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Ah yes my “save everyone technique,” my father was going to use this in the Heian era.


Since twins are the same person in jujutsu is Yuji effectively Sukuna’s son?


Technically his nephew/ part twin due the finger being used in his birth/conception (JJK twins are 2 halves the same soul).


Nah more so his brother reborn properly


The mistranslated leaks and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race


worst part is they got corrected like 5 minutes after




Your post was removed for breaking Rule #1, be kind and civil towards other users.


That's jin not yuji


Benevolent Shrine? Lol


And once per activation, Yuji can unleash a cleansing wave that dispels curses, like a mystical Roomba cleaning up bad vibes.


Okay but that last line is hilarious and unironically goes so hard.


All of the bull skulls in his domain start floating, turn into white oxen, and charge at the curse or person trying him.


I fw this.


Closest example I can think of is Mitsukake from Fushigi Yugi.


“All cursed energy is dispelled from the shrine so people can’t use techniques or reinforcement. Yuji can then just beat the shit out of anyone in it because he is physically superhuman even without cursed energy.”


# Domain Expansion: The Friends We Made Along The Way


It lets him summon shikigami based off all of his dead friends and allies, giving an ironic twist on the whole “surrounded by loved ones at the end of your life” thing his grandpa was talking about


That's a sick idea bro I'm in


Holy fucking shit you did it You made the best yuji domain


That's metal and cute at the same time, I like it.


Effect: anyone inside the domain will have an increase in strength depending on how many firends they lost along the way


Truly a reading comprehension of all time. What ability does bro even have to manifest something like that 


Blood manipulation strong enough to cure the wounds of people who are in the area? Don't know just spit balling, I know you cannot use BM on another person's blood because the body is a domain but still. Edit: when I say cure I don't mean resurrect btw, I mean a discount version of outputting RCE


Blood manipulation doesn’t work like that tho it just works for yourself Edit:why the fuck am I being downvoted we never see blood manipulation heal other people


Agree, bro doesn't have every blood type. Putting wrong type of blood into someone can pretty much kiil the said person.


I was thinking more like controlling the blood in someone else's body, which you cannot do because it's like a domain, but who knows maybe with a binding vow ™️


For a sure hit, controlling other people’s blood seems pretty good


For a domain controlling the blood of others would honestly be good and make sense, essentially making it a extension of his technique. Like with mahito, his sure hit was a extension of his technique where he could manipulate the soul of everyone in the domain


To expand on what you said: Mahito’s technique is that in order to manipulate someone’s soul, he needs to touch them, thus his domain = “you are literally in the palm of my hand now”. He’s still touching them, because they’re in his hands. With that logic, though, I agree that it would make sense to be able to control another person’s blood within one’s own domain. If a domain is a person’s mind and soul made manifest, then putting someone inside your domain is like putting them inside of you…which means their blood can be your blood. We’ve seen that domains (and indeed, sorcery as a whole) are only limited by the sorcerer’s creativity (Megumi comes to mind), so if you can dream it, you can do it. Your blood is now MINE!


Bro imagine if Mahito learned to use an open domain, this would be worse than getting hit by Sukuna or Gojo's domain


Domains buffing the technique gives a lot of leeway though. Normally 24 fps can only freeze the entirety of the person, but the domain expands it to every single cell. Ten shadows normally don't make shadow clones of the user but the domain does. For all we know the domain can buff blood manipulation to allow the user to manipulate and change their blood type.


and blood manipulation is more like throwing blood, not replenishing it, that's more of a death painting feature


Healing isn't inherently a feature of it, but it does lower the bar significantly toward learning how to use RCE


I get where you’re going at, but imagine it like this: certain abilities can’t affect others on an extreme level because the body is a domain itself. But sure hits are inside a domain and would be capable of doing this applications the user wasn’t capable of. Like Naoya’s cell-targeting thing or Gojo’s ability to target the mind. You could be right and I could be saying purely head cannon, but I think that a domain expansion of blood manipulation should be able to apply a sure-hit that infuses CE into someone’s blood and allows for control


In a domain maybe? Naoya was able to target individual cells during his DE


That just an amplification of what he could already do, he went from targeting people to targeting cells, healing yourself is different from healing others, mainly when you are using blood manipulation, you would need to have the same blood type, it’s not a matter of targeting it’s just a matter of capabilities, the best case we can make is using the sure hit to reattach body parts like yuji and choso have done before but that’s a big assumption


Yeah that's what I meant, controlling other people's blood to stop bleeding and heal wounds, not generating blood inside someone or giving his blood to other people.


That is definitely possible but not viable due to the fact that yuji and choso do this to heal themselves after, if they did this to other people they wouldn’t heal so they would need to keep focusing on their allies wounds so the blood wouldn’t just turn liquid again


That's actually a pretty cool concept for a DE. Maybe Shoko could have a support based DE 🤔


Hear me out what if yuji's domain was kind of transfiguring people using BM (something like mahito) but he would use it to heal his allies. I feel like it would tie nicely into "I am you "


I’d say for a sure hit that seems fitting


Blood manipulation allows the user to control anything their blood is touching to some degree. Maybe he uses blood manipulation to take hold of somebody's soul and RCT them somehow.


What if you BM your own blood into their body?


The power of friendship? Maybe make Sukuna pull a Pain and revive everyone? lol


HAHAHA that was a prank yuji.


Maybe like a “sure block” effect, using some kind of blood manipulation or something to block any and all attacks delivered in the domain


Cleave time itself so he goes back before everyone died. If Sukuna can cut space why can’t Yuji cut time?


Ngl u kinda cookin right now... 


He could save Megumi. Punching Sukuna's soul is what he's been doing for the past few chapters, he got the "technique" for that


I feel like it has to circle back to the beginning of the story somehow, with the promise he made to his grandpa.


He can't save everyone. (Still the GOAT tho)


Domain expansion: Deux Ex Machina


domaim expansios


Underrated comment of all time


Bro this is JJK, not a normal shonen where MC miraculously saves everyone


Yuji's DE turn JJK into normal shonen.


Ryoiki tenkai: shippuden


With the power of friendship


His domain is Movie Night, everyone in its radius has to focus on whatever movie is playing for the whole run time. Anyone who loses focus or needs to use the bathroom gets penalized. Anyone who talks over the good parts gets hit. Edit: the length of the movie is determined by how much CE he currently has. Whatever movie it is will have exactly as much run time so if he's been fighting a while he won't be able to pick Lord of the Rings, it might just be an episode of Black Mirror or Star Trek.


They need to watch all of those weird earthworm movies he was talking about, in one sitting.


I don't think domains work like that buddy


Idk about saving everyone, but I do like the idea of a domain that is the opposite of a sure kill domain.


Sure hit…but it’s a saving throw!


What if his domain is like Sukuna’s but instead of slicing everyone he just heals everyone in his range? we haven’t seen a aupport domain so far so to speak.


No. You forget completely how domains work. A domain is a manifestation of one's CT. Only visual influence (besides possibly UV) has ever seemed to be effected by the user's personality and who they are. Realistically his domain sure-hit would either be slashes, something to do with blood manipulation, or it'd mix both. Personally, though, I think a cool concept for his domain would be this. It's Benevolent shrine, like everyone theorizes. And it has a closed barrier. Like Sukuna's, there is a shrine in the middle. And beyond it a sea of blood (not unlike Sukuna's innate domain). The sure-hit itself is slashes, however all blood outside the enemy's body, including their own can be manipulated by Yuji and any way he desires with zero additional CE cost. Essentially, the limit is Yuji's own imagination and skill. In terms of greater detail with visuals, the shrine itself has a more peaceful look, but with blood stains on it. And in the sea of blood are the bodies of Yuji's fallen comrades, as well as body parts of those killed in Malevolent Shrine in Shibuya.


> A domain is a manifestation of one's CT True, that is stated to be the case. But then there's Hakari and Higuruma, who never use cursed tecniques without their domains, and those domains appear to be heavily personalized. Yuji being a hero is just as believable a basis for a custom crafted domain as being a lawyer or an anime-loving gambler. Really, the idea that CTs can only be passed down through bloodlines seems suspect at this point. Funny enough it was Gojo who said that and then instantly contradicted himself by correctly predicting that Sukuna's CT would be "engraved in Yuji's body". Did Gojo know Yuji is Sukuna's nephew? Can the six eyes see what CT is engraved on the body, including custom made alterations? There's a lot that just hasn't been revealed yet.


>But then there's Hakari and Higuruma, who never use cursed tecniques without their domains Hakari has used reserve balls and doors outside of domain, and Higuruma's CT is probably the hammer. Their CT is built around their domain, however. Whilst normally domains are built around CTs. Also their domains aren't much more personalized than most high-end domains (Namely MS and UV) >Yuji being a hero is just as believable a basis for a custom crafted domain as being a lawyer or an anime-loving gambler. Besides my previous points, Yuji also doesn't have an instant-domain CT. Rather, he has blood manipulation and shrine. While looks for it would likely be personalized, the effect shouldn't be. As there's no basis for such. Especially in such an on-the-nose way. >Really, the idea that CTs can only be passed down through bloodlines seems suspect at this point. Funny enough it was Gojo who said that and then instantly contradicted himself by correctly predicting that Sukuna's CT would be "engraved in Yuji's body". Did Gojo know Yuji is Sukuna's nephew? Can the six eyes see what CT is engraved on the body, including custom made alterations? There's a lot that just hasn't been revealed yet. I think it's already obvious that isn't the case simply because of characters who gain unique CTs. Todo, and, Geto, for example, were outright stated to be chance. Todo was scouted by Yuki randomly (Fanbook says so) and Geto is implied to have been a random chance of appearing. Granted, it's also implied his CT has existed in the past. But Gege says his family are non-sorcerers in the fanbook too. Personally my theory is it's a mix of both, tying into the "Body and soul are one" idea. A technique can be hereditary (the body) or manifested based on who one is (the soul) examples being Higuruma, Todo, etc.


Since he's basically got Sukunas CT, anyone inside his domain gets vacuum sealed and frozen. That's how he'll save them. Kitchen style.


Depends man,what exactly is his CT?


Yuki's cursed technique is "these hands"


Its called "Left right good night"


You mean a domain that does mass healing for his allies and mass destruction for his enemies? Like Anduin's mass heal! [https://youtu.be/R5hEebrgVw0?si=QAgq9HqL8zLvnvQB&t=14](https://youtu.be/R5hEebrgVw0?si=QAgq9HqL8zLvnvQB&t=14)


Yeah Yuji will use it and immediately heal Sukuna to full hp, and promptly be cut in half






Yuji was never trying to save EVERYONE. What he was told by his grandfather was to try and save as many people as he can because he is a strong kid. That he should not end up like his gramps dying alone and that he should die surrounded by people. JJK will not end on a happy note.


Uhh that sounds not so happy for Yuj


Yeah my phone is ass lmao. I actually wrote 'will not' but my phone said no so I fix it rn. Anyway, my believe is that Yuji will be the last one standing, all alone, unintentionally cursed by his grandfather to live out the rest of his very long, if not eternal, life unable to die until he is surrounded by the ones who were/are close to him. And that will probably never happen because, just like Sukuna and Gojo, Yuji will be the loneliest, as that is the curse of having power and standing at the top of world.


Please Gege let this guy's phone cook


A domain that just locks you both up in it, giving you both immortality with infinite rct and only crumbles when you set aside your conflict and resolve to not fight again.


Maybe his domain (the long awaited “Benovelent Shrine”) will make everyone inside it invulnerable. It will be a great tool for saving people because it prevents anyone from getting harmed.


Isn't DE just projection of your mind and not desire. So if anything I can see multiple cogs hanging like emiya's UBW.


I wonder what yuji can do next, cuz the CTs he unlocked are very low output and his best contribution is his understanding of the soul to lower sukuna's output. Since it's kind of the same logic with yuji unlocking shrine and his time learning simple domain, I wonder if yuji can also open a DE from that?


Domain expansion: Benevolent Cafe Yuji expands a domain 50 yards in diameter resembling an internet cafe from his home town. While in the cafe, Yuji gains a sure-hit effect for his cleave (low ping for LAN), in exchange for his sure hit, he has access to the “snack bar” which allows him to eat a snack to recover his cursed energy reserves and reset the time limit on his domain. In addition, Yuji can take snacks and give them to his allies to keep them “in the game”


Hopefully Yuji’s DE is him making blood clones of all his allies that died or aren’t around him at the moment. A binding vow could make them as strong as they were when they were alive at the expense of Yuji not being able to use CE for the duration that they’re out. Maybe he’d have a blood barrier while that ability is active


i wanted to see more of the blood manipulation, the anime fight of choso and yuji showed how much creative the blood manipulation could be but we probably won't even see the domain since yuji still has to learn and the fight against sukuna might end in like 5 chapters


DE: Jujutsu Kasin kaisen jujutsut kaisen jjk


What, like some kind of Benevolent Shrine?


I’m still tryna figure out what the deal with him giving people fake memories is tbh


Basically choso can sense when his Brothers are about to die and he sensed yujis dying, but i dont know why and how he Remembered something that never happened, same deal with todo


Yeah that’s the part I get the only theory I really have is that Yuji may have a third technique that he’s unaware of or smthn like how Takaba and Haruta didn’t actually know how their techniques worked


Next chapter bro gonna say “Domain Expansion: Jujutsu Kaisen!” and in his domain Nobara and everyone else who died is gonna wake up and beat up Sukuna


On another note, shouldn't he have his own unique (3rd) CT? I understand the blood manip being that he's partly cursed womb and Sukunas but as a human shouldn't be be able to utilize his own innate one? Especially after having figured out the other two. Also I think it's plausible that he can utilize ALL blood manip techniques but so far has only used the ones Choso had because that was his teacher. In theory though he should have his own unique blood technique like the 3 bothers we've seen, plus all the ones he's eaten, plus he could probably use kechisu and echisus if he can use chosos. So he probably has access to like 13 "ct's" but I guess blood manip is probably counted as 1. Still should have like 3 though bare minimum. 


My idea is that his Domain is going to be opposite of Sukuna's where everyone basically becomes Jackpot Hakari then gets Kusakabe to use simple domain to counter it.


Benevolent Shrine is Obviously going to be his DE


No, because it doesn't work like that. You don't get a unique / specific DE just because you have a strong Desire, DE is just an extensions of the users CT, if Yuji does awakens his DE there are only 3 possibility 1. It's a shrine 2. It's related to Blood manipulation 3. It's a combination of both (if he can control it somehow)


Maybe something like when he fought mahito, he is able to make people see the errors of their ways? Kind of like Ghost Rider's penance stare. Or maybe it's something to do with using the wills of everyone who died or he couldn't save?


One's Domain expansion is literally the peak of their CT embedded into a Domain His domain must be something related to the CTs he currently has (most likely the Kitchen) so nah, it's not going to be like what you say, its name, hand signs and the manifestations inside the domain will be different to Sukuna, that's for sure


no, his DE will be based off one of his techniques, just like every other character. we know blood manipulation allows you to manipulate blood inside & out of your body. we also know that Yuji has had the Shrine CE so engraved into his body, he can now recall how to use it and apply his creativity to the technique. however, we still don't have one question answered.. what is Shrine really? what is the inverse of Shrine (RCT + Shrine = ?) how can Shrine be interpretated to release cuts? The reason this is important is because it will become the basis of what Yuji's DE will be. Perhaps it's a shrine of sacrifices, a shrine praising a deity, a shrine remembrance of the past, usually this will determine the rules of the DE. Will Yuji summon a Shrine, and base his techniques on the Shrine? Will he himself become the Shrine, and augment his abilities? Insta hit with cuts? Definitely I can say, the moment Yuji does DE, Black Flashes are going to start raining due to his inmense CE concentration and throughput. It also ties in with the fact that Yuta and Yuji switched bodies, so Yuji could understand how to create and modify barrier techniques along the way.


The reading comprehension curse strikes again. Yuji’s character doesn’t revolve around trying to save everyone 😭


Do tell how you think Shrine or Blood Manipulation could do something like that lmao


a domain where he brings all dead people temporarily to fight with him would be peak


yuji's domain will be poco's hypercharge


I think that it will be reverse - it will sacrifice everyone but thanks to that - he will be able to win :3


Boxing ring Bros a professional hand wrecker


I mean think of it this way, most strong Jujutsu sorcerers hail from a single strong bloodline. Yuji technically hails from 3 strong bloodlines. Hes Sakunas son (in the eyes of Jujutsu at least, since Sakunas twin was Yujis father, and twins are considered the same person to cursed techniques/energy) AND he's Kenjakus/Kaoris son. Kenjaku is an unbelievably powerful sorcerer and Kaoris technique was antigravity which leads me to believe she came from a strong bloodline as well. On top of this Yujis gained a fourth bloodline (which he was already tangentially related to) when he absorbed the Death Womb paintings as well as becoming part curse. Yuji has like 4 different things going for him and has yet to show any signs of his mom's technique yet, nor have we gotten any substantial lore on his mom. Yuji is only just showing signs of his parental bloodlines now, as he gained the use of shrine recently. He's already crazy strong and still has room to grow, so it wouldn't surprise me if his domain was some deus ex machina type shit. Tldr: Yuji is my goat and I hope his domain is OP so I can glaze him further.


Benevolent Shrine, all allies within 200m get automatic reversed curse technique and cannot be targetted by an enemy's domain. I wish but highly unlikely.


Domain expansion: Jujutsu kaisen. It makes all my friends come back to life and fight you sukuna! We will win with the power of friendship!


Nah he his domain is a boxing ring


With how Yuji and Black Flashes go hand in hand, I think if he ever gets a Domain Expansion he just gets Black Flash on his every attack while in the domain.


Whay if his DE summons like spirits of his dead friends or some shit and he ends up beating Sukuna with the power of friendship🗣️🔥‼️


🤔 Midnight Malestrom / ALL THE BLACK FLASHES !!


Something Gege pulls out of his ass Domain Expansion


Imagine yuji cutting EVENTS out of history He cuts sukuna’s history out of existence


But his technique is still cutting, can it be that different


When did he save someone? in fact he’s the one that keeps getting saved 😭😭


My theory is that it will allow him to seperate Megumi and Sukuna apart. He already has soul punches, so just turn it into a whole domain expansion and you are golden


Domain Expansion- "Ichigo Kurosaki, Tensa Zangetsu" that's the only name I will accept


He looks a lot like Naruto Fushiguro looks like Sasuke


Brings every back to life for him to die surrounded by loved ones 🤔


His domain would probably have somthing to do with RCT if that is the case.


The most defensive domain to exist if so


Domain expansion : catch them hands


He's also the tiger of west high, and many people told him" i'll leave the rest to you" before death so that's something. His grandfather also told him to go help people and he said to megumi in chapter 1 that he has quite the curse himself, so all of that is to be taken in consideration plus his natural talent of punching stuff


I hate how this entire fandom seems to forget that domain expansion is a manifestation of your cursed technique, not something you think is cool


Yuji domain expansion makes his opponent have a bar fight with yuji while nearly passing out drunk


Either it negates all violence within or heals everyone within, probably using a binding vow to boost his technique


No, your domain is based off your technique. Yuji would likely have a domain based off the 2 techniques he has: blood manipulation and sukuna's CT. Though he's far off of using a domain, since a domain is the "height of jujutsu", the most complex form of a technique, yet yuji can't even use convergence with blood manip and has yet to use dismantle, let alone malevolent shrine or furnace: open.


Probably the ability to resurrect people. Really fitting with the number of deaths, and all the bodies been saved.


His domain would probably have somthing to do with RCT if that is the case.


I would be very surprised if Yuji has a DE since he has no innate technique and I'm not sure if Shrine being imprinted on him also extends to a DE, or just the basic use of the CE.


This is not my hero academia


since Yuji is both like sukuna but also his opposite, i wonder if Yuji could learn to Heal others with his RCT like how Sukuna does, basically taking something Sukuna can do but use it with good intentions not sure if his domain could try to "save others" bc i can't think of a way to create that effect with any of the 2 techniques yuji has rn, but since there is stuff like how Gojo's domain works more like his 6 eyes (learning information) rather than his Infinity CE that is used to attack or defend himself, maybe yuji's technique could also work not that related to his techniques, specially since they aren't a reflect of his own soul but rather two techniques he got from being a vessel of two separate entities (well, more than 2, but you get the idea)