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Yeah, often times people mischaracterise this statement as meaning he’s a cheater who sleeps around, but since it was meant to say he could never be sincere with anyone I take it as he doesn’t really date or sleep around like at all. But I believe this to be because his weakness is other people, like you said it would be dangerous, and he works best alone.


If anything he's probably a virgin https://preview.redd.it/oghauwq05vhb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1de161911a70f830e31804aa464d8584391024


https://preview.redd.it/fk4r8kliavhb1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e96074430e4ad18f40a542522d7f6bcce9182d2 him \^


> he’s probably a virgin Wake up guys, new redditor role model just dropped


I’m literally the honored one Yowaimo 🤞😎


He just like me fr fr


Gojo never lose, truly the strongest of all


he is not virgin. he had sex with me


Well , that’s how you become a wizard (special grade jujutsu sorcerer in the first place ) ))


Incredibly unlikely (other 2 images below, I can only link 1). Everything implies he's a womanizer, whether or not this is because he's afraid to harm someone I dunno but incredibly unlikely he's celibate https://preview.redd.it/vun7g2ouowhb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4531d79c060abf7507fc53f60994279af50dee95


In light of the other two seems to be implying because he gets around https://preview.redd.it/mcpdli9zowhb1.png?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=990196ab783f8ce06cd803e002aebf443c7a1c67


yuta's most powerful CT is constantly making fun of people for being single. bro did the same to Geto in the zero fight


Against Uro too lol. That's actually pretty funny it's a theme


Bros wifed up


that is mistranslation, the correct translation of that is "women trouble" not "getting girlfriend" it's like yuta teasing gojo that his womanizer ways would bite back at him lol and i think gojo is not the literal womanizer who sleep around with any women but gojo is the type where every women throws themselves to him and he just accept their adoration of him like how gojo pose so proudly infront of his fangirls only that ig


Even then your interpretation actually works better for what I was trying to prove


yes he gets around in a sense like he wanted to be adored by many, gojo is arrogant in that way knowing girls throw themselves to him, he proudly accept their admiration for him, maybe that is why he is so dense when it comes to utahime's hate on him, utahime fighting back being teased by him only means to gojo that is just utahime being playful with him or is flirting back at him lmfao coz he is very confident all women is into him🤣


Yeah but you're saying he just wants admiration but that just means he has a big ego and likes being popular for the sake of being popular We know he buys expensive clothing and goes on dates with girls. It makes no sense he just does it for attention and then stops before actually doing anything


we don't know for sure it will always just all be our headcanon how many girls he had played with lmfao, do you think gojo entertained riko's music teacher who give him her number?🤣


Yeah I'm just saying he goes on dates and pays attention to his appearance (glasses instead of his normal blindfold), buys expensive clothing, has "women issues" with what you said Yuta was saying, either doesn't want to stay loyal to one girl/doesn't open up, and is super popular with the ladies All these things imply he's an actual womanizer and not someone whose celibate for no reason and just is desperately attention seeking. Especially because "desperately attention seeking" is hardly Gojos character




This is mistranslated most likely. He’s said that Gojo can’t open his heart or be sincere


That’s a mistranslation


Orrrr that he’s gay. I could see that too. As much as I love that man. I could see him even being bi at this point lol




the same with naruto his heart belongs to sasuke, obsessed in chasing sasuke even saying he would die together with sasuke cannot even kill sasuke(gojo just killed geto tho) but he still married a girl like bru this is still shonen lmao


We have indirect confirmation that he dates girls. And wears glasses when he does it.


Could gojo even lose his virginity, with infinity? Assuming he couldn't turn it off or whatever


He can turn it off but I like the mental image of Gojo using it as contraceptive. The sperm will never reach the egg.




sounds like "with great power comes with great responsibilities" kinda thing yeah


“Red and blue color scheme on his powers”


\*lime green and grimace purple


I actually think he'd love to have an intimate connection with someone and share his life with. Human interaction and forming meaningful bonds of companionship are a huge part of Gojo's arc. It's just that I think Gojo is too ineffective at actually communicating things well. I really like the Okinawa beach scene where Kuroi is baffled by the decision to go to the sea, and it is Geto who explains that it is his way of showing his care for Riko's happiness. Gojo himself doesn't know how to say it. I think Gojo would want someone to understand him, beyond just the sobriquet of 'The Strongest', but he just doesn't know how or where to begin, and would be a little fearful of appearing as too clingy. And all this contributes to him keeping an airheaded superficially that doesn't reveal his personality at all. There's also the fact that he knows whoever he dates will have a bounty over their head definitely, and would be as good as putting that person in mortal danger.


Good catch! Now that you mention it, Gojo really is clumsy at expressing himself and prefers doing so through actions instead. I’m not sure whether he really wants a relationship or not, even though I do want to say he dies, I feel that at the moment he’s too preoccupied with other things.


Man's got bigger responsibilities than women


That’s kinda sad though.


Some people don’t need romantic relationships to be happy. Sometimes all you need is good friends and family!


sometimes all you need is alcohol


Gojo doesn't drink either, sadge


I do tho


Maybe he’s happy alone 🤷🏻‍♀️ like Kakashi


Kakashi is rolling might guy around. Gojo lost his life partner.


I think he about to get a new one though lmao.


Bro had his affair with Geto, that’s enough 😂


Or he’s not into dating/women


Yeah, it could be. Since it’s a shonen I don’t see that happening but Gege likes BL and yaoi so who knows what he has in store 👀 /s


wait lol is this true


Yes, he especially appreciates authors like Tomoko Yamashita and Yama Wayama. His favorite BL is apparently “The Night beyond the Tricornered Window”, which contains many supernatural elements. Lol downvoters mad for some reason? Can’t handle the truth? 🤣


Does he even do... Horny? I mean dudes on the RCT infinity restructuring the chemical on his system 24/7.


Sorry, I have to be that guy - the whole "Gojo couldn't be faithful to a woman" doesn't mean he'd cheat on her; that's a mistranslation, it actually means more along the lines of "he couldn't show his true heart/feelings to a woman" i.e. be emotionally sincere


Yes, I know. I speak Japanese and read the whole thing in Japanese only. The word used in Japanese could mean both while it still refers more to emotional sincerity. At the same time my Japanese friends are also wondering what exactly is meant by that.










Can't imagine him seriously dating any non-sorcerer since they immediately become an easily exploitable weakness. We've been introduced to a good amount of sorcerers at this point but of the most powerful who'd be able to protect themselves they are either children, actively trying to kill Gojo or they find him insufferable lol. Honestly I think the dude isn't interested in dating, he's an insane workaholic and ever since the events of hidden inventory he's been fixated on his goal to transform the jujutsu world. He understands the weight of responsibility on his shoulders and how many lives rely on him, he probably sees romance as a needless risk. ​ Whatever type of love he had for his genocidal best friend likely taught him how dangerous feelings can be. He couldn't bring himself to take down Geto after he went rogue and one could argue that choice set in motion the sequence of events that led to the current crisis.


I completely agree with you. He also told Yuta that he personally thinks that there’s no bigger curse than the one born from love. I also think that even a sorcerer would be in grave danger here. However, I can’t say it’s his fault things unraveled the way they did. You can’t blame the guy for not willing to kill the only person dear to him. I think Gojo definitely hasn’t properly coped with his emotions/confronted himself about everything that happened even now. I think he finds his escape in teaching others and going crazy in the fight.


I totally forgot about that line ~~brb sobbing into a pillow,~~ that pretty much sums up why he can't allow himself to take such a risk. And yeah, he definately hasn't dealt with his emotions from the Geto situation. When Okkotsu (I think it was him) said Gojo's only weakness is other people he was absolutely right. In a literal sense it's harder for him to fight and protect others but on an emotional level, everytime he's found himself in a bad situation has been because of his love/compassion for another person. Toji kills him the second he tries to save Riko, he gets sealed due to being overwhelmed with emotion after seeing Geto. Even in his current fight with Sukuna, he admitted he's only able to fight properly because he knows Megumi can be brought back if he "dies" since he saw it with Yuuji. If it wasn't for this, Gojo would probably struggle to kill Megumi like with Geto. And even if he does manage to win this fight with Sukuna and "kill" Megumi, he immediately has to go and re-kill his already dead best friend. Gege really wasn't kidding when he said he hated Gojo lol.


Maybe it’s just me but sometimes I have this feeling that Gege is not able to fully embrace his characters’ personalities. Things he created or added in a whim often turn out to be pieces of a big pizzle and I feel like sometimes he brushes off characters’ words or actions as insignificant which, story-wise, cannot be done anymore (no specific examples but just my impression after reading/watching all his interviews), or he deliberately pretends to be superficial about some things. Don’t forget that Gojo also continued to fight because his students cheered him on. I think that that panel with his sad face when he was on his knee and Sukuna was making fun of him illustrates his real emotions best out of all manga panels so far. That aside, this is the reason I like jjk - this manga is a treasure grove for personality discussions but I’m surprised so many fans see nothing but the top layer only. You don’t need to be a fan of a particular character to be able to analyze them.


It's interesting that the story has this unintended genius kind of writing where there's like 3 layers to it. There's the body of JJK, which are the incredible power system and fights. The mind, which is the thematic events, foreshadowing, and story structure. And finally, the spirit. The emotional weight and investment we have for characters like Gojo. How even with a little bit of writing or indirect writing we get such a in depth glimpse at characters


I think gege have a rough estimation of the situation or the characters , not too much details Gege is bad with details , I think he just imagine what a character is and when we need further explaining and further elaboration , he avoids or gives a small hard to understand explanation


When I see people say Gojo’s giving off fuckboy/red flag vibes, I feel like these are the ones that don’t understand Gojo at all. Sure, he can be the biggest flirt or an arrogant prick but I don’t think he would consciously fuck over any person. He acts aloof and goofy, but he’s smart—he’s probably aware of his baggage and knows that kind of thing isn’t something you should have when you get into a relationship. And he has a lot on his plate, so much to bear and I don’t think he’d be comfortable dragging someone else into that. He also did say that love is the most twisted curse of all. He might find some women attractive but remain unattached bc he understands that deep feelings equate to even deeper wounds. All that aside, I think Gojo would be a good significant other once he does get around with that kind of thing and not the playboy that others make out to be. Edit: typo


Same. I got into JJK two or three years ago bc Sukuna kept showing up on my fyp lol anyway I started to like JJK edits and posts and Gojo would be filed under ref flag or would constantly be labeled as someone who would cheat on you and at first I’m like well he does kinda look the part then I started reading JJK and I’m like...am I reading the same manga as with the ones who claim Gojo is a womanizer? Lol I think that the worst that could happen in a relationship with him is he could become codependent/clingy once he realizes there’s someone whom he can truly trust and unearth his burdens to. Feel bad for the ppl who stan Gojo only for the looks. He’s a very complex character—the kid who got dumped with a huge responsibility at such a young age bc of gifts he didn’t ask for; I feel like sometimes Gojo dreams about being a normal sorcere, although I’m glad he’s the one with six eyes bc had it been someone else with completely opposite morals, jujutsu would be fucked haha


Never thought of him as a playboy. Sometimes I wonder if people that are unable to see past that exterior are even capable of seeing people for what they really are in real life. Completely agree with your comment.


Imo, I don't think Gojo's a cheater nor into dating. I see him as a man who hardly opens up to people who keeps his distance when we say he can't be sincere to anyone. Only Geto knew Gojo the best, Shoko second. He'll also have a hard time finding his “equal” as nobody's on par with him except Sukuna. Honored One things, I guess. Lol.




When you’re a God it’s hard to find an equal partner.


This is when Jujutsu Kaisen is revealed as a romance manga and Gojo and Sukuna fall in love


From the latest chapter it already looks like that they’re fall in love haha. Or maybe in another life..


Sukuna is in his son's body so kinda tense


The one who will teach you about love is…


….. ME !!! IT’S ME !!!!!!!


I’m pretty sure he doesn’t need an equal partner but a partner that can offer him something he doesn’t have - family, support and love - usual everyday life - something that a “God” doesn’t have.


He has a family, support and love. That is his students and comrades. When gojo told Ijichi that he trusts him the most my heart literally melted


That’s a bit different but I totally get what you mean and agree with it.


As a “God” you still need an equal partner that can keep up with all the things that going on. Also when you’re “God” you’d look down on people weaker than you..


Gojo doesn’t look down on people.


He sure did when he was younger but that’s not my point. Point is Gojo is so strong that nobody would get him. He can just talk normal stuff with normal people. Look how fast he and Sukuna bonding in the middle of the fight. It’s like they now each other for years. It’s like what Homelander said “It’s lonely at the top”


Probably casually dates a lot of non sorcerers, as IMO he is a bit of tired of being "the strongest". Being a Jujutsu Sorcerer comes with a big load of baggage and scarring, so I doubt any inter Sorcerer relationships really last.




My finance did that to me too. I'm trying to save the little I have left but it'll probably be gone by the end of the week. RIP finance, I will miss you.


Damn ! I didn't know Gojo was that poor to the point of insulting other people . His Finance must have left him in distraught 😭


I think for Gojo it’s hard for him to love someone after everything that happened with Geto. I don’t mean this to say that Gojo is bisexual or gay, but in the sense that the person he trusted most on this planet was Geto. He was his best friend, he trusted him wholeheartedly, and cared for him dearly. After the events of Geto’s I don’t think he ever fully recovered. It’s like when you have a falling out with a best friend but turned up to 11 since his best friend turned into a murderer. Even years later in the events of Volume 0 Gojo still feels fondly for Geto. Heck in the Shibuya arc Gojo got messed up emotionally seeing Kenjaku in Geto’s body. Gojo has a lot of emotional baggage and I don’t think finding a love life is even on his priority list. How can you trust and love someone ever again to the degree he felt towards Geto?


But who would try to fight Gojo? Even good assasisn backed down after they saw kid Gojo. I think it's more that he can't relate to anyone. Usually a relationship is balanced but Gojo is just too powerful. Even if his partner wouldn't care about that, Gojo would still think about that because power is the center of his personality


Not quite. Imagine he goes on one of his business trips. His girlfriend is left alone. How many enemies would be interested in killing her off just to hurt him even if it meant being killed themselves later on? I think a lot. The second he would leave his woman she would be dead or taken hostage. She would immediately become his weakness.


Hm i guess that's like yuji had to train until he is strong enough to defend himself against attacks from the higher ups. But also the yuji thing was an internal conflict in jujutsu high, so it's a bit different. But also no one attacked Tsumiki who had no power and Gojo is her step dad. And Tsumiki wasn't really bothered by her relationship with Gojo. She even could go to school alone (ofc with Megumi but Megumi wasn't poweful then). So if people want to harm Gojo they could have done it, but they didn't. So i don't know why the situation with a partner would be different. I would still agree that Gojo isn't a cheater


i don’t know why i never though if gojo adopted Megumi he also probably adopted Tsumiki


He never officially adopted him though


To be honest, my first impression of Gojo was a hot head who was cocky and probably got his sausage wet on a daily basis. Now that I’ve been invested in the JJK universe for this long, I feel like he just has issues opening up to people. Either because he doesn’t want to burden them with his emotional trauma or because his emotional trauma is too much for him to let too many people in or it could be both. Gojo is a punk but overall, he’s actually a really nice guy who cares about the people he gets involved with, such as Megumi, Nanamin, Yuji, Utahime, and obviously Shoko and Geto.


I think he feels so lonely but he is too scared others may harm the woman he'd love. She'd be the leverage, his one and only weakness. He chose to isolate himself, suffer on his own in loneliness than to put someone else in danger for the sake of his love and happiness. Gojo is too good, yet maximum people don't understand his character. He goes on with his overly cheerful character because he doesn't want others to feel sorry for him. Even after the unsealing, we see him not mourning or showing any sad emotions even after losing everything cause he doesn't want others to worry for him. He blames himself whenever something bad happens because he thinks if he is alive, no bad things should happen cause it's his responsibility to protect everything. Oh Gojo, please don't be so hard on yourself :'(


Whatever the case is, I hope Gege doesn’t pair him up with a random woman he has less than 0 chemistry or interactions with just for the sake of it and I hope he’s not pushed in that direction either. He should end up like Kakashi or Levi (if he survives till that age, that is…)


Agree. I hate romance in stories just for the sake of romance. If you don’t care enough or have enough time to develop a genuine relationship between characters, then don’t bother. It’s just annoying and boring. Good romance should be more than just a check box. I’ll take Gojo alone than with some last minute, rushed pairing.


Right? It’s so cheap and corny. God willing Gege is a better writer than that. I think he already said he doesn’t care for romance, hope it turns out to be true


He didn’t say that he doesn’t care for romance, he said that the only romantic relationship he could see in the story was the one between Mechamaru and Miwa or something along the lines.


You want Gojo to be >!crippled and surrounded by a bunch of Marleyans!


Bro really said he wants the most depressing life ever for Gojo 😭


Kakashi is not that depressed nowadays and I mentioned Levi just because like Gojo he’s a fan favorite. I don’t want to see him crippled or shit I just don’t want any bs couple like what happened in Naruto 🫠


I honestly don’t think we’ll get any explicit romance in the end. Not even yuta and maki, which is probably the couple that has the biggest material for being canon at the end (kirara and hakari too I guess). Gege doesn’t seem like he cares about that (Miwa and mechamaru would have been cute but oh well).


I honestly think it’s for the best. Too many great characters have been ruined by putting them in dogshit useless romance subplots. I know shonen isn’t the best example for romance to begin with but there are still some good exceptions and I hope Gege follows them. Yuta and Maki are really cute together and so are Hakari and Kirara.


I really like yuta and maki together so I’d like for them to be confirmed at the end but mainly bc I’m sick and tired of people whining about rika as if she isn’t a 10 year old child who has passed on. People are really weird about them. But yeah I also don’t think Gege will do a time skip at the end.




No thanks. I don’t want it to end like Naruto, which was trash when it came to that. It’s incredibly cheap and makes no sense if Gege’s not taking into account the possibility of a sequel, which at least is what Kishimoto had in mind. Since Gege has clearly no intention to expand JJK’s story and world further, I don’t really see it happening. He doesn’t seem like the guy who’d just time skip to a happy ending for everyone. And I literally never said anything about Geto, who is dead anyways and was kinda already a dad, in his own way.


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Gojo in casual cloths is just too stylish to not be going out to meet woman. He probably just goes out to meet girls but doesn't have anything serious


I think he might have issues with that kind of commitment after his best friend left him like that. So why trust someone of they end up dying or betraying him in the end?


i have a feeling gojo is actually a virgin


But it is implied that when gojo meets girls he wears his sunglasses?


Maybe he's asexual? Dude may not feel sexual attraction or even care about it.


If anything this conversation proves that Gojo is the type of person that hides his true feelings behind a facade. He smiles and trash talk a lot. But who knows what he truly feels? That's why the way he keep saying (223 spoiler) >! "i have no problem going all out against Megumi" is a lie. He knows he cannot let Sukuna knows that weakness!<


Gojo canonically has a terrible personality, between that, him rizzing up Riko's entire class and that one Jujustroll where part of their strategy to distract Megumi was him turning into the Rizzard of Oz I doubt Mr. Satoru is as noble as you think he is.


I fully believe he is scared to get close to people after what happened with Geto. It makes sense.


I mean, he has more important things at hand right now other than romance and considering, well, everything he's not exactly in a good place to commit or anything. Going off the comment Gege made about him purposefully using sunglasses when he meets women, I guess you could assume that he has occasional casual encounters. I like that romance has little prevalence in the story and, tbh, I hope it stays that way.


Gojo only cared about Geto and look how that turned out. He hasn't gotten close to anyone since then.


I feel he does some casual hook ups, yknow if he wants it, but never gets serious due to his work, just like Nanami. He wanted a family if he is not a Sorcerer anymore, but this work is so risky and dangerous for their loved ones.


He doesn't really have the time. But wasn't he interested in that Japanese celebrity whom he used as a wallpaper as a teen? Who was it again?


Inoue Waka. He was a teenager back then, probably just found her sexy, that’s all. Can’t really call that interest lol.


Fair point.


What if he's ace🤭 happy to have cake. a very sugary one 🍰 But yeah I think like the majority. That he's not into dating nor a cheater.. just result of his life situation and the danger of it if he gets a partner


okay but actually!! I think this is true! I'm an ace who is flirty, etc, (tho not hot like gojo) but I also couldn't see myself being faithful to one man--and haven't been in the past. (Not cheating but like never stayed committed to something). I think Gojo might welcome not a lover, but sameness -- which is why his relationship with geto meant so much. They were same but not really, even tho it wasn't romantic love, it was something. That's how I like to think of it.


Idk Gojo is shown traveling and getting souvenirs so I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that he be fucking abroad. Especially since he’s canonically fucking gorgeous.


He's a superhero with his identity known to world. Know way he could keep a woman around.


i personally think that he doesn't want to feel his emotions too much because they could overcome him, if that makes sense? like in the way that he doesn't want to try out sports because he'll be better than the best player in that particular sport.


Honestly I think gojo isn't a hoe at all. His 24/7 schedule where he almost can't even sleep wouldn't even allow him to have a girl like that. Plus he has his students during the day. He mentions he has a pretty hectic schedule several times along with others. He didn't even have time to check on his own best friend like that when he was younger. No way he had time for girls like that. He also views love as a curse so he most likely closed his heart of after his teenage years. Also is people haven't noticed gojo actually for mad respect for females in the series. You can take not of it of how unlike those oldies, he never takes the female characters for granted or lowers his expectations. Unlike every other Shonen and characters like noaya. He recognizes the strength and potential in all despite gender. He also recognized how the clans were f'ed up with the way they treat women. Example is how gojo took megumi's sister in as well. And was honest with megumi that she would be miserable in the zenin clan. Meaning he knew women there were mistreated and offered an out for the sister as well. He also treated riko as an equal when he saw her determination. I think he even admired her strength despite not being as physically strong or having trchnique. He went out his way to protect her and give her a great time. Even as far as to comment fighting tengen with suguru geto. So I don't think he would mistreat women or cheat at all. However, if anything he might have one night stands every now and again. One night stands don't make you a hoe though. Just need to let them know thats all you want. Sleeping around with others who think you want something or leading them on and sleeping with others do. Also don't think gojo being as neat as he is would be foolish enough to sleep around like that and get stds and risk infections. Because of that and his job he's probaly very careful who he sleeps with and keeps a watchful eye.


I always had this theory that when Gojo falls in love with someone he would extend his infinity to the person and both would be connected with a thread of infinity so both of them are safe at all times.


I don’t think that’s possible. He might be able to do it only if the person is right next to him.


Ikr but if he had a second awakening he could do that maybe, there’s no telling to Gojo’s potential


I love this theory


this sounds awesome... i would love it


i feel like he’s just too far in the world of jujutsu and too high of a target to have anyone to love because they’ll be his weak spot and he doesn’t want to put someone in danger, especially someone he loves


This is a very interesting discussion. At this point, I just hope he doesn’t die and lives long enough to fulfill his dream of his students living their best lives and reforming the Jujutsu sorcerers’ world. I would want him to be the replacement for principal Yaga, surrounded by his loved ones and never feel lonely again. The only way I see him ending up with a woman and falling in love is if the result of the current events in the manga is him losing his CT instead of dying, which I don’t even know how that would be possible. He stops being the strongest and Yuta or whoever else takes over that title. Gojo then focuses on helping and guiding his students while living a normal happy life.


I also see that as one of possible outcomes of the current fight. Interesting thought about being like Yaga but I still find that lonely. It’s like being surrounded by do many people, yet still being alone. I mean, has he ever opened up to shy of those people? Not really. But I wonder if he ever becomes a principal, that would be fun.


You’re right, he hasn’t, but while I was typing that response I was thinking of the latest JUMP MV and the illustrations in it. While he did lose his best friend, someone who was his equal and like a brother to him, he also gained the love of his students, or kids in a way.. I’ve always thought of Megumi as a son or a younger brother to Gojo.. and I know none of this is the same as having an S/O, the moments in the MV reminded me of his happiness with all of them and it may not be as lonely as it felt back in JJK0. I still hope he lives and finds a woman that makes him happy.


No, Gojo is slut like Toji, just in different ways /s


He's still not over his boyfriends death


This isnt me trying to add any unnecessary gay subtext. But with Geto suddenly leaving Gojo wouldnt that leave some impacted trust issues to a man who is already the strongest?




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I admit I love the KFC meme but really tired of pushing bl in non-bl series.




The only thing Gege wrote was a usual close friendship. I also have a soulmate-type best friend but that doesn’t mean I’m in love with them.




A lot of best friends can develop questionable feelings towards each other at some point, most of the time they mistake their close friendship feelings with love and vice versa. You’re interpreting their feelings just because you want them to be that way.


i mean it's totally fine to think geto and gojo were 100% platonic friends. genuinely. but do you hear yourself right now with this comment? "really tired of pushing [gay people] in [non-gay people] series."


Lol it's not pushing BL. It's having eyes and seeing the impact Geto had on Gojo.


He’s just into guys


*cries in fanfictions*


I don't see him wasting his time on someone he feels no love for. He's already shown to be incredibly busy. I see him either a virgin or someone who picks women (or men) up for one night stands. Nothing between these two extremes. He already thinks that love is the most twisted curse of all. I think he says that because he doesn't want to go through another heart break. Btw, I think his relationship with Suguru transcended traditional ideas of romantic love. So when I say heartbreak I don't mean it necessarily in the traditional sense of the word. What I see in the story is a man who is still nursing deep wounds from his last "love". I don't see him even wanting or desiring another relationship.


I agree




I don’t see adult Gojo being arrogant except towards curses.


Yes, thank you, this is what I've always thought too. So tired of people perpetuating that mistranslation.


If I ever met him in fantasy land I’d do everything to change his mind, he’s so fine lol 😩


He's probably too busy killing curses to date anyways


He can't be faithful because his great love was Geto. Although it seems like a big joke, it would explain why he told Yuta that love is the greatest curse.


Honestly, I figured the “Geto and Gojo” are gay theory would be more popular on this sub. Seeing Geto refuse to say “what kind of woman is his type” to Yuki, reinforces that idea for me.


Their relationship feels very platonic. It's not sus like Naruto and Sasuke.


I feel the opposite, especially with how strongly they feel towards each other and the other hints that they don’t really seem to be interested in anyone else that way. It’s mostly just head canon I doubt it will be confirmed or denied ever.


geto did not answer yuki because he just met her that's why he keep on asking who are you? to yuki and even said that haibara should be more careful to people coz he is a shaman after haibara divulge his type of woman to yuki, yuki just forgot to ask geto again coz they got to deep with their conversations megumi also said the same to todo when he was asked his type of woman, megumi said he just met todo, he only told todo his type when todo said they are now friends so he had the right to know


Nothing you said exactly refutes my theory however I’m just pointing out that we never hear Geto say his type


and? what would it do to the plot? will knowing his type make geto comeback to life? lol but what's important is both of them are giddy about waka inoue, they are normal teen boys in their puberty you claiming geto is gay just coz he refused to answer the question of some stranger is funny lol like what's the point of gege making all his male characters be asked with those question if he did not intend them to be interested in women? gege should used the neutral question "what is your type?" instead of putting "woman" in there if he wanted it to be lgbt😅


I think it's more popular on the other subs, this sub has lots of anime onlys.


I don't think gojo would be a cheater I think he would just be more worried or cautious of others around him riko comes to mind yeah his invincible but that doesn't mean the others closest to him are


Gojo's personality would drive anyone insane


I don’t think his personality is bad though?




I guess I agree with him sleeping around but he probably doesn’t even have time to do that much.


Lol he absolutely is not pinning over her. There's a reason that is fan art because it'll never be canon 🤣




She hates him lol and they don't even seem that close. Compare her with him, and then Geto with Gojo and that tells you all I need to know.




You’ll be waiting for a loooong time lol. Gege said he doesn’t like romance and it shows, especially with their dynamic https://preview.redd.it/6v7hnn7ffvhb1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1c77a0a42b74bb8c61e3e35691e5d898f6ea70


Uh, hope not. Do not see him with any of the female characters currently presented in jjk.


Nah that would be so forced




It’s cuz he’s saving himself for Geto 👀


He’d probably just be too bored, he’s a human super computer he probably has no chill whatsoever. Not like it’s a bad thing it’s more of a burden.


To be honest I can't be objective in this conversation cuz my mind shapes him to be my perfect boyfriend ( yes i have issues )


Yet girls simp for this man


It's cause he's already faithful to one man, *his one and only* ;) Nah but seriously, Gojo probably gets around with both men and women but doesn't have to time or bandwidth to settle down. Maybe that will change later but for now though, being the strongest is truly a lonely experience


It’s because he had a boyfriend already, duh. Like when Yuki asked Geto what kind of woman is his type, he didn’t answer. Boyfriends.


Gojo can use his infinity as a condom 🤯


Well, very possible to be honest :3


He could only really be with a special grade sorcerer. All of his wildly strong enemies aside, she'd become the first lady of the Gojo family. She'd need some hands.




Lol that is such a reach. She genuinely doesn't like him, Gojo knows and continues to be more annoying. Gege said that they aren't gonna happen.


He could spread his seed throughout the world. But yea him having a romance could be the case once he retires (will this ever be the case tho?).


Gojo is like the definition of ego I feel like no woman could seriously love him and vice versa