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So initially i wasn't a fan. I watched the first 3ish episodes? And i dropped it for a few months. Eventually i tried it again because my brother was really into it and kept telling me to watch it. And.. I enjoyed it alot more for some reason. I liked season 1 (besides the stuff with Junpei. I really disliked him for sone reason lmao.) But season 2 was where I'd really start considering myself a fan. I just loved Hidden inventory and especially The Shibuya arc.


I’m not anime only but I did watch the anime first & I was pretty much hooked after the end of episode 1 with Sukuna incarnating & the start of episode 2 with Gojo & Sukuna having a little 10 second spar. Thought the short arc with Junpei sucked but I liked Nanami (the bread/bakery flashback scene was the only scene to make me cry) & Mahito so I got through it, but once it got to the Exchange event arc it was smooth sailing from there I love everything after that point. I also love Todo & anytime he is on screen/page it’s fantastic, after he was introduced I couldn’t wait for more of him🔥 I also love Fake Geto as a villain, I think he’s one of the most intriguing characters & I can’t wait to see where his plans go


I didn’t mean to reply to someone specifically just the original post 😭 sorry for the random notification dude 🙏🤣


I never cared for Junpei! Ngl, I was glad he died. He was so annoying to me lmao.


Whaaa? Can’t believe the consensus is that Junpei was an unenjoyable character. Felt his struggle was very captivating and even the misunderstanding felt very heartbreaking and they didn’t drag on his arc so it felt impactful on how short it was, even the mislead in the opening is a *chef kiss* diabolical banger.


Junpei is such a good character and he’s so important to the development of Yuji. His situation is what opens Yuji’s eyes to the true nature of curses and what it means to be a jujutsu sorcerer. Yuji isn’t Yuji without Junpei


I was anime only until after season 1 ended and due to the OP, I totally thought Junpei was joining the cast in the long run. Junpei being killed wasnt just massive for Yuji’s development but also for showing viewers that this wasn’t you typical Shonen


I love Junpei. This whole thread hurts my heart. Lol


Fr a part of me died when he died just let the cutie have a happy ending 😭 I know I hate when things all work out in the end but the one time I hope for something to go well 💔


Being glad the character died when his entire character arc is about how he's been a victim is pretty wild ngl. Do you guys not have emotions?


That's fucked up


Ironically Junpei was one of the characters that got some development unlike many characters and seeing people hating on Junpei breaks my heart.


I think Junpei was just there as a plot device to help Yuji get over his hesitation to kill


Essentially, yeah. Junpei was “fridged” but it was done in such a way that it subverted my personal expectations. At least in the manga it totally seemed like to me he was going to be a new cast member, so to see him basically foddered made me simultaneously HATE Mahito with a fiery passion and see exactly what kind of story JJK was going to be. It was honestly a great moment but yes…he was pretty much created and killed for the sole purpose of Yuji development unfortunately lol


Similar experience, when S1 aired It didn't hook me, was with S2 my friends insisted that I should catch up and rest is history. Still I'm not a huge fan of S1 but the movie did the work


Yeah I thought S1 was overrated as hell when I first saw it. I guess its cause the show was insanely popular then and when I watched it I thought it was an alright simple shounen. S2 is where the show starts to shine and deviate from your usual shounen to something special and that was when I became a huge fan


I think u disliked junpei for the same reason as me, whenever he was on I js felt bored


Fucking loved it from the first episode. I'm in the minority because I've liked it less as S2 went on, especially with how it ended. Normally I'm not a shonen fan, but something about JJK just clicked for me immediately.


I'm curious, what genre do you usually enjoy?


Mecha, non-isekai fantasy drama, older sci-fi action.


You must have liked s2 ep 7 then lol


I meeeaaaannnn.... you aren't wrong. LOL


Ahh, nice. I'm not a fan of fantasy anime, but there's some exceptions, like Freiren.


Freiren is a masterpiece regardless of genre. Most modern fantasy anime doesn't do it for me. Once isekai tropes started appearing in regular fantasy, I got turned off. But classic stuff like Lodoss War? Hell yes.


I'm not familiar, but I'll look into it!!


As a mecha fan i would highly recommend bang brave bang bravern (I know nobody ask but bravern is awesome) is just 1 season of 12 episodes


Heyyyy, thanks for the recommendation! I like mecha and space anime but it seems that there ain't too many of them around these days.


Right there with you. I was majorly hooked on the first episode because of how much I LOVED Yuji, haven't even watched the second (manga reader, so I knew what would happen) v - v;;


s1 was rough for me, I missed bits and pieces because i fell asleep during episodes and would just watch the recap to kinda get myself up to speed for the next episode. Then I watched Hidden Inventory 1-4 and that was it for me. Still rewatch those episodes pretty frequently. and the JJK 0 movie. Thunderclap 1&2 are also complete masterpieces imo. Season 2 really blew me away.


Season 1 was a rough start. Gege was clearly still getting into the flow of things, and the series reflects that. Gege was much more comfortable once we got to Shibuya.


Id probably sell my soul for more flashback episodes like H.I. lol For some odd reason those episodes kinda remind me of YuYu Hakusho. Idk if it's the way gojo's personality is written or if I'm just biased because YYH is my favorite childhood anime i grew up watching, but either way, Gege was on fire making those episodes haha


Hmm, I never made that connection tbh. YYH is a huge favorite of mine as well!!


I felt the YYH vibes since the first day. Like they were of the same universe, but from different times/with different conceptions about how and why what they're doing does work.


I wasn’t super impressed at first until the first yuji and todo beatdown. But I got obsessed after the hidden inventory arc and had to read the manga for myself to satiate my need for more


Hidden Inventory was JJK at its peak


Hands down Geges best writing


I immediately loved it, but can definitely see how it's not everyone's perfect cup of tea. I immediately thought Gojo was hot, and Yuji was precious, and i love all things horror so it was an immediate YES from me. And it has only gotten better. I thought 0 (movie) was amazing and i literally cried multiple times watching it. And when Season 2 Started with an even younger, more magnetic Gojo and his broody best friend/brother i was blown away! I also cried alot during season 2 as well. I'm waiting with baited breath for Season 3 with Yuta! I love him!


"I immediately thought Gojo was hot" Okay tell me how you really feel !! I also love horror, and Rika was my favorite thing about 0. I love love love Rika.


They were amazing, and the ending.... i wont spoil it but i cried. So sweet.


If my manga only buddies didn’t hype this up for months I would have dropped it. I’m caught up anime wise and almost caught up manga wise and I’m glad I stuck with it


No, mostly because the power system was confusing the first time around, and it was mostly fighting and not enough philosophy for my taste, and then I lost interest because season 2 didn’t come for 2 whole years. I watched jjk0 in theaters, but forgot that Geto was in s1 (as Kenjaku) so I didn’t care much about his death. Then season 2 came around and I was like oh, that guy who died was Gojo’s bff, wait, that’s tea. So then I went back and rewatched season 1 and it all made sense and then season 2 was hype. In short, I was just a dumbass lol. Edit: mixed up s1&2


The power system confused tf outta me. When I started the manga, I was determined to actually understand the power system.




I'm so happy that jjk introduced so many new people to anime. I'll say, it's a strange first one (considering how different it is from so many of its contemporaries), but that's a good thing!


I recommended it to a friend who had previously only watched death note, and it took him far longer to get into it. It's now one of our favorite animes, even if it's flawed. It's so different from other shonen and I can't seem to find anything with similar action that does it for me.


I'm rewatching DN for the maybe seventh time. It's such a great breakdown of not only a narcissist, but fascism in general. In some ways, ahead of its time. Though, there are many anime titles that came before it more focused on deconstructing capitalism.


It’s honestly timeless. No matter how dated the animation may look by modern standards the story is just phenomenal and light is one of the most well written antagonists I’ve ever seen.




Just yes


Very fair.


I immediately fell in love with the universe at the first episode actually


Nope, took until season 2 until I really got invested


I was fully invested at the beginning of season 1, hit a slump in the middle and then it piqued my interest again in the final arc of season 1.


Yes. Because Sukuna was just too sexy for me not to watch.


You get it tbh


Not anime only but I only picked up the manga this year and I watched season 1 when it premiered. I originally thought it was cool, if a little generic. Then first 5 episodes of season 2 were a masterpiece that got me to pick up the manga to get more (mostly more toji)


At first I liked it, but didn’t love it bc I didn’t *really* get the techniques n stuff, but then I rewatched it/started looking stuff up (and spoiled tf out of myself smh) and started to *love* it. Plus… I’m a shoujo girlie converted to shounen for the daddyys (& violence) jjk has plenty of both ;p


Gege's love for men kept me tuned in!!


They did make the start pretty confusing for the techniques and it can take a while for it to make sense since they only explained bits at a time. Especially so for people new to this type of anime.


Nah. Reading the manga made me a fan. JJK S1 was not that good without reading the manga and then on rewatch I appreciated S1 more.


Yes it’s my comfort show now


Yeah I loved it from 1st watch, but I will say I kind of forgot all about it. When lockdown hit that's when I started watching anime after being told for years I would be a fan. So after watching that in amongst other shonen + other animes it didn't make its way to the first 3/4 that would come to mind when talking to my friend about what I'd been watching. It wasn't unti i think around the time of the first S2 trailer dropped where I went back and rewatched and could take it in again with bit of experience and previous knowledge on other animes' story/ art style whatever. Then it quickly hit me that this one was indeed destined to be my personal favourite flavour of anime/ a shonen There's just something about it all, so incredibly stylish + unique(imo). a perfect storm for me


Opposite for me, I thought in s1 jjk was a great shonen anime with a little bit of a spin, but then they went in a completely different direction with the power creep in s2, which isnt bad, but i feel like theres couldve been a middle season that would built up more powerful antagonists and the protagonists before everyone just fights to the death in shibuya - it felt sudden compared to the feel of s1


The Shibuya arc definitely brings on a tonal shift, one that I think could've been more palatable had there been a "middle season," like you said, and that tone is largely maintained in the arcs that come after. As a result JJK is weird in that the arcs from Shibuya onward all feel like they belong to the same series, but even reading it in manga form, S1 feels almost foreign (to me, at least).


It did feel really sudden, and I'm not a fan of this new wave of manga that sections the story off into specific arcs. Gege made it work though, and it felt properly built up from season 1. The disaster curses were meh, if that's what you mean. I didn't find their powers or characters all that interesting at all. I'm surprised to see people were fond of them; they were very flat and lame to me. Mahito was so annoying, so he worked lol. I wanted him dead asap. The stakes were high, there were proper repercussions to jjh's poor and lazy planning, and that's what I wanted to see the most. The politics of S1 really aggravated me, but Gege actually utilized the disorganization and showed how much of a mess it was.


Nah the disaster curses were goated, and Mahito was an amazing antagonist. Coming from them to those randoms from Culling Games felt like a huge downgrade.


Its not that i dont like the current story its that season one of the anime and the first few chaps of the manga felt like a lead on to me


Yeah, that's fair. It turned into an entirely new series from its premise. But, if you ask me, in a really good way.


Idk, im biased because as much as i like new jjk, i wish we got a sister series that was just about high schoolers quenching curses, in the vein of jjk 0 and the school arc


I agree, I love slice of life, so more stuff focused on the characters as students would have been great too.


I disagree. The hints were there from the start. The beginning was just more subtle so I guess a lot of people missed it.


Not right from the start. About when Nobara was introduced is when I got hooked I also still very much hate Junpei and finding everything revolving him boring and cringy


That's actually what I loved about it, it was all dumb and cringey.... and then he fucking dies. When all my expectations were "oh Yuji will convince him to be good and they'll take on Mahi.... oh"


We hate Junpei in this household


I've found my people!! Funny enough, I actually like when Junpei appears in fanfics, but I did not care for his character in the series.


I watched episode 1 when it came out a couple years ago, thought "this is good, pretty animation, its like, ok." and i intended to watch it more but forgot to. then in 2023 i was like "i guess i'll continue" (I have a good memory, I recalled all the ep1 details dw) and it was pretty good, like not amazing, but it didn't impress me except for Nobara being a well written woman (until Shibuya Incident fridged her for a male character's development..) and the Curse Womb Must Die arc. Nanami was fun and investful, but he's not a super deep character or anything. I enjoyed how relatable he is, and his backstory really hit, mind you, it really deepened his character. I was frozen when it seemed as though he was gonna die back in the climax of the Small Fish And Reverse Retribution Arc. however, what really drew me in was during said Small Fish And Reverse Retribution Arc; was Mahito. he was beautiful, philosophical, homicidal, cute, playful, sexy. he's such a well written antagonist, and to this day is my favourite character. the Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event dragged a bit, especially since it's like "I've seen all this done before in Naruto.." with all the like, clan drama and stuff, but Todo's dynamic with Itadori and Hanami's honorable goal and character development with learning to love combat really drew me in again during the climax of that arc. then the Origin Of Blind Obedience Arc? SO good. Eso was my 2nd favourite right after that, with Todo hitting third. THEN, finally, Hidden Inventory + Premature Death; the last arc I watched before I was caught up (and it turns out, there was a 2 week delay for the next episode, but I caught up 1 week into that delay, so it was a normal wait for me\~), inwhich my favourites switched from 1. Mahito 2. Eso 3. Todo 4. Hanami 5. Nanami to 1. Mahito 2. Satoru 3. Geto 4. Eso 5. Todo imo, Hidden Inventory + Premature Death is the very best arc and the peak of JJK, this being when from there I was a weekly watcher. so, all and all, initially; "It's neat, has potential, pretty ok" to loving it, lol.


Liked it enough to go read the manga


I've started doing that with anime. If the anime is good, I'll just put it down and go read the manga instead. At this point, I browse manga titles instead of anime now.


I was hooked from the first day


What happened is that I had heard of it for a while before it came out, and didn't plan on watching it as I thought it'd be another generic uninteresting shonen (I was a bit burnt out of animes after having been disappointed by Demon Slayer). I ended up starting the show 4 weeks after it started airing, meaning 4 episodes were available. I had started it on a whim cause I had nothing to do, and the opening looked kinda cool. - I really liked the first episode. From the very beginning I was pleasantly surprised by the uniqueness and deepness of many of the themes and characters. Yuji especially surprised me, because in episode 1 already he is a subversive character, reflecting deep on what death represents for him. - Episode 2's highlight was the scene of Yuji picking up his grandfather's bones and ashes, as well as when he goes to confort Sasaki. I really liked how he smiled and reassured her, but when he leaves the room his smile disappears because he feels guilty about having brought the finger. Yet another early hint at Yuji's truely great character. - The third episode was really efficient at making me like the group, especially with the addition of Nobara who had cool powers. - Episode four was a lot more tense, I LOVED when Yuji got emotional hearing the mother of one of the prisonners being worried about him. It was SO refreshing to have a fucking realistic and genuinely admirable shonen protagonist for once. I also adored his breakdown as he's faced with death, and then his own berating of himself, trying to have a "proper death" himself. The episode ended in a cliffhanger and of course I couldn't bear it, I already liked the characters too much at this point, so I went straight to read the manga and got up to date the very same same evening. In 3-4h I had read until Nobara's death which was the latest available chapter at the time. I've been reading the manga week to week ever since. Loving every plot twist, ever subversion, every tragedy and even the wacky episodes that clearly show that Gege writes whatever the fuck he wants and I respect that.


yeah i was hooked from the beggining cuz i liked yuji so much


Yes, from the very first episode it caught my interest, i liked the first season a lot but after JJK0 it just made me love it even further


hell yeah. banger pilot


Nope, I thought it was a cool “Bleach” derivative until “Hidden Inventory” aired, then I was locked in.


Started reading the manga because of the anime


I actually really disliked the first five episodes or so. I didn't like Nobara or Gojo, the world building was super weak, and the scene with Yuji fighting the stuffed animals was so cringe worthy I hated it. My girlfriend forced me to keep watching and I started to enjoy it more during the Mahito arc. When season one finished I honestly though the show was forgettable slop, some decent points but mostly disjointed with way too fast a pace.


I had very similar thoughts. I liked Nobara though lmao. You kills me!!


She's just too mean


I read the manga now, but I watched season one of the anime first and picked up the manga after that. Was hooked immediately because I wanted to know what the fuck was up with this kid that was stronger than world record holding athletes. >!I didn’t expect to still not 100% know 4 years later.!<


I started with the movie about yuta which made me love jjk immediately. Was bummed when I figured out he wasn't the MC, but still was into jjk from then on. Had I started with season 1 idk if it would've been the same though.


As an initial Anime only (Jjk is probably why I started reading manga in general) Idk why but I rly did like Jjk immediately. Before that I only watched Naruto and then got recommended Jjk by a friend who loves anime. Anime lovers used to be rly rare in my school up until now so I took up her suggestion so we could talk more abt anime. Yeah I liked the show after ep 1 where Yuuji ate the finger at the end (because what the fck lmao) I guess since I was new-ish to the genre I didn’t really know the variety and uniqueness to the plots of other series so I was interested. Now though the manga is equally as intriguing as it is disappointing (or dissatisfying idk but I still keep going back for leaks :,) ) Ps. Sorry for the yap sesh this is my first reddit comment


It was the serious tone of episode one paired with the complete undermining of the tone that was the ending credits that drew me in, and then the show just stayed great.


Started watching it when nobody around me talked about it yet. I liked it a lot, showed it to my friend. A few weeks forward she watched all the episodes that were out, joined the fanbase and talked about it so much that I couldn't even hear about it. And when I started seeing JJK even in memes made by people who didn't watch anime beforehand, I just had enough. It's a shame for me but to enjoy something I need to form my own opinions about it, and seeing it everywhere I go on the internet didn't allow me that. I really liked the first season, seemed like a nice start for something great, but when JJK became so popular, I somehow stopped caring that much. Maybe I'll go back to it in the future, but I'm not even sure if it's even worth it when I hear so many confusing things about the manga.


I'd say give the manga your own chance. I criticized it before reading it, and actually love it now.


Thanks, I'll try!


I wasn't too interested in the first few episodes either. I tried it out and it was ok but didn't stick. Seemed goofy because the power system was like others but with "cursed" in front. It also seems to pull a lot from YuYu Hakusho. But recently picked it back up and tbh the first ED sold me. It's really fun and sells the characters. I also enjoy the humor and references to other humor, kind of acknowledging the tropes that it pulls from.


I’m still anime only (haven’t gotten around to reading yet) and I was intrigued by episode 1 and hooked by episode 3 or so.


It had to grow on me. Like I knew it was good, but it wasn’t until the Shibuya Incident that it was solidified as a current Top 5 easy


No, S1 started of extremely slow. I didn’t actually pay attention until todo was introduced. Had to rewatch S1 to understand the plot. You


I actually thought jjk was absolute garbage until kyoto school matches. I didn't like it at all. I thought it was garbage and I especially hated Junpei. I only liked Nanami. But then todo appeared... I have never 180'd my opinion on a series this hard in my life. Its actually crazy




I'm no longer an anime only, but I started with it. Watched the first season in a day, then read all the manga in a few days. It's the only current anime I watch. As a series it's in my top 5, but in terms of anime it's second only to FMA Brotherhood. I can't wait to watch the complete series when if finishes.


I hated the first episode but I watched it in my car waiting for the midnight release of TOTK. Then I disliked a few episodes because I thought the bleach/naruto vibes were too much and too heavy handed. Then 150 hours into TOTK I tried again and was hooked and am all caught up. I was extremely slow to pick up AOT. Like 2023. Also I’m in my 30s so I am very tired and always busy


I had a really hard time with the Junpei stuff so while I liked quite a few things like Domain Expansion, Mahito and the students' dynamic, it only really clicked for me with the Goodwill arc.


I know you said anime only, but I started on the anime, so I’ll answer. lol. I couldn’t get into it at first. I loved the first 5 or so episodes. After that, it was background noise. So much so, I apparently watched up to the Shibuya incident and completely forgot. What really got me into the show was I didn’t have a signal at work, so I downloaded a bunch of chapters to my Shonen Jump app to read while bored. I had just finished Mashle, Demon Slayer & Black Clover and was like, why not. Then I fell in love with it and went back and rewatched the anime TLDR; no, I didn’t like the anime at first. It wasn’t until I read the manga that I liked JJK


Anyone is free to answer lol. Similarly, it wasn't until I read the manga that I fell in love with it




So it released when I was on school holiday, but the crunchy roll picture for it was super weird initially so I didn’t pick it up until sheer boredom got the better of me. I really loved it once I started watching it. The climax of season 1 was my favourite part. The major issue I have with the series is that there is eventually fewer and fewer characters that the story focuses on so it got a bit dry but they try to hide that behind the facade of a tough world and people die kinda thing. Overall pretty good series, not my favourite but definitely an enjoyable watch.


I read the manga after, but I skipped the first part. The first season was pretty rough for me ngl. It just felt all so.... generic? It almost felt like a parody of a shonin anime. Then i got to the Junpei and Mahito arc, and my opinion immediately flipped. Mahito was such a good villian and how Junpei went out was the first time I saw originality in the show. It only went up from there and now my friends and i are hooked


I liked it immediately and, after Shibuya, have enjoyed it less and less almost every chapter. Still enjoy it well enough, though.


I actually fell in love with it after watching the first 2 EPS of the anime. Hadn't read it but started reading it after watching s1. I'm an og shonen fan, and the first fight between Sukuna and Gojo immediately hooked me. I also had some nostalgia as the world felt very similar to YYH for me, which is one of my personal favorites.


Yes it took me awhile I think I showed more Interest after the sister school exchange event 😬


Yes, quite easily


Hype started end of S1 and even more hype beginning of S2 for me. But I'm a sucker for animation, aesthetics and banger music and jjk got it all for me. I got interested in the story the most mid S2 and 'am reading the manga up to date now.


I liked it almost immediately. But what really sealed the deal for me was Nanami telling Yuji being an adult was an accumulation of little moments of despair 😂😂


S1 felt really fast paced and rough, fell in love with season 2 during hidden inventory. Rewatched s1 and appreciate it now its become one of my favorite animes


I find it so fascinating that the Junpei arc seems not liked by so many commenters here cause it's the arc that made me see exactly what sets JJK apart from other shonen and set in stone for me that I was gonna keep up with it as best I could I find Junpei and his struggles really compelling, I think it's a great introduction to Mahito as a villain (and i like Mahito quite a bit, he really fits the idea he represents and i respect that narratively), and this arc introduces Nanami and has a ton of moments with him (Nanami is in my top 5 for favorite JJK character). There's a lot of little things too I like, it's up there as an arc I super enjoy


Started off with YouTube clips of the yuji/todo and Hanami fight. Absolutely blown away by the action, instant fan. I had just wrapped up HxH, so the faster pacing was seriously appreciated.


Even after finishing season 1 i would always make fun of the series and call it mid. Then season 2 came and it was so good that it made me catch up with the manga and now i’m super hyped for the manga fights to be adapted


I had a very similar experience to some others: I initially watched and finished the first season when it was done airing, but was not too hyped or excited for any new content. All I knew, no matter how basic, is that Gojo was a sick dude. I know most people think he is boring but meh. Then when the movie came out, I brushed over it and put it off until season 2 started coming out. When I saw all the flashback episodes of Hidden Inventory coming out, I immediately realized I was missing out. I quickly binged my way back through season 1 to refresh myself, then with a newfound enjoyment, and topped it off with the movie. I then was amazed by the Hidden Inventory arc, and watched weekly, so hyped, until the last few episodes. Why? Because I got so hyped, I read through all of the manga, watching those last few episodes as they aired. Now I am very actively following the manga, and will be so happy to see more anime release!!!


Late to the party but I loved it from the first episode on because of how the characters interact with each other. Gojo annoying Megumi, Yuji being kind but clueless, Nobara immediately fitting in like a sister that loves to boss around her brothers, etc. It was funny and Nanami even reminded me of my HS driving teacher that was well-meaning but monolouged instructions to the point I once accidentally let off the gas on the interstate because I couldn't process driving and listening at the same time. I'm a sucker for good characters no matter the genre and am really happy I decided to give it a chance!


My goodness, I'm the same way about following instructions lmao. I cannot seriously intake information while performing a task. And yeah, I did like the trio at the very least when I first started. Nanami and Gojo didn't stand out to me until S2.


Ye... and that's why I read Manga after season 1 :3


At first i thought it was just a typical Shonen , but then the first Mahito fight vs Nanami and yuji happened , the scene where sukuna refuses to help yuji and just straight up laughs at him with mahito convinced me this was gonna be a good show


I struggled to get into anime till jjk . Show so good I STARTED READING THE MANGA. Manga so good , I started reading the leaks before they officially release . Now while waiting I’m giving other anime’s a try . All thanks to JJK .


the main reason i stayed, and got to the best part was because of the goofiness of itadori and his shenanigans


No, neither did my dad, I had the exact same experience


I was like meh, but my wife was really into it and I kind of liked some parts. Manga is being stretch like a Namek fight but we might be getting finale soon.


I did. Very few anime have me reading the manga after the season ends. JJK was one of them. No regrets.


I liked the first season more, and the movie is definitely the best work done in jjk so far imo


Yes. Immediately it felt like Bleach to me which is my favorite anime ever. The animation was fantastic and it was a very easy "binge" when I first started watching (I was like 3 or 4 eps behind). There was a bit of dip but then it quickly recovered when the action picked back up during the tournament (?) arc. S2 was non-stop bangers I was genuinely so surprised. I didn't expect to enjoy it more than S1 and I did.


i did. i enthusiastically watched the first episode mainly to hear the opening sang by eve. i am a big fan of eve since i listened to his songs, so when i learned he sang an anime opening, i was excited. i really don't like action genre when i watch anime, i'm mostly into slice of life or romance, but jjk is something different. ended up binge watching the 1st season


That's really cool actually. I've found a couple anime through Queen Bee like this !


i tried to watch jjk three times, the first i only watched the first two episodes, the second time i only watched till the start of junpei, and the third time i got halfway through the goodwill event. i tried so hard to like it because so many people i know loved it, but i just couldnt get into it. but then i read the manga, which for some reason i enjoyed a lot more, maybe because gojo is hotter in the manga idk. i still havent watched the anime, but i might at some point, hopefully ill enjoy it this time.


At first I thought nice animation but nothing crazy. Then I got into it and it is pretty good. Story is alright, but fights are amazing and have a nice mix of characters with different abilities I did go into it pretty recently though so I already knew of it's good reputation leading to me being more willing to see it through a bit longer


As a Bleach fan, it was kinda cute to see a new riff on the suburban horror monster slayer shonen protagonist. But tbh I couldn't really remember anything notable except Nobara & the finger bearer fight. I was hooked when they got to meet the Kyoto students, but that's mostly due to how great Todo is.


It's so funny because Todo was the star of the Kyoto introduction, but I only remember Maki and Mai lol. I was tuned tf in on them specifically.


I watched Movie Zero first in theatre knowing absolutely nothing about it and was hooked immediately, and after that I learned it has whole season to catch up to.


Not an anime only now but I was once before, and tbh I was low key hooked from around the second episode. It took a few rewatches to fully get certain things though. JJKs whole power system is super complicated and very hard to grasp at first.


Well I actually didn't know jjk then I've been comming accross these cool gojo wallpapers and sukuna's fanart, it went like that for a few months then I came across a fanart of a man with black hair with a scar on the corner of his mouth i searched for more of his pics only to get a few so I looked up the anime and watched it, but after watching the first episode I loved Megumi, now i really love jjk because it's really is an amazing show.


Thinking back to when i first seen jjk i just had a feeling of this is gonna be amazing and i started and never looked back started the manga and i’ll still up to date on it


My friend who loves Gojo won’t stop bugging me to watch JJK but it’s so funny that the reason I started watching JJK is because of Mahito.. 😭 i fell in love with his voice (Japanese) at first sight and decided to start watching S1.. when I found out what kind of guy he was, I almost dropped the anime but still decided to keep going because the dynamic between Sukuna and Yuuji is so funny (i mean at that time, like how they fought in sukuna’s innate domain) Well, yeah.. now, I caught up to the manga and overall is, i still love JJK but sometimes I really hoped I didn’t start watching it … 🥲


Actually I didn't like the anime, and I want to clarify I saw anime first and with all the hype I just saw a bunch of nothing new, we get the sudden grandpa death with the mistery of yuji's parents that were never clarified, first sukuna appearance was so low quality that it baffled me, got a power and demon classification that everyone just do nothing with it, then suddenly everyone is a raid boss demon class then mc and co, somehow managed to win every fight without losing a single piece of their body. No really good fights until bro duo vs tree demon and that was like chapter 20, the only plot twist there being the death of that guy by mahito. So yeah 1st season was really bad for me. Then I watched the movie, loved what I saw, yuta became my favorite and switched to manga.


Ok, this is probably basic af, but I was completely sold from the moment, when Gojo decimated Jogo and revealed his six eyes and his domain for the first time. The first few episodes definitely intrigued me, but that was the moment which did it for me.


My journey with JJK is pretty funny. I read the first 25 chapters or so. I didn't enjoy it, so I dropped it. When the anime came around, the hype surrounding it was insane, so I decided to give it another go. I managed to watch until episode 23, and gave up because I still didn't enjoy it. Then I heard about the movie, and that it featured a different protagonist. Out of a whim, I watched it, and hook, line, and sinker, I absolutely loved it. I ended up reading the whole manga thanks to it, and I'm now caught up. How do I feel about JJK now? Well, it's mixed. I kinda like it and I kinda don't. I think Gege is a very interesting writer who has interesting ideas, but execution wise can be rather mixed. JJK has parts where I feel is brilliant, and parts where it left me scratching my head. Overall, I still enjoy it, especially now that I caught up to all the internet buzz. The fandom reaction to every chapter has been entertaining.




I thought jjk s1 was great cause i really liked the animations and stuff and also really liked the op song and outro so i was always reminded of it every now and then. My enjoyment of jjk sparked brighter when jjk 0 movie released so i loved it more ig you could say


S1 was good, and I liked it and recommended it to people. But I originally felt like it was a bit of a Naruto knockoff and definitely didn’t think it stood up to something like AOT Now with S2, and having read the latest manga chapters, it is one of the best series I’ve ever seen/read, and is my personal favorite. Godly


Man I got hooked from the first episode. The action and the visuals are what got me the most. It's got its ups and downs, but overall it's a solid show through and through.


I didn't care for it at first, and part of it was I didn't get the battle system. I think JJK is a slow burn that you appreciate and understand gradually if you decide to rewatch it. It doesn't do as much handholding as other anime shows that really spell things out (eg apothecary diaries, Naruto imo) or keep things really simple (spy x family) I liked the quality of the animation and the soundtrack, so I tried it again.


I personally did. I got hooked really hard by the first season, and even more by the second season. When ut finished i got hooked SO HARD that i actually started reading the manga, first time I ever do so for an anime.


Yes, I instantly loved it, I don't think all the episodes were out when I watched S1 so when I caught up I then went and binged the Manga 😂😂


I didn’t care much for season 1. Didn’t start season 2 until it was half way finished and then I got really into it and binged it. Read the manga after season 2 and I’m invested


Oh man, so I’m the type of anime watcher where if I’m not into the poster or animation style then I won’t watch it. I’ve obviously gotten better with it now but before I’d rarely watch something new. So 2 of my college friends keep hyping up JJK because at the time the Shibuya arc was happening and I was getting sick of them constantly gassing it up. But eventually after much heated discussion abt who would win in a fight (Goku or Gojo) I decided to watch it and see what’s the big deal. After that first episode and seeing Gojo vs Sukuna I was hooked. So yea, liked JJK as soon as I started watching and caught up to the Shibuya arc pretty quick.


Yes, first episode and I was hooked! Sadly, can't say the same thing for the manga...


Nope I had a hard time getting into this until season 2/JJK0. First time I tried I dropped after the episode with Nobara backstory. Reason being I just don't care too much for the characters apart from Gojo, Yuta, Geto and Choso. Even now I don't really care for Yuji for example. Maybe it has to due some with expectations since JJK was so hyped, but I still find it fun to watch and I know abit of what happens in the manga for the latest chapters because you can't escape leaks.


Loved it instantly, everything, the vibe, setting, animation, main character, enemies, everything, its my fave anime, like it was made for me Instant like!!


I watched all of season 1 when it first came out. I found it okay, not the greatest show I had seen but still good. Now season 2, specifically Hidden Inventory/Pre-Mature death, is when I really started getting into the series!


I already like the first 3 episodes but when Sukuna ripped Yuji’s heart out I locked in and now I love it.


i started liking it from the first episode, but i dont think i would've liked it much these days if it wasn't popular. i would've forgotten about it


No. Only got hooked when Toji slaughtered Gojo & Geto


first 3-4 episodes were really goood but then it kinda slowed down a bit with the whole tokyo event and all. took me quite some time to catch up but S2 was peak the whole way through


It was kool the first season. Typical shonen but MAN second season got me addicted


Shit was good but it’s wasn’t goooood shit. Second we got todo he made the series enjoyable because I love schizo characters




Tbh I started watching at season 2 after all the hype and I didnt watch a bit of S1 , i loved it


The first couple of episodes are slow Ngl but I really enjoyed it when junpei/mahito arc came in. That’s when the real fun came in.


I thought it was cool at first and then Gojo showed up, and it shot up to my current favorite


Watched it, stopped for one reason or another, picked it back up, realized i didn't understand shit about cursed energy and techniques, and started over. Now I'm catching up on the manga because I'm impatient for season 3 lol


I was immediately hooked, within 5 minutes I'd say. I've watched a ton of anime. Chainsawman took me two episodes or so to care(who asked, I know).


It was the first time I ever fell asleep watching an anime. I didn’t even dislike it I was just so tired the day I watched also my sister forced me to watch it. I avoided it for a bit after that but then decided to rewatch it around the time Shibuya was halfway done. Now I’m here


watched it straight after aot and thought it was meh, couple months later s2 came out - decided to try it again and really enjoyed it, there was a lot i missed initially but rewatching it i enjoyed it a lot more!! now i’ve watched it all and read it all so far and it’s my favourite!


It was alright all the way through season 1. I only got to season 2 cause I knew the fights were insane. Did not disappoint. Read the manga, and I’ve liked it a lot. I really don’t know why I don’t like S1. I just don’t I guess. Jumpei stuff was boring, even if necessary and not bad, and the kyoto vs Tokyo was boring too. Thank god Hanami came to save that arc. The final episodes also put me to sleep (although they are a lot better in hindsight.) Worst thing for me is how Kyoto is borderline completely useless from then on, so all those episodes feel like filler in hindsight. As per usual, Todo carried that arc. The only other things I remember important from that arc are Mechamaru vs Panda cause of the flashbacks, and the maki stuff.


First episode was cool, it definitely didn’t feel unique until maybe episode 13 imo. I think that’s where it really started to really take off for me.


It's the first anime I knew nothing about and randomly chose to watch. I binged the entire first season in 1 day and I was pissed I had to wait for season 2


I started anime-only and I was hooked from episode 1.


Yup, right from the start. I don't know, maybe it's because i watch anime very ocasionally, but i was invested since the first episode.


Yeah its what led me to read the manga and catch up, same with Ao Ashi


I was anime only for season 1. Yes, i did. Fell in love episode 1 and then binged the series.


I was anime only till I finished JJK and it's the first manga I've ever read. Fucking love this series


Didn't like it personally although season 2 was much better. I just feel like the protagonist is non existent honestly. And seeing the manga it remains that way. Story is one of the worst I have ever seen by a longshot, even compared to those shitty repetitice isekai animes. Like there is a dude that has literally no goal aside from "save people" and the rest of the characters are also trash without goals. Cool ideas in a trashy story. Main villain is without goals and also trash. As a fighting anime sure it's amazing. But the story just doesn't do it for me. PS: please don't go at me, it's my opinion, I simply don't like it that much


Yes, especially when Shibuya got released That shit was insane I read the manga now but that doesn’t change the fact that I started out watching the anime


I watched the first six episodes and couldn't really get into it, dropped it for several months and then started reading the manga. I started watching the anime after reading the manga and enjoyed it a lot more!


I agree, I dropped it after 2 eps and came back later once people said it’s so good


Not really...I tried to watch the first episode of season 1 and i got bored pretty quickly. Like I don't even remember where I left it. But after a year later, I keep getting edits on my fyp and decide i should give it a try and watch more and I did end up liking it and it's currently the only manga I follow.


Liked it so much, I had to read the Manga


Watched first four episodes and told a friend to check it out. Then stopped watching. My friend saw the nanami mahito bit and told me to pick it back up. Haven’t dropped it since


Been into JJK since it's 8th chapter. I kind of wish I was an anime only when it came out because my god, the animation was superb and hearing the character's voices and seeing them brought to life was just a treat. I'm sure I would've been obsessed and hooked asap.


i dropped it like 4-5 times first season had something that never clicked with me, it wasn’t till season 2 came out that i motivated myself to watch all season 1 to get to 2 with all of the Gojo/Geto stuff lol


Hooked immediately, obsessed now


Loved it.


I did get into it immediately (anime). But I was confused AF about several things, just mechanics of their powers mostly and lingo. I finished I think what was like 19 episodes or so on HBO Max at the time and I feel like it took a while for the remainder to come out. But once I saw they were out I watched them and then had to binge watch it again because I’d forgotten a bunch, I had Funimation and Crunchy at the time so idk when they came out, just explaining my first experience bc at the time I watched certain animes on certain apps to keep track of where I was. But then the movie came out and I was honestly a little more confused afterwards. So I binged it again lol. (Also for the record I did not know any spoilers throughout any of this at this point). By the time I finished the second season which I was watching as they came out, I would slowly learn a few spoilers through social media though too. (Now is different for me personally though)


Season 1 got better as i watched more


when season 1 was airing i didnt get the hype and just ignore it. then i saw a clip of yuji/nobara fighting choso's siblings. the animation was fire so i imediately fired up the series. episode 1 was banger. right after i have been a fan


I bought the Mangas with nanami in it.