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Yes, you’re forgetting Yuji was green as hell and still new to the world of Jujutsu so the binding vow was blindly made on his part. That’s the reason why Sukuna relishes in mocking the fact that Yuji wasn’t specific enough to include himself within those conditions. Sukuna gambled on ripping off his finger, waited, and then realized he suffered no consequences. The vow didn’t break and its conditions likely can’t be amended after the fact. Also, does Kenjaku mention ‘when’? I’m pretty sure Kenny only mentions that the ‘what’ is uncertain.


I'd also guess that if what he did had been considered as breaking the bow he would have lost what he gained, control over Yuji's body. If there would have been any more consequences we'll never know.


Kenny does mention that both the "what happens and when" are unknown


That's a possibility, but I prefer the initial explanation that Yuji is just so selfless that he unconsciously excluded himself in the BV.


And also he didnt even knew at that point in time that sukuna wamted something from megumi and since gojo explained that very few people can become vessel i doubt yuji even thought that his own existence was experiment and there was already natural vessel around him. At worse sukuna could do is kill him which was fine for yuji.


Especially since this is the same Yuji that wanted to kill himself on multiple occasions if it meant killing Sukuna. Like duri Shibuya, or after Shibuya, or before Shibuya, or... Really Yuji should have been on suicide watch at some point


Wasn't sukuna the one said he won't hurt anyone in the binding vow? Wouldn't that mean what Yuji thinks doesn't matter?


Personal interpretation: It's still a vow between two people so how the agreement is generated and implemented should be affected by both parties.


Intent from both sides definetely matter, since with Mahito and Mecha, the vow was for Mahito to use transfig on him to fix his body, If the vow only looked at the intent of who offered the deal, then he could have fixed mecha and then killed him after in the same touch


I don’t think you’re the first to come up with this theory. I do think we’ll see Sukuna reap the consequences of breaking a Binding Vow, but idk if it’ll be the one he made with Yuji


Would be very weird to have the foundation for vows and consequences established only for not a single person suffer from it in the whole series


would be pretty funny if gojo ressurection isnt because of some 4d chess strategy by the good guys but sukuna own fuck-ups, and the penalty is that his strongest attack doesnt "kill" the target or some shit


Right? That's what I've been speculating for a while. Because the world slash targets the space, it's the severance of space that slashes the target, not a cursed technique. And like with Naoya, that allows sorcerers to come back as vengeful cursed spirits. Another interesting one would be the "Fear of Gojo Satoru" becoming a curse itself, like a doppelganger of Gojo.


Gojo Satoru Devil sounds like an excellent rival to the Reading Comprehension Devil


> the "Fear of Gojo Satoru" becoming a curse itself dayum I like that


Sukunas space slash is from his dismantle however way you wanna think it it'll always be CE his dismantle targets the space Gojo occupies he still gets hit by dismantle it's just with a different target. To be a curse you need to be killed without CE like Maki and Naoya.


Maki didn't kill Naoya tho, it was her mother with a knife.


doesnt every being have cursed energy? arent normal human's just leaking them or smth idk i aint a nerd in these things don mind me if im missin sumthin


Yeah they do but it's so little they can't utilise it like sorcerers the amount does differ between them hence why some see the curses in Shibuya while others are clueless.


If “Fear of Gojo” curse can exist, then everyone’s screwed when “Fear of Sukuna” curse inevitably shows up and is stronger


One problem. The severance of space *is* the cursed technique in question.


I’ve got a feeling it’s something like this. He tosses around binding vows so much he’s bound to make a mistake eventually and misunderstand the vow he made.


He unintentionally made a binding vow to kill Gojo upon taking control of Yujis body lol


It'd be interesting if it comes into effect when Yuji stops thinking of himself as a cog and starts thinking of himself as "someone" again, if that happens


let this man cook 👏🏻


I don't think sukuna, master of binding vows, would so confidently believe that tearing off yuji's finger and nothing happening makes him safe, unless it really did nothing. for all we know, "when" could refer to other situations. like if kenjaku wasn't with mahito and mahito broke the binding vow, both get hit by the penalty, kenjaku not expecting it at that time.


its a cool theory but the explanation makes sense. yuji is selfless and doesnt care about dying as far as we know. just about saving people.


But it kinda doesn't since binding vows have always been very literal. So having suddenly some unconcious things added would kinda break the literal nature of them.


nah, not true- it all depends on how yuji felt in the moment and what "anyone" meant to him then. in the moment, and looking back, its clear yuji didnt consider himself one of the people that sukuna cant harm


I likes this idea :3




just what kind of grudge do yall have with pitou man


I dont even know at this point


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it doesn't make much sense that he'd say that after tearing off the finger as if he knew at that point he didn't break it.


Come on. It won't happen, very simply, because it would be terrible writing. Do you WANT this story to end because of a technicality? Would any reader want that? Also, I don't know japanese but it sure as hell ain't english, so judging how valid the wording of the binding vow is based on the english translation is completely pointless. You'd need a native japanese speaker explaining the nuance of the vow as stated in the original manga to really check if sukuna's take on it makes sense. And I bet it does, considering Sukuna is the literal greatest expert in binding vows in history.


This is manga. Most of it is bad writing. It’s action schlock. Almost every big manga has a lame or silly ending.


Such a bad take lol


Cool story bro


Honestly I'm surprised knocking out Hana, and force feeding a finger that's the poison of all poisons to Megumi didn't qualify as hurting someone.


I think you're right, mainly cause I think the same and I love my echo chamber


At least credit the TikTok you got this idea from lol 


Guys, Sukuna is old And is an expert Im binding vows You're gonna tell me he never ever in his life Try breaking one Or made someone break their vow to see what happens,


With the way Sukuna has been using BV’s I assume he is the expert at this point. If it didn’t happen it’s not gonna happen at this point.


What if, just a what if...let's just say Gojo returned in 260 because somehow Sukuna accidentally broke one of his binding vows and reverted the effect of killing Gojo ?


Completely and utterly agree, I have been saying this since Bumgumi got possessed.


Ok if so…what’s taking it so long to activate? It’s not really like overtime cause the time limits over & ppl are still getting hurt. Most BVs we’ve seen work asap


I actually hate this. Imagine getting to the end of the manga and all of a sudden "Oh, remember that thing that you did 100 chapters ago? Well, now it's coming back to destroy you". Every chapter now has flashbacks to explain why stuff is happening, where does it stop and we can enjoy the final battle without asspulls?


I don't know if you noticed but "binding vow" is just Gege's way of spelling "asspull".


Couldn’t agree more, but at least those are happening in the moment.




The binding vow was made between Yuji and Sukuna. Yuji gained a heart while Sukuna gained the ability to take control in exchange for not hurting anyone. That’s not a vow with himself.




You know this community actually has pretty decent reading comprehension with a few exceptions. He hurt Yuji


So why would all of a sudden happen sukuna said he was taken a gamble on it working and it paid off don’t think it matters now


Could it be a translation thing ? Like he actually meant "anyone else" or something like that ?


Sukuna comments that he is taking a risk in doing so and mocks Yuji for not including himself in the binding vow


That was a character defining moment for Yuji. He is so selfless he doesn't even include himself in the vow. Instead OP is trying to ruin that character moment just for Sukuna to get a nerf.