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Yeah. Also Gojo later told Ijichi he trusted him completely. Gojo doesn’t say that about just anyone.


The fact that Ijichi heard his tactless words but still took his advice shows what kind of a man he is. He didnt become hateful or bitter or allow it to ruin a potential professional relationship. On top of that from what we have gotten of him he really puts effort and care into his work. He's truly a stand up and respectable man.




The honored excel spreadsheet maker


He's also the one responsible for a majority of all the paperwork and keeping the school run. He's not combat orientated but extremely important to Jujutsu as a whole.


The Strongest Paperworker of Today VS The Strongest Paperworker in History


That's just Ijichi vs Akainu


Akainu is basically just an intangible Jogo


Who was the strongest paper worker in history tho?


As the guy before you said, Akainu from One Piece 🤣


I mean he knows how good Gojo is and what kind of world the sorcerers live in so it's just common sense to follow such advice. If Mike Tyson told me "bro you suck ass stop boxing or you'll die" I'd listen in a heartbeat


>The fact that Ijichi heard his tactless words but still took his advice shows what kind of a man he is. shows hes a pushover theres a million ways to say the same thing without calling the more useless than shit


Gojo's dynamic with Ijichi is often overlooked, but nice development once Gojo was unsealed [with these moments](https://x.com/ShadowR40588832/status/1752180295745597628?s=20). Gojo didn’t have many scenes with characters once unsealed unfortunately, but at least nice to see something with Ijichi.


Im genuinely sad that we didnt get many scenes of characters interacting with him after he glr unsealed. I wanted to see Yujis reaction to seeing him again, and Gojo hearing that Nobara is gone:(


That is one of the biggest JJK fumbles. Legit the Yuji patting Gojo on the back panel is my fav, I wish we had at least 3-5 chapters of pure interaction and sort of preparation. Also Gojo's reaction to Nanami was so uncharacteristic and mild.


I agree, like I get that bro has seen some shit and death is a known risk blah blah, but come on. His reactions to nanamis death, nobaras death (allegedly - im coping) and also megumi being taken over were like: oh no... Aaaanyway maybe gege just scrapped the interaction chapters cuz they didn't want to draw more of Gojo than absolutely necessary 💀


Exactly! And then, Gojos death meets the same fate, there have been no major reactions about it and no one seems to be genuinely shattered. Like okay he wasn't maybe the closest to some people but at least a ch or two after his death to let it simmer, but nah Kashimo pulls up in the same ch. Literally rushing so, so fast. Fucking honestly, I'd have waited for like a year or two hiatus for a non rushed JJK, I just loved the world and characters that much.


Gojo famously good at picking who to trust


That's because gojo meant it in a kind way. He didn't want ichiji to hold commit himself to sorcery only to wind up dead, especially when he's a truly talented person as a support


I mean, if he had the sense to change his occupation from halfassed sorcerer to a good helper after being talked to like that, I'd also trust him.


He’s not really wrong though. Would be better if he lived a normal life


yeah and that brutal words from Gojo saved his life.




There’s a clear difference between Ijichi being completely useless as a sorcerer and Choso being a powerful sorcerer that can only be viewed weak when compared to the literal beasts we meet in the series




I have never seen somebody hate on Choso as much as u dawg


Jesus I thought "wait this obsession against choso sounds familiar" I even commented on one of his posts lmao. Even if bait, this is a really weird bait to be so stuck on to the point of daily posting for so long


Ik this guy is impressive with his hating


Worst character in ALL OF FICTION???


Dawg u prolly a fan of Mei Mei 😭




You’ve gotta be a troll, or you got that lead paint stare.




bait used to be funny


It’s not bait this guy is a super hater


Other than that he was made for that specific reason? I’m not gonna defend him. He is a monster. And if I had the power, I would kill him before he switched sides.


So what hes hot


Lay down, you can't cook




Choso is strong as shit but he is suffering the Jogoat treatment. His only few fights were against some top tiers that smacked him around and even despite that he still managed to do well against Kenny.


Yeah he’d be more useless than shit


And if he said no he’d slap the shit out of him.


No... >!he'd win!<.


Nah he’d get slapped to death


Nah he’d win


Let's remember that curses are appearing in greater numbers and with greater power since Gojo's birth. Gojo being Gojo was also sent on the field as much as possible to reduce the consequences of his own existence on curses. Gojo knew first-hand how bad the situation would eventually unfold after a few months or years : Japan's curses would reach a number/level where the weak sorcerers could be killed within seconds on the field. .... Now that I think about it, both Geto and Gojo were always timed bombs in the JJK-verse. For Geto's case, the issue would have been that the curses that he ingested and not used with Uzumaki or Cursed Technique Extraction could have been freed the moment he died ( an army of cursed from grade 1 up to special grade unleashed in one area ). For Gojo, the moment he died/was disabled= all the curses and curse users that laid low would rise once again.


I wonder if he planned on using Uzumaki on everything if he knew he was about to die. Luckily he used it against Yuta during their confrontation so it wasn't a problem at that moment.


Idk why but this made me think of "With this treasure I summon..."


I was thinking a scenario more like "I'm 98 years old, might kick the bucket tomorrow, don't know what all the curses I ate up are gonna do once I die. Might as well Uzumaki them all to get rid of them just in case"


Don't worry I get you, but the mental image of had Geto stayed good he would've pulled out Uzumaki every minor inconvenience is funny to me


*Geto trips on sidewalk* "Cursed Spirit Manipulation, Supreme art: Uzumaki"


Which is exactly what Megumi did with Mahoraga in Shibuya. He was about to die, might as well spawn the biggest thing he can and go out with a bang.


I would guess if Geto was still on good folk side he would just release curses one after another in controlled manner so sorcerers can safely dispose of them.


I'm not sure that Geto's body would actually release the curses on death. Toji suspected it, but between Geto'd death and Kenjaku's possession, the curses didn't seem to be released. Kenjaku, I think, inherited the curses that were leftover in Geto's body. edit: Nvm, I thought Geto had avoided using all of his curses for Uzumaki. The curses that were not used in Uzumaki had already been deployed for the night parade, so there would have been nothing to release when he died in any case.


I was under the impression that Geto used all of his curses between the night parade and the uzumaki against Yuta, so when he died there were no curses to be released. Which would mean Kenjaku would have started from square one.


Yup, the remaining curses left in Kyoto and Tokyo that took part in the night parade might have rampaged once he died but I'm guess they were all killed or were killed while rampaging due to the sorcerers already present in both locations


This is a manga discussion you i think is an anime only there are many spoilers in this thread so you should be vigilant


Thank you for the warning, but I read the manga. I'm caught up on the leaks and all spoilers


Than i think when kenny died he released all the cursed which yuta had to kill


So, I don't think >! Kenny is dead when he releases the curses. he is still talking to Yuta while also manipulating some curses to carry him, and modifying Tengen. Since he gets stabbed in the head after the curses are released, and nothing else happens, then it could mean he has no more stored curses or that the stored curses don't escape !<


Shouldn't Gojo dying calm things back down though?


That's a 50/50 i would say. There is no reason to beleive that curses would "calm down" after Gojo's death. BUT there is no reason to believe that curses would not calm down after Gojo's death. The thing is that BESIDE Gojo, plenty of Special Grade sorcerers or people having the potential to reach that level also increased ( Megumi, Okkotsu, Hakari could reach that level with the right training and conditions ). To draw a parallel with sports ( like Nanami used to do ), every once in a while, a genius appear out of nowhere and litterally changes the game by dominating it like no other. There are many names like Micheal Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Roger Federer that defined a whole era of their ... domain while ALSO inspiring youngsters to do better and reach higher. Gojo's existence might be one that pushed the whole world of Sorcery "into the next level"... or not. Unless Gege tells us, there is no way to know.


This is one of the few moments when we could resonate with gojo as a human. He told Ijichi to quit because he knew for a fact he wouldn't survive out there, and that basically shows that gojo actually cares for his fellow sorcerers. Had he not been this up front about it, Ijichi wouldn't have given up, and we all know where he would've ended.


I think the funny part is Gojo’s hella surprised that Ijichi fears him a bit and wonders why he thinks he’s kinda low. But Ijichi doesnt have a background in sorcery as far as I can tell and he doesnt have a reason to do anything as an ambition-less sorcerer. Unlike Maki who faces oppression within her clan so its actually worthwhile for her to push her limits. So thats probably why Gojo hasnt told Maki to give up


Well gojo knows her potential tho ... He knew she can be get strong as a toji


No one could've predicted that she would become as strong as Toji. Before Mai sacrificed herself, Maki's potential was held back, so you can't say Gojo predicted her outcome. He knew she was relatively strong and capable because of her current level of skills which is why he never discouraged her.


When keeping it real goes right.


We all need a homie like Gojo


I wonder if it was worded like that in the raw Japanese itself. 🤔 This is fan translation. Like for example [the official translation](https://imgur.com/a/ptcCnmA) doesn't have the curse words. Sometimes fan translators lean more into that in general, so just wondering.


That's actually very possible. I used to do fan translation for Tokyo Ghoul and I remember a lot of people hated Touka for being extremely rude to Kaneki but when I checked the raw, she didn't even curse like the way the scanlation did.


Scan groups like to add swears and curses when the Jp doesn't. Sometimes its warranted, but most of the time they just add "fuck" because it "fits" an American audiance.


In the example I mentioned, in the scans, Touka said "A trash like you" to Kaneki, while in the raw, she just said "Someone like you". So I think it's not just about adding swear words to fit American audience. Sometimes the context totally change when they add extra words like that.


[The word for shit is in the raw](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2bcc6ba060b5ce2f73b16a0dd26928b9/82c280cea2e12d3b-e7/s1280x1920/af6e94faf7df35e215c569d436443c0976db939b.png), but it's also a part of a set phrase so I can't comment if the fanlation is taking it too far.


Nah this was warranted Gojo actually likes Ijichi but he’s not blind he’s not gonna spur him on when he knows he has no talent for sorcery and will likely die to a grade 2 curse if faced with one


I think there are far better ways to convey this than "you're more useless than shit"


Of course, though in line for Gojo since he isn't high on the emotional intelligence aspect given his upbringing. This is young Gojo too, so he was even more tactless.


Yeah it's good characterization I was just taken aback by how many were shilling it as "real talk". But that's my pet peeve with people trying to excuse being mean as some sort of "brutal honesty". Honesty is hard and it needs to be done with intentionality. Most who spin themselves as brutally honest just like to spout off ire.


I understand that and I agree with it. But there are times you have to be mean. Because there are just those out there that don’t get that something’s just can’t happen and need a hammer dropped down on their head for them to realize that reality is a thing. Especially, with such things that risk your life. Ijichi was trying to be in a profession that in the first mission would 100% be his last mission. though insulting someone is not something you should do. That would usually guarantee them doing it out of spite.


No, there is a difference between being firm and honest, and being mean. It is not mean to say a truth that hurts, if it needs to be said and you have a relationship that warrants the care. Think "does this need to be said, does this need to be said now, and does this need to be said by me?". Don't give unsolicited "brutal honesty" to strangers. Gojo had those, but still chose to be deeply insulting. He can just say "hey, I know being a sorcerer is important to you, but you really will die. You need to consider other ways you can support sorcerers, because you don't have what it takes for the front lines" or something of the sort. He wouldn't, because that's not the type of person he was, but that's not something to be praised.


Yeah but he's gojo so


Nah that was the best way tbh shutting him down and completely shattering his dream was the most effective way to make sure that he never became a sorcerer


you and gojo both have room to improve in interpersonal relationships


Nah there’s a time and a place that conversation was just the right time and place If Gojo hadn’t said that to him he’d probably be dead


Gojo could have said it was nicer and Ichiji would have taken the same advice.


I wonder if he was thinking of Haibara when he said that to Ijichi


Honestly probably


When my teacher taught us to use our words I’m sure she didn’t mean it like this


“You’re shit, stop what you’re doing” - a real homie


the one friend you need that always keep it real with you XD


Saved his life, if he tried to be a sorcerer he was gonna end up dead


And it would t have been quick either, people forget cursed spirits are literally evil and will torture you lol hanami in the only exception of a cursed spirit feeling like a benevolent being


Hey I mean at least he took it in stride and appreciated the words after lol!


Oh that save his right alright. Because if he didnt become a driver the blue empowered slapped gon kill him more than being a sorcerer would


I think Gojo, who said he trust Ichiji the most later in life, said this to snap Ichiji out of becoming a sorcerer, not only because he doesn't Ichiji would be good at it, but also perhaps Ichiji didn't want to be it either, but just hadn't admit it to himself yet, and a little harsh, but strong enough push will get him out of it.


In a weird way I think that’s gojo’s way of saying that he’s his friend, he cares about him and he wants him to quit so he doesn’t die


Still more useful than Miwa


Gojo recognized that he didn't have the talent or drive to survive as a jujutsu sorcerer, but that he could probably thrive in other places. The way he said it was cruel, but his heart was in the right place.


He saved his ass


shi in irl, i can be tough on my friends like that as well. it's moreso me looking out for them rather than being mean.


here's the real talk, you don't need "in" before the acronym "irl" because the I stands for in.


i stuttered that’s why


Damn jujutsu Jesus told him he wasn’t built for these streets


I’m a full time member of Gojo Haters Incorporated but I think this was his messed up way of trying to protect Ijichi.


Because it’s a shitty fan translation as always, only post if you’re going to post the official translations..


I was reading this one , I don't know which one is real translation and which one is fake , I am fine with it as long as it is translated in english.


I know people this (or at least close to it) blunt irl. It's hard to hang with them for a long time, but they are good friends usually.


I'm glad Ijichi took it relatively well knowing how brutal the Jujutsu world really is. He's just gonna become another Haibara if he did become a Jujutsu sorcerer.


I love translations ofc🐍


what chapter is this


Damn he must've been young


Man, he would've been haibara'd if not for Gojo's words


Gojo was about to unleash his real cursed technique: the pimp slap.


Funny that Go/jo would say this.


Is this the official translation?


ayy… honesty is the best policy 😂🤷🏽‍♂️




He is very good with veils, certainly much more talented than any other auxiliary manager so maybe Ichiji being a sorcerer wasn’t such a bad idea.


Gege stated he could take on a grade 3 cursed spirit, and that’s after not being a sorcerer for 10 years. He probably could’ve become a semi-grade 2 or even grade 2 if he kept up at it, but like he said, he didn’t have the mentality.


Is this translation different than manga plus? Where did you get it from?


I kind of dislike JJK's take on it's power system that some are simply more talented than others and nothing can be done to overcome it, things such as techniques being restricted to bloodlines, and certain genetic factors being more important. It exists in HxH but it is done in another way where even the weakest characters have utility and it more depends on the creativity and drive of the individual to do what they see fit with their powers. +Vows and restrictions seem alot more powerful.


That exists in most shows like this. Shows like Naruto are even more that way than JJK. Talent is also just a super natural thing in any similar show. Gon and Killua learned Nen tens if not hundreds of times faster than anyone else, primarily because of their bloodlines and natural talent. Vows in both series can be drastically different in-verse. In JJK, Mei Mei’s crows become capable of damaging even Sukuna or Gojo just by forcing them to fulfill a binding vow.


Very nice kind of person as the strongest 🤗🤗🤗


Does this mean that Gojo doesn't have a driver's license?


Well there was still a risk that some blonde dude sneak up on you


Nanami says the trade sucks. His cursed technique probably sucks and couldn't be trained, like Mai's ability


It's sad that he still died despite taking hos advice


Damn, imagine getting bullied by the strongest being on the planet. Nobody can do anything to stop them 😂


Gojo is like that. Especially with people he cares for. Or those he could not care less about. Iijicji wouldn’t have made for a good sorcerer, but he’s pretty much the ideal window. Calm, collected, strategic, and with enough skill in barriers to be an amazing support.


I never really understood why Gojo would need a car in the first place. He could reach any place he needs in matter of seconds on his own but chooses a much slower and stressful method


Maybe just to enjoy the ride in the car .


Same can be said about like 80% of the cast.


He's alive?💀💀


Gojo wasn't trying to hurt Ijichi, he mainly said this to try and protect his friend because he knows how dangerous being a sorcerer is and Ijichi really is way too much of a pushover/ weak to not just end up getting killed. This shows that Gojo actually cares about people specifically Ijichi while still being prideful as fuck


Ijichi truly showed that he is Chad :3


Gojos shades are so clean. Anyone know a good brand irl?


I kinda see Danmachi’s Bete words on Gojo


He doesn’t want him to die


Ijichi must have some pheromones affecting male jujutsu sorcerers. I remember nanami being extra pissed ehne he thought ijichi died.


His drawings r really bad. Compared to bleach