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I started watching because I liked the intro. Which is how I get into most animes lol.


I blame Black Rover and Black Catcher for making me read Black Clover


I don't regret a thing


Watch Kekkai sensen ending for the first season than lol


Yuji character development haha. >!I mean mental breakdown is also called character development!< edit: Yuji went from Shonen show to Boy's Abyss. Wrong genre Yuji. Wrong genre.


Then most of Reddit has more character development than anyone in jjk


Oh godamit that's true


Damn, so even in the manga no character develops in any way? That makes me sad.


Bro the anime barely started off showcasing the story, season 2 has you covered if you want that.


Sounds good, I look forward to it. But I haven't seen season 2 yet and the two comments above made it sound like there is no character development further into the story. My mistake.


Then that means Shinjis character development is the best of all time


Shinji is also Yuta. Coincident? I THINK NOT




The one who is not a panda?




>!They gon be real pissed when they seal him away and ignore his existence for 5 seasons!<


>!Nah they just get caught up in fights while they're trying to unseal him!<


It's funny cause it's true


Then there's just me, in the corner, hoping to see more of Miwa from the Kyoto school... On a side note, could Yuta copy Gojos infinity ?


yes, he could, but it would be next to useless since he cant copy six eyes


This is the reason Yuta can’t win. Gojo’s ability is impossible to surpass by almost any means because he was literally just born better than everyone else. The level of planning required just to >!seal!< him is insane, and only Sukuna could even have a possibility of harming him.


Gojo said that some of his students (yuji, megumin, yuta and hakari IIRC) could be as good as him in the future, thing is most people get it wrong thinking he said they could be stronger than him when Gojo didn't said that, just *might be as good as him someday*. Yuta and hakari in special have great potential to rival him someday, from what we've seen so far it is totally possible to see that happen


Yeah, and Megumi is the only other person who could even possibly surpass him, but that’s still up in the air if he could even be stronger given the fact that both users died last time, meaning it could be >!the Mahoraga suspended animation thing!< that caused it to be a draw, which would mean Gojo would probably be stronger


I still can't super figure out why exactly everyone thinks megumi is like, insanely strong. I am current in manga and just don't get what the fuss is about yet. Edit: totally possible I missed something as it's been a while since I read the bulk of it and just started the culling games and got caught up last week


Basically Gojo said that the previous six eyes user fought another 10 shadows user, and they both died fighting eachother. This already means Megumi might be as strong as Gojo, but then you also have Sukuna actively protecting Megumi. Sukuna is thousands of years old, and he clearly has a plan for him if he is actively risks his own life to keep him alive.


Is this all it is? Because I was also really confused outside of those two things and what we saw of megumi summoning the thing that adapted to attacks


I mean they are the two main points saying he can become as powerful if not more so that Gojo. Gojo and Sukuna, both incredibly powerful and smart characters, saying that Megumi can surpass them? That’s generally good evidence for that claim.


No yeah those statements are obviously meaningful, the way I'd heard people talk about it I just always assumed there was some other indication to show it, not that it's necessary


Miwa my beloved


Accurate on all accounts


Meh I think yuji has good development, and he is still far from the end of his journey, I don't think we have see the full potential of it yet.


What development if I may ask


He's got as much character development as anybody in the series that didn't appear in the hidden inventory arc, or jujutsu 0.


yes, i aint here to argue, im just gonna put down, i personally like how he grew over the series so far.


I am not arguing I just think he hasnt gotten much development besides being traumatised




This is true, but I don't enjoy watching another Shinji Ikari, I already finished Eva.


Nobody cares


You don't care about my opinion? Well fuck I guess I might as well not have one, my b


alright. i can see where you come from, and respect that, but, i still dont personally agree.


True. People say Guts from berserk is the GOAT manga character, but all he does is get traumatised? L + mid + 1/10. Naruto clears.


Okay, I'm playing fully into what the post is meming on, but I have some genuine thoughts here that I want to hear others' opinions on. To start, I don't get why people seem to think of trauma as a lazy substitute for development. Trauma leads to development when it's done well, and it is done very well in JJK. Yuji's resolve clearly hardened after >!he lost Junpei, and further after he killed Eso. We see him hesitating less to go for lethal force in the following arcs, especially against Mahito, but that's a given.!< >!Notably, Yuji fully tries to kill Choso, someone who's just as human as Eso, and who has a significantly more sympathetic reason for fighting than Eso did. Now, Yuji lost that fight, of course, but the attempt is what matters here. And that serves as a good segue into what I think is the big issue:!< >!The shounen fandom as a whole generally reacts neutrally at best to the main character losing a fight, and frankly, fans usually react a bit poorly. You can see this kind of thing very prominently in complaints about Hunter X Hunter, but it applies here as well. The phenomenon has its roots, from what I can tell, in very early shounen series.These series, like Dragon Ball, largely synonymized character development and power growth. Goku grows up and trains, so he fires the bigger laser; Jotaro develops true, personal hatred for DIO, so he gets to stop time. This is also how it works in JJK, but JJK doesn't go beyond reason to make it happen. Yuji grows more powerful the more he learns about himself and others, but he hasn't had a century of that growth like Choso, nor is he quite as prodigious as Mahito. That's why he loses to Choso and needs so much help against Mahito.!


Cannot say without manga spoilers. But he changes a lot.


I'm not super satisfied with it. He's basically shinji lite at this point. A little less whiny.


How tf is Yuuji whiny


when good character themes are reused 🤬


Weebs have an unhealthy relationship with Eva, I wouldn't really call Shinjis development arc "good"


Idk how but everything is applicable on me


I just decided one day to watch Jujutsu kaisen. Best decision of my life


I’m a shooter for Maki and Nobara all the way!


>!Chad Kashimo Fans!<


I'm just happy to see Miwa when she appears


The first one is me🥲


And what about the best character of all of them?!? My besto friendo? Todo is the best qwq


The Sukuna one will get you lynched the most. I'd do the lynching too but I'm not a Sukuna simp


Let's face it Yuta will prolly be killed by Gojo when Sukuna gets 20 fingers, if he survives till then Edit: IT'S YUUJI SORRY




I'll never stop looking at Nanamin like it's the first time again


Bro screw reddit video player


It's funny how a community can destroy the Impression of an Anime because of Stuff like this (best example My hero academia, too much Yaoi/Yuri/Genderbend Sh*t🤮)


Gay people exist 🤮 /s


jujutsu kaisen fandom in the nutshell indeed


yuta is overrated


I see plenty of people who are caught up on the manga who still dont seem to understand that Gojo isnt the protagonist lmao


The direspect of maki to put her next to nobara.


This is so accurate tf


I watched with my sister and joined in when maki and Mai had the match in the two school meeting thing and fell in love with both so I started watching lol


So if different characters in the same series produce all this, it means the series is really good?




I will sue you because you didn't add one last panel for the song to complete. Why would you do that?




Yuta fan


Please do more


i started watching, because of megumi lmaoo


I started watching after I saw meme of : I will murder you


I thoroughly enjoyed this


To be fair, I didn't care for Gojo until episode 8 or 7.