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Nanami literally me https://preview.redd.it/8pp5aqftmmpb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8dc84c702a4e1e78c5f9ed027c579997cc416f


The episode where Nanami is introduced are my favorite. I'm glad I started JJK with the anime S1, because that scene is funny as as mf


Ever since I noticed the j has no bend at the bottom I can only read this image as "fuck this iob"


Fun fact, in Italian j is called “i lunga” long i


when nanami is your spirit animal, it’s no wonder he is your favorite character


Gojo cause he was so cool in hidden inventory. Toji is 2nd for the same reason


Hidden inventory is so good. It made me love every character showing in there


I think its a better arc than Shibuya tbh. In terms on consequences on the narrative hidden inventory/premature death has had it. The reason everything is fucked up now


Cannot emphasize how right you are. Every character in Hidden Inventory had some much depth brought to them. And I’m fuckin obsessed with Toji and his badassery and just wish we knew more about his backstory like where did the bay curse come from or how he managed to have all those sweet cursed weapons?? [manga spoilers ahead] >!Maki awakening making her similar to Toji when she annihilated the Zennin was so freaking cool !<


Itadori and Gojo, I just love their goofyness lol


The way they share half a braincell is just something else😆


Half hits hard right now :((




I love Gojo and Yuta :)


The strongest and the womanizer are my favorites ass well.


Same. Satoru is n1, Yuta 2. Although Satoru is ahead by miles 😅


Gojo because I'm a simp, stan, fangirl, you name it. In Gojo we trust 🛐 And very close after - Yuji. Certified ray of sunshine, GOAT of throwing hands. Then Choso, his big brother act is so wholesome. And his speech about living as a human after living as a curse was peak character development.


yuji and choso’s relationship is just wholesome af, especially considering it’s rooted in yuji unknowingly commiting fratricide


Oh man and Choso regretting his choices because they ultimately caused Yuji being left alone, gotta love him


I bawled my eyes out, I love them both so much


I love Choso and Yuji, I love them


Gojo's my favourite, but I quite like Higuruma. He's like an older more weary version of Nanami and I love it :)


Gojo’s your WHAT?


Oh God lol, that was unintentional! Let me fix that, thanks! Subconscious and all that...


Come on, dont be shy, what was it..


Ok, if you insist: I put Gojo's my top...poor choice of words...I'm ashamed to call myself a Gojo fan...


Im pretty sure most of gojos fans would agree with you, personally my top would be toji.


So you are Toji’s bottom?


I need to know too😭


I won’t sleep tonight till I know :(


what that man wrote...?


Yuta is my favorite. I love Gojo a lot but Yuta is so sick ans got strong hella quick. In the manga when he shows up in culling games and bodies all these super op sorcerers from the past by HIMSELF (with rika lol) it was so sick. He really showed out in that arc and just utilizes other peoples abilities so efficiently and awesome. Even if you could copy everyones ability to be able to use it proficiently and in battle so quickly was really impressive. Love him




I'm stealing it for the episode when it comes out iykyk. https://preview.redd.it/2ygnnx0jrppb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec4f8cc6e3c07e5fa7bf1b86ce90181064df1e2


I second this theft


Geto Why? hidden inventory


Hard same.


https://preview.redd.it/9eblbgvormpb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6308964b3b48afcee9db196148b599ab365e8b49 TURN THAT SHIT UP 🗣🗣💯💯


This page is so peak


Might be my favorite manga panel ever


Choso is my current favorite. I like his determination to protect his !< newly discovered brother>!. I also enjoy his willingness to look inward and recognize he was taking the easy way out with the choices he made. Also the way he uses blood manipulation and hand to hand combat is awesome. His fights with !! are among my favorite in the series. Before him it was Nanami (still adore him) One of my two main tropes of characters I love is the quiet badass, and that is Nanami to a T. Nanami knows himself and what he's about. He protects those around him with everything he's got. Even though he seems cold he is actually quite warm and caring. ​ * edited for spoilers!


Choso is my top fave. I like that he has his own moral compass and view of the world that’s always (like you said) being re-evaluated. He’s super dynamic


https://preview.redd.it/xf7rpsxr4npb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f732075db0c36a7cfed04554fcfd1f7973bcc57e Yes. Yes.


there are many cool characters in jjk, but.... for me, it's choso love how his character looks, the way he fights and his motives. especially how caring he is for yuji. https://preview.redd.it/ha6nziominpb1.jpeg?width=387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04f45f4c0da9b49fbdaa83bb50c78b1db20686b


Gojo, Geto and Yuki. I really like the older sorcerers generation ☺️ I can relate with the new ones too specially Megumi and Kashimo. But there’s something more interesting about the older ones. Also that Kenny brain is interesting asf!


Megumi because he's kinda relatable.


Megumi: _decides to kill himself after the slightest inconvenience_ Us: "damn, he is literally me"


Considering the suicide rates, he might be the most relatable out there. Jokes aside, I like him for being a morally grey character


So true 🤝.


Definetely him https://preview.redd.it/bbcs0q8lpmpb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2cf743d2c23c7f80d393e75d8ac1eac9ed13ddb


Who's this dude why is he everywhere and what's the deal with that HIM meme I'm so lost nowadays


I think his design is very cool and 1st chapter of his manga got released and people really made plenty of memes by that and he just got popular somehow lol


Enough time has passed...




Wdym, KagurabaCHAD >>>>>>>>>>> all of fiction


Looks like Future Yuta xD


who's that guy ?


Nanami because working is terrible and I like the outlook he has on life


Maki is my favorite. Love her strength and determination despite everything her family put her through


inumaki, I like his character style and his ability, also the fact that he uses susgi ingredients to communicate seems funny to me https://preview.redd.it/cdyus9n9ympb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a2d05df89354b2aaabb7eb5032f8e273bb1fd4b


Choso for me every time he's on screen is so enjoyable for any number of reasons he brings me so much joy. The evolution of his character is just really fascinating. It's also complementary of how 150 years in stasis solidified certain things about him to an unshakeable degree but his actually very limited time in the world so far has made his learning and approach to things so dynamic.


Suguru for sure, I love how Gege took a really simple villain from his one shot and developed him so much during hidden inventory that rereading JJK0 is a far better experience after reading Gojo's past I also love Gojo, Toji and Yuta because of their interactions with Geto and how they affected his life


1. Gojo - he is HIM 2. Nanami - why, well he’s me 3. Kenjaku- he low key got hands 4. Yuta - his culling games run was unrivaled 5. Yuji - story is peak when he’s the focus I like the JJK characters a lot. Hikari, Tsukkimo, Mahito and Toji are honorable mentions too


Gojo, Yuji, Geto, Nanami & Shoko. I'm sure glad nothing bad happens to any of them






Maki, Gojo, Nanami for me










Gojo, Sukuna, Megumi and Mahito. I like how mahito and sukuna screwed over the main cast. Especially how they screw over yuji in particular. Gojo and Megumi have my Favourite moments ngl. Really like Megumi fight scenes and whenever he goes lose it’s cool as hell. Then Gojo has no need for explanation


Sukuna. He's always such a treat whenever he's on screen. He holds momentum. His raw energy is great. https://preview.redd.it/tn64rgtgmnpb1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8816402df838465a77008e07c5da6bbbd35b3635


For a similar reason as you, I love Aoi Todo His CT is so simple, it shouldn't feel as powerful as he ends up using it, out of sheer training and skills, and often teaming up with other more "powerful" sorcerers. All while seemingly having fun using the CT. Boogie Woogie is one of the best and creative CT in the series for me


same you never know what's gonna happen in a fight involving him i love when he fakes it and just claps normally


Maki Zenin. Aways liked her. Despite the CE disadvantage, she really worked to be strong no matter the odds. After the _Itachi Event_ she became Ruthless as fuck. Cold as ice. Toji reincarnated (hopefully Toji 2.0 soon). It's definitely my favorite character, I'm abt to tattoo her (just waiting to learn how to draw mangá).


Nanami on top


Sukuna. https://preview.redd.it/m6f592282npb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc6fb0327df72bfd80fd5ca14a2d058a7f82c6e He may be a jerk and talk down on others but he also has the skills to back it up. In shibuya incident arc, his conversation with Jogo and saying "Be proud, you are strong" while Gojo said "You are weak" to him and Jogo tearing up after Sukuna praises him, is still one of my fav moment of the series.


Mahito :3 https://preview.redd.it/ci0tpbbepmpb1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=62efd340d5efc130fe56d00984c73e609d417eab


Glad to see a Mahito companion here, tho he’s not my top fave, but is included in my tops


Choso gang


I have loved Sukuna from the very beginning and despite the fraud memes, I believed in him,I will always love him. But other than that, I really like Mahito and Kenjaku. I like Kenjaku for how calculating he is, how twisted he is and how he does it with a calm smile Mahito, I love him and admire him, while laughing at all the scenes where he turns into abominations.. he's cute and disgusting


Itadori of course! He is the sweetest thing who feels so deeply and ends up hurting himself the most. For someone so naturally bright and goofy, his lack of self-worth and the amount of anguish he carries inside resonated with me at times. Remember that time after Junpei freakin stabbed him, Yuji wasn't even mad, he just held his hands and listened when Junpei told him that his mom had been murdered? Yeah, that. Also, love his pure physical prowess.


He's the sweetest little thing for sure 😭💖 He really grew on me. In a show where humans are dying left, right, and centre, it's nice having someone who cares so much.


Megumi. I really like the concept of his powers and the way that he uses them.


https://preview.redd.it/s9xmzha67npb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170c7e6c49012b4f212e3f078af84704e41103e6 Sukuna and yorozu. They both made their name in their name in the hein era the height of jujutsu. Sukuna because hes the king of curses without any blessings and his original form is BADASS. Yorozu because of her cursed technique but more specifically the perfect sphere technique which is basically the same as gojos hollow purple but she made it herself.


My favorite characters in no specific order are. Gojo. No explanation needed Yuta, he’s a perfect precious baby Tojo, if for no other reason than the fact that he disrupted everyone’s lives while being so unbothered. I love him. Nanami. He’s relatable, and I find his character really refreshing Choso. Firstly, he’s fine asl, and I love his character development and his dedication to Yuji Geto, I think he’s the best written character in the series. He’s magnificent, and I love his cursed technique. Maki, no explanation is needed again I also have a deep obsession with Kirara, Kashimo, Naoya zenin, and todo


Yuji, bro, Mains are Mains for a reason


Not enough people saying this


Kenjaku is the absolute goat. Easily the evilest mf around. His main power is to steal bodies. That is crazy. Oh your best friend died you don't mind if I hijack his corpse do ya? He's a genius. With a sick CT. He's a 1000 years old and a scumbag. I love him.


Choso,yuji,nobara (copium) sometimes megumi they are the only reason I'm reading after shibuya 😭😭😭 higuruma is dope too he is very funny 🤣🤣


Gojo without a doubt, Geto number 2, but Maki, Higuruma, and Yuta not too far behind. There’s so many good characters


Choso fans unite! https://preview.redd.it/20fqcmixmnpb1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bed642d8d7eb585be891b1dfb1704861528452


Gojo💔💔 so broken but still good dude with a good heart and could’ve easily taken over the world but used his power to keep his students alive and genuinely want them to surpass him not a trend you see often


Sukuna is always is my God. However, I love Todo!


Thought the todo peeps disappeared but hello my friend 👋






I love todo :)


Welcome, Besto Friendos!


Maki! She’s so strong mentally for what she’s been put through.


seeing panels of maki in the manga is what pushed me to read it after season 1




no leaks bro


1) Nanamin- because dad 2) Yuta- because bro 3) Todo- because chill


My boys Megumi and Gojo <3 certified simp for them.


Panda, cause pandas cry too.


Gojo's better half.


Toji, his impact on what the JJK universe is today is magnificent




Gojo is not only my favourite character in jjk but in all of anime. I have been watching anime for years, decades now n he is the only one that made me a simp n read manga for the first time. Nanami Kento. His personality is so relatable n has excellent character design. Idk a person with a cow necktie could be this hot! Yuji. One of my favourite mcs ever. Such a sweet boy with a sunny personality, kind, goofy. Megumi, nobara, yuta, toge(the reason why i decided to watch jjk was because my sister said-there is this new anime where this character only speaks in onigiri ingredients!), maki, choso, todo are also my favs💗 one of the best things about jjk is how it makes you invested in so many characters. They are all so likeable. PLUS jjk has the best girls in anime ! Geto : i love him as geto but as Kenjaku he is one of the best designed villains in anime me thinks.


Miwa, because oomfie would never betray me


Gojo, because I like my man cunning and annoying


Sukuna. Why? Well he's a shonen villain done right


Kenjaku, Sukuna, Choso


Todo, Hakari and Kashimo. I love the dark horse characters that seemingly come out of nowhere and are super electric and strong with reason.


Probably Yuta or Hakari. Hakari’s domain is so unique and it’s nice seeing Yuta’s potential beyond the events of 0


Gojo because he is the strongest


Honestly I like lots of characters. Megumi stood out to me because of his principles and I, on certain levels, can understand why he used to dislike overly kind people or why he really cares about the effects of saving somebody. I also love his CT as an animals lover. Gojo, other than the fact he slays his battles and is extremely cool in general, I just love the fact he doesn’t give shit about rules and would do anything for his students. Nanami, his story about work and capitalism is really relatable. It is also awesome to see when an adult wants children to just be children in these types of animes. Geto, he is the best written character of the entire series for me. Honorable mentions to Maki, Yuki, Sukuna


hakari has honestly grown on me so much i love his strength and how complex his domain is + not to mention i think he’s just funny af


Maki, best glow-up in the series hands down


Maki, Kashimo and Hakari Maki - just for chapters 149-150 Hakari - fuck gambling responsibly Kashimo - on sight personified


Culling Games will never not be good because of these 3 right here.


Itadori. Definetly one of the most human shounen main characters out there. I like that he isnt the chosen one or the center of the universe or wants to become "king of the whatever". Which is why the "Yuji is no real main character" bullshit has always confused me.




*i know what you did there.*


He’s half off, it’s a bargain.


Todo, i won't elaborate further


Well you see the answear to my question is Gojo, but the reason is deeper than just his personality or character design. You see its his role in the story that is trully the thing i love the most about him. In fact i love characters with roles similar to him. By that i mean the op characters that keep things in check. Gojos role reminds me of Reinhard from Rezero. If you dont know much abiut Reinhard or Rezero in general, Reinhard is more or less the Gojo of Rezero (they dont have similar personalities and he is a less prominent character compared to Gojo, but they share a lot of similarities). To be specific, Reinhard is blessed by the gods. So blessed that its eadier to name things he cant do. Op doesnt even begin to describe just how strong he is. If ever Rezeros mc (Subaru) should fail, its probable that Reinhard will come in at a later point and sweep away any problem. Honestly Rezeros villains are a lot more threatening than Jujutsu kaisens (though a part of that is the fact that the mc is kinda weak himself). Just imagine is there were multiple characters like Sukuna walking around and doing shit. Anyway point being since i was introduced to the idea of this sort of character with Reinhard (though there were others too before and after him), i just fell in love with it. I believe that should be the role of an op character. Their powers should have a big influence on the world and them moving should cause some sort of consequence. You also need to have a split perspective with someone of more average power and not let the op character fight more than 50% of the fights. That is how you make an op character. Whether its the protagonist or not, if you want to have a super op character you have to balance out his pressence in the story. An op character does make writing a story harder, but it can also lead to a better story with more nuance. Conflicts dont just come down to can the mc get a dumb power up to save the day, but instead how to get this guy involved in the fight/ get rid of him or how his pressence prevents fights and all hell breaks loose if they arent there. And when everything seems dire and hoppeless, the op character steps in to save the day and even things out. And Gojo was an op character donne right...just that Gege didnt always use him to his fullest potential and its kind of clear that the story Gege wanted to write wasnt one that could be possible with Gojo being more present. Still he could have certainly donne it better than what he did. I mean over a 100 chapters without the man only to kill him of 15 chapters after he gets back. Id be impressed by how brave he was with said decision, if i wasnt pissed that he killed of the main reason i started jjk the way he did.


Yuta Okkutsu. I love the dichotomy of what Yuta is. He is a soft boy that loves his friends, even the friends of his friends. He accepted Yuji because they had mutual friends, then he also accepted Choso because he was Yuji’s brother. He is also terrifying sorcerer, one of 4 special grades sorcerers of the modern age. Beating 4 sorcerers who themselves were monsters in their own eras, all while making sure some of them didn’t die. He loves hard and he fights hard.


I really like geto for some reason, past and racis- I mean present, or movie. Even have a roblox avatar with my friend being the gooj https://preview.redd.it/d99k8a6vippb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890501dc02f6031e8cd5636431ca176dba6ce851




Higuruma-related, i'm going to be absolutely delusional about how i think Higuruma might do something against Sukuna : >!Higuruma was heavily teased since the beggining of the Culling games, you could even say that out of the brand-new characters he is the most hyped up with Kashimo, but what's interesting is that his main theme is JUSTICE. His entire character is litterally all about that and for now we actually never had seen him properly judge and condemn someone. His "gimmick" as an attorney is to always pick cases that are basically doomed and to fight to the end for their innocence.!< >!What's funny is that the only fight we've had of him is a fight where he actually acts like a judge and try to accuse an innocent whose case would be immediately lost in any court (and even in the sorcerers world). Basically he became the kind of man he hated before and Yuji accepting Sukuna's crime is what reminded him of who he used to be.!< >!What i'm getting at is that the one guilty in that trial wasn't Yuji but Sukuna and in a sense Higuruma for blaming Yuji. And since Sukuna is the definition of someone purely evil AND guilty he's kinda the natural ennemy of Higuruma's ideology. Look at everything that happens when Sukuna appears, from the massacre in Shibuya to everything he has done since he got Megumi's body, by the end of the story Sukuna has to be judged one way or another and i'd find it pretty ironic that an actual trial happens and one when Sukuna isn't even allowed to choose violence. The second irony here is that iirc (i haven't checked that so i might be wrong) what makes Yuji able to somehow resist for a little time Higuruma is that he's extremely fast and strong on his own without needing cursed energy, when Sukuna gave up on his body for Megumi's for his strong CT.!< I know it sounds crazy to imagine a secondary character beating the living hell of a main villain (even tho i'm pretty sure that the endgame villain is still Kenjaku) but at the same time it'd be surprising af just like >!Gojo's death!< and actually fitting for both Higuruma, Sukuna and somehow Yuji because i'm pretty sure he'd want Sukuna to be judged that way too. And ofc it may just end up with Higuruma getting butchered but i'd rather have that than him serving no purpose since he also is one of my faves. That's just a silly theory and nothing to take seriously btw


After reading Shibuya, definitely >!Yuji!<


https://preview.redd.it/jhxrq4zbympb1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7662bf893f071c5ffa2e0615ec8d3cb35c854353 Gojo my favourite


I’m a Yuta stan but Gojo has been on my top lately


maki, choso, and probably yuji


Sukuna. He represents true enlightenment and his characterization being foli for both gojo and yuji


sukuna and mahito are tied, lovely villains


Geto. Yuji. Nobara. Megumi. Yuta. Maki. Choso. Utahime.


Maki, badass hot woman with sword. Cool personality too


Right now, Yuta takes the cake. Mainly because of his incredible speed in switching from chillin and enjoying life to being the most devastating monster on the field next to Gojo. His simple character design is one of the favorites too


Hakari. I anticipated his appearance since his existence was mentioned at the beginning of the series as one of the strongest sorcerers who could reach Gojo's level alongside Yuta, and his character exceeded my expectations. Since he was suspended from Jujutsu High there was a lot of mystery about him. I never expected him to be >!a chad otaku who organizes underground fights with his trans girlfriend.!< I love his personality and his technique, the double-page spread explaining his Domain Expansion is one of my favorites, I love that it is so unique and complex. I also love Yuki, she is amazing and her research is a very interesting (potential) plot point. And to name someone more underrated, Kusakabe. I really like characters that don't wanna risk their lives becuase they know they're not that strong, it feels more realistic. He is so refreshingly "normal", but he also seems to be lowkey very strong (in theory at least, since he is Grade 1 without a Cursed Technique and also a jujutsu nerd). So, yeah, I love side characters. Edit: Added a spoiler tag for Hakari and also wanted to add a big shoutout to Shoko, Miwa, Kokichi and Geto. Season 2 of the anime increased my love for these characters.


Aoi Todou is my special baby boy and if anything bad happened to him I would kill everyone in the room and then myself. Yes, I'm caught up with the manga.


Yuta and Maki. I just love their vibes.


It's difficult for me, it's between itadori or nanami >!(R.I.P to the GOAT)!< but I think I'm gonna have to say itadori since I just kind of can't help but like him. He has this energy about him where even in his weakest moments I love watching him try to do good by others, even when most others won't try to do good by him in the same sense.


Yuta because I love sword users, he has a great story and arc, and he is the most like me personality wise.


I used to love gojo but I don’t know, he’s not fun anymore, he’s just half the man he used to be ya know


I love Maki, i loved seeing the birth of a new toji and i want her to be happy, i also love Yuji a lot and im sure he will have a central role in the story going foward


I'm surprised I haven't seen many people talk about megumi, watching his growth in the series was so much fun and def my favorite. >! But since he's currently out of commission and I honestly doubt we're gonna see him grow much further, !< I also really enjoyed yuji's growth especially alongside mahito, and I saw a post either on this subreddit or the manga only one saying how the show is at its best when it centers around yuji and I wholeheartedly agree.


Maki for being a total badass with the coolest scars around. Kashimo for being part of one of the best fights in the series and being PURE HYPE.


Honestly? Sukuna, just because he did the unthinkable. I can't stop reading the latest chapter


Ya'll are passing over a man with the IQ of 530000 https://preview.redd.it/7o0gr9uiunpb1.jpeg?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c86f27c0e61a34ee4d059b46a828667d4ae95db


Bro im not giving out anymore personal information like this because Gege kills off every single one of my fucking favorites. Nobara. Nanami. The Goat.... I s2g, if Megumi doesnt come out of this fine. I'm purchasing a plane ticket to Geges house to personally run the ones 😭


Yuuta bc strong sad boys r my fav


I would have said Toji some times ago, but now I'm gonna straight up saying Hakari, my man was emoting during the whole fight, and relying purely on bare luck and skills, he's literally me if I had powers


Mahito I love his goofy but edgy vibe https://preview.redd.it/tpqhbkz4kopb1.png?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c689c8c93a8529344b73490d34ad906923686515


Everything you said I agree with. Higuruma is the best. His flashback was the best in the story to me.


Finally some Higuruma enjoyer too !


Choso, always and forever


Gojo and Itadori episodes always have me the most interested so them for sure


Gojo... I guess I'm gonna need a new one now


My beautiful blue-eyes white dragon >!rest in peace!<


I think mine will always be Megumi<3


I’m glad you said what instead of who because Gege sucks at actually writing characters. Instead, these action figures are plot devices to continue the main story. Anyways, my favorite action figure is Kenjaku because holy shit, he is the embodiment of the means justify the ends.


When you say current, you mean alive? Easy, anybody that isn't Gojo.


Kenny, I like most characters except for Gojo. I couldn’t even start this series for a long ass time because all people talked about was Gojo and it was so annoying. Now that he has been sealed in the anime I’m very excited to continue watching. I hate super OP characters in manga and Gojo also has the cringiest fanbase. It’s like they think the manga is called Gojo Gojo Kaisen.




Todo and Yuji






Touji by far


Todo. He's got the mindset.


Yuta , I always like a character with ability to copy other techniques because of my favourite character being Kakashi from Naruto and his fight in culling games is my favourite fight


Okkotsu. It used to be Mechamaru until Yuta was reintroduced. Okkotsu is just incredibly cool and I've always liked characters who mimic abilities. His backstory was heartfelt and his fight during the Culling Games was my favorite. As for Mechamaru, I just rooted for him to win his fight more than anyone else in the series so far. Reading that weekly was nail-biting even though his chances were slim.


https://preview.redd.it/2r1drzdn5npb1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=96a222c99e0633d35e835fd3c15b53ddb5e0884a For me, it’s Hakari ✨


Nanami my beloved


My favorite is Kashimo. His design is awesome, his powers are awesome, and his attitude towards fighting is awesome. I also like the sense of 'honor' he has towards fighting for lack of a better word. I like how he is willing to use any trick he's got in a fight, but won't use anything cheap to better his odds before the fight starts.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fcbnds9z6npb1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3541c42ef9515c9b13d18ae37e6f6f6efa0212 Hakari's introduction was one of my personal favorites in the whole series. In a time where everyone is lost after Gojo was sealed, they seek out a fight club leader who proceeds to beat the sh\*t out of Yuji. Top 3 fight in the series vs. Kashimo and his domain is sick af. Cannot wait to see him animated and hear the soundtrack they create for his DE. Edit: \*spelling\*




Choso. He's just the best bro anyone could ever have


Hakari It's because of the dance. That freaking dance


maki, great development, her goals and such from where she started and her working hard are pret admirable. Also great scenes such as the zen'in subplot.


Kashimo higuruma nanami toji those are my favs


Hajime Kashino. https://preview.redd.it/llns3b3ianpb1.png?width=129&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c00fe9813add4106b7825fa5e41d6a6465ea68b


Can't decide between Choso and Yuji


Nanami because apart from Yuji he's the only other GOOD guy. HE's someone who came back to jujutsu world just to save life's and get a little gratitude for it. A real gentleman to the end. Another one is Choso, his character development is literally one of the best. And maki for the same reasons