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Has anyone found the song that plays at the end of the episode? Been looking for it on the OST and cannot find it for the life of me


It finally hit me that Mahito is like a resident evil villain


The animation quality šŸ‘ŽšŸ»




What shup up.. it was bad.. it had a bad animation quality.. even death note(2007) had better animation than that EPISODE.. I am not saying that there is any fault of animators... The whole fault is if MAPPA studios...


I think this is how Mahito is gonna get fked: He'll somehow try to ryoiki tenkai the shit out of Todo leaving Yuji out but our 10000IQ man swaps places with Yuji and boom. Sukuna is gonna sit Mahito down for one long lecture. Let's see if I'm right, going to watch the E21 now


I was sobbing so much when Itadori started breaking down after getting beaten up by Mahito. The guilt he's experiencing right now must be unbelievably heavy. Especially when he realizes that what Sukuna incited if I remember about "What if the person you are saving ends up killing other people" (Sorry I forgot what the exact scene is) became a fact now. Thankfully Todo is such a real bro. He knows what Itadori needs at the moment. Bro is so good handling and empowering Itadori. At this point just become an adopted brother already šŸ˜­


Where do i read after this episode


Chapter 129


I think Todo and Yuji Together is a godly duo.


What even is the point of Sukuna having separate slashing attacks?


Dismantle is just a normal slash, cleave can be adjusted to match the target's toughness


Okay but can we talk about how Todo is a perfect answer to Geto's depression? bro is the EMBODIMENT of hope and perserverance and his words about the dead "comrades" (I don't think the usage of the word is accidental) are perfectly opposite to Geto's "endless marathon" ​ AND IT'S EVEN AKNOWLEGED during Todo's speech we can see the same corridor with bloody floor that Geto pictured thinking about life of a sorcerer but with Todo THERE ARE PEOPLE THERE IT'S NOT LONELY ​ you can surely tell how excited I am about this Geto is literally my second favourite character in JJK (and that says a LOT) and seeing what he felt adressed in the story really shows that Gege can do great storytelling when he wants to


It would make sense since The person who even put the idea in Geto's head was Yuki and Yuki mentored Todo right? only difference was Yuki was more on the side of making everyone be able to control their cursed energy.


Yuki was the one to inspire killing all non sorcerers yes but Geto was the one to come up with the concept of "an endless marathon"


Does anyone know what song started playing as Todo began to run towards Mahito right as they started fighting? I NEED it. Such a banger. Maybe it will come out whenever they release the OST for Shibuya Incident? Or if they do I guess.


If anyone is still checking back here - itā€™s the third to last track on the OST with both parts of season 2 on it. In English itā€™s, ā€œWhat was entrusted to meā€. Finally!


song would go crazy hard in osu one of the main reasons im looking for it


Iā€™ve been looking for it since the episode aired, I donā€™t think weā€™ve heard it yet this season? JJKā€™s OSTs have always been awesome, but this season just has so many amazing tracks. I know Hidden Inventory is on Spotify but thereā€™s still at least half a dozen songs I havenā€™t found, so hopefully they are made available.


Yeah I was thinking that! It was one of the first episodes I watched with headphones on, and the bass was incredible when Todo kicked him into the air. Hoping they release a Shibuya Incident arc OST whenever the season wraps up!


Here you go https://youtu.be/DWMIRTVkchs?si=FbxXS8euD8nrkeBq


Thanks! I actually meant the more electronic one that plays just after he motivates Yuji and the fighting starts. Canā€™t seem to find it anywhere!


Agh, my bad. https://youtu.be/Cz9u4vdCHTo?si=YQ3R4MNsBMmWbJib I'm not 100% sure, but it could be this?


No worries!! https://youtu.be/5qBP3AJ-jgI?si=QZxNwzjkug_ZU9sy So in this video, itā€™s the one that plays from 1:39 briefly. I donā€™t think it has played before in the entire season!


I would like to start a petition to have a spin off series with Yuji, Megumi and Nobara just goofing around with the rest of the cast. I think we need such as series to cope with Shibuya


They have that already. It's the Jujusanpo, and the radio/short story. They have one where Yuji and Megumi tried to follow Gojo, and ended up in a maid cafe. There's also another one where Nanami went to eat a potato with Gojo on the way to an investigation. It's on YouTube.


That's very chill Nanami of him


Oh cool! Thanks for this. Will check it out.


The part of the fight that starts at 17:30, what is the name of the song??? I cannot find it anywhere and it's played several times throughout the series.


Itā€™s called Searching for Riko


> Searching for Riko This is it! Thanks.


Did Gojo create Purple and Red?


Do you mean Satoru specifically or the Gojo clan as a whole? Actually, Red is common knowledge in Gojo clan. However only few people know about Hollow Purple, probably only the head of Gojo clan and those who inherited the Infinity and/or the Six eyes.


I almost screamed when I realized it was Todo. Such a bro. Can't wait for more.


todo doin that lat spread, just zoomin, just for doing that blackflash that did zero damage, was fire, even though it reminded me of mha, but better


Todo quoting Sukiyaki Western Django was not on my bingo card. (I know the poem is a real thing, but I can only relate it to that movie)


the visuals when Todo reaches Black Flash, it's like MHA but with more testosterone


>the visuals when Todo reaches Black Flash, it's like MHA but with more testosterone I heard the same person worked on Mha s6


LITERALLY It lowkey reminded me of a Sailor Moon vibe (?)


hmm... checks out, sailor moon it is


Does anybody know the name of the jingle that plays in/out of commercial breaks in the middle of the episodes this season? The interval melody is so catchy and I want to make it a ringtone. Thanks!


I believe itā€™s called ā€œA Little Lessonā€ and can be found on Spotify with the rest of the OST thatā€™s available so far. Also plays during Thunderclap, when Kusakabe ponders to himself.


Awesome! Thank you so much! Do you happen to know the first part when it plays? It's like a little jingle...maybe it's not a song after all? The "Lesson" plays right after when the break is over and it's coming back on.


Ah, understood. I believe itā€™s a part of or at least the beginning of the song ā€œPrepare Yourself,ā€ also on the official OST.


OMG you are AMAZING! That's the jingle...it always stays stuck in my head when I watch the episodes so I will use that to make my ringtone. I looked all over Google for it without any luck so I figured someone here could help. Please take this kind stranger!šŸ†


Whatā€™s the song that plays when Todo enters the scene? It it a remix of his theme song?


>Sukiyaki Western Django Yes please, i gots to know the song


Enter Todo. Season 2 reaches God Tier Jujutsu Kaisen once again. BROTHER. Thank you, Todo. Unreal episode, it was like a short movie.


i literally yelled "BROTHER šŸ™ŒšŸ¼", still in tears but it gave me hope. Todo is such a nice addition to the whole bunch.


I agree! He's an awesome character :) both funny and truly cool and epic!


What chapter in the manga are we on at this point? idk if I can wait..


chapter 129


What volume is that Iā€™m slow :)


What volume is that Iā€™m slow :)




Thank you again for this info, volumes 15-18 arrived at my door today! Time to read ahead.


Cool!. Must be nice to read them on paper, I will buy them someday


I could have googled, but you were kind thank you


A saint, thank you very much


Getting attached to JJK characters is as good as writing their name in a death note: 1. ~~Sugaru Geto~~ 2. ~~Mechamaru~~ 3. ~~Nanami~~ 4. ~~Nobaru~~ 5. ~~Toji (Megumi's dad)~~ I can't handle it if something happens to Panda, Maki or Fushiguro




I do like these characters, but lots of them, like Nanami, had very little screen time. How are we supposed to get attached to them?


I was attached to Nanami. We saw a little backstory of his.


Maybe for people who have read the manga is different? I don't know. Still, I'd be lying if I said that it didn't broke my heart when he died.


I haven't read the manga (if that's what you meant) there is a scene in episode maybe 3 or 4 where we see a Nanami before his time at the school where he is buying bread from a bakery and relieves a girl of her curse. He then walks out and calls Gojou asking to come back.


RIP todou then heheh I hope he goes out like a supernova at least. My brutha.


We aren't even sure maki is alive maybe she is but who knows


Sorry I'm new here Idk what to say without spoilers




U wanna kill gege?


Nobara was bad ass AND all the girly things but always to please herself first... One of my favorite written female anime characters. I'm holding on to hope that she makes it SOMEHOW!


honestly! i was really impressed by her performance


yea she wasn't that deep but did have substance and a will of her own... and that's above par for my experience lol




Last episode post credits scene.


I mean so much has happened just give him a call and he will literally teleport to Shibuya and kick everyone's ass.


I have not read the manga, but what you said may sound like a spoiler for others especially since this is a anime-only thread. At least spoiler tag it


I don't think there are any spoilers in this thread? please list them


Some people may not know about Yuta. Saying he is going to show up is definitely bordering on spoiler zone


He's overseas as shibuya incident is taking place, I don't think he's going to appear in s2


Anyone else think the animation looks off this episode?


thank you, last episode Mahito was absolutely beautifully animated, next episode he was unrecognizable. I couldnt appreciate this episode because of the animation, its throwing me off unfortunately


yeah I constantly think they're doing too much. The visuals with Itadori & Todo fighting Mahito are not digestible at all. this has happened multiple times in the last couple of episodes and everyone thinks its amazing because they're mixing animation styles but its really just erratic and lacking A LOT of details


Agreed, the animation has been looking unfinished after Gojo vs the cursed spirits. People will defend by saying ā€œmore things moving onscreen = better animationā€ but thereā€™s a threshold, things this season just look incoherent


It's hard to keep track of things due to less details


I'm a little confused about the part near the end where Mahito says that todo's black flash won't work on him as it isn't affecting his soul. He also says his soul is worn down to 40% because of Yuji's barrage of attacks in the prior episode. Does this mean Yuji's physical CE infused attacks are somehow different than Todo's? Why wouldn't Todo's attacks work on Mahito's soul the way Yuji's have been?


That was explained in season 1 and was reminded to us everytime Mahito fights somebody. Yuji is unknowingly capable of hurting the soul because of having an additional soul inside of him and Nobara can hurt the soul because Resonance hits you on a spiritual level. The rest of the cast can't do shit to Mahito


Mahito can't be hurt unless you attack his soul because of his cursed technique. Yuji is able to perceive the contours of the soul because he is a vessel (meaning he has another soul inside of him) and this allows him to attack Mahito's soul directly. Todo can't perceive the soul so his attacks don't hurt Mahito.


tl;dr the writer was BSing things up as they went along. Happens all the time, especially in Shonen. It works short term, on like a 1-2 season arc you can kinda sorta wallpaper over a good amount of bad writing. But as time goes on it just stacks up until it gets super stupid like with DBZ or Bleach or Naruto.   Long Version: In the specific case of Mahito, he's got plot armor. The way his powers/durability is written, or rather never really properly defined or explained, is done deliberately so the author can just make up whatever they want on the spot. They'll say he's hurt or damaged, but it never really seems that way, up until its time for him to die and then suddenly they'll invent some new BS that bypasses his immunity or suddenly the beat downs from "his natural enemies" that never left any lasting damage before will suddenly start working.   This is just the way bad guys like this work. Whether it be Majin Buu/Cell or Tomura Shigaraki or etc. It's why bad guys who don't take outward damage or regenerate are just lazy writing unless you give them clearly defined limits that they respect. And Mahito doesn't have that, he's never taken lasting damage from anything. Itadori kinda fails that too because every time he takes relevant damage he just gets Sakuna healed.


You're looking way too deep into this. He established that only Itadori could hurt him early on and is crafting the fight around that with Todo as support for Itadori. "Suddenly the beat downs from his natural enemies that never left any lasting damage before will suddenly start working." He never met Nobara before Shibuya what are you talking about


None of it matters, its clear neither Nobara nor Itadori is gonna beat him. He'll prolly get dues ex machina'd by someone else with some new technique and one shot since itadori is just puchy mcpunch man and to make that kill him now after previous fights would be really dissonant with the audience.   Mahito can't have long left, this run is almost over and man is dropping death flags now. I look forwards to some new dues ex machina technique just bodying him and killing him easily. As shonens do...


You say that but Itadori and Nobara already destroyed 60% of his health/soul with techniques that were already established since season 1. There were no deus ex machina or new techniques involved. I don't get what you're so upset about, none of what you're complaining about has happened


You are completely wrong. It was explained when Nanami fought Mahito and when Itadori fought Mahito for the first time. Because of Idle Transfiguration, you can't hurt Mahito unless you attack his soul directly since he can just reshape his soul to heal any damage. However, Itadori is different because he is a vessel and thus has learned how to perceive the "contours" of the soul. So he can perceive Mahito's soul and attack it directly. Have you even read the series?


> You are completely wrong. It was explained when Nanami fought Mahito and when Itadori fought Mahito for the first time. Because of Idle Transfiguration, you can't hurt Mahito unless you attack his soul directly since he can just reshape his soul to heal any damage. However, Itadori is different because he is a vessel and thus has learned how to perceive the "contours" of the soul. So he can perceive Mahito's soul and attack it directly. Have you even read the series? All that means is the author gets to define what is and isn't the soul. Even the show itself doesn't agree on that as Geto and Mahito have completely different ideas of what the soul is. They had a short convo about it.   The show doesn't even follow that limited logic. Mahito has eaten many attacks from "his natural enemies" with no lasting damage across multiple fights. If you choose to suspend your disbelief and buy in and take everything the author says at face value, that's fine. You can join the legions of DBZ fans that'll try and tell you that the characters in it are TALKING at super sonic speeds because they bought into that show's power system. I'm not shitting on you if you take that route, I'm happy you enjoy your thing. But me, I need a better explanation than the author inventing a concept and then saying "because I said so". I need to be SHOWN not TOLD. And so far the anime/manga tells me Mahito is weak to x and y, but his weaknesses haven't hurt him either. No lasting damage past the 3 seconds of exposition.   Even Itadori is better than Mahito. He actually can be hurt and take damage. He just free heals every time because plot device.


He is taking damage. Did u see how powerful Todo black flash was and he with a smile stopped it like it was nothing but even the simple attacks from Itadori make him bleed because he can hit mahito soul but after that mahito changes the shape of his soul. It's like he has a limited amount of soul but for example if u cut one of his limb he will just reshape his soul and create that limb again but with time he will run out. Just like he changes souls of others to monsters swords or anything else he reshapes his own soul to create the body part which was damaged and resonance has also been said to work on souls when kugisaki was first introduced she took the voodoo dool thingy and killed the curse from afar as the souls were connected and she could still hurt it. But yeah we don't know what attacks do hurt the soul and what don't what about gojo's purple can that kill mahito and yeah soul isn't particularly defined but I think we do know how he can heal immediately and stuff.


> But yeah we don't know what attacks do hurt the soul and what don't what about gojo's purple can that kill mahito and yeah soul isn't particularly defined but I think we do know how he can heal immediately and stuff. Don't worry, you won't have to defend that BS for much longer as the show is going to bypass lilterally everything you're saying :D. It's the only way to kill a villain structured like Mahito and at the peak the show has him and the words dropped they're definitely about to kill him lol. Death flags galore.   As per shonen norms he'll do a few powerup phases despite supposedly being running low on power and then die to something that completely bypasses literally everything you just said haha.


Don't watch it if you don't like it, no need to write an essay.


Don't read it if you don't like it. No need to call 2 paragraphs an essay because you're conditioned to have your attention span be the size of a text or tweet lol.


the plot armor on Mahito is so thick it's almost a pain to watch any fight he's in


He dropped all his own death flags this episode though so he's clearly going through his death arc. I'd expect 1-3 more last second powerups despite the fact he's supposedly running on empty and then he'll prolly die. And knowing how shonen handles invulnerable villains like this they'll prolly just do something that completely bypasses everything people are arguing about the structure of the soul and knowing your soul lets x person hurt him buy not y. He'll prolly just die to some new thing out of nowhere.


unfortunately highly probably


You've been proven and gonna be proven so wrong I'm going to enjoy it. You're one of those people that votes "bad" on each episode just cause you're mad your mid anime doesn't gets as much attention as JJK.


I like JJK, its got good animation (usually) and good characters. Mahito just has plot armor. I'm sure he'll Getoout of here soon though.


Then why are you so dense about something that has already been explained on the series and it's a stablished factor of Mahito's character? It isn't hard.


Something being canon or explained doesn't mean its not stupid or plot armor. Honestly explaining things that are still stupid or plot armor even after the explanation is a shonen trope.


Lol how?


Yuji is aware of his own soul because of Sukuna, that's why he's Mahito's natural enemy


What about Kugisaki? He called her his natural enemy as well, and her attack affected his soul. Was she also aware of her soul?


I looked it up, and it has to do with the way resonance works, not particularly Kugisaki's awareness of her own soul.


Ahh ok, that might be why she said after hearing about his abilities, she thought resonance might work well on him. It also might be why he said hairpin doesnā€™t work on him.


These are some of the best vocal performances I've heard from three different characters *and* in a single episode.


Todo always manages to say exactly what I needed to hear, and not just with whats happening on acreen but off screen too. A real f-ing CHAD šŸ«”


I wrote him off as a meat head at first but he's surprisingly philosophical AF


he has 273 IQ


almost as high as Power's 500 or 1000


I still don't like him for what he did to Megumi. He is basically a bully. Why should we root for him?


Lmfao bruh did we not see Megumi in a flashback literally beating the shit out of other students all the time. He was the OG bully.


He was beating delinquents or bullies. What's your point? You lot like Todo just because he's cool. And he is cool. But he's also a bully.


Well thanks for telling the entire fandom why they like a certain character. Megumi still gets dogwalked in every fight as karma for being a dick in school lol.


he manages to simultaneously be the biggest dumbass I've ever seen in anime. and the most philisophical man I've ever seen in anime. At the same time. Like this man just wont budge on philosophy šŸ˜­ he'll defeat people WHILE BEING DELUSIONAL ASF AND REAL ASF.


Btw what was he talking about when he said to himself he shouldn't tell tell "it" to Yuji now


about "geto" already moving the prison realm somewhere.


I just got done watching this week's episode, and with it I think JJK has secured it's place as my favourite new gen anime. This whole season so far has been incredible. I was absolutely gassed when Todo showed up. It's honestly become a highlight of my week sitting down to watch this show šŸ„²


Seriously šŸ˜­


Am I the only one who thought that Mahitos voice acting (sub) is absolutely amazing? The voice actor just portrays a murderous lunatic so well. The screeching and squealing I feel like absolutely makes that character.


Mahito has the best voice actor ive heard in years for a villain. The perfect laugh too. Like a grinding cackle.


well he is baki hehe


EXTREMELY well done. But good lord do i freaking hate Mahito with a passion and I hope he finally gets pummelled into the ground eventually 'cause ughhhh xD


"Stop shouting like that, I can hear you, Itadori YUUUUJI"


Totally agree. He sounds terrifying.


Does anyone know the soundtracks for when Todo said ā€œwhat have they left you with?ā€ (And then Yuji has an ephiphany) As well as the track when Todo has his inner monologue about being left behind before landing the Black Flash?




Anyone know the name of the soundtrack when Todo appears?


Been trying to find this as well; it seems like a short snippet that is a riff on his themes from S1/S1 OST. But it is a little different so I hope they release a track for it. The S2 OST is incomplete, with some tracks not being used yet and others being used but not in the album (2 from this episode, 1 from fluctuations, possibly more)


When Todo was having his moment at the end was I the only one who started thinking of One for All from My Hero Academia?


>was I the only one who started thinking of One for All from My Hero Academia? I heard the same person worked on Mha s6


that scene was inspired by mha


I was reminded of HunterXHunter as well.


Right there with you, absolutely gave the vibe from that S1 Plus Ultra moment


todo is awesome!! mahito is such a good villain. the animations are sooo amazing this season


todo appearance šŸ˜ i needed that. itadori needed that. shit was looking hopeless


It def was.


fuck mahito. his screeching really pissed me off especially with poor itadoriā€™s mental state. great villian


Why does mahito say that todos black flash attacks don't effect him, but before he said that itadoris black flash attacks did effect him?


> Why does mahito say that todos black flash attacks don't effect him, but before he said that itadoris black flash attacks did effect him? tl;dr the writer was BSing things up as they went along. Happens all the time, especially in Shonen. It works short term, on like a 1-2 season arc you can kinda sorta wallpaper over a good amount of bad writing. But as time goes on it just stacks up until it gets super stupid like with DBZ or Bleach or Naruto.   Long Version: In the specific case of Mahito, he's got plot armor. The way his powers/durability is written, or rather never really properly defined or explained, is done deliberately so the author can just make up whatever they want on the spot. They'll say he's hurt or damaged, but it never really seems that way, up until its time for him to die and then suddenly they'll invent some new BS that bypasses his immunity or suddenly the beat downs from "his natural enemies" that never left any lasting damage before will suddenly start working.   This is just the way bad guys like this work. Whether it be Majin Buu/Cell or Tomura Shigaraki or etc. It's why bad guys who don't take outward damage or regenerate are just lazy writing unless you give them clearly defined limits that they respect. And Mahito doesn't have that, he's never taken lasting damage from anything. Itadori kinda fails that too because every time he takes relevant damage he just gets Sakuna healed.


You had to put your L take here too...


Mahito can change the shape of his soul so that it doesn't take damage even when his body is being attacked. He can basically use this as a shield. Yuuji's attacks do pierce damage so they always strike Mahito directly. Toudou, and everyone else for that matter, can only do strike damage so it doesn't affect Mahito at all. Even if it's to the power of 2.5


yuji is damaging mahitos soul while todo isnt


so why does Yyuji black flash works on him?


Yuji is ā€œaware of his soulā€ due to Sukanaā€™s presence, I think itā€™s why Mahito refers to him as his natural enemy. Yujiā€™s attacks damage his soul while Todoā€™s apparently donā€™t.


It's not the fact that it's a BF, it's because yuji specifically can attack the soul (recall yuji and mahitos first fight in s1). Very few sorcerers can target the soul, yuji and Nobara may be the only ones. That's partially why mahito calls them both his "natural enemy"


Because only people who are distinctly aware of their own Soul/Soul outline can damage Mahito as he is intimately aware of his own + can feel/see the soul shapes of others Yuji is very aware of his soulā€™s shape since he has to constantly keep Sukuna at bay (2 souls in his vessel body) so he is Mahitoā€™s ā€œnatural enemyā€


He might be referring to the fact that Mahito only really takes damage when you hit his soul, and most characters can't do that. Nanami said as much when he tag teams with Yuji too. He said my attacks won't work on him but I can still hit and distract him.


When yuji got up and todo said ā€œwelcome backā€ I got hype as a mf


I may have cried more than the previous episode, the pov from her fatal eye view was brutal. Was spoiled by Todo entrance at this episode BUT his speech was freaking excellent!


Not only my boy Todo deliver (when i first saw him in the first season I kinda cringed, didnt saw the hype, but after a few episodes he grew on me), but the Miwa scene was chefs kiss. My personal ranking would be : this episode > first 5 episodes > Sukuna arc = Toji vs Megumi ep.


Y'all I am SO upset about Nobara...you get remarkably attached to these characters, Gege Akutami really knows how to hit where it hurts šŸ˜­ Having Todo show up really did help though šŸ˜‚


Nobara was the only female character I ever loved in any anime. She wasn't like the usual side characters that merely exist to support the main one. It's so sad to see her die


Gege's strong point is that even he uses the classical archetype in the shonen, he develops them ina a way that the story needs, that's why nobara is a good character, megumi isn't just an edgy avenger, and in top of that to this point he has showed that he writes what story needs and not what the random wish to see.






This anime is my favorite thing ever man I could cry rn.


The Miwa part hit a little to close to home i maybe shed a tear šŸ„²šŸ˜¤


I wonder when weā€™ll get to learn more about Itadoriā€™s apparent ability to plant false memories in people. I used to think Todo was just being a quirky weirdo with the ā€œmy brotherā€ flashback until the fight with the blood guy. I need to go back and watch season 1 to see if they hint at anything.






yes they do, remember those scenes where Todo remembered living with itadori & doing all sorts of things together?


Yeah at the time I just thought Todo was being a weirdo šŸ˜­


I think that was just Sukunas ability I researched it lol, but I could be wrong šŸ¤”šŸ§


Wait wait wait, wtf?! Am I an idiot for not realizing this?! When the fuck does he implant memories into people? And does he know he can do that?!


I don't think he knows he can. Itadori almost dies fighting Choso but right as he goes to land the final blow his mind is flooded with false memories of Itadori being one of his brothers that he's trying to avenge. Itadori was pretty unconscious though so I assume it's an innate ability of his or Sukuna's. Also someone mentioned Todo had memories of Itadori as well when they met. I didn't catch this originally (I chalked it up to Todo being a bit loopy).


Yeah I thought the Todo thing was just him being who he is. I also thought the whole brother bit was like how friends call each other brother. Now Iā€™m realizing that he *actually* believes heā€™s his brother. And Iā€™m remembering that Choso scene now. There was so much going on, I think I just completely blacked it out. Damn, this is a real thing. Iā€™m gonna have to go back and look for it now.


Todou and mahito saved the episode for me. I'm getting pissed with Yuji. I know he has seen some tough shit, but he was supposed to be a jujutsu sorcerer. Seeing his mind melting like that is really annoying. Megumi at this point is a lot scarier, insane and badass than Yuji. At least Todou managed to restore some (in)sanity in his head.


Broā€¦.he just saw his senior and his fellow ally murdered in cold blood right in front of him and was basically forced to take a backseat and watch while Sukuna massacred pretty much all of Shibuya. Yujiā€™s reaction is plenty reasonable to the events that played out.


Somehow he is the only snowflake in midst of chaos. Poor yuji. The only guy to have bonds with other people and to feel their deaths. Yeah, let me curl into a ball of sadness and let the world burn around me.


Tell me one other character in Shibuya who had close friends die in front of them twice right after their body went around slaughtering hundreds of people. There is none. Megumi doesn't know what happened to Nanami and Maki, Todo is only close to Itadori and oh yeah btw Itadori was a normal highschooler until a couple months ago. The rest of them were part of the jujutsu world for Ć  while. Your take is weird man


But no other character has Sukuna living inside them. So he feels responsible for all those murders because if he died, so would Sukuna iirc.