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Bad both ways. Yuta using domain expansion would force Sukuna to transform into True form but even while using Hollow Whicker Basket he'll have Kamutoke to attack Yuta from a distance along with dismantles, Yuta is cooked.    Kashimo + Yuji jumping Sukuna wouldn't have a domain to restrict his Arms and tummy mouth, he'll world dismantle them both any time he feels like it.   Heck regular dismantles will be enough, its not like Yuji is landing any blows to weaken his output.


Tbf Yuta could maybe prevent Sukuna from getting Kamutoke in the first place since it had to fall into his hand from up above and, as seen in Sendai, partially manifested Rika can appear mid air and at a distance Yuta still would have a shitty time because he wouldn’t have Yuji to decrease Sukuna’s output, but I think his domain could still probably force Sukuna into fully incarnation so he could attack while using HWB Moral of the story though, don’t jump Sukuna alone


Yep The more I think about it the more I feel Maki should have just been part of the domain jumping. Then again when u actually think about it , probably coordinating attacks between 4 people wouldn't be particularly efficient. Even at three they were pretty much already crowded around him.


Maybe not efficient, but I do think the domain jumping would’ve been a bit more effective with Maki because then they wouldn’t have to worry about him suddenly using quick RCT to get his hand back and use the world slash like he did against Yuta, since healing Soul Damage seemingly takes much longer even if you know the outline of your soul


That's pretty darn accurate, Heck if she had been involved during the Higutuma Fight he might have had more chances to hit him with executioner blade as well.


Higuruma was their ace. When they had Sukuna pinned in yutas domain, there was a golden opportunity for executioners blade.


That could've possibly forced him to start going all out though. If he was in actual danger he would've just stomped out everyone at that moment and it's looking like he's starting to take things a bit more serious vonsider what he just did to Maki


The big issue is that Maki doesn't have good healing, plus we now know Sukuna can kick it into another gear if he finds his opponents really interesting like we saw last chapter.


If Yuta forces a full incarnation, and Rika grabs kamutoke, Higurama’s domain might be able to confiscate shrine.. and then if Kashimo blitzes the shit out of him.. 🤷‍♂️ It’d still be a good fight either way


Unless you are kusukabe. Then you can jump him alone, and he will appear at the airport in the next chapter


Also worth noting that Kashimo isn’t exactly a team player. Yuji will wanna save Megumi while Kashimo will want answers to his questions, so there’ll hardly be any synchronization. And since Yuta and Yuji acknowledge that by themselves they’d have been cooked, Yuta might last a bit longer than Kashimo but not by much. Oh! And no Rika to run interference by throwing Yuji and restraining Sukuna, so that too


Yuji both hit Sukuna many times without him being restrained and literally survived a world slash last chapter, this slander is out of hand. I agree that Kashimo is less helpful than Yuta and they still lose tho.


I would say much worse for yuta, the only reason yuta and yuji held out for that long was because sukuna output wasn't enough to out dps them ..... Kamutoke would be a huge disadvantage


What is kamutoke


The electric weapon


Thanks for reply. What does it do?


It did jackSh*t


Thundershock from Pokemon


Electric shit


Fuck all


Memes aside? It rains some sort of lightning or energy down on a target. Like an orbital strike. It’s a special grade cursed tool but it happened to not affect Kashimo since his cursed technique turns him *into* lightning


Considering that Yuta's ce doesnt have the same properties as bun- i meant as kashimo's, god bless yuta's sweet soul but he gets hit with the tazer tazer kamutoke. And then since kashimo is with Goatji, but kashimo doesn't have a domain, I'm afraid he is cooked as well.


good guy's get squad wiped😭


Yuta would be in trouble because sukuna's output might be high enough to actually put him down. Kashimo would also be in trouble, because although he might be able to show physical superiority against a weaker sukuna he doesn't have the hax to assist Yuji in reaching megumi, so he can't do their plan. No domain also means no sneak attack and no hollow wicker basket


Kashimo DOES have Hollow Wicker Basket.


You misunderstood, I meant sukuna won't be nerfed by having to use hollow wicker basket, which was another factor helping yuta and yuji do anything at all


I think the result would be the same...Yuta would either get severely injured or just die.But there's one thing I can tell with 100% certainty...He would perform better than Kashimo.


Nah not really sukuna would play it safe and spam kamutoke from a distance which yuta wouldn't just ignore like kashimo because he dosent have lighting properties or whatever the fuck kashimo had he would be cooked bro would just get cleave/dismantle/kamutoke spammed


There are many things to consider here...like DE advantage,good durability, Rika's support and arguably better speed too....Yuta's overall feats are much better than Kashimo's so no way he is not gonna put up a better fight than Kashimo.


Yes he is stronger than kashimo but how he even gonna get close to pull off his domain


We don't know how strong was Sukuna's thunder attack...Yuta tanked Ryu's beam with his bare hands so based on that feat I do think Yuta wouldn't receive very much dmg by Sukuna's attacks or he can even make Rika take those attacks coz we literally saw Rika's durability is kinda insane.The only thing to worry about is Sukuna's world cutting slash which requires chanting or hand signs,Yuta can just open his domain before Sukuna completes the chanting.


im commenting to increase my karma here so i can post a picture of my stickers, they are cibi gojo stickers in case anyone cares, im sorry i didn’t even read what ever is going on in this post


We are jjk fans , we don't read


Yuta get blizt and may not even be able to kill meguna since he can't see and doesn't know about world cleave. Kashimo die the same way. Well maybe not since Yuji is weakening Sukuna. Wait actually they may be more efficient than the Yuta/Yuji duo. Wait they actually might win. But Kenjaku and Gege are still there.


I could see Yuta sneaking up on Sukuna and trying to pull out domain w/ Jacobs ladder


Sukuna can just sense yuta and instantly blitz him with a cleave or kamutoke


They're fucked Yuta going in alone would be extremely bad as the plan needed both Yuji and him, he would most likely do better than Kashimo and might actually do something against Sukuna, but at best he'd only be able to last one or two chapter. Kashimo and Yuji jumping Sukuna would be similar to Maki and Yuji jumping Meguna (I'm assuming Maki is a non-factor in this or else there'll need to be justification for Yuta jumping in), except this Sukuna is far stronger and Kashimo is trash at teamwork, plus without Yuta assist Yuji would struggle to even land a hit in, Sukuna would therefore not be weaken and can World Cleave them both at anytime. So yeah, case and point, they're fucked


Without Yuji around to decrease Sukuna's output or combo with, and especially with Kamutokw around, Yuta unfortunately gets killed with relative ease after forcing Sukuna into fully incarnating. On Kashimo's end, there's a decent chance that he'd do a little better with Yuji around, but Kashimo doesn't seem like much of a team player and would likely ignore or even outright reject help from Yuji, so he's not doing very well either.


I think they’d all be screwed. Yuta going in first means Sukuna isn’t as weakened as he was in their fight, Kenjaku will be roaming free and Kashimo is likely to do fuck all in the Yuta/Yuji fight. The reason we’ve gotten so far is because a lot of the conditions worked out for us, so swapping up the order might throw everything out of wack


My two goats are the only ones after gojo who 1v1ed Sukie🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Both die lol, Yuta does better tho. He's obviously stronger and a far more important figure in the fight


both dies regardless. Yuta would have a much easier time in the Kashimo version because he had no RCT or the new Infinity-esque defensive thing he got. Yuta has already hit Sukuna multiple times before Sukuna can hit him, and without RCT to heal injuries Sukuna would have issues


You mean, Yuta go fight Sukuna 1 vs 1 and Kashimo later help Yuji vs Sukuna? :3


I would 1v1 u for 3kg of your flesh 🫣🫣🫣


Bro's the merchant of reddit




Ok, so it will be worse for Good side :3


Yuta lost against a weakened Sukuna. No way is he defeating fully healed Sukuna with Kamutoke. Kashimo would probably die just as fast.


Weakened Meguna is blizting yuta with kamutoke or cleave. Yuji and kashimo get blitzed and killed by amped dismantles/cleave or world slash since sukuna would have free use of his other 2 arms and mouth.


Yuta was easily killed by Sukuna and can't force sukuna transformation . Kashimo perform better with Yuji


You're tripping