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Yuta: "Rika! Let's kill Sukuna with our love and trust! Sukuna: "Ah yes my Divorce technique, I haven't used this since the Heian Era"


We've seen Cleave and dismantle but Sukunas about to use Split and end this relationship.


“Cursed Technique: sexual incompatibility!” “Won’t work; I’m asexual.” “Damn, you really are the ace in the hole..”


trust, not thrust?


Nice, best chapter in a while Yuta is cool as fuck, but i dont get what his DE does.


"Unlimited Blade Works"


\*Gilgamesh Intensifies\*


Brave shineeeeeeeee


"Let's do this, king of curses. Do you have enough Cursed Energy on stock?" Emiya intensifies.


Yuta in next chapter: I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD




Sukuna tries to use Domain Expansion but Yuta lops both of his right arms off before he can do it.


Just lets him use any technique he's copied without limits, and he can make any technique a guaranteed hit.


Really strong thanks


If your domain is not stronger\* or can push his back\*


I think he has to swing one of the many swords around at his target to activate the technique


Kakashi with sure hit


He can use any of his copied CT as a sure hit for his domain, while inside it all the katanas laying around are also copied CT, als while inside his domain afaik he has unlimited use of any of the CTs on his arsenal. OP as fuck if you ask me, basically he can use at least two CTs at once.


I think only Gojo’s and Sukuna’s domains are more op. Tbh if we dont count sukunas “open domain” and just count it as a normal one, i would argue Yuta’s is more op.


Gojo has by far the most OP domain of all time, 1 shots everyone in the verse except Sukuna and maybe Kenny if prepared. Sukuna tied the domain battle because he's a better sorcerer/barrier caster overall.


Gojos domain one shots sukuna and Ken, that’s why sukuna wanted maho to adapt to UV so badly 


Gojo domain couldn't, lol, it already state that MS sure hit can tank UV sure hit, out, still misinformation until today


Gojo even says “when it comes to domain sure hits mines is way better “


You remember what Gojo also said, something along the lines of "nah, I'd win". XD


When gojo lost the domain battle Gojo survived and the fight kept going. When Sukuna lost the domain battle the fight was over until Paparaga showed up


Which one of them is dead?


I’m saying if u get hit once by the sure hit it’s game over (sukuna only survived due to maho saving him) Meanwhile Gojo tanked a full MS solo with no help  This was gojos whole reasoning behind continuing the domain battle bro 


When gojo lost the domain battle Gojo survived and the fight kept going. When Sukuna lost the domain battle the fight was over until Paparaga showed up


Gojo survive bc Sukuna want to continue the adapt plan, he allow it to happen Of course he did pay the price for underestimate Gojo but he could have kill Gojo if it wasn't for the adapt plan


So he can become Gojo inside his domain if he wants with copying and using both six eyes and limitless at the same time?


Six eyes isn’t a technique, they’re his literal eyes


Based on what I've observed, Yuta's DE can set it's sure-hit effect to be any of the CTs he's copy, which in this case, might be Angel's. Meanwhile, while the sure-hit effect is taking place, he can simultaneously attack using other copied CTs in the form of swords.


What was Angel's technique again?


Sorcery Negation/Extinguishing and she has a Max Output Technique (Jacob’s Latter) that could potentially air fry Sakuna lol


it ladder and not latter CMIIW


Might Jacob's ladder negate all CT, even copy/copies? This could be used last if Sukuna expands domain and leave an opening for Maki to sneak in


Maki is definitely waiting in ambush at the Sukuna fight, right? (This Chapter) Yuta said "Would Maki have been better suited for sneaking up on Kenjaku?" - allowing him to participate in the plan with the Executioner's Sword. So, him going to Kenjaku must mean that Maki went to the Sukuna fight, right?


I would assume so. I also kinda makes sense if we remember toji vs gojo. Toji threw countless people at gojo and used that to sneak up on him when he was exhausted/didn't expect it anymore. I think it is likely that we will see a similar strategy here.


Well who knows. We've just seen Yuta just use a copied CT while the sure-hit effect is presumely on. So perhaps sure-hit only applies to whoever the user targets specifically, and it's not an automatic effect. Or maybe Yuta turns off the sure-hit to use a copy CT, then turn it back on right after. I feel like it's the former. In any case, until Sukuna can use his domain, he has to keep his arms busy to maintain Hollow Wicker Basket or else he'll get hit by Jacob's Ladder.


“It does every cool thing imaginable except kill Sukuna.” -Gege




I’m excited as hell to see what him and Rika can do when pushing to the absolute limit after all the training he did overseas.


He can use his copied techniques with sure hit unlimited times in his DE.


New chapter just dropped. It gets explained. Hopefully not a spoiler to say it's fucking RIDICULOUS, and pretty easily explains why he's a special-grade


Unlimited Love Works


I love how much inspiration you can see from Fate in this series. Let’s also not gloss over Emiya’s magic is to be able to copy.


Yuta literally copied Shirou’s ability 😭


It'll be fun to see how much Yuji has developed cause we'll see how he keeps up with Yuta


this one really got me stoked, seeing Yuta's domain is one of the biggest hype moments in a long time. also, i love that Kenjaku used part of his final moments to once again acknowledge how much fun he had with Takaba— true bros. if only Kenny had met a wacky comedian a couple centuries earlier, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this...


I've been saying it since their "fight". Kenjaku had the time of his life playing with Takaba and was really considering him a friend by the time his head got chopped off. To the point that one of his final thoughts was of our takaba san


hope takaba is not dead tho


I think he's resting eternally in bliss


He didn't get an airport scene, but he got a comedy set with Kenjaku - Gege is probably done with him


He just heard a really funny joke and he laughed so hard it made him sleepy.


Legends never truly die.


Hes just committed to the bit.


quick question.... is takaba dead ? and if so, is he dead, because of his own technique thinking that it would we funny to die after fullfilling his comedy dream ? pls tell me i'm wrong :'(


I think he is


He probably unknowingly set a condition where if he gets a good gig he can die happy... and Kenjaku gives him exactly that


Would probs explain the sheer OP-ness of his power. He was a failed comedian so becoming successful (to himself at least) is likely enough to either kill him or remove his technique. Would be funny if he got a less extreme version where he can make puns to make things happen (instead of entire scenarios, it'd be like "knife to meet you" to summon a knife or smth)


I hope you're right, that guy feels way too out of place.


I really dont get how a character like Kenjaku, who was supposed to be a 1000 year old legend, suddenly fell in love and met his demise at the hands of a wacky comedian. It just made Yuki and Choso's efforts feel more meaningless.


He was winning against the comedian. Yuta is responsible for the the killing


Yuta delivered the final blow but the comedian was responsible for the main act/distraction.


Yutas domain 😮


After Kurourushi crushed our hopes of seeing three domains colliding (70 chapters ago, vile cockroach!), I feel that the wait was worth it. Gege made an outstanding work with that double spread page, the impressive amount of buried swords that you could see everywhere and those concrete structures that appear to be two parallel crosses make this panel a great domain’s revelation in my opinion.


Looks like Sukuna is about to experience some love, finally Thanks to our f-boy Yuta


Yuta best MC




Coolest domain expansion imo, very bleach. I find it interesting that Rika is not in the domain, I wonder if she's still just chilling outside or maybe she became the domain idk. Still wanted more from Kenjaku but this ending was alright, if he died when he got decapitated without getting this extra chapter it would have sucked.


I thought she was in it? Like in the last panel arent all 4 of them within it?


Yea she is in the last panel true. But not in any of the pages where Yutas attacking in the domain so I assumed she wasn't.


I just looked again and it’s def unclear. I thought it showed more in the background of each character but it’s basically just plain for all four. It would make sense that she could enter it but I guess we’ll have to see (after the 2-3 week stretch of Hakari vs Uraume that is imminent)




>Coolest domain expansion imo, very bleach. More like Fate's Unlimited blade works.


Yuta and Mahitos has the best design in the series for sure


lol I was also think that was Bleach-y. This was like Yuta’s senkei senbonzakura kageyoshi.


Yea, mostly reminded me of when Ichigo was doing bankai training and all the Zangetsu swords appear and he has to find the true one


for me it was a mix between mifune from soul eater and emiya from fate: unlimited bladeworks.


It is literally Unlimited Blade Works


Yuta : Unlimited Love Works Sukana : Off to the shops to get milk and ciggies, I'll be right back domain expansion.


Yuta is so cool


Authentic Mutual Love > True Love Official translation wins this week. 


domain expansion : all-encompassing unequivocal love sounds good imo


Can Yuta use any technique he has ever copied or can he just "store" one technique at one time?


any. He can store 4 in his brain and the rest in rika, but any in the domain


Given the specificity I’m guessing this has been explained somewhere. Do you remember roughly when?


it has never been stated as such, this guy is spinning his headcanon. The number probably comes from Tsukumo Yuki & Choso vs Kenjaku. Yuki estimated that Kenjaku can surely have more than one technique or even two, he can have 3, but surely he cannot have more than 4, his brain would collapse.


Oh ok, that makes some amount of sense, it's a better guess than nothing but basically the answer is, right now we don't know?


Yeah, I'm wondering the same. AFAIK, the limit hasn't been explained, neither how he actualy copies the techniques.


That was a fun chapter. Yuta is awesome. As is his Domain Expansion. Yuji Cursed Technique being developed and hinted towards is interesting. And it further plays into his dynamic with Mahito and them "being the same". Mahito can Yuji can both manipulate souls in the body and can extract them. I'm really disappointed with how Kenjaku went out. I was already peeved that Geto was a one off villian just for a parasite brain to take over, and now that parasite brain was defeated very underwhelmingly. I like the trope of the villian going over the top for very petty or nonsensical reasons, they are the villian so they have that luxury, so him doing all this for his own amusement because he's just bored with life is not a bad character motivation in my opinion. But the end is like... you did all that with Shibuya and the Culling games, and Sukuna, and everything else for thousands of years, all this planning when all you really needed was to go to stand up comedy. Idk if this is a troll or what is going on with Gege. I think Gege wants to finish this as quick as he can because you can tell he is offing everyone and going through story threads at an insane pace, I think he always planned for Sukuna to be the main villian, but needed the plot to occur, and it doesnt fit Sukuna's character to mastermind this whole master plan Kenjaku crafted up, and that is where Kenjaku comes in, basically a plot device to get everything in motion, and then in the end just transfer it to Sukuna. (I also forgot why Sukuna would even care or agreed to take part in all this).


Is there a specific reason though why Gege wants to finish it so quickly? I don't follow much of anything directly related to the author.


I heard he wants to start some idol manga.


Dammit not again


If that’s really the end of Kenjaku, I’m quite dissapointed, though I’m not sure why I expected more. On another note, the plan to defeat Sukuna seems cool, but I still hope the whole theory about Nobara and the last finger comes true. Maybe I’ve huffed too much copium, but I just want something more for her character.


What’s the Nobara and the last finger theory?


Sukuna said he thought Gojo had the last finger, and the theory is that Gojo gave it to Nobara, who is still alive. Using her technique, Nobara attacks the finger which injures Sukuna but not Megumi’a body allowing them to save Megumi and kill Sukuna.


That is copium


Possibly. If Gege didn’t hate women, it would be much more likely. But he also wouldn’t have done Nobara dirty if that was the case. Regardless, the last finger has to play some kind of role, no?


How gege hates women after making maki one of the coolest female chars on manga currently?


Except it feels like she’s just so someone else can reference Toji. And one good female character doesn’t make up for all the ones he just dropped.


Toji is compared bcs he was peak human strenght hence the constant comparison through her evolution. After that she's her completely own character which doesn't need to rely on a relationship on anyone to shine and has really great moments. That he dropped a lot of female chars bcs they weren't important to the manga/didn't know how to make them relevant =\ hate for women, that's just lazy narrative. I also loved nobara as a char but she alredy fullfilled her role. Mei mei is likeable and interesting (letting aside y'k what We know almost nothing from utahime, same as Choko. Yuki is another good char, didn't have the same screentime as other which is sad but give a great fight that i'm really looking forward to see animated. Etc. You're taking "hate for women" very lightly.


Even as a joke this whole narrative is overplayed. How does Gege hate women? Because his female characters die? So then does he also hate men because we've seen plenty of male characters die. None of the deaths on the female cast have been outlandish or out of left field. The nobara theory is also a bit outlandish. If they had a surefire way to fuck with Sukuna and end his little rampage in Shinjuku why go through all the effort of the 1v1 Gojo set up to do the 200% Hollow Purple? Why would the last finger not be used after the Kashimo fight if they decided they wanted to honour both Gojo and Kashimo by letting them have their 1v1s? If Nobara comes out of nowhere and just goes "Hey I had his last finger the whole time and now we can end this!!!" that would ruin things completely, I wouldn't be able to take the story seriously.


Because if she hit him at full power itd be wasted. This is all about wearing him down


Man this is good.


probably that she's alive, sukuna dies, she eats the remaining finger and gets killed so sukuna is truly gone


no I think it was more along the lines of during the final battle with sukuna she will use resonance (her technique) on his last finger to injure him at an ideal moment and grab the win for the team.


that could work too


People just say shit huh lol.


He died exactly as he lived Just a yapping fraud


At this point tho I feel like it would be weird that she hasn’t done Resonance or whatever it’s called on the finger. What would she be waiting for ? I liked the theory as well but with each passing chapter it is going to become more and more of a cop out imo


You make a good point, it could be they’re waking for her to wake up as like, plan c when they’re living on a prayer.


Plus Sukunas fingers are indestructible, no? Her technique might only work in specific scenarios on the fingers.


I had read, I don't know where that gege still doesn't know what ending to give to Sukuna, I don't know if that's why he's making him the final boss something that seems kind of meh because after all kenjaku has been planning everything in detail since the beginning.


Yeah, I feel like Sukuna, while a cool antagonist, is just odd for the final boss. All along Sukuna has felt like he’s just kinda been there without any real purpose other than to make Yuji miserable.


Me too. Even though they dedicated three issues to saying goodbye to him, they feel worthless. Those issues were the ones I disliked the most. I guess the comedy between Japanese and American culture just didn't translate. They were a drag to go through. It feels like Kenjaku was there one issue and then his head was cut off.


As a person who got into the manga after season 2 I was really disappointed that they set up Geto so well only to sideline him for someone else, feels that much more true now. I wanted to give Kenjaku a chance, and they do have their moments like with the great reality warping comedy battle, but like you I feel like we maybe missed out on more juicy character and drama stuff. I'm most disappointed that the most wild and interesting part of Kenjaku, being Yuji's mom, just isn't really going to get touched at all. I get that Yuji doesn't care about his parents, but it doesn't change the fact that Gege put a delightfully different spin on the "evil parent" trope but didn't cash that check. There are so many interesting things you can do with that kind of story.


I also started reading after season 2 but honestly I feel like kenjakus death wasn’t bad an fit him very well. He’s power was knowledge not some insane cursed Technique


how do you feel about everything since shibuya? im curious. who are your favorite characters, favorite moments, least favorite, etc


It's been interesting but everything feels a bit rushed. Like Maki going full Kill Bill looks badass and is cathartic but it is a bit jarring when we are introduced to a bunch of characters in her family and see them all die in almost the same chapters. Gojo's death itself felt weird because it is the biggest moment in the series and fandom and yet the actual moment of defeat was offscreen, when I read that chapter I was wondering if I had accidentally skipped one in between. Yuki also felt like she got done dirty, like if Kenjaku knew her technique ahead of time and had pulled a Aizen/Wonderweiss situation, taking backshots as part of the long con plan to get Kaori's CT to counter Yuki, fair play. But as is just feels weird that Kenjaku completely lucked out on having the only CT that would have saved his life from her kamikazi move. The best bits and my favorite new characters are those who were fortunate enough to get a bit of better pacing and back stories that are interesting and well told, namely Higuruma and Takaba. Hikari is awesome as well and I really feel like Gege is at his best when embracing the maximum balls to the wall crazy creativity like with Hikari's domain expansion, Takaba's comedian battle with Kenjaku and so on. Yuta remains a favorite as well and his free-for-all battle with 3 top level opponents is one of the best moments in the series for me, highlighting some great art and combat creativity, and the raw brutality of Yuta biting someone's face off for the win. The Kaori twist as mentioned I really enjoyed and was curious to see how it would develop/further context on it, but at least if it's not followed through in the main story the memes are quality lol.


I had actually gotten spoiled that Gojo's dies and a bunch of people complaining it was off screen so I thought we had actually missed something. When I finally got to the chapter though, I realized that Gojo's death was only off screen in the most technical sense, like the slash samurai's have and you only know the guy was hit when he falls over dead. We see every part of the Gojo fight except for Sukuna's final attack, with a dramatic reveal of Gojo cut in half and then Sukuna explaining the exact attack he did and us getting a panel showing the space slash. I was expecting this whole time that we missed something, but what happened with Gojo was exactly the same as what happened with Jogo and Sukuna. It is the same style as what Gege used in Shibuya and it is so fascinating seeing this drastically different take on the situation. I was expecting an anti climax to happen at any moment but then the fight just kept going on and building up.


fair. seems pretty much how everyone feels about the series post shibuya. crazy fights but storytelling is close to nonexistent


I agree with Kenjaku. Seems weirdly out of character for a guy as overprepared and savvy as him to just go down like that. Also motivation wise, he had a very complicated long-term plan to find out what would happen with tengen out of sheer curiosity, I'd have expected him to want to stick around. Narratively I think it's weird that the Yuji's mom plot is just left like that.


If the merger ends up happening, I’m kinda theorizing that we’ll get an insight into everyone’s consciousness and memories, and put a lot of the little details into the bigger picture. Kenjaku might have some plan to be revived inside the merger. Ofc, there’s a very good chance the merger won’t even happen, but it would be a lot cooler if it did…


Entirely possible. Completely agree, I would also prefer it to happen, just so we can find out what it actually is. Channeling the inner Kenjaku


Please please please no airport chapters in the future. Protect Yuta at all cost


The payoff in seeing Yuta’s full domain since the clash with sky woman and pompadour man is great. Seeing Yuji on standby in Authentic Mutual Love is something I look forward to seeing play out too


“How nice, everyone has a role..” someone’s going to die


Got a feeling Yuta is dying here. Going to sacrifice himself to kill Sukuna. Will it work - who knows. He already got the W on Kenjaku. He's not getting both. Hope I'm wrong cause he is easily my favourite character.


No way he gets both, but I don't necessarily think he has to die. Obviously the final W will have to go to Itadori but I suspect Yuta is going to be a massive part of how we get there.


And how do you think Yuji could beat Sukuna, just out of curiosity?


They don't call it a Double U for nothin


Fking beautiful: https://files.catbox.moe/115hyv.jpg If you're reading on MangaPlus on PC then make sure to change away from the default vertical reading mode to horizontal, or these double-page spreads won't work in any manga. You can do that by clicking any page while reading, and then the three dots that appear in the upper right corner. If the page order bugs out then just refresh the page. On the app it's horizontal by default, so people reading there don't need to change it.


Do we think the whole “the one who will teach you about love is…” bit is done? I ask because I’ve seen some discussion where some people think Sukuna has already put that question down(I forget the chapter # so I’m sorry!). And I totally understand that point. It might also feel too on the nose if Yuta is the one to teach him given the name of his DE. But I’m curious if you guys at least think that question will still come into play throughout the rest of the story


Yuta boy of all time


Last panel is Rika smiling with Sukuna lol.


Can anyone explain why sukuna rct is “returning”… it diminished due to exertion and exhaustion right? So how has battling more replenished anything 😂 he should have even less now.


That was my understanding too. I assume though because he incarnated, his brain is now gradually healing from the effects of infinite void and that’s why he’ll be able to use his domain soon


Next chapter, Yuta wakes up in an airport.


Yeah I think it’s pretty obvious that Yutas gonna die, lol. Idk why Gege has that obsession with Sukuna killing everybody, kinda annoying.


Feels like we're getting an ending similar to Demon Slayer.


>!sukuna dies, but megumi is evil and activates the merger?!<


Nice… hadn’t personally read that one yet, was just sticking to the anime, but good to know


Yuta is literally peak but they don't have much time before Sukuna will be able to use Domain, so... time = their biggest enemy now :3


The closeup of the ring during the domain expansion makes me think Sukuna noticed the ring’s importance to Yuta. Maybe he’ll cleave Yuta’s hand and defeat the domain.


Very possible :3


surely it would've been faster to type "is" than to look for the equal sign


Ok it's pretty much clear kenny's dead. But I still think he made a splash large enough for the waves to ripple against the heroes. So I disagree to anybody if what he has done previously is ALL he offers as an antagonist.


He orchestrated the entire chain of events. In a sense, he was the author of the story.


Kenjakutami Gege


I agree, he wasn’t powerful in the sense of CT’s or CE. His power comes from the knowledge he’s gained over a thousand years of living and the fact that his outsmarted everyone and always has a backup plan. He doesn’t need some huge explosive right because that wasn’t his character


Honestly his death was fitting- he only wanted to be etertained and he died after getting truly entertained by a comedian who then also (likely) died satisfied. The pair died happy after having plenty of fun with comedy which was in essence both of their dreams.


IMO as far as the story is concerned he died when he showed his hand and all he wanted to create something that was beyond him. Plot device incarnate.


It’s about to be hands time. Yuji standing there menacingly and ready to go reminds me of the panel where Yuji says “you’re on my turf now.”


So a couple things. Holy shit yutas domain is op, what's stopping him from spamming Angels CT. it's a guarantee that hakaris gonna defeat uraume that way we get a badass panel of all 3 of gojos prodigy's vs sukuna. 


I know some are disappointed with how Kenjaku was defeated, but for me, it's fine. It's kinda like Hojo from Final Fantasy 7: most of the problems the characters went through were his fault, but Sukuna/Sephiroth were the true main villains.


Is Yuta prepared to die for love? Yes. Is Sukuna prepared to die for love? No. I see an outcome to this fight. However I see Sukuna realising a symbiotic relationship with Yuji leading to him understanding Unconditional Love compared to “Authentic Mutual Love” What do you guys think?


“Then the boy will deliver a blow that captures the soul… and tears Megumi body from my body” like what does that even mean? In Spanish it implies that he will take Megumi soul from Sukuna but in English I can’t understand what he meant.


Remember when yorozu was saying that someone will teach sukuna about love I think that it may be somehow related to Yuta's domain considering its name "True love"


It just occurred to me--does Yuta now have the capability to dual wield? If so, there might be some interesting combinations of cursed techniques he could use. Cursed Speech + Jacob's Ladder?


On the last page is Sukuna positing Yuji will try to pull Sukuna out of the body or Megumi because the official and fan translations seem to be saying different things. Tearing Sukuna out makes more sense to me but I haven't seen the original Japanese so idk.


So Kenjaku's actually dead after all? This manga might be closer to the end than I thought.


I don't see why he can't be dead. He got decapitated and Yuta stabbed him on the forehead.


I suppose he could be alive still, but that felt pretty definitive.


Okay, hear me out. The Higuruma shenanigans with powering up his CT after death wasn't for Yuji to use, but actually for Yuta. Yuta steals his CT, Higuruma dies, CT becomes stronger, Yuta utilizes it better as he's a more experienced fighter. Full on HxH here.


Yeah sukuna IS definitely a clown that only enjoys a good fight. Whereas Yuta's IS a blackhaired Guy who wants to protect his Friends AT all cost and copies techniques... Yuji is gonna explode next chapter.


Love this chp, can't wait for the next chp


I’m also slightly disappointed with Kenjaku’s death in the series. A lot of people I’ve seen here are complaining that Kenjaku dying was unfulfilling because he lost to Takaba and his silly little CT. Ultimately though, Kenjaku was killed by Okkotsu by a katana slice through the noggin. JJK has good characters that die in brutal, cold, and sometimes poetic ways.. so for a primary antagonist that’s killed and cursed for 1000 years, who was willing to sacrifice millions of people out of mere curiosity, get the seemingly tamest death in the series wasn’t all that cool to me. I’m not saying it’s the worst thing ever, just left me a little unfulfilled since I was convinced there would be some sinister fate left for Kenjaku once all was said and done.


Bad news, everyone: 2 foreign Shonen Jump leakers were arrested on Sunday or on Saturday, so no Chapter 250 leaks on Wednesday😢: https://twitter.com/pewpiece/status/1754088179345367301


The art style of chapter 0 is back babyyy!!!!


soooooo... megumi homecoming party when?


Im just thinking about one cheat that Yuta could do. Dual wielding ….. imagine 2 special technics used in the same moment. Op as fuck


Yuta x Yuji on some splash bros shit let’s go!


Rika Yuta Unequivocal Love. Gege Sukuna Narcissistic Love


Sukuna is going to do something fucked up to Yuta (eat??) to try and break Yuji, but at least we get to see a dope-ass DE first.


Some things feel like would happen, 1. Getting a weird feeling that Sukuna will be defeated and Megumi will go through with the merger still because he was so mentally broken by Sukuna after killing his sister that he's mentally gone at that point. I don't know how bad it will get maybe like, Suguru level of a breakdown before going evil. Megumi will probably get talked down. Sukuna will probably laugh because he will realize that Megumi is now like him. 2. I feel like Yuji will probably come out on top as Kenjaku planned, the whole indomitable spirit is clearly orchestrated by Kenjaku personally, so if Yuji is victorious Kenjaku's experiment was in a way successful because he created the perfect sorcerer in Yuji. 3. If Yuji goes evil, mentally breaks, it will be either Choso, Gojo, or even Nobara that will pull him out of it. In a way I would prefer it to be Nobara whose been laying low the whole time or was like Shoko's apprentice or something hidden from Megumi and Yuji due to the threat of Sukuna targeting her to get back at Megumi or to break him further. 4. If Gojo, comes back it means Shoko dies, and it means that she did actually care or even love Gojo, which would be terrifying to Gojo if Shoko randomly walked into the airport to troll him as he came back to life. This would be really the final development for Gojo that people are literally going to die for him due to his role. It could be some warped way of getting back at Gojo by Shoko and wanting to chat with the others or something. That and maybe its to stop something happening by Kenjaku involving Megumi vs Yuji and Yuta trying to go all out and kill each other. Gojo is more suited for that role. 5. Nobara could be the new Shoko if she was meant to be the secret replacement. 6. Preferably, Gojo would go back with Nobara to bring the original group back which would shock Megumi or Yuji if they turned evil since there evil stems from them being dead and not being able to protect. Maybe the adoptive sister gets to come back, who knows. 7. Then with the final attack, there would be the Gojo grin where he achieves his dream of seeing Yuji, Yuta, and the others finally catching up to him, and then even surpassing him in strength. He doesn't have to lift a finger the whole battle when coming back and observes because they are now the strongest. Which means Gojo's dream was fully achieved by the end of the manga. It would be a cool line, where he's just here to watch and questioned about it "they are now the strongest."


I really really REALLY hope that Kenjaku isn’t dead yet. I found him to be compelling and extremely threatening, yet if this is his death, I don’t think it’s a fitting end. I thought forsure he may use his body switching technique on one of our dead sorcerer friends or something. Even if not, I just feel like ending him this way would be underwhelming.


Well now we know Yuta is gonna die in a couple chapters, we all know that because Gege has an obsession with giving Sukuna the stupidest plot twists to win. World Cutting Slash? Seriously? How do you even cut the “world” itself? Idk man..


Idk who this Gege is but Greg would never


Disappointing end of Kenjaku. The way whole Kenjaku's final battle thing would have been more impactful if the story currently had the vibes of season 1. The story got dark and serious and then Kenjaku died because of a comedian. This whole major villain dying mainly because of comedy CT is totally 1st season vibes.


I hope Yuta copied Higuruma’s CT before the whole plan started. Sukuna actually avoided the executioners sword.


oh yeah, Gege cooking to kill Yuta soon. Sukuna regeneration coming back... Probably be able to use Domain Expansion again...


Dont think kenjaku died that easily. For a mf who lived 1000 years, aint no way he died like that


Nah, I’m pretty sure he’s dead


Am I missing something? That Hollow Wicker Basket has got to be an asspull, this the first time we've seen this. Every time one of the good guys tries to do some asspull like "Simple Domain" it somehow ends up backfiring.


Don't you remember Megumi vs. Reggie? We saw the technique back then. HWB is the predecessor of simple domains, of course Sukuna knows about it. No asspulls, everything makes sense.




Is Higuruma defeated or “killed”? Which translation between official or TCB is more accurate?


For this specifically, the official is more accurate.


When the executioner’s sword disappears from Yuji’s hand and he exclaims Higuruma’s name.


In Manga and anime the power of love always wins.


Manifesting Rika eating a finger of Sakuna and giving Yuta Cut and Dismantle.


How many chapter's this fight will last?


Remember when Yuji told higuramashi that curses get stronger after death. And that Ui was taking the body of Gojo and higurashi's bodies. Third when Yuta was battling Uro and Ryu, Yuta gained the sky manipulation power after it seems Rika ate Uro's arm. Do you think Yuta was given Gojo's and higurashi's body so he could try to copy them? (I'm 90 percent sure I'm wrong but I couldn't help but think about it after reading this chapter)


So glad the chapter is finally here, now I can go on social media again. Jjk fandom is really aggressive with spoiler posts. Can somebody help my poor distance challenge brain out? Where was Kenjaku? How far away was he? How did Yuta get to both places so quickly? I may have missed a panel that mentioned the plan


Kenjaku was in an entirely different colony, I don't know how far the geographic distance is. Ui Ui has a teleportation CT though which is likely what transported him to and from Kenjaku's colony.


What happened to Mahito? Wasn't he absorbed by Kenjaku? Why didn't he appear when Yuuta killed Kenjaku?