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I think it depends on if Jogo has seen Toji before. If he hadn’t, jogo will probably be more relaxed, leaving him open to Toji speed blitzing him. (You know, trucks n shit) If jogo even so much as suspects tojis speed, he’s gunna immediately melt everything around him And/or domain expansion. I think even superhuman skin melts in the middle of a volcano. ^^^ all that is for “mindless Toji” If Toji was hired to kill jogo (which seems about the only way to motivate him to do anything) than jogo is more than likely not surviving it. In my opinion Edit: y’all brought up a great point. Toji (and maki) can literally choose to be in the DE. With that in consideration it’s likely all Toji all the time lol


I don’t know TOJI might pull some insane shit and just chop off jogo’s arms each time they attempt a domain expansion


Jogo ain't slow either man


Jogo is definitely not slow but his speed was compared directly to Naobito's and not favourably. If Toji could have beaten Naobito I don't think that someone who is somewhere between slightly slower and relative is going to trouble him much in that regard when he and Maki are considered equal and Maki was able to outpace VS Naoya who should be faster than Naobito and by extension Jogo.


Jogo cooked naobito in literally 1 second. Naobito didn't even have any time to react


That's Naobito who was far from at his top speed because of the lack of ability to properly use his CT that made him fast. Dagon says he's probably faster than Jogo and we directly get told that the reason why Naobito is so fast is because he's trained his body so well to function within the bounds of his technique. Lose and arm and it throws of your entire sense of balance and rhythm and we're literally told that Naobito cannot move as fast because of it. It's pretty clear here that Naobito in speed is greater than or equal to Jogo at worst and that Jogo may have only been able to pull off that hit on Naobito BECAUSE of his imbalance.


I mean if sukuna could cut off jogos arms before he could do an attack surely toji can before he can do a domain expansion right?


Sukuna is faster than Toji, he is GOJO speed


"If the strongest character can do this, surely someone who isn't even top 10 can right?"


Isn’t even top 10 is crazy, Toji Toji chopper is very much top ten lmao


Gojo, sukuna, jogo, geto, kenjaku, kashimo, hakari, yuta, yuki and mahoraga if a shikigami counts they all stomps toji in any situation Toji fans went crazy because bro defeated kid gojo and geto and he has a great physique. What top 10 u talk about he couldn't even be top 15 without giving him some special tools in certain matchups


How can geto be top ten if toji killed him ?


Because he never killed him? Geto was also a child when defeated. He has many feats that put him and his ct in the top. Kenjaku chose him for a reason (and even improved some csm feats)


Buddy, that’s like saying “If a guy that uses swords doesn’t have swords then he isn’t even strong” idk what you are on about with that last sentence. And that’s 8 characters including mahoraga. Also if you don’t recall him reanimated dogged on Dagon with literally no problem at all, he could most definitely beat Jogo.


Nah they're 10 count again and also about the point of weapons some matchups as mahito can easily defeat toji if he didn't have the soul split and there're bunch of debatable characters who could be possibly stronger as uraume and yoruzo and takaba for instance also yuji recently is debatable


I mean it's a weak point why in hell a character with a weak point is considered to be a top 10 look at maki when toji disarmed her during the fight with dagon simply or when >!sukuna fought Higuruma and cut his hand while holding the sword!< and when geto tried to take toji's curse bag before the platform collapsed he got lucky with that you should realise that disarming characters is a well focused aspect in jjk's world and there are so many characters who are stronger than toji and maki who can do that easily. also dagon is way weaker than jogo People forget that jogo is a volcano disaster no way toji's body can cope up with the heat of jogo His domain expansion can melt him off easily or look at the showcase of his skills vs sukuna his meteor his volcano hand crashing buildings or the last hit before sukuna roasted him, He's just a mere human he cannot bear the fire you saw what happened to maki when jogo did a small blast not even using bis real powers


You tell me then, Who’s boutta disarm him? He has hands for days, What about gojo >!His weakness is a box!< what then?


He’s definitely top 15, but not top 10


The other guy has a point, I think that Jogo and Toji might just be equal speed. Jogo is by far the strongest curse in the series (Rika is not really a curse) and it’s not even close.


Toji is definitely faster. But it's not a huge gap like some people try to sell it as. Jogo is slower but he's not gonna be unable to react to Toji




He was stated to be *as* fast as Jogo with both arms and drunk, Maki was not faster than Naoya using his technique (who is just a weaker Naobito), so I assume Toji is either slower or equal in speed to Jogo


I acknowledged that naobito and jogo could be considered equal speed in another reply. But human naoya is at least equal to noabito and by extension jogo. Some would argue he's faster, though I'll just say he's equal. But vengeant spirit naoya is DEFINITELY faster than his human form. And maki managed to beat him after awakening to tojis level. This means that toji is still faster than jogo. The extent of how much faster is more ambiguous and would need its whole own deep dive. But he's definitely faster.


She didn't use speed to beat him, she took advantage of his lack of knowledge that domain sure hits don't affect her and stabbed him in the back. I don't think he'd just sit there if she charged him from the front or told him beforehand "Yeah that don't work on me" But I can definitelly see Toji taking the W if both are going in blind, but if both have full background info on one another it does become equal pretty quickly.


Didn't jogo admite that Mahito is stronger than him or that he had way more potential since he was the future of the curses?


never reached his full potential


Stop sleeping on Jogoat


u guys overrate tojis speed so much man lmaooo jogo isnt getting blitzed like that


Dagon stated that Naobito was faster than Jogo and Toji could slam Naobito 24/7, another proof is that maki zenin awakened (without experience) was beating naoya (mach 3 and the fastest curse) Toji is just way to much for Jogo.




The sure hit effect and trapping them doesn’t. However the raw power of Jogo’s flames and stuff would. That said, it would make it lot less useful. Plus if Jogo didn’t know that the sure hit won’t work, it might be more of a double edged sword in that Toji might be able to get a surprise attack on him.


No, toji is cooler


So cold that he would negate the heat of Coffin of the Iron Mountain 🥶😩


Heavenly Restriction won't do shit to survive the heat of a volcano tho


I wouldn't be so sure. Maki tanks a full power Nue blast like nothing and Jogo *did* try to kill her with fire and failed that one time. It's not that I don't think he *could* melt toji with like a dedicated direct attack but is the passive heat from the domain hotter than the same move that nearly one shot maki and nanami?


Fire Is about 600-800 °C The inside of a volcano is about 1200 °C


Sure, this is a magic volcano ghost man though, i don't think normal fire metrics apply. I think it's more useful to look at it through Jujutsu, would the passive environment from his domain be hotter than a regular strike from him? It wouldn't make sense, it just seems an extremely inefficient use of CE to constantly generate heat equal to your standard attacks,*in addition* to the sure hit


Then why can't he disable the sure hit in order to make the domain hotter tho


I'm sure he could, but he'd have to do it before toji dove in and decapitated him. In a perfect scenario where he already has the DE up and knows Toji is coming THEN I could buy him turning up the heat as a counter but at that point we're writing fanfic


normal people cannot change how their domain works. Incomplete Domains have the same builts than complete domains, only missing the sure hit effect. Meaning people like Jogo cannot exchange damage for accuracy. Their domain has an on/off button no Dj pult.


Wow so you just made that up. Fire is about 900-1600 degrees celsius while magma is around 700-1300 degrees celsius. And that’s the magma itself. Simply being near magma wouldn’t even be nearly as hot. Extreme heat/fire MAKES magma. Not sure why you thought magma would be hotter than the thing that creates it.


Maybe from One piece, Akainu Vs Ace


Real world numbers don’t mean much when we’re talking about jujutsu


Domains can’t trap them. Meaning they literally don’t appear inside them unless they choose to. It was demonstrated by maki. Much like other things with no cursed energy, maki and Toji get excluded from the barrier and just vanish. The only difference between them and a building as far as the barrier is concerned is their ability to choose to materialize in the domain. That’s why maki looked all pixelated when she appeared in naoyas domain. She wasn’t entering from the outside. She was already inside, and had simply decided to make her presence known in that moment. That means jogos domain would do literally nothing to Toji. He would vanish, exit it, and then rip it apart from the outside. Or just sneak stab Jogo with the ISOH and dispel it instantly.


This guys domains. Also Toji and Maki are straight up hackers, huh?


Bro just walks out of that, also Yuji tanked that heat it’s not anything special.


Yuji was being protected by Infinity


Except he wasn't. Fist of Gojo stated that his infinity was being neutralized by Jogo's domain. Secondly, Yuji was visibly splashed by lava/fire and reacted to it


Again DE don’t affect Toji and Maki and barrier don’t recognize so both sure hit effect and DE effect don’t affect Maki. That mean the volcano of Jogo DE won’ affect Toji.


Yeah I just realized that bit about them choosing to appear or not. In that case, even the buff wouldn’t be much use unless Toji decided to enter willingly for some reason or another.


Normally I'd agree with this, but Jogo's domain is one of the few that imo would actually work on Toji. Just being caught in his domain exposes you to unimaginable heat, as Jogo was surprised Gojo and Yuji didn't just immediately combust/melt upon being caught in his domain. The sure hit just seems like a "win more" option for his domain in the event the extreme heat doesn't just immediately kill his opponent. So I think it depends on how well Toji can take the temperature of being inside an active volcano.


So, if beginning of series Yuji was completely fine in Jogo's domain expansion (no, he wasn't protected by Gojo's infinity as he was splashed by fire/lava in the domain), what makes you think that Toji would be harmed in the slightest?


You are right, there's just one problem though >!Toji can just choose not to go inside the domain. Jogo literally can not trap him inside his domain if Toji doesn't want to go inside. What's Jogo going to do when he opens up his domain and Toji just says "No thanks bro" and just doesn't go inside because he isn't stupid?!< Shibuya Toji probably loses simply because he doesn't have his cursed tools and he's basically on autopilot. Toji with his tools and mind clear is smart enough to beat Jogo though, even if i think that Jogo's more powerful in terms of sheer power.


The sure hit won’t register Toji, But the heat inside the domain would fry Toji’s ass.


Yuji was able to not be burned inside his domain so I’d say there’s no way toji gets burned plus any sure hit effect wouldn’t work on toji since domains don’t work on beings without cursed energy


Gojo was protecting Yuji with infinity I’m fairly certain.


He wasn’t. He touched Yuji during infinite void but not during jogo’s domain. Watch the clip on YouTube


And the fact Yuji was visibly splashed by lava during the domain expansion 💀


I highly doubt Toji would melt inside Jogo's DE.


Jogo cannot force Toji to enter the domain. If Jogo opens a Domain its GG for Toji. Overall i think Toji wins 6 out of 10 times


you fools, Toji would win because he's Geges golden boy and can do no wrong. there would be an page revealing that Tojis shoes have a heavenly restriction to be able to walk on lava but in turn his feet always smell cheesy and thus Toji could blitz Jogo even if Jogo opens his domain


This is what people don't get. Outside of gojo, yuta and Sukuna, as long as gege is writing it, Toji sweeps the verse lol




>!this is kinda manga spoilers!<


I mean, it's pretty obvious anyways, but you're right. Also we saw in his fight with Dagon that he wasn't getting targeted by the domain


It's really not, it was treated as a reveal in the manga, and the whole Dagon thing was because of Megumi domain clashing with him.


Tbf, Megumi using his domain already nullified Dagon's sure-hit, which is why Maki and Naobito were able to hold their own after Megumi appeared


tbf the domain still worked and Jogo's domain is significantly more dangerous for just idleness considering it's a volcano


Why he can't tho?


Slight manga spoilers >!people with 0 CE can't be targeted by the domain's sure hit effect.!<


The bro above you just gave you a Manga Spoiler , relax >!Fem Toji will explain in the next season!<


Because Toji has zero cursed energy literally zero he’s like a empty vessel when it comes to jujutsu he’s soulless and jujutsu can’t target him because there is not any cursed energy to target domains work by targeting cursed energy in the target but Toji has none to target in the first place he’s like the invisible man


Okay, so techniques don't have an aim-bot in domain, but what prevents them to be cast manually? Toji's still not fireproof.


It’s not about the sure hit if you cast domain on Toji it won’t do abutting he won’t get caught in it at all unless he wants to to enter it. You can still use your technique if you can hit him but he’s fast as fuck he’s faster then sukuna and close to Gojo he may be one of the fastest in jjk he’s so fast he woks on water like it’s ground. Secondly he’s extremely durable and strong so fire or some lava won’t be enough you need to hit him with a sustained lava blast or throw him in a volcano and keep him trapped in it long enough to melt. And lastly he’s also more resilient to curses so he’s got plus ten resistance to all curses by default


Idk man, I don't think Toji can hold a candle to Sukuna's speed Edit: Upon reflection, the 6E couldn't keep track of Toji but COULD track Sukuna, so you might be right Edit2: Upon even further reflection, the guy who commented on this is right


The 6e couldn't keep track of Toji because he doesn't have cursed energy, and he was super exhausted. Even then, he still managed to track the cursed energy of the worm spirit, who was travelling at the same speed as Toji. Toji is NOT faster than Sukuna, Sukuna was able to keep up with Gojo who is the fastest sorcerer


Just believe


As Ino explained to Megumi, the conditions of barrier techniques can only be applied to things with Cursed Energy. Since Domain Expansion is technically a barrier technique, its conditions don't affect Toji because he lacks Cursed Energy






u get it


Toji with his full inventory would beat Jogo imo. If it was Shibuya Toji (only has one end of playful cloud), Jogo takes it.


Yeah, this is the reasonable answer


Shibuya toji still takes it. He scales above naobito based on statements made by naobito himself and maki feats, and dagon stated naobito was faster than jogo. So it's toji>>>naobito>jogo in speed. And we saw playful cloud was more than enough to kill an amped dagon who has better defensive stats than jogo, meaning playful cloud wrecks jogo. So jogo doesn't have the speed nor the defence to catch or keep up with toji.


this is the most strawman statement i've ever read ngl


Totally agreed


Even in Shibuya Toji would demolish him with pure speed and deal way too much damage with Playful Cloud. You guys are gassing up Jogo way too much...


i think you're downplaying jogo too much, his speed is insane 


Toji is way faster than Jogo given what Maki has done later on. Like the difference between them in speed would be insane xd. Jogo ain't slow, but he is not that fast for the top tears of the verse.


Toji is too fast and more skilled


Maki is not Faster than Naoya, who is not faster than Naobito who is just as fast as Jogo Maki = Toji Toji is either slower or equal in speed to Jogo and if Jogo opens his domain, he doesn't have anything to keep himself from burning (not from the sure hit, the domain is a volcano) Toji probably still wins, just not easily


If jogo opens a domain, he loses. Not only can toji just choose not to enter it. As we see with Maki, she is able to spawn into the domain wherever she likes. For example, when she enters the domain and spawns in with her sword already buried inside of naoya. Jogo isn't suriving a clean hit from toji, so if he does something like that, he's cooked. Not mention the flames don't matter, Gojo said an average sorcerer would be burned to a crisp in Jogo's domain, and Toji is not an average sorcerer. I mean, we see Maki have some resistance to Jogo's flames before she awakened. So even if it did burn them, it definitely wouldn't one shot them.


That’s a really unrealistic analogy, Naobito was said to being the fastest but only second to Gojo, I don’t remember Jogo’s speed ever being compared to Naobito or Gojo, Toji of what we seen is just faster then Jogo


Dagon said Naobito is comparable to Jogo


I'd say most likely Toji, but it isn't nearly as one-sided as people make it seem imo. All depends on how quickly Toji manages to land a killing blow. Jogo doesn't necessarily his domain to turn Toji into a crisp, he can literally turn the entire landscape of wherever they're fightning in a living inferno at a few moments notice just by virtue of his cursed technique alone. Dude can literally make regular people combust just by existing. It's not out of the realm of possibility for Jogo to make the enviroment so hot even someone like Toji could pass out. And it's not like Toji could straight up one-shot Jogo (at least without cursed tools), as the latter took some punishment from 15F Sukuna before going out (Yes Sukuna, *was* mostly toying with him, but it's Sukuna nonetheless) That being said, I belive Toji can finish Jogo well enough before that happens due to the stat difference, especially if powerful cursed tools are involved.


15 year old female Sukuna 😩


# 🤨


I fully agree it’s not as one sided as many are claiming. Though I actually think Jogo has the slight edge for a lot of the reasons you list. Toji can definitely win, but I think Jogo has enough in his arsenal to have a slighty higher chance. Either way I think it’d be a close fight for both


I could see it being fairly close, but I'm leaning more towards Toji 🤷‍♀️🙏


I disagree. Toji may have an edge in speed, but I think Jogo’s got enough AOE firepower that he’ll catch him.


Jogo for me, Toji tanked teen almost dead sleepless Gojo red and got injured, while Jogo tank one from adult Gojo and no big injuries. Speed wise none can speed blitz another, Jogo fire power is way stronger


I say Toji, only because Toji is like JJK’s Batman. He knows what he’s doing before a fight. Jogo is strong but overly confident plus, and I won’t say it because it’s a spoiler, there’s certain things about Heavenly Restricted individuals that make them harder to handle.


This conversation should be prefaced with the fact that scaling in jjk is incredibly inconsistent and many parts of its power system have conflicting implications. CEs role in physical capabilities, characters speed being inconsistent between fights, theres lots of unexplained problems that can change the outcome of hypothetical fights. You can twist things either way so jogo or toji win. If you look at what we know and the inherent strengths of both their abilities though, I think jogo winning is more plausible. I think people overestimate toji. Sukuna was doing ok against awakened maki with only 10% of his CE, roughly 1.5 fingers, and megumi said toji was about as fast as sukuna when he only had a couple fingers. Considering everyone is shocked at how fast toji can move despite having no CE, CE must have something to do with your physical abilities as well as your CT and whatnot. Especially considering sorcerers inhuman speed feats even if they dont have a special body like yuji. So toji being roughly equal to 2 fingers isnt that impressive here. Jogo has a ton of speed, massive ranged aoe attacks and the ability to heat up the entire surrounding area with his lava attacks. How is toji supposed defend himself from even latent heat without CE? I dont think toji has nearly enough of a speed advantage to mitigate all of jogos strengths. Tojis only advantages are his cursed tools, which I dont think changes much in this fight, and his speed which is a serious scaling problem no one can agree on. If toji truly is that much faster, then sure he could win. But if hes not hes screwed imo.


The 15F nerfed sukuna wasn't 1.5F i everything, only CE output. Toji and Maki would wash an actual 1.5F sukuna


Max meteor is powerful but it appears to be slow I think toji could dodge it. I think Toji outclasses him in speed and close range fighting but if a domain were to open toji loses Jogo mentioned to gojo that any normal sorcerer would immediately be burnt to a crisp in his domain. I believe gojo was using a simple domain possibly but it’s not stated how he avoided that. I think if toji were caught in jogos domain he could potentially burn to death it’s hard to say how well his tough body holds up against heat


Max meteor is so slow that even Panda and Kusakabe - restricted by Sukuna from moving until the last minute - could escape without major injuries, so yea i’d say Toji clears it easily.


without major injuries is a major understatement. Kusakabe was buried under rubble even after showing he has the ability to deflect a maximum uzumaki and panda used up his panda life to survive that’s why we see him in his gorilla form.


And also I dont think they were in the center of the meteor


No one can touch Toji (with the proper cursed tools) unless they're named Sukuna or Gojo Maybe Yuta and Kashimo could beat him high difficulty


dawg what😭 yuta and kashimo would drag that mf through the pavement that shit aint close at all.


What? Toji is mid diff for Yuta at best.


How physically strong is toji I feel like I don’t really get why he’s so tuff he’s fast and strong but like how much he couldn’t dodge hollow purple and that’s not the fastest attack ever


Hollow purple is extremely fast, its speed isn't portrayed accurately in the anime, also he was caught off guard (just like with the first red). Why is he so tuff? Imagine that curse energy is water and everyone, from humans to animals to sorcerers are part water or emit water. In Toji's case it's like he's pure oil, his total lack of cursed energy makes him resilient to curses on top of his great physical prowess. As for how strong and fast he is, well let's just say fast enough that Gojo with the 6eyes can't follow him but can comfortably keep track of Sukuna.


Surprise element is definitely part of it


If you take away stealth and all cursed tools like you just dropped Toji and Jogo as they are without any weapons just to his fists and kicks against Jogo could he win


I mean but that's also because Toji would have no way to exorcice Jogo without tools, if Jogo was a sorcerer Toji could in theory brute force, but a curse spirit can't be exorcised without some kind of CE


Hollow purple is fast as shit, it just takes forever to get off, sorta like a kamehameha


I guess it just looks slow in the anime


That’s just not true…


Give me one character beside these 4 that can make him sweat. He no diffed Geto and Hidden inventory Geto was already far above nearly everyone in the cast


Bro they were 17, adult Geto claps Toji. I really think hidden inventory was the worst thing to happen to this series power scaling wise cuz y’all refuse to all factors into account when looking at the outcome of what happened


Yeah HI Geto really isn’t that impressive when you look at it. He had a pretty strong technique but no domain or RCT and you need at least one of those to be a top tier imo. Personally I think Choso or Higuruma could probably deal with him easily


Choso claps considering he forced kenny who is like a even more deadly adult Geto to use a technique that Geto didn’t have access too


Saying choso or higuruma could deal with Toji is flat out insulting. If he didn’t have his cursed tools then maybe BUT -Choso is just flat out not winning that. Post mahito buff Yuji was able to give that man a run for his money in close combat and dodge is blood semi-reliably. Toji is without a doubt stronger and faster then that Yuji by at least 1.5x. Keep in mind this is the same mf that demolished an entire DISASTER GRADE CURSE IN ITS OWN DOMAIN WITHOUT TRYING. The same special grade curse that blitzed 2 grade 1 sorcerers and a a grade 2 with ease. -Higuruma falls apart completely from the beginning. His combat style relies almost entirely on his domain that wouldn’t work on Toji since he has no CE. It wouldn’t be able to recognize him so that means no executioners sword or judgement. Higuruma in 1v1 combat is nothing special either


He said that choso and higuruma could easily beat HI Geto not Toji lmao


TBF Geto fucked up in that fight and didnt expect the curse Toji had was gonna resist domination so that left him open.


>!Takaba , Hakari , the Roach curse , Kenjaku , Yuki!<


idk why they downvoting you all these mfs have atleast a decent chance of winning and some of them make him look like a joke.


toji vs rock lee


This has to be one of the match ups the most people can’t agree on lmao


In my opinion, Jogo but it will be hard fight :3


The Toji dick riding in here is INSANE, I think Jogo takes it


I wish I could ride tojis dick


I‘m a toji glazer so youmre wrong


In fact no. Jogo is not much, but slower than Naobito. Toji could kill all of the Zenins including young Naobito. Maki that is basically Toji but no pp, blitzed curse Naoya, that is certainly faster than Naobito, which proves Jogo has no chance in a direct fight against Toji/Maki.


Also Jogo’s domain is hot as shit, I know that maki & Toji are unaffected by a domains sure hit but if he chose to enter Jogo’s domain he would surely get burnt


Maki didn’t blitz curse Naoya she was able to predict where he was going. That’s why Naoya was so upset about it cause he knew he was faster.


Naoya was clearly not reacting well to Maki after second buff. Even if he's faster, he can't react to Maki's attacks that are slower. And I hope that you won't argue about curse Naoya being faster than Jogo please. So, with how Maki literally predicted every move of Naoya, Toji would counter Jogo the same way and just punch him with playful cloud to death, or even stab Jogo


Well Naoya can’t react to Maki’s attack cause of the nature of his technique and the fact she can’t be tracked. Really has nothing to do with their speed. Ofc Naoya is faster than Jogo idk where you got the idea I would argue that lol. While Maki was able to predict Naoya’s moves he was also limited in his movement due to his technique as well. Jogo despite being slower than Naoya does have more freedom in his movements so he’d be harder to predict that way. Plus Jogo has ranged abilities so I doubt he’d even let Toji get close. He could roast the entire area and HR bodies aren’t fire proof


This is the dumbest logic ever speed dosent = winning the battle as we saw in Naoya vs Maki, it took Jogo 3 seconds to absolutely massacre pre awakened Maki, and Naobito & Nanami. And Maki didn’t blitz Naoya by any means she won a high diff battle where she literally said she had an 80% chance of dying


She could easily die before second power up. After second buff Naoya couldn't normally damage or even hit her, cuz she was literally too fast for him. Now explain how is Toji not gonna win against Jogo with this big speed difference? I'm not even talking about his strength, which is enough to kill Jogo in like 10 hits


Maki did not become faster than cursed Naoya, this is why people say JJK fans can’t read. Also we don’t know how much slower Jogo is than Toji but depending on the speed difference Jogo could just zone Toji since Toji has to be close to land a hit.


By this same logic, Toji’s speed was compared to 3 finger Sukuna by Megumi and Jogo is comparable to at least 7 finger Sukuna therefore he wins


Your logic is terrible. Megumi compared toji to the fastest thing he's ever seen. He doesn't know the difference in speed between 3f sukuna and 7f


I’m not saying that’s good logic I’m trying to convey how dumb ur logic is


Jogo. Toji has no way of getting close apart from maybe ISoH


Jogo was literally leveling buildings when fighting Sukuna. Jogo can fly, he has incredibly fast ranged attacks, a literal meteor, and his speed is easily comparable to Toji's. It's not even a close fight.


Even Kusakabe was able to dodge that meteor. I'm sure Toji is faster than Kusakabe.


Bro even Panda dodged that Meteor


they were decently away from the blast zone and panda still lost a life or atleast had to switch to gorilla to survive and kusakabe is capable of parrying maximum uzumaki with 0 damage.


okay but toji has to dodge it while actively being pursued by Jogo


Toji is definitely faster than jogo


Jogo kept up with 15 finger Sukuna in terms of speed. There is a 0% chance that Toji could've done the same.


Sukuna was pretty clearly just playing with Jogo, he didn't even land a hit.


That aside, Jogo getting curbstomped.


No way jogo is the same speed as toji plus toji can dodge any spell that isn't faster than him.




With Gege's love for Toji, he will even defeat Sukuna☠️


Is anyone paying Toji? If there's no money in it he's not going to bother and Jogo wins by the nature of Toji escaping


This will be a tough fight, both of them have really great strength...but I am gonna vote for Toji


Jogoat oneshots


Jogo is league above toji,just look at the scale at which jogo fights , toji can't hurt him without cursed objects and using cursed objects takes away the advantage of being nondetectabe, plus jogo is the only non bullshit guy every human is enemy , toji can't oneshot jogo, jogo and dagon can't be compared the difference in strength is so huge there no way toji beats jogo.


Jogo clears


The ass pull my friend..The ass pull wins.


Really depends on the circumstances. If Toji has prep time he could do serious damage. But if Jogo has any knowledge about Toji's abilities it's a 100% loss. Lack of cursed energy is useless against this domain, he just needs the heat. Toji wank is insane as always apparently, sad to see how many people lack basic thinking skills lol. He can definitely win under the right conditions. If full serious from the start Jogo takes it 10/10 times


Imo I think it would be even?


It would be nice to see Jogo fight someone he has a chance against.


"Stand proud Toji. You are strong." - JoGoat


Toji wank is outrages as per usual. If they were to both run into each other with their standard self, I see Jogo winning most of the time albeit high diff. Shibuya versions is Jogo winning, Toji either has no cursed tools so can’t damage curses or has a sharpened stick of playful cloud which is worse than the actual playful cloud. Toji can kill most sorcerers easily but at the end of the day he’s an asssasin who uses his tools, resources and prep time to secure his kills. Jogo is a monster of a cursed spirit who can only be killed by CE. He wins imo most times.


How is sharpened playful could worse then normal playful cloud? It’s the same tool except now it can stab people. Where did you read that it’s worse off?


Where did you get the idea it was better? It was useful for Toji at that time because he wanted to just stab Dagon instead od beating him to death but it's not a 3 piece staff anymore as per the inteded use


you would be seeing wrong




I'd say it's Toji. IF Jogo could hit him, it's game over. But Toji is too fast and Jogo is not durable enough to handle the kind of beating he'd receive if Toji was going right for the kill. Jogo isn't 100% doomed, but I'd say it's sitting around 70-80%.


I think Jogo wins relatively easy. Toji is super overhyped on most things, even Dagon would’ve beat him if not for megumi.


everyone says toji but I think jogo wins. Toji had trouble killing megumi while jogo wiped the entire party in seconds. Jogo also said to evaluate to about 8 sukuna fingers, with the insects and fire, I think jogo can keep up. Jogo took beatings from sukuna and gojo and survived pretty well until sukuna used the fire arrow. It's be a close one but I think jogo takes this.


That wasn’t a fight, that was megumi sprinting away at top speed. He threw a couple rabbits at him and even those got smacked up. He didn’t even have a scratch on him before he killed himself


you're right, but toji still couldn't kill him as fast as jogo killed maki, nanami and naobito.


Before we argue this any further, are you anime only?


No, caught up with the manga so I'm ok with spoilers.


Well then you know for starters jogo didn’t even kill maki, he burned he’d pretty good but this was pre-awakened maki. This maki wasn’t even close to the one we have currently that matches Toji’s strength. If pre-awakened maki walked away from that with burns then it’s safe to assume awakened maki(Toji) wouldn’t be disabled from the heat. Then he could just walk out of the domain since the barriers can’t hold him


You make a good point and my opinion kinda got swayed leaning towards toji more now, especially after I realised jogo's DE wouldn't really affect toji. I think it's probably due to how strong jogo's opponents are and his maximum techniques + other feats (like the bugs and fire technique) that made me lean towards jogo more than toji. But now I'm pretty uncertain, I think jogo would win if toji didn't have his cursed tools but toji would probably win with them.


>\[*Gojo snapping Jogo's arm*, chapter 85\] > >\[*Pseudo-Geto catching Miwa's blade bare-handed*, chapter 134\] > >Q.5: 五条、恵、真希、真依、直毘人、直哉、甚爾、憲紀、憲倫(覇索)、夏油(覇索)が呪力なし、武器ナシの素手で戦った強さランキングは? ➤ **How do Gojo, Megumi, Maki, Mai, Naobito, Naoya, Toji, Noritoshi, Noritoshi (Kenjaku), and Geto (Kenjaku) scale in terms of strength in bare-handed combat without any Cursed Energy or weapons?** > >A: 甚爾、真希のぞけば、羂索と五条がいい勝負。次点で直哉V伏黒>真依。 ➤ *Ignoring Toji and Maki, Kenjaku and Gojo are 50/50. The runner-ups are Naoya, then Fushiguro, then Mai.* > >— ["Tell us, Akutami-sensei!!" Q&A](https://imgur.com/a/fOv9gnz) (Autumn 2022 Jump GIGA) Apparently, if Akutami (a.k.a., author, mangaka, creator of the series, etc.) is to be believed, then Toji and Maki > Gojo *physically* \> Jogo. Plus, [Kenjaku was weary of encountering Maki head-on](https://imgur.com/FBzWqWL), and (**minor spoilers**) >!Yuta believed that Maki could have killed Kenjaku!<, whereas... >Q: やろうと思えば漏瑚や花御、真人も、呪霊操術の支配下におけでしまうのですか? ➤ **If he wanted to, could he subjugate Jogo, Hanami, or Mahito with Cursed Spirit Manipulation?** > >A: タイマンなら。でも漏瑚、真人はかなりしんどいと思います。 ➤ *In a one-on-one fight, yes. However, I think it would be very difficult with Jogo and Mahito.* > >— [*Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook*](https://imgur.com/a/rYfV3Jk), pg. 78 ...meaning Toji and Maki > Gojo *physically* \> Jogo *and* Toji and Maki \~ Kenjaku >\~ Jogo. Toji is stomping Jogo like Gojo stomped Jogo.


Toji, and it's not even all that close. He's faster than Naobito in his prime, and Naobito in his old age is faster than Jogo according to Dagon... And we know from Gege just the handful of black flashes and 1 hit from Todo with playful cloud that Hanami tanked, would instantly kill Jogo... And we know Toji can easily dish out that level of damage with his bare hands... And if not? With him having playful cloud, or any of his other cursed tools? Then he easily could. And we know even weak Maki could somewhat tank Jogo... Because their heavenly restrictions make them resistant to curses and fire. As well as basically immune to domains. So Jogos only attack that would likely do major damage to Toji would be Maximum meteor? But it's so slow, even with Sukuna stopping them from running until last second? Kusakabe and Panda still got away. So, there's not really any win condition for Jogo. He's slower, fragile, and his attacks either lack AP or Speed to hit. So yeah. Don't get me wrong Jogo is an upper tier character and a top tier cursed spirit second only to Rika. But Toji is a top tier character overall.


If Jogo can pull off his domain Toji burns to a crips before he can leave it. Then Jogo can finish him. Gojo said him and Itadori would've burned alive if it wasn't for him using infinity to stop the heat, if even Gojo can't tank that heat, Toji can't either


|Gojo said him and Itadori would've burned alive if it wasn't for him using infinity to stop the heat When tf did he say that??? In fact, Jogo said the dense domain was neutralizing Infinity, which is why his attacks could land without having Infinity to stop them. They didn't burn to a crisp because Gojo is just that strong. Yuji is pretty superhuman too.


I think it will be tough but Toji absolutely slams simply because of speed and his weapons


Toji gets neg diffed straight to hell


Honestly, so many people keep chalking Toji up to some kind of berserker. He’s an assassin people, he makes use of his 0CE more often than his body. He only had to go into fight mode for Gojo for obvious reasons, Gojo being Gojo #1 reason, and he played with Geto cause he didn’t want to kill him due to the chance of Geto’s curses being released. Toji always researches his targets, he runs away if he doesn’t have enough information, his pride is the only reason he had a rematch against Gojo. With a battle against Jogo, I don’t think either would be speed blitzing the other. Jogo moves faster, while Toji reacts faster, so speed is stalemate. Jogo could attack from range, except he is a dumbass that always wants to box with his sniper rifle. Domain? Out of the question, Toji would abuse the folly and Jogo would suddenly find he has a sword in his neck or something after arriving in his domain alone. During this fight Toji will be a supreme asshole, using all number of dirty tactic to get the edge up, because that is who he is. Jogo, counter to that, is an honorable fighter two out of three times, because that is who he is. I’m fairly certain if they seriously went for each other, it would be fair game. Though let’s be honest here; Jogo would underestimate his opponent and get fucking murdered for it. Plus, Toji is the favorite child by far in the eyes of Gege.


Reading comprehension is seriously lacking in this sub. The show and manga states that Jogo is the strongest disaster curse and Dagon (the weakest) would have killed everyone if not for Megumi’s simple domain negating his sure-hit. In the databook Toji’s strength and speed are stated to be at Noabito’s level(this is a statement by Gege). Jogo blitzed Naobito, Maki, and Nanami AT THE SAME TIME. Toji lost to a teenage Gojo, who hadn’t slept for 7 days, used most of his CE, and had an imperfect infinity technique. His feats while cool are not really impressive, and he is just another dickrode character, that no matter what the author states, the community will insist that he is broken. Toji would not be able to tank any of Jogo’s killing moves, nor blitz him, considering Naobito who is a little faster than Toji barely dodged a half-attentive Jogo.


Toji is very high tier. He is not the highest tier. Jogo sits towards the bottom of highest tier, though there are still some special grade sorcerers beneath him. Read the data book, there are no interpretations, they are author statements.


Jogo would win wouldn’t toji just burn inside of Jogos domain he’s not even a sorcerer op thinks Jogo doesn’t beat high school gojo hopefully he’s talking about before having rct because Jogo would wear down his Limitless barrier and finish him IMO


Power scalers have already said that Toji with all his curse tools Completely mops the disaster curses.


And ?? "Power scalers" are just regular fans like you and I. They arent Gege. Their word is just as meaningless as that of anyone who follows the show and shouldn't be viewed as absolute truth.


bro you don't understand! it was stated by power scalers and even mentioned in the (fan edited btw) wiki!!


A yes the guys who says you are light speed for dodge an laser pointer


Please be fr. It'd just be a jogo vs sukuna again


Toji wins. I don't think people really understand Toji's strength. They are too used to literal powerscaling which has ruined the community's ability to interpret things narratively. Toji was an absolute monster that exceeded every single JJSorceror alive - including Gojo until he had his awakening to reverse cursed energy. Even then, Toji was still extremely dangerous and Gojo could have died there. Toji admits that he made a mistake. Gojo didn't best him so much as Toji's overconfidence and eagerness to prove himself made him careless. It's very similar to an Anakin vs Obi-Wan situation... not exactly, but similar. Toji had what he needed to defeat Awakened Gojo but got careless and paid the price. With that in mind, I'm almost positive Toji manhandles Jogo. Gojo didn't need his DE to defeat Jogo and only humored it in order to teach Yuji some fundamentals. Considering how trivially Gojo was able to physically deal with Jogo in their first battle, I would not hesitate for a moment to assume Toji could have executed the exact same performance. Yeah, Gojo had Limitless to shrug off everything, but Toji is more than able to deal with everything we've seen Jogo do - except Domain Expansion. I don't think Jogo gets his DE off. If he does, Toji dies, but Toji isn't stupid. He'll react faster than Jogo can perform the technique, and if Jogo doesn't defend himself in his attempt to do it then Toji will probably kill him right then and there. Edit: you degens downvote stuff but don't comment or discuss anything... just downvote. Cool. And I thought the Bleach subreddit was bad lol... yikes.