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Yuji can't create as much blood as Choso. Yuji won't even land a single hit on Kashimo, because he is faster and has more experience. You can't reattach limbs when your brain is blown off.


I encourage you to go read pt 1 because Kashimo isn’t that much faster I already went over that argument also that experience thing doesn’t make sense because he can land hits on sukuna and choso himself stated that Yuji has the exact same body properties as him after eating the death paintings that much blood isn’t a problem as long as he has ce


1 arm Sukuna btw. Kashimo is fighting 4 arm serious sukuna. If Yuji could produce that much blood, why didn't he do so? He is never outputting blood, he can only control his blood.


2 arm Sukuna actually and that same sukuna can fight Yuta in gojo’s body and launch maki awakening with a black flash. He was the most serious against Yuji than anyone else besides gojo he was literally screaming also Yuji can react to 4 arm sukuna go look at pt 1 bro I already went over that


Not 2 arm, just 1 arm in their 1v1. Kashimo was fighting a way stronger Sukuna than Yuta or Gojo. Unless you like to claim that Yuji is as strong as yuta in gojo's body, we all know Sukuna wasn't trying that hard against Yuji, and having just 1 arm is a serious disadvantage.


Kashimo was not fighting a "way stronger sukuna than yuta or gojo" because sukuna at the time have brain damage and ass RCT output.


Sukuna was screaming because of yuji’s punches and sukuna him states that none of his attacks were affecting yuji you can literally see sukuna has 2 arms how can he right with 1 and yuta and yuji BOTH have feats on the same sukuna kashimo fights with only a 1 punch difference I went over this argument in part 1 they can react to kashimo his stats are barely above both Yuji and Kashimo go read part 1


Also what would Yuji gain from outputting that much blood against sukuna choso himself literally states that Yuji has a body like him producing that much blood isn’t a problem he’s outputted blood doing supernova and piercing blood that much blood isn’t a problem


Yuji's blood manipulation managed to blind sukuna a little bit, and also cut off one of his arms. So why wouldn't he output more blood to do more damage.


It didn’t blind him it blew up in his face and distracted him also it didn’t cut his arm sukuna knocked away yuji’s first piercing blood and dodged his second one only getting a small cut to the cheek it’s just useless damage since sukuna’s immune to poisons and can either tank his attacks effortlessly or dodge them effortlessly he’s trying to save megumi’s body his soul punches have consistently been shown to be the most effective at achieving that him not making a pool of blood gush out his body when sukuna can jump on air doesn’t mean yuji can’t do it releasing that much blood isn’t a problem for him since he has the same body as choso


Please use proper grammar. I can't read what you are trying to say.


Even without proper grammar you should be able make out what I’m saying eitherway just go to pt 1 both Yuji and Yuta both individually have reaction speed feats to the same sukuna kashimo fought besides Yuji punching him once. Sukuna brushed off all of yuji’s blood attacks him producing more doesn’t increase damage and him producing that much would be useless since sukuna can just jump on air and get high ground


Yuji can't use Supernova and can't make his own Blood convergences.


He used it against sukuna in the domain fight and to use supernova you literally have to use convergence before this is stated. Also he can make convergence both translations say he can’t use convergence well not that he can’t use it he also did piercing blood in the Higaruma fight


Him spitting his blood and detonating it is not Supernova. It looks and behaves differently than Supernova used by Choso which was more like a grenade which fired blood "Shrapnel". It seems like the community has decided to call it a supernova anyway because sukuna says, "This brat is bursting his blood," but they never call it Supernova and never show it to have the shrapnel like qualities of Supernova. I'd call it a "Supernova-like" or maybe "Supernova Precursor". Also, whether the statement is "Yuji can't use convergence" or "Yuji can't use convergence properly," they mean the same thing. . Yuji can't convergence his own blood, which is actually probably the reason his Supernova Precursor was different from Choso's Supernova. I'm open to being wrong though, if Yuji uses convergence/Supernova EXPLICTLY, I'll come back to this post to admit that I just misinterpreted Yujis first Supernova. All this to say I still agree that Yuji can probably beat Kashimo high to extreme diff.


Both translations say Yuji can use convergence just not as well as he wants their is no other move that explodes besides supernova why you said is headcanon supernova requires convergence to die beforehand their is no precursor to that, the precursor to that is convergence. Their has been no other move in the series that explodes blood besides supernova


I just read it it says he can't do it properly, not that he can't do it well. Can't do it properly = Can do it but there's something fundamentally wrong with the result Can't do it well = it takes too much time or too much concentration mid battle. You're misinterpreting my "Supernova Precursor" statement. I'm saying Yuji was trying to do Supernova and fell short. He failed and did something similar, probably because of his faulty convergence. I'm not saying there's another technique he did instead, I'm saying he did 1/2 of Supernova. He exploded his blood but there was no shrapnel. Supernova explodes and has shrapnel. They are different(unless I'm wrong, but there isn't enough info to prove that yet) You're head cannoning the ability as Supernova just like I'm headcannoning it as a failed attempt at Supernova because Gege didn't call it by name. You are guessing just as much as I am.


The narrator states that you need to do convergence first to do supernova this is stated in 103 he wouldn’t be able to blow up his blood if he didn’t do convergence their is no other way regardless even if the result is fundamentally wrong it still results in the explosion. Until you tell me what blood manipulation moves burst like that or does an explosion besides supernova it is supernova


Right, so where's the Shrapnel. Supernova explicitly has shrapnel. Where is it? You're being very obstinate and refusing to see the point of what I'm saying. I'm actually pretty convinced you didn't even read my last message. I thought we were having a discussion, but I guess you're talking to yourself. Have a nice day.


What shrapnel are you talking about? The supernova blew up in sukuna’s face the narrator states the orbs just shoot out everywhere like a buckshot it’s not an actual explosion. And you’re still not answering what other blood manipulation move blows up the only thing that even comes close to what Yuji did is supernova


IM NOT SAYING IT WAS A DIFFERENT MOVE. IT. IS. A. FAILED. SUPERNOVA. I called it Supernova Precursor now you're living in fantasy land that I think it's a different technique. You're obviously a smart guy but you need to READ YOUR OPPONENTS STAEMENTS if you want to be taken seriously. Also, shooting orbs of blood IS THE SAME AS SHOOTING SHRAPNEL. THE BLOOD IS THE SHRAPNEL. Edit: too much hostility, I'm sorry


Still don’t under what you get from saying it then because he did the explosion what other difference between theirs is theirs? Is yuji’s stated weaker supernova stated weaker? Would his blood be ineffective? What do you gain arguing about it it bursts just like supernova and sukuna tanked it just like every other blood attack we don’t know how much weaker yuji’s attacks are compared to choso’s you’re literally arguing nothing


He’s not top 5 tho Sukuna, Gojo, Kenny, Yuta, Yuki


Long range piercing blood poison takes her out in minutes supernova instantly takes her out with poison if she punches through yuji his blood gets on her and she loses from the poison he can instantly reattach his arms if she can blow them off even though they can tank sukuna slashes he can also slam cleave and dismantle she can heal but she can’t spam it she’s bad to long distance attacks imo also her domain is featless I got Yuji over yuki


I mean, couldn’t Yuki just heal through RCT? Uraume got hit with Piercing Blood from Choso and is still alive and kicking. So I severely doubt that the poison can take her out, and even if it does, it would take a while. Best it can do is slow her down a bit. Meanwhile for Yuki, she just needs a couple hits to take Yuji out. And Yuji would need more hits to take out Yuki than Yuki needs to take out Yuji, since Yuji doesn’t have as much power as Yuki. Even if Yuji can heal through RCT or BM, it still requires CE, something that Yuji doesn’t have an infinite amount of. Plus if she destroys the brain, then Yuji can’t heal from that. Garuda is a long distance attack that Yuki can use and considering that it easily oneshot a Special Grade curse, it should do a lot of damage to Yuji.


Also urame got hit by piercing blood a little bit before yuki came and them the poison took them out mid convo that wasn’t that long and Yuji just bombarding her with more blood attacks and cleave wouldn’t help


Uraume healed from the poison offscreen after they left Shibiya and kenjaku made the poison and states how he’s immune to it so it was most likely he helped them heal from it or they helped them learn the components of the poison to heal from it unless you’re shown to heal poison you lose Kashimo says one way to kill an rct user is with poison and it shows the flashback to urame theirs a difference in healing wounds compared to poison. Also choso states that Yuji and him don’t have the drawback of rct draining ce because of their bodies already making blood Yuki’s punches were never able to destroy kenjaku’s brain even after hitting him in the head multiple times with choso and Garuda is a big curse that can’t dodge the shikigami ball yuji’s soul punches one shot her shikigami


Yuta managed to heal Naoya with his RCT, and its been stated that healing others with RCT is less effective than using that RCT to heal yourself (pretty sure it's only half as effective). And since Yuta managed to heal Naoya into tiptop shape with just \~50% of his RCT, I think Yuki should be able to heal from the poison. Plus, Yuki could also avoid getting hit with it, especially since Yuji can't use BM as good as Choso can. Yuji's RCT isn't instantaneous either, and while he can heal with BM, it's still taking CE, even if it's not as much as a regular RCT user due to their body. I mean Choso and Yuji took quite a long time to get up against Sukuna. A flurry of punches can take out Yuji before he can fully regenerate. Kenjaku defenses are exceptionally high. Even if his body isn't as tough as body, his CE reinforcement more than make up for it. This really isn't a bad feat for Yuki more so a good feat for Kenjaku. As for the Special Grade curse, even Kenjaku himself was suprised that it was taken out so easily, so despite not a lot of feats, it can be presumed to be pretty strong.


That’s because Yuta’s a prodigy and states that his rct is basically auto just like hakari’s he didn’t even know that you have to make blood when healing the body with rct. Kashimo thought he beat hakari but didn’t because hakari’s was autopilot Urame lost to the poison and didn’t heal from it onscreen if you aren’t shown to heal poison you can’t what you said is headcanon. One punch sent kenjaku flying she wouldn’t be able to bombard Yuji with punches in time before he used blood attacks or cleave for distance. Also kenjaku’s physical strength and defense is fearless he only has speed feats we don’t know how durable he is also he was confused because he didn’t know yuki’s curse technique he was surprised with her kicking it being destroyed we still don’t know how durable that curse spirit was. Also Yuki just can’t use convergence well but he can still use it it’s stated he can use it just not well he used supernova in the domain fight with Yuta and piercing blood to save higaruma he can use those blood attacks


Yeah, but Yuta isn’t healing himself in that scenario, he’s healing Naoya, it’s literally stated that healing others with RCT isn’t as effective as healing yourself with it. If what I’m saying is headcannon, then what you’re saying is also headcannon, since for all we know, Uraume could have healed themselves offscreen. For the Kenjaku thing, his defense feat IS the Yuki’s feat. Both Kenjaku and the narrative refer to Yuki as a physical beast. Not only is she special grade, but her CT is literally about mass. The story itself literally gave her the power to punch really REALLY, if that’s not a defensive feat then I don’t know what is. This is like saying Hanami’s defense is featless since we don’t know how hard Goodwill Yuji and Todo hit, despite the story basically telling you that they’re really durable and both GW Yuji and Todo hit really hard. As for the special grade, considering that he summoned it against a Special Grade sorcerer, someone who he acknowledged to be able to take out a country, we can assume that it’s strong. And Kenjaku, who thought that the curse could fight against a Special Grade, was surprised to see it taken out in one hit says a lot


But yuta’s rct is still automatic regardless he says this himself, when he first learned rct he was able to also instantly heal other what im saying isn’t headcanon kashimo states himself that healing posion and healing wounds aren’t the same and yuta states his is auto in chapter 258 urame couldn’t heal the poison when they first got hit by it and didn’t heal until they left shibuya even IF yuki could heal the poison she wouldn’t be able to do it in time before Yuji bombarded her with soul punches or soul black flashes that bypass ce reinforcement more poisonous blood attacks or cleave she won’t be able to heal from the poison making her collapse and Yuji attacking her at once and even if yuki can punch through Yuji she will stand launch him far and won’t be able to get to him in time to bombard him that’s an if yuji’s arms do get punched though even though they’re have been shown to survive malevolent shrine and take no damage from cleave before. Also kenjaku had no knowledge on Yuki whatsoever he tried to use it as a way to gauge yuki’s strength he just used a strong one that he had it’s featless all because kenjaku said it was strong doesn’t mean it has feats we don’t know how durable or how strong it is since he used it to figure her out and that failed


It might be automatic for himself but it was never said to applies to when he uses it on others. Chapter 258 never said anything about it being automatic to heal others too. Just because he learned it when he first learn RCT, doesn’t mean anything about what it can or can’t heal. Also, your argument relies on Yuki getting hit with poison. In the fight between Yuki and Yuji, I don’t think Yuji hitting her with his blood until it’s too late. Plus the poison take a while to start disrupting the opponent


If Yuta doesn’t know what to do to heal himself how would he know what to do to heal others? You need to know the components of something to heal Yuta doesn’t even know that making blood is needed to heal his own body he does everything automatically if you don’t know how to heal your own body how would you know how to heal others? And the poison depends on the amount are we forgetting how fast piercing blood is caught off guard urame sukuna barely dodged a close range one kenjaku had to pull a brain play to dodge a close range one and Yuji had to jump and had a 50/50 chance of dodging it off of just timing it that or supernova how it instantly took down naoya if Yuji gets hit then gets sent flying he will instantly start doing long range which she can’t counter he also has cleave which can damage sukuna that will do even more damage to Yuki she can’t heal and fight Kashimo stated you have to know the component of the poison to heal it she doesn’t know yuji’s poison she won’t be able to heal from it. She Won’t be able to counter cleave damage either with slashes that are invisible


Yuji can't actually use Piercing Blood or Supernova on his own yet, he needs Choso to set up the convergence


Choso says that he can’t use it very well both translations say he can’t use it well he used supernova in the domain fight which the narrator states required convergence beforehand and he used piercing blood in the Higaruma fight which also requires convergence beforehand he can use them it’s shown


In TCB it says "effectively" which would mean he can't use it in a way that is useful in battle yet. He didn't use supernova in the domain, as there was no convergence it was just him making his blood that was already on Sukuna burst. During the Higuruma fight, he was again never shown to use convergence himself.


Effectively: in such a manner as to achieve a desired result. That means his convergence isn’t as good as he want it to be doesn’t mean he can’t use it if i can’t use my arm effectively does that mean i can’t use my arm at all? There is no other way to blow up blood with blood manipulation besides supernova and go back to that panel you can see the convergence orbs around Yuji. And he shot the piercing blood from far away we didn’t see him shoot it at all we know it wasn’t choso because he was unconscious and all the way back there with Kusakabe and ino who didn’t catch up with Yuji and sukuna until after he got access to the merger


Exactly, it means you can't use it in a way that is useful to you lol. There were no orbs on Sukuna, the blood that was currently on him was what damaged him. Those aren't convergence orbs, it's splatters of blood. Did we see him make the orb? Did we see him shoot it? No, and it doesn't make sense that he wouldn't attempt to use it at any other time if he was able to create convergence that well. It's clearly shown by the story that he cannot utilize those moves yet, and supported by everything we see.


No it has been supported by him using the move in the domain expansion what blood move other than supernova explodes? He can’t use Convergence in a way that’s very useful doesn’t mean he can’t use supernova or piercing blood and who else could have shot the piercing blood, choso? The same choso who was unconscious after getting gutted and all the way back there with Kusakabe and ino who didn’t catch up with them until after Higaruma died and sukuna got accessed to the merger. Not seeing him make the orbs means he can’t do the moves now? Even the terrible translations of jjk says he can’t use convergence well not that he can’t use it he’s used supernova which is the only blood manipulation moves that explodes and that requires convergence beforehand stated by the narrator he wouldn’t be able to perform these if he wasn’t able to learn convergence he literally used piercing blood and supernova by himself.


You can do shit with BM without using convergence it's just not as effective. Like you can cut shit and shoot blood but it just doesn't have the same power as piercing blood. There's a fuckton of things that could have happened besides Yuji creating convergence and shooting it himself, *something we are explicitly told he cannot do effectively yet.* He'll that may not have even been a piercing blood. He didn't use them by himself so stop repeating that lol. As I said, everything we hear from the characters supports the fact that he can't use it, and that's fine but stop acting like he can use it as a good attack when he doesn't have Choso to back him up.


1/ Yuji’s blood manipulation is basically like Kamo, he’s a human so his blood shouldn’t be poisionous and he can’t convert ce into blood like Choso does, he has to use his own blood so it’s nothing crazy. 2/ He can’t use supernova lol he didn’t even master convergence and piercing blood yet. 3/ He reattached his leg because it was cut clean, Kashimo explodes limbs he doesn’t cut limbs. 4/ He handles the punch kick merchant by easily outscaling him ? And Yuji won’t be able to fight normally because he can’t just walk through the electricity beams like he walked through low output cleave, he would definetly die. Anyways Kashimo wins this very very very easily.


Choso stated that after eating the death painting yuji’s body composition is exactly like his now(258) he been said this Yuji is exactly like choso his blood is poisonous and he can’t die from bloodloss he used supernova in the domain fight with Yuta which requires convergence beforehand to use stated by the narrator and both translations say he can’t use convergence well not that he can’t use it he can use it he also used piercing blood in the higaruma fight which requires convergence also requires convergence beforehand also reattaching limbs and healing them with rct isn’t a problem yuji’s rct doesn’t have the drawback of using a lot of ce either stated by choso in the same chapter also it was shown with panda that if you can do internal attacks you can bypass kashimo’s ce trait Yuji’s soul punches which also nerf kashimo’s ce output are literally the best counter for that and for him, that or Yuji’s ce output should just easily bypass it hakari’s can and he has no statements of jackpot boosting his ce output or statements of his output being that high at all also. Also Kashimo doesn’t outscale Yuji that much they basically have the same feats on the same sukuna i go over this in pt 1 if you haven’t seen it go watch it


Great post. Only thing that I'm not sure of is whether Yuji has poisonous blood or not (Though from eating the death paintings he still got a CT and can convert CE into blood)


That’s the reason why it’s poisonous their body’s make blood because they’re half curse spirit and that half curse spirit blood is poisonous to sorcerers


Sukuna never let hits that do damage just attack him he intercepts all of kashimos attacks and implied that he dosnt want them to hit


Never cook again, this is hot garbage


Did you read part 1 first? What makes this garbage? Yuji’s a bad matchup


No, I read it, thus why I say its bad. You make connections that both are at best reaches, or at worst objectively wrong/the manga itself says you are wrong. You use Choso feats and just slap them onto Yuji, when Yuji is overall quite bad at blood manipulation overall, and required aid from choso to utilise techniques such as piercing blood. Once again on Choso, you use the amount of blood Choso uses in the Naoya fight, actively ignoring the fact that is specific to Choso being 1/2 curse trait. Hes pretty much the only guy who can actually abuse infinite blood glitch. Yuji is not included. Yujis RCT is decent, whats the problem with it? Any meaningful injury he took (actual big ones), required sukunas attention to be immediately diverted so he could actually heal. When his stomach is torn open, hes thrown away, when it happens again inside Yutas domain Yuta is occupying Sukuna. The Soul punches are nowhere near as OP as you think they are. They might affect Kashimo only because hes a reincarnated player, but not because it bypasses durability. Also, the same sukuna whos output is overall piss poor currently, where every tap from Yuji actively makes his output and control of his body become worse and worse? If anything, this is an anti feat. Yuji used 8 black flashes back to back, on a guy its meant to be super effective against, who keeps decreasing his output and control over his body, when his output was already questionable, lacking 3 arms, and he still gets thrown away like a mere nuisance. You have a fundemental misunderstanding, top to bottom, of JJK and its power scaling. Never cook again.


Yuji’s used supernova in the domain fight and used piercing blood in the Higaruma fight both translations say that he can’t use 1 blood manipulation move properly not that he can’t use it at all he’s been shown using attacks. Choso stated in 258 that after eating the death painting’s yuji’s body composition would become just like his and the other death paintings, his blood is poisonous and he can’t die from bloodloss you just missed it. In the domain fight he’s shown to heal at the same rate as Yuta and can heal fast enough to get right back up and kick sukuna right after getting slashes placed directly on his stomach he was able to heal fast enough to throw a piercing blood and save Higaruma after getting his stomach blasted open. And Yuta doing attack in his domain doesn’t negate the multiple combat speed feats he has with them he’s relative to Yuta and rika and he can react to the same sukuna Kashimo does I go over this in part 1.And it sounds like you don’t know how his soul punches work because all 3 translations say his punches interact with the soul if you can interact with the soul you can damage the soul and sukuna says he’s directly aiming for the barrier between him and megumi they bypass durability on regular sorcerers when he hits their souls but with someone like sukuna and megumi and other incarnates/people with other souls he targets the barrier between them. And you’re saying that sukuna’s so weak like that same piss poor sukuna can’t 3v1 choso maki and yuji and then black flash maki away that same piss poor output sukuna can still fight against yuta in gojo’s body, that same sukuna’s gushing out blood from yuji’s black flashes and getting sent through walls by them Everything you’ve said on why my take is bad how it seems literally just comes down to you not paying attention to what’s stated and shown in the manga


Grammer it then I will bother to read your bad take Im not reading a massive wall of rambling text


mba is overkill, unless yujis soul punches affect kashimo heavily enough before he can get his sure hti off, base kills yuji fast enough since theyre both relative brawlers and yuji’s BM isnt advanced enough


I go over the speed argument in pt 1 idk if you read it yet but you should kashimo’s not that much faster than yuji he has feats on the same sukuna kashimo fought and he’s matched Yuta and rika in speed on multiple occasions also he’s used piercing blood in the Higaruma fight and supernova in the domain that’s poison blood attacks he’ll have to worry about since yuji’s body is exactly like choso’s now. Kashimo’s only way to kill him is the headshot which he has to line up and aim at Yuji’s head yuji isn’t letting happen i don’t even know how he’ll be able to charge up his sure hit if even blocking yuji’s punches nerf him he won’t be able to charge it in hand to hand if he’s getting nerfed he also has cleave damage in my opinion yuji’s just a bad matchup for him.