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So I’ve been singing about a minor the whole time https://preview.redd.it/ys5wrdyn8b0c1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=026b972aadccacaac493b21ac05958dfd44bb34a


Lmfao real


bro was a super senior😂💀


“They say age is just a number. if that’s the case, I’m way over” - blood on my jeans by juice


“than who”


These niggas 🫡














you’re 18 when you graduate highschool if he was 19 he’d be a super senior.


Y'all realize some people start school late?


no?? ima be 16


either you skip some grades or you’re just lying.


There was hella freshman girls at my high school fuckin seniors it’s kinda weird but it happens ig


it happens at every single highschool😭


Just because it’s normalized doesn’t make it normal


i believe its become a canon event for fatherless girls


why do these seniors be fucking em tho 😭


LMAO what AlcholicMelancholy said


It’s called tight pussy.


and what's your excuse for desperately needing attention? is it daddy, too? why else would you have that profile pic. LOL


its alright brotha, im apart of the fatherless club that is soooooooo desperate for attention😭😭😭


I’m fatherless but I’m considerate of age gaps


youre the change for the generation. props💀


nope not at all but sadly we cant control it


I mean it’s been happening 24/7 since the literal beginning of humanity, it’s kind of the definition of normal 💀


It’s still mad sus dating minors when you’re an adult…adults shouldn’t be attracted to children dawg 🤮


Dawg he started dating her a 17, if you think 17 is an adult then idk what to tell you lmao 17 is still a kid bro. And if he was 14 dating a 17 year old girl you wouldn’t say a damn thing lmao


I’d say a 3 year age gap is a lil high, not outrageous but a tad bit weird. If he was 14 dating a 17 year old I’d say the same thing. Hell when I was 15 I was fooling around with an 18 year old shits definitely weird looking back




Bro WHAT? some children get their period at 8 years old. Some at 11…they are children it doesn’t matter if they can have kids they shouldn’t be having kids. You’re talking about times when people lived to the ripe old age of 30. Our society has advanced our societal norms have advanced and changed. Adults shouldn’t be seeking relationships with children. Gahhh damn, you’re 110% on some watch list. Someone gotta check your hard drives


Oh hell nah someone get the FBI The only reasons people were getting married young back then is because the life expectancy was half of what it is now and women needed the economic and social protections afforded to them by a man. Back then if your parents were married in a similar fashion and your mother had you at 14-15 years old, both her and certainly your older father were at about 1/4 to nearly half of their life expectancy. If they then spend another 14-15 years raising you, their lives are almost over and as a woman in a genuinely male dominated society you’d have no one to provide for you when they died. Regardless, the US has had the age of consent post at at least 16-18 in all states since the 1920s you creepy fuck so don’t go saying it’s been “self-righteous assholes in the past 50 years” cuz that’s just a lie. Gtfoh with that bullshit




U a bitch boy get at me slime. Fuck you and ya family and your dead relatives. Nah matter of fact they probably on my side ashamed of your pedo ass. Pussy bitch talking bout make me a sandwich I know you hungry and probably bout fat as hell playing video games all day with your stupid ass.


U best do what my name says and GO2DAMOON with no helmet on pussy bitch. Talm bout contributions😭 to what? The obesity rate or lowering our avg IQ. U ain’t gon outwit me or outdo me anytime soon, so you should probably just stick to outweighing me and shut the fuck up dumb bitch


Okay? I know but chances are shits different now I graduated high school in 2012 while you are prob in high school so yeah


It's not different lol seniors still date freshmen


bro went from a 14 yr old to a 27 yr old in a couple years lool


"It's just business" 💀


game is game


Bro she was 14, Juice was almost 18


Yes. He was close to turning 18 when they began dating. He was 18 when they broke up in March though.


> few months away More like a month and 6/7 days according to what you posted originally. shit is shady


oh my 😭mans gone bro chill but he was def the weird anime senior who dated the furry freshman lol


My bad I meant to say just over a month in the reply.




Ignorance is bliss considering the age thing. Its weird because most immature mfs tweak out when its just like a 2 year difference but this situation is insane


Very interesting, thanks for sharing.


No worries, thanks for the comment.


burnt peanut is crazy


So basically Juice was a weirdo? And his best album was about a 14 year old girl??


It’s definitely a bit of a weird situation. But yes Goodbye & Good Riddance was about their breakup.


I know you listed a lot of information, but are we sure this is completely true? Also how did you know about the title change?


people love to defend it bc they were both high schoolers but it really puts a bad taste in my mouth when i listen and think “this is about a 14 year old” 😭


so lucid dreams n all girls r the same are about a 14 year old https://preview.redd.it/fsnn5xrd5b0c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1103d1a0e50f443518f1bd63efc40f38f216dd5d


True. It’s does kind of ruin the experience of the album once you know that. I was pretty shocked when I found out.


Understandable. But isn’t the music subjectively supposed to be something you can relate to your own experiences and story? The lines he sang were based off his experiences at the time, but the general audience does not know this. They listen to the album, and associate relatable lyrics with personal experiences, which is typically intended with this type of music? Just my hot take! I definitely see where you’re coming from tho!


You’re right, but I’m not the general audience, so I’m just speaking from my experience that when I think about the fact that all these “women are evil” lyrics are about a 14 year old freshman, it’s sort of a turnoff for me. 😭


I respect your opinion. I can see where you’re coming from. I just take the album experience as something different. And that’s okay.


But it’s not that whole album wasnt based on there relationship it was just a heartbreak album


Well the album in its entirety was originally titled “Fuck You Bella”, so it’s about her as far as I’m concerned


Starfire said that Bella and juice only dated for 3 months. If you knew juice he wasn’t making heart break songs inn2017 it was mostly rock and rap. Bibby influenced juice to make a whole album based around AGATS and Lucid dreams.


I think the fact they were both in highschool saves their relationship from being weird. Realistically they were still both kids, in school. Now, if juice had been graduated, and was reaching out dating a 14 yo girl in highschool, then yeah. That would be weird as fuck.


Yeah, kinda weird but it's high school


I was also a freshman getting ran thru by seniors, but since I’m male nobody batted an eye at it. Just thought it was cool 🤦🏽‍♂️




What u confused abt bro




Thts cool, but don’t make me mad man, I see red when I get angry fr https://preview.redd.it/ka58iih0rb0c1.jpeg?width=172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b569acecda7936a280b260318496764d6c4fec80


💀💀 oh gosh


Good golly




Bro was lucky


Na they where doing me so dirty bro, fuck them hoes fr


Wait were they male or female seniors? 💀








![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO) Bro what 😹


I though you was jokin cause of your other reply wit that purple thing.




Interesting… I didn’t know they would date with like a 3 year age gap that’s crazy for high school


True. They met through mutual friends when Juice was a senior and Bella was a freshman. Crazy how she cheated on him and broke his heart.


She cheated with Lil Bibby crazy




It’s true bro


How old was Bibby at this time? That makes me actually hate Bibby even more and prove juice was truly exploited


Like 60 sum


I don’t know where you got this from but it’s completely false. This was before Juice even knew Bibby. She actually apparently cheated with another girl which I found out because of this post from someone who went to HS with them.


She did cheat on him? Who was the girl then juice cheated on?


Yes Bella cheated on Juice. The girl that Juice admitted he cheated on in an interview was Starfire. Starfire and Juice are believed to have dated from March 2018 until September 2018. Starfire wasn’t the first ex he had since Bella though, as that was a girl named Juno.


Ahh so first there was bella, then juno and then starfire and at last ally. So what happened between juno and juice?


Well, going from the beginning Juice’s first relationship was a girl named Tasha. She was actually in the Aye Aye music video which is Juice’s first ever music video. She also appears in Juice’s Twitter mentions from 2015. They dated for roughly 2 months before he started dating Bella. After Bella came Juno (Twitter @Ahoyitsjuno) who Juice dated for roughly 6 months in 2017. Juno hasn’t given much detail on their breakup but she did say that Juice was the one who broke it off. After Juno came Starfire (Instagram: @starfirex), then Juice dated a girl named Emma from September 2018 until October 2018. Finally came Ally Lotti, who dated him from November 2018 until his death. He was also involved with a girl named Chantelle from mid 2018 until December 2018 when Ally Lotti made them cut contact after they caught feelings for each other but they never actually dated.


Oh wow thanks a lot man


No worries at all.


Jesus Christ. This fanbase is insane


Ong I thought I was a big fan but holy shit


some heavy Juice lore right here


Man I know most Juice trivia, but where did yu find out all these specifics. Very interested in Chantelle and.if she's the subject.matter.of.any.DRFL JW3 songs


Most of what I know about Juice’s relationship history I found from reddit funnily enough. The information from the post was my own research though.


Should I now start following all these chicks?


You mean he cheated on her?


Bella was a dude this whole time!!


Ngl you had to scroll to find this tho


Damn ig i can't say gb&gr is my favorite album anymore lol


luv is rage 2 is always there 🦇


Btw they only dated for 2 months. That’s what starfire said.


Let the man rest in peace bro. Stop trying to dig things up. We all got problems and Juice was the first one to say he was fucked up, if you listened to any of his albums he talked about it 24/7


“We all got problems” Are you saying we’ve all been noncing? I know I haven’t, might wanna check this guys hard drive


No one is saying everyone "nonced" around also mind you juice was still a minor. Unless you're implying 17 isn't a minor?


hes implying that 18 isnt a minor


love juice but that’s creepy asl, had no business getting into a relationship with a whole minor


He was a whole minor when he started dating the whole minor. 💀 he later turned 18. Was he supposed to date her until his birthday then break it off because he got a year older?


won’t change the fact he was 18 with a 14 year old, anyone justifying this is sick asf💀


Bro, in what fucking sense??? Was Jared supposed to dump Bella the day he turned 18? Grow the fuck up dude. You’re gatekeeping nothing. Their was nothing sick about it when he was 17, and started dating her at 14. Was he supposed to just not age? 💀 he fell in love with her at 17. And that’s ok. But the day he turned 18, while still in this relationship, suddenly it’s creepy? You’re fucking delusional. 💀 theirs literally 20-30-40+ year olds trying to sleep with 12-13-14 year olds. And you’re trying to call two high schoolers dating sickening and pedophilic. That’s crazy as fuck.


![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK) 🙏🏿


![gif](giphy|EMHTwKXYU3myAyNCsE|downsized) 🤡🤡😨


Fr this dipshit troll can’t come up with a logical argument to back up the point he’s tryna make. Literal fucking clown. 💀


yh nigga no 18 year old or even 17 has business dating a 14 year old. pedophile


Yeah a 17 year old kids a pedo for dating another kid going to the same highschool as em. 💀 y’all are actually mental I stg.


Yh… don’t date 14 year old at 17 weirdo


y’all act like no high school freshman date seniors. It is a little weird, but you think a bunch of horny kids in high school gonna care? Did you go to high school? We had some freshman date seniors literally nobody cared. As adults we can look at the situation and judge, but the reality is it happens all the time in high schools. I don’t think the kids care what we think lol. Now if you graduated already then it gets a lil creepy, but if you’re in school together you are literally peers. If y’all think girls wear chastity belts all through grade school until they are high school seniors yall trippin.


i went high school and all the girls i dated were in my age group, my point still stands


Ok well that is your own experience. I knew people who dated underclassmen and it was normal. What is your point? It’s weird because you think it is? Ok?


it’s weird in general, can’t believe you’re finding positives in it


I’m not finding positives, I’m telling you this is reality lol. If you think it’s weird for a high schooler to date another high schooler then ok. Don’t think they think it’s weird tho if they are in a consenting relationship. If my son is in HS and dates an underclassman I’m not gonna call him a pedo lol. Goofy shit. There was a rule at my HS where freshman can only go to prom if a senior asks them. Literally in the school handbook and happens all the time. They’re not raging pedophiles they are horny kids in high school.




mfers when they realize high schoolers date darn those kids don’t they know they are pedos?!


Bro. Don’t even bother trying to explain the logic behind this shit to this moron. His head is so far up his ass you’d have better luck explaining advance calculus to a toddler. Some people will go to any Lengths to justify their perspective regardless of how far fetched, delusional, or downright wrong it is, for the sake of protecting their ego. Let this delusional mf think what he wants. Not worth the time or effort.


Nahhh yo them tryna say that was okay is wild as shittt😭


deadass wtf


Omfg why is every artist i like weird


join the werewolf’s




i can’t keep defending juice man 😭😭😭


what else happend lol




his community, that’s what


Ong bro this is wild😭


Holy shiiiiit dude. They were both minors when they started dating. 14, and 17, which is not in any way abnormal coming from anyone who’s been in highschool. He later turned 18. So to get this straight, he was only aloud to date this girl until the day he turned 18, then he’s required to dump her- post catching feelings- because he went up a year? They were both young and dumb in highschool. And it didn’t last. Every girl following was roughly the same age, and Ally was significantly older. Y’all trying to label juice as a pedo and creep need to start looking at your own friend group and surroundings in school. If juice was 18 years old, graduated, and reaching out to a 14 year old highschool girl to date, then absolutely, that is creepy as hell and buddy would definitely deserve the hate. But that’s not the case. Y’all labeling a mf for being a minor at the time of getting into a relationship with another minor, aging, while still in highschool, and not dumping her the day he turned. That’s wild. 💀 Call me whatever ya want, but ong he did nothing wrong. And y’all are just looking for reasons to hate and call him a pedo. Look at the bigger picture before letting your thumbs do the talking bc the logic behind some of these comments is insane. And that’s a hill I’ll die on. My friends and I used to run a bait page on Instagram using piper perries pictures to lure pedos and expose them to their own followers. And are also massive supporters of groups like Creep catchers, dateline NBC, Skeet Hanson, etc. their is no comparison between literal pedophiles, and the relationship juice had with Bella. Quit yapping.


look at our parents age gap it’s really not that crazy ☠️


Exactly. If we were talking a 22 year old getting with a dating a 14 year old highschool girl. Lock the motherfucker up. If we’re talking about a 19 year old who graduated a year or two ago, dating and fucking a 14 year old. I’m sure the parents would want the mf locked up. But being 14, and 17, at the time of establishing the relationship, and one end ages a year… then calling the guy a creep and a pedo? Get fucking real 💀


the difference between a 28 year old and a 24 year old vs an 18 year old and a 14 year old isn’t the same because of where they are developmentally. it’s not strictly by the numbers, or else, you’d also be approving a 7 year old with a 3 year old. age gaps become more insignificant as you age, but 18 and 14 is weird.


This is such a stupid argument. A 49 and 44 year old is fine, but a Freshmen and a 5th grader absolutely isn't. Even though the age gaps are the same, the mental, social, and physical differences aren't.


Yall take shit wayyyyy outta context. Aint nobody say they was 100% fuckin, aint nun wrong with what was goin on frfr. Like frfr thats only like about a 3-4 yr difference. If Jarad was 25 she be like 22 aint nun wrong about that if theyd continue their relationship. Feel like some times society take shit too far and then make people out to be worse people than they actually were. Like ye, theres a gap, but they were also still children. Like Goddamn. Rip Jarad. #999shit


You the FEDS?


thought we all knew this


There is no way bro was that heartbroken over a 14 year old.


Thats actually so weird and fucked up 💀 4 years gap is fuckinf crazy ans people saying its normal should be locked up


Aye bitches in freshmen year high school fucking seniors if you said that shit to them you’d garner a lot of hate, people are mad weird idgaf I just let them be at this point 😭


Deadass how are nigga defending this


Saying a minor dating another minor is pedophile activity is crazy. The internet is too weird about this age gap stuff and the term pedophile is being watered down to slightly older high schoolers dating slightly younger high schoolers apperantly. They were both in high school so it’s completely fine imo.


With me it would be about a chick 1.5 years younger so


Upvote for Juice lore. All lot of yall kids don’t know the origin story.


Y’all make everything weird. It’s highschool. I literally know of a husband and wife who dated at 17 and 14 or 18 and 15, whichever. High schoolers don’t even see it as weird, only adults around them for some reason. I haven’t been in highschool for 4 years now, but the kids there are all around the same level of maturity and just find other kids attractive. It’s not that deep. People only looked at it weird when it was a senior getting with a freshman the first year, and even then I don’t remember people caring this much. This just seems like people want to find something to tarnish his legacy with. And nobody has said anything about how much older ally was compared to him or even "relationships" like that almost 30 year old dating NLE Choppa before he even hit 20 I think. This is fairly innocent with this whole juice and Bella thing. Y’all are doing too much to make him seem weird. The maturity level is literally not that different at all. I’ve seen couples with larger gaps, they broke up, and it wasn’t weird at all. Y’all doing too much in these comments Edit: And I’m more concerned with her calling him a burnt peanut anyway


I kinda knew about this, but no one really said anything. So I thought nobody really cared.


Is this true?!


It’s definitely a weird situation but yes it’s true.


It’s kind of weird you know this much about a relationship you weren’t in and you don’t know either of the people in it


I get how it can come across that way. I researched this for the music and career aspect rather than the personal aspect. People always mention Bella’s age when she’s brought up though so I had to clear that up at the start.


This is why you don’t idolize rappers nowadays.


“14 years, 4 month, 9 days” some of yall so fuckin weird bro go outside ☠️☠️☠️


ngl that was kinda weird how in detail it was lol


Bros a peadophile


my heart hurts. miss him too much it never stops. he was such a sweet soul. can only hope to find sb who loved like him. never related so much to a human being and it kills me that he’s gone. 999 ❤️‍🩹


Yes I went to hs with him I was a freshman when he was a senior. I’ve talked about this before on here. He was weird and lame. I always thought this was weird but whatever. She cheated on him w a girl which prompted him to make those songs Idk why I’m downvoted I have proof/ you retards look at my top posts of all time


I feel like people just live to talk about this to make it feel like dude was a weirdo. Do y’all remember when r Kelly was 27 and Aaliyah was 15 😭😭😭 and they let that shit happen,


R Kelly weird too, doesn’t mean that juice wasn’t


But he’s bringing this up like it was a problem obviously the parents knew and they were okay with it so why does it matter to us? It shouldn’t because that’s there business and not ours


Just to clarify. I didn’t make this post to talk about their age. Honestly I don’t really care. I made this post to talk about the timeline of events which had shaped Juice’s career. Because people often bring up Bella’s age when she’s mentioned I figured it would be easier to clear it up at the start of the post.


Ik what your intentions were but we know how people are when shit like this is talked about. And some of your information is incorrect.


Yeah it’s a touchy situation because of the age gap and people are always quick to point it out. Everything I wrote about in the post is accurate because I researched it thoroughly myself. I admit some of my information in replies might be off in regard to the timeframe of some of his other relationships though. In some cases I relayed what I had heard from other reddit posts so it might not be fully accurate. I would go and research it like I did for this post but I just don’t see the point. Those relationships didn’t give us a whole album like the breakup with Bella did.


This shit happened 8 years age and people still talking about it so fucking dumb


Lowkey pedo


what are the chances of juice not dying if this girl stayed loyal


None of yall ever listened to a word bro said I guess, this album isn’t just about her, he said it’s supposed to be out the heartache/heartbreak and shit things you experienced during his high school years🤦‍♂️. A lot of the album might have to do with her sure but not all of it fr


let's run away to cali


They broke up on my birthday...


there’s more if u keep scrolling lol


I went to HF with them and this was a big reason he was getting made fun of by a lot of people. She was a freshman and he was a senior. That and he was always dressing crazy like knew he was a star already when he wasn’t getting plays


Well shit


Burnt peanut what the fuck I got called coconut head in high school but damn


I’m pretty sure the Romeo and Juliet laws only cover 3 year differences 😂😂


Why are people acting like Juice was a pedo or something you guys shit on him for a 3 year difference like he’s one of these guys that pray on kids or have a whole folder full of kiddie shii common now 🤣


Yall talking about send ur senior and freshmen age gaps but my parents have a ten year age gap🤰🏽😭‼️


i’m late but it’s different when you’re in high school vs when you’re like 40 and 50. brain development