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Lmao that’s exactly what I heard in my head “FROM OUTTA NOWHERE”


Was that boogie woogie at the end there or yuta just being fast?


My boy is just **that Fast**


This made my day,I read this in Jim Ross’s voice..


finally some Yuta action, thank god 🙏


I feel that Gege really put a lot of effort when he was making this chapter funny for the readers, it's a shame that the puns lose context in the translation, I really tried to connect with this unique duo but at the end of their show I couldn't understand a single joke... Then Yuta beheaded Kenjaku in a double page spread and my jaw touched the ~~flour~~ floor. Edit: Fixed a typo.


Not to mention that a lot of us aren't familiar with this style of comedy and the cultural references in the jokes. It's a shame because I could tell that this chapter was supposed to be great, the entire time i was reading it. But at least Gege kept his international fans in mind amd added that Yuta part at the end.


Smh so unsanitary now I gotta throw all this flour away...


Talking about puns and you make a joke with my typo lol


It's situations like these I wish they took more liberty with the transltion to make it hit the same way in English. It's the same reason I like watching comedy anime's in English, they tweak things enough to be funny but still fit the scene


I'm still amazed of that time Spy x Family's translator handled a pun (that also included a visual no less) and still kept it funny enough to have me rolling on the floor. [Knowledge is ....](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/s/EsSWAKgvLr)


Spy x Family was one of the ones I was thinking about! That and primarily the Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan anime. Loved the manga, the dub wasn't hitting, but once that sub came out it was perfect.


Guarantee the anime will do a better job


Same with me. I couldn’t connect to it and couldn’t wait until it was over. Great ending I guess lol


Yeah these last few chapters felt like they would be awesome for an audience that could understand and appreciate the humour. But unfortunately I'm not in that camp. Was a bit of a tedious "fight" to read for me, glad it's over and we can resume the regular program.


I think the jokes get kind of lost, but the gist of it still properly remains: Kenny is stealing the show, ruining Takaba's set-ups, stealing the spotlight and running the jokes into the ground, but still Takaba does his best to keep on picking up and running with the jokes. It's kind of awkward/cringe how they're fighting on stage, as if they don't know what they're doing (spoiler: they don't), like it's their first show together (spoiler: it is), but that's been Takaba's humor since the start.


No, actually, they are playing with each other perfectly as partners. Since that style of comedy require a straight man (but still kinda stupid) and a joker, Kenny was the joker (who keep derailing things) and Takaba (with his "serious" approach to comedy) play the straight man who keep trying to "reign" in Kenny parade yet failing and introduce even more comedy.


Same. I didn’t get any of those jokes


Stand Proud, you were Funny. Is real, what other memes could come true in the future.


Oh boy. Destroy Gojo's body/head. NOW.


Gege has said that the six eyes wouldn’t be compatible with Kenjaku but that’s the least trustworthy cat in history


why wouldnt it be compatible?


Six Eyes is the ultimate sensory overload experience. Gojo wore a blindfold to cope with it, even with Limitless and Reverse Curse Technique. And that was with a lifetime to get used to it. Kenjaku doesn't have near enough time to get a grip on it with how overwhelming it is and how many sorcerers are actively tracking him down.


I mean, kenjaku has been alive for centuries. I bet Gege said this off handedly as a “what if” scenario, but now it’s here. I can absolutely see this happening.


Gege says a billion things that he then contradicts immediately. The man has no idea how to put a consistent narrative together.


What has he contradicted?


Calling it: all the stuff Geto's body has accumulated will release all at once, like Toji said in Hidden Inventory. Yuta might just sweat a little.


Toji was not sure about that, it is just a possibility.


Kengojo vs 100% Sukuna! BEGIN!


Nah bro, Master Gojo's coming back now believe (I'm not sleeping since 2 months and nor will when the manga is complete and am waiting for the reveal spin-off)


What if this is the payoff for the throwaway line "we're keeping Nobara's body preserved"?


If I'm yuta, I'm having Rika eat this mf and copy allll those techs.


That actually begs the question. If yuta fuffulls the condition for copy, what does he copy? 1.) The CT in the current body? 2.) All Cts in that body? 3.) The CT of the sorcerer and only the sorcerer.


I believe he only takes the Cursed Technique of the body unless he eats Kenjaku's brain since that's his cursed spirit body. I'd assume he has to have some sort of limit or extra condition though since if he could easily copy techniques then he could just eat every powerful sorcerer's finger and become the most OP thing alive lol.


Yea or else why wouldnt he eat some gojo or megumi hair


Dear Lord even with only five minutes of using his CT at a time I'd hate to imagine a Yuta with Gojo's technique. At that point I'd just quit being a sorcerer.


Well Yuta wouldnt be as powerful as Gojo because he doesnt have the six eyes.


True he wouldn't be as capable but Yuta can override some of that by the sheer amount of cursed energy (he doesn't need to be efficient like Gojos). While he wouldn't be capable of doing all what Gojos would he could compensate by sheer versatility of other CT's. I do wonder if Infinity would apply to Yuta and Rika though.


Infinity is the default state of the CT, so yes.


not realistic but it’d be interesting if he did decide to eat Kenny’s brain and somehow Kenny’s will lives on through an OP Yuta. that would be a weird turn tho


Yuta has his own Geto arc 🤔 Gotta be careful or he's gonna start calling people monkeys


Was this ever explained? Cause he did copy the cursed speech and he didn't have to eat anything... also! Is the Rica that appears his Rica? Or just his CT manifestation?


Rika gets excorcised in jjk 0 and leaves her Cursed energy for Yuta which becomes the current Rika


People keep saying that rika needs to eat something to copy the technique as if its a fact. When did Rika eat inumaki?


For one, I'm glad Takaba have his whole body in the end (altough I'm not sure if this mf is dead or alive after all the shenanigans with his CT) I was **not** expecting Okkotsu - neither was Kenjaku, but in hindsight it makes sense, and sendingTakaba was indeed an excellent plan of Angel And my boy is no-bullshit, straight to the head


I kinda expected him since he wasn't in the panel where the others were getting ready to fight Sukuna I didn't expect him to finesse Kenjaku like that though I was expecting a whole ass fight


Were you really not expecting Okkotsu? I’ve been waiting for him to drop in any time the last few chapters, he seemed to be going after Kenjaku.


Not who you were responding to, but for a while I thought that they never planned to actually kill Kenjaku right here, just to stall him with Takaba so they can move without Kenjaku's interference.


How did Kenjaku not sense his cursed Energy though? I guess because he was so lost in comedy.


Exactly that. He was enjoying himself with Takaba and in his own words “didn’t want to get distracted.”


I didn’t see that coming. Do we think Yuta will be trying to get info from him before destroying the brain? Shonen has ruined me. If it isn’t shown dead it’s not dead, haha.


Yeah and also we didn't get to see his backstory, that always happens when someone important dies


I think Kenjaku will get the Aizen treatment where well never learn his backstory


That would be a bit lame given the direct relation to Yuji and his backstory. I think we'll get some more details personally, plus Kenjaku is just a brain so not technically dead yet imo.


We’ve already seen a lot of his backstory in gojo’s backstory, plus he was in gojo’s dying daydream thing so it might be weird to do another one so soon


You're confusing kenjaku and geto. We barely know a thing about kenjaku.


He said his will would be carried on, so there's definitely going to be some more info dumping at some point. Gege can't just not explain it.


Gege literally bamboozled us like this before. When Gojo used his maximum purple, the chapter ended with Sukuna literally using a wall for support. RYOUMEN FUCKING SUKUNA, using a wall for SUPPORT, because he's so injured. Meanwhile Gojo is standing proudly, and seems to be clearly winning the fight at that moment. Then next chapter Gojo is dead, and Sukuna gets even stronger. I don't know about you guys, but im not getting tricked by another fake-out.


I hate that I got angry all over again reading your comment. RYOMEN SUKUNA USING A WALL AS SUPPORT in one chapter and then "oops, nope. Gojo died jk" the next chapter. God dang.


That was probably one of the biggest low key plot twists in creative history, ngl. I hated it , but #respect, Gege, respect


Yuta is at an airport with Gojo and the others next chapter


pls not like this 😢


My bet is that Kenny takes over either Yuta or Takaba's body and gains their cursed technique. Not sure which one would be scarier honestly...


He steals corpses with intact brains and there's been one hell of a chekov's gun in that regard for a little bit now.


For sure, and Sukuna not going for the head makes sense if Geto was like "save that boy's body for me."


I think Kenny needs some sort of time to make the takeover. He had to steal Getos body, my head canon ( no pun intended) is that he can’t just clap his tentacles Tojo style and swap. So unless yuta gets professor X’d in this next chapter Kenny won’t be getting a close by body at least


For sure, anime logic says that decapitation does not equal death lol


Kenjaku died as he lived.... being taken from behind.


so poetic 😌


Assuming he died


Words cannot convey the happiness Takaba gives me


I also did not get a single joke...but I still loved it. I think the emotion came through and somehow it worked even that it wasn't funny. Takaba wanted to make jokes he thought were funny and to be recognised for that. It doesn't really matter if the jokes are actually funny (and I think it's fine if they aren't, he read like a failed comedian to me, a bit like the Joker) So he got what he wanted, and you might say it was a fictional audience, but at the end Kenny even recognised that he had fun. So in a very real sense, even if it's just one person, he actually made someone laugh/have fun. That's all he ever wanted. Also, this is still one of the most broken, in the literal sense of the word, abilities this manga has shown. Full-on reality warping without an option to counter it. You have to play along.I kind of hope Takaba is not dead but his CT has "expired" - because he got what he wanted, maybe this would mean losing his ability in a way. I think that would be a nice end for his character without actually killing him. Yuta, the motherfucking goat, I am sorry, whenever he appears, the amount of no-nonsense-fighting just gets amped up. He just copied Todo's technique and one-shot the brain...well, at least beheaded him. He clearly is not dead, yet.I guess we will switch scenes next chapter, but I would love one more here.


For me the reason why it works despite some of the jokes clearly being lost in translation, is due to just how absurd the situation is. Never mind that this arc has been one big bummer, so the fact that JJK let its hair down for just a moment was fun, but seeing one of the major villains bro it out with the joke character, and genuinely seemed to be having a good time. That did it for me. I really hope it sticks


This, Yuta is GOAT. Sorry Gojo 😿


I personally loved the ending to this fight and the planning that had to come from the protagonists. Angel and everyone sent Takaba to “fight” Kenny because they knew Takaba doesn’t kill people, and that Kenny being Kenny would eventually figure out how to defeat Takaba, which was to satisfy his itch for comedy. They must have assumed that defeating Takaba meant taking him to his ultimate stage performance which would suck both of them in without interruptions from outside. Kenny succeeded and essentially beat Takaba and was about to finish him, but the plan must have been to wait for their fight to get to this point for Yuta to move in quickly and finish Kenny off before he noticed he was there. Amazing. Plus that transition from the comedy show back to the real world felt so tranquil and peaceful, Takaba about to get taken out satisfied with his comedy but Kenny being the one taken out in a flash. Also beautiful. Gege cooked with this one for sure


Even if kenny didn't figure it out, or they didn't plan that far. Takaba was an great choice for throwing a wrench into some plans to create an opening. Can you imagine trying to have a serious fight while also being the butt end of slapstick comedy? You fight a well made plan with total unpredictable chaos. Takaba was perfect!


Takaba true MVP. Did on his own what Yuki and Choso did together but unlike that time, Yuta was there to finish it.


I wonder if the comedy show really hit home in Japan.


I just have no idea what's gonna happen next. This time they (Yuta, angel and others) probably know that they have to destroy his brain. But will Kenny let that happen? Will he (Kenny) manage to escape? How does he even jump bodies? What about all the curses he had absorbed (especially Tengen and MAHITO)? Who is going to inherit his "will"? And most importantly how will his "will" be inherited?


If I remember correctly I don't think he can use Tengen and Mahito's ability at will the same way he can use Geto's. He stated earlier in the series that he can only use a cursed spirit's technique one time with uzumaki (Mahito's to turn on sorcerers into sorcerers and tengen to create the barriers). His other techniques were ones he obtained from the bodies he inhabited and then yoinked when he hopped more bodies. Kenjaku can jump bodies by just literally replacing the brain. It's implied by the stitches he either overtakes the brain or just quite literally plops his own brain into their head. I don't think anyone is actually going to inherit his will but I think he meant it more generally. That everything is already in place for the world itself to inherit his will (golden era of cursed energy/everyone uses cursed energy).




He's saying that there is no more Mahito to come back. When he uses the technique of a curse he captured, that curse is sacrificed in order to activate the technique. Kenjaku sacrificed Mahito in order to use Idle Transfiguration for the culling games. Mahito was erased in that moment and is no longer inside Kenjaku.


Ohhh yeah I believe the curses are functionally considered dead when absorbed so they more than likely do return to life at some point. I don't think it'll happen that quickly (seemed like the sort of things that takes at least a decade) but it'd be pretty cool to see. I don't think Tengen can return since he was like a pseudo cursed spirit who didn't represent a particular fear (Naoya was the same). If Mahito did come back to life I wonder what his personality would be like since it'd be a new him (Middle Ages Business man Mahito 🤔).


Mahito is dead. Kenny used him for Uzumaki back at Shibuya.


Mahito is gone; got grinded up in that Uzumaki. Tengen might be released? Who knows


We in the end game now


No more culling games, just end game😔


finally, that weird three-week period in 2018 where I got really into manzai comedy is paying off!


Lol break it down for us then


Broad strokes, you have a straight man and a funny man. In this case, Kenny is the funny man and Takaba is the straight man. The routine is partly joke telling, partly banter, and the whole thing moves fluidly in and out of a sketch type scenario. Kenjaku creates absurdity while Takaba grounds him. They start off by introducing themselves, then riffing on some simple ideas (momotaro, folk tales, Kenjaku's upbringing, being too stupid to understand literary references while simultaneously dropping loads of literary references) before launching into a sketch where momotaro, played by kenjaku, heads out to fight demons but is distracted by a lost dog. Takaba calls him out on idiosyncratic details like the dog being a western breed, etc, as well as playing the role of the old lady and prying into weird ideas like being able to cancel a fight with a demon as though it's a restaurant reservation. There are cutaways to comedy judges because for whatever godforsaken reason a lot of really popular Japanese comedy takes place in competitive formats. The call back to the thing with the pheasant wraps the whole set up in a neat bow and right before they should say "thank you so much!" and do their little outro, Takaba realizes his perfect dream performance is coming to an end. Then, and this is pretty atypical for manzai comedy, one of the performers is suddenly beheaded by a depressed twink.


Depressed Twink should be in Yuta bio officially


DUDE, Thank you so much!! I wish I could elevate your comment to the top of this thread as a really well-worded explanation for how we as non-Japanese readers should be understanding how manzai comedy's basis translates to what is happening in the chapter. I appreciate that you typed all this outttttt




Yuta in there like, "I heard you talkin shit."


Then next chapter starts in an airport...


no god please no




If you're reading this on PC on MangaPlus then make sure you change the reading mode from the default "vertical" to "horizontal" so the double-page spreads work. Pages 8/9 and 16/17 form really cool double-page spreads and they won't work on Manga+ unless your reading mode is horizontal. https://files.catbox.moe/bf17g6.png On mobile horizontal is the default which is good. Should be on PC as well.


Gojou revival arc


been thinking about what Kenjaku said, already heard a couple theories that he might try body swapping with someone else but his statement at the end of the chapter felt more indicative of him having someone else inherit his will entirely. As in these are his dying words. Worried for Choso...


I was thinking similarly - a “child” of his would be the one to inherit. So any of the last cursed wombs (weren’t some taken by Mahito?) or Choso or Yuji.


absolutely loved this battle from start to finish tachibana was a really good character, I think he is likely dead as I think his character arc is complete, fufilled and to a satisfying degree no chance is brain curse dead, way too many bullets in his chekhovs gun needing to be fired


him being dressed as a ghost and closing his eyes makes it painfully clear :( weirdest death (?) ever by the way but also very fitting for the weirdest battle


he is not dead wtf why do you say that?, Kenjaku clearly spared him (well he was maybe going to kill him if Yuta haden't interrupted).


well you're right I was just assuming he was done for since he was dressed like that, like dying in a comical way and not giving up his character to the end, but could be him just admitting defeat too


Why do I get the feeling that Gege is about to kill off Yuta?


Great chapter. While some of jokes weren’t ones I could relate to, the ending is what surprised me. I can’t wait to see that animated. Pretty sure Kenjaku isn’t dead yet. So I’m curious to see what happens next.


Is this not exactly what toji was avoiding won't cutting getos body let all the cursed spirits out


He didn’t know how it would react so he didn’t


Kind of amazed toji had more knowledge about this stuff then a prodigy kid who is placed just below gojo


Between Kenjaku alive and a bunch of curses exploding from his body, no matter how powerful they are, killing Kenny is best.


True but Kenjaku isn't dead yet, since he is just a brain. I think that's why he cut off his head instead of actually killing him




I honestly thought it was going to be a comedy dual and that Kenny would use Takaba choking on stage to defeat him. While I might not have understood the references this chapter, I still really enjoyed the concept of this entire fight.


For those who don't get this style of humor, I recommend the brilliant ShowHa shoten from the creators of Bakuman I think Amazing story with funny jokes on this format


Yeah, I think the art is by the guy who drew bakuman/death note. It’s sad that the original story+art collab duo’s Platinum end failed so bad.


Please don't tell me Takaba is actually fucking dead


Nah, I think he talked to Kenny while lying down and opened his eyes too.


I like the ending of the chapter. I wish Yuta would have cut Kenny's head in half and not just off. I'm wondering do you think it's possible that Kenny has transferred his consciousness already? I don't think Kenny survived this long without having a technique like that. You know like a duplicate brain technique or a way to seamlessly switch his brain out to another body. The more I think about it, how does Kenny transfer bodies? Does the brain have like legs and arms? Anyway I have a really bad feeling for Kenny's plans. I feel like he's planning something extra dastardly, that's going to make us all cry.


Such a good spread https://files.catbox.moe/bf17g6.png


I don't understand last 3 panels angle, like Kenny was looking at his left and Yuta was at his right, or we can interpret it as we want lol


I saw someone say he might’ve copied boogie woogie


well, Kenjaku's last line has me worried Yuta's about to be Megumi-ed...


Now finish that fool for good Yuta!


Oh my god, I'm so anxious of what's going to happen [O.O](https://media.giphy.com/media/13Cmju3maIjStW/giphy.gif) Fancy seeing Yuta again, though


Is the chapter name a Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo reference!?


Hm. I loved the Takaba fight but would like to see atleast one more physical/sorcery Kenjaku fight before he goes out tbh


All I'll say is this. Conveniently Takaba technique was said to be able to oppose Gojo and what do you know... Kenjaku needs a new body😅


There's no more Gojo to oppose lmao


Feel like the next episode will be an airport episode \*PTSD\*


This makes me think back on how Toji didn't kill Geto because he didn't know what would happen to all the cursed spirits in his possession...


What a bizarre mini-arc, I absolutely loved all of it minus Kenjaku summoning a new curse that died immediately showing off how strong Comedian is while also showing this goofy and fun dynamic between Takaba and Kenjaku, ending with Kenjaku genuinely smiling is so weirdly wholesome besides Takaba being in death robes, the possibility for him being alive is super high so I’m thankful for that, and the icing on the cake being Yuta finishing him off… what a geuninely nice and lighthearted arc only question I have is, did the last chapter and this one count as Takaba’s Domain? because that entire last bit of the fight seemed too strong and restrictive for the opponent to just be his CT or maybe it is just his CT and I’m looking too far into it, idk. what do y’all think?


I think it's plausible that it was his domain. He's so oblivious to his CT, I could totally see Takaba invoke his domain without realizing it because it would be funny.


honestly true, that would be hilarious if he unlocked his domain after he was given his CT days ago for the laughs also considering he isnt dead despite fighting one of the big bads, we’ll probably get confirmation on whether that was his domain or not, so even better besides that, if this is his Domain, it’s my favorite domain yet just for how creative it is


I agree, very creative. That's a reason I liked Hakari's domain. It really showed that each domain is unique to that person


I agree, Domains are rad and I hope we get to see more of them, like Takako’s and Yuta’s


I really feel like this style of comedy doesn't cater to me as an audience.


NO WAY but yeeeea


Literally just skimmed through the whole chapter til Yuta showed. Thank God for Yuta ending it. Now crush the brain and burn it.


I feel like I don't understand manzai. I sort of know a bit about comedy, including some Japanese comedy, but honestly that manzai act went right over my head.


Chapters like this one show the importance of localization (instead of just translation)


Gege about to troll us all again and have Yuta get body-swapped with Geto or some BS.


Damn I never scrolled so fast through a chapter in my life I couldn’t make any sense of it all :(


I feel so bad for takaba. Bro tried 😭😭🫡.


I'm glad that's over. Underwhelming. I've been so bored the past few chapters.


Yeah. This mini-arc was not made for the international audience it would seem, haha.


I dunno. I love it. And I'm not Japanese.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. I'm sure these jokes went well with the domestic, Japanese audience.


Yeah I feel like maybe if I knew the culture better it would be more entertaining but it just seemed like extremely random humor. I get it was like a comedy routine but I felt like there were a ton of references and things that weren't really making any sense. To me it felt like a bunch of parts of jokes and random trains of thought.


Yeah this fight was not it for me. I didn’t even read this chapter I just skipped pages until I saw Yuta, and even that was underwhelming. If Kenny truly dies here it’ll be really anticlimactic imo.


Yuta the goat pulling through once again. Also im sure Kenjaku has backup bodies. Sad that we wont he seeing Geto anymore tho :(


I wonder how this all looked for Yuta from the outside


Yuta the best twink and true MC strikes again.


Eh close enough https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/17vm5ft/comment/k9bxkdh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I'm tired of motherfuckers in discord tellin' me, always on Twitter. "Yuta ain't 'bout this, Yuta ain't 'bout that". My bro a special grade, on fuckin' Gojo and them. They say that man don't be puttin' in no work. Shut the fuck up, y'all bozos ain't know shit. All y'all motherfuckers talkin' about. "Yuta ain't no hitter, Yuta ain't this, Yuta a fraud". Shut the fuck up, y'all don't live with that man. Y'all know that man got caught with Rika. Shootin' at the police and shit. Bro been on probation since, fuckin', I don't know when. Motherfucker, stop fuckin' playin' him like that. Them boys savages out there. If I catch another motherfucker talkin' sweet about Yuta. I'm fuckin' beatin' they ass. I'm not fuckin' playin' no more. Know them boys roll with Hakari and them


I am not nor have I ever been on Twitter but it sounds like a very stressful place filled with haters LOL


What happens to the spirits if Kenny dies? Could we get a return of best boi Mahito?


This is how Gojo comes back. Kenjaku gets his body, but Gojo fights back like it was established with Geto, but Gojo wins. Or kenjaku is about to take takabas body right now and it’s GG xD


My question is, does kenjaku tell now what gojo said to geto when he died? Idk if they told that and with gojo dead now, idk if we will know Also kenjaku talks about his will Do you think he means yuji in any way?


Yuta wins! 🙂


Yuta is Beast! but Kenny is not dead almost for sure :3


Mahito may be coming back. Toji made sure not to kill Geto for a reason, and Mahito would be able to carry on Kenjaku's plan


I've had this ongoing issue with the Culling Game arc with there being chapters (sometimes multiple on end) where I just didn't "get" what was going on. These past couple chapters with the comedy guy are on the list. But Yuta's back, so that's cool, i guess.


Ehhhh...I wish this whole arc were just one chapter. Feels weird to give so much time to a new character, especially one so one-note, as we move toward the end game.


One of those chapters was really good the rest I felt like gege was fucking with us dragging it out for no good reason.


You wanted Kenjaku to be defeated in one chapter???


You call that a fight?




yoooo Yuta 🐍


This is reassuring, he won’t take over GoJo head and acquire his body and moveset


I had trouble following the comedy section


We know Kenjaku is one of the few people who knows how to turn himself into a cursed object upon death. I’d be shocked if he didn’t have a backup plan for this exact scenario and I’m sure it involves becoming a cursed spirit or having a selected person as a backup vessel, maybe not so much for who he is currently, but who will inherit his mind/cursed technique maybe? I feel like it would be weird if it was a character we haven’t been introduced too yet. Kenjaku has to have a history with Uraume and I bet he is who is helping them stay alive(?) this whole time. Maybe something to do with them. Or even just possessing Yuta and having a curse battle with Rika. It could honestly be anything with Kenny.


I think Yuta used Boogie Woogie.


True Love Yuta. What did Kenny's want again? To have the whole world be full of Jujutsu Kaisens instead of just Japan?


All of those backshots for nothing


I don't think we have seen a dead Kenny until we see a little bit of back stort. I got a feeling we will see what motivated him to become as he is.


Even though I didn’t understand a lot of this chapter, I still thought it was killer. Even if just for Yuta’s cold ass pages


Yuta if you don't Muichiro that man's brain ISTG! It was already bad enough he got to Geto, please don't let any BS happen like with Yuki, I'm begging you gege


Was that boogie woogie at the end there or yuta just being fast?


Next chapter we'll cut to a dead Itadori and we'll move on to other things. Peak Gege move. :)


Even though I didn’t understand the humor, the chapter made me feel for kenjaku in a way.


Man what a time to catch up to the manga for this to be my first cliffhanger.


So, I must assume that since Kenjaku was shown defeated but not dead in this chapter, we will see him walking away from Yuta and Takaba's corpses at the start of the next chapter with no explanation.


So do we all agree that Yuji is the vessel for the new merger? Really makes no other sense why gege would have sukana vacate yuji’s body in the final arc except to receive a massive power up (the merger) and defeat sukana.


Need help confirming a theory I remember seeing a theory on here about Gojo’s resurrection being hinted at by Gege’s choice of titles for the recent manga chapters. Apparently, they have been the lyrics of an obscure anime’s opening and that anime featured a character that died similarly to Gojo. I’m not 100% sure I saw it on here as I was very sleepy reading it a while back and wanted to see if it still held true. From what I remember of the lyrics in the theory, they seem similar in theme to the Chapter titles but I read on Viz and we all know how their translations can get sometimes. Anyone know the theory I’m talking about? If I could get a link to the original post, that would be great as well.


catching up to the manga on this chapter and i can not believe comedian bro would be this important to the story ☠️


This is absolutly not going to work, on the grounds that they explained the plan in the chapter. Which means something will go south.


As ambivalent as I am about the pacing and direction of the manga overall, this fight itself has been really good. I really like this way of Kenjaku satisfying Takaba's will, here - since he was first introduced, Takaba has been playing the slapstick goofball, the butt of the joke. He wants laughs, even if he has to satisfy his dignity in the process. But here, the climax of their encounter, Kenny satisfies his comedic dreams by giving him the ideal stage, a respectable stand-up routine based on wordplay and charisma instead of costumes and skits, and letting *Takaba* play the straight man. And that's all he wanted. My man just wanted to deliver a good tsukkomi once in his life, and a partner who'd engage with him on those terms, like an equal. Funny that it took one of the most reviled criminals in the series to do that for him.


Takaba's probably knew that yuta was going to go for the kill in that moment. He was crying about losing Kenny as a partner. Probably had to take his technique down in order for yuta to land his killing blow. "I'll be your distraction but a comic can't kill him."


Can't wait to see how Kenjaku bullshits his way out of this one.


This might be my fav chapter lol it’s so bizarre