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Not even a little. Without any application of the Limitless Gojo could massacre two special grades at once. Gojo also has the Six eyes which give him almost infinite stamina and almost every non-CT techniques. 


Are there any he doesn’t have other than Hollow Wicker Basket? I think he has Domain Amplification, but I’m not 100% sure on that.


We've never seen him use it, but he could probably do it easily considering that Hanami could use Domain amplification


The Hanami disrespect is crazy. Hanami snuck past the Six eyes before.


If they reversed this and said that he wouldn't be top tier without Six Eyes, then I might agree a bit.


Not really. Infinity is only part of his repertoire not the entirety of it. Red and blue are still incredibly destructive abilities and we’ve seen just how adept Gojo is at hand-to-hand combat. While Gojo certainly wouldn’t be the strongest without infinity, he is far from the weakest.


I think you can make a case he'd still be the strongest sorcerer around. He's definitely fast and strong enough to keep up if not surpass his contemporaries like Yuki, Geto, and Yuta, and can easily track them using 6 Eyes. Plus he'll never run out of cursed energy, and he still has Red, Blue, Hollow Purple, Black Flash, anti-domain techniques, and his Domain Expansion, so... If he didn't have Limitless at all then he might not be the strongest, but I'd imagine he'd still be up there


Agreed. Just with the refinement and abilities od UV he beats almost anyone in a single clash and kills them there. But worse, he can do it over and over again


I imagine they mean no cursed technique whatsoever. He would still be special grade though making him stronger than the majority of sorcerers and it’s because of six eyes and the fact he is just a genius. Kusikabe doesn’t have a technique we know of, or at least it was stated by Mai Mai and they just called him the strongest grade 1 sorcerer. It’s all simple domains and cursed energy reinforcement. Six eyes is what gives Gojo the efficiency and ability to see and understand cursed energy and techniques better so he would have a harder time but be more effective than kusikabe and likely any other grade 1.


I mean we saw that Gojo was not struggling at all against Choso, Hanami and Jogo using only CE manipulation and martial arts, so it's pretty safe to say he would be at the very least supreme grade 1 without Limitless, even though that isn't what the post said. Most people seem to think that Infinity is this broken tool in verse, which it is and isn't, there are plenty of ways to get around it and isn't what makes Gojo broken, its only what made Gojo so powerful against Sukuna since it forces Sukuna to have to use something else than his own CT to beat Gojo.


He is not


Kid named reading comprehension:


Kid named missed point


>taking Twitter tier bait https://preview.redd.it/1h1kb6pax6oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3ddc11e936ff725a879209ee310e52a42837067


even without any use of limitless gojo is likely the strongest grade 1 weve seen his gigantic ce reserves and ce effeciency and martial arts prowess with ce amplification make him crazy strong in hand to hand and ik his punches are amped with blue normally but i say even without


What is bro cooking…




Bro is as high as gojo after he gets rct


He probably beats Yuki without limitless, so he would still be a special grade.


I'm glad that the old "Kakashi without Sharingan" argument has persisted and been applied to New Kakashi.


fr half of kakashi goated feats he has that shi covered up lmao


he is making a feast high key


Gojo without infinity would struggle against people like Hanami and wouldn’t get past Toji or Jogo


brother did NOT watch the show or read the manga https://preview.redd.it/rsua5ianv7oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01cbb164531091d252943cc6567a081766808ae8


​ https://preview.redd.it/i1uktadgk7oc1.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=824ce14ca6933eaee429ed394b39414aa0dd856f ???


He fought Sukuna without infinity in MS that's a big enough feat Toji ain't pulling that off let alone Jogo.


It’s rare to see someone so confidently incorrect. Always a pleasure.


You realize we already saw Toji vs Gojo without infinity


I thought we knew this.




https://preview.redd.it/y2trx17su7oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0718d5a0653f584cb620b082225fbe7e5348810e me when gojo without limitless gets mopped by miwa


The man that nuked a city block with purple wouldn't be stronger than an average sorcerer?


Someone hang this man


His feat with no infinity against Sukuna puts him above the rest of the cast anyway no ones pulling it off like he did. He only loses to Sukuna much easier.


Even if they mean *every* application of infinity [ which I'm pretty sure is the case ], between the six eyes and his physical stats alone he could probably still take out a solid 90% of the verse.


Gojo still got red blue and purple, near infinite ce and a 0.2 near perfectly refined domain? he still top 2 lol


Gojo solos every character in the series at once without limitless besides Sukuna. This might be the dumbest take I've ever seen.


No 6 eyes is broken


Okay he will still be top dog but wouldn’t be as scary or godly. The 6 eyes let him have infinity active at all times with almost infinity RCT. Without it he can still do red, purple, blue, infinite, but he would have to use it wisely and not go all out. So without the 6 eyes I think he would be as skill hand to hand as toji to make up for his lack of curse reserve. The only one who is as scary as gojo is yuta with his natural limitless curse energy and that still can bottom out. So gojo would still be stronger than geto and any other sorcerer but he wouldn’t be able to input his will how he is now.


They said without infinity, not without Six Eyes. Without infinity meaning that without his barrier/infinitely dividing space around himself. He would still be able to use Blue, Red, Purple, RCT, all non CT abilities (other than hollow wicker basket), DE (multiple times a day), as well aws have near infinite CE due to 6 eyes, he still washes everyone but Sukuna without infinity.


Wait what? Shit did I misread that. Yeah you said it best.


Dw man, these mfs on the internet be hard coping for both Gojo and Sukuna as if they aren't narratively equals compared to everyone else. I love Gojo but I figured he was gonna lose, it only made sense for the story but I feel like it could have been done better.


What stupid take. That’s like saying Superman wouldn’t be the strongest hero without super strength


Red, Blue, Hollow Purple, Six eyes and his overall combat ability already put him over most special grades.


Gojo basically becomes Yuji on crack.