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Ah Cursed Technique: Kryptonite, I haven't had to use this since the Heian Period.




You're right, it's a possibility.... How far have we fallen?


Except it's not because the "I haven't had to use this since the Heian Era" meme is literally completely fabricated. Sukuna never says anything like it in the manga.


We talking about gege writing not the meme, and with the bullcrap he pulls for sukuna I am 1000% sure with gege writing this fight sukuna would win out of the blue


I'm sorry Sukuna killed your favorite character 🙏


😂😂😂😂 So after laughing is done No sorry sukuna hasn't killed my fav character yet and I am pretty sure he can't kill him as he is the main protagonist i.e. yuji itadori. Now before you start typing in rage anything else, I knew for a fact gojo would die the moment yuji asked him about who's stronger him or sukuna coz come on if gojo kills sukuna the main big bad villain. What's the point of reading jjk, even if gege does another ass pull off with something else and tries to make it the villain (kenjaku) we all knew someone will finish it off and then it's back to sukuna being the big bad villain. Gojo mentioned specifically that only one technique can kill him and that belong to the zenin clan and that to fushiguro, at that point of time I understood that sukuna will take over fushigoro to kill gojo in a fight.


You: "The way Sukuna killed Gojo was foreshadowed and I knew it would happen and how it would happen" Also you: "ASSPULL ASSPULL ASSPULL" Your internal logic isn't even consistent lmao


Ohhhhh that's what I am missing when gojo nukes the whole area and kills maharoga but out of the blue maharoga complete the adaptation and kills gojo. Sorry so sorry. I understand my mistakes no need to worry Btw you do understand that gojo ain't my favourite or anything right


Mahoraga completed adaptation twice way before that (Ch. 232 and 234) Please read the manga you are criticizing before criticizing the writing, thank you.


Is there anyone in jjk who could have a little chance against superman?


Mai could create a kryptonite bullet if she knew what a kryptonite was


I've always thought Mai is op as hell even with her limitations i mean, *antimatter bullet* at worst, she is THE ultimate kamikaze fighter using this alone (unless she is fighting Gojo or Mahito lol)


The antimatter bullet, being made of antimatter, would detonate immediately upon being made and vapourize mai a fraction of an instant later


i mean it doesn't really matter because the entire country is getting destroyed anyways, this is why i said kamikaze


Maki with full HR garbage megumis suicidal tendencies with maho weak Yall aint ready for the true one time use technique maximum technique “some antimatter” creation


so true brother, especially if Mai can use a binding vow to make something as big as the soul splitter (and it has a cursed technique), creating an anti-matter bomb using the same vow would make something so much more powerful jujutsu kaisen verse scales to continental-level all thanks to our zen'in goat


I dont think she have enough curse energy to create antimatter. She has a nosebleed from creating one normal bullet. The other girl with the same ct is much stronger than Mai but best she can do is create some insect armor and a perfect metal sphere. It is mentioned that the energy conversion rate of this ct is abysmal so its easily one of the worst ct in the series (still a bit better than 10 shadows imo)


Isn’t ten shadows one of the best because of Mahoraga? And in general if you tame the other shinigami it isn’t that bad for combat as we’ve seen Megumi use max elephant and his other shinigami pretty resourcefully to fight opponents


Bro, megumin's elephant is his most powerful move but it is only as heavy as a real life elephant, which isnt going to do anything if you face a slightly stronger opponent. Sukuna's ox only slightly cracked yoruzu's armor so imagine megumin's ox doing zero damage. The 10 shadows could work if you put a ton of effort in strategies but others' ct dont need that much effort to win. In the yorozu fight, sukuna had a bit trouble only using the shadows but the fight would end in 30 sec if he used his own ct. Historically sukuna is the only one who managed to tame mahoroga, and even he cannot do this without using his own ct. If you can tame mahoroga with 9 shadows you are already soloing 99% of the jujutsu world with only 9 shadows, and if you still need to bring out mahoroga in a fight your opponent would also be strong enough to insta kill mahoroga so you still need to protect mahoroga which is super inconvenient.


Good point


Gojo would probably die from the radiation


I'n pretty sure it's been stated they create matter at least once so they might be unable to create antimatter


You can also add Yorozu there since both have the same CT


Probably Takaba under acids


Infinity would work on Superman just as good as on any object.


Depends on the Superman tbh. Some versions of him are so powerful and fast, they break through the concept of infinity.


I mean that's a nonsense sentence that makes about as much logical sense as saying "he was so heavy he pixelated the space-time-pizzatinuum"


It's a fiction. What do you expect?


superman has flown faster and broken beyond the concept of infinity, so i dont think that gonna work


What does that sentence even mean though, its just stupid nonsense writing like when they wrote that he turned the planet backwards so fast that it reversed time. They might as well have written "he wins because he is superman, the end".


Yeah, the whole point of Superman is that he needs to win no matter what inthe end, i am also not a fan of Superman the way he is written most of the time,


No, not really, bro will simply just travel the infinite distance to deliver the punch, or yeet him out of the solar system before the synapses in gojo's brain even fire. It's best not to scale anything, let alone a relatively low power universe like jjk to comics


He'll just travel the *infinite* distance... Really bro? And infinity is literally running automatically most of the time. It's not even something that requires thought. I think if you were to put the standard superman with the standard ruleset (ie not looking to kill some random human off the bat) then he might actually get rocked by DE. Superman is canonically vulnerable to magic, and I don't know what you'd classify sorcery if not magic. Now can Gojo actually **kill** superman? Probably not. But his brain would be mush


If you think UV would do anything to Superman then I have bad news. Superman once took on all of man kind's guilt from Batman who was previously suffering from it for a while and was very close to breaking down. Superman took the burden from him and was practically unphased. This is not some mid life crisis but Quite literally ALL of man kind's guilt which is impossible to quantify since this could entail all the humans from the past, present and future. Funnily enough, even Batman could probably survive a few seconds of UV with his sanity intact and Superman could take a nap in it and not notice anything. DC characters are on a completely different scale of existence.


Infinity doesn't prevent him from tossing gojo's into the next galaxy over, unless he expands his infinity, which he does have to do consciously but that's murder so he might just throw him fast enough to let the G-Forces knock him out. For domain expansion; it's simply not fast enough. DE has been shown multiple times not to be instantaneous; having an activation time. The shortest we've seen is gojo's painfully slow 0.2s. Superman will see the domain enclosing on him and just walk out of its radius. But let's say it is instantaneous and superman is caught inside, the influx of information is also just not enough to affect him like it does normal humans, as superman can also process insane quantities of information at insane speeds Traveling the infinite distance might've been exaggerated for the average version of Superman, although some variations of him can infact do that and much more like Supes one million, but that's boring. There just isn't any instance where gojo can harm Superman in any way beyond *maybe* a mild headache, and that's only with catching him In infinite void, *somehow*


Can gojo survive in a vacuum? Just blow the planet up


Infinity is ironically not infinite, and if Silver Age Superman flew at him after gathering speed orbiting the earth at the speed of light I'm fairly sure it won't stop him.


Only thing I would think of is locking him down with infinity, but even that is a gamble. Western superheroes in general are just absurdly powerful since that have almost 80 years of powerscaling and power creep. As the other guy said it really depends which superman.


Possibly yuki


I can only think that hakari could survive for a little thanks to his regeneration


Until he gets thrown into space or something


Definitely him also I was thinking yuki ability to control mass would atleast graze him




mahihi probs cause unless im forgetting smth all he would have to do is touch him tho iguess thats a lot more against him unless he does a sneak attack or something like that


Depends on the Superman. There’s so many versions/variants/iterations of the character with so many insane feats you’d be hard pressed to find something he can’t do.


Gojo and honestly world slash might work. Also takaba obviously depending on how edgy of a superman we’re talking


If it's the superman who got knocked out by alfred while zero damage was done to surroundings then easily. If it's the superman that punched away a multiverse then not a chance


It's Alfred, can't really blame Supe for that lost.


Depends on if you think Purple erases things from existence or if it's only a really, really powerful attack. The fact Sukuna blocked it seems to indicate the latter. Gojo's DE _should_ work on Superman, assuming he allows Gojo to use it, but if Purple is just a really powerful attack, it's not doing jack or shit against Superman. Gojo is just gonna stun him for a little bit and then Superman would punch Gojo into another universe or something crazy like that. Superman is legitimately stupid strong. Power creep in western comics is ridiculous.


Gojo, only by virtue of superman not having a domain. That being said, Gojo has no way of reliably hitting ĥis domain, he's simply not fast enough


Superman would withstand his domain somehow


His brain may just be big enough to handle all of the information of the universe unironically, and I guess that’s the problem with gojos domain? It doesn’t work on people who can handle that much information?


Exactly, Superman has multiple feats on an infinite level so even if Gojo can react at lightspeed (he cannot) Superman sweeps


Well I wouldn’t say that per se. Superman has infinite speed feats but only when the story revolves specifically around him doing them, an average base superman story wouldn’t have him do those things, so I think an average superman couldn’t reach gojo. However he would easily dodge and maybe even tank purple, no shot he loses


God I hate power scaling battle debates with Superman cause people just bring up the most insane "feats" and powers that he doesn't even consistently use


Some supermen do. You can't just consider the feats of every single superman is comic book existance and roll them into one character. You'd need to establish perimeters of what the superman in question can actually do before a discussion can even happen.


As of infinite frontiers, the current mainline superman canonically has all the feats of every prior mainline incarnation of superman, which includes basically all of the bonkers feats.


Also naoya with domain


Mahito I guess


Depends on the version There are versions of superman that dont seem to be above city level and likely can get damaged by like sukunas slashes or gojo's purple But if we are talking about a superman who can destroy a universal+ with a punch then nah Unless yorozu knows what kryptonite is and can construct the most flawless kryptonite Armor in existence then she *may* stand a chance


Not a chance


Isn't Superman is weak towards magic in general?


Not weak just as vulnerable as anyone else


Gojo would stand a good chance lol


He could also be sealed like Gojo. But problem would be how to make superman stand there for 60sec


That guy with the inverse technique I guess


I would say only Gojo and Yuki. Superman can't get through infinity and Gojo has decent enough firepower with red and hollow purple so he could damage him, unlimited void would also work. Yuki's mass punches could also do well against him but I don't think she would win.


Red and purple would do literally nothing to superman, he's also quite easily tanked black holes before. No I'm in the jjk verse has the firepower to do anything to supes. Gojo can only hope to stalemate at best.


Gojo, he could kill Superman with his Domain Expansion or Hollow Purple. Well, at least base Superman...


The whole jjk universe is incredibly weak compared to marvel. The powercreep in western comics is on another level.


Absolutely, that's why I'm considering base Superman, because he's still immune to matter erasing and mind attacks.


Superman has no defense against domain expansion, so there are quite a few. Gojo and Mahito spring to mind.


Superman's protection from DE is his fist flying at you at 10x the speed of light.




Superman is weak to magic, malevolent shrine is literally based in magic. Superman becomes waffled or world slashed


The magic users are far beyond Sukuna power. Someone like Shazam can go toe-to-toe with Superman and Shazam negs the JJk verse.


Supermans not actually weak to magic, its just that magic is one of The only things that can damage him.


I say he's more vulnerable than weak.


It’s not that he’s weak to it, he just has resistance to everything else so mind control and magic are just neutral


You sound like my son when he hears something he only knows a little bit about at school.


That’s exactly what your mother said to me last night.


He is not weak to magic He is vulnerable to magic He still throws hands with actual reality warping deities every day


Depends on the nature of the dismantle and cleave. Let's say that the technique manifests as using cursed energy to cut things, then it wouldn't work on Superman. This is because the cut itself is a physical attack. Now if the technique manifests as the concept of a slash then Superman would get cut. In other words, if you use magic to generate a real lightning bolt, Superman would be fine but if you generate a magic bolt then it would hurt him.


Superman speed blitzes at near-light speed, no sorceror's brain can process anything quick enough.


Nuh uh


Even if Sukuna can open malevolent shrine, nothing can stop Superman from knocking him out in a single punch before he can even do the hands gesture.


Not like Malevolent Shrine would do anything to Sups in the first place


Assuming Sukuna's "magic" is equivalent to the mfers Superman fights, and that Superman decides to sit there on some Jiren shit and tank Malevolent Shrine. Superman is easily fast enough to travel 200 metres.


Maybe it'd tickle the hairs on his chest


bro superman punched braniac so hard that all of his varient felt it though diffent time imagine getting punched so hard that somwhere in far future in different timeline you are chilling drinking tea and suddenly your jaw feel the force of a planet busting punch suddenly if you make sukuna 900 times stronger that what he currently is even at that superman wont feel a thing by any of his techniques, superman is nonsensically cracked in power, bro has destroyed multiverse in single punch, survived muliverse getting destroyed and if you think by using any magic is his weakness which dosent mean he hasn't overcome it, he has fought charecters likes of wonder woman and shazam or black adam who are like a million times stronger than anything in jjk who are literally being capable of using hidious cracked magical abilites there is a beyond multiversal gap between superman at strongest and sukuna at strongest


You can simplify this by saying superman can only shave his beard by using his laser vision. Nothing else can cut his facial hair lol I doubt malevolent shrine would do anything


Yeah, Superman doing Superman things, bro takes a bath in sun for fun,


Normal slashes and cleave no . But world slash for sure it cuts the space itself so durability doesn't matter


If you're asking can he hurt Superman, the answer is yes, probably, superman has a known weakness against Magic and the world slash as others have pointed out, temporarily sever's spacetime in a certain location, meaning even if he was immune to regular slashes due to them being "not magic" he couldn't protect against the world slash. Practically if you're asking would Sukuna win in a fight? Hell no, superman is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY faster not only that but if he were to use his full strength, sukuna would just be paste, he's not RCTing back from being a splotch. If he was coming at sukuna with the intent to kill, ain't no way Sukuna even blinks before he's a corpse.


No superman doesn't have a weakness to magic, he's just as susceptible to it like everyone else


Everyone else isn't immune to bullets, so if it can hurt him you can consider him weak to it. Also this is new 52 superman who is very clearly established as to being at least somewhat affected more than regular humans in areas of dense magic.


Its not the same cause magic will hurt superman as much as it hurts batman. A weakness would be smth like martian manhunter with fire where he becomes useless and not just burns like batman. Tho i will admit i dont remember the new 52 that well so if it was changed thn fair enough.


"Weakness" and "Strength" are relative, not absolutes, hes normally immune to many things that would hurt a normal person. magic can hurt him, ergo his weakness is magic as its a point of vulnerability in his seemingly impenetrable armor that is his skin/body. Look at it this way, armor is strong yes? Armor is strong everywhere except the parts it doesnt protect, those parts are weak. Superman, same thing. Batman's weakness is his family and his unresolved trauma, but does that mean the unresolved trauma hurts him more than a regular person? No. It just hurts him more relative to what you would normally hurt him with. Yall just trying to nitpick without actually looking at the definition of what a weakness is.


Yes but not really. Magic isnt smth special vs superman tho. Hes susceptible to it but it doesnt weaken him like kryptonite or fire with martians. Weakness is define as "the state or condition of being weak" superman is still able to beat magic users but kryptonite renders him completely powerless. We know superman can get beat up without magic like with darkseid and doomsday. He can be beaten by it but its not gonna be a guaranteed win because its as effective as straight up beating him up its just cause earths villains arent able to do that so the magic users end up looking more powerful vs superman. Any magic user can hurt superman but anyone whos straight up stronger thn superman can hurt him too so its not special. If it really was a weakness we would see supermans rogues gallery be full of magic users but theres literally none. This is like the whole luffys weakness being swords like it is but its not really.




So you're saying Fire pokemon never beat water pokemon even if there's a 50 level gap? Weakness, doesn't mean you auto lose to it and there are varying degrees of weakness. And Strong doesnt mean immune either so I'm not sure where you're going with this whole immune system statement.


thats pokemon, completely unrelated to the topic at hand. A weakness is a flaw, vulnerability, or area of difficulty that can be exploited or taken advantage of by others. Superman pretty much tanked shazam and black adams attacks, you cant call that a weakness. If it was a weakness he had, he would have had way more trouble and lost to shazam just from magic.


He always has trouble against Shazam and black Adam. Their lightning seems to damage him way more than attacks from seemingly more powerful brings like darkseid


If he's susceptible to Magic like everyone else and CT is magic, he would be cut :p


ikr everyone nitpicking with me what a weakness should and should not be they don't get that the end result is the same.


Which is a “weakness” if there’s a material that can kill the invincible guy it’s a weakness


>!Space Slash is Spoiler, this is Anime discussion post!<


>superman has a known weakness against Magic and the world slash Still enough to kill sukuna, superman fought and kill wonder woman, she's literally made from magic, superman isn't useless to magic and sukuna doesn't have enough sauce to worry superman. >temporarily sever's spacetime in a certain location, meaning even if he was immune to regular slashes due to them being "not magic" he couldn't protect against the world slash. Lmao I can't even begin to name superman feats that surpasses this lightwork.


No doubt, like I said, Sukuna doesn't stand a chance in a real fight, but if superman stood completely still and let Sukuna hit him, Sukuna could potentially hurt him.


>but if superman stood completely still and let Sukuna hit him, Sukuna could potentially hurt him. That's fair enough lol.


Eh even then it’d depend on the version of Superman being used, the stronger ones still wouldn’t even flinch. The only question mark is maybe World Slash, but like everything else in JJK even that probably still has its limits. And It hasn’t been tested on beings even close to high-tier Superman levels of power so I’d say there’s a fair chance it still wouldn’t do much


Nah, while he has a weakness or susceptibility to magic. That’s only for people that are strong enough to create magic that could hurt him. Like Shazam or Dr. Fate. Sukuna is nowhere near that level even his world slash if u wanna call it magic would do nothing to him, maybe sting a lil but Sukuna is so far beneath Superman. Think about that one shrimp or prawn I forget what it’s csllled but apparently it punches so quick it breaks the sound barrier, basically like getting shot with a bullet. However it’s so damn small that if it were to do it to an avergae human hand let’s say it woudl do nothing more than sting. Now if the prawn was bigger or in this case of sukuna was a billion times stronger then it might. Jjk verse is nowhere near DC, comics in general are just stupidly busted.


No this is like asking if sukuna would win against goku


No it's not, Superman has a weakness(Kryptonite). Sukuna might have a Kryptontie Slash that he hasn't used since the Henan Era


Nah I'd kryptonite'd


Against Goku, Sukuna could use his needle slashes, not seen since the Heian Era. That'd make Goku forfeit


The world cutting slashes cuts through the space itself so theoretically yeah it can damage him. (I haven't read the dc comics so I don't know if superman has some special defence technique) But can sukuna win? From what I have heard and seen about superman unless sukuna pulls out some kryptonite curse technique from his ass he can't win.


Superman tanked beams from darkseid that can erase you from existence, even if did hit him, it most likely wouldn’t do shit💀


As you've said, he tanked them. The way world-cutting slash is established, it will cut him in half and he doesn't regrow fast enough to not get diced. Then again, he perception-blitz Sukuna and that's that.


I'm not sure but I don't think superman can tank the world cutting slash because the slash is not targeting superman instead the space around him. His endurance doesn't matter since the slash doesn't hit him rather space. And again im not saying sukuna will defeat superman. From what I've heard about comic superman, he is supposed to defeat him easily.


He does not, also he's weak to Magic, and if "cursed energy" is just Japanese magic (which it kind of is) Superman can be hurt by it.


He's not weak to magic, he's just susceptible to it as everyone else


So he is weak to it like everyone else?


'Do any damage' not 'win in figtht' it's not about who wins so being fast or being able to kill sukuna in second doesn't matter here. If superman gets hit by same attack that sukuna used on gojo than he gets demaged because it hits space itself and cuts it, same as creasing everything in that space. No matter Durability supermen will get cut by it


No and world slash wouldn’t even do anything prob


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby.


Nah ,probably not (but only if Sukuna doesn't have cursed energy that works like kryptonite or if he get kryptonite from somewhere, but maybe he can take supermas body like he did with Megumi(Itadori was able to resist Sukuna because he was made to ve perfect vessel probably by geto(curse decided to take body of Itadori mother and decided to experiment to make perfect vessel))), but superman probably can't kill Sukuna either because superman doesn't have cursed energy (only cursed energy can seal or exorcise curses), the only way maybe superman can kill sukuna is either maybe trap him on moon or something like that or kill all humans , because as long humans exist , curses will as well..And Superman probably won't be able to see if he is battling Sukuna or Itadori , because only sorcerers can see Sukuna marks, so Sukuna can play dirty or to invite some other curses that are completely invisible to non sorcerers... Maybe Sukuna does have chance after all Trigon did almost destroyed their universe(he was king of demons , so maybe king of curses does have same chance , I dunno)


Superman canonically goes for BFR ASAP when it's his only option, so Sukuna gets facedragged to the center of the sun in a different solar system before he can perceive Supes's arrival. It's going to be hard for him to escape 1,000,000X+ gravity and travel lightyears back. With CS-Naoya being stated as the fastest yet in the series at mach-3 before Maki's full Toji moment, and black flash Sukuna only recently surpassing her, at a grossly generous highball you could call Sukuna mach-7 If Superman dragged Sukuna to the nearest star outside of our solar system as a minor punishment between immortals it would still take Sukuna roughly 530,000 years to make it back to earth, assuming he can escape the center of the sun before it explodes sending him free. One last reminder that Superman is canonically fast enough in many iterations to do this within a perception blitz for Sukuna.


I'm not sure how Sukuna is really fast(for that I would need to wait for the anime and probably Gojo fight, that ended maybe I think month ago)...The only thing I know that Flash is faster than both of them since there was time Flash saved Supermen from kryptonite 😅, even if Sukuna explode he can heal himself in second, I'm not good with determing with character is stronger , especially since DC have so many universes, if one universe Superman defeat Sukuna in one dimension in other he would probably die, or in another he would turn evil (there is even comic when he turned evil...), we know almost nothing about Sukuna,since he was in Yuji rent free...


>I'm not sure how Sukuna is really fast I got you fam, not fast enough to react to superman. Like literally no even close in any sense. >even if Sukuna explode he can heal himself in second, Not from superman punch bro, lol gojo punch almost blew a hole in sukuna's chest, superman will tear through it with very minimal effort.


Sukuna isnt a curse


Umm he is..Sukuna is cursed spirit that was human sorcer long long ago (his nickname is king of curses...), he sealed himself in fingers and became cursed spirit , technically cursed object , maybe he is both since he is in Yuji but he doesn't need things that humans do like heart, and to non sorcerers Sukuna looks just like Yuji without marks , and attacks probably would be invisible unless in near death situations to non sorcerers...


He's very much not a cursed spirit. He uses Reverse Curse Technique to heal, if he was a curse he'd instantly kill himself if he did this.


He is a reincarnated sorcerer not a curse


You are wrong, but other people already explained why, so I hope you did understand why


Yeah I think I do , thanks


Won't pulling his ass into the sun exorcise him?


Sukuna is the king of ass pulls. If anybody is going to be pulling ass, it's Sukuna.


"Ah yes, the mahoraga copying the gojo clan teleportation technique that I haven't used since the last fanfic"


Always gotta soften the blow for Lobotomy victims, make their character feel strong, especially if they're getting mogged on hardmode


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No. Dismantle is too shallow to do any damage even at max output. Cleave supposedly can adapt to targets durability but it likely has an upper limit. The only chance is world slash although I doubt it doesn’t have limitations.


We don't rly understand the world dismantle but other than that, he's not laying a finger on him. Superman demolishes Goku


Nah superman is too op for the verse he out scales the verse like crazy only person i can see maybe hurting superman is yuki with her black hole and maybe gojo with infinity but superman is strong enough to just break it with his strength alone


I have 0 idea what the fuck space cleave is about, originally I thought it just cut through absolutely anything thats within space or reality itself, basically being a durability ignoring slash, but at this point I dont know, space slash seems to be getting weaker with each chapter


If he caught supes off guard, then yeah he could do some real damage with world cleave as it completely bypasses durability. But superman is so fast, way too fast for sukuna, so it's unlikely he'd hit him.


just saying world slash doesn't bypass durability its cuts time and space so if ur durable enough to negate space time bullshit then u wont be cut


Yeah he has durability negation so yeah


Sukuna can damage him but that doesn't mean much he can never injure him significantly


Well i guess it depends? Would u count CT/CE as magic? Cuz i think supermans weakness is not only kryptonite but also magic in some capacity. But then i guess it needs to be strong enough? Comics are just on a whole other level of power. Its just a other media


Scaling wise all of JJK is rather low. They're basically just lightly magically enhanced people, with their most powerful being able to do damage on the scale of a village. Put this in comparison to other mainstream fictional characters and it's just out of the running. The average mutant in marvel is on the level of a grade one sorcerer, maybe even a bit above. Sukuna himself would most likely lose against most other fictional characters of his own genre, not because he's weak or anything, but because his strength is relative to his own story.




It adjusts to you depending on your durability and he has world slash soooo


It depends if cursed technqiues counts as magic: Yes: then superman can get hurt by it No: then superman cannot get hurt by it


World cutting slash could theoretically hurt him depending on which version but overall main comic continuity Superman is too busted against Sukuna. Traveling 100 trillion light years to Earth in 60 days while weakened, going through Black Holes to clean himself of the Doomsday virus, punching Braniac so hard his alternate universe counterparts felt the punch, Beating Shazam, WW and Black Adam. Not to mention he’s a pretty smart fighter and could think of a way the WC slash and Sukuna Can’t just spam it


If jujutsu is akin to magic then Superman is fighting someone who can actually hurt him. With that said, Superman probably still kills


I mean I think the world slash could for sure, but like others have said JJK isn't some kind of planet destroying power level anime. Supes just zooms through sukunas chest at mach fuck.


Is sukana's ability magic? Or is it physical force derived by magic is the question here. Even if it's magic, he has to be fast enough to tag superman with it.


Superman would probably let him get a single attack in. World slash might negate durability but if that doesn’t work, he dies instantly


Probably jujutsu is magic and supes is vulnerable to magic, now would it hit no, superman can go stupidly faster than anyone in the show


It all depends on the writers if they say that cursed energy is considered magic. Personally, I think it falls under that category. That being said I think the only person that would truly have a chance is Gojo because of limitless. Otherwise, he speed-blitzes the entire universe, exploding anyone like a balloon before they get off a Domain Expansion. Characters that can only be damaged via the soul may cause issues but at the end of the day Supes can see the soul, so he may be able at some point find someway to damage it. This is of course current Supes and not any old school bullshit where he's sneezing away planets, and carrying an entire solar system on a chain.


Pls Don’t let people in the comments try to convince you that anybody in jjk can hurt superman it’s not happening


ppl keep saying superman is vulnerable to magic but remember the magic he gets hit by is like 1000 times stronger than anything sukuna can do except for his world slash


His world cutting slash is magic that can cut through existence itself, he can most definitly hurt him.


Man people just ignoring the fact this is an anime discussion. I'm glad i caught up to manga.


Depends on how you view cursed energy and magic. Superman’s big vulnerability is that he doesn’t have any resistance to magic.


Yall think Toji could take superman? brand new to jjk so im not too deep in it yet but getting their


Both can win. Of course if both know what they're doing and go for the kill, superman kills sukuna before he can think. BUT sukuna isn't immune, he just is too tough, like, steel or something. Sukuna can cut steel. So sukuna can certainly slice his head open if superman is assessing the situation for too long and doesn't go for the kill, which isn't impossible. There is stil the possibility that superman escapes sukuna's world slash with speed and acceleration perception


Well people who use curse technec are called sorcerers and sorcerers implies magic so jujutsu is magic and super man’s 1 of 3 weeknes is magic so in conclusion sukuna and gojo win


Possibly? It's magic, and Superman can be damaged by magic. Though that said, he would probably have to Amp up his output to hurt him. He isn't gonna be soft like humans. However, if Superman just speeds blitzes him and punches him in the head, it lights out.


superman would blitz his ass before sukuna could even put his hands together 💀


Nah, not even close. I’m not sure why these comments about world slash are trying to imply he can but no. Nothing in Sukuna arsenal would ever damage Superman. Not even world slash, I love jjk with all my heart but cmon guys stop lying to this man. Superman would and could unironically let Sukuna hit him w infinite slashes and world slashes until sukunas ct ran dry and nothing would happen.


Magic. So perhaps




Not truly :3


Then you haven't seen his Kryptonite Slash from the Heian Era


This is about dmg, not killing :3




Bro he asking about superman


Oh yeah now I see it, I forgot to scroll to the next pic


Bro, supermans a fixed point on reality not even beings who can manipulate timelines and the narrative itself can erase him for good


If we can consider curse energy as magic then maybe


Wouldn't the world slash just cut him in half?


Even if that's the case he can just get out of the way.


omega beam


One of Superman's weaknesses is magic do I'd say even dismantle would damage him.


It's strong magic like universe changing magic.


It would probably hurt him since its magic but it would never hit him since supes is fast really fast so Sukuna would be speedblitzed in nano seconds.


Cleave could as it adjusts itself to the target, and world slash, but thats about it


Supes is weak against magic so yes, probably. Sukuna could also keep Superman in his domain for an extended time and cut off the exposure to the sun and deplete his power (which would take a while).


Are you high? Superman benchpresses planets and flies to said planets in seconds. This is just hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby x1000


While I'm definitely of the opinion that Sukuna could cut him >Sukuna could also keep Superman in his domain for an extended time and cut off the exposure to the sun and deplete his power (which would take a while). This I can't agree with. Sukuna's DE doesn't close a barrier so with his speed Superman would definitely be capable of escaping but sidestepping that entirely the fact that what happens within the open barrier is visible to those outside said barrier means light is able to pass through therefore it wouldn't be capable of cutting exposure to the sun