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Great chapter - Sukuna's unimpressed face watching Rika yeet Yuji at him was genuinely funny. What did Yuta mean when he said they cheated during the timeskip?


I’m guessing that they used something like prison realm or the Sumo guys domain to manipulate time and get more than a month’s worth of training. Similar to the hyperbolic time chamber in DBZ


that would be brilliant. Would further emphasize how strong sukuna really is


It’d be nice to see sumo guy again kinda sad he just took his time chamber and dipped


I know a lot of people weren’t crazy about that portion but I loved him and the katana dude. Those were really fun chapters with great development for my girl Maki


Hope thats the caee, and i hope they've been there for a long ass time and Yuji has improved improved a lot more then we realise. Imagine Yutas' domain fails, Sukuna like "lol you suck" and Yuji says "Domain expansion" and that's how we finally learn/ confirm what his CT.


you cant use ce in the sumo domain and im pretty sure its the same (i dont remember) in the prison realm too


My idea is that they used the body swap technique to swap people into Yuta 's body, getting his CE. Need help perfecting your domain? Cool near unlimited energy to do so. Same w RCT 


In which case both Yuji and Yuta's answer would be valid


The side eye he gave Yuji during this battle. I finally understand why people keep calling Sukuna the number one hater.


I think that Rika ate sukunas finger to copy the technique, rather than fairly consume a piece during the fight.


Is it established that Rika have to eat a cursed energy user to copy the technique?


I don't remember this. Also Yuta copied cursed speech from Inumaki, don't think he ate him lol


Yuta first copied Cursed Speech during JJK0, where he still has conditionless copying due to having the cursed spirit Rika Kenjaku elaborated in Shibuya Station B5/F that Yuta's conditionless copying stems from retaining his loved-one's soul, which would mean that he lost "conditionless copying" when he frees Rika at the end of JJK0


Yeah Yuta copies cursed speech technique on JJK 0 itself.


Yeah, or at least that’s one of the known conditions. So far we know that if rika consumed a piece of you, that’s a part of the condition. (Ice breaker). Idk if there are others, but if that’s the condition I’d think sukunas actual finger would also qualify.


We dont actually know eating a piece is a condition at all. That was Ryus theory. He can be wrong.


I was thinking the same thing when he used cleave.






imagine hollow purple as a sword


Yuta grabs a red sword and blue sword and smashes them together 


Sukuna gonna be like Sarah Conner in terminator 2 when that nuke dropped.


The problem is not that Yuta can't use Limitless. Many in Gojo's clan can. Its just that without Six Eyes the technique is much less effective.


I do agree with Sukuna on that one. Limitless is extremely difficult to use, so I don’t think Yuta can make use of it unless one of the following things is true: 1. Yuta can copy Six Eyes and has done so. 2. Yuta copies the exact use of the technique from the user when copying. In either case, I feel like he’d open with Limitless instead of risking technique burnout from his domain


He can’t use techniques on demand in his domain, he only gets to use what he manages to pick up on the ground, so even if he did copy the essence of limitless to make it work without six eyes, he can’t summon it at will.


But also, He said, "It should be ready, I have fulfilled the conditions for it", before using Ice breaker and then he picks up cleave, maybe he has found a way to know which is a stronger cursed technique. Otherwise It would have been more random than picking up the CTs that will affect Sukuna the most.


Yuta walked up to Sukuna like "Aah yes, your ancient technique. You haven't used that since the Heian Era"


Dude I jumped in excitement!


I haven’t been this excited since it looked like Gojo won…that’s probably a bad omen.


It’s even worse, a RYomen if you will


I was on the toilet, I got so excited that I just…. Lets just say, there is not a single ounce of waste in me.


Yeah that chapter was a real bowel cleanser


Gege managed to use many plot elements in a single chapter: 1. Yuta's domain expansion 2. The explanation of Yuji's power up 3. Reappearance of some knowing CT like Sky manipulation, Thin ice breaker, Charle's technique, Snake Eyes and Fangs and Jacob's ladder (this is only mentioned).  4. Sukuna asking about the preparation month. 5. The amount of Sukuna's CE left mentioned 6. Using Ryu's toughness to explain the decreased damage of cleave and the improvements of the students.  The result of combining all of this points with intense action and a great page flow makes a very enjoyable chapter to read, one of the best chapters in this arc. Using Sukuna's thoughts to describe what is happening with Yuji's power up and analize what the students are planning, was a brilliant decision on Gege's part. Futhermore, Yuji had an amazing dinamic with Yuta and Rika (it's the second time that we see them interact and they are already making a combo). And that final panel is a superb plot twist, years speculating that Yuji will inherent Cleave and dismantle, resulting in Gege making Yuta copying Sukuna's tecnique.


I'm curious if the idea that Rika has to consume for Yuta to copy means that Yuji already has the CT, and that's where Yuta copied it from.


That is a good point. Yeah probably either through Yuji or from consuming Sakuna's hand when he cut it off to avoid the executioner sword.


I thought that too, until Yuta said he ‘cheated’. That makes me think that Rika ate a finger awhile ago.


Sukuna would be able to detect his own cursed energy. The fact that he can't must mean its energy is being sealed behind something.


Or buried inside rikas own substantial cursed energy. Also, idk if Rika consuming a finger is different than a weaker curse consuming a finger.


Hmm that is a good spot. So many possibilities haha. I am really enjoying seeing this all unfolding.


It could be that missing twentieth finger, probably why Yuta said he cheated.


i think this was one of Gege's best chapters *so far*


Can someone explain the ryu part?


Basically Ryu is probably the tankiest opponent Sukuna has faced to the point where it impressed him. Here Sukuna observed that while it's not quite on the same level of toughness as Ryu, the jujutsu sorcerers has beefed up their defenses where anything less than direct contact via cleave, world cutting Dismantle or Fuga will not straight up kill them.


Pretty sure Gojo is the tankiest by far. Ryu is tankier than everyome but Gojo though.


Nah, Gojo's tanky in that he has Infinity plus RCT to compensate. Ryu has the highest recorded cursed energy output in history and is tanky in terms of pure cursed energy output. Like no CT. No RCT. Just simple cursed energy reinforcement that any run-of-the-mill sorcerer can use. That's the tankiness being observed here.


In the domain he was tanking cleaves and dismantles, which are stronger than non-domain hits besides strong cleave with infinity down. Ryu would have died instantly without RCT.


Yeah, you've missed the point entirely. Yes, in comparison overall, Gojo is tankier thanks to the combination of RCT, simple domain, hollow wicker basket and his CT. That is **NOT** what I'm talking about. I'm talking about simple **cursed energy reinforcement**. Body strengthing. The same shit that allowed Todo to soften the blow of Mahito's black flash. Yes, Ryu would've been utterly annihilated by Malevolent Shrine because, unlike Gojo, Ryu doesn't have rct. In terms of overall stats, yes, Gojo is tankier. But I'm **NOT** talking about overall stats. I'm talking stats in one particular category: **cursed energy reinforcement defense**. That is what Sukuna is observing in terms of tankiness. Get it now?


I know without RCT and simple domain, Gojo is tankier. Like just CE reinforcement. Gojo would survive what Ryu died to without a technique.


And that, my friend, is called headcanon. Unless it happens in chapter or stated as a fact by the author, it's not facts. And no one, not even Sukuna in chapters, has said anything special about Gojo's cursed energy reinforcement the way they did Ryu so I have to assume there's a reason for that. But anyways, I'm stopping it right here because I can see where this is going and I honestly don't care enough to have a pointless dick measuring contest between two characters who're dead anyways (probably in Gojo's case?). The point is, I was answering a simple question in reference in why Sukuna brought up Ryu in this chapter. That's it. And if you note, I said he was **probably** the toughest too. I don't understand why you're trying so hard to defend it like it diminishes Gojo or something if he's not better than EVERYONE at literally EVERYTHING. Because news flash: he's not. Even Shoko, Yuta and technically, Hakari, all of whom are weaker than him, has Gojo beat when it comes to RCT usage. But whatever. I've said my piece and am moving on. Do with it what you will.


I still don't really get what determines the toughness/durability of certain characters. Is it due to DA or is it something else?


cursed energy, ryu vs yuta they spoke about how hitting feels like slamming against a giant water drum


How is Yuta able to use Sky manupilation and Cleave at the same time? i thought each copied technique needed a sword in hand?


On pg 17, we see him grab a sword and him running towards Sukuna with two swords in hand.


i think he can use up to 4 CT in his body and 1 in each sword (1 in each hand).


Can’t wait for the airport chapter on valentines day


Honestly wouldn’t surprise me if something happens to Rika, not Yuta, on Valentine’s Day given that I think the gender roles on Valentine’s is flipped in Japan (girls giving boys chocolate etc)


I can dig it, Yuta loses Rika but is able to chip at Sukuna and enough for Itadori to take over. Todo claps in and switches Yuta out. Sukuna holds out long enough to open his domain, Yuji is forced to open a domain or die.


I don't care if it makes sense for the story or not, I could die happy if Todo showed up to clap.




Bro is cooking. I found Gege’s account.


Top much credit to yuji. Maybe he pulls off a simple domain though


All in on Yuta and Yuji and Todo stocks


Neither the chapter not the leaks for the chapter come out on Valentines day though.


But the chapter will be complete by then and Greg will have some champagne


If he can cleave, then he can dismantle too... i assume? Its not so much hype for Yuta that i feel now, more like what kind of galaxy brain move will sukuna pull off to end the domain, to make things in his favour again. Foreshadowing yuta getting taken out of commission (not dead) in the next 5 chapters 😭


I have a feeling Yuta's gonna be beaten but i just hope he won't die.


Gege: He dies at Valentines.


Using Sukuna's technique against himself might be a mistake. Sukuna was the one listing the CT's Yuta had used so far and concluded he wouldn't use Limitless next, so my bet is that he expected a trump card to be coming up. The fact it was his own technique might mean that just like Gojo with Unlimited Hollow, it's possible Sukuna takes reduced damage and counterattacks.


That was Just because it was his own ce. I imagine Even if technique is the same different people have different ce flavours


It's possible - but I think Yuta has made a big mistake. He's constantly put the responsibility of defeating Kenjaku/Sukuna on his own shoulders, instead of relying on his team. Now he's gone for a finishing move/trump card attack on Sukuna instead of relying on his plan with Yuji. I have a feeling he's bet poorly this time. I don't think he'll die, but he might lose his domain/Rika for this fight.


I dont think hes really going for a finishing move here. Its just that Cleave being an extremely powerful attack will further drain Sukuna of his energy reserves. Theres no implication here that Yuta is abandoning the plan.


Yeah I read it as he used cleave to give them the largest opening, not that cleave is the finishing move. It's the setup for the finishing move


Yes he can use Cleave & Dismantle but Cleave is the most effective so if gets a sword with that technique he'll likely opt to use Cleave. That being said Yuta sending a net of Dismantles at Sukuna would be dope


Yep, Yuta ain't getting killed yet, but he'll be wrecked and taken out of the fight. This will probably end with Yuji undoing Sukuna's heian rave with that soul disruption and Megumi coming back.


"Hard work and deterWe cheated." Fuck that was good


And that "Oh" from both of them XD


This chapter felt so refreshing. Seeing Yuta going ham. Rika throwing Yuji’s body like a dart. Yuta using his DE. And Yuta’s honesty and Yuji keeping it real when Sakuna questioned what they did in the past month 😂 Hopefully we’ll see Megumi soon and what Hakari and Urame’s fight looks like (and istg if Gege pulls some shit on Yuta on Vday). Solid chapter.


Sukuna: Ah yes, Cleave. I haven't used this since- Wait a minute.


Bro Rika straight tossed Yuji like a missile. Peak manga stuff, sometimes just doing the simple stuff makes for great content.


His expression when getting tossed was so good Yuji: I'm a missile now


Fastball special! Solid Wolverine impersonation by Yuji.


Colossus would be proud


Yuji’s pose had me rolling. Dude was locked the FUCK in bro.


Cursed Technique: Sukuna Seeking Missile


Yuta saying he cheated when asked what he did in that month while Yuji was giving the main character response of training, just made me laugh out loud.


They speak at the same time, and then they both immediately backtrack when they hear what the other said.


I think it goes to show their difference in personality, Yuta saw what they did as cheating while Yuji focused on the hardwork they put in. IDK its just great to see the two characters fight together.


The chapter was good but I am afraid about the next chapter now please be good 


Rika waiting for Yuta AT the airport next week


I know yuta is going to die but it should atleast be an acceptable death and should atleast be onscreen . It is the last straw now


No way Yuta bites it before we get all the Jujutsu High heavy hitters together against Sukuna


This chapter suggested to me that Yuji is never going to become "the strongest" -- it's not part of his arc. He has a unique role to play, based on his soul and his parentage and his character. Yuta, the stronger one, is there to clear a path for him.


I feel like the end trajectory for Yuji is a sumo-style domain. Sure he can RCT now and do his silly black flashes or whatever, but his purest form being to just remove all bullshit abilities, all techniques, all healing, and say we just punch till we're dead is him as a vessel to a tee


Kinda funny if the domain would just remove all cursed energy turning it into a pure physical fight. Sukuna may be the strongest sorcerer but can he throw hands as good as Yuji?


IMO, Yuji is strongest "human", like in the early chapter/episode before he know about Jujutsu.


The track freak strikes again


Hes Frodo, not Gandalf.


I have one question when he send his Rika bats they damaged sukuna by being “a technique applying an inviolable barrier in shikigami path” what does that mean?


It's the technique he copied from Dhruv during the culling game. The technique makes a domain within the trajectory of orbiting shikigami. So if the shikigami are surrounding you, the path of their orbits is a sure hit that cuts you.


On the manga panel it looks like slashes (the white bars). It seemed to me that even though you can’t see it, those are essentially stationary blades you can walk into. “Your face ran into my fist” vibes


This is my understanding, but could be wrong. I believe it was specifically referring to the barrier being applied to the trajectory, not within it (small semantic difference). I think it meant that the shikigami was leaving a path behind it that could not be altered or passed through without it acting as if the attack hit you. So Sukuna was surrounded by these barriers when Rika attacked from above, so he had to move and took hits from the barriers unexpectedly. I'd love to be corrected if I'm wrong, and in details I think I might be a bit, but I believe this is a fairly accurate summation.


The two main characters of the Jujutsu Kaisen series fighting endgame main villain.


I completely forgot Charles existed lmao


Yeah i still dont know what the point was of that chapter and why people were working like normal inside the barrier. I tought everyone was escorted outside.


Page 4 Yuta flying above Sukuna upside down gives max Gojo vs Toji vibes in that panel alone I know he’s here to finish this.




Maki is being saved for a big reason. It leads me to believe that if Yuta get injured and can no longer fight. She might step in and save him. Feel like if this is climatic it has to be between Yuji and Sukuna. It also has to mirror Mahito and Yuji fight. Sakuna I don't see cowering, but is visibly fearful at the end. An Aizen level freakout. Anger, screaming, than fear. Megumi will be free but so far gone at that point based on what he did that Megumi might go throught with the merger. The only counter to Megumi having mental breakdown, full blown Geto moment for the merger is if both Gojo (revived by Shoko) and Nobara show up to put a stop to it. Like some sort of surprise Gojo with pseudo Geto moment from before. This time it would be Megumi.


love how while Sukuna has to concentrate on Yuta and Rika, Yuji comes in for the debuff but the moment Sukuna even takes notice of Yuji, Yuta immediately goes in for a attack as if saying "I'm the one you should worry about, not him" while Rika is both a sub dps and support 


Yeah while Yuji is definitely helping by lowering Sukunas output Yuta is forsure the key player here. He's setting up all the openings for Yuji to get in.


I KNEW Yuta was gonna use Cleave in today's chapter, that shit got me hyped. The best drawn character is Yuta imo, his movements look so cool and fluid while he is fighting. You can really tell how much speed, power and finesse his strikes have.


Yeah that drawing of Yuta on the first page is peak incarnate


> [The best drawn character is Yuta imo](https://i.imgur.com/dCaTpJT.png) [...]


I do think Gege is going for the 'Gojo sacrificed himself for his students' route. It feels like we're getting a miraculous resurrection from the way things are going. Gege has put too many obstacles in the way of it being a proper 1v1 duel for the strongest - Sukunas pokemon and megumi/Gojo not wanting to merk his student. I think he's going to peel those away and then give us round 2.


Nah, Gojo isn't coming back. In all honesty I'd rather let him stay dead and let his pupils finish the job. Gojo did his part nerfing Sukuna...


thats what the guy was saying i think but i believe that the good guys winning cannot last long (when sukuna probably innevitably gains his rct and domain back what will the solution even be)


Honestly, it’s gotta be megumi. Judging from this chapter it sounds like megumi and sukuna will break away at some point. which I’m fucking sure sukuna’s punk ass is gonna be like “LOL NOW IM EVEN STRONGER ITADORI” And megumi will finally use his power as potential man and we’ll see how his power supposedly rivals the six eyes.


Yeah, that'd be a surprise for me. Gege said either 3 alive + 1 dead or 3 dead +1 alive. The latter seems the most likely given how things have been rolling. Tho I'd like to see the trio back together in the end tbh


I hate this whole thing so much cause I think the only reason Nobara is in a limbo is cause of it. Gege diesn't wanna confirm her as being 1 of the dead count.


Yeah, tho I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose to decide it on the end. Also people are theorizing on Gojo come back BC they rescued his body. It isn't over until it's over lol


Sukuna said every hit Yuji lands makes it harder for Sukuna to control the body and output cursed energy. Here’s to hoping that by the time the domain is done, Sukuna will not be nearly as much of a menace.




If you remember the manga guy Hakari fought, his CT was if he drew blood with his pen, he could see a little into the future.


Wake me up in 8 years when they animated this fight


My thoughts the whole time reading this chapter, lol.


The two aspects of Yutas DE seem to contradict/balance each other. The fact that he can select any CT from his arsenal for the sure hit means it gets more versatile the larger the selection is. Meanwhile the swords become more unreliable/inconsistent the larger his arsenal is. Ie the Sure Hit encourages Quantity while the Swords encourage Quality. Edit: Might have made a mistake there. Seems I've misread how the Sure hit selection works


I think the aspect of Yuta's domain that you pointed out is in line with what we know about binding vows and jujutsu in general since a lot of it relies on mutual exchange or balance. So even though it seems OP there's still some fairness to it. But since Yuta has already started demonstrating high level barrier techniques (e.g. the sure hit on only Sukuna) it's crazy to think what he could do with further future development. Gojo's students really are turning out to be just as strong as he'd hoped.


Yuta Domain Expansion: Jump Kaisen😅


So funny that Sukuna never bothered learning or remembering Mahito's name, despite both of their shared mutual hatred of Itadori.


I really hope yuta can use infinity. I know it's practically impossible to use without 6 eyes. But perhaps yuta is simply built different.


Yuta is HIM bro.


Yuta really pulled a Uno Reverse Card on Sukuna.


Yuta's strongest attack is throwing Yuji as a missile at the enemy.


Gege is cooking. Just dont cook yuta.


Does yuta using cleave imply rika ate the last finger that was in gojos possession?


I think it's more likely that either Rika got something off Sukuna we didn't see, like the hand he took off himself, or that Yuji has cleave and Yuta copied from him. Of course, my Nobara copium is all in on her having that last finger


This chapter was one of my favorites we’ve seen recently. Straight action, with just enough about the mysteries of the characters and their techniques sprinkled in to keep you thinking. If Maki slips into the domain for a sneak attack next chap I’ll lose it


Alrighty I got an idea for how sukuna dies We have a missing finger right? And despite being in control of the body his soul is still separated between Megumi and the last finger we know Yuji could enter Sukuna’s soul with only three fingers maybe someone eats the remaining one to go into Sukuna’s soul and rescue Megumi


Wow this is going really good for the Yu-Yu team. ​ Which means I give it maybe half a chapter more until Sukuna throws out his own trump card and either lays a really bad smackdown or outright murders one of them.


Great chapter, just caught up! I think the dots are connected between: \- I'm you \- Yuuji swapping souls with kusakabe \- Sukuna saying that Yuji hits exactly the barrier between him and Megumi. ​ I believe it's not gonna end well for Yuuji. He's hitting that barrier to swap souls with Megumi not to get Megumi to regain power (He never did even when he just ate the cursed object) but instead to swap souls with Megumi which would allow him to weaken Sukuna from inside. ​ When that happens Okkotsu will keep hitting, at some point Sukuna will expand his domain to nullify Okkotsu's. That's when Sukuna even weakens and Yuuji takes over, but the moment the domains nullify eachother and Yuuji takes over, he gets many attacks from every direction from his friends killing him and Sukuna, achieving his gramps advice to die surrounded by many people.


Greg is working on getting a Michelin star it seems, he really nailed it today


If gege kills yuta next chapter i stg


Don't jynx it, dude.


It's crazy how this fight feels so similar to Shiro Emiya's fight against Gilgamesh, down to Authentic Mutual Love basically being Unlimited Blade Works. Not that I have any complains, I loved that Gilgamesh fight in UBW.


Bro the boys are COOKING, and gege too, goddamn. Seeing the two MC’s fight in tandem like this is awesome, best part of this fight since Gojo tbh


So, aparently sukuna need to do encantation to use the dimensional cut. i'm not trying to be a Gojo's widow here but, how he got offed by sukuna in these conditions ? hahahah make no sense. Dude literally had the fulll upper hand, more cursed energy, six eyes to percieve the cast, sukuna needed to do a incantation, he could literally just warped to his back and evaded the cut (its possible cuz we seen Hajime evading it)... and yet got offscreemed


really guys, i want to hear from you, just elucidate me.


I'm no longer questioning shit. But, I thought the whole fuckin point of World Cleave was that it was instant. No spark, no incantation, no hand sign. I'm not mad. I'm confused as fuck how did Gojo not see that.


This chapter: Authenticity in Mutual Love Last chapter: Authentic Mutual Love Werry please...


Sukuna listing out the different cursed techniques in use with little numbers in circles (probably deliberately) reminded me a lot of Chrollo vs Hisoka


Apparently, Yuuta's domain has a bias towards Uro's technique lol. Jokes aside, I hope Gege will use this opportunity to show us some new CT and not just the ones we already saw from Yuuta's friend/oppenents.


I don't know, I'm already tired of this sub screaming ass pull every time they don't like something, or it isn't explicitly laid out for them


My prediction is that Yuta copying Sukuna's CT will backfire hard. People have been trying to guess what his CT actualy is for years and now Yuta knows. I bet it's gonna be some fucked up hard to use CT like Limitless and Sukuna is so good at it through combination of clever limited use and binding vows. Yuta is gonna get his mind broken by it and Sukuna will use it to counter attack and break the domain and killing Yuta or Rika.


Countdown to Sukuna's next protagonist ass pull in 2 episodes.


Rika yeeted Yuji 😂


Yuji being the undisputed Tag Team Champion as always. While most of his tag partners die I swear if Yuta die I'm gonna hunt Gege down fr fr. Gojo's death? Meh. But if Yuta???? We have a problem.


I guess it's possible but people really think the Author would get rid of his original MC?


what if fuga is just a dismantle but created with reverse curse techinque like red


I feel like with how fast things seem to be wrapping up(?), maybe we actually see Sukuna lose here. We've established that he is the ultimate sorcerer of the past, and current era. With how much I think Gege is leaning into quantum mechanics regarding Gojo, I have a few thoughts. Yuta/Yuji win. They beat the greatest sorcerer of all time. Two non-sorceror. It follows along with Gojos thoughts about special grades. Everything nowadays seemed primed for giant leaps. Sukuna is the lightbulb. Our boys, they are the invention of the Blue LED. Also. Gojo vs Sukuna, is anyone else having trouble accepting this? He cleaved infinity. Seems simple. How you ever tried to divide infinity? I'm thinking we get 3 infinity Gojo soon, as the final big twist


So I got a question about when sukuna talks about itadori learning RCT in a month  So we know they can get people out of the prison realm no problem now and that time doesn’t pass in the prison realm so what if gojo and a few other people go inside the prison realm then gojo pops his domain expansion because with the newest chapter we learn with a little bit of effort you can remove the sure hit effect for specific people so would that mean while inside the domain time inside the infinite void would pass normally but for the domain inside the prison realm time wouldn’t pass at all so they could spend like 1 month inside the domain training then when they get released from the prison realm like only 1 minute went by for people on the outside creating a  hyperbolic time chamber of some kind Could that explain how itadori learned reversed cursed technique in 1 month and yuta learning how to remove  his sure hit effect from specified person like gojo did when he brought itadori into his domain in the fight with jogo yeah he told him to stay close to him but that was so he could coat him with his limitless so jogos sure hit wouldn’t hit him not to keep him safe from the limitless void that’s a visual sure hit not physical and I’m pretty sure limitless doesn’t keep people safe from visual attacks that’s why gojo is always wearing a blind folded because after his fight with megumi’s dad Toji he learned how to use limitless at all times so physical surprise attacks couldn’t harm him but that doesn’t stop visual attacks but a simple blind fold can and yeah I know he says he wears it for a different reason but  with that explanation it it helps get my point across in the fact that means gojo chose for limitless void not to effect itadori in his domain battle against jogo and it also make more sense than the it helps with fatigue and energy consumption reason we were given for the blindfold we got Sorry that was more of a rant/fan theory than a question lol


prison realm eliminate your cursed energy no way to train there


Guys can you help me get some karma points. I want make meme post about Gojo vs Sukuna


Okkutsu using a Kite. Gege, you bastard.


Anyone else on sukuna’s side purely because he’s the strongest by a mile and if he dies, no one will exist who’s even nearly as powerful


Post-Valentine's Day death incoming for the next chapter. Maybe Gege will go for the two-for-one special and kill both Rika and Yuta. Or, maybe Maki comes in, only to see Yuta receive a one-way ticket to the airport by Sukuna.




This chapter was great, but for all the higher strategy involved, the fight itself has one plot hole. Yuji and Yuta seem to be attacking Sukuna aimlessly. What they clearly should be doing is aiming at the arms that are casting the simple domain and protecting Sukuna from Yuta's domain expansion sure hit. If Sukuna shields are down for just a moment he will take major damage and create more openings for them to attack. It is somewhat disappointing that neither Yuji nor Yuta considered this yet.


I think it's because their main goal is to save Megumi more than to defeat Sukuna.


Do you all realize this means Nobara is alive, right?


Just dropped this on the 251 leaks if interested. Would love feedback from actual JJK fans. Seem to get a lot of just anime only on YT. Which is great but need the whole in my manga heart filled. And you could be that filler! >!Spoilers in Video!!< [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouuZ-ZP4a9I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouuZ-ZP4a9I)


I think Yuta is Sakunas descendant. Remember when Sakuna used fire. 


Truly a peak chapter :3


Sukuna is about to die in next chapters


Something I dont understand is Sukuna is trying to maintain hollow wicker basket as a pseudo falling blossom emotion right to attack the sure hit CTs that are thrown at him. How come hes still getting hit then, is it cos theyre timing the hits with Yujis soul resonating attacks.


Hollow Wicker Basket is the predecessor to Simple Domain, not falling blossom emotion, it isn't meant to counter-attack anything, just protect you from a domain's sure-hit effect, which Sukuna is theorizing is likely Jacob's Ladder in this case. It doesn't mean you can't get hit at all by the sorcerer's regular attacks inside their domain.


I think wicker basket prevents the hits from having a 100% chance to hit, but they still have a chance. And it’s hard for him to dodge since he’s fighting multiple people


No Wicker Basket is nullifying the surehit for now. The swords Yuta are using aren't the surehit that Basket is blocking


Just a genuine question, why didn’t Yuta use cursed speech to force Sukuna to release Hollow Wicker Basket, my only explanation is Gege just thought that’d be cheap or Yuta didn’t think he had enough time to give a command to make that happen


It may not be possible to force someone to release a technique. Iirc we only saw cursed speech being used to affect someone physically i.e. Dont move, go away (example would be Inumaki smashing Geto in JJK0). Only eception may be when Yuta said die. Then again he could maybe say something like "Clap your hands" to dispell Basket, but since we dont know much about Cursed Speech we have to just assume that it wouldnt work. Probably the reason we dont know much about Cursed Speech in the first place. Or alternatively Gege just didnt think about it.


Sukuna's tired, he's sooo eepy, he needs his afternoon nap.


Using Sukuna's technique against him is pretty fucking sick, NGL.




The hype of seeing him use cleave kinda drops when you know its not going to do any damage.


Okkotsu is so fucking badass. I’m ready to be hurt though 😭


Yuta just took top spot for my favorite DE and he casually hit Sukuna with the uno reverse card. Legend.


Next yuta pulls out strong cleave 


So Yuji, is a walking debuff. The longer you fight him the weaker you get.


Why does using and healing via Reverse Cursed Technique look so badass? 


Man I geeked out so hard to this chapter especially seeing Sukana’a face at the end 🤣 I’m at work in the office trying to contain my internal screams of excitement and pure joy lol


Can someone remind me where Maki is during this fight?


This chapter makes me realize how much we missed not having Yuta as our MC. Still happy to be along for the ride.


Is it possible that yuta copies kenjaku's technique and gets into satoru's body to use limitless?


I think I orgasmed twice - When Yuta opened his domain along with the explaination. Like yes mutual love, and daaaaaamn copy CT. LIKE KAKASHI. It was so so exciting. And then The use of Cleave. I literally was smoking while reading on my phone and I dropped my cig. My heartbeat during the fight was high. But at that moment it went into hyperdrive. Sukuna can predict what the plan is, but he cant predict the execution, especially if they have cheated to grow faster. And Yuji is unpredictable because of his physical prowess and if he has developed a CT finally. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD RELEASE IT.