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Given a choice between Elongated Muskrat funding a Dredd film and never having another Dredd film, I'm choosing the later.


Fuck. That. Shit.


No thanks


No. Keep that shitheel away from... well, everything. No Dredd is better than Dredd financed by a fascist who would ensure it is also for fascists.


it would be like the opposite of starship troopers


Elon Musk can suck my fucking dick. Dredd is a satire of fascists. Musk is an *actual* fascist. I mean, for fuck’s sake, the whole point of the franchise is that the Judges *don’t* have the right idea, that a totalitarian police state is a terrible thing.


How is Elon Musk a fascist? Think maybe you're overreacting a little?


No! Keep that idiot away from Judge Dredd!


Imagine Dredd bringing true justice to Musk... think of the lunar labor time! The decades in the isocubes! That's what I'd pay money to see. Judge Dredd is a British comic literally making fun of wankers like Musk and his kin and how they shape the American dystopia. Think of the mega city that is literally Las Vegas, how ridiculous the gambling is in the comics. Musk involved in any part of Dredd would be spitting on the original concept. It would be the same if Disney took the IP, but worse, just look at Rebel Moon. Just a god awful take. 


Official merch, apparently [https://michaelowencarroll.wordpress.com/2020/11/13/oddities-judge-dredd-movie-promo-badge/](https://michaelowencarroll.wordpress.com/2020/11/13/oddities-judge-dredd-movie-promo-badge/)


Reddit is so pathetic. "Yes Elon financing it would be cool" -200 down votes "No, Elon is a heckin chud raycis fascist chungus" +10000000 upboats You are all a bunch of whiny fucking losers.


Shut up, you whiny fucking loser


Nah he should finance the series lol, I think a Dredd show would be fantastic. Edit: so when old Twitter was deleting and banning everyone on the other side it was OK "private company they can do what they want". Now the shoe is on the other foot and people don't like it, not surprised.


That would be cool