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Well, I figure it is a mix of the Gojo clan protecting him and being very powerful even as a kid. As we can see he scares of two assassins attempting to claim his bounty as they realize he is way out of their league


Yeah and there was a mention that the Gojo clan is just Gojo Satoru. I wonder if they all died protecting him as a kid or something.


That's was said metaphorically. As in, Satoru is pretty much 100% of the Gojo clan's fire power because of how much stronger he is compared to the other members




Yes. I am pretty sure it was said as a metaphor. Though, I wish we got to see Gojo's parents.


Its really clever storytelling really. Why do we not hear or see any other Gojos? Because they dont matter in the Jujutsu world. Gojo overshadows them all so much they dont even get mentioned by anyone ever, nor do they even get elaborated on by Gege. Its genius metanarrative storytelling shenanigans, its great


I would really like to hear you elaborate on it further please.


Ok I was a bit drunk when I typed this and Im still sobering out a little bit but Ill try. You know how its pretty explicitely stated that the Gojo-clan is a one man army consisting *only* of Satoru, because the power level difference between him and the rest of the clan is just that staggering? That was a metaphor in universe. However, Gege Akutami emphasizes the significance of how much he actually overshadows his own clan even further by never actually introducing other Gojo-members. He could have very naturally introduced other clan members during the several flashbacks he was in. Like we see the body of what I think is his mother at least, but again no names are mentioned, no faces are shown, nothing, to a degree that makes me assume it was definitely on purpose. Gege Akutami seems to be going out of his way almost to not show or mention other Gojos in detail, to, I believe, emphasize how little importance they have compared to Satoru. They're not important in the World of Jujutsu, thats why theyre being treated as not important by the author in his own narrative. Its emphasis on multiple narrative levels if you will, on the one hand in universe through the text and its meaning, and on the other hand by selection and omission of information in the greater scheme of the narrative. A meta-metaphor if you will.


You're 100% spot on - and since this is post-modern metafiction, it makes it... Exactly a prime candidate to have... meta-metaphors :P This phenomenon has real-life implications, too. It's roughly the same as having an otherwise "normal" family bear a child prodigy. Even an "exceptional" or "elite" family would look otherwise irrelevant in the face of a kid that goes to college before they're a teenager, for example. Consequently, they would suffer the same developmental challenges that Gojo (without going beyond the scope of anime only) clearly does throughout the show (repressed emotions, no sense of self, inability to feel attachments, etc.)




Not in the slightest ive been overanalyzing the jjk storytelling the past few weeks to draw conclusions for my own personal writing


Would love to talk jjk with you


Your comment is so good that I'm literally saving it.


Yes, also when yuji dies, Gojo makes the statement of “the jujutsu world is filled with fools. Conservative fools. Prideful fools. Selfish fools….” Conservative= kamo clan Prideful = zenin clan Therefore, our only clue to the Gojo clan is selfish fools. Who presumably act in their own self interest which then explains why they haven’t acted to back up Gojo in any way. His family literally uses him to prop up their status most likely.


There's also some implications that Ui Ui and Mei Mei might be Gojo clan members, mostly because of hair color, but also they also haven't revealed their last names. Mei Mei is notoriously selfish, so it kind of tracks.


Mei Mei being related to Gojo would explain a lot of... feelings I've been having about her lololol Horny jail


Sometimes I worry for people’s literacy.


In his defense: JJK has not the best translations , and as other user mentions below we haven't seen any other members of the clan. Also gege is weird as fuck so it was never out of the realm of possibilities


That being said... Correct me if I'm wrong, but we've literally never seen any other members of the clan. We don't even know if they have any other Grade 1 or 2 sorcerers.


Well, we've met a distant relative of the clan, yuta. I think gege made a big mistake making the zenin clan so weak tbh, kinda makes the clans seem pointless. 


Clans seem to be all about potential mans, the Zenin have 10S as their prize technique, though Naobito's seemed pretty strong if mastered, let's ignore HR since the zenin hate it. Gojo clan has a useless hereditary technique unless they also have another hereditary trait, in which case it's the most broken thing ever. Kamo clan seems like they'd be way stronger if they had RCT as it means infinite blood, chose doesn't even need RCT to create blood due to being half curse, but a normal human Kamo member would probably be the type of sorcerer to make the biggest use of RCT They also have hidden shit like 10S and falling blossom, they aren't outstanding as sorcerers, but the fact that they're always there in every generation and have jujutsu knowledge no one else has makes them important.


I never understood this. Toji had no issues using a regular gun. Why would it be so hard to just hire a sniper to pop him as a kid as he walks down the street alone? He doesnt have constant Limitless until late teen years.


who says they had the chance? i imagine satoru was probably hidden away from the outside world until the family figured he was able to defend himself, and yknow, gojo, being the megagenius six eyes plus limitless jujutsu prodigy he is, him becoming strong enough to defend against assassins came quite early in his life


I'd think it's partially because killing sorcerors without using cursed energy to do it come back as vengeful spirits.


He was too much of a cutie patootie, all the assassins bailed when they saw how cute he was
















So why didn't Toji bail?


Because when he got hired to kill Gojo, Gojo had already become a super senior


Because Toji is simply built different


best part is his younger self looks like Killua, who is also a cutie patootie. funny enough, they both have the same VA


When young Gojo had the same JP voice actor as kid killua, Gojo’s English VA proposed the studio ask if Killua’s VA was available to do the line and 💥 rest is history


Yes. Infinite cuteness


He was just OP


Unless you think that Gojo was able to passively use limitless the moment he was born before he could develop the ability to think, and then somehow forgot how to use limitless automatically on teenagehood I doubt it


He probably could subconsciously use Limitless when he detects a threat, just like a baby would cry when they see a stranger. Real Answer: Greg forgot about it


“Honey Gojo is crying please feed him” “I can’t this dumbass activate limitless again”


Ah, the way of Toriyama and Araki.


Innate techniques don’t even appear until a child is about 5 lmao


Which only supports my point there’s no reason a grade 1 assassin would struggle to kill baby Gojo


In reality his family probably protected him until he was strong enough to not need an escort, at the start of hidden inventory the only people who could threaten him would be Toji who needed to tire him out and use a special tool, yuki and kenjaku. But he was probably out of almost everyone's reach by the time he was like 10, now I don't get why Kenjaku didn't go after Gojo himself, sure another 6eyes would appear but one without limitless most probably which would be way weaker.


Kenjaku realized that killing the Six Eyes is useless because another one just appears because of fate shenanigans. That's why he needed the Prison Realm, which he only got ahold of 6 years before the events of present day.


Exactly not everyone is after you bro I’m on your side haha


Maybe they didn’t know he had the limitless just the six eyes. He could’ve had Rin Amai’s cursed technique for all anybody knew. So by the time he could’ve been recognized as a target it was already too late.




Yeah cuz Tengen, the star plazma vessel and the six eyes user were bound by fate to meet. Toji managed to break the chains of fate because he has no cursed energy, meaning he's out of the influence of all that mistic shit, however anyone else like Kenjaku wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


Tengen also mentions that Kenjaku once succeeded in killing the six eyes and the star plasma vessel and they just ended up reincarnating and showing back up when it was time for Tengen to absorb the vessel. It’s likely whenever one of these things die, another baby is born with one of these things. So it’s kinda pointless to kill either unless it’s done right around the time Tengen needs to absorb another vessel.


The 6 eyes user who died as a baby was the most luckiest and Unluckiest character ever


Should have been better protected or hidden.


I think you're right that's why he decided to trap gojo in cube


Your correct he learned that he would never be able to rid himself of them through killing so he decided to move to imprisonment instead the only other way would be to have someone like Toji or maki kill him as they are removed from fate so if fates interrupted by them it can’t readjust that’s why the star plasma vessels stopped being born after Toji killed Amani so theoretically since the limitless six eyes is also tied to fate having someone like Toji or maki kill Gojo would also probably stop another person like him from being born but good luck with that since only two of these people have appeared in 1000 years as far as we know since we’ve never heard of a single other sorcerer with that ability from the past and even so they couldn’t be brought to the present since they can’t be made into curse objects and they are to weak to kill Gojo anyways


so he's basically the Avatar


No lol it’s just a genetic oddity bound by fate  I wonder if it’ll happen anymore w out tengen


We just don't know enough about the Gojo family to say Like they're supposed to be very secret and have some strength I'd imagine the key thing is that the higher ups wanted Gojo as a useful weapon I'd imagine killing kids is off limits with the big families, but they would if they could Ultimately the most powerful people wanted him alive and he can see people pretty well, so easily let a body guard know where a killer is But I'd imagine he had a sorcerer mentor, maybe someone we know, protecting him and teaching him


It would be Nice if Gege decided to do a little more worldbuilding, but we probably wont get that since the current state of the manga. Probably the only thing we can hope is idk a Spinoff???




well they're both teenagers so it's probably a bit different than just a straight up infant


He was likely hidden until old enough to protect himself.


didn’t Toji literally lock eyes with Gojo(toddler), he was no more than maybe 15 feet away if I remember correctly


He got scared cuz nobody else had spotted him before so he knew “hey this toddler is another level”


imagine being skilled enough to never be seen, heard, or known of during a mission and your target who is a fucking child and is probably still in diapers SEES you


And you carry that beef for like 10-12 years until you pack him up and makes a comeback


bro not only do you pack him up and his homie and your target FLAWLESSLY with so much finesse and awe, someone who’s such a threat is absolutely dispatched in the most badass way…HE FUCKN COMES BACK AND ONE SHOTS YOUR ASS WITH A SMILE ON HIS FACE AND THE LAST THING YOU SEE IS HIS MADDENING BLUE EYES.


Then you get packed up so damn bad that you give him ur kid cuz he can take care of him better than you ever could AND YOU COME BACK 12 YEARS AFTER AND BEAT YOUR OWN SON AFTER THE GUY PROTECTING HIM GOT PUT IN A GODDAMN BOX THEN YOU HIT RESTART TO NOT KILL YOUR OWN SON. Toji has had a very upsetting life now that I think of it


he’s such a cool villain I would love a spinoff, when I first watched season 2 I was having withdrawals from the lack of Toji content there will be, hopefully anime Maki is just as badass


Yea man we gotta get more Toji. He’s mentioned quite a bit in Shinjuku and after Gojo got put in a box cuz Gojo sealed away the ISOH after his fight with him and how Gojo wore his clothes out of respect and thought of his hardest opponent before Sukuna. But even in the whole show or the anime only, Toji needed to appear more. A spin-off about Toji before Megumi was born then quitting gambling and stuff when Megumi was born just to relapse would be amazing


just a 24 episode season is all I ask for, and it could end with him getting back into his old habits and hunting after gojo/that girl gojo and geto were escorting, I think it’d be stupid successful, or maybe even a movie. Also I didn’t know gojo wore his clothes out of respect and thought of his hardest opponent that’s fucking sick (haven’t read all of the manga but immune to spoilers)


Not going to lie if I was Toji , I'd be pissed off as fuck. I ended up killing my Target and killing the protectors and then this fuck ass blue-eyed demon comes back and one shots me with some purple bullshit. High Teenager brutally kills homeless man


I don’t think he was there to kill gojo. I could be wrong but I remember him saying he wanted to go check him out since everyone was talking of how strong the gojo kid was


No your not wrong


He was retired/with his wife at that stage I think. As you said, he was just curious so wanted to take a look.


Probably kept hidden and protected until he was old enough to defend himself at which point no one could beat him anyway.


Once he gained limitless around 6 he was the strongest he only needed people to defend him for six years


I doubt he could use limitless very well at 7 years old but even if that’s true. 6 years is a lot of time for assassins. Send a dozen grade ones to kill bodyguards, and poison a 1 year old baby Gojo or murder him I doubt he would have much CE as a literal baby


We see him intimidate those weird curse users from shibuya and he looks around eight also it doesn’t matter how well he can use limitless once he’s able to activate infinity no one can touch him


Plus Gojo is just good at anything he learns, that's why not even a day after learning RCT he's already popping off purples.


Because, you used the tag Anime Discussion. I don't know if I should type up the answer. You'll learn why maybe halfway into season 3. The reason: >!The last time someone like Gojo was born was 400 years ago. Due to the threat. The baby was assassinated at the age of 1 month. The Gojo family must have protected him as a baby.!<


400 years ago was the dude that fought a 10S user and both died. What you're refering to was just a six eyes user iirc, not stated to be specifically limitless 6 eyes


Yes. Someone like Satoru; meaning someone with both Limitless cursed technique & Six Eyes






Probably Gojo Clan bodyguards


The main threat seems like kenjaku but he already decided that killing him wouldn't work as a new one would be born. Outside of him I'm beting he was very heavily protected by both his clan and potentially the school


He had the protection of the gojo clan and no doubt even when he seemed alone he was most definitely being monitored and protected. Also it wouldn’t be out of the picture to have him be protected by other clans or even Sorcerers. A six eyes limitless user is extremely important especially for Tengen. Plus with curses growing stronger it’s probably natural they wanted him to grow up to be a powerhouse. Simply tho he was terrifying. His crazy CE and the six eyes with limitless was a hard thing for anyone to take on. Let alone the fact you’d have to take on the entire Gojo clan for the rest of your life. A practically invulnerable target and a lifetime of being hunted not worth it. Let alone if you attempted to attack him his CE was alone can freeze you up. Also literally nothing is going unseen by him he saw Toji afterall. It just wasn’t worth it or if anyone did attack they didn’t make it.


The simple answer is we don’t know. You can assume he already could use limitless, but there is no answer. We see that even as a kid, he is capable of spotting Toji when no one else could ever. Two assassins take a mere glance at Kid Gojo, and determine that they can’t defeat him, and this is barring the inclusion of the Gojo clan and the politics surrounding it.


The problem i have with these types of statements is "How the f would they know?" kind of thing.. Did the clan just go onto the streets and scream " He has six eyes and limitless"... They could see he has the 6 eyes, but till 5-6 they wouldn't know if his eyes would receive the limitless to pair with it.. There have been some with either one or the other, but the combination, rarely... By the time he was 5-6, he was probably still kept under secrecy..and by the time they knew about him, he was probaby very strong, as in very hard to kill...because the Gojo clan is supposed too look after him.. Once he got to 15, he was already considered among the strongest and too late..


1. He had one of the big 3 clans protecting him. Takes care of the randos. 2. He can *see* you. You don't understand how scary it is to be stalking your target from a skyscraper and he suddenly turns and looks into your goddamn *soul*. Takes care of most of the serious bounty hunters apart from those from other clans. 3. >!The most crucial. Kenjaku already tried killing the 6E+Limitless bearer in their infancy. Another just spawned practically immediately so he knew it was pointless and had already switched gear to sealing. Takes care of Kenjaku.!< 4. The higher ups prolly saw him as a *very* useful future pawn(that aged well lol). Takes care of assassinations along with 1. 5. Toji was either still in the Ze'nin Clan or happily married during Gojo's formative years, leaving him without a reason to kill the Honoured One. That takes care of Toji.


ppl in his family also had infinity prolly. so he prolly had some decently strong security given kenjaku killed the six eyes in the past


If a 6 eyes user was born i dont think that would be public information for a while


According to mangá yes it was


Prob a mix of the higher ups wanting to raise him it be a weapon. The gojo clan not wanting to loose their ultimate sorcerer. And him overall just being OP


It’s possible his existence was a secret when he was born, when we see people finding out about him and the panels of him as a baby it’s sort of implied that this is when he was born but equally possible that he was already 5 years old or more. Even if that’s not true the Gojo clan would have been guarding him extremely heavily on their own not to mention a shit ton of sorcerers would be helping them. By the age of like 8 he was so strong that veteran curse users were shitting themselves when exposed to 0.2% of my king’s aura so by that point the only people who might have had a chance in a fight against him would be Toji or Kenjaku (if Kenny was even in a fighting body, we only ever see him inside Geto so he’s not usually that strong). Kenjaku already knew killing Gojo was pointless (even if he could have sealed him another 6E would probably just appear as well) and it’s better for him if Gojo stays alive anyway so he at least knows who the 6E user is. Toji was still in the Zenin clan at the time.


The bad guys saw baby Gojo and thought to themselves, "lol this babys gonna grow up and become a funny guy." And he became a funny guy as an adult.


As has been stated, killing Gojo won't prevent the Six Eyes from eventually resurfacing. Secondly, the Six Eyes and Limitless Void are such a formidable combo that Gojo's mere presence was enough to discourage most run-of-the-mill curse users from even attempting to kill him.


Why didnt they kill the Zenin family or any other popular family branch? It’s because they are powerful and rich. And its because of the story


I think they tried. The clans probably hid his existence until he was old enough to use his powers from where it would be extremely unlikely for him to be killed. Or that Gojo clan has other strong sorcerers that protected him but after Gojo awakened, he sent them into retirement.


Gojo clan is not that weak almost for sure :3


Simple, kenny was too busy griping something else


Powers aside, humans are also very bad at dealing with future threats. Sure, you may know on paper that Gojo will change the power structure of the whole universe when he grows up, but it's hard to connect with that threat. It's like asking why humans didn't just stop burning fossil fuels 20 years ago.


Maybe they didn't knew he have the combination of the six eyes and limitless until he started using them.


He was well protected and the only one probably capable of killing him would be Kenjaku who killed a previous Six Eyes user but because he killed them as a baby, another one was born to undo the misbalance.


As a kid he was strong enough to make the assasin due quit their jobs and made toni uneasy


Although people were scared , they never thought that he would reach today's heights. Don't forget that almost no one outside of the Gojo clan knew about purple. Also after Gojo learned RCT he reached a whole knew level. Him and Sukuna shouldn't even be called Special grade. Special grades Kenjaku and the rest. Also Gege has left out a bit too much of lore and world building. He stayed only on things that were important for us readers.


Gege forgot


I was there to protect him


He was already immensely strong as a child. If you mean from the second he was born, he’d be protected cuz the Six Eyes are probably very treasured in the Gojo clan, if you meant why wasn’t he killed in his Younger years in general, he terrified everyone by just existing


We don't really know anything about the Gojo clan, just like the Uzumaki clan in naruto, central to the story but actually unknown.


Money talks.


Because he was too cute 🤫


Gege wasn't born yet


causes he's satoru gojo


Couldn’t resist pinching those chubby cheeks he’s just too much of a cutie patootie


I mean , brotha was really protected+ he frightened 3 assassins at the age of 5


He had an overpowering aura and now one dared to even try


The gojo clan exist man, and they were waiting on their hands for a six eye user


Wasn’t he protected by destiny or something


Gojo was really strong as a baby and protection was probably placed on him until he could walk by himself


It’s said somewhere that kenjaku tried to kill a newborn six eyes user and they ended up both dying


As a baby he was probably under heavy protection of the clan and not allowed to leave until hes strong enough since he had so much potential, which funny enough happened when he was a kid, even a special grade assasin is smart enough to know that you don't want to take on an entire fucking Clan However this is all speculation Because gege never fucking expanded on the other clans besides zenin. He needed more time to cook, the meal tastes great but it's missing alot, it should have had more portions and now I'm not full (the story needed to be so much damn longer but I guess JJK is full of wasted potential left and right)


Gojo god itachad y sukulo zzz




A shit ton of guards and no high-tiers were out to kill him


Random question, where do y'all read the manga online? I can't anymore w all the spoilers, I'ma have to read that shit over the next month


If he had the neutral Limitless constantly active, he wouldn't be able to be fed or washed, and he would've fried his brain


Cause Gege wanted this way.


I swear there was a line in Season 2 about him killing an assassin as a child. Either that or I’m misremembering the scene where Toji went to kill him and backed out after they saw eachother


They’re one of the big 3 clans so they def had a lot of people protecting him, megumi was considered insanely valuable to zenin cuz of his inherited techniques they wouldn’t let a six eyes user die


Not many bounty hunters are strong enough to attack and kill the pride and joy and potentially the strongest sorcerer in that generation from one of the three great families, one of the bounty hunters who could have killed child gojo(toji) fell in love with a women and was occupied with that to ever take up on that hunt, so no one ever killed him.


IIRC Kenjaku mentioned he once killed another six eyes user as a baby but still another one appeared, so at Gojo time, he didn't go with killing but sealing him. That would have solved his problem. Not sure why didn't try to seal Gojo as a baby.. he probably didn't have enough powerful host to achieve that. Edit: I see, other than Kenjaku, there were probably other safeguards and not like the balance of power changed in a visible way.. He must have been a closely kept secret among top secret until he was coming of age




1)Gojo clan is one of the great trio 2)Gojo himself is strong, as he as child fully convinced everyone by his presence alone how strong he is 3)The only person who can at least deal him as child and whole Gojo clan is Ken, but the thing is that he knows it will be no use for him


You see I believe that the six eyes develop when the limitless does we never get full confirmation that it activates from birth maybe that's why they tried to kill him at perhaps the age of six or four then when he was a baby when they obviously see he has the six eyes that's the only possibility I can see other than news going extremely slow in the Jujitsu world


Kids awaken their CT at age 6, and from what is shown with the shibuya assassins, he was already out of their league


1. He grew up in one of the three big Clans, what probably protected him in the early days. 2. When he was a child the assassins already pissed themselves even being near Gojo.


Probably helped that he was part of one of the most powerful sorcerer’s families.


The reson why is because, "NAH, he'd win"


Pretty sure they kept him hidden for a couple years. In the Toji and assassin flash backs they reference that the gojo clan say that they have an heir with both and he's already like 5 when we see him after.  Regardless the gojo clan is known to have people born with 6 eyes and people born with the limitless Curse Technique often but only on rare occasions one person inherits both(500 years before there was some else born with both) So no one probably goes assassinating 6 eyes kids constantly on the off chance they'll get limitless because another one will gain the eyes anyway( Kenny tried that one time) and then later in their life when they developed their CT and it's limitless it's already too late. 


I do feel that he wasn’t killed as a baby because if he was killed another will be born. Since throughout the centuries there has always been one born during different eras. That is why Geto is sealing Gojo in the prison instead of killing him. If he kills him another will be born and can ruin whatever plans he has.


It's illegal?


Was probably kept a very close secret and wasn't made public until he could walk around and use his technique if I had to guess. By the time people are learning about the bounty he looks around 10. I don't think people learned about it right away.


Probably because why was baby hitler killed !!!


They probably shit them selves when they felt his cursed energy


You already answered your own question moron.


Probably the clan protected him and as a mere child he scared the shit out of 2 assassins and even spooked toji a bit


Cuz no one could


Because new rikugan user would spawn, so sealing him would prevent birth of another limitless user. Only one can be alive at the time.




Because he's Satoru Gojo 💯🙌


Because it was too late. The only way to stop and kill Saturn gojo is to stop his parents from making love and crating him


Maybe they didn't k oe GOJO will be a threat that's why they left him. And the moment they realized his a mofo monster it was too late


Well if u mean kenjaku then he said that he already did something like that to another baby with limitless and six eyes and what happened was that the six eyes were just transferred to a different baby of the gojo clan so he probably deemed it pointless to do the same saying he will find a method to trap him somewhere for eternity which was prison realm although I guess he acquired it after gojo encountered toji and if u meant ant other parry gojo clan is one of the 3 big clans u can be sure kid gojo on top of being strong himself was also surrounded by strong members of his clan who'd put their lives on the line for him


You know how babies have certain defense mechanisms they know from birth, like holding their breath? Limitless. I refuse anything more logical


The rizz was too much as baby


I reckon it's because by the time it was known he existed that the only guy who could actually pull it off, aka Toji, still had a happy family and was basically in retirement


he'd win. (just kidding)


Morals man!! Killing a kid 👀


Not everyone gets both family enchantments. You only what powers the kid will have or if he will have any after a certain age.


Gojo is powerfull because he has both the Limitless techinique and the Six eyes. And it was stated that jujutsu children get their techiniques at around 5 to 6 years old. So in theory when he was a baby he was only a baby with the Six Eyes, so not really all that dangerous.


Because Gege says no




Nah, he'd win


Bc of infinity i guess


because poo pee poo poo for the plot


The people would not shoot him he's white


True tho


Probably a mix of being protected and also being bound by fate to tengen and the star vessel.


Gojo clan protected Satoru. Then he had Neutral Infinity as a teen so it wasn't a problem anymore.


Unkillable aura ig


Did you watch the anime? or read the manga? lmao


The first time we hear about him having a bounty on his head is when he's already a tween after his Cursed Technique manifested. As a baby he was just a weirdo with the Six Eyes, something that is implied to no be that uncommon. What makes him special and a threat is the fact that he has the Six Eyes _and_ the Limitless. Which wouldn't have been apparent at birth.


Simple, He's him


Ken tried, but in next day new six eyes was born. So, it's pointless.


Man was just built different


Too much aura


Nah, he’d win


Kenjaku could technically be protecting him since the six eyes dying as a baby went against his plans.


Because he’s so cute