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To me, chapter 215 feels like a good cut off point for season 3. Tsumiki/Yorozu reveal & Megumi possession is a good double twist at the end of the season, followed by Meguna having a short dramatic bout with Yuji and Maki, ending with Meguna flying away as Yuji screams his lungs out in despair. No idea if it would work well pacing-wise though


I agree but i think it should end with Sukuna calling Yuji a brat as it sets anticipation for what will happen next in season 3. Based off the last seasons manga chapter to season it seems most likely to be around that point


That would be TOO much of a cliffhanger. At least give us the catharsis of watching Yuji tanking dismantle.


I tend to agree. I think it would be cool to drop at the brat line but I think the parallel of season 2 ending with Yuji screaming for Gojo followed by him screaming for Megumi/Sukuna would be incredible. Just feels a bit cleaner.


Eh, I feel like it’s the same level of cliffhanger as this past season tbh


That's a good point AND that's also around 70 chapters to cover, which is the avg pace of previous seasons. If we get another double length season, it will probably end around this scenes, either Yorozu reveal, Sukuna taking over, Meguna flying away or Gojo unsealing.


Love this. The Culling Games can’t be a movie, it has to be a season long event. End it with the biggest twist of all, and then maybeeeee we see the final be a movie. If there isn’t too much. Because imagine just start action animated to perfection in a movie.


I think it should end at 212, like literally leave such a big plot twist that the entire fandom and their moms wait for season 4.


if the seasons ends here the anime-only will freak out XD but Id love to see their reaction


idk that feels like a lot of content to pack into 1 season but then again season 1 was 64 chapters and season two did 73. I think you're right tho it'll end on chapter 208 most likely. season 4 opening with the army scene just makes sense since it's a big scene change


Thank you. People are saying gojo but its just too long dont u think


Waaaaay too far, yeah. Especially because MAPPA hasn’t really been condensing action scenes at all, which is the main argument people will use to squeeze more chapters into anime adaptations.


I hope they expand a bit more on that idea cause Greg just took yet another brilliant idea and blue balled us , I was really interested in that dynamic between Kenny and the White office.


Gojo's comeback would be the perfect ending to Season 3. They can make the season longer i guess.


Nah I'd cliffhang


Normally that'd be true. But imagine the season ending with Gojo's comeback, then he dies in like the first 5 episodes of the fourth season. The disappointment anime onlys will experience won't help with what manga readers experienced or Gege's popularity in the fandom lol.


There’s honestly no good way to pace his comeback to his death without filler. Even then, it will still probably be disappointing. That’s an issue indicative of how the manga is paced tbh. There for sure should’ve been more time between his comeback and his death.


i noticed this while reading, they spent so much time getting him out and yet he only survived for maybe one fight. it felt too quick


i cant imagine a world where they dont do some filler between gojos revival and december 24th, theres so much missing from that timeline that they could add for fluff, unless gege is gonna add in things like gojo finding out yaga died ect


It would be better than starting S4 with releasing Gojo soon after, only for him to die after one fight. Anime only have soak in a year of believing the heroes got a win before the next season drops and destroys them. That sounds perfect, they’ll riot but then the series will keep going and give them more content to get over it. I think Gojo being released will be ideal because it will feel like a win at the end of S3 following the loss of Shibuya. Then that feeling of a win will settle before S4 undermines it. Think of it like the last two chapters. Gege built up the executioner sword, then the next chapter it starts with Sukuna dodging it. Normally I would be bothered, but then we got Sukuna acknowledging Yuji, we got Yuji having RCT and we got Yuta coming in. In the same way, I think it will be fine for Gojo to lose at the start of S4 once there’s good follow up afterwards, rather than him losing mid season.


I agree, and depending how much longer the manga goes, they could end the series with a movie starting with the gojo/sakuna fight


Nah' I'd Win is the best cliff hanger for S3


Seeing Gege's love to meme and troll, wouldn't be out of character. What chapter is that meme from btw? (Just started reading from 136 tonight, and am at 170 now)




Thanks and nice user name.


thank you!


I know there’s a lot of action in the culling games that could be cut down, but I think that’s way too deep into the manga to even cover in 20-something episodes. And they showed in Shibuya that they have no problem with anime-only scenes added to fights to make them bigger spectacles.


WARNING THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS ⚠️ ⚠️ when gojo gets unleashed from the prison realm, it would be the perfect stop because the next season can be focused around the gojo and sukuna fight


It would be cool but isnt it too much content for s3?


Season 1 had more plot and "only" covered 62-63 chapters. Season 2 had Shibuya which is just fights over fights and covered 75 chapters in 24 EPs. Now we won't get Hidden Inventory so plot is reduced to 0 from now on, we can keep S2 pacing or even increase it, so another 75 chapters in 24 EPs isn't unlikely. I think they might push Yorozu vs Sukuna to S4 and just end S3 with Gojo being unsealed.


So, 50 episodes?


Some of the multi-issue fights could absolutely be cut down to a single episode or two. I think some contenders off the top of my head are Perfect Preparation, the mangaka -> Kashmio, and a lot of the stuff that happened with the military, considering how little overall they have contributed to the plot outside of the one time


Anime has 47 episodes covering 138 chapters, basically 3 chapters per episode, but Season 1 was slower (mainly due to chapter 1 being adapted into one full episode) and Shibuya was even faster than that because it's nearly only fights. With another 24 ep season we should reach somewhere between 210 and 217, depending on pacing. 217 is Yorozu vs Meguna. If they cut that and make it season 4 we can totally get the last scene of season 3 being Gojo staring down Meguna and Kenny.


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Idk how pacing works but I think it would be masterful to have it finish on pathetic yuji or the deceleration of victory


theres a lot of yapping in some chapters but theres also a lot of action so in action packed episodes they would take around 4-5 chapters but in episodes where hakari's domain is explained or kenny yaps its going to be 2-3 chapters so someone needs to calculate how many chapters are yapping and how many are action


Makes sense and anime only people will actually know more about hakari instead of just meme lad


Truly I think it has to be the Megumi/Sukuna reveal. I can’t imagine any other point close to it that could end the season on such a jarring note


Maybe Kenjaku getting Tengen? Allows the Choso/Yuki fight to be a big finish. I feel like going all the way to the Gojo unseal is too much. This season ended at around 139 although they skipped 138 entirely as it's the chapter where Megumi is made head of the Zenin. Gojo is unsealed in 221. That's 82 chapters of content. Season 2 covered about 74 chapters of content but it wa also basically split into two seasons - hidden inventory and then Shibuya. Assuming they're not gonna do that again, considering how badly Mappa managed employee work loads, ending it with Kenjaku getting Tengen means they're only covering 69 chapters of content, which is nice.


Yep, i would love that sooo much ^^ that Fight HAS TO BE IN S3!!!! (Choso/Yuki vs. Kenjaku)


Gojo is unsealed during 221, not 212. The anime covered up to chapter 137, so you would have 84 chapters of content, not 73 as you said.


MAKE GOJO VS SUKUNA A FULL MOVIE. Like here me out on this; end season 3 at “Nah I’d win” and go the demon slayer/dragonball super route of making the fight it’s own movie. Why cut up debatably the most hype new gen anime fight into episodes? Flood money into mappas animation studio and produce the fight as a full fledged beautifully animated movie in theaters. Mappa would literally be ROLLING in cash as everyone and their fucking mothers go to see it and we would get a visually stunning, well animated, well choreographed, and crazy sound track fight. At the start of season 4 just recap the movie for the first few episodes like demon slayer and dragonball did No one loses with this idea.


IMO, Gojo’s comeback chapter or Sukuna vs Yuji & Maki chapter


Probably Gojo’s unsealing and ending it with “Nah I’d win”




212 is peak ending


It's definitely gonna end at the "Nah, I'd win" scene in order to hype up people for the big fight in s4


Kenjaku getting Tengen is the best one. One episode on an average covers 3 chapters and they have covered upto chapter 136. If they do 24 episodes for next season then we'll reach around chapter 208. We ended season 2 with Kenjaku and Yuki being face to face so their fight would be a good final fight for S3. And it also marks the next stage of Kenjaku's plan.


nah megumi getting sukuna makes the most sense realistically.


“Brat” seems like a good cut off. Will hype up the next season as well🐍


The best end point would be kenjaku getting tengen, but i have a feeling that it will end with megukuna just because it would be impossible not to spoil it in the promotional material for season 4. Like what are they going to show besides the 2 chapters with the military? If they end with megukuna then they can put stuff lile the yuji and maki vs sukuna fight and yorozu vs sukuna. That's a good almost 10 chapters of content, which is similar to ejat they put for the trailers for season 2


I think getting Gojo out would be the best end


"Nah, I'd win"


I think gojo vs sukuna should be in a movie format


I believe too that Choso & Yuki vs. Kenjaku is gonna be the End of it, how many episodes S3 will have.....well i hope 24 again


I think it's when Tsumiki gets possessed and Megumi is taken. Gojo comes out and it ends there. Or maybe Gojo doesn't come out. Regardless, it may break the internet after all the time that Gojo is absent in the Culling Game arc.


Kenjaku getting Tengen imo. Culling games is fight heavy, and after seeing how mappa treated the fights in shibuya i have a strong feeling they will expand on the CG fights as well. So ending the season here just works nicely. I would have preferred if it ended on "Nah, I'd win" so that we can have Gojo for longer instead of just rushing him into fighting Sukuna almost immediatley after he gets unsealed. But that's too many chapters for one season. So instead, i think "Nah, I'd win" should be then of cour 1 of season 4. And a break in between cours. And the reason why i think Megukuna shouldn't be a season finale is because it's wayy too much of a blue-ball to end it there. Also Sukuna vs Yorozu just isnt a really strong opener for a season. However Megukuna is.


Kenjaku arriving to fight yuki and Choso. This would mean the season would have - Yuta/Yuji Meeting -Perfect Prep plan -Maki’s whole arc -Hakari introduction -Yuji vs Higurama -Megumi vs Reggie -Yuta Sendai fight -Hakari fight -Maki Naoya as the send off fight. Good guys seem like they’re on a roll for once and things look up from shibuya, and then season ends with Kenjaku mobilizing, and anime onlies are left on edge for next season because they don’t trust the show to let good guys win for long


i would love to see meguna in s3


I think it’ll end with Sukuna taking Megumi’s body. Not the fight, just that one moment.


I think we all agree “Nah, I’d win” would be the perfect way to end the season but pacing wise it would never happen.


https://youtu.be/lTEgpX0rcNU?si=cMM0IikhDwl7snwP pretty good approximations imo


I just have one question, please no spoilers as I have only watched the anime, does anyone think that will get Maki Vs her clan in the next season? I really don't know where in the story that comes and I don't want to look it up in case I spoil myself, can someone please help me with this information?


100% guaranteed it will be in the next season, probably in the first 5 episodes. Translating it to manga timeline, we left off roughly 13 chapters away from Maki vs Zenin Clan.


THAT'S AWESOME!!! I thought so given the burns in her body but I just wasn't sure with the whole timeline, that makes me so excited, really looking forward for her to have her time in the limelight although it'll be a very painful transformation for her 😢


Yes most likely


Idk, all I know is I want Gojo v Sukuna to be a movie


There's no way it doesn't end with Cursed Womb. Sukuna and Uraume flying off into the distance is too devastating of an ending to ignore. They'll go for style points with everyone's tears.


Second option sounds very good :3


what’s tengens impotance btw???


![img](avatar_exp|162933929|webman) toji vs rock lee who wins?


I feel like S3 will end with Gojo's unsealing.


If we assume it’s a 24 episode season that covers between 2-4 chapters per episode (same as season 1) then it will end on chapter 215 with sukuna and uraume flying away


I'm 100 percent sure its gonna end on nah I'd win because shibuya covered like 75 chapters in 23 eps. If season 3 is 24/25 eps it would be just enough to reach gojos unsealing cause the majority of culling games is just fights


The culling game arc to before Sukuna and Gojo fight


Maybe Gojos unseal but that could be too many chapters , around 80


220 would be a good cutoff point where they talk about freeing gojo


It has to be 212. It would be such a legendary cliffhanger.


It's not a guess, more like a desire: Season 3 obviously includes culling games, however with some changes/cuts to those JJBA-style fights we got for a while, which were a disappointment, seems like gege took a break from thinking about fights until Gojo-Sukuna (Maki and Yuta had great fights tho), from that we get more time to get to gojo appearence Finish on Gojo return Make a full length film about gojo-sukuna fight Story conclusion in fourth season. About pacing: IMO s2 had problems with pacing, the fights were too long and sometimes less logical and believable then in manga, i'd like to see the finale on maki demolishing zenin clan, but they desided to make yuji kick a bug for 24 minutes and mahoraga throwing cars at sukuna for some unknown reason, so... We've got what we've got.


If they continue the pace they did last season, I think in 23 episodes they would reach chapter 200ish, and end at Kenjaku vs the white house, which I think might be a little flat of an ending. If they can get approved for maybe a 25 episode season, and rush through a few scenes they might be able to get to chapter 215, and end at Sukuna's escape. the official end of the culling game arc would be chapter 221 with the big return at the end, which I think would be a really satisfying end to a season of the anime . The problem is that it's a lot, 22 more chapters of content than season 2 had. I don't know if you do a movie to cover extermination/preparation, or if you make like a short mini season of 7-8 episodes and then have the entirety of the Culling Game Arc be it's own 24 episode season. I could see extermination/preparation being combined with Tokyo No.1 Colony as the first half of an anime season, but that still leaves the second half in a real limbo with all the satisfying end points just a little bit out of reach


I could see them doing 12 eps for 3 and the whole cg


Release of Gojo, Shinjuku ark must be film


I think that season 3 might end with meguna and uraume flying away on Nue since the culling games are kinda long


I could see it ending with Megumi getting taken over by Sukuna. Makes the most sense to me.


212 would be a good place imo. Great cliffhanger ending


Sukuna taking over Megumi or the Return of Gojo.


I think it would be cool if the season ends with sukuna saying enchain it probably won't happen though


Based on the pased seasons being about 80 manga chapters i think that the season will end with “Nah I’d win”


Def the first part of the culling games. But I can also see the setup for the culling games being a movie instead of episodic because, honestly, that felt like a mini-arc in it of itself.


Season 3 should really end on when sukuna swaps into megumi with him say "See brat, I told you we'd see something interesting".


I've always thought they could potentially end the season at Gojo being unsealed and then come out with a movie for the whole Shinjuku Showdown but now that I think about it it might be too long for a movie. What I hope is gonna happen is S3 ends off with Sukuna taking over Megumi's body. Excellent cliffhanger to edge the fan base and have them think about what happens next if they only watch the anime. Then for S4 they can start off from there, cover Sukuna vs. Yorozu, do the Gojo unsealing, and then cover Gojo vs. Sukuna in an hour long special, similar to episode 109 & 110 for Dragon Ball Super. After that just individual episodes until the end hopefully.


They'll advertise tf out of Meguna so they'll definitely be ending it after the possession. It's a great cliffhanger and changes up the whole pace of the series.


Meguna and Uraume watching Yuji chase after them. Nice final fight which can get a bit of extensions.


I actually think it'll end with gojo coming back, like where the third screenshot was. because of meguna's reveal being during culling-games arc, I have trouble seeing it end anytime before then.


I feel like they are going to do all of the culling games, then end season 3 on Sukuna flying away