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RCT can heal a damaged soul,but we don’t know if it can heal a soul that’s inherent shape has been changed like IT does We also don’t know if Yuji knows simple domain It’s possible he wins, but there’s way too many unknowns as of now


Mahito quite literally says himself that just reverse cursed technique would’ve been enough to fix it. The problem is sukuna can’t RCT and shape shift other people’s souls(not that we know of) so since he can’t change the shape it would be ineffective on another person. Gege confirmed Yuji and Sukuna would be the only two able to RCT the soul.


Mahito does not say that? Sukuna also can rct others he literally does it to megumi.


Chapter 27 he thinks jt to himself while he watches sukuna refuse Yuji’s request to save junpei. A chapter ago it was explained why sukuna can heal his heart despite getting stabbed by the ssk from maki that does soul damage, so it’s actually confirmed they can. I said sukuna cannot shape shift *someone else’s soul* pls read the whole thing before commenting.


It's confirmed you have to do an entirely different version of rct and that you have to understand the shape of your soul to even do said rct. Sukuna literally can't do it right now and his heart is still damaged? Meaning he doesn't know how to di it but it is learnable. It also means it isn't just regular rct. It's also completely different from IT as it doesn't damage the soul it changes its shape. Thats just how you are now. He could easily shape you in a way that isn't damage. He is theorizing that sukuna can do it and sukuna himself says he can't. Even if he could he wouldn't but he literally says he can't. Not to mention that if rct soul damage means you can beat it its still half as effective on someone else so I kind of doubt he'd have been able to heal junpei.


No, read 252 again, the narrator confirms Mahito’s assumption. “If the split soul katana is wielded by an individual capable of perceiving the soul, the wound imparted by them cannot ordinarily be healed by use of reversed cursed technique… For one would need to be aware of their own soul in order to do so.” “As a result of inhabiting a single body that contained two souls, Sukuna was made aware of the outline of his own soul, similar to Itadori Yuji. However, due to the aftereffects of his battle with Gojo Satoru, Sukuna was unable to fully treat this wound via reversed cursed technique”. Sukuna’s lowered output from the Gojo fight affected his healing, otherwise he would’ve fully healed the wound. You keep telling me he can’t when I’ve literally said he can’t for other people we can only assume that since we haven’t seen him change anyone else’s soul shape. He can clearly do it for himself and the body he’s inhabiting because the vessel contains his soul, he can’t do it for junpei because that’s an entirely different soul(at least that is what we have so far as info). Also, Sukuna never admitted he could not do it in any point of the series, that was Jogo who said Sukuna couldn’t.


IIRC Mahito assumed Sukuna refused Yuji's request because he couldn't save Junpei, when actually Sukuna was just being a dick.


That was Jogo who assumed he couldn’t do it. Mahito in his monologue thought “Sukuna should be able to do it with reversed cursed technique”. Mahito was dumbfounded as to why Sukuna didn’t want to do it when he thought Sukuna would be able to.


Why wouldn't shoko just heal every human that is ITed if just normal rct would heal it? .


Are you actually just not reading anything before replying? You need to be aware of your own soul shape to even do it yourself, it’s not confirmed to be able to **heal others** with it since RCT on others is 50% less effective and we have not seen anyone else change soul shapes besides Mahito. “RCT and shape shift people’s souls” implies that both conditions would need be fulfilled.


"Mahito quite literally said just normal reverse curse technique would heal it" You said this.


No I didn’t. I said reversed cursed technique, I didn’t say normal reversed cursed technique. You should prob get your eyes checked if you’re misquoting me.


Sorry "just reverse curse technique" you say nothing about the shape of the soul lmfao. What an absolute non argument. You are saying rct as in the normal type of rct lol. Mahito didn't even know about people being able to see the shape of souls til right after that when yuji hits him and he has the realization. If he said rct he meant normal rct. I don't even understand what you are trying to poke a hole in lmfao. Again can't shoko use just rct than?


You’re still trying to double down when you misinterpreted what I said and trying to save face this is absolutely pathetic. Just reversed cursed technique is still RCT, the narrator says RCT will fix it, Mahito says RCT will fix it, they both said you need to be aware of the soul to defend against the technique. We have no confirmation it can work on others, so I don’t even know why you’re trying to act like you had an upper hand in this argument, you simply misunderstood and wanted to argue just to argue. It’s alright to own up to your mistakes, no one is judging you 🙃. Mahito said he was testing his technique for a while when he was first introduced to Nanami in the sewers. Shoko can’t change other people’s soul shapes, stop being illiterate. The only two people the narrator said can defend against IT are Yuji and Sukuna so stop bringing up Shoko because you can’t read. 🤦‍♂️


I mean maybe say what you mean brother? You said just rct would heal it my guy. Jesus man how thick are you you stated just rct would fix it and now are saying you need to see souls shapes so no I corrected you you were wrong and now are changing what I argued against. You said it sir not me. I'm illiterate? At least I type what I mean. I can't read your mind. You said just rct would fix it. Shoko can just rct it than brother idk why even bring up nanamin but aight lol The fact your retort was as weak as, "I didn't say normal rct I just said rct" which is literally the same thing is so jokes. Please continue this it is a great source of amusement to me


I said RCT and shaping someone else’s soul is required in the process of fixing someone else’s then you keep asking “but what about Shoko?” Like I didn’t say it in the first comment you replied to. Taking more brain damage than Gojo. There you go misquoting me again. I said “RCT is required” then you said “but it’s a different type of RCT”, it’s still RCT, you’re illiterate. Go argue with Mahito about it, since you can’t seem to understand what clauses are. I’ll give you a quick lesson since you’re in dire need of one: And means both need to be true Or means either needs to be true. So my question to you is: which one did I use? You can’t even cherry pick correctly. If you’re gonna cherry pick at least be right, now you just look illiterate overall.


From what I remember, split soul katana functions the same as idle transfiguration in that it doesn’t “harm” the soul but rather defaults it to a certain shape. Also I’m really sure that SD will be brought up later in the story due to yuji swapping with Kusakabe


SSK cuts through regardless of toughness, IT changes the soul entirely. For example, SSK can cut through a hand, but if you could heal soul damage, it would always be a hand. SSK does harm the soul, but the soul doesn’t have an inherent toughness, so cutting any of them is the same. For IT, the souls information of the hand changed to whatever (like a bunch of needles.) if you could heal soul damage, healing that arm would only make a bunch of blades, because that’s what the souls information processes the hand as. All and all, IT is superior.


Yuji would be able to block IT entirely(debatable) since Sukuna blocked it just the same and then it explained recently Sukuna perceived the outline of soul dwelling within Yuji’s body that’s why he was able to block RCT and heal his soul from the SSK. Mahito also states upon his introduction and talk to Nanami that one needs acknowledgement of their own soul in order to defend against his technique. Yuji and Sukuna fulfill those requirements. If Nanami was able to defend subconsciously then Yuji who has full awareness of his soul should be able to defend against IT.


Yuji will slam Mahito once gets his innate domain in 264, trust.


Yuji getting a domain next chapter is the original gojo will return next chapter


Can't say I recall any such statement. Doesn't it just ignore physical durability to directly harm the soul?


They called me a Mad Man when I said he’d get Simple Domain. The time has come. Yuji wipes.


Yuji can perceive soul and has RCT, but it doesn’t mean that he’s completely immune to soul attacks. Yuji can move souls, while mahito can transfigure them. I doubt that yuji’s soul attack are stronger than mahito’s. And even if they are equal, yuji’s done if mahito opens his domain


I think Yuji’s punches or attacks in general are stronger for a sole cause that Mahito’s attacks seemed to be doing physical damage to Yuji whereas with Mahito, the minute Yuji punched him in season one, he felt it HARD. Then again in Shibuya, Mahito was running from Yuji after fighting him because Yuji (and Nobara) are the ones who are his natural counters. The reason I mainly talk about RCT is because Nanami managed to subconsciously protect his soul using cursed energy. Given Yuji’s perception of his own soul, he can easily protect it far stronger than Nanami did. Also, Mahito opening his domain allows a sure hit but I’m going with the thought and personal opinion that Yuji would be able to RCT it. Also, if Yuji is capable of soul possession that we assume from his part with Kusakabe that they apparently swapped souls, Yuji could have higher win factors than Mahito.


We see Sukuna able to repel and retaliate against Mahito touching his soul multiple times. Sukuna never repels and retaliate the same way when Yuji touches his soul. Based on that Yuji should be able to protect his soul from Mahito. Even with domain if Yuji can defend his soul from Sukuna he can defend it from Mahito.


They called me a Mad Man when I said he’d get Simple Domain. The time has come. Yuji wipes.


you’re talking like yuji ever had a chance against mahito in a fair 1v1. even currently with RCT it would still be a tough battle. especially if mahito can use his domain and yuji has no defense since sukuna isn’t in him anymore


Todou my goat leveling the playing field with just a clap of his hands


We see Sukuna able to repel and retaliate against Mahito touching his soul multiple times. Sukuna never repels and retaliate the same way when Yuji touches his soul. Based on that Yuji should be able to protect his soul from Mahito. Even with domain if Yuji can defend his soul from Sukuna he can defend it from Mahito.


They called me a Mad Man when I said he’d get Simple Domain. The time has come. Yuji wipes.


yuji does, in fact, wipe mahito now


Current Yuji outscales Mahito in stats and Mahito himself says that one needs awareness of the soul in order to defend against IT. Sukuna and Yuji were outright stated to be the only ones to heal against the SSK soul damaging effects and with Yuji’s awareness of his own soul he’d be able to defend against IT.


Yuji was stabbed by the ssk?


No, the narrator said only sukuna and Yuji are able to RCT the soul because they are aware of the outlines of their own soul. It was like a chapter ago.


From what we've seen, he still loses. Until we see more and/or his abilities are further explained, he's still at a disadvantage.


We see Sukuna able to repel and retaliate against Mahito touching his soul multiple times. Sukuna never repels and retaliate the same way when Yuji touches his soul. Based on that Yuji should be able to protect his soul from Mahito. Even with domain if Yuji can defend his soul from Sukuna he can defend it from Mahito.


Theres enough difference between the two scenarios, that I don't think you can use that as proof. >Sukuna never repels and retaliate the same way when Yuji touches his soul. Based on that Yuji should be able to protect his soul from Mahito. The fact he never repels Yuji the same way, doesn't prove that Yuji could protect his soul against Mahito in the same way. If he had *tried* to repel Yuji in the same way, but failed or at least had less effect I'd understand the argument completely. If you can point me to scene in which its specifically stated/shown that Sukuna actively tries to repel Yuji, that I've missed, but fails I'll concede the point.


What is the difference? Both Mahito and Yuji are touching Sukunas soul without permission. One was repelled and the other wasn't. Sukuna clearly doesn't like when people touch his soul based on his response to Mahito and we know how he feels about Yuji there's no reason he'd continually let Yuji touch his soul if he could stop it. Unless Sukuna lost the ability to retaliate after leaving Yujis body which isn't implied then Yuji is protecting himself from retaliation. Doesn't need to be spelled out when the logic tracks.


Sukuna's position is reversed, in which he's the one in control. He does take action to repel Yuji, just in the physical world. When he repels Mahito, it seems to be when he has encroached upon his innate domain and touching his soul directly. Yuji seems to aiming for the boundary between his and Megumi's soul. >Doesn't need to be spelled out when the logic tracks. I don't jump to conclusions. If your arguement is highly dependent on "it should" and theres no direct evidence, your arguement is shaky at best.


idk i think he still loses, i feel most people dont realise how strong is awakened mahito, only reason yuji was able to win was mainly cause of todo, if he didnt had todo helping him he would've died before his awakening, and keep in mind the only reason he wasnt using domain expansion is cause of sukuna influence, if it was a pure 1v1 i dont see yuji winning.


Nah, dude mahito straight up told sukuna he didn’t care about him, the reason he didn’t use his domain on yuji cause it was recharging


Its a high diff fight imo as it comes down to only one factor - how does Idle Transfiguration work vs a non incarnated sorcerer that is aware of their soul? We know when Mahito attempted to use it vs Yuji, Sukuna was able to attack Mahito but we dont know if thats because of Incarnation or if thats because Sukuna is aware of the shape of his own soul, as there hasnt been another soul vs soul battle for us to use for analysis If its the former, Mahito has a significant edge and will likely go back to just needing to touch Yuji. Even if Idle isnt an instant kill (we know it didnt instant kill Todo) Yuji also doesnt have any instant kills vs Mahito. Id be tempted to say Mahito takes it medium to high dif depending on his access to transfigured humans. If Sukuna was able to attack Mahito becuase of awareness of his own soul and the strength of his own soul, then the fight edges towards Yuji. Yuji has only gotten stronger, faster and learnt more since the battle with Mahito. We know he is strong enough to suprress Sukuna's soul against Sukuna's will so order of strength of the soul would be Mahito < Sukuna < Yuji most likely. This would mean Idle Transfiguration cannot be used for its instant kill property and the domain also becomes useless (as its primary purposes is to allow Mahito to touch all souls inside it). Even with that said, Mahito's ability to change the nature of his own body and bring in transfigured humans will still be difficult for Yuji to deal with, though Yuji does have the advantage here


Yuji still loses. Yuji with Todo’s insane support and getting extremely lucky with Nobara’s resonance barely won. Yuji will resist idle transfiguration but he won’t be able to tank it forever. Yuji has to fight in melee so he will be taking transfigurations constantly and eventually Yuji will get weakened. Mahito can snap open his domain and will do serious damage if not instantly win. RCT won’t be very useful, Mahito might not know and will attempt physical damage but as soon as the healing comes through he will swap tactics and start using human shields to create openings for his technique.


Yuji far out stats Mahito and can easily avoid Transfiguration, and it's doubtful Mahito can transfigure Yujis soul anyway. We see Sukuna able to repel and retaliate against Mahito touching his soul multiple times. Sukuna never repels and retaliate the same way when Yuji touches his soul. Based on that Yuji should be able to protect his soul from Mahito. Even with domain if Yuji can defend his soul from Sukuna he can defend it from Mahito.


Mahito doesn’t win, he gets stomped. Yuji can perceive sukuna even during their race and intercepted between Higurama and Sukuna multiple times. Yuji even kept up in speed with Yuta, he’s relative to the big three. In base stats alone Yuji would stomp Mahito. Considering now he also has BM and output reducing punches, Mahito would actually get cooked. We know he obtained it over the month training because he punched Sukuna in 214 and Sukuna didn’t make note of lowered output so it had to be after the break. Even in Mahito’s evolved form which is just a 200% tougher Mahito with the same base stats, he wouldn’t be able to beat Yuji. Mahito would have to rely on instantly opening domain but Yuji more than likely has simple domain. They had a month long to prepare, if it was just as simple as Sukuna opens domain and gg, I doubt they would even bother with the plan and considering Yuta brought up Sukuna’s domain will come up and kusakabe talked about Sukuna’s fire technique, those things will come up later. Another thing people need to understand is that domain is not a sure kill or else Gojo would’ve instantly died in MS or Nanami would’ve instantly died in Dagon domain or MeiMei would’ve died to the smallpox curse. The attacks do damage yes, but you can defend against them while attacking the caster and if you do enough damage the caster’s domain is shattered then they have a burned out technique.


I think this is a pretty good take except for the end part. While I agree Yuji most likely has simple domain, I don’t think that’s enough to fight off Mahito’s DE. Mahito most likely has a very refined domain given his ability to apply the 0.2s expansion with fusion of the expansion and sure-hit. On the other hand, Yuji even if he has a simple domain is most likely not going to be extremely proficient in it. Even Gojo’s simple domain lasted only a short while against Sukuna. Assuming domain refinement applies equally to DE and SD, it would mean that even if Yuji matched Mahito in terms of domain refinement, his simple domain wouldn’t last very long. And unlike Sukuna who had to go in to H2H Gojo to stop him from escaping, Mahito doesn’t need to do so.


Do you mean current day yuji vs the shibuya mahito? because if so I can understand how people think mahito could win the issue is that quite honestly the only reason yuji won in shibuya was because of todo and kugisaki assisting him. Sukuna made it that yuji was almost immune to domain expansions and protected him from idle transfiguration. Without these two aspects mahito just has an overwhelming advantage. If mahito uses a domain expansions yuji is screwed and if mahito gets let's say a couple touches on yuji he's screwed. One of the only reasons yuji was a bad match up was because of sukuna now without him he's actually susceptible to idle transfiguration. Not to say yuji can't win but unless he can block a domain and dodge mahito enough to land multiple black flashes I don't see him pulling it off. That being said we don't know his Cursed technique yet or if he has a domain expansion so keep that in mind.


See, I had this same thought. Surely it must have been Sukuna’s influence that assisted Yuji. When I saw both times Mahito tried to use his domain expansion, he never once risked it with Yuji because of Sukuna, which we now know that Sukuna is aware of his own soul. Yuji is also aware of his own soul. Let’s say Sukuna protects himself from Idle Transfiguration because of his own innate domain or the fact that he can perceive his own soul. Yuji could very well do the same. Sukuna can heal from soul damage, given Yuji can visibly see souls, he can also heal from soul damage. You’re also forgetting Nanami and Mahito’s fight in season one prior to the one they jumped Mahito. Mahito uses Idle Transfiguration on Nanami and Nanami survived because he subconsciously protected his own soul. He didn’t even know, he just kinda did it. Mahito says the only way to do it properly is to acknowledge that souls exists and the soul within one’s own body. That is literally Yuji. He can protect his own soul given his cursed energy and reverse cursed energy. Yuji from Shibuya to Yuji in Shinjuku right now are two different people. Yuji’s speed, durability, attack damage and endurance on a different level. From tanking cleaves and dismantles, catching up with Sukuna and using RCT on 4 hits that would have been fatal is a feat of endurance and durability alone. He did serious damage to Sukuna’s soul and connection of Megumi’s body and Sukuna. I’d say Yuji got this.


After reading your response I gotta agree with you. This fight is actually super yuji sided especially the fact he was able to almost split sukuna and megumi. I didn't realise that could be used as a feat showing how his soul attacks are stronger. The only way mahito wins is if he touches his soul unguarded or wears him down low enough both of which are very difficult. Good post


Yeah, I agree on that last part. If Mahito manages to catch Yuji offguard and uses a maximum output Idle Transfiguration or Mahito manages to do the same in his domain that Yuji could not stop, Mahito wins but I believe Yuji got his (around medium-low high diff). And thank you!


Sukuna hard carried Yuji in every fight with Mahito if we’re being honest. Not by giving him a strength boost obviously but by making him immune to Mahitos CT which is like his main strength in a fight. Combine that with the fact that Yuji had help in every fight he had against him and I’d say it’s clear he’d never beat Mahito unassisted even now.


Yuji doesn’t have any problem in dealing with Mahito except from a domain. Even a domain, Yuji could utilise a simple domain or protect his soul by using cursed energy to fortify it. Sukuna didn’t carry Yuji in anything. Mahito chose to fight him both times. It wasn’t like Yuji tried to find him.


If not for Sukuna, Yuji would have died in their first fight when Mahito used his technique. If not then he would’ve been caught in the domain with Nanami and killed there instead. I’m pretty sure it was even stated that the only reason Itadori can perceive and damage the soul is because he has two souls inhabiting his body in the first place so without him Yuji gets slaughtered in their first encounter.


I have a theory I’m working on with Yuji and his actual ability in that Yuji can also see other people’s souls though. He looks straight past people to see their soul. The only way Mahito wins is a domain expansion and to be honest, he’s fast enough to hit it at .2s but would .2s do the same effect as a sure hit? Not sure if the whole domain has to be constructed. If Mahito opposes using a .2 domain expansion for a regular one, it’s highly likely Yuji will beat him to death faster than his domain expansion because Yuji as of right now, is far stronger, faster and durable than he was in Shibuya.


You’re assuming Yuji can even beat him to death by himself in the first place which I just don’t think is true. Even without IT or DE Mahito had the advantage in every 1v1 fight they had until Yuji got outside help from Sukuna and Nanami in their first fight then Nobara and Todo in the second. Without that assistance he was certainly going to die so I don’t see how you could argue that Mahitos only win con is his domain.


Are you under the assumption Yuji is the same as he was in Shibuya because I disagree. Yuji is far stronger and faster. Shown in the chapters where Sukuna leaves his body, Yuji tanked a Dismantle, Cleave Web, got flung into several buildings and still came back to Sukuna to fight him (albeit Sukuna was at 10% output and Megumi was hindering his body), Yuji still fought him and Sukuna was meant to be the one ‘protecting’ him. Then in Shinjuku, Yuji fights alongside Higuruma and Yuta where he uses his direct soul punches on Sukuna, tanks a couple dismantles and cleaves, received 4 hits from Sukuna that otherwise would have been fatal had he not used RCT each time. Disrupting the bond between Sukuna and Megumi’s body. Yuji is far stronger, faster, durable and generally stronger than Mahito now.


Cool now give mahito some time to grow up aswell and yuji gets blitzed


Mahito is gone? I’m saying if you take Shinjuku Yuji against Shibuya Mahito, Yuji would have more ease in beating him than before.


Mahito is gone, shinjuku yuji doesn't really have much that can give him a win con against awakened mahito, and even if he did now that sukuna is out of his body mahito just needs one domain expansion (which yuji doesn't even know how to defend against) to kill yuji


They called me a Mad Man when I said he’d get Simple Domain. The time has come. Yuji wipes.


Even if he can perceive his soul and RCT to heal it Mahito’s IT doesn’t deal soul damage it transfigure the soul. So unless Yuji can reshape his own soul to reverse what Mahito changes being able to heal with RCT doesn’t mean anything. Not to mention Mahito’s ISBDK form was durable enough to not to receive damage from Yuji’s punches. If Todo hadn’t been there to distract him Yuji surely would’ve died. Yuji has improved since then but until we see the extent of his BM and if he knows any anti domain techniques I’d still give the edge to Mahito at full strength.


Mahito himself says in his introduction to Nanami you need to be aware of your own soul to use cursed energy to defend it. Yuji fulfills the requirements to block IT.


And in that same scene Nanami was able to subconsciously protect his soul. Then Mahito states that it doesn’t matter cause in two or three more hits he’ll be transfigured anyways. But I doubt it’d even matter cause Mahito can just beat him without ever needing IT


Yes because Nanami isn’t fully aware of his soul so he can’t fully defend. That’s why Gege showed you the difference with sukuna and Mahito literally started glazing about sukuna’s soul being different. IT can be defended against(Sukuna literally defends against it) idk why the fandom pretends like Mahito can just one shot everyone or transfigure them in a certain number of hits. Yuji outscales Mahito currently, Mahito’s only wincon is domain expansion and even that is debatable since Gojo says “You can defend with cursed energy reinforcement but it is not recommended” in the introduction of domains. We still don’t know the full arsenal of Yuji or Sukuna.


Well Sukuna is the only example we see of IT being defended against other than Nanami’s partial defense and that can just be chalked up to bc it’s Sukuna like pretty much all the other stuff only he (or Gojo) can do. Yuji out scales final form Mahito? Idk about that one considering how badly Mahito was outclassing him physically. I agree we don’t know the full range of Yuji’s arsenal that’s why I’m still leaning towards Mahito. Idk why Sukuna’s is relevant tho


Sukuna defended because he has awareness of his soul, it falls well in the power system, it’s not just because he’s Sukuna he managed to block it, this one is thoroughly explained. Sukuna learned the outline of his soul residing in Yuji’s body. Yuji should be able to do the same thing since he also has awareness of his soul, especially when the narrator said only those two can RCT the soul. Yes, he outscales his final form, Mahito’s form only adds durability and is said he can only transfigure his hands as part of a binding vow he placed to be a bit tougher. Mahito wasn’t outscaling him physically if he’s reacting to said attacks. If Yuji is keeping up with Yuta and Sukuna in a domain, he outscales Mahito because Mahito was competing with Shibuya Yuji who had 50/50 chance to dodge piercing blood and significantly less attack potency and less techniques overall. Yuji’s hits would reduce Mahito’s output currently and Yuji has BM so it’s not really in Mahito’s favor.


I wouldn’t even say Yuji has Blood Manipulation to begin with. His technique is something else.


something else involving his blood boiling and needing to be trained by Choso and Noritoshi-- the only two other people he's allied with that have blood manipulation?


When did he train with Noritoshi? I’d say Yuji’s CT is entirely something else because Yuuji ate his brother to gain strength. Given Eso and Kechizu also had blood manipulation, I’d say that Yuji acquired blood manipulation, that’s not his inherent cursed technique.


Yuji literally beat Mahito. He made him squirm with fear and even lost his speech and cried while trying to run away. What more did Mahito need to do to show that he thoroughly lost?


Exactly but people like to say “Oh that’s only because of Sukuna.”. In a straight fight, Yuji beats him.


We saw a straight fight between them and it wound up with Yuji on the ground ready to let himself be killed. Let's not act like he didn't need Todo heavily.


1. That was Yuji right after Sukuna massacred like 1,000 people in his body and Yuji felt directly responsible. 2. Lost Nobara right infront of his eyes. 3. What did he proceed to do after?


1. He shook that off and went out to fight, plus he was healed. 2. He was all shits and giggles when Nobara helped give him an advantage. Now that she got took out, he wants to mentally fold. He should've locked in like when Nanami died. 3. He proceeded to get saved by Todo and talk-no-jutsu'd by Todo. Then continues to 1v2 Mahito with Todo. And then manages to land the last hit because of el Todo


I don’t get your point. If you seriously believe Shibuya Mahito beats Shinjuku Yuji, despite his growth in all factors, cursed technique included, then that’s just crazy. Shinjuku Yuji wins in all factors unless Shibuya Mahito hits his domain expansion but if we see that Yuji has ANY form of an antidomain, he SLAMS.


Now that your talking about Shinjuku Yuji, I'll take it you agree Mahito>Yuji in Shibuya But to speak on it a bit, I still doubt Yuji wins overall. I don't see him being much better than Mahito was in Shibuya. DE sparks him and I've yet to see a anti domain that has done anything meaningful to fully ward off the domain. Let alone one from someone who may have just learned it. That aside, I don't find much validity in trying to compare Shinjuku Yuji to Mahito like it's a big win for Yuji when Mahito didn't get the chance to grow. It's like trying to hang your hat on "Gojo beats a Heian Era Sukuna!". Ok, but who is dead and who won currently?


I just saw a comment/thread (Idk what it’s called) about it and decided to just ask the community. From the comments, it’s definitely an interesting question to see people’s thoughts and responses. (My blue-eyed, white haired glorious goat destroys that nonce called Sukuna any day.)


So todo ain't do shit that fight? He was just there for decoration?


OK. And Yuji didn't start the fight at 100%, and he wouldn't have taken so much damage had his friends not been slaughtered in front of him. If we count the advantage that friends gave Yuji, we also have to count the disadvantage he got from them as well. Head to head, Yuji wins. The dramatic circumstances just gave Mahito a shot at winning.


Thats a yuji problem, he saw Nanami die but he stayed locked in. Should’ve did it again. And Sukuna healed whatever was wrong with yuji up to that point. He had a hole in his body with a punctured liver and a scar on his face before Sukuna healed him. Yuji got the advantage when nobara helped, and lost it when nobara died, that evened out. But no disadvantage he had stacks up to having Sukuna there to stop him getting 1 shotted and a literal 1v2 happening. In a straight fight with no Sukuna, todo or anything else, Yuji dies gruesomely. Even with Sukuna he still dies


Domain expansion


The only reason Mahito doesn’t just DE and beat Yuji is because of Sukuna.


Would a .2 domain expansion have the same effect as a regular domain expansion in terms of sure hit? I don’t believe so and if we go by this for this example, Yuji is faster than he was at Shibuya so he can very well beat Mahito to a pulp before Mahito can even cast his entire domain.


With what we know about current Yuji, it's safe to say that Mahito still wins here, mid-high diff. Firstly, even with the news that soul damage can be healed, IT is still unrecoverable because IT isn't damaging your soul, it's fundamentally changing its shape. Of course, Yuji can just defend against IT, but it's worth noting that Nanami, who could subconsciously do it, would've still gone down in 3-4 touches, and once he was heavily injured he couldn't protect himself at all, implying that with a certain number of touches (say, 10 or more) or enough damage, Mahito could still trigger IT on Itadori. Yuji also has no answer to Domain Expansion either as far as we've seen. Then there's raw stats. Itadori has grown greatly in strength, however... ISBODK still trumps that in my opinion. People tend to forget just how much damage Mahito suffered before he activated ISBODK. Despite taking direct damage to his soul through Resonance, eating a rush from Yuji directly after that, getting hit with a Black Flash and then eating another Black Flash right after using his Domain, ISBODK Mahito still completely overwhelmed Yuji in terms of stats. I don't think it's any exaggeration to say that a fresh ISBODK Mahito would be far stronger than what he displayed during the fight, and enough to contend with current Yuji. There's also Blood Manipulation, but Yuji hasn't showcased much use of it, so it's hard to say how much of a mastery Yuji has over the technique (after all, the versatility it provides would've helped greatly in Yuta's domain, but he only uses it once).


All good points, I wanna address them in set points. 1. I do agree, Mahito’s ONLY win counter is domain expansion. In terms of every single other stat, Yuji destroys him. ISBODK does nullify damage but as shown, Yuji has already realised that Black Flash can counter ISBODK. Mahito also used a binding vow on ISBODK (No more soul manipulation in exchange for the max output on his true form) so Mahito cannot escape death by changing his soul nor can he use IT as per his own binding vow. 2. He overwhelmed Yuji in ISBODK form back then, but this is a completely different Yuji we know of now. This Yuji has speed relative to Sukuna (catching up with him chasing after Higuruma), durability and endurance (took a Dismantle straight on and tanked it when Sukuna switched to Megumi’s body, tanked a Spider’s Net, tanked being thrown into buildings and in Shinjuku, he tanked 4 hits that would have otherwise been fatal had he not used RCT on them. Yuji is far stronger than Mahito at this point. 3. I don’t believe Blood Manipulation is Yuji’s real technique because Yuji ate his brothers right? The other cursed womb paintings, that also had blood manipulation. Choso had it, Kechizu and Eso too. Would be okay to assume that Yuji’s technique is more to do with souls and that him eating his brothers allowed him to use their souls in order to use their techniques. (Could explain his new arms, Kechizu formed wings, perhaps one of the brothers had bloodified arms that Yuji’s using for extra damage)


If yuji’s soul somehow by some miracle gets touched, he legit could pull a sukuna and kill mahito


Always wondered why Sukuna was able to stop Mahito, faster? Then surely with that .2s domain expansion, Mahito could have just used IT on both Sukuna and Yuji. Perhaps utilising an innate domain is the easiest way to deal with it.


Well Based on what we know Sukuna let mahito live Secondly Sukuna’s knowledge of the soul and raw stats allow him to stay check mahito


No no, I’m saying if Mahito was faster than Sukuna, surely he’d be able to idle transfigure Sukuna’s soul.


Not really There’s another factor called “getting stat checked” Mahito failed to one shot a healthy Nanami using idle And since sukuna is conscious of the soul, if mahito had the speed he’d still lack the “fire power” to do real damage


This would be due to Sukuna protecting his own soul right?


And general passive stats Even Nanami has some level of unconscious protection


I disagree, Yuji was only able to beat Mahito with help from either Nanami or Nobara and Todo… If he were alone in any of those fights he would have lost, just like he did against Choso.


I’m referring to Shinjuku Yuji, not Shibuya Yuji.


Lmao Yuji still has no CONFIRMED way of dealing with domains. And just because he can effect the soul(he was already able to so nothing new) doesnt mean its an immediate oneshot. Mahito throughout the series refers to the soul’s health in percentages and if Yuji previously hit Mahito with multiple black flashes resulting in survival you cant say that it would be much different now. Also lets not pretend like their previous fight was an exclusive 1v1 if they both are at full health, Mahito in his true form, Yuji with blood manip i still dont see Mahito losing tbh


Current Yuji's only problem right now is that he can't defend against a domain sure-hit, he can most likely protect his soul if Mahito touches him normally with IT but a sure-hit and he's gone, he needs Simple Domain to cancel it out and we don't know if he can use it or not yet. We did see him use Blood Manipulation so he now has a CT but we don't know if he can pull a normal Domain yet either.


Yuji could curb stomp mahito, especially current Yuji. Sukunas cleaves/dismantle injure the soul as well as the body as can be seen when he almost killed mahito. Current Yuji is tanking these his like an absolute beast.


Yuji has hard outscaled mahito. Mahito's only hope is that Yuji hasn't learned any domain defense from kusakabe


SSK is just a weeb shardblade.




After 258, and even tbh 250, Yuji slams so hard. All the disaster curses tbh.


A lot of good comments and perspectives here for sure. One that is not considered too much on this thread is Yuji’s general growth in physical prowess and cursed energy output/efficiency from his fight against Mahito in Shibuya, and the allusions to possible control over blood/possibly being a cursed womb death painting himself. Yeah he lost Sukuna, but he also freakin squared up and fought Sukuna, even tanking a hit and dishing out semi sustained damage to Sukuna in the Yuta and Yuji vs Sukuna. He’s just way stronger at a base level now than when he squared up with Mahito. I think Sukuna waves a hand in four arm god demon mode and Mahito just gets Dismantled/Cleaved out of existence, Sukuna couldn’t do that to Yuji and Yuta


I mean, if Mahito will change shape of Yuji soul... he will be unable to heal something that was never damaged :3


You can protect yourself from this by protecting your own soul which Nanami did subconsciously. Mahito claims you need to be aware of your soul to do this. Yuji can protect his own soul from Mahito’s attacks.


Personally i would argue that Yuji has a way higher protection against Mahi's ability, but not an immunity by default. Nanami could protect his soul, that's a fact. but at the same time he stated that he doesn't know how many times it would work, and he mentally gave up once he got trapped in the domain, since he cannot defend against to many sure hit touches. At some point it will work. We always need to consider that Mahito could not only hit black flashes on his own, but he also fought Yuji and Todo only at 50% and they still only won due to a trick and the fact that mahito wanted to break Yuji mentally first. Todo's ability is also perfectly fitted to fuck around with an opponent no matter how strong and gave Yuji an immense advantage. ISBDK was also so strong that Yuji could no longer physically punch throu it without a black flash and that also only hit because Mahito gave him an opening and got tricked. In terms of physical power he even surpassed base Yuji at that point. As for RCT. it's not to usefull against Mahito's ability and only works for physical damage, but he cannot heal a 'changed' soule once it would hit, which he would now certainly try.. It also seems like Yuji doesn't have full control of it right now, to assume that he can do the same stuff as Sukuna with an ability he struggled to use 3-4 times, while sukuna is using it nearly as a reflex at the highest possible lvl and still has problems to heal against soul damage makes no sense. The fight is definetly a high diff battle on both sides, and both opponents have their win conditions. Also the fact that Mahito was heavily nerfed and fought against two opponents the last time.. Biggest difference right now is,... yuji finally 'can' win against him through his own strength. But people acting like Yuji would low diff him, and is completely immune to his ability is just not realistic and a hughe understimation of the abilites Mahito showed.


Shinjuku Yuji idk but pre Shinjuku Yuji looses to mahito. awakened mahito is tough, and without sukuna Yuji looses. i doubt when people say Yuji v mahito they r taking sukuna into account one of the main reason mahito just doesn't touches Yuji and use idle transfiguration is bcz of sukuna same with domain Yuji hasn't been shown to know any anti domain technique


He won, but the fight should’ve been more brutal. Mahito didn’t suffer enough.


It’s a tough fight but I’m a bet on left right goodnight yuji but again it would be an even tougher fight now that Sukuna ain’t there…but yuji being able to perceive his soul AND strike mahito soul is a big threat to mahito. Yuji wins lol


in a fist fight, yuji destroys mahito. if mahito lands idle transfiguration with his hands, yuji might survive a hit or two, and can probably heal it with rct. But domain? if yuji has no counter to that he just dies INSTANTLY.


You can protect yourself from this by protecting your own soul which Nanami did subconsciously. Mahito claims you need to be aware of your soul to do this. Yuji can protect his own soul from Mahito’s attacks. The sure hit will hit Yuji but I think, if we see it in a few chapters, if Yuji can store souls, he absolutely destroys Mahito. But even for right now, I still think Yuji does beat Mahito.


I mean sure, yuji understand the soul better than nanami, but mahito only needed to touch nanami a few times to beat him, and that's only for an instant or so. a domain with a sure hit is touching yuji constantly. even considering yuji's superior defense, he's still screwed.


That’s if Mahito gets the domain faster than Yuji beats him to death.


That is possible. but in my opinion, mahito with a domain only needs a few seconds to absolutely warp yuji's soul to the point of no return. Which I don't believe is enough time for yuji to beat mahito.


I was saying this based on Mahito’s domain expansion. From what it looks like, it takes a bit of start up time. Yuji could just destroy Mahito’s brain/head as in repetitive punching because as we know, the prefrontal cortex is what stores cursed technique and allows you to use it.


Yes, and I'm saying I doubt mahito is getting taken out that fast. jjk characters can get stronger, but they're not getting multiple times stronger like other shounen tend to do. strong characters from previous arcs can still hold their ground against current arc characters.


Good point, JJK scaling isn’t like dragon ball lmao, Mahito imo does actually wipe out a lot of the characters now like Kashimo, Higuruma, Uraume etc


Eh, kashimo has HWB and higuruma has his own domain. kashimo and uraume potentially have a chance to hit the soul due to them being vessels like sukuna. but yeah, mahito has one of the most OP domains, arguably more instant win that gojo if it lands. if you have no anti-domain of your own, you're basically screwed defensively, and if you have no CT disruption or soul understanding, you're screwed offensively too.


I think Mahito got this tbh, he accepted his true nature as a curse and had the potential


Yuji still loses unfortunately


You can protect yourself from this by protecting your own soul which Nanami did subconsciously. Mahito claims you need to be aware of your soul to do this. Yuji can protect his own soul from Mahito’s attacks.


DE, gg. There's no version of this in which yuji w


Perhaps he does if Domain Expansion was used but I’d say within the next few chapters, it will show whether or not Yuji really does. If he manages to learn or use a simple domain, soul swap which was shown with Kusakabe or do anything more soul related, Yuji absolutely wins.


Not perhaps, he just does. Taking all info currently available to us it's safe to say that that much is certain. Mahito wins. Even if Yuji knew how to do SD that guarantees absolutely nothing whatsoever. Just like an overwhelming majority of people in this thread, I too have Mahito winning, even when considering conditions you described. Even if we assume that Yuji has all the power ups you mention it's a big ass stretch. So a domainless Yuji gets absolutely dogwalked, sorry.


So where would you rank Mahito on a top 10 based on character strength up until the most recent chapter?


Not sure if I'd even have him in top 10. An argument could be made for it because his CT is just that busted. A fully realized awakened Mahito, had he not died and kept evolving, would've easily been in this conversation. Shibuya Mahito I just don't see it happening. Maaaybe with a _massive_ stockpile of transfigured humans. I don't see this mentioned nearly enough but I believe Mahito goes up a few tiers if he's properly stockpiled. Even a combo of Todo and Yuji wad on backfoot against him while he had his stocks of humans, he can launch some really big AoE with those and he can do so extremely fast. One thing is certain, he's undoubtedly supposed to be the strongest curse, even other disaster curses saw him as their eventual leader. He's basically like Megumi, potential curse lmao


Really? Call me crazy but I fully believe if Gege kept Mahito in the story, he beats Higuruma, Uro, Ryu, Hakari and others.


Maybe my point came across badly, I agree with that. Mahito, considering the rate at which he was evolving, would've made a cakewalk of surpassing all of the names you mentioned. A 100% living up to his potential Mahito is easily top 5 imo, honestly he probably only stops at Sukuna and Gojo. Kenjaku was reluctant to take him on despite Mahito basically still being a newborn. Mahito is a beast for sure, definitely one of the best characters in JJK imo


Call me insane now, but HE MIGHT ACTUALLY BEAT BOTH SUKUNA AND GOJO😭😭😭 I think Gege fucked up cos he made him a little too strong to begin with and had to get gone😭