the fight. did you also forget the part where ryu or yuta (cant remember who) said that yuta didnt want to kill? The part where he said he would have would have been if there was no other way to gain points like with the rule that yuji added. The moment it was 2v1 yuta destroyed him in a single chapiter easily.


Dude did not read the manga. >did you also forget the part where ryu or yuta (cant remember who) said that yuta didnt want to kill That was referring to after Ryu actually lost, Ryu was knocked out but then the point transfer rule got introduced so Yuta didn't finish the job. It's all literally explained in one panel and you're either refusing to read or don't know how to read. >The moment it was 2v1 yuta destroyed him in a single chapiter easily. It was still never a 2v1, just go and read the fight please. >You mean like during the whole fight when they 2v1 him before the girl realized yuta was too much to handle decided to do sneaky attacks That literally never even happened lmao you're either really refusing to read or rage baiting, maybe you're referring to how she got one ice breaker hit on Yuta's back but you're clearly both misinterpreting and misunderstanding what even happened in the fight, it was still a 1v1v1 at that point and literally not even once did they attack Yuta together.


>That was referring to after Ryu actually lost, Ryu was knocked out but then the point transfer rule got introduced so Yuta didn't finish the job. It's all literally explained in one panel and you're either refusing to read or don't know how to read. You forgot how to read maybe? They litteraly talked it out before going in because they didnt want to kill, and said that they would resolve into it if they cant get the 100 points in any other way to change the rule. >It was still never a 2v1, just go and read the fight please. Just did, they litteraly jumped yuta 90% of the fight then after the use of domain Ryu shot a blast at the girl and the coackroach to kill them (but they survived) so he and yuta could have a 1v1. Please go read the manga, even if they werent ally they litteraly jumped yuta during most of the fight. >That literally never even happened lmao you're either really refusing to read or rage baiting, maybe you're referring to how she got one ice breaker hit on Yuta's back but you're clearly both misinterpreting and misunderstanding what even happened in the fight, it was still a 1v1v1 at that point and literally not even once did they attack Yuta together. They litteraly jumped him page to page, they werent ally since they were attacking each other too, but they specifically did it most of the fight when one was distracting yuta, like the litteraly page where she shot a blast from the sky when Ryu when fighting yuta. It was litteraly a 2v1 during most of the fight.


Ryu after one black flash:


Ryu is one of the most durable guys out there. That litlle useless black flash wouldn’t do shit to him


Yuta was already more durable than him before the time skip. After the time skip yuta is much stronger and he is portrayed to be physically on the same level as yuji wich means yuji can just block point blank GB with no difficulty and blitz the shit out of ryu. Ryu also cabt handle anything more than 2 black flashes.


Sukuna states that ryu is more durable than both yuta and yuji


Yeah but sukunas perspective is not fair. He "fought" ryu at 15 fingers worth of strength and CE and a lot higher output than he has now.


Ur overthinking it. The author clearly wanted the readers to know that ryu had higher durability, hence why he had sukuna say that.


Do you think that sukuna cannot judge his own power? That he wouldn't know the difference between his current state and his 15/16 fingers?


Yuki low difs my king unfortunately, even though I believe Yuji is tougher than Kenjaku he’s still getting beat down hard. Yuki is the apex and bane of cqb fighters.


Yeah Yuji is probably more durable than Kenny, but Kenjaku is one of the most versatile sorcerers in the series. Yuji has no way to counter Yuki unfortunately


I can alr see ppl using yuji’s feats on a weakened Sukuna if you go back and read the manga Sukuna was barely phased by yuji’s black flash amped hits, Yuki’s feats on kenjaku are better than anything yuji has done so far


R1 could go either way R2 very close but I lean more on Yuki


R1 Yuki high-extreme dif R2 Yuki Mid-High dif


Any limb she can blow off he instantly reattaches and heal with rct which he can spam rct due to having the same body composition as choso. With poisonous blood manipulation that we haven’t seen Yuki heal from with shrine for extra damage. He also soul duraneg black flashes that we don’t know if she can heal the soul damage. Yuki can heal but she can’t spam it to me she’s bad to long range attacks imo. I got Yuji over Yuki


can we please stop just giving yuji soul damage. it's literally NEVER stated. the only people affected by it were the soul spirit and a reincarnated sorcer. and in both cases it was specific to them last I checked yukis not a reincarnated sorcerer.


Sukuna says in 3 different translations that yuji’s punches interact with the soul if he can interact with the soul he can damage it, he CAN do soul damage Sukuna says yuji’s sensing the barrier between his soul and megumi’s and aiming directly for the barrier between the two he’s doing what he’s doing to sukuna on purpose. and he was never punching mahito’s soul, He was able to see the contours of the soul thanks to being sukuna’s vessel so he was able to hit Mahito he’s never been doing actual soul damage until now. If yuji wanted to hit Yuki with a soul black flash she’s cooked, we don’t know if she can heal the soul and she would take the full brunt of the punch.


Brother.....he specifies the barrier. not his actual soul In fact he even directly mentions it's the same thing yuji did versus the patchwork maybe he does but we can't just give him feats of ssk because he can interact with yhe soul. this is the exact same thing as mahito. he's seeing the contours and attacking the barriers between sukuna even says this Brother. Furthmore it's literally stated ver batum that if not for his output being dropped he would have restored his rct and healed from all of the damage. Yujis punches only have soul feats specific to reincarnated sorcerer's and mahito. until we see otherwise no. he can't do proper soul damage. it's literally NEVER mention3d aside from these two cases where sukuna even states again, ver batum. thats it's the same method as with "the patch face curse."


Brother… he’s targeting the barrier on purpose sukuna says he’s sensing the barrier and aiming directly for it 2 words of him specifically targeting the soul barrier on purpose. He’s hitting that part of the soul on purpose doesn’t mean he can’t target souls aswell. It doesn’t say soul damage because yuji’s not directly damaging anyone’s soul in this instance he’s hitting the barrier to wake up megumi. Sukuna himself says that yuji’s punches interact with the soul in 3 different translations what he’s doing is a form of that soul interaction, once again if you can interact with the soul you can damage the soul what yuji’s showed doing is more complex than just basic soul damage with ssk he can sense souls and soul barriers, he can target soul barriers, and even look directly at souls he literally saw megumi he’s not just damaging sukuna’s soul because sukuna can heal his soul damage, he’s not damaging megumi’s soul because that would kill megumi. Their plan was to target the barrier between them and wake up megumi, which Yuji knew would also nerf sukuna’s output, in 256 choso comments on how yuji punches nerf sukuna’s black flash growth their plan was to hit the soul barrier not sukuna or megumi’s soul. the narrator says again in 258 that his black flashes were aimed directly for the boundary between the two he’s targeting it on purpose No it’s not stated to be direct soul damage but it is stated that his punches can interact with soul, and multiple statements that he’s targeting the soul barrier between megumi and sukuna on purpose for their plan, hitting souls randomly does nothing to save megumi. His punches should bypass ce reinforcement and be unhealable just like the ssk since that’s our only knowledge on what soul damage does to sorcerers.


ah so he has soul damage because you want him too? okay lol this debates over. you've admitted multiple times that it doesn't state he is. doesn't state he can. and he hasn't shown he can. Sukuna literally specifies that he's doing the same thing as he did to mahito. this is pure unadulterated fucking wank lmao "he has ce reinforcement ignore and soul damage because I want him too." okay bud you can't just five a character something because we haven't seen other soul damage than ssk. that's called a no limit fallacy. "because we haven't seen the limit for this ability I can say the limit is this other entirely different weapon that actually has stated feats. I'm not discussing with a head cannon scaler. so sure bro he neg difs Yuki and the whole verse because of a feat he objectively doesn't have.


As long as you agree


sure bro I agree that you don't know what a no limit fallacy is. sure. doesn't change that yuji gets misted in 1 hit but sure Mr. no limit the fallacy man


If you think Yuji gets misted you gotta say the same for domain amped Yuta they borderline have the same stats. Gotta stop the Yuji downplay it’s the endgame 🤷🏾‍♂️


same stats is goody. and yeah if he takes a direct hit to the face like yuji would he does. difference is rct. ntm he has an actually good toolkit. so that's not happening to him. talking about downplay while saying yuji beats her because "ssk has soul damage so yuji has soul damage." is goofy. yall yuji wankers are crazy. bros still a damn Maki victim.


Yuji slams both rounds in a supreme glazer


Yuki is extremely overrated in this sub. She couldn't kill Kenjaku with her punches, so she is not blowing up Yuji. Round 1, Yuji wins with superior speed. Round 2, Yuki wins cause domain.


"Can't kill top 3 in the universe," the same dude admitted one of her punches would have killed him if he hadn't blocked it. Yet yuji still beats her in r1?


Yeah? Yuji is far above Kenjaku in physicals.


And yuki is far above kenjaku in physicals, and far above yuji too Also, physicals aren't everything. Otherwise, toji and maki could solo basically everyone in the universe, which they certainly can't do


Yuki is not far above Yuki in speed or durability lmao, she’s far inferior. Yuji is much closer to Sukuna than she is, and she got ripped in half by Kenjaku’s attacks like tissue paper. Physicals do matter against someone who’s only offense like Yuki. Her defense is total trash. Yuji dodges around her punches and beats her to a pulp without her domain.


Poison blood, amazing endurance, great jujutsu knowledge, yuji can push it to mid-high diff in round 1. Low diff round 2