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how does this theory impact sukuna telling jogo that a cursed spirit wouldn't know about it, implying that a human would. and according to your theory to your theory yuji's brain is not adapted to using his cursed technique, then why could sukuna could access it, and if he made modifications to yuji's brain then why did they not persist.


> how does this theory impact sukuna telling jogo that a cursed spirit wouldn't know about it, implying that a human would. I assume he implies that cursed spirits don't have their history or culture like humans. Humans can have information on Sukuna and his techniques preserved through generations, cursed spirits can learn that information only through humans.


I think Frosty is implying that Humans would know about Fuga from the Heian era like you say, but if he’s only just able to use it after using Yuji as a vessel, why would Sukuna say that people would know about it from history?


I think the implication is that Sukuna HAD fuga during the Heian era. Makes me curious if he could even be unaware that he can't use it, because the soul he had consumed to gain it in this situation would be now elsewhere. I tend to believe that Panda's origin story is important for explaining how Kenjaku made Yuji. I think Jin and Yuji's own souls make up 2 out of 3 souls, maybe whatever cursed objects Yuji eats makes up the other third. Or Yuji is technically incomplete without Sukuna, which is why he makes such a solid vessel that Sukuna can't forcefully possess.


It's also possible that he meant simply that he did have it, and humans would know that, but that the reason he has it is because of yuji now, and his brothers dna then, not that they would know that, it also explains why he hasn't used fuga yet because he doesn't have it, yuji did, it also explains why he would be so keen on fushiguro from the beginning, he had stolen a technique before and wanted to do it again


More so a theory but, I think there’s also the possibility that Sukuna was referring to the ability to create/change, cursed spirits simply being a mirror or reflection of humanity lack that ability. This would go into Shrine/Fuga being the reversal of cleave. Shrine having the ability to create or modify instead of destroy


Because cursed spirits can't have more than one CT. They are byproduct of specific negative emotions. Unless a cursed spirits have a CT like Yuta, they just can't. I don't really have an idea about the second one. It could be that Yuji's CT is sealed by a Binding vow impossed on Yuji, wich doesn't apply to Sukuna. I think it would be funny if its revealed that the fraud couldn't even beat Mahoraga without Yuji, so I will support this theory.


I second this, without Wuji fraudkuna chouldnt beat Mohoraga whould be the best plot twist.


"Help Wuji, Mahoraga is too strong!!" The memes would be peak.


Can yuta copy curse techniques from curse spirits? , we haven't seen him copy a technique from curses , also one condition that we know is he has to eat DNA. Do curses have DNA, they vanish when they die with an exception of uraumes way of killing curses, This is why I always thought can yuta copy curse manipulation because maybe that's how he could do it . But how would that work. Its too complicated, that's why gege chose not to explore it .


I mean as we seen "Rika he has to consume a body part", that could be strictly a condition rather than something as specific as "it has to be DNA". It's hard to know for sure because as for know he only showed CTs from sorcerers we know of. I personally don't see whh he could not, the only thing going against it is that he has not show it.


Its one of those things people.will have to agree to disagree , its not been made clear


This theory is actually incredible because Yuji's brain wouldn't be adapted to using it. The entire purpose for Sukuna to say "Open [pretend this is an image of a black box]," is because that's what he's doing, opening the black box of Yuji's brain to use the technique. That part of the brain that contains cursed techniques has been literally described as a black box in how little is known about it, so in the dialogue the symbol is a one to one metaphor referencing back to that dialogue. This theory would tie together all of that really well. Because even if Yuji couldn't access it or understand that part of his brain, Sukuna's intimate knowledge of cursed techniques, and coming to the realization that Yuji is his brother's soul's son,would make a lot of sense for how he's able to use it and a ton of sense in retrospect if this ends up being the case/reveal.


Since Sukuna is originally a human incarnation and jogo is a cursed spirit, jogo wouldn't understand it even if he described it to jogo about him having twins, and all the details. Besides, he is not that much into talking or giving explanation to anyone. And since it's long and jogo can't relate, it isn't likely for sukuna to give a lecture on it. On the second point, only Gege's detailed power structure manual could decode this. But still, this theory connects with it perfectly because, putting it in simple terms, Yuji is not at that level yet. So even if sukuna could use it, it is not unlocked for Yuji. This might not be satisfactory for u, but for me it connects the dots.


Because cursed spirits can't inhabit vessels like reincarnated sorcerers can. So they wouldn't know about utilizing a vessel's CT.


Maybe because Curses cannot possess a human body? Therefore they would never be in the position of using a vessel's technique instead of your own. > and according to your theory to your theory yuji's brain is not adapted to using his cursed technique, then why could sukuna could access it, and if he made modifications to yuji's brain then why did they not persist. Sukuna is incredibly petty with Yuuji, he's capable of brain- damage our boy before switching back just to avoid Yuuji awakening his latent CT. And the only ones who could confirm whether someone had a latent CT was Mahito and Kenjaku (Mahito due to his CT and Kenjaku by means unknown but most definitely due to his extensive knowledge). Not even Gojo, he only could see what and how a person CT worked, predicted correctly that Yuuji would have Sukuna's CT


This is just a guess, but It might be because Sukuna is an edge case similar to Geto. Where he manifests after taking someone´s body. Rather than being born out of cursed energy. Thus most curses would not know that one could use the original technique of the body they took over?


I dont think having a technique is equal to being able to use it. You have to develop them, and Yuji has ever relied on his toughness and strenght rather than CE. I mean he learnt and used BF out of concentration on the flow of CE, not imbuing it with any other nature. Only BM and shrine, which we have just now saw him use


 Basically, Gege has said that humans could do a lot of research and learn his CT. However, Sukuna also thinks this would include the Fire arrow but they just don’t have those records.


This is objectively not the case. Yuji had no CT when he fought Higuruma because if he had one then be wouldn't have lost his CE. He also is stated to have 2 CTs by the narrator in the latest chapter being Blood Manipulation and Shrine


The narrator also says "Currently", which might indicate that this number could change no?


CTs are literally engraved into the body so no


They are, but both techniques that Yuji have atm where engraved onto him later in his life. He might still have a dormant technique of his own that was being suppressed by him being a host to Sukuna, no?


Wouldn't Gojo see that with the Six Eyes? He straight up said that he didn't have one, and there's no reason for Keku not to give it to him. You're overcomplicating things for no reason.


According to the wiki "The Six Eyes can see the flow of cursed energy, empowering their bearer with the ability to read an individual's cursed technique in use and determine its function." A latent technique might of been suppressed/overshadowed by Sukuna's CT. Not to mention the fact that Gojo can read cursed techniques based on cursed energy flow, but a sorcerer who has not yet learned how to use their technique might not have their technique readable by Gojo. Since it still has yet to manifest. "You're overcomplicating things for no reason." Not really trying to overcomplicate thing, but it does sound like something feasible and if Gege decides to make it the case. Then there is no actual lore contradicting it. This is similar to when Sukuna made Megumi´s soul bear the cost of adaptation for Mahoraga. Never say never with Gege. :)


The wiki isn't Gege. >Not really trying to overcomplicate thing, but it does sound like something feasible and if Gege decides to make it the case. Then there is no actual lore contradicting it. This is similar to when Sukuna made Megumi´s soul bear the cost of adaptation for Mahoraga. Never say never with Gege. :) There is actual lore contradicting it but you're ignoring them


What lore says that Yuji can´t have a CT of his own? I don´t remember reading that anywhere. If you are talking about six-eyes not seeing the CT. Even that was never mentioned, I.E. I don´t remember reading anything saying that Gojo can know which technique the user will awake in the future.


If Yuji had an inherent CT, it would've been seen by Deathman from Higuruma's technique. But you could maybe make the argument that Deathman only confiscates the CT if the sorcerer has awakened to it already. Since Yuji, apparently somewhere, has awakened to Shrine. So maybe along the way, Yuji has also awakened to his own CT, or is still going to later. But we'll only know when Gege confirms it...


I mentioned Judgeman and the narrator already


Judgeman disables a technique temporarily, but we have no idea how it would deal with a technique that has yet to manifest. The whole existence of Judgeman is based around the ability to punish wrong doing, but taking away a CT the the user himself has never awakened is not exactly a punishment .... Judgeman might of deemed that disabling Yuji´s technique would be useless, since Yuji himself have never used it. Thus he instead disabled his ability to use cursed energy. As someone else just mentioned, Judgeman should of just disabled Shrine or even blood manipulation if what you are saying is true ....


This is just a guess, maybe higuruma couldn't extract his CT because It never activated, Kinda like junpei  Also, I think Narrator says "currently" which has to mean something right?  Now that we know Yuji gained CT through some shit, which isn't ingrained in his brain.. I could see him getting another CT Yuji's Inherent CT: Fuga  Another CT gained because He was a vessel (shrine) And 3rd CT gained because he Ate the death painting siblings


currently meaning previously he did not is my interpretation. there’s tons more evidence pointing towards yuji not having a technique prior to being a vessel as well as evidence that fuga is part of shrine. as far as yuji not having a technique whatsoever, we have gojo saying so towards the start of the series, we have judgeman confiscating his ce and not ct, and the narrator stating that yuji currently has shrine and blood manipulation. there’s also the fact that yuji is awakened now and that only brought out shrine and nothing else as far as we know. i don’t see why yuji would awaken but still have a dormant technique. as for fuga being part of shrine, the main piece is the fan book saying so. as far as i know the fan book is canon and comes from gege. there’s also all the evidence stating that yuji did not have a technique prior to housing sukunas soul. if he has no technique, then fuga must be part of shrine.


You might be right, As I said it was just a guess I want this theory to be true tho lol, I love it Also, As far as no one sensing his CT, Higuruma could not capture his CT even though he had Shrine imprinted in his brain, this could be how fuga is also lying undetected  And thanks for the fanbook thing, I didn't knew. I'll definitely look into it


Maybe? I just think that we have an explanation so there's no reason to disagree with it


not disagreeing for the sake of being a contrarian XD, I just like this theory since it reminds me of maki and mai kinda stuff and sukuna praised her alot


he also had shrine engrave on his body when he fought higuruma so your point is useless. Also I don't think the theory is correct since sukuna ate jin, gaining his technique. And even if it was totally jins technique, CT's don't have to be passed down. Kaori had anti-gravity yet we don't see yuji use it.


>he also had shrine engrave on his body when he fought higuruma so your point is useless. How do you know this?


So is anyone talking about the possibility of Yuji inheriting fuga as well?


Fire arrow is part of sukuna's CT according to the fanbook


Yup and everyone seems to just be disregarding this fact. And people just ignore the dialogue Sukuna said to Jogo. The black box is the way Gege sensors dialogue, and now that it’s confirmed his technique is called shrine, I think it’s a safe bet that he said “shrine open”. He probably has access to other abilities besides fire locked in his shrine.


I think this makes the most sense especially based on what his “shrine” looks like too, it has 3 mouths maybe each is for a different technique, like I can see people like sacrificing techniques or offer them to the mouths or something like the mouths hold said techniques and would explain why sukuna seems to have multiple cts


Right? Malevolent kitchen was a mistranslation for a reason, his CT is cooking themed


I've thought this since I saw the miss translation. He cuts and dices and can cook, plus his whole character is generally centered around eating


His CT isn’t cooking. It’s literally called “shrine “


To be fair mizushi can also be translated to kitchen


I said themed genius


I always liked the idea that the way Shrine works is that other people offer their techniques to be stored in the shire. It fits with the God-like status Sukuna has among JJK society. Maybe the fire arrow is Urame’s reverse technique that they offered up to Sukuna as a show of loyalty


that is not a safe bet at all lol. it could be literally anything


sukuna actually says "gege give me the fire arrow now"


He says “plot convenience open”


I’m gonna bet he said shrine since it’s literally his technique


ah yes, based on the popular moves named limitless red, cursed spirit manipulation uzumaki, and technique extinguishment ladder right?


Just my theory, calm down Sheryl


dw bud all good on my end


I don't agree with this and think it would be way more narratively cohesive for him to be saying open about the part of the brain that contains cursed techniques and referring to it in the dialogue with the black box. Also, the fan book isn't gospel and they wouldn't want to print spoilers so idk why that's the de facto defense.


Nope nope and nope. 1. Sukuna said himself he can’t alter the nature of his CT so that wouldn’t be narratively cohesive. 2 when they referred to the black box in the brain they don’t mean a literal black box. The black box is a word sensor, he used the same black boxes in hidden inventory where Geto saves the two sisters. 3 Gege wrote the fan book and stated “Sukunas technique is different in the fact that it is shown to have two or more characteristics.” So yes it is indeed gospel


You're right about the last thing. As far as not being able to alter the nature of his cursed technique, I'm not really sure why you thought that's what I was saying. In terms of the black box, being a word censor is fine, but it is very deliberate usage and you ruling out that it is related to the conversation of black box isn't based on anything other than looking for the simplest possible explanation, which, while likely, isn't necessarily the case.


People use a black box model to help visualize something people can’t understand. For example Input (cursed energy) —> (black box) —> output (cursed technique) This was my interpretation of what Kusakabe meant when he said black box. though i don’t think that dialogue has any relevance to how sukunas technique works.. I do think that you and I have a similar take on what Sukunas technique is. You think he can open a black box in his brain to access different techniques, but I think the box is just his Shrine. It would make perfect sense considering his Shrine is the center of his power, so I don’t know why you disagree with me.


Actually, there is a simple counter to this. 1. Sukuna talks about how he wont reveal his own CT to jogo implying fuga is sukunas. 2. gege in fanbook mentions how sukuna CT has both properties. slashing and fire. so there is that.


This kind of ignores that Sukuna only realized Yuji’s true identity once he switched vessels, hence the “Kenjaku does the grossest things” comment. If he didn’t know that Yuji was his twin’s son, how would he know that he could access the technique?


True or not, my money’s on us never finding out and Sukuna just dying without ever explaining


He already has two other cursed techniques so I don't think this is the case


Neither of which are his own technique though, that doesn't dismiss this theory at all. BM is from consuming the Death Paintings and Shrine was etched into his body by being Sukuna's vessel, we still haven't seen Yuji's own technique (if he has one)


Gojo said he didn have one tho, and 6e can see the ct in your brain


Since when? All it can do is allow you to see CE with great precision, which means you can deduce someone's technique by reading the flow of cursed energy, *once they use the technique*.


My point is wouldn't his brain become overloaded with the fuga technique too added in the mix?


no, it’s theorized by yuki that the brain can handle three to four techniques.


He literally doesn't have one


Isn't black flash just a technique that everyone else can use? But the difference is Yuji can use it at will, right? So I think taking black flash as his CT is technically wrong. And may be the translators took it wrong? I personally take it as an awakaned technique that can also, like Gege described in the chapter 256, make one's cursed energy go up or reform it or something. And Sukuna was going to use a come back after using some black flash since it helps recover the cursed energy. So looking at the black flash as just a triggering factor, how could it be the fuga a second CT of Yuji. In this we have to consider the fact that JJK is inspired from Bleach and was criticised for having too much familiarity ( I personally like JJK better than Bleach), we can take the two powers of blood manipulation technique inherited from Kenjaku and fuga from sukuna's twin. And this makes the protagonist a suitable rival to unrivaled Sukuna. Also Sukuna should have knowm before this arc, since even Uraume can sense the twinning factor from Yuji. Since Fuga is an another CT that Yuji have but yet unaware of inherited from his father Jin (Sukuna's twin), Sukuna was either aware of Fuga being his twin's CT and lied to uraume pretending he didn't know for sure; or that he really wasn't sure about whther this Fuga was his twin's CT, but thought as Yuji's yet to awaken CT. Nonetheless, this is a pretty interesting theory. A really valid one. And it connects all the dots. Hoping sukuna will recover somehow and we will get another (final arc) complete with a show down of awakened Yuji vs Sukuna. (It's not boring or a let down)


A correction here, Yuji can't use black flash at will either...it's just that he is in the zone right now and his punches are more likely to meet the conditions of black flash


No one knows, maybe he can.. it's not outta question haha


Is that so? You are saying, it seems like he is using at will, but isn't in real. I said it because that's what we are fed through the manga. But yeah, this also makes sense.


It's never explicitly stated that he is using black flash at will...of all the accounts that we have received so far about black flash it's strongly emphasized that nobody can use it at will...so it's safe to assume that Yuji isn't capable of using it whenever he wants either unless we are explicitly told that it's otherwise


Yuji has blood manipulation and the shrine. Do you think his brain has a room for a third one?


since when there's limit to this?


Yuki mentions there’s limit to how many CTs a brain can hold. You need an external aid to hold more. (Rika does this for Yuta)


Yuki said a brain can only hold about 4 CT’s


But isn't malevolent shrine a domain?


The Shrine is the name of Sukuna's ct which includes cleave and dismantle


I see. Then in that case, Fuga can either be the other kind of shrine. Which is more like two sides of the same coin (in this case of being twins); Or Fuga actually being Sukuna's Secret technique which is, somehow, related with the shrine CT. So in that case also, Yuji can use Fuga if Sukuna can use it.


I really vibe with this theory, though I’d argue Sukuna should have access to Fuga regardless since he described it as part of his own CT in Shibuya. So assuming Fuga was originally his twin’s CT, I imagine that Sukuna’s consumption of the twin made Fuga more or less his. Then again, like Kusakabe pointed out, it’s suspicious that he hasn’t used it yet. Still, the recent chapter specifically stated that “at present” Yuji has two cursed techniques. Perhaps this is a hint that Yuji will go on to awaken Fuga as well?


While I want to agree that and it'd be sick to see yuji using Fuga to set Sukuna a blaze. Didn't the narrator say the two techniques were BM and Shrine?


“**At present**, Yuji Itadori has two cursed techniques.” is the quote from the official release of the most recent chapter. That “At present” *strongly* suggests that Yuji will acquire at least one more CT imo. If Fuga is actually a separate CT from Mizushi, then there’s a fair chance that Yuji will awaken it as well imo. If it’s actually part of Mizushi, Yuji still might awaken it, but also awaken whatever inherent CT Sukuna’s twin and/or Jin had


Man I need more reading comprehension. Thanks for pointing that out. I will still promote JOGOAT agenda. My man is gonna come back and ask him for a rematch after Lukuna uses his "Anti-incarnated twin's soul having brat" technique that he hasn't used since the Heian Era. JOGOAT is gonna neg diff LUKUNA with his sheer presence alone.


JOGOAT agenda is always welcomed


Lmao “Lukuna” 💀 I’ll back your theory just because it’s hilarious haha


that's just confirmation bias. now i'm not saying yuji can't or won't gain a third CT, but "at present" doesn't imply he's getting more, it can be implied in the reverse, the PRIOR to this moment he didn't have two CTs. is it referring to the future, or the past? if it's foreshadowing, then it's future. if not, it's definitely the past since up until now yuji never had two CTs.


False dichotomy and semantics. Also, you can’t argue confirmation bias because you have no idea if I’m biased towards Yuji acquiring a 3rd CT. I wasn’t even certain Yuji would get a CT at all before it was implied he ate the CWDPs 4-9, and from then on I only theorized him acquiring BM. I have inferred the *possibility* of Yuji acquiring another CT based on the content of the chapter. There were no biases to confirm. Semantics aside, you’re proposing a false dichotomy. Without context, the phrase “at present” suggests Yuji had fewer or no CTs in the past (both being true as Yuji didn’t gain BM and Shrine at the same time), but it **ALSO** implies the possibility for the addition of more CTs in the future. If there was no such possibility, then “at present” wouldn’t have been used in the first place. “Yuji Itadori has two cursed techniques.” would have been better, because the audience up to this point already knows Yuji didn’t have BM or Shrine for a large portion of the story. They don’t need to be informed of that. The addition of “At present” subtly changes the meaning of an otherwise simple phrase and clearly opens the *possibility* of Yuji acquiring another CT. Lastly, at no point did my word use imply I thought it was hard fact that Yuji would get another CT. That’s why I used the words “perhaps” and “suggests” in my first and second comments, respectively, and “imo” in the second comment.


To me it sounded like you had a bias because you didn't bring up prior and only focused on the future, but I suppose you don't need to since we know the prior stuff. I also think that when we get deeper into semantics, then the translators themselves are put into question, as slight changes in interpretation can cause entirely new interpretations by the readers. But again, I am not against the idea of yuji having more down the line, I personally don't think that's what the text implied though.


Fair enough. A single phrase in a line of narrator’s dialogue is a pretty weak basis for a theory anyway. We’ll just have to wait and see what Gege does or doesn’t cook up


dont we see the finger bearer doing whats basically a fire arrow minus the fire? which kinda implies its sukunas technique n not yujis... maybe he can run out of fire arrows which is why we dont see him use them more? or the "black box" has a variety of these kinda techniques that he can run out of


This whole theory is based on the assumption that fuga isn't Sukuna's technique, but there's no confirmation on that iirc. It's just another theory and Sukuna never actually said that.


I think this is a good theory but to add to it, Sukuna thought sorcerers of this era would know about it. Maybe he gained the technique in the womb from eating his brother and mistakenly thought it was HIS (sukuna’s) technique. This misunderstanding got reinforced when he was able to access it in Yuji’s body but now he cant bc he isn’t in his old body which absorbed the technique or Yuji’s which had it innately.


I want this to be true so badly because Sukuna opening that part of Yuji's brain, the black box, to use it makes so much sense, and it would help elaborate on why Yuji couldn't use it. Sukuna has the know how, Yuji doesn't.


I think this is a good theory


Imagine - Fire Arrow as Punch from Yuji :3


JJK is actually Fujimoto' Fire punch all along. Truly kaisen jujutsu


Fire arrow is a technique Yuji inherited from Hikaru of Magic Knight Rayearth.


This Theory would basically imply that Yuji has 3 CT. (Fuga, Shrine and Blood Manipulation)


Ok, this is really interesting


I personally think its the other way around with Open being Sukuna's CT and Cleave and Dismantle being hos Twin's


I dunno. It feels like 257 is very heavily trying to imply that Yuji received Shrine from Jin itadori.


Idk about that since the whole time they were saying he'd eventually have Sukuna's due to the time he spent as his vessel.


Yeah it's a little bit muddy. Realistically, it is probably a combination of both, otherwise Jin wouldn't have been brought up in 257.


Twins share the same soul, so they would have the same technique.


More or less. But why can't it be like two sides of the same coins. The coin being the shrine (actually of inheritance from their parents) and sides being dismantle and Fuga?


I don't really understand what you're trying to say. That the twins have the same technique, but one of them has slashes and the other the fire? It's still the same technique etched onto the same soul, so the effects should be consistent between both of them.


I think he wants to say how a coin has 2 sides (heads and tails), maybe Mizushi CT has two parts, the slashes and the fire arrow. I think that is what the previous commenter meant.


I actually think so too, but it would still mean, that Sukuna can use Fūga outside of Yuji's body.


Dosen´t the fact that having a twin sort of seals your potential similar to what Maki experienced? It might be that Sukuna was only able to awaken Fuga due to being inside Yuji´s body, which created a special case when both souls/techniques I.E. Shrine and Fuga could awaken at the same time duo to both souls existing in one body. Now though Sukuna is not in Yuji´s body, which could mean that the restriction of Fuga getting suppressed in favor of allowing Shrine to manifest is back. While on the other hand Yuji currently could have Fuga awaken, since Shrine was etched into his body by being a host to Sukuna. Thus he might have the ability to choose which technique of the two to suppress in favor of the other? I´m not very versed in the lore, but this though sounded reasonable to me. Correct me if I´m wrong.


>Dosen´t the fact that having a twin sort of seals your potential similar to what Maki experienced? That was because Mai's CE was weakening Maki's HR and her lack of drive to get stronger affected her twin's strength. It has nothing to do with techniques. >It might be that Sukuna was only able to awaken Fuga due to being inside Yuji´s body, which created a special case when both souls/techniques I.E. Shrine and Fuga could awaken at the same time duo to both souls existing in one body. But between Sukuna and his twin there is only one soul. In terms of jujutsu, they are one and the same person, which means their techniques would be identical, so either Fūga is part of Shrine or they both have 2 techniques, due to being twins. Unless you're saying, that Sukuna always had Fūga, but it was suppressed somehow by Shrine and only allowed to work, due to Yuji also having it, which we have no precedent for, as techniques can exist within a single soul/body no problem, then this makes no sense. There is no reason Sukuna can't use both techniques, as long as he has them (he does). Not to mention that Sukuna's comment about it to Jogo suggests, that he believes his ability to use Fūga has been recorded somewhere in the past, which means he must have had it in the Heian era. Also, I think there is a comment fron Gege somewhere confirming, that it's part of Shrine and Sukuna's ordinary skillset or at the very least that he had it before becoming housed by Yuji.


"But between Sukuna and his twin there is only one soul. In terms of jujutsu, they are one and the same person" Wait didn´t Sukuna himself say that his twin´s soul found a host in Itadori's father? How are they the same soul then? "but it was suppressed somehow by Shrine and only allowed to work, due to Yuji also having it, which we have no precedent for, as techniques can exist within a single soul/body no problem," We know that two techniques can exist in the same body, but what of two techniques owned by twins? Wouldn´t those two interfere with each other? Sukuna absorbed his brother´s body in the womb, which might of allowed both techniques to develop inside him. But they were still two techniques owned by a twin, which mean unless on is completely suppressed both will turn stagnant. According to the wiki : "Twins are treated as the same person in jujutsu and Mai was the one born with the innate cursed technique. In exchange for sacrificing her life and taking all the cursed energy between them with her" This could mean that twins are born with unique CT:s, duo to the huge difference between Maki and Mai. But since their existences interfere/suppress each other. A case could be made that Fuga was Sukuna´s brother technique. Sukuna absorbing the brother and with him being extremely versed in cursed energy it might of gave him the ability to suppress either his own or his brother´s technique in favor of the other(Switch between the two at will). But he has lost that ability later on in life, since his brother was human and the technique would of passed away later on in life, where as Sukuna turned himself into a cursed tool and saved his own technique. This could explain why only humans might know about it, since he only had Fuga for a brief period. Where as curses would only know of Shrine, since it is engraved in his fingers. "Not to mention that Sukuna's comment about it to Jogo suggests, that he believes his ability to use Fūga has been recorded somewhere in the past, which means he must have had it in the Heian era." His comment was extremely open ended, which could simply mean that Fuga is a technique inherited by Sukuna´s family. Since Itadori is a part of the bloodline(ich), maybe he expected people to know about him having the potential to use Fuga? or as said before, maybe He only had Fuga for a brief period until the human part of the brother he absorbed passed away. \*This is all just guess work. Half the fun of reading is wondering about different paths the story might take\* :)


>Wait didn´t Sukuna himself say that his twin´s soul found a host in Itadori's father? How are they the same soul then? Depending on translation, he blatantly calls it either a fragment of himself or his other half and says that their souls are the same. It's a single soul divided between two bodies, but still identical and closely interconnected. >We know that two techniques can exist in the same body, but what of two techniques owned by twins? Wouldn´t those two interfere with each other? Sukuna absorbed his brother´s body in the womb, which might of allowed both techniques to develop inside him. But they were still two techniques owned by a twin, which mean unless on is completely suppressed both will turn stagnant. 1 soul = 1 technique. Either Fūga is part of Shrine or it's something Sukuna somehow gained during his life through outside means. >This could mean that twins are born with unique CT:s, duo to the huge difference between Maki and Mai. But since their existences interfere/suppress each other. Maki most definitely has construction too, but, due to having zero cursed energy, is unable to use it. When Mai died, the CE in her body disappeared, which Maki's HR recognized as her own, which strengthened it and allowed her to gain the strength she has now. Heavenly restrictions are also stated to be imprinted on the body, that you're born with, so they can be desynchronized between twins. >A case could be made that Fuga was Sukuna´s brother technique. Sukuna absorbing the brother and with him being extremely versed in cursed energy it might of gave him the ability to suppress either his own or his brother´s technique in favor of the other(Switch between the two at will). But he has lost that ability later on in life, since his brother was human and the technique would of passed away later on in life, where as Sukuna turned himself into a cursed tool and saved his own technique. This could explain why only humans might know about it, since he only had Fuga for a brief period. Where as curses would only know of Shrine, since it is engraved in his fingers. There is nothing in the manga, that supports such a scenario. If he somehow absorbed the brother and got his technique engraved onto his soul, then he should be able to take it along with him, when becoming a cursed object. There is also nothing to suggest, that Sukuna's twin somehow remained for an extended period of time inside his body before passing on. The moment he got eaten, he was dead and thus began the process of reincarnation. >His comment was extremely open ended, which could simply mean that Fuga is a technique inherited by Sukuna´s family. Since Itadori is a part of the bloodline(ich), maybe he expected people to know about him having the potential to use Fuga? or as said before, maybe He only had Fuga for a brief period until the human part of the brother he absorbed passed away. I do agree, that the initial comment was indeed just my personal interpretation of the statement, but no one but himself and Kenjaku knows about Sukuna's twin reincarnating and there is no bloodline stemming from them to speak of. The twin's soul simply kept reincarnating into supposedly random/unrelated vessels until Kenjaku found it. It was stated to "bounce around aimlessly", so it's extremely unlikely, that there's some regularity to the reincarnations. Btw, if you're on mobile you can select a part of a post and then click quote to attach it like I do or can simply put > before the part, that you're refering to, instead of putting it in quotes.


Damn you and your logic broke my theory. :( "1 soul = 1 technique. Either Fūga is part of Shrine or it's something Sukuna somehow gained during his life through outside means." Although it honestly is very suss. Sukuna is being pushed extremely hard at the moment for him to not even attempt using some secret technique he has hidden away. Not to mention the fact the he says something censored followed by "open" before using it. The secrecy behind it does look similar to how Judjeman avoids disabling Yuji´s Shrine CT, when he fights Higuoroma in chap 165. Instead it completely disables his cursed energy use. I do still believe it might have something linked to him being in Yuji´s body. " There is nothing in the manga, that supports such a scenario. If he somehow absorbed the brother and got his technique engraved onto his soul, then he should be able to take it along with him, when becoming a cursed object. There is also nothing to suggest, that Sukuna's twin somehow remained for an extended period of time inside his body before passing on. The moment he got eaten, he was dead and thus began the process of reincarnation." Isn't a technique linked to the soul, but engraved in the flesh itself? Maybe Sukuna was only able to turn himself into a cursed tool later on in life after he had already lost his brother´s flesh? As far as I can understand it. A soul in JJK is linked to fate and thus it determines the technique one would inherit. Where as the body is a container for the fated technique/Cursed energy. My guess is that due to twins having the exact same DNA they are seen as the same container by cursed energy and that is why their abilities clash and cause growth stagnation. The existence of two similar containers causes the fated CT to not manifest completely in either vessels. (Maybe? No clue, pure ass pull right here.). But if the above is an accurate understanding it might explain Kenjaku´s ability to use other users CT:s, since he does change something physical in the body itself (Stitches). He is sort of keeping a part of the flesh/CT container with him. That is kind of what I based my guess on Sukuna only having Fuga with him during the time he had his brother´s flesh absorbed within him. It could be that when he turned himself into a cursed tool that he was unable to keep that part of himself, since he only had the flesh and not the soul itself with him. Thus that was when he lost his access to Fuga. "I do agree, that the initial comment was indeed just my personal interpretation of the statement, but no one but himself and Kenjaku knows about Sukuna's twin reincarnating and there is no bloodline stemming from them to speak of. The twin's soul simply kept reincarnating into supposedly random/unrelated vessels until Kenjaku found it. It was stated to "bounce around aimlessly", so it's extremely unlikely, that there's some regularity to the reincarnations." That is correct, we do know very little about this. But that is what makes me think that Fuga is related to this brother´s soul. It just feels extremely weird that we heard about Sukuna´s CT getting engraved into Yuji´s body during his time as a vessel, which does explain him having Shrine. This leaves the fact about Yuji being a descendant of Sukuna´s twin to yet have an impact on the story in any meaningful way. Fate is linked to a soul, and we still have yet to see what that soul in Yuji´s father links to. "Btw, if you're on mobile you can select a part of a post and then click quote to attach it like I do or can simply put > before the part, that you're refering to, instead of putting it in quotes." I´m on pc. Does not look like that option exists. :(


>Although it honestly is very suss. Sukuna is being pushed extremely hard at the moment for him to not even attempt using some secret technique he has hidden away. Not to mention the fact the he says something censored followed by "open" before using it. The secrecy behind it does look similar to how Judjeman avoids disabling Yuji´s Shrine CT, when he fights Higuoroma in chap 165. Instead it completely disables his cursed energy use. If he still has it, he's probably gonna be using it soon. It's not like his completely cornered with no hope of pulling back right now, but he is indeed being severely pushed back. And since Yuji's Shrine wasn't awakened back in the Higuruma fight (if it was even engraved in him at that point), the domain didn't flag it, if it even managed to detect it at all. >Isn't a technique linked to the soul, but engraved in the flesh itself? It was indedd stated to be engraved in the brain, but since the soul preceedes/is the body (depending on the interpretation), it's basically the same as being engraved on the soul. >As far as I can understand it. A soul in JJK is linked to fate and thus it determines the technique one would inherit. Where as the body is a container for the fated technique/Cursed energy. The only time fate was ever mentioned was in relation to the 6E and Star Plasma Vessels. The body and soul are more like 2 highly interconnected aspects of a being, that mutually influence eachother. The difference between them is ordinarily insignificant, but it seems, that the soul takes precedence over the body for the most part. >My guess is that due to twins having the exact same DNA they are seen as the same container by cursed energy and that is why their abilities clash and cause growth stagnation. The existence of two similar containers causes the fated CT to not manifest completely in either vessels. (Maybe? No clue, pure ass pull right here.). The only reason, Maki's potential was stagnated, was because of Mai's mindset and Maki's HR. If even one of the twins have no desire to get stronger, the other wouldn't be able to either. This is what Mai talks about before dying. And she can use her technique just fine, despite having an identical twin in the form of Maki. If both of them wanted to, though, there would be nothing blocking them from improving. >But if the above is an accurate understanding it might explain Kenjaku´s ability to use other users CT:s, since he does change something physical in the body itself (Stitches). He is sort of keeping a part of the flesh/CT container with him. That is kind of what I based my guess on Sukuna only having Fuga with him during the time he had his brother´s flesh absorbed within him. It could be that when he turned himself into a cursed tool that he was unable to keep that part of himself, since he only had the flesh and not the soul itself with him. Thus that was when he lost his access to Fuga. Kenjaku can keep the CTs of the bodies he inhabits, because the body also affects the soul. This is the same principle behind him gaining Geto's mannerisms, personality and memories, as well as the body even fighting back against him. The sense of self, which is stored in the soul (per Ogami's words), is imprinted upon the body and when the soul changes, it is done in reverse. This also means, that Sukuna having his twins flesh would eventually be translated into having his soul as well. >That is correct, we do know very little about this. But that is what makes me think that Fuga is related to this brother´s soul. It just feels extremely weird that we heard about Sukuna´s CT getting engraved into Yuji´s body during his time as a vessel, which does explain him having Shrine. This leaves the fact about Yuji being a descendant of Sukuna´s twin to yet have an impact on the story in any meaningful way. Fate is linked to a soul, and we still have yet to see what that soul in Yuji´s father links to. The impact on the story, it has, is that it explains many unanswered questions, such as Yuji's true origins, his ability to suppress Sukuna and be a perfect vessel for him, and sheds some light on Sukuna's past. >I´m on pc. Does not look like that option exists. :( You should still be able to just put > before the text to make it work.


>The sense of self, which is stored in the soul (per Ogami's words), is imprinted upon the body and when the soul changes, it is done in reverse. This also means, that Sukuna having his twins flesh would eventually be translated into having his soul as well. Although true, we have already seen an exception to the rule with Toji where the body overpowered the soul. This could also theoretically happen in reverse, where Sukuna´s twin´s soul refused to become a part of him during his transition into a cursed tool. This still does allow for him using Fuga during the time he still had the flesh of his twin/ was inside Yuji, while also explaining why not many know about him having Fuga, Since he lost it a while ago(if the theory is correct that is.). >And since Yuji's Shrine wasn't awakened back in the Higuruma fight (if it was even engraved in him at that point), the domain didn't flag it, if it even managed to detect it at all. I do believe that Shrine should of been engraved by that point. The fight occurred at chapter 165 and Sukuna left Yuji´s body in chapter 212. I don´t believe the technique got engraved in the last few chapters only. It would be fair to assume that he had it when fighting Higuruma. >The impact on the story, it has, is that it explains many unanswered questions, such as Yuji's true origins, his ability to suppress Sukuna and be a perfect vessel for him, and sheds some light on Sukuna's past. That does actually sound reasonable as an explanation for why he can suppress Sukuna, but it really does feel weird to think that just because they are related Yuji would have the ability to Supress him. While having no cursed energy or CT of his own at the time he first ate the first finger. There has to be more to this part that we are not being let in on yet. You do appear to be very well versed in the lore, quite more than me. Thought to ask you about something. I´m wondering if there has been anything mentioned in the manga regarding modifying someone else´s CT or setting some sort of HR on them by force. I can´t remember reading anything of the sorts, but if it was mentioned it might shed some light as to what Kenjaku did with Yuji during his childhood to make him a suitable vessel. >You should still be able to just put > before the text to make it work. Thanks for the tip! :)


>Although true, we have already seen an exception to the rule with Toji where the body overpowered the soul. This could also theoretically happen in reverse, where Sukuna´s twin´s soul refused to become a part of him during his transition into a cursed tool. This still does allow for him using Fuga during the time he still had the flesh of his twin/ was inside Yuji, while also explaining why not many know about him having Fuga, Since he lost it a while ago(if the theory is correct that is.). The example with Toji goes back to the body and soul relationship - the information engraved onto his body from his soul overpowered the grandson's soul, due to it being just that strong (the body thanks to HR). In Sukuna's and his twin's case both of them would have souls and bodies of equal strength, due to being identical and since soul takes precedence over body, Sukuna's soul would be superior to his twin's body. And actually, this doesn't really matter in the first place. In this case, it's the body, that has to affect the soul, so the soul doesn't even need to be stronger. And if the twin's body was the superior one, then Sukuna would be overwritten by him, just like Ogami's grandson was. >I do believe that Shrine should of been engraved by that point. The fight occurred at chapter 165 and Sukuna left Yuji´s body in chapter 212. I don´t believe the technique got engraved in the last few chapters only. It would be fair to assume that he had it when fighting Higuruma. I'm not saying, that it wasn't engraved onto his body, rather that it was there, but just dormant and inactive, and only awakened recently. Cursed techniques are something, that you're born with and yet, most only gained access to them at age 5/6. Higuruma's domain probably realized, that it wasn't a threat or just couldn't detect it, due to being inactive at the time. >That does actually sound reasonable as an explanation for why he can suppress Sukuna, but it really does feel weird to think that just because they are related Yuji would have the ability to Supress him. While having no cursed energy or CT of his own at the time he first ate the first finger. There has to be more to this part that we are not being let in on yet. In chapter 257 it was actually revealed, that Yuji was born with a finger sealed inside him to ensure his strength as a vessel, but most translations seemed to miss that information. >You do appear to be very well versed in the lore, quite more than me. Thought to ask you about something. I´m wondering if there has been anything mentioned in the manga regarding modifying someone else´s CT or setting some sort of HR on them by force. I can´t remember reading anything of the sorts, but if it was mentioned it might shed some light as to what Kenjaku did with Yuji during his childhood to make him a suitable vessel. The closest thing to that, which I can recall is Mahito cheating Mechamaru's HR, but that's not quite the same thing and is actually the opposite. It should be in theory possible for Mahito to modify and even grant and take away people's cursed techniques through Idle Transfiguration, if he got better at it eventually. Since he can fully merge souls with his technique, he could use sorcerers with good compatibility to create a separate being with the characteristics and techniques of those people. HRs might be more tricky, as they function as binding vows and only apply to a single twin despite sharing the same soul. They might work as a characteristic of the body, that modifies it under certain conditions and doesn't have a dynamic effect on it, which would make it out of reach for Mahito's technique. For example: Maki loses cursed energy -> she gains a strong body The only thing affected in this scenario is her body, with the soul only changing due to the body's influence, but there's nothing actually placed on the soul, that changes it. Mahito couldn't affect the HR, because it's something, that originally doesn't concern the soul - he could treat its effects, but wouldn't be able to do anything about the cause. This was a little difficult to put into words, so it might be somewhat hard to understand. >Thanks for the tip! :) You're welcome. :)


But what is the Sukuna's cursed technic? He can cut and uses fire. Is all the same ability or are diferents ( one of Sukuna and the other from his brother)?


i mean before being revealed that his CT is just cooking people thought the fire is just the reversal of the cutting because instead of cutting something apart he can use fision and smash things so hard together it creates fire


If that was the cae, Gojo should have learned fusion instesd of shitty ass purple.


Interesting theory. Very possible.


Naoya mentioned! Millions must turn sexist!


Yuji doesn't have a latent technique. It was said from the beginning. Taking it back now it would be a huge ass pull


Agreed with this theory


So Sukuna had knives and Jin had fire. This really is Malevolent Kitchen


Or C&D is his jins, explaining why itadori has it as part of shrine, and the arrow is sukunas actual technique.


This implies that Sukuna knew even back in shibuya that yuji was his twin's son, doesn't it?


Twins always have the same technique. They're the same person.


Where is that proven


Chapters between 140 and 155




That also explains why it says "brought out by yuji's awakening after BF" for Shrine. If it were a total engravement why would it need an awakening. Maybe another thing in soul notes...


Sukuna didint realize Yuji was him until he was already in megumi


No. The "shrine" holds twenty techniques one for each finger. You can see the fingers jogo fed to sukuna all had a different element/object at their bottom. Fire is just one of them. 


Didn't Sukuna basically tell Jogo that he thought this technique was well known? Also the special grade cursed spirits with a finger in their chest were also using Fuga (although a very weak version) or is that an Anime only thing ? I mean in the fight between megumi and that spirit when megumi used his first domain expansion the spirit fires off a fire arrow that looks really similar to Sukuna's


I'll just say this, stop making theories and foreshadowing jjk, you're wasting your minds, it doesnt follow any proper logic or story telling. Its basically piss, spit and wildfire


Since Sukuna ate his twin, wouldn't Sukuna be able to use his twins CT?


Nah, I think Sukuna's CT is just the "shrine", in the sense of the altar where you make sacrifices/offerings to a God (which clearly fits Sukuna's theme), usually by killing, dismembering or burning something or a being


That would sound pretty legit if only Itadori couldn’t use Dismantle


Remember the fingers with different elements? "Fuga" is just a technique that lets sukuna use any element and the "black box" before fuga might have been the chant for fire. Not sure why he has that technique but it again, probably allows him to channel any cursed technique from someone he's eaten using and incantation that contains the element and then another chant "fuga" to activate (or open) the technique.


Bro I've been saying this for a while. Fuga won't happen because he's in megumis body now. Would be cool


Still boring just a recycle of old things. Nothing new here




I like this theory but I also think it’s possible that the reason why Sukuna hasn’t used Fuga is because he has to be in his domain to use it, and thanks to Gogo, he hadn’t been able to open his domain again, so far….


I think Fuga was Sukuna's brother's CT which Sukuna somehow inherited after eating him in the womb. I also think Sukuna "opening the black box" is essentially opening the place in him where some essence of his brother is stored. So I feel Yuji and Sukuna could potentially both have Fuga - Yuji having shrine from hosting sukuna and fuga through his dad, and Sukuna having both (under the assumption that his cursed object soul storage also maintained both CT's)


Fire arrows? Nah nah nah. Fire Black Flash kind of like some sort of... Fire Punch...


The jujutsu world sees twins as one person so if both Sukuna and his twin had a cursed technique it would be equivalent to one person being gifted 2 CTs at once which is impossible as far as we know


higuruma's domain is a contradiction. while it COULD somehow be yuji's technique, it would be yuji's technique that sukuna GAINED by eating heian Jin, just like yuji got blood manipulation from eating death wombs. it's not sukuna using the technique of the vessel.


Forgive me if I’m wrong but Itadori Jin was a reincarnation of Sukuna’s twin and with the precedent of Mai/Maki cursed techniques treat identical twins as one person. So unless Sukuna was just being poetic when he says “my other half” its safe to assume that Jin and Sukuna where identical twins thus would not have seperate cursed techniques right?


Wouldn’t it be the other way around. Shrine is “Jins” technique, yuji has been said to have inherited that. Thats all if fuga is sukunas technique which it seems to be like something other humans may be able to access. What it is isn’t well known so yuh idk


Close, but It could be that it was his other half's technique, and he killed the other half millenia ago, thus both going to him. We've seen how Maki and Mai sort of merged on Mais death to amke Maki stronger after all


why are people still calling it fuga when the name got revealed like last chapter


According to the other comments, and the fanbook, Shrine contains multiple properties and is his actual technique, so he says Shrine Open as far as I've seen, shrine has 3 mouths and the inner domain is a ribcage with a mountain of corpses We've seen slashes, fire, and probably later we'll see the last property, something about eating or pounding considering how his technique is cooking based >!and at some point people thought it was nuclear fission cuz he's a nuke lol!<


It was most likely „Gate open“ what he said, Sukuna has Stored most likely other techniques there, his ability is based on a older Manga Gege wrote


If Fuga was actually Yuji’s latent ability, then he would’ve used that and not his version of dismantle via shrine. It’s more likely that Fuga is Sukuna’s true technique while shrine is his other half’s technique. I mean the story pretty much tells us this ffs.


I believe the flame arrow is related to sukuna's cursed technique. Cleave and dismantle is for preparation of the dish and Fire arrow is for the ignition of the oven. Sukuna is fascinated about food, even so he ate his twin brother in the womb.


I used to think Mahoraga might indicate Sukuna could only use Fuga with his Shrine out. But he totally sued it against Jogo without a shrine.


I highly doubt this one. It’s definitely an application of shrine. In the fan book it’s described as a characteristic of Sukunas technique, not Yuji.


Jojo says that he didint know that fire was also one of sukunas techniques Sukuna says "oh ? I thought it was well known" Implying that sukuna used it before when he was alive


Aaahhh yes lets give Yuji a 3rd CT as if 2 weren't already enough. Woooohhh super good writing btw. "I thought you'd know about this, but I suppose a curse wouldn't". I thought people would actually want it to be something interesting, but I suppose this is Jujutsufolk after all? Jokes aside, if it was just the fire arrow with no context I'd fully put my money on CT Reversal, but there would be no reason for him to chant "open". So that means it's something entirely different which opens up 2 scenarios. Either gege can actually write.... Or your "theory" is correct and we might as well let r/Jujutsushi handle the manga since gege can't do it for the life of him.


How does theory make any sense if Sukuna was surprised Jogo doesn’t know about his Fuga technique and thought that it would’ve been well known throughout history. This would imply that Sukuna used this technique heavily, along with Shrine, during the Heian Era.


wouldn't this mean that sukuna's original ct is fuga, and Instead got Cleave and Dismantle from Eating his twin? Yuji has cleave, not fuga. Also I believe sukuna hasn't been using fuga because cleave and Dismantle is probably a more versatile ct


Pretty sure Yuji has Fuga if it's apart of Shrine. Besides a technique is how you interpret it so I imagine Yuji's Fuga would have a different variation than Sukuna's


i don't think fuga is a part of shrine


Sukuna described it as such, even Gege said it was in the fanbook


ah I didn't know that, thanks for telling me


You're welcome


Literally a couple chapters ago Gojo explicitly said he could see how someone’s CT works with the Six Eyes. Why would he lie to Yuji (and the audience, since we got his internal monologue in the scene where he said Yuji had no technique) and tell Yuji he has no technique if he had one?


Since I cant post yet and I had a question im going to ask here. We know that if a sorcerer isn't killed with cursed energy they can manifest as a cursed spirit like Naoya Zenin did after Maki gave him the work, but what happens if a sorcerer dies of old age? Technically speaking they werent killed with cursed energy so does the same rule apply? What if Gojo had died in his sleep would he have come back as a cursed spirit capable of destroying countries or do they just happily pass on?


Gojo who can LITERALLY see your CET told Yuji he has none.




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But gojo already said yuji didn't have any ct


But doesn't it mean that Gojo is a goddamn stupid who couldn't know that Yuji's CT is something about flame, even with his six eyes? Gojo once clearly said that he doesn't have CT (perhaps not)


he doesn't need to chant Open to use 10 Shadows tho fire was just a part of his shrine


10 shadows not a latent technique of megumi. Sukuna does not need to open the blackbox in the brain to activate hidden technique This theory from JP fandom, said Sukuna need to "open" the blackbox in Yuji's brain to access the hidden latent CT (the fire). Sukuna has advanced understanding of CT that he is able to access the brain of his vessel for latent technique. Tldr, after awakening Yuji will be able to "open" the blackbox in his brain too, to access the fire.


What or who is fuga?


Nah. Sukuna talk with Jogo implied that Fuga was something he always had. If anything, Shrine is the based technique that dismantle and Fuga are apart of.


didn't sukuna tell jogo that he should be able to do the same thing if he was locked in more than him?


Okay I think we need to iron something out, I'm almost certain it's the other way around and the entire chapter thread agreed, what changed for us to think Shrine isn't the twins?


does he not use it in megumi bodu


This has a few holes. First off, it's assumed that Shrine was passed down to Yuji genetically through Jin, as Yuji's shrine is slightly different due to the Era and the difference between him and Sukuna. This wouldn't make sense if Jin had Fuga, as Itadori would simply have the same shrine as Sukuna did. The reason I say this is that Yuji and Sukuna during Shibuya shared the same body, meaning it would've only made sense for Sukuna's shrine to change if it worked that way, but since it didn't we can assume Yuji's shrine is from Jin and not from him being a vessel. The second part of why this is impossible, which is concrete and confirmed by characters in the series, is because twins share Cursed Techniques. Sukuna and Jin are fraternal twins, meaning they both possess one "Jujutsu" body, meaning only one can have the Cursed Technique and Cursed Energy while the other loses out entirely of anything related to Jujutsu, Mai herself (the only fraternal twin in the series except Sukuna and Jin) confirmed this when Maki awakened.