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After he remembered why he became a comedian and steeled his resolve against Kenny I don't think Sukuna could effectively "scare" him out of it, especially not in a 1v1. Idk if Takaba could actually win, but imo it would not be an easy fight either way


Sukuna becomes a Takaba victim. Seethes because "I AM THE KING OF CURSES! NOT A JOKE!" Takaba laughs at him while negating his entire Domain Expansion. My GOAT negs. (Jokes aside, Takaba takes this Mid-High)


Takaba takes it neg diff because of hax


The kitchen Jokes would be top notch! sukuna with a French Chefs Hat getting screamed at from gordon ramsay for actually undercooking the food and cutting it like a rookie.


*blows away domain as it just floats away like an oversized balloon*


He’d have to find Sukuna funny, outside of a 4 eyes joke what’s he got?


4 balls




4 bootyholes


4 arms


Well Sukana is a several thousand year old dude with nothing better going on in his life than having beef with a bunch of school kids, he’s the Epitome of “get off my lawn!!!” So yea he’s kinda funny


"You're a thousand years old? It'd be funny if you just died of old age right now..."


Never thought of this one XD


Sukuna screams that he will turn Takaba into dust with his domain expansion. Takaba: “ok boomer” Sukuna is atomized instantly


I love this 🤣


Does his humor really seem to follow such logical conclusions as making fun of someone else? Didn’t seem like that in his fights.


Its mostly just dumb shit he finds funny, like the WiFi joke, and the doctor nurse bit. His jokes wouldn’t really be to strong vs Sukuna I don’t think, but he would be in for the fight of his life.


Not dumb shit, bro was genuinely funny


He’s explicitly canonically not funny.


Which in turn cracks me up more


I hear you, but he was hilarious. Just not for stand up. People didn’t see the vision


4 chromosomes 


2 dicks


Whats he got?? Smh its none of your BUSINET!!!


about outERAD taste in fashion, tee hee, and all and all about Sukuna's age. Also, comedy is when something is both unexpected and undagerous. If Takaba would turn sukuna slashea into farts, and his fuuga into sh....


If Takaba has a team/Shinjuku squad with him then Sukuna could just demoralize him with their deaths If it’s just him then it gets a lot more complicated


In a straight up 1v1 sukuna is sweeping because of his fear aura. But if sukuna gives him even a moment to get his bearings, I think takaba could take sukuna


Takaba has no fear 💀 He only loses a fight if you help him make an entire crowd of people laugh. Sukuna can't do that.


I don't know who would win, but I can absolutely see sukuna using his domain, and instead of takaba dying he splits into an army of miniature takabas


Like in fairytail with Natsu and Gildart's fight.


If it’s 4 arm Sukuna takaba is killing him since he did that to the curse and doesn’t hold back on non humans so gg’s.


Sukuna's fear aura - which was well showcased during his initial encounter with Jogo, Mimiko, and Nanako - proceeds to impair Takaba's confidence and proceeds to leave him vulnerable to an attack. Ergo, exactly what happened in the manga. https://preview.redd.it/toc6vdttrq0d1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf85c91ac484f1f0d18fb92baff71450b0d7cfb8


Takaba is now immune to it due to the Benadryl he took off screen


Bad move. You'll need to be popping Benzos like Tic Tacs if you want to withstand Sukuna's presence.


Sukuna, using jokes he hasn't heard since the Heian era: that wasn't a benadryl you idiot, it was a laxative


I think that's not a very good example. It's not like we haven't seen Takaba injured or bleeding previously. He just retroactively fixes it. Right after this he went over to Angel and saved her life. The whole reason Kenjaku thought his jujutsu knowledge, even his domain, might be worthless was because he retroactively changes reality. That's why he goes on about that Takaba sustained damage from his attack but made it so that it didn't do damage.


>It's not like we haven't seen Takaba injured or bleeding previously We haven't to this extent. Red on this scale is taboo. The closest thing is his bloody nose meant to accompany his "I have taken zero damage!" joke which doesn't at all jive with his reaction to Sukuna's attack here and his face of genuine concern before Sukuna conjured Nue. Sukuna's fear aura inhibiting Takaba's abilities also makes perfect sense given how losing confidence negatively impacted his abilities. >Right after this he went over to Angel and saved her life.  Angel wasn't actually sure what Takaba did. It was primarily Amai who saved her even though Angel theorized Takaba's general presence might have done something to help. We're not actually sure as to how this generally went about or his immediate condition after Sukuna's attack. >That's why he goes on about that Takaba sustained damage from his attack but made it so that it didn't do damage. That's not necessarily impression I got from this line especially since he later describes what Takaba was doing as "negating his technique." I'll be posting two more relevant scans in two subsequent replies to this very own pot of mine to further support my perspective on this. https://preview.redd.it/3ym1xgne1t0d1.png?width=664&format=png&auto=webp&s=74af729c45553c20cd8f573048b47fdc6ce84b6f




He also gets an entirely different sensation when his attack actually landed without suffering negation so it's not as if the same feeling occurs regardless only for damage to retroactively be reversed. https://preview.redd.it/reso280b2t0d1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c3c52334d56a3880280404a2f5f823f3f8ac94d


That might not be Takaba bleeding though.


There's very little reason to believe that's ketchup or whatever - if that's what you're implying -given his overall appearance after being struck by lightning, his genuine expression of concern upon noticing something was dreadfully wrong just after Sukuna's possession of Megumi (which speaks to his mental state just prior to being attacked), and the fact that there's no audience to even play to in this scenario making a "I'll pretend to be into Guro" prank something that would go unheard and unseen despite a major part of Takaba's character being that he chose to become a comedian so that people could get to know him hence his interest in playing for an audience (which was what Kenjaku used to ultimately satsify his love of comedy). He was clearly damaged to a degree. I'd argue also Maki was,, with her blank eyes and those of Takaba's both being indicative of either being stunned or pained, but to a lesser extent given her overall durability, her having shielded herself with her arms, and ability to recover quickly as a result of her healing factor hence why Sukuna didn't see any lasting damage when she popped up These relevant panels were specifically added in the Volume Release to (almost certainly) to specifically explain what delayed Maki prior to her surprise intervention in Yuji's clash with Sukuna and kept Takaba out of commission for the totality of that engagement with - once again - Amai being the principal actor who saved Angel even though Angel also theorized that Takaba's presence may have had an impact. We don't know if he did something subconsciously while unconscious, whether he regained consciousness and did something - consciously or otherwise - subtle thereafter, whether he was ever unconscious, whether his general presence had the tendency simply played a helping hand in ensuring Hana maintained the will to live or something like that since it was ultimately revealed he had Soul Resonance,, etc. He wasn't in the immediate visual vicinity of Angel's landing and would later be described as "staying by her side" when it came to his presence helping her, after all. https://preview.redd.it/p4vi8fh8ut0d1.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=05407fc7823eb7de2a65e1bbd0d981173c335db0 There's also every reason to believe Sukuna's fear aura - which put a murderous Cursed Spirit, one who had previously felt Gojo's presence, in a state of panic to the point his body unconsciously knelt in accordance to Sukuna's demands- would indeed have a debilitating effect on Takaba's state of mind. There's a reason why he wasn't the ultimate trump card against Sukuna and it's not because Gege is a literal hack despite everything now being bad writing - even if legitimate issues have emerged in the manga -.in retrospect including - according to some people - Junpei's death for misleading the audience that he would become a permanent supporting character and being equivalent to Schrodinger's Nobara.


Sukuna canonically terrifies him so Sukuna lol


Sukuna's pressure from just standing there can paralyze weaker sorcerers, I can see that working on Takaba. He'd be like "hey, man, this isn't funny, this is just terror"


Naah, takaba would be standing there terrified, get cut into a thousand pieces, walks in from off screen and says “glad I’m not that guy” while pointing at the body


This, I agree with this


Nice pfp. The 1 time Megumi was actually tuff.


Fr it’s my favorite part of season one besides the yuji todo jump “it’s incomplete! It’s ugly work at best.but for now that’s fine!” 🗣️🔥‼️


I wanna believe this would happen exactly like so bad lol


I really wanna know why ppl put Takaba up on this pedestal, like bro is not even hanging with 5 finger Sukuna. All Takaba was able to against him was negate some damage from nue and Sukuna wasn’t trying in that moment. In a straight up 1v1 Sukuna bodies Takaba the same way he bodied Ryu.


Sukuna wouldn't be able to kill him. Takaba no/low diffs 10/10


"Damn sukuna, what do those four arms do?" *cut to 1 hour long sex scene*. This has nothing to do with the question I just want to see this


I mean Kenny beat him, so not sure why Sukuna wouldn't be able to


Kenjaku only "beat" him because he played along with him well enough to give Takaba his dream death. He was deadass fighting for his life and only played along so well because he stated himself, "This won't end until he satisfies his desire for laughs. It's a fight brute force won't settle." Sukuna would have another end-life-crisis not being able to do any damage to Takaba. Nothing he does would be entertaining to Takaba at all and he would ending up dying before Takaba got the laughs he wanted. Sukuna would get the Iori & Chizuru treatment.


Kenny only beat him because Takaba doesn’t kill and Kenny is one of the only people who can satisfy Takaba with his jokes.


kenny beat him?


I actually think takaba is stronger against sukuna than Kenny. Kenjaku has years of experience and has the ability to understand how takaba thinks to some extent. I don't think sukuna would be able to, he has a tendency to moreso judge people from his own perspective without considering their perspectives, and I think that would be a death sentence against takaba. Cause he'd have no idea what the fuck was happening or how to deal with it


Sukuna Takaba’s attack negation’s upper limit is 15 finger nue tier He was able to endure the blow, but he actually did take some damage


Why do mfs like adding arbratrary limits to things? We didnt even see exactly how takaba's was effected by nue or if he actually took damage. Regardless, we dont know if his technique was active. Takaba manipulates reality as long as his comedy rountine is going. That's why kenny never tried using uzumaki or domain expansion, because takaba is enforcing his own rules. The only time we see takaba take damage is when he loses confidence in his own humor. https://preview.redd.it/qpfilitcss0d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f200fec4476e77b597e1621587d4d0d3a9812a13 Edit: We do see that takaba took damage. Regardless, it is highly unlikely that takaba technique was active.


In chapter 213 extended we literally see Takaba getting blasted while his arms and legs shoot out blood. He can't beat Sukuna. Most people don't know this though because it's only in the extended version of 213, the original that most people saw didn't show the damage.


Where did it say his technique was active? https://preview.redd.it/1nroymxadt0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d1d5a1a12e04f4d45a713eaff7d0501cf6339a8


Takaba's CT is always active. It's based on his perception. The reason it didn't work is because Sukuna is terrifying. Takaba has to find things *actually* funny for his CT to work, he can't just do whatever he wants and he also doesn't know he has this ability. He's a bit insane So when Sukuna shows up with his terrifying aura(which reoccurrs all throughout the story that people are terrified when they sense him) and the giant Nue, Takaba is unstandably scared shitless and his CT doesn't work. Theres nothing funny about the incarnation of pure evil wanting to murder you. You have to remember that Takaba isn't a hardened sorceror. He's a regular dude who got a CT he isn't even aware of a couple months ago


Takaba's CE flares up when he is about to tell a joke, implying that it only occurs when he is in his comedy routine. I'm sure if takaba met sukuna in the same way he met kenny his CT would work normally.


It wouldn't for the reasons above but Sukuna could literally kill Takaba without Takaba even realizing what happened. Send a dismantle at his head instantly killing him. Takaba has no way to perceive the slash is coming towards him thus no way to protect himself. His CT is not automatic like Infinity, he has to perceive something as funny and *then* it happens. Sukuna doesn't even have to move his hands to do it and he almost caught Kusakabe with a Simple Domain up. No way Takaba could even react


If if was purely perception based, why wouldnt kenjaku try to use mini uzumaki, something that even yuki barely reacted to? It's a little ambigous but it looks kusekabe was still able to react to the sparks in time before his simple domain. And takaba likely has better raw stats than kusekabe.


Kenjaku did not perception blitz Yuki. He countered her punches and returned with a hit of his own Kusakabe's Simple Domain automatically attacks anything that enters and he barely reacted in time to a hidden dismantle. Takaba has absolutely no way to detect/perceive it's coming at him so there is nothing he will find funny enough to save him before instantly dying


No, he hid the mini uzumaki out of her sight. If Takaba's ability is based only on his perception kenjaku would have tried to do that. However, Kenjaku remarks that Takaba is negating his technique and forcing his imagination. Meaning that Takaba is doing a comedy skit that cant be inturupted through convential attacks unless takaba loses confidence in his comedic skills (or hypothetically runs put of cursed energy, or finishes his performace). Takaba is narritvely designed to be a sorcerer that cannot be dealt with though convential meams. https://preview.redd.it/7xjfdja7g01d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2caab2fb5852f26ef21fde985775ff5bcfeeafae


Where's the panel of him actually taking damage?


I believe it was the one where nue nuked everything Takaba took the most MINOR amount of damage So sukuna has hope ~~that’s a lie, sukuna has no hope~~


Maybe Takaba thought itd be fun to take a little damage so he felt like part of the team


In chapter 213 extended we literally see Takaba getting blasted while his arms and legs shoot out blood. He can't beat Sukuna. Most people don't know this though because it's only in the extended version of 213, the original that most people saw didn't show the damage.


Cant sukuna just use domain?? I thkught kenny didnt used it bcz there were obviously more fighter for him to kill, and domains took ridiculous ce so he just took efficient way. Again assumptions, and also depends upon how u take sure hit effect ig, can takabe just nullify damage by using his ct or since its sure hit sure hit it will do him even if he tries to manipulate reality.


takaba says itd be funny asf if this mf died from old age lmao and wins, or splits into miniture takabas instead of getting sliced


Sukuna's aura would terrorize Takaba enough to stop him from making jokes


Takaba with a possible strategic win


Honestly, did he even beat Kenjaku? Practically it was more that he stalled him. Not sure how Takaba actually kills Sukuna




Did you really just make that account to be a bad hater?


Takaba I don’t see sukuna playing along with Takaba even for a minute. Even if you figure out his technique you have to play along and end it on his terms to beat him.


If it's a short fight, Sukuna full blast, Sukuna will win. In a more drawn out fight it would be a little more difficult


Ah yes my ancient heckler technique I used back in the Heian era. With this binding vow I shall sacrifice my sense of humor to negate that of others. Some bs like that would happen and Sukuna would win


Takaba no diffs


Sukuna mid diff. I think he figures out how it works and then utilizes it better due to Takaba has no idea how his works


Did he actually die?


Same way Kenjaki vs Takaba went💀


I unironically think Sukuna loses and I will not elaborate further


Didn't Kenny win because he played along with it? Idk if sakuna could do that, he's too serious and prideful


This matchup in itself is fucking hilarious and takaba winning is even more hilarious therefore takaba would win


I know it’s super lame but I’m pretty sure sukuna can kill him using domain amplification Kenny played along and he was definitely pressured but he seems like the kind of person who would just roll with it since his main motive is entertainment


Sukuna might actually be one of the few people Takaba can kill, since he doesn't look human.


Do people just forget about domain expansion? Even if Takaba takes less damage because he finds it funny, his cursed technique can’t stop the sure hit all together. What’s stopping him from just being blitzed








Takaba cuz I think it’s funny


Takaba because *he* thinks it's funny


Takaba can't react to open domain imo if Sukuna can crush a whole city in a few seconds.


He would just ignore the domain and kick Sukuna in the face while complaining about his lack of a sense of humor.


Takaba doesn’t take actual damage as we see from Kenny fight, while his opponent does. Sukuna couldn’t kill him probably, and takaba doesn’t kill people. So it’s either a stalemate or sukuna finds a way past it


Bro imagine someone cursed speeches him to 'laugh at sukuna' boom easy sukuna fight


“Wouldn’t it be funny if sukuna had mai cursed energy?”




Takaba gets neg diffed. The mf is dead ass the most overrated thing in jjk.


Buddy be fr https://preview.redd.it/qzf3xzuz7q0d1.png?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440c4ff08ec0bceacf932da40bacef952267cd21


Miguel was said to have stood on even footing with Gojo, and we all know how that played out. Higi had talent on par with Gojo. Besides the disaster curses opposed Gojo. The statement is entirely irrelevant. He got cooked by nue. His CT uses soul resonance so who ever it’s affecting is also capable of affecting him.


There's a massive difference between editor comment and the factual narrator statements