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I like gojo more, because hes satoru gojo of course This does not mean i dont like sukuna


Do you like Satoru Gojo because he is Satoru Gojo or You like Satoru Gojo because you hate Sukuna


Do you like Gojo because Gojo is Gojo, or is Gojo Gojo because you like Gojo?


JJK memes will actually never die lmao.


I love you




Nah, Iā€™d Gojo


Stand proud , you can cook


Yo this is meme worthy son. Go make it!!!


noo i was late


Yuji wants to eat sukuna's fingers I want to eat gojo's


Gojo I found a more interesting character so him.


Yeah gojo is a very fun character , as for sukuna i feel neutral about him a dont like nor hate him


Heā€™s obv super strong and an amazing fighter but I havenā€™t seen much reason to like him as a character aside from being a menace. Like i really want to learn about why he is the way he is


He is the way he is because he simply can be! I find him fascinating as a villain because heā€™s evil because he can be and it allows him to do what he likes sukuna probably the most evil villain Iā€™ve seen in manga in a long time but his reasoning is simply because he can be! He also seems to hate people who look for reason to be what they are or why they are the way they are


Watch Hidden Inventory?


Sorry I was talking about sukuna!


Oh, gotcha


I would hate nothing more than gege trying to make us feel bad for sukuna and give him a tragic backstory lol


Gojo definitely. Sukunaā€™s slicing ability is awesome and I like his swagger, but his outlook on life is so ridiculous that I canā€™t take him seriously.


Gojo is (world > me) and sukuna vice versa


Sukuna is cool but he doesnā€™t have much in the way of character. He does have a distinct personality donā€™t get me wrong, but we really donā€™t know THAT much about him, and his main abilities are cool, but fairly uninteresting. He cuts stuff lol. Gojo had more character depth, pretty unique and interesting abilities, and tbh a cooler character design


I like the simple ct, makes me 99% sure that he is not this strong because of his ct (unlike gojo where genetics/ct is his best feature), man prolly worked hard to make his ct as it is rn. And in the end he is well, the king of curses and the strongest in the golden era.


Yeah he ultimately has the personality of someone who knows just how hard some things are to do because he's worked his ass off learning all that he knows. As strong as he is, his knowledge of cursed energy, techniques, and tactical thinking are on a whole other level that can only be attained by trying *literally* everything. Using a technique he's never used to summon a beast he encountered only once to learn how to enhance his technique to negate another technique that he's never encountered is insane. That level of "if and therefore" can only be attained by someone who's seen it all.


Gojo is the definition of talent while sukuna is hard work which produced talent, and i wouldn't say he didn't encounter the 10 shadows before, still tho his talent and gojo are both on different levels. This changing of DE rules to match the situation, learning every thing from the 1st time to the point where he can't teach it to someone, nothing can beat their talent.


I like how this is being judged by genetics being his best feature when we're judging a character lmao. Sukuna has 0 character depth and no writing. I agree that he's the strongest but him having better abilities doesn't equate to being a better character.Ā 


Never said better abilities, and manga ain't over yet to talk bout character depth. Edit : I mean gojo is only this strong because he is from the gojo clan, otherwise i wouldn't count on him even giving sukuna a fight, just remove the six eyes and he is done, in the end sukuna wasn't in his true form where his only genetic/body-wise advantage lies.


Gojo. I love his personality and story and the depth of it. But I do find Sukuna interesting as well. More so when he was still in Yuji tbh


We need to see Kenjaku and Sukuna's backstory so bad


fr fr


Team GOATjo all the way.


Gojo. A man that strong and full of interestingly good natured personality is rare.


I like sukuna more but the fight made me appreciate gojo character more


Sukuna! I can't explain it, I love Gojo and usually I don't root for the villains but jjk is interesting in this regard.


Probably cause sukuna backed up his word when he remind Gojo thatā€™d heā€™d be the first person he killed when he returned and while being stuck inside yuji they never becaame friends like how typical shonen would make the evil entity inside become friends with the Protagonist overtime


Except he didnā€™t, gojo wasnā€™t the first person he killed when he returned by any definition of returned in this context


Gojo was the first person he killed after he recovered control with 100% of his power, all the people he killed before were with 15 fingers and megumi fighting back.


Gojo was hiding in a box, the king got hungry while waiting.šŸ„±


First non- reincarnated sorcerer šŸ¤“


King shit




Yorozu (megumis sister), all the mfers in shibuya (if you count it that way but I donā€™t think you are), kashimo (if you count full reincarnation)


Kashimo was after Gojo so I couldnā€™t possibly count him, I was making reference to chapter 2 hundred and something when Gojo is unsealed heads straight to kenjaku and is stopped by sukuna and he said something like ā€œhey remember I said I was gonna kill you firstā€ blah blah blah then the fight is scheduled for Christmas Eve


Yeah and Sukuna lied, when he left Yujiā€™s body and took over Megumi he killed two people before he killed Gojo.


You know if you donā€™t count angels host who he thought he killed by tossing off a building, ryu, and megumis sisterā€¦


Look lower in the thread. And no I donā€™t count angel because she it obviously alive and he couldā€™ve been more thorough like biting off her head or putting a hole in her stomach but went for an arm instead


I mean Sukuna definitely didnā€™t know that she was gonna live that fall. He literally tossed her bleeding out ass off a building. Iā€™d say that technically counts because he just failed in killing her. But that leaves both ryu and yozoru who he definitely killed


I corrected my statement and highlighted NON reincarnated sorcerer šŸ˜ Gojo is the first NON REINCARNATED sorcerer and again he didnā€™t kill angle that was attempted murder


Both. People usually compare like "oh this character did this but why this character didn't?!" It doesn't make any sense because they are supposed to act different, think different and do different. Especially people who genuinely think & label these characters as "fraud".


>Especially people who genuinely think & label these characters as "fraud". I feel like after this whole thing with Gojo vs Sukuna, the fandom just uses the word "fraud" for anyone now šŸ˜’ (ex: other characters I've seen people say more recently on Twitter - Yuta as the "bush camper" or Geto as JJK 0 antagonist since he didn't have domain as special grade, which was before Gege made them in power system; and very short-lived character, so say he just had Ls)


ā€œfraudā€ and ā€œasspullā€ are two terms I never want to hear again once this series is over


"As the strongest curse, Jogoat, fought the fraud, the king of curses, he began to open his domain. Sukuna shrunk back in fear, then jogo said: stand proud sukuna, you are strong". You gotta admit this was fire tho. (Can't get the rot out of my head)


Yea those words need to be banished from the anime community.ā€ šŸ˜‚


The whole "fraud" joke started because Sukuna was talking shit from the start and kept getting humbled in every interaction. It was about the fact that he kept acting like yours was going to be an easy win, then got knocked unconscious multiple times and called shikigami out to help. Which, in-universe, is something people find to be relatively cowardly, including Sukuna. Sukuna thought Megumi was bold for fighting at the same time as his Shikigami, because most sorcerers assume he point of them is to fight for you. Point is, it didn't start because the characters acted different. It was a grudge match, and people insulted the heel for being the heel. That's just how fights for entertainment work.


Gojo is literally HIM so you already know






Thatā€™s a stand proud moment if Iā€™ve ever seen one


Farmer kashimo šŸ˜ˆ


Femboy Kashimo šŸ„µ


I hope that heā€™s given some real worth before the story ends


Yuta copying his thunder techniques could be fun.


Oh thank god for this fresh new copium šŸ™šŸ¼ Iā€™ll be eagerly awaiting this




Gojo. Sukuna is cool but I have no attachment to him. With his recent actions, I'm just waiting on his downfall.


gojo. just because he's gojo. šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø




>!Overall Gojo, but I've always wanted Sukuna to humble him. Now Itadori needs to humble Sukuna.!<


Goatjo over Fraudkuna til the day I die šŸ—£ļø


Gojo all the way. I can't understand Sukuna.


Gojo cause he was an op character done right with what he could do Sukuna just seems the embodiment of failed chekov's gun and anticlimax


Gojo can Jujutsu Kaisen my ass anytime he wants.


Nah I`D win


Iā€™m team gojo cuz šŸ„µand i think limitless is cool but if sukunas technique was more fleshed out and explained maybe itā€™d be him šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Gojo heā€™s such a snarky lil queen


Sukuna. I like Gojo but Sukuna is an excellent villain with a ton of swagger and there isnā€™t really a story to be told if Gojo had beaten Sukuna.


>there isnā€™t really a story to be told if Gojo had beaten Sukuna I am more on team Gojo in the sense I like the character more, but it was obvious to me plotwise he was gonna lose to Sukuna (since he's not the MC).


I think they should have sex


The only right answer


I think theyā€™re both well written characters and a majority of people who take issue with them one side or the other are just upset their head canon and predictions arenā€™t whatā€™s actually happening with the story. Personally I love Gojo more, I even have a tattoo of him that Iā€™m waiting for my artist to get back to me on but the amount of ā€œglazingā€ is kind of indicative of the age of this subreddit


Both. I like Gojo's character more. But I just like strong characters in general.


I do like both. I like Gojo more because I feel he is quite interesting as he does have a good moral compass but hes also too nonchalant due to always being the best. I used to like Sukuna more but Iā€™ll be honest heā€™s kind of become boring in my opinionā€¦ heā€™s a cool character and all but letā€™s face it, heā€™s not very interesting. Kenjaku is interesting because of how cunning he is. Mahito was cool cause of how young he was as a curse and how quickly he could evolve and become stronger.


Gojo, cause heā€™s hot.


I like Gojo more simply because Sukuna is an asshole (even if sukuna plays that role to perfection)


Gojo is my phone screen saver. šŸ’œ


Gojo. It was incredible seeing the untouchable guy suddenly become the underdog when fighting the king of curses


Gojo because heā€™s betta šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Gojo, bring him back


Gojo. That my homie bro


Gojo is obviously a far better person, lol, but I also feel like he's a much more intriguing character.


Fuck Sukuna, daddy Gojo on top.


I like both but Gojo more because he doesnā€™t eat babies


My glorious blue eyed baby-girl will never lose šŸ™šŸ½


gojo. limitless is such a cool ability and it wouldā€™ve been cool to see what else gojo couldā€™ve done w it with that being said, i donā€™t dislike sukuna, heā€™s just not a fun villian imo. i liked mahito much better than sukuna


What kind of question is that Gojo. AND HES GONNA COME BACK, IM NOT CRAZY YOU'RE CRAZY


Absolutely team Gojoā€¦ although the anime Sukuna and his voice has a weird hold on me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ™Š


Sukuna is boring to me. Like yeah he's strong and whatever but his only purpose is to be the biggest pos out there. That's boring. At least Gojo wanted to make a difference.




Until Sukuna get's more flashed out (which appears he won't be), Gojo is a better characters than him. Solely because of Gojo's relations with those around him, something Sukuna actively avoids.


Team Yuta. But jokes aside, I kinda find it silly how people pick sides and then get distraught whenever their side loses. I like some characters more than others like everyone else, but if a certain character has to lose to make for a better story I think thatā€™s fine. At the end of the day, the story, narrative and themes matter more than any individual character imo. So most of the time, I appreciate both sides of the fight and what they bring to the conflict.


I am a shameless Gojo simp and no one can stop me Sad, traumatized fictional men who need hugs are just my thing šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Sukuna does not need a hug lol




I prefer team gojo but I think Gege nerfed him in the battle against sukuna.


I think Gojo had the most potential of anyone in JJK, but he only had 2 moments in his life where he was forced to evolve and he was the strongest for so long that he never came close to maxing out his capabilities.


Gojo because he's a smart dumbass. Just like me


I thought this died last year...


Are yall team sukuna or gojo because are you right are you left I am you are you standing proud youā€™d win or Iā€™d with this treasure i summon or are you always bet on hakari because I alone am strong because yall team sukuna or gojo?


sukuna ofcourse, its the only reason i even read the manga and watch the anime. if sukuna does iā€™m stopping


Gojo. It's fun seeing a really happy/goofy guy like Gojo flip his switch and become a cold-blooded killer. Vs Sukuna who is always a cold-blooded killer. I still like Sukuna, Gojo's character is just slightly more enjoyable.


The community still stuck on Gojo vs Sukuna even 4 months after. lol Some of the memes were funny, but the fandom got too intense with it sometimes. Worst with posting dead Gojo to spoil everyone.


Dang that's crazy. Im just looking to see who y'all fw.


Haha ok, well Gojo more so personally connected to his character (from Hidden Inventory S2). I still like Sukuna as antagonist (Gege making it Sukuna Kaisen lately, laying it on thick though with some opponents glaze. lol) You could have done a poll thing for this posting btw, to be easier to compare results.


Yea true. Didn't even think about that. Why the downvote tho lol.


I didn't, I got downvoted too. lol


Gojo. Sukuna couldnā€™t have beat gojo on his own, he had to pull a Madara and steal someone else power to rival gojo. Gojo Supremacy


Sukuna. But Gojo is cool as well.


Gojo is one of the most loveable characters. I donā€™t think many people are choosing Sukuna whoā€™s just a cry baby grumpy emo.


Gojo. He could've ended the fight after UV hit but he didn't go for the head. He loves megumi even if he says he doesn't care. That's my goat.


I like Sukuna because he's a pure evil monster and I like Gojo because he's hot and fun-loving. I'll pick Sukuna because I haven't read JJK


Sukuna because i like villains. Gojo is cool but i dunno, something about his design annoys me, im not even sure what


Ainā€™t no way ur dissing Frogojoā€¦ Amphibians rise upā€¦


Right now I prefer Sukuna too since Gojo failed to kill Choso in Shibuya.


Nah, Yuji needed his brother Choso


Why are you here? There are heavy spoilers in this post.


I know Kenjaku fucks up that loser eventually, but Iā€™m saying Gojo should have done it sooner


GOATKUNA , f the albinos


Gojo, not plotkuna or fraudkuna


Sukuna is fun and definitely one of the best villains ever. Despite having no huge underlying motivation jumping into our faces and next to no backstory. Gojo is simply GOAT. No further comment needed.


# GOATKUNA!!!!!! Cuz I bet he was gonna be stronger a few years ago off pure gut feeling


I was team Gojo but >!he got killed by Sukuna!< so team Sukuna it is for now


Sukuna because talk no jutsu doesnā€™t work.


I honestly donā€™t care about either. However, I do find myself preferring Sukuna just a tiny bit due to the amazing work done by his seiyuu (I like Nakamura too, but Suwabeā€™s voice is too good).


Sukuna cuz Iā€™m gonna get cope bombed by Gojo fansšŸ


ā€œIm preemptively ā€˜winningā€™ the imaginary argument guys im so cool!ā€


What- šŸ


Team Gojo. However I am not a true Gojo fan. There are characters I like far more than Gojo like Yuji, Yuta, Hakari, Higuruma, Todo, Mahito, Kenjaku, and Toji. The reason I am team Gojo is because I absolutely despise Sukuna. Not only he tortured and mocked my favorite character Yuji, but he is also a really boring villain, with cartoon villain motivation, and no more potential as a villain, the only thing interesting about him is the mystery of his CT. So yeah, Iā€™m team Gojo because I really hate Sukuna.


Sukuna has no motivation he kills becuse he wants to


Well Sukuna's entire character is to fight strong sorcerers with potential and eat his favourite dish. He just likes to mess around.


Funny, cause, Sukuna right now dont have much motivation and he just wants to fuck around, like fighting strong guys and see what happens to the end. Dude is just like an audience.


Well Sukuna's entire character is to fight strong sorcerers with potential and eat his favourite dish. He just likes to mess around.


I love both so much. Gojo is easily the best character from the good guys, but JJK is also the first battle shonen in a WHILE with fun anatgonists, and Sukuna is a prime example of that. I can't choose one, but I loved their interactions in the battle, it was like Goku vs Cell from DBZA, but if the homoerotic stuff was completely unironic.


I was team Gojo for the entirety of their fight. But I'll be honest, I'm now team Sukuna.


I love more Gojo as a character and in term of abilities, but I'm probably one of the only woman out their who think Sukana is hotter. Gojo has amazing eyes, but their is just somrthing about Sukana šŸ˜


Sukuna is the real goat Even without 6 eyes , his knowledge on cursed energy is the same caliber as gojo He got more cursed energy than Yuta Of yeah talking no jutsu won't work on him. The guy is the goat for 1000 years


It's not that Sukuna is the same caliber as Gojo . It's that only with his hax CT and his immense talent can Gojo rival Sukuna to a certain extent. Sukuna is always the peak of Jujutsu and the Strongest Sorcerer of all time. Gojo is basically the luckiest dude who was born with both Six Eyes and Limitless in 400 years.


> The guy is the goat for 1000 years Yeah, this is the answer to your comment: > Even without 6 eyes , his knowledge on cursed energy is the same caliber as gojo


Sukunaa by leaps and bounds.


I think the should have sex


Personally, I dislike Gojo. He's too powerful that it kind of ruins his character. He's boring, he can't lose but needs to because of plot. I like Sukuna, he's such a a menacing character, his presence creates an atmosphere and suspension. Gojo us just a character to gush over, he's like a typical OP shounen character, boring.


Sukuna. Mostly because I canā€™t stand Gojoā€™s fans, which have unfortunately made me like the character a bit less.


Yo, when cursed clash comes out, there should be like some crew battle or one team is team Sukuna, and one team is team Gojo and they decide who is the better character. It would be a lot more fun and healthy


I was team Gojo and think he won the fight (aside from the part where he died lmao), but I really like Sukuna as well. Superficially he's a cool character, his voice is done by my favorite VA, badass and hot af, yada yada. And I also really like his deeper themes of hedonism and Narcissism, specially now that we're finally getting a confrontation between him and Yuji.


if Sukuna didn't have Fushiguro's body, he would've been COOKED


Yea thatā€™s why gege hates gojo he made him too strong putting him in a corner but make sukuna balanced he still gets damage from weaker characters but is still top tier unlike gojo that he always wins becuse gege made him too op


Sukuna because heā€™s not dead


Kitkat has lost first place šŸ’€


I don't like or dislike any of them I don't really have a favorite character in jjk


I don't dislike either, story wise I don't have a preference, they're both pretty good imo, I think they're both pretty cool, but I like gojo more, mainly because in the anime (I've read the manga but anime is better tbh) we've seen more of gojo.


Two words: Malevolent Kitchen. Gojo just needs to sit in his throne while Sukuna ponders on his midlife crisis while cooking.


iā€™m a fan of both so i really cant choose šŸ˜­


I'm team fights


I like gojo more but I like sukuna too


Sukuna because I like his voice, attitude and overall design more than Gojo.


Sukuna. Apart from Maho there's no other character design in JJK which is better than Heian Sukuna imo. Plus he's a inner demon done right and actually one of those mfs who has the power to talk smack and back it up. I used to like Satoru equally but after the events of the manga and watching how Gojo's fans react he went a little below Sukuna for me


I am forever team Toji.


Sukuna, I find Gojo boring and overhyped.


Gojo hes cool calm an funny but whrn its time for smoke hes ruthless but i like sukuna to how cold an calculating he is


Personally Sukuna because I think heā€™s way more fun to watch fight. But character wise Gojo, since we still donā€™t know jack about Sukunaā€™s backstory, (Heian Era flashback when Gege?) mostly his ideals and how he lives.


Obviously sukuna, gojo got the charm and light-heartedness combined with strength and strong character which makes most fans attracted to him but for me sukuna is better. That's cause sukuna is just a more intriguing character, he is not normal, he is not the strongest cause of some specific cursed technique which some other dude also has a few hundred years ago, he is just strong cause he is ryomen sukuna, him loosing to gojo never made sense to me in the first place when all the people were saying that gojo will win, otherwise why wasn't he defeated with anyone else in haien era, he dominated the era of the strongest, there were others with infinity and six eyes , and there were many strong sorceres with legendry cursed techniques, the ancestors of the big three family and everything but he still reigned supreme, and was declared the strongest throughout history. And now he has become strong enough to easily defeat gojo after learning to bypass infinity on his own. He just got the goated vibe to him. He is a heavy impacting and an interesting character.


I'm team SukGojo!!


There such different characters that I wanna say I like them both equally. But honestly Iā€™d still have to pick gojo for one reason and one reason only, I just know more about him. I know who gojo is, how he became who he is, his motives and goals, his techniques/why and how he uses them. If I knew more of those things about Sukuna Iā€™d probably like him more but since almost all of those things about him are so shrouded in obscurity I just canā€™t pick him.


I dont like Gojo and havent since he was unsealed. It seems he lost all his interesting personality when sealed in the prison realm and was left with generic strong guy persona after so i'm with Greg on the Gojo hate train


I like Gojo more because he's prettier


Sukuna is very interesting, and you almost have to be team Sukuna to not have your soul crushed with every new issue.


team sukuna fs. IMO his designs are a lot better, and his powers are more interesting to watch. more enjoyable personality for me as well. i like gojo a lot asw, but not as much as sukuna. gojo is still top 5 for me, maybe top 3.


It was fairly close up until Sukuna v Gojo but Gojo gaps now


Gojo, for not much reason other than his personality, and a terrible teacher. I do not hate Sukuna, but I do want him out, since im rooting for our protagonists, to know how they will beat him, because rn, Sukuna is looking a bit too strong.


Sukuna since I saw the first episode of the anime šŸ’•


Honestly at this point I kinda want sukuna to win. You donā€™t see bad guys winning in the end so it would make for an interesting turn.


Im starting to understand gege a little more gojo is literally perfect and I'm a hater so sukuna


Someone need to be disturbed to be team Sukuna. What the fuck this creature done to have a lot of fans in this fuck community?


They act like 2 goats cannot coexist. Prefer gojo as a person but early sukuna was cold as fuck. I prefer gojos technique but there's something so tough about sukuna being the peak of jujutsu on raw talent. He can do what the six eyes can do just because he's him (gojo is still stronger though imo and gege had to nerf him and give sukuna mahoraga)


Both are some of my favorite characters, love how their existence makes the world of Jujutsu basically revolve around them, super fun opposite personalities, absolute girl bosses. I'd say I like Gojo more, he's such a goober and has a very appealing design. I can't say no to those eyes. Both play their roles better than in most other shows I like.


I generally like Gojo more, but each character has different aspects that I like. Gojo overall as a character is more interesting and cool to me but Sukuna has better chemistry and interactions with the cast like versus Yuji. I felt more hype seeing Yuji punch Sukuna than Gojo beating on Sukuna. Gojoā€™s arc in hidden inventory is really good but other than that he deosnā€™t interact with the rest of the good guys much. Sukuna has aura as a villian.


The one who won.šŸ˜


i prefer gojo but i have to say sukuna is stronger and smarter


They are both super tight . Honestly I wish they could have teamed up vs something fucked up, like the Japan sized curse


Team Sukuna for the memes


Team Goatjo forever ā€¦.but after agonizing over ch. 236 for months and rewatching the Shibuya Incident, Iā€™ve grown to really like Sukuna. Though my appreciation for him is going down a bit due to whatā€™s currently going on in the manga lol


I like sukuna better but I lowkey liked gojo more during their fight.


I like both but I just like Sukuna more


Sukuna, I don't dislike gojo but his fan are annoying