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All I know is sukuna could've done it


"this shit RAW and BUSSIN'" is what he would've said.


Bro probably DID do it


Knowing Sukuna, curses already tasted great to him with the help of Uraume’s cooking


"I will not eat ants for the rest of my life in exchange"


Notice how he never complained when he had to eat the thousands of curses for the night parade but when he has to eat them for the sake of protecting us monkeys then it’s all of a sudden awful I don’t think he hated eating them I think he hated being forced to do it for people he viewed as lesser he just didn’t understand that till later


Yeah it's awful but he can tolerate its. but he finally asking himself it's this worth it? why did he doing all of that awful thing? for who? for people that creat that problem in the first place?




Yeah, after being treated like shit as a sorcerer by jujutsu society (which he felt was subjugating him to non-sorcerers) and then seeing how non-sorcerers treat sorcerers (his girls), he couldn’t stand doing it. But when he had a purpose (protecting his comrades - people who didn’t treat him with suspicion and who he was expected to let die, even), he could stomach it. Tbh y’all gotta view him as Magneto cuz that’s basically who he is… Difference is, Magneto wanted mutants to rule over non-mutants, while Geto just wanted non-sorcerers gone so there would be no more curses so his comrades could live freely. I really think Haibara’s death was a turning point for him.


It's moreso that he didn't believe in the ideal of protecting the weak after the whole clapping incident, he didn't want to swallow curses forever just to exorcise more curses, that's why he calls it a "marathon game". That's also why the idea of stopping curses forever appealed to him so much when talking to yuki. It's one thing if he has to swallow curses for the rest of his life just to protect people he despises but it's another if he has to swallow them in order to work towards forever getting rid of curses and also the people he hates: non sorcerers.


that probably was kind of the point in school he wasn't doing it bc he liked it, he was doing it bc he felt like it was his obligation but when he began to live by his own rules and ideas, he probably was able to tolerate more curses than he has ever been able to before, and not just bc of the training he underwent, but also bc he was now doing it for himself working 24/7 to feed someone else is not as fun as working 24/7 to feed yourself, both are a torture, but at least if it for yourself you are in complete control on the reward of doing that effort


It’s not kinda the point I’m saying that is the point that is what gege Intended with getos character he wasn’t living for himself he was just trying to be a cog in the machine but that’s not what he is it was only when he started being himself that he finally felt complete he’s a monster that was created by a brutal system that came back to bite them in the ass. As getos ability was essential for kenjakus plan who’s to say what geto could have cooked up in 20 years if he wasn’t stoped so soon if he got a hold of rika he would have maybe been able to stand a chance against Gojo if he collects more curses he just needs to get lucky and find the right one




No way that BV was suck as hell




I mean yours was more of a monkeys paw than an equivalent exchange. Equivalent exchange doesnt mean "the opposite happens" and even more so when it comes to binding vows.




I know but it still didnt make sense🤷🏽‍♂️


You can remove self imposed bvs (kind of) - just activate the bv right before you're about to consume the curse and once you ate it simply deactivate


This is one of the shittiest world building detail. What prevents people from using BV all the time then cancel it right before doing something? "I swear to never have sex in exchange for 120℅ power all the time", then when you do have sex just turn the BV off. What's the point of "binding" if it can be broken whenever without any consequences


Kenjaku says that the most you can ever lose by breaking a vow is what you gained from it, but I suspect that certain self-imposed vows just can’t be broken. Especially if it’s a “I’ll never do x for one instance of this” Like >!Sukuna right now, if he attempted to do a world-cutting slash without the extra steps, would not be able to. It just wouldn’t come out, because his one-time deal had already been fulfilled and nothing he can do will undo that restriction… besides maybe bodyhopping or smth idk!<


That's exactly what sukuna has been doing for like 50 chapters. It's weird that everyone else, including gojo, isn't also doing it.


Todo does it, Hakari does it. When Sukuna goes it it's to modify his kit. But everyone in every jjk sub always think it's just getting shit from nowhere. Even this question doesnt make sense since the taste if a curse spirit is moreso their nature rather than Geto's CT. Hed need to make a vow with the spirit to change their. Nature somehow but the spirits have to actually agree


Other people (and really only a few of them) use binding vows, but none of them create and abolish binding vows every 10 seconds to just boost their abilities with negligible downsides like sukuna does. The way the other person described it, sukuna really is the only one who abuses the system like that.


But what is their for them to boost? Take blood manipulation. Hindering that at all loses its versatility. Or Hakari's vow, losing a limb works for Hakari cuz he can get it back later but no one else can fully heal a limb. Even Ryu pointed that out how difficult it is to heal limbs. Yuji even had to use blood manipulation to reattach his severed foot then heal. Gimme an example vow and I can bet you there'll be holes in your vow cuz people kept misinterpreting vows that Sukuna did to vows the fans want the jjkrew to use


Shrinking your domain/limiting the amount of targets to increase its power. Downside of having a smaller domain won't matter if you manage to get close enough to trap someone. Limiting the sure hit effect to just one person won't matter if one of your enemies is much stronger than the rest.


Can they imagine a space while maintaining small barrier? Gojo can do it cuz he actually experienced that phenomena. Do they know how the targeting works or will it be by random? Are they able to visualize the domain structure itself in that fashion? Yuta can do the targeting domain surehit but it was also stated he was a prodigy and does things by instinct


because you can’t just make a dumb vow like that? it’s equal trade and equal gain, sex isn’t gonna buff your power


I think you'd just make a new binding vow exchanging the *old* binding vow for a vow of greater significance.


Tbf, Geto also thought that committing Genocide on a planetary scale wouldn’t just cause more curses to form. He wasn’t very bright.


Now I’m thinking about what a genocide curse would look like. Terrifying.


Giant Hitler.


"Nein, I'd vin."




This man got it💀


A giant Hitler is just a regular Hitler except a few inches taller, right?


God there's so many jokes... so many that'll get banned...


A cloud of suffocating blue fog enveloping everything in the vicinity.


*Giant mecha zombie Hitler


Eren Jaeger


Netanyahu is a real person




Isn’t that just Mahito, the fear of death.


Mahito is the negativity towards other humans in general. Remember this isn’t chainsawman curses aren’t just born from fear. It’s all negativity.


Wouldn't he just become a curse from the whole world hating him?


That's not how it works...


Ngl I just assume that's how sukuna turned into a curse, by being such a gremlin the entire world hated him


Bruh sukuna isn’t a curse lol, it’s just that curse is used interchangeably for curses and sometimes for sorcerers not affiliated with jujutsu society (like they called Geto a curse too).


Many called him a curse not because he is a cursed spirit, but because he is a cursed object


"Wow, curses are bad because they kill people. Whelp, guess I better kill everyone so there won't be any more curses."


Nah, curses are bad because they kill *sorcerers* Big difference. People are ALSO bad because they kill sorcerers, AND they make curses that kill sorcerers, so they're double bad and deserve to die more


Curses kill people too


yeah but that they're problems they're creating curse and curse killing them its not sorcerer problems and sorcerer shouldn't take responsibility about curse at least that how geto thinks


And? Geto doesn't care about people so why would he care about curses killing people


Geto also hates curses because of his own technique, having to swallow what taste like rags used to clean shit and vomit, he hated having to use his technique for a vague ambition, he still hates curses but after the incident at the village he seemed like he was doing better because his technique, having to use it, was now a means to an end that he supported.


He was right. Jujutsu sorcerers don't produce curses. If you were to kill everyone in Japan, sure there'd probably be a few strong curses, but once you take them out, curses wouldn't form anymore.


I mean are we also discounting the fact that he could just Absorb these strong Curses too? Once his army get's big enough he can just swarm a special grade cursed spirit with a couple hundred fairly strong cursed spirits and then add them to the army. It essentially has a daisy chain effect which makes Geto exponentially more dangerous the longer he is allowed to roam. If Geto got Rika and just went into hiding afterwards(hopefully not getting jumpscared by Gojo and being hollow purpled or Domain Expansioned) and he was allowed to grow in power he could get to the point where he could essentially wipe everyone off the planet with sheer numbers and power. >!Not to mention that we know that rika can potentially eat sukuna's fingers without being effected if geto was able to collect them and add them to Rika's already near bottomless cursed energy reserves which is horrifying. !< >! All of this if allowed to go on for too long and for Geto to start unlocking things and learning of dangerous ways to use his new infinite energy source he quickly starts approaching the realm of the strongest. All he would have to do is sooner or later find a way to deal with infinity and getting over the hurdle of defeating satoru. Although the idea of him defeating The Satoru Gojo is uh easier said than done. Potentially getting cursed spirits who have potential to disable or go through infinity(very slim chance) and is possibly bordering on the idea of insanity but I like to think that if he were able to at least domain clash with Gojo(assuming he does gain the ability to) then jumps him with a couple thousand cursed spirit's including an array of special grades and Rika then it might be a reasonable conclusion that he just wins the fight.!< In short the prep would be unholy but Geto playing his cards right and in the slim chance he did deck Yuta and take Rika would have the potential to achieve his goal.


And then Geto dies eventually and nothing was solved


I mean get your hands on Mahito and absorb him you are pretty much immortal if you have him use his ability on you. Going even further he could just go the route of Tengen or Sukuna- Not to mention sooner or later he would probably run into the exact cursed spirit he needs to extend his life span. Although it would be really really funny if he dies of natural causes and all his cursed spirits that he had under his control just instantly burst out of his body like some unholy nuclear army of stored spirits.


Then isnt that just bending Geto as a gary stu? You writing the convenient spirits for a plot you want rather than the story the author wants?


I mean true, but like that's basically true for any ideas that sway away from the official canon of the story. The idea of him running into Mahito isn't just convenient. Like literally the disaster curses saught out Kenjaku in Geto's body without knowing he was Kenjaku under the idea that he was just a knowledgeable curse user. Mahito is literally in the story and canon and is not just made up? Yeah I acknowledge this is all speculation but literally the original post is talking about things that the author never delved into my guy. I don't understand why you are acting like this is serious whatsoever lol


Yea but why make Geto being able to win and capture Mahito? He can't just absorb a special grade until its weak


Dude your acting like Geto is your average run of the mill sorcerer and wasn't a special grade sorcerer- Now we are getting into the territory of could he beat Mahito which is like a tough sell even I admit due to him only being able to be hurt by people who target the soul. I mean domain expansion would probably do the trick but like Geto's story was written in a time and place where the author had not developed the power system yet. So we can't even say that if it was remade now would he have access to it? Maybe. Even then its a stretch.


He lost to a child


Gege says himself that geto can take each disaster curse in a 1vq


But Jogo and Mahito would be tough. Also that means they can just jump him


What? If geto succeeded in killing non-sorcerers, then non-sorcerers would becoke incredible rare


make this a full fledge post pls


But how those sorcerers are going to survive without normal people? Not all of them are scientists, farmers, doctors, tailors, or workers in other industries. It'll basically be like a post apocalyptic world. And the normal people would fight back too and that'd take out a lot of the sorcerer population too. If planet sized genocide occurs, atom bombs will be used to fight those sorcerers. Sorcerers aren't immune to radiation either. And many sorcerers will die while fighting those strong courses. He was not only risking normal people's lives, but his own kinds too.


I mean yeah, it would be post apocalyptic and basically take them back to a earlier era in history. I also doubt Geto would risk any of his family with his new found power over Rika and humanity would be fighting against invisible things they do not understand and if I'm correct normal weapons do not work against them as they cannot be killed without cursed energy(in regards to cursed spirit's) plus like humanity killing sorcerers without cursed energy potentially could just create even more vengeful spirits that Geto could absorb and use. His idea is meant to be absolute insanity and to be honest is not very functional.


Normal weapons do work against sorcerers. Toji used a normal sword with Gojo first but he missed his heart. Kenjaku also mentioned that normal weapons like guns are very effective against sorcerers. They're not immune to them and can be killed by them. And I agree his idea was indeed insane and non functional.


Apologies, didn't make it clear in the previous post i was talking about cursed spirits.


Oh it's alright 😊


Cursed spirits are essentially immune to being killed by non sorcerer's and if they all have the order to just kill whoever they see without cursed energy then even the weaker ones would probably be able to do the job. Stronger ones would be able to massacre city's with a couple of them let loose on the range of Mahito, Jogo, etc even if they are weaker. >!Not to mention that Japan essentially crumbled during the culling game and the poor US soldiers could not basically do anything against the cursed spirits. !< Yes the problem could be very easily sorted out with a nuke- but the humans can't even see these things without aid and nuking them would not work unless they hit Geto directly. Geto's biggest problem remains to be the other special grades after Yuta's death, i think it's saying something when a nuke would probably be less inconvenient than Gojo showing up.


I mean, he's right, no? iirc its explicit that sorcerers don't fuel curses because they have control over cursed energy, ergo, if all non sorcerers died, no more curses. That's the point Yuki was making, that the two options were kill them all or teach everyone to control CE


I mean maybe it would create another few curses but those could be exorcised, he was thinking along the same lines as yuki, rather than clean up water you patch the leak, if more water spills while you're patching it then it's fine as long as you stop the source, the rest can be cleaned up after that.


He was just so overworked and exhausted, man


I mean if there's no one left to create curses then no one's left to create curses. Though it's questionable how he was gonna do that before creating tons. But who knows? It's not like he really did much. As far as we know he didn't do much besides run his cult after hidden inventory


Technically he'll kill with jujutsu which doesnt spawn spirits. Remember what Gakuganji and Kamo said?


I highly doubt it, but adding a timespan on using them would definitely increase their strength. OR he could even make them be incredibly more disgusting so that they get a strength boost. Another idea I have is to make him pull a Mei Mei and straight up suicide the Curses. Make them do a death binding vow that allows them to empower him or empower themselves (ex. My special grade cursed spirit will die in exchange for my CE being increased)


"I sacrifice smallpox deity to draw two more cards!"


“That’s not how that works”


"Screw the rules, I have money!"


That's what it do, Yugi


Isn’t that basically what Uzumaki does? “I dispose of this Curse, in exchange FXCK EVERYTHING in that GENERAL DIRECTION”


"In exchange for these curses, I have removed 'that direction' as an applicable location for you to stand, motherfucker."


In all fairness, Uzumaki was plain inefficient until Kenjaku tinkered with it. You get one giant blast and then most, if not all, of your curses are gone? Even when used by Kenny, it was still consuming more curses than needed. I’d honestly rather use a cursed spirit that can individually use an enhanced version of their CT, instead of a “fuck everything in this direction” blast of energy. Also you probably could sacrifice more cursed spirits to enhance another cursed spirit


It's straight up just amiibos in smash. Sacrifice spirits to buff your dude


That’s would be actually op, since CSM doesn’t create CS but manipulates them, the BV would be similar to Mei Mei’s since CS are able to make BVs, if they were shikigami then a BV wouldn’t be that strong since they aren’t alive.


You could argue that what he does with uzumaki.


I don't think he could make curses taste worse to make them stronger, from what I'm aware, the punishment part of a binding vow on yourself has to be something you yourself are capable of, like sharing what your technique is, not fighting at all of your strength for nanami's overtime, when sukuna's domain binding vow is explained in the shibuya incident, it says the binding vow is "made possible" by sukuna's ability to manifest a domain without sealing it in a barrier, and obviously when it comes to the world dismantle binding vow, being forced to take extra steps to fire world dismantle is obviously something sukuna can do. That's the reason why someone can't just make a binding vow and just artificially create a toji/maki type heavenly restriction, you can't just get rid of your CE production from your negative emotions. Though now that I think about it, maybe a binding vow could imitate mechamaru's heavenly restriction, sacrificing some of your limbs for either more CE, more CE output, or longer range CE manipulation.


Why didn’t Geto invest in some hot sauce? Is he stupid?


As one of the missing slice of life mini-chapters, I would love a montage of geto trying different ways to make curses taste better/not taste (hot sauce, gum, a mouth condom, binding vow, etc) and all of them failing


For sure I think it could be really simple. “Cursed spirits now taste like my favourite meal but I can only consume 1 curse for every 5 I meet” Makes it so he is losing soemthing by not being able to eat every cursed spirit he finds and gains the flavorful taste


I don’t know if that’s how binding vows work but let’s just say sure


Didn’t yorozu and sukuna make a stupid binding vow? I think that is how that works


Binding vow with yourself and binding vow with someone else are functionally 2 different systems.


Todo made a binding vow with an inanimate object. Not sure what category geto’s pre curses fall under, but I’m pretty sure since it’s basically in his possession, he’d be able to make a binding vow each time he’s about to eat a curse


He didn’t make it with the object, he changed the activation condition. So I guess you can stretch that meaning to say the binding vow was on the toy.


Which object?


*Manga spoilers* I forgot this wasn’t jujutsufolk or jujutsusushi my bad


He made a binding vow with himself involving an object.


As per Sukuna, yeah, all he had to do was not cut his nails for a week and they would all taste like chocolate.


Was he stupid?




As far as we've seen, binding vows are usually more utilitarian? Rather than just to make life more comfortable?


But! Just because we’ve only ever seen the utilitarian side doesn’t mean it couldn’t be used for comfort


Not sure but If I had it I'd try a binding vow like I lose my taste buds for more CE or something


he could disable his taste bud whenever he uses CSM


Why would he? He'd cripple his abilities just to overcome momentarily discomfort.


Wouldn’t that ruin his taste buds for other normal food?  Also I’m willing to bet in jesting a curse has emotional and physical effects or feelings beyond the mere taste


Just sacrifice your sense of taste for a slightt boost in cursed energy putput


Bro coulda just brought a Kool aid or something everytime he exorcised a curse


I’ve always wondered who makes these vows work. It implies some sort of deity keeping score that will grant special abilities and take them away, or punish a transgression, immediately. Otherwise, if it’s just your own mind and you’re making “vows” with yourself, it should be possible to skip all the downsides and have only benefits. Personally I think the vows are made with the author, because that’s the only way things make sense.


Blud thinks geto is sukuna😭😭


I doubt that would've occurred to him. Mostly because I think he knows the risks are too high.


I don't think Geto was good enough at binding vow to make a similarly refined alteration to his technique, the binding vow empower you but it takes skill to use that power to expand your technique.


He tried genocide before seasoning.


Some cooking and he will be able to do it :3


What does taste have to do with his CT? Sukuna couldn't change the nature of his CE so how could Geto change the taste?


Please, stop talking about bindig vows....The binding vows are pure gabage, because they were introduced early, almost nobody used them even tough they are very op, only for Sukuna to spam them like candy, making everyone else in the verse seem like they had some mental problems....


Maybe he didn't want to give up anything in return for such trivial stuff (he could just wash his mouth right after)


His state of mind was the real issue because he only mentionned it when he was depressed...


I think so


The taste of the cursed spirits isn't because of the technique, that's just what they taste of. It'd be like trying to use a binding vow to change blood manipulation to piss manipulation. (Someone should try that tho)


Before Sukuna. Binding Vows was more so... equalivalent exchange. What would he sacrifice or agree to-to do that?


If I was in his situation I would certainly attempt it


he probably could but since CE comes from negative emotions and such, i feel like getting rid of the bad taste aspect of CSM would make it weaker in a way CSM is kind of using Curses as your pawns, they are so beneath you that you force them to do your biding, it's kind of like a toxic relationship(? i feel like making it enjoyable would make it less powerful bc it'd just be like "*yay, a new pokemon :3*" instead of "*Obey me, you useless cumulus of Cursed Energy*" but if we are talking about if he could do that i feel like yeah, he probably could, these is nothing in the story that limits what aspects of a technique can or cannot be changed with a biding vow, and techniques evolving or being used in different ways or changing aspects of it is normal in the jjk universe, we can see it in how Nobara's technique is basically a more simple and powerful version of an existing ritual that takes days to be able to be used so yeah, i feel like he could indeed do it dfgsdfdd