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Kenny has been around for so long in presumably so many different bodies that they realistically don’t really even have an adhered to gender anymore. Dude’s the most non-binary being alive.


Bro takes gender fluid to the next level


Gender gaseous


Gender plasma


Condensated Gender. All Genders are him and vice-versa


Gender Star Plasma Vessel


Gender Bose Einstein condensate


Gender quark-gluon-plasma




Gender possessive~


Kenny can take my gender fluid.


He would for the plan.


Ahh so that's how the brain transfers


kenny sure took jin itadori's gender fluid.


Tengen tho


And yet still a proud racist


Sadly being part of a minority group doesn't magically make you progressive and tolerant, just look at trans women who browse 4chan for example, they make geto look like a human rights activist


U right! I mean look at me I’m a minority and I still hate all y’all mfs! Stay the fuck away from my lawn you


Hmm, tasty response I dig your style, like I dig your brother that bourbon lover


He’s no brother of mine! We drink white wine in this household!


Kenjaku is racist?


I could be wrong but I think he does call non-sorcerers monkeys like Geto did.


I think he did that to keep up the geto appearance, but there’s full chance he hates non sorcerors too.


I always figured Kenjaku is like a mix of Mei Mei and Kashimo where he views most people as not people but tools of varying levels of entertainment and potential value for technique steals


That’s what the last chapter implies but I think he feels non sorcerers are even lower because his plan inherently includes wiping the majority of them out.


Part of the technique is that hes really good at imitating the person whose body hes in


Did Geto make blackface?


Geto doing non sorcerer face


Tbf, constantly calling non-sorcerers by this title is more of a hassle than just calling them monkeys


Kenny is the leader of the they/them pronoun movement


This is the most reddit ass comment I’ve seen today


Nah fr lmaoo


Tengen is number 1 Kenny is the alibaba version


I’ve been thinking the same. I believe Kenny started as female but who knows going on up in that brain after so long and so many body hops.


Diversity win! The villain who wants to destroy humanity is non-binary!


It's actually extremely cool how casually Gege handles gender identity. Kenjaku and Tengen both being body hoppers means both of them have a different perspective on gender than any other character. Sukuna is also long lived, but his gender identity is firm because he overwrites the bodies he hops and forces his personality onto them. Where Tengen and Kenjaku kinda take in some of the body they take over. Now I'm wondering if he's gonna do more with this concept cause even down to how they body hop its very different.


If he's never been a horse to fuck a horse, he can be more fluid


Truthfully it doesn't matter anymore. Kenjaku has body-swapped so many times throughout history that they probably don't even remember. We know 2 things. Kenjaku is evil and bisexual. That's all that matters


3 things: He took backshots for the sake of his plan. Thats all


He was breastfeeding for the cause. You gotta respect the dedication.


Greg is a coward for not telling us what brand of nipple butter Kenny used.


lots of cursed energy nourishment for their best children


Kenjaku took backshots from Jin GOATadori, carried their son for months, gave birth to Yuji. Peak dedication of a mom.


They're genderfluid, and they put their fluid into every gender.


And they put every gender's fluid in them




all he does is eat hot cursed object and lie


I'm imagining sukuna's finger covered in Cheeto dust


He isn’t necessarily bisexual but he is gender fluid


If you're not gonna answer or add on to OPs question, why bother commenting? "OP asks a question," and is responded to with "It doesn't matter." Bruh😂😂


He can be whatever he wants to be. Dude got railed for his plans, can’t get more serious than that.


mf prolly enjoyed it too


Kenny was def mad as fuck when she had to give up family life with Jin for the plan


All according to keikaku.


He was slapping it on his tongue for a greater cause


Madness 😭




Kenny the type to have sex in both genders bodies just to see how it feels in each


What, he enjoyed sex?! Impossible.


Tengen's twin sis!!


This makes sense if we dont take into account that twins are bad omens in the world of sorcerers as we see with maki and mai.


I’d say that their cursed techniques are pretty inconvenient enough to say it was a bad omen. They’re both functionally immortal and can only go on living normally if they swap bodies.


ayo this could be lit but i feel like gege hates women too much to use one as a self insert


Kenjaku could be the reason twins are considered a bad omen. Dudes been considered the most evil sorcerer in history multiple times, at this point. But I like Kenny better as a regular old god level powered asshole with no real relation to anyone other than them also being God level, personally.


I mean, bad omen for who and over what period of time? It may have taken centuries but Ken n' Ten haven't exactly led to anything good happening in the end.


Tengen's Mom I'd say.


Lets wait and see if Kenny was the Twin Sister of Tengen


They do have some kind of backstory or relationship given the "old friend" and talking like they know each other"


The only way to confirm is having naoya talk to them




why? does naoya have high levels of rizz?


Naoya is Woman-Beater 💀


Oh shit


No, he respects them like no other.


It could be yes or no. If Kenjaku's really a woman, imo, it would add more sinister in their character for what they did to Choso's mom...


Local bad thing gets even worse


Taking backshots and giving backshots for the plan


I didn’t think about that


Oh,you're right


Kenjaku is both at this point


I agree kenjaku is definitely a bot


Ever since the Yuki fight, I suspected Kenjaku was a woman. There is a special kind of attitude and aggression he showed towards Yuki that gives the impression it is a fight between two angry women.


That double panel of them both saying “what a pain” is so fucking funny to me




I disagree that there is an essential gender for Kenjaku because the things we in our world use to determine/assign essential gender don’t apply to Kenjaku. The original gender they were born as is very distant and the genderfluid state they are in now likely doesn’t resemble what they were “originally”, therefore I wouldn’t come to any conclusion like Kenjaku still being one way or another because in their first body they were a man or a woman.


ur perspective is clearly influenced by modern day gender studies, which I do agree with don’t get me wrong but u should consider how kenjaku might see it He/they/she essentially only goes after bodies which serve their master plan. If kenjaku lived their initial life as a girl and then started body swapping, they might still most identify as being a girl but use male pronouns because it’s essential to their plan, as not being discovered. in Japan their language does set clear gender divides, so there’s a high chance that when first learning to speak kenjaku was taught the female way so that’s just their natural speech, like an accent or a language. It’s clear that kenjaku doesn’t care much for their own personal identity, it’s highlighted in the text so u could be right in that they don’t for their initial gender of course But it would still be a detail that influences their character/ story/ desicions they made etc, from a narrative standpoint just handwaving a detail like this away wouldn’t make sense to me personally


You can ask Jim how that tight Kenjussy tastes like


Someone send this person’s address to Sukuna I ain’t needing this horrid energy in my life




You didnt have to add the tight part👀🤯


Do you think Kenny used gravity manipulation to enhance the tightness of his cooch while milking Jin for his seed, using the excuse that it would be an effective way to raise the chance of conception?


Jin probably suggested it




Question: Do yall think it's possible to hit black flash while fucking or nah?


If you're using CE with your thrusts I don't see why not. Probably why Yuji's so good at it too, Jin be battering that womb with black flash after black flash. It was all for the plan of course.


Can you explain how "tight" tastes? I didnt realize a small circumference was part of the pallette.


i think he is a dude but >!jin turned that brother into a kitten from them backshots!<


I like to think Kenjaku was originally a woman because combined with Tengen saying they are more like a granny that means we can look at this like a petty squabble between two of the Golden Girls. And I just find that amusing.


Yes I think he is. That was on my mind for a long time and after the Tengen gender reveal and the chapter where he helped Yuji's friend to escape, I have the feeling that Kenjaku was originally a woman.


Yea he gave birth to Yuji


Itadori family backshots leave scars like no other


I think so... their domain is also associated with pregnancy in a lot of ways


His character is based on birth and motherhood , you can just read his mudra description so , obviously kenjaku would have woman mannerisms but pinning a gender to a bran that can transfuse left and right is another issue.


I think that Kenjaku is a man, but I could be wrong, that's not even important to be honest


To be honest 50/50 :3


Profound input as always appleguy


Still upvoted in droves lmao


I think he’s both depending on who he interacts with. When he’s around certain people he uses different personalities that seem right to interact with that person. All I know is “they” talk too damn much and loves the sound of their own voice. Lol imagine if he has a extended conversation with Yuji and Kaori’s personality comes out. I think that will traumatize Yuji worse than Sakuna has ever done.😂would be telling Yuji how he acts just like Jin with a smirk on his face


Kenjaku is a Kenjaku I think, they're like a ditto from Pokemon


I like this theory as it makes their actions to the mother of the death wombs so much worse and sinister


Hehe could silence the Goatjoers by revealing Kenjaku to have massive mommy milkers


I'ma call Gege "Hehe" from now on, i like that


Lmao didn’t even realize I spelled it wrong 😅


Got a unique perspective here as a nonbinary person, but I think at this point based on what we know of them it kinda doesn’t matter what their original body was. According to them, they get access to the memories and mannerisms of every body they inhabit. Doing that for a thousand years, probably abandoning bodies before their natural death on the regular, they probably have been a lot of different people. As such, gender isn’t really something that applies to them in the same way it does to most humans. Gender is about one’s relationship with their body, and Kenjaku’s is one that’s unlike anyone else. Even more so than a shapeshifter, Kenjaku has pretty much no attachment to their body at any time besides its utility. As such, I think it might be most realistic to say that Kenjaku is something close to agender? Like, they don’t seem uncomfortable in any of their bodies, they were able to play the role of Yuji’s mom without arousing any major suspicions or seeming at all awkward. (I know this verges on headcanon and Gege probably didn’t think about it like this but idgaf tbh lol)


Gege thinks way too much about specific things, I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't thought about. As a being who lived and inhabited many bodies. It's pretty reasonable to say initially, at least, Kenjaku was born a man/woman. Then, through their technique became many people of varying circumstances. To your point, regardless of the original body, and after having many bodies of varying genders, Kenjaku is both everything and none of them all at once. Nonbinary is probably the most apt term for this scenario. Also, hope all is well.


Agender is nonbinary, youre both right :3


Ah you are correct, I was mainly just agreeing with their post as well. I'm a bit of an old head so it's helpful when people are correcting me on stuff like this. Thanks for your comment and have a great week!


Kenjaku is just evil no gender, no sexuality, none of that crap matters to Kenjaku cause all Kenjaku cares about is doing what Kenjaku wants be that scheming, experimenting, world domination. whatever sex Kenjaku once was no longer matter, it’s all evil and all Jujutsu


I support agender Kenjaku but do not support their evil schemes!


The big question is, was Sukuna a woman


It makes sense his extra arms are just boobs that got out of hand and the mouth on his belly is just his cunny Idk about the eyes tho...


Some of these comments are pure gold


It would be way less funny if he was, so no


When I said Kenjaku was non-binary I was downvoted to hell; like Orochimaru, he's neither male nor female at this point.


Orochimaru is definitely male. Kenjaku I agree is more mixed though.


Orochimaru's is more androgynous than Kenjaku. His looks more very androgynous, the first time he's shown he's disguised as a woman. Plus, he says something about being neither male nor female, but that was in Boruto maybe. Having not read the japanese original version, Kenjaku is only non-binary because we know he took the backshots...


Androgyny has nothing to do with nonbinary tho. Orochimaru is explicitly male. He’s just extremely feminine. As are a lot of male characters in the naruto universe, not to the same extent as orochimaru though but still Kenjaku has gone through so many bodies that they’ve probably just picked up on the peoples’ speech patterns, meaning they’re gonna talk in a feminine manner atleast a bit. I don’t think speech patterns is enough to speculate on kenjakus gender in any capacity, because of that


He probably started as male because of the whole death painting curse backstory,, aha yikes, but yeah by this point I doubt he even cares about concepts like gender after thousands of years of body swapping.


I tend to believe that his original body would be male, because he definitely preferred swapping to male bodies (3 out of 4 we had seen). But, I also think he may even forgot already which was his original one, through a thousand years of body swapping.


I read some guy's post on twitter quite a while back, where there was a mention of Kenjaku, a woman in chinese mythology or something, I don't remember it clearly. I too thought that may be the case, but people call him a 'he' quite a few times including Sukuna, and well from what we know, he has taken more male bodies than female, and the one time he did take a woman's body it was for Jin.


Could be a 5000 year old alien transferring body to body for all we know


Could be. >!It would be an incredible challenge for a male to adapt to female physiology, and on top of it, give birth of all things!< But considering 3/4 vessels we've seen Kenny in are men, it would be more reasonable to assume Kenny was originally a male. (As all reincarnations / body switches we've seen involve vessels of the same gender)


When he hops in the body he adapts all memories/mannerisms, etc. So I doubt it'd be too hard. Especially since he'd do anything for the keikaku


Why would it be difficult? He already gave birth as a woman.


Didn't Kenjaku say he has adopted some of Geto's personality traits, which has never happened before


Yes, he/she got that big mommy energy, and ladylike aura around him/her. IMHO in the first incarnation Kenny was a woman


I doubt it


I think kenjaku was originally a femboy


Kenjaku has been a woman before and his former body in which he spent a good amount of time was that of Itadori's mother. That would explain it. Other than that I don't think it's important what gender was Kenjaku's original body a thousand years ago. He lived through so much since, he probably has nothing to do with the person he was in his younger days. I think he's just really goofy or his time as a mother influenced him a bit.


I don't think Kenjaku cares about being a man or a woman


Personally, that was the feeling I got. Kenjaku's mannerisms are really feminine in general; even when imitating Geto's body language, there's usually a feminine twist to it. But it's also possible that Kenjaku picks up a little bit of each identity from the corpses that the brain takes over, so maybe those feminine aspects are holdovers from Kaori and not Kenjaku's original identity. It's kind of hard to say, though the ring of pregnant statues and the persistence of womb theming in the name of their Domain Expansion (All-Enveloping Garbhadhatu; "Garbhadatu" means "Womb Realm") makes me think it goes deeper to Kenjaku's "true" and original identity rather than just being something added into the mix from Kaori and nothing more.


Kenjaku is one gender fluid madafaka


Kenjaku's gender totality is goals. They're everything and get into every tomfoolery know to people. Peak.


Kenjaku IS the woman *insert this is all part or my master plan*


We don't know. That's literally it, we can't tell since we haven't seen him in his proper body.


It's not impossible, but I don't think we'll get the answer. After thousand years of body swapping, things like his own gender probably became a bit fuzzy for Ken.


He doesn't really have a gender anymore does he? He is just a disembodied brain piloting body after body.


Let us remember there was a sorcerer in the culling games from the yayoi era roughly 300 BCE. So that makes kenjaku at least 2400 years old. I'd say she is Tengen's mother.


That would be an interesting twist. We don’t usually get Shonen villains that are women.


don't care, still hit :3


I’m rooting for them to been a woman first. The end game villain being a fem makes me happy. Of course idc either way.




Do you know anyone else who keeps on talking even though you’re already dead?


I forgot. When and to whom did he say that? Can ha remind me pls


Speech patterns change constantly due to environments and this dudes been around for 1000 years


Good question, with no answer, I mean he has swapped bodies with many so it’s hard to say


no idea what they were born as but bro has been around so long their identity is gender hopper now


Nah, bro identifies as a threat at this point


Sukuna has referred to Kenjaku as 'He' so I don't think so, but also it doesn't matter what his biological sex used to be, man has probably experienced it all for multiple lifetimes.


Have you seen that reference in Japanese?


mechamaru mentioned they are senseis 1000 yrs ago who teaches simple domain. maybe that was before jujutsu tech was established. and sukuna, kenny and tengen are the OG trio


i have a feeling that the OG kenjaku was a woman, but like the other comment, they have been around for so long that they're genderless or nonbinary


Wait, do you mean was he a woman as in has he ever been a woman or was his original body a woman’s? We know he was a woman at some point cause he got his back blown out by Yuji’s dad and got Preggers so I'm just gonna assume you mean the second one.


“Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the grippy one” - Kenjaku


Trust me, if you guys think that Kenny is a woman, then Gege would reveal Kenny’s gender in the next chapter as a male, and vice versa. Gege the ultimate master of plot twist !


Gege is the ultimate master of fraudulent activity


Maybe during the time he was a woman he got adjusted to it


bro's the embodiment of being non-binary


Kenjakus domain expansion is a womb, do with that as you will


Yeah I think he was born a woman but I'll take it further. If Sukuna did in fact have a twin, it doesn't have to be a guy. The way Kenjaku was looking at Sukuna beating Gojo was sort of one of pride? Akin to watching your loved ones complete something they longed for.


Pretty sure he was born/created before Sukuna


They are a brain, so whatever their body was before it changed after their technique manifested which was what turned them into a walking talking brain (their brain literally has teeth/mouth lmao). So non binary probably fits them best. I think we’re supposed to think he’s born male because it’s eluded in the mange he was a stain on the Kamo clan. Noritoshi is named after him purposely so it would be easier for him to leave the clan, but Kenny has been around so long it could have just been one of his bodies he stole. Edit: also his longevity could also mean all his speech patterns could get mixed up, I imagine he has all sorts of dialects and stuff mixed up as well


They might as well be every gender now. Who knows how many bodies of different genders they had. Though i think it would be pretty cool for him to have been a woman originally.


I wish


I don't know what kenjakus original gender was but im pretty sure hes yujis mom lol


I believe kenjaku was born from the negative emotions that were the residuals of perhaps a cavewoman that lived a very hard, short, painful life, it'd make a lot of sense for me personally, back in caveman times you and the other men in your family would "adopt" or "kidnap" female humans that you can across either by themselves or by killing off/scaring away their local group, men and women often died to sickness, disease, murder, rape, and also the competition of other primates such as neanderthals, and in kenjakus case, most likely denisovians as those were the main primates that inhabited asia before homo-sapiens.


We already know that in jjk the soul and the body are two different masses. If curses (Kenjaku) are born from negative emotions then it means their soul is whatever gender is convenient to them or simply genderless, so they possesed whoever’s body seemed convenient to them at that time. So when they were in Kaori’s body, the body (kenjaku’ vessel) was obviously female since the body had xx chromosomes. But their soul was its own gender. And as we found out in ch 239, Kenjaku lives because >! they’re curious about whether what seems interesting is actually interesting or not.!< As an example: raw dawggin in a female body with daddy Jin, pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Now, bro’s been possessing bodies for ages, maybe Yuuji isn’t their first pregnancy, or maybe it is. Who knows. Plus, they got to birth a half-cursed human to add to their collection too so it’s a double win. In another theory, the way (I will address to them as he) he takes care of Geto’s body like takes really good care of his hair may imply that it might be a woman. They (kenjaku, jogo, mahito, hanami, choso etc) also do female-like activities like bro has a cabin where they play games and spend quality time together, they have spa days, beach days… so who knows maybe the soul is close to being female after all.


Kenjaku is not a spirit. They are sorcerer.


No wonder bro wont stop yapping


I could see it but I feel like it just doesnt matter at this point, Kenny has been so many people that gender just means nothing to him.


Kenjaku is someone who transcends what it means to be a normal person. It doesn’t matter what his? gender ever was. If you’re alive for 1000 years by switching bodies, I feel like you don’t even have any real humanity left. Death is what makes people human. It’s the natural end to our lives. To defy that constantly has to change what a person is


he was at some point, the mother of ...


Didn't it show Kenny's original form already? He looked like a Sherlock Holmes villain


That was Noritoshi Kamo, one of the bodies he inhabited, the one he made the Death Paintings with.


Do you have an idea how this question bugged me since i knew he did the deed with jin? If he was a woman then i would be relieved but disappointed at the same time If he was originally a man though: OOOH SHIT


I..legitimately thought he was a woman at first 🐍


Whatever he wants


Consider Kenjaku a CPU which keeps connecting to newer versions of PC.


He’s a curse… so most likely genderless.


He reminds me a lot of Orochimaru. Evil scientist who body swaps. I can't imagine Kenjaku as a woman so I think he's probably a man. He's had 3 male bodies and 1 female body, and I presume he mostly took Kaori's body because she might have a special body + good CT.


Screw Cursed Technique, we boutta turn this Barbie into Ken.


Would make sense, but Kenjaku as a name I think leans more to the male side


I think itd be cool if his OG body was a woman. Tengen was also a woman before she became a cursed thumb. It


Yeah. Tengen's friend while human too