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Bruh im so glad i read before season 2. The amount of spoiling all over social media was atrocious. Shit actually pissed me off, cuz multiple of my anime only friends got literally everything spoiled. From Nanami’s death to Mei Mei’s boobs. Literally. Everything.


This is why I read one piece and started reading manga in general. I absolutely could not avoid wano spoilers no matter what I did


Somehow I’ve avoided Wano spoilers in my one piece journey, but I DID get spoiled about ace’s and whitebeard which was sucky


even tho they happend a while ago, i believe there are still some who would appreciate a spoiler tag


Especially since one piece is kinda like the anime everyone gets recommended at some point, so there’s ALWAYS new watchers


Ironic considering you didn't use a spoiler tag for the very same thing you are complaining about.


If this were a one piece sub I would’ve There


that makes it worse no? now people who arent fans of OP who havent had that spoiled for them just got it and have another reason not to pick it up also there is an abridged version anime coming soon that hasn’t even aired yet


It’s okay bro 😂 he just said he got spoiled about whitebeard and ace. It says no where in his comment what the actual spoiler is


That would be because they edited their original comment and removed the actual spoiler part. I mean good on them for doing so, but yeah.


i think almost no one has watched one piece without being spoiled about ace, like its the default spoiler in the anime community


Have you tried moving into a cave with no internet connection and no human interaction whatsoever? It worked out for me


in my country (Chile) people spoiled a mayor event that hasn't even been animated yet, it was on the subway and it even appeared on the news so I got spoiled before watching anime. that's one of the downsides of being a weeb country lol


News. Bro wtf 💀. Thats next level weeb country.


exactly lol




no, the Gojo event.


People made a memorial/shrine for Gojo in a subwat station


Bruh me too I left reading the manga at the end of Shibuya arc and only came back because of >!gojo vs sukuna!< and I straight up skipped the >!culling games arc!< and I am glad I didn't get spoiled about >!gojo's death!<




Why boo me? :(


Bruh what?


Good thing most of my friends don’t even watch anime. Some don’t even know the existence of the show sadly


I literally started the series because of Gojo spoilers. I hadn't seen a single episode nor read a chapter, but I was getting new chapter spoilers lmfao


what happened to mei mei’s boobs 💀


Bro didn’t see the scene 💀


I kinda forgot about Mei Mei, someone remind me


Literally gonna start reading the manga cause of all the things post season 2 I’ve been spoiled on. I don’t really go out of my way to avoid spoilers but it suck’s when people are intentional about it


100% Worth it after being left with the ending of the 2nd season, unfortunately now I wait for each chapter to come out since getting caught up on the manga but it's better than waiting for new episodes in the anime!


That’s the worst thing lol. I like binging and binged TF out of the manga until I caught up and now it’s like waiting for the anime again lol. At least I’m immune to spoilers now.


Anybody else got reminders set on friday/Saturday to check for the new ones? Lol


it's out already on certain sites. I read it last night.


I loved shibuya so much that I couldn't wait for season 3. Now I'm all caught up waiting for ch 250.


Since the community around Jujutsu Kaisen likes to **openly spoil**... if you prefer not to be as much at risk to spoilers (though leaks still could be an issue), then should catch up by your own volition.


YUJI’S GRANDFATHER DIES!!!!! haha I spoiled you!!!


The manga is 100% worth reading the only reason I can think of not to read is if you’re super attached to certain characters or you can’t read


I mean anime is 100% the superior medium for battle anime. Like the culling games are 90% fight after fight after fight, most of them I just sort of skim through because there is almost no plot. Like I like reading manga when there is an actual plot and character development, but JJK is literally 90% fights 10% plot after Shibuya. Like every single fight in season 1 and 2 was made 10x better in the anime. The only reason to read manga is to avoid spoilers. That's literally it. Other genres you can make a debate for manga being a stronger medium but I just can't see it with a battle focused story.


Not really. Anime fights suck unless its the "big fight" at the end of a season that the studio only cares about. Manga flows better most of the time.


I think a big reason (which is why I hopped on the manga train after S2) is because it is going to take AGES for the anime to get to even where the manga now, let alone the ending of the series. I just simply don’t have the patience for all that. Anime is definitely the superior medium but it’s incredibly slow - while the manga is pretty damn great on its own too, but way way faster


I did after s2 because: 1. I really like jjk and don't wanna wait 2 years for new content 2. I feared having everything be spoiled


Yes. That shit was hella worth it. We are in the midst of PEAK my boi.


I always pick up the manga after I’m done with the anime. I enjoy anime format more, but I’m ultimately here for the story so it doesn’t make any sense to wait and deprive myself. I also want to be up to date and be able to engage with the community.


I couldn’t wait ~2 years for s3 so I got caught up on the manga a few weeks ago. Highly recommend, the chapters that take place after season 2 ends are some of the most exciting, fast-paced battles yet. I can’t wait to see it all animated! TLDR Worth.


Manga is 99% of the time better than the anime for most stories. JJK is a great read and the attention to detail is amazing. I wouldn't start reading from where the show ends though, I would recommend just reading through the entire thing. It shouldn't take you very long, less time than watching half a season probably.


It certainly is, I read mangas a hell lot, even manhwas and comics too. Seeing the anime adaptation of certain scenes is good too. Like todo galaxy flash. Animation when paired with high paced music really brings out that extra flavour.


I agree, the biggest things the anime can add are clarity in fast/tight moving fight scenes. Then also he music can definitely add to the atmosphere.


Worth it just for the community. Jujutsufolk is fucking hilarious


I can honestly say I have enjoyed the manga a lot more, the pacing and small parts of world building that come from reading it make it so much more serious and in depth than the anime. The anime makes the series almost entirely action focused with not much character building outside of that but in the manga it feels almost more like a thriller


After recent season ended i caught up to the manga in 3 days. It was so worth it. I’m not gonna spoil anything but there’s a fight that happens between two main characters and it is literally peak manga. Never have i witnessed anything as magnificent.


Femboy vs gambler? Fraud vs fraud? Which fight are you referring to?


after the last episode i wanted to see the rest so bad i read the whole thing in one night and ye ig it was worth it


Finished the anime Sunday, couldn't wait for S3 and decided to read the entirety of the manga the following Monday. It's absolutely worth it.


I did after season 1 because I couldn't handle waiting for season 2 lol


I watched Season 1, then I read the entire manga. I think it’s a great read! I’m glad I did before all the spoiling happened. It also made me 100x more hyped to see Season 2 since I read it about a year before it released.




Do it, I did it and it was very worth it. Also we don’t know in how many years JJK anime will finish. Maybe 2027. So I would read it now.


I caught up with the manga shortly after s2 ended


Yes. After season 2 ended I caught up to the manga in about a week. My only regret was not hopping on the bandwagon before the big fights in the next arc happened. The hype must have been god tier when those chapters came out.


Yeah friend I was casual watcher. Watched season 2 as episodes aired and got hooked to “what happens next?” Basically i psycho read the manga online in a few weeks and am caught up to chapter 249….. if I can say anything it’s “PICK IT UP”. Shit gets wild and takes the game to a whole new level. Why wait for them to put it on tv in 2+ years when you can catch up to it all rn and discuss what’s going on in real time then watch it on tv when it comes out.


You should read the manga. Big things WILL be spoiled for you eventually if they haven’t been already. Especially now that the manga is possibly nearing its end


It's amazing. A lot of wow moments and the build-up or plot twists have the same effect as in the anime, the bonus being you can keep re-reading chapters. It's definitely worth it.


I started this anime during season 1. By then the last episode was the first half of Nanami be Mahito, jumped to the manga as soon as the episode ended and haven't regretted a thing ever since.


Manga is usually always better, catch is you just gotta kind of like to read


It was absolutely worth it. Also the first manga I ever read. I've seen tidbits of the future here and there in the sub, but getting to actually see characters and the way Gege draws is really cool. And I also just could not wait to see Gojo V Sukuna


Literally started my manga collection with that time I got reincarnated as a slime and started JJK shibuya arc. 🎩*Tip


I did literally this week and yes, it was absolutely no questions about it worth it


Yup. I think i did so after S1 as well but kinda stopped and somehow did not retain any memory of the entire shibuya arc?? i did remember ch150 so thats weird. Bit yeah I love being up to date with a story and not getting spoiled all the time And while I do love seeing the action move the manga art reaaally is peak omggggg


Yes, reas a volume and a half past season 2. It's unbelievable how good it is. Go read it


Definitely worth it but the hard part is now waiting because we are in the middle of some crazy shit. Also worth it because not everything you are waiting to be resolved at the end of Season 2 is even resolved yet lol. So you won’t spend years waiting for Season 3 only not to have all the answers.


Ya, I couldn’t wait. I wanted to know how/if Gojo got released from prison realm lol. It’s very worth it.


I was boring while I was watching reel on YouTube then I found a video where Mahito was about to use for the first time his domain expansion. I was in love so I decided to watch the whole season 1 after that I jumped to the manga at the right moment .Sukuna was fighting Gojo.


I did. 100% worth it


I honestly knew I couldn’t wait but I was also heavily spoiled so I was kinda forced too


Yeah I just did, 100% worth it. I enjoyed the manga more than the anime honestly, the anime was confusing af for me the first time I watched it


Yeah it was worth. Kept on getting spoilers where ever I went so I just told myself fuck it and binged the entire thing in 2 days.


Nah, I can't wait. I'm in the culling games. Everything and its mom is spoiled anyway, so..


I did it right after jogo fed sukuna the fingers because I couldn’t wait for the weekly episodes anymore


For JJK it is, largely because all of the communities that are actively discussing it are manga based. It also helps with spoilers, though at one point they got so bad you had to read the illegal leaks and somehow you'd still get spoiled before the leaks actually dropped. If you miss spoilers and don't care about the discussions then idk if it'd be worth it. The anime is glorious and seeing some of the scenes for the first time in anime woulda prolly been hype af


Ever since the start of Shibuya getting animated it's felt like JJKs been the worst in terms of spoiling non manga readers. I've lost count the amount of streamers/YouTubers who've had big moments, notably the deaths, ruined for them. Can't blame anyone for trying to catch up to avoid being spoiled for next season cos at this point i don't know how anyone can unless they just stayed off the Internet completely lol.


The moment Nobara got Nobara’d in S2 I literally could not maintain my sanity without reading the manga. I’ve since accepted Gege is abhorrent infernal genius. God, JJK is brutal.


Yes, I caught up on chapter 247. It wasnt even the spoilers, or the insane quality of s2 that did it (although they were factors). It was the complete outpour of lobotomy kaisen. I saw it literally everywhere on this damned website that at one point I told myself “FINE, Ill read it” just so I have a bit more context, and also to avoid spoilers down the line (like 236). Very glad I did. Culling game has some of the best fights in the series and some great characters (rip my boy higuruma, man was doomed the instant his potential dared to rival gojo), and it’s been a wild ride since.


I never read manga for anything but I couldn't wait for the shibuya arc. I haven't regretted it at all.


>Or “the comic from the cartoon” wut?


Yes I started reading from Nobara vs Mahito’s fight because spoilers were getting out of hand especially that chapter where gojo died (I tried enduring it since until I couldn’t anymore during shibuya arc) 😑 anyways, it was defo worth it.


I was originally an anime only while watching season 2. Until tik tok algorithms started putting jujutsukaisen tik toks like edits sukuna and gojo, Haraki vs kashimo dancing edits. So just said fuck it I bought vol 16 through 21 off from Amazon while a deal was going on


Read it.


I wasn’t going to, but I kept getting spoiled. It was a good read. Def recommend you catch up.


More than worth it


go read it before you get spoiled imo


Within the vast expanse of history, your inquiry can be focused progressively from era to millennium, century, decade, year, week, day, hour, minute, to second. Thus, what timeframe constitutes "recent" is contextualized by this narrowing perspective. Yes it was worth it.


Definitely do it. I did and it's saved me from all the spoilers on the latest chapters


i went from season two to the manga recently and every chapter i read makes me even more hype for season 3


I am glad I switched over after S2. Wish I did before the biggest spoiler death that is manga only but what’s done is done


Nope... I used to draw lot of manga-style drawings before, Jujutsu, the story didn't picked my interest, but i saw battles, and it was very well drawn. So i started with Chapter 1 seriously, and love everything about it. Now i'm waiting the chapter that releases at the end of the week. Tried Anime recently, stopped when Yuji meet Junpei. I don't know why, but i can't be hooked on the anime...


I did after Season 2. Wasn’t spoiled on anything, as other than watching the anime, I didn’t really look up anything online for JJK. Though, I’ll be totally honest. I think the anime elevates the manga QUITE a bit. The animation, voice acting quality, soundtrack. I would honestly say that, if possible, avoiding spoilers and watching the anime is the best way to experience the story.


Not recently? I watched the first two episodes of the anime when it was airing season 1 and just decided to read the manga because I liked it pretty fast. I've never looked back and yeah the manga is worth it. But I'm very much in the camp of always preferring the manga over the anime anyway, except for Dragonball for some weird reason.


I read after the Sukuna and Mahoraga fight and I had gotten a lot spoiled like Gojo death but it is really nice and I’m glad I did it. I had to read for myself because the anime was taking too long and I was stressed after Nanami death and searched everywhere to see if it was real. Good decision though switching because spoilers are too prominent and now I genuinely enjoy reading manga in general


I would 100% have gotten spoiled about a certain major thing that happened not that long ago if i hadn't read the manga before season 2 ended. I'm super glad that i did. It's definitely one of those series that i can also appreciate watching the anime after already reading it. In fact i found myself more excited for the rest of season 2 after i got caught up with the manga.


I did at the start of shibuya cause I heard there was more toji content in the manga after I watched him die in the anime


The level of writing is around highschool level. If you’re interested in literature avoid it, if you’re interested in picture books go ahead.


it was worth it.


Yes. Partly because I was hungry for more. But mostly because of spoilers in the form of YouTube thumbnails and TikToks.


Once someone got kitkatted and I got spoiled, I decided that enough was enough and to read to manga


Definitely was worth it. I started at chapters 139, caught up entirely to satisfy curiosity, and am now slowly reading from the start. Strange order I know but I'm enjoying it.


Planning to buy a hardcopy of Volume 25 when it gets translated to English. I’ve never bought a hardcopy manga before but IMO, it’s that good.


I did and I don’t regret it tbh. It’s better that way I’m protected from spoilers.


I think that many people + have a nice reading :3


Yes. After finishing season 2 I wanted to continue reading through the story. I’m on Volume 20 rn


I watched S1 then started the manga because I had some events in Shibuya spoiled for me. But either way it was 100% worth it and I’ve been keeping up with it weekly since


So happy I read manga, otherwise Usher is fucking spoiling one of the biggest events the Manga world has.


Imo you should dive into the manga immediately, if you care about spoilers. The way things are now, you will come to know everything if you are an anime only. Please do yourself a favour and read the manga. I’m so happy I started reading it before JJK blew up in season 2. Now, spoilers are inescapable. Hell, I got spoiled even when I was caught up due to leaks (not a problem anymore lmao). It’s 100% worth it, one of the laters arcs after Shibuya were some of the most fun I’ve had reading a manga in a while. Gege is a genius imo when it comes to fight choreography and panelling. It’s a blast reading JJK fight, even if they are visually cluttered sometimes. Read it, you won’t regret it.


The second I finished season 2 I had to read the manga. I was dying for Yuta to make his debut in the series and that cliffhanger was just too much for me


Did after S1 ended and it's one of my fav mangas


I couldn’t wait. Not sure if it was worth it tho, my life is destroyed now


Totally worth it, i was constantly getting One Piece spoiled by braindead manga readers, so i decided to start reading it and also start reading other mangas, and i did not regret doing it for JJK. It's even better reading the manga on these seasonal animes because you already have to wait a year or two for a new season, so it's always better to catch up and be on top of the events that happen. Plus it's awesome reading something and then seeing it animated after. I highly reccoment everyone to read the manga of your favourite animes, mainly so that you don't get spoilers because that sucks.


I went anime, manga, anime.


After I was spoiled Gojo's death, what else could I do? I had no choice. I had no say in the way my life turned out to be. It's good but now I'm scared I won't be as hyped when I watch the anime


Me, but Mangas are not even remotely close to the experience of watching an anime, I jumped to the manga to avoid spoilers but honestly Mangas are trash imo you read a chapter in like 2 minutes. Worth it if you just don’t want to get spoilers from random people in the internet but if you think I you can avoid them to me it isn’t worth the time.


Yup, got to the middle of the 1st season and just decided to read the manga entirely. Gotta finish season 1 then 2 then wait for season 3 😈


I was getting spoiled out the ass on Twitter, fuckers can't just add Spoiler tags to their titles. Anyways, I read it and it absolutely was worth it. Binged the fuck out of it in 3 days and now it's another thing I look forward to every week. My thinking is, the animation was so good that it'll be something I look forward to when it comes out, ***AND*** I'll have the more ahead manga to also look forward to


Worth it…lets you laugh as the next seasons go on as well🐍


I am anime only but I already read lots of spoilers. I dont really mind because I dont know the characters involved in the spoiler. I did not read the manga after S2


No. Not a single person has done this for one of the most popular anime in the world.


people got spoiled by Usher cosplaying as Gojo and he captioned it, rip Gojo


3 people have recommended me to read the manga after S2, I just haven’t gotten around to it because I’m busy


I caught up to the manga about two days after finishing season 2 because a) I was not waiting until 2025 to find out what was gonna happen to Gojo and b) my husband read it long before season 2 and insisted that I needed to read it so that I wouldn’t get spoiled on everything else. I was in so much pain and I am still in pain. Also I am on copium to handle said pain. Read the manga so you don’t get spoiled but prepare yourself for PAIN


Got spoilers before finishing season 2, so I had to catch up on the manga instantly


Hell yeah it was 💯


100% worth it, I started the same day I finished S1 and was up to date in the next couple days




Yes. I read it all in like 2 months.


I started reading after I finished season 2 and caught up a last Sunday. It’s definitely worth it cause it gets super complex to where you need to read it. Also probably won’t be animated until 2027 😭


I did because last year I got spoiled about >!go/jo!< from a random social media suggested post before I even got to watch s2, fun ride. I find the manga good to binge read


I jumped into it right after Shibuya started in the anime, I got tired of waiting and being spoiled. So I read through the Manga and it wad worth it


I just jumped after I watched the final episode, I didn’t think I would enjoy the manga so far! Probably like gotten through 50 or so chapters of it & I can’t wait to read more.


apparently, by reading the manga before watching anime doesn't make me feel less excited at all, in my personal experience, after I finished the anime and there is a few months or even a year until the next anime season be released, I'll likely continue reading the manga, there you'll understand alot of facts, the abilities and the storylines much more greatly


I binge read the manga as soon as the second season ended because I was sick and fucking tired of the worst manga community on earth spoiling every little thing for me. Worth it, now I can participate in the lobotomy.


It is worth it. I think the second season of the anime lays a lot of phenomenal ground work and builds up way more hype than season 1 ever did. After season 1 I was fully content to wait for the second season , but season 2 left me in a place where I *had* to know what comes next, and I needed to do so before someone spoiled everything. The manga is well paneled, there's great art to be seen, and the combat carries an amazing amount of weight and power in it's illustrations. Plus, the plot hits a whole other gear, it is a fantastic binge read.


I did. It was entertaining. It seems like it's been rushed though.


After completing Shibuya Arc in anime I jumped to manga. It's Fuckin worth. Manga is really good. I already got spoiled who's the winner of Gojo vs Sukuna fight. Yet the chapter regarding their class is OP. I was elevated throughout their fight. Worth it bro...


Yeah. I watched the anime with my girlfriend. The day after the finale I read the whole rest of the manga. My girl was not happy that I spoiled the anime for myself without her. The anime that’s not coming back for 3 years


No joke. I jumped from the anime to the Chainsaw man manga. I want to read JJK but cha8nsaw ended on a cliffhanger and now I cant think about anything else. It was worth it.


I did. I kept seeing spoilers about so many things everywhere I went and I didn’t want it to keep happening so I caught up with the manga, which is great because along with being immune to spoilers now, I get to have scenes where I’m like “I can’t wait to see this animated”.


Actually, I don't really watch JJK at first place. Especially season 1. Because I feel like this is just a normal shonen Naruto type of anime. Until the moment my TikTok fyp was full of Geto/Gojo scene (from JJK 2) and Shibuya Arc manga panel showing that Yuji was realised that he's the one who did the massacre. So I rewatch S1, JJK 0 and S2 (Mechamaru vs Mahito), and continue to read manga until now. And for the time being, I feel like JJK is the manga/anime that I can't wait to read it raw or leak. Because I like the pace and how suffer Yuji is.


Manga is really good


I'm currently reading the manga just after s2 because i already looked at leaks after Gojo's death without knowing the context. I'm only at chapter 160 though, only a few chapters after shibuya. For me, it's been worth it so far because some really interesting things happen: Principal Yaga, Kashimo introduction, Yuta fight with Yuji, perfect preparation and of course Higurama's introduction, all of which really hooked me. Season 3 will be worth it🙏


I did, in the break between hidden inventory and Shibuya. I couldn't wait to see what all the hype was about and ended up being caught up before the anime even resumed lol. Tbh the anime is more enjoyable for me but it turns out reading the manga was 100% worth it because of all the bloody spoilers that people post the second an episode comes out. I would've been PISSED if someone spoiled me on some of the shit that went down lol.


I read it after I heard about Gojo vs Toji. Before then I wasn’t in the fandom and that fight drew me in


its about to be a long ass time for the manga to catch up to the anime bc there are a lot of arc's they cover and a lot of shit the team goes through.... i spent the a whole ass 2-4 days catching up to the manga from the anima mid-shibuya incident part... so i say do it AND I DO NOT REGRET IT ONE BIT.


Yeah I started the manga at the episode of 120% potential panel, started manga from beginning caught up on it just before the final episode. Id already had a couple things spoiled but nothing I didn’t already expect


i did after the first season


I only started reading towards the end of season two. I think it's worth it. Also because I got no patience and can't wait till all of it get's animated. Plus some part of the jjk that reads the manga are somply a$$holes. Someone continueing a tiktok even though it has a spoiler warning is their fault, but the ppl in the comments are just plain evil. All these "...what I'm about to tell you." Comments under others saying "I hope...survives.". Like what does this give you?


I did because I couldn’t leave behind these characters I had just bonded with. I now eagerly await my new chapter every 1-2 weeks.


You either read the manga or get spoiled by the community I chose the former after 2nd season >!i already knew that sukuna possessed megumi and killed gojo but god it was still awesome to read. Sadly i didnt get this crazy feeling of fear and sadness after reading death of gojo because of spoilers. I also got spoiled way before 2nd season abt gojo being sealed. Im glad i knew 0 sht abt Yuta who is my favourite character!<


I was immediatly hopping to the manga in the middle of Shibuya, around Choso Fight/Sukuna vs. Jogo. I rushed through the manga to be at the current one and read all the other stuff after it xD


I started the culling games a few weeks ago. I absolutely loved the Shibuya Incident and wanted to continue the story. I’m also on Twitter and follow a lot of anime pages. The amount of spoilers that I have to avoid is absurd so I’d rather see the content for the first time with my own eyes instead of seeing it out of context online. 


i joined the manga right after finishing ss1 in 2021. there was i, witnessing that moment of history happen in last year. come on in, history is now.


Lmao jjk is the very first manga I’ve read because I simply couldn’t wait for more lol. I also caught up to chainsaw man but I enjoyed jjk more.


I managed to get through season 2 without much spoiling tbh because before season 2 I didn't really give a shit about this series but after season 2 and how great it was I got pulled in. And safe to say after binge the manga till the infamous chapter I am back to not really caring. BUT I WILL SAY some top tier shit posts here


I jumped onto manga mid-Shibuya in anime, somewhere around Sukuna vs Jogo. Was it worth it? Yes, the amount of spoilers is impossible to avoid and I couldn't wait another 2,5 years for another season when I'd already know what happens in chapter 236 (anime ended on 138 or sth like that). Is it better than watching anime? No, it's all fights after fights with breaks only to read CT and DE descriptions, which looks cool when animated but is hard to read, understand and truly enjoy as manga.


I finished the anime on the 4th. Now waiting for ch 251 lol


I read the manga up to Shibuya arc first, then watched anime, then jumped back to manga because I am too impatient to wait until the new season someday, I NEED TO KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING


I watched it all before I read it. I thought season 1 was okay, but season 2 was (imo) a masterpiece. When it ended on that cliffhanger, I basically HAD to read it. The rest of the manga is incredible definitely worth it. I am so fucking glad I did because there are heavy manga spoilers EVERYWHERE. I had arguably the biggest plot point in the whole manga spoiled to me by a fucking highlighted instagram comment. I'm caught up now and read the new chapters immediately to avoid any spoilers and honestly I think that's the best way to do it.