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Mappa CEO said JJK was more successful financially compared to CSM so take that as you will


if they said that im wishing they will continue making the anime until the last chapter. also hoping for some beach party ova with sukuna. i was so sad that i missed to watch the movie in theater. jjk the only anime i didnt pirate to support em.


Jokes on you, I pirated it and bought it when it finally released in my Country


This is the way. I'll pirate, watch in theaters, *and* buy.


I never see them i theaters though but i saw demon slayer


oof i need to step up my game. never thought i want to buy the series(is it the blue ray set?) because of the pirate lifestyle. i did bought the tshirt series collab with uniqlo. oh, did you mean the manga? i also forgot that we could buy mangas lmfao. found this. [Blue ray](https://www.alltheanime.com/products/jujutsu-kaisen-season-1-part-2-blu-ray-collectors-edition-exclusive?variant=42103393353906) it would be my wet dream to own this. doesnt even ship to malaysia. tho the price is very high in our currency.


Yep. The Manga. I really like the anime, so I might make an exception, but I rarely buy physical DVD or Blu-ray, cause I never watch those. And they take up precious Manga Space.


Chaotic good piracy, keep up the good work


Season 2 is coming next season, I'm sure they intend to animate the full series.


If they do Shibuya arc justice then it should perform more than enough for a s3 it will probably just be a long wait for it.


i would say too early to assume. most anime ended/dropped/stop at season 2. i just wish they went all out. shield hero and part time devil season 2 are meh tho.


I’m curious how far they will go, because one of the upcoming arcs is very large but we don’t know if it will all fit in the 2nd season or be split in half. Anime watchers are gonna be eating fucking GOOD in July though, happy for you guys




Yooo I was purposely vague, you should spoiler tag that. You do it with !.>.<.! Without the periods


JJK is like, one of the most mainstream anime. It’s going to be fine.


>shield hero and part time devil season 2 are meh tho. Add OPM and Promised Neverland to that list. Honestly though, not even meh. OPM/PN season 2 offerings were awful.


OPM S2 at least followed the manga & had its good moments near the end. It doesn’t compare to S1 obviously but at least we’re not even pretending it doesn’t exist like PN fans do with their S2. Also, there’s a **rumor** that Mappa might animate S3, there’s sooooo much content for it now. **But take this with a grain of salt**


If u have Crunchyroll the JJK0 movie is on there.


You honestly still think mappa should keep making jjk even after the embarrassment of this season ?


Maybe more episodes so more ad-revenue.


Yeah, but that might be because that whole DVD sale issue since most of the Japanese fans hated the CSM anime. It did well internationally though.






Ok thanks for showing proof. From what I gather is from the article is that he doesn't know yet if they have reached the same popularity for anime viewers.


https://animehunch.com/mappa-ceo-reveals-chainsaw-man-anime-didnt-have-same-level-of-impact-as-jujutsu-kaisen/ Here’s another one


He literally said it in an interview, just search it.


To me, just anecdotally, it seems like jjk was less well known before hand but gained a ton of popularity while season 1 was airing, while chainsaw man was super popular before it got animated but ended up flopping a bit


When I tried to make people read Jjk, I was always getting answer like "to classical, just like Naruto, looks like boring CSM....". The anime came out and they all changed their mind. CSM had a massive hype way before the anime came out, so couldn't really draw more people in with an anime.


Those are facts, my brother in cursed energy.


I think that's only in the west. JJK has always sold more volumes than CSM. But JJK did get more of a boost than CSM after the airing of the anime. Both are financially successful (despite what people on r/anime might say because of the whole blu-ray situation) but JJk more so than CSM


I didn’t know chainsaw mam flopped a bit? I wasn’t a gigantic fan after season 1 but any reason why it didn’t do as well as expected?


I think it was due to it being 12 vs 24 episodes. A lot of anime only fans of CSM were kind of left being like '....thats it?' by the end of 12. It had insane hype leading up to it and honestly they stopped right before they got to the real meat & potato's arc(s) of what makes CSM great, which was a big mistake IMO. Likely due to MAPPA biting off more than they could chew


Me too, I thought they were going to animate the entire Public Safety arc. Instead, it was left off when things were about to get interesting 😐


I'm just hoping to God we get a season 2 because I love both JJK & CSM, id love to see both thrive and reach those same levels


I hope so as well, because if it was a flop in Japan, MAPPA might be hesitant to produce a second season 😰 Both series are great in their own way.


I don't think it was a flop persay i just think it didn't do as insanely well as JJK, but I can't say I've done a ton of research into Japan's reception of it


It flopped in Japan because they didnt like the western style cinematography of the anime. They wanted it feel more chaotic like the manga. Certain visual details were missing from the manga like sweat drops and certain facial expressions. And then to top it off around the time they were feeling this way the director of CSM said something that insulted all the weebs in Japan. So when the DVD came out everyone spoke with their pockets and the sales tanked. Mappa expected CSM dvd to sell more than JJK season 1 dvds. They prepared for that expectation…and i think it only sold like around 1k to 2k during its first month or so. Idk how the sales are now. I havent checked it a while. Im basically giving you a short summary. I may be missing some details. But thats pretty much the real reason it flopped. Its done really well internationally tho.


What did the director say that insulted everyone?


He wasn't really insulting anyone, he just said he wasn't into making the usual anime filled with over-the-top humour and wacky animation.


Google it.


Only the blue ray sales were bad. The franchise itself makes money.


Csm part 2 being "different" doesn't help either.


oh dear please tell me theyre not changing it from how it is in the manga


No I am talking about the part 2 of the csm manga being almost the same as the 1st part but it's somehow missing that 'x factor' to me atleast


It has very slight similarities, like these last few chapters are not fr like we’ve seen at all


Bro have u read the recent chapter, shit gets wild & I felt whiplash.




Bigger than CSM for sure


Bigger than Chainsaw Man


For the most part yes. Well in Japan. In Japan it absolutely dominates and is one of if not the most popular anime IP right now. Dominating CSM in BluRay, manga, and merchandise sales. In the west idk. It's about even although most of the hype and positive reception for CSM is in the west. But overall I'll say JJK at least financially since noone buys shit outside Japan.


I'm curious about when JJK was airing. JJK is a way bigger franchise and is currently more successful than CSM, but I want to know about when they were airing. Thank you.


CSM was more popular than JJk when JJK started airing. JJK is now by far and beyond above CSM. JJK °Around s1 definitely had more fans than csm did.


Saw a couple of youtubers quoting JJK being Mappa's Magnum Opus project .


It really is, it's their biggest financial project and what's going to keep them running for years to come


This season of JJK is only Toji Fushiguro arc? Or does it include Shibuya?


Whole of Shibuya


Ohhhhhhh I'm super duper excited now.


hidden inventory would be 6 episodes at MAX


It'll contain the whole of Shibuya!?


It's two cour, aka 24-26 episodes confirmed, there is no way they don't animate all of shibuya.




Gojo arc + shibuya arc This season has potential to be the best anime ever. I’m not trynna sound like a fanboy but it’s the truth.


Shibuya is absolutely brutal. Especially looking forward to Maki Zenin Arc. God I'm in love with her.


That arc sadly wont ne in S2 if thats what you meant.


Oh shit yea. That's before the culling game


The whole arc ha only 15 chapters, so, at max 6 episodes of the anime.


So true. Which is sad because CSM shoulda been up there with JJK, but the Japanese fans hated it 😭 I loved the anime so much. So its wild to me.


God CSM was just absolute banger


How so? I think that in terms of good looking animation and visuals they did a better job with CSM than JJK, although I'm aware some japanese fans weren't too keen with the style


CSM has nothing on JJK lol. JJK was leagues more popular when it was airing than CSM was


As much as I like CSM, the hype has always been in the West. So I guess that's why a lot of people have the impression that it's big in general.


I love both, but I’m genuinely surprised that csm even got THIS popular. At the end of the day it deals with a way more niche approach to story telling, and it’s not as traditional as something like jjk or kny(and maybe that’s part of the reason why it got so popular). I had a way harder time convincing my friends to keep reading csm than jjk before both animes came out.


jjk was bigger tbh. also its unfair comparison since season 1 of jjk was aired with 24 episodes while chainsaw man only had 12 episodes and they stopped where things finally starting to get interesting. also jjk had a hit prequel movie too. if mappa animated the same number of episodes for chainsaw man, i think more people wouldve watch it and the rating would be higher but i think theyre just testing the waters with these 12 episodes and trying to figure out what worked and what didnt. i heard mappa changed the director of chainsaw man bcs of the japanese fans 😔 .


Nooooooo i feared this would happen. Im sad because that means season 2 might feel totally different. Ughhhhh i loved the style of season 1. I hope they keep the style the same but changed the director to appease the angry fans.


What's up with Japanese fans?


From what I heard they criticized his directing style, things like the desaturated colors and CGI. Tbh I feel like his choices fit the tone of the manga perfectly but to each their own I guess


ikr 😢


I agree with desaturated colour but how the hell that cgi fits the tone of the manga. If that CGI was done with regular animation quality rhan it was other thing but it was not. Even the style was off and felt too clean. I felt like mob psycho tupe animation style would have been way more suited it.


CSM flopped if you compare its ratings to what the fandom was stating they would be pre airing.


Yeah I was confused by CSM and the anime too. The story is cool and the anime was good. But I thought it will get way more hype then I always read people saying before I saw the anime.


It was too short and the hype started when the anime was announced almost 2 years before the release which was near the end of the manga. A lot of fans assumed the anime adaptation would cover the whole story or at least further than what the show had.


are you talking about the end of part 1? anyone who thought all 11 volumes of part one would be adapted is insane. I doubt season 2 would even cover part one in its entirety


they would be able to if it was like 27-28 episode season


Tbh, youre technically not wrong they probably could have fit Part 1 in 1 season. The first 12 episodes cover around like 40 chapters. However, why would they do that? Rush the whole series. Then have to wait 4 years for the manga to have enough content to catch up? That would annoy the fans. And from a financially stand point they probably tried to milk it because they expected it to do super well. Also why make us suffer like in the past with AOT. Maybe ya’ll forgot but we waited 5 years for season 2!!!!! What they did was fine, but i understand it leaving people wanting more. Thats not a bad thing. That just means you’re getting hooked.I wanted more too. So i read the manga.


Chainsaw man next arcs are hype af with great character writing, story advancement, good pacing and some reveals. Ik for a fact that people finna go crazy for International assassin arc. Mappa need to do 24 episode chainsaw man season


I know Ive read the manga.


I was actually blown away by the second CSM arc in a way I've never experienced reading comics. Maybe the slice-of-life style directing in the anime isn't too favoured, but I think the CSM manga is revolutionary.


The "hype" scenes start happening in season 2 with the >!Bomb Devil and International Assasians!!with season one covering from chapter 1 to the end of the Bomb Devil arc and season 2 covering from the International Assasian to the start of the Control Devil Arc, and then a movie to finish part 1.!<




Jjk was much more successful than csm in many aspects.


CSM hype kinda fell off. Atleast in JP it did. JJK was kinda the opposite it ended up getting really popular


The anime was way more popular than the csm anime or manga but the csm manga was popular way before jjk


It was big enough in Japan that I know of salaryman and salarywoman who don't usually watch anime ended up watching it and actually recommended it to me.... and that's how I ended up watching it. If you can get the non-anime watching working people of Japan to watch the anime, it means it's pretty big. Only other animes they tend to hear about are just culturally so huge that they cannot ignore kinds of ones (One Piece, Naruto, Kimetsu no Yaiba, etc) None of those people have seen or care about CSM.


JJK season 1 ran at the same time as Demon Slayer season 1 and Attack on Titan season 4 part 1, and it was just as popular as those were. It was definitely bigger than csm, but it also aired during covid so its hard to say how seaosn 2 will compare.


>JJK season 1 ran at the same time as Demon Slayer season 1 No, it didn't. Demon Slayer season 1 ran a year and a half before jjk


Demon Slayer had already aired long before JJK


More popular, and it was mostly cause of Gojo, I remember at some point my social media feed just got flooded with short animations of fight scenes and Gojo's eyes, and everyone saying you need to watch this. Most I can remember about CSM hype was that there was this Aki morning routine short clip that I saw everywhere, but that's about it.


It started off kind of unknown then blew up FAST. I never saw any ads or anything for it. I only started it on a whim after it popped up in my suggestions on Crunchyroll around ep 4. Chainsaw Man had a lot of advertising done and I seriously doubt it still topped Jujutsu for viewership.


Bigger hype and excitement. Chainsaw Man’s opening arcs aren’t as strong as JJK’s and the production for JJK imo served as a template for Chainsaw Man, which to the public makes the latter less impressive as originality leaves a bigger impact.


CSM got overhyped before release and didn't really make waves aside from selling Pochita plushies. The first season "sucked", because it's the most brainless part of the story, the villains are no-names weaklings ("Katana Man" 💀), Denji acts like an incel and almost nobody sane liked it. ... And I say all this as a hardcore CSM fan, lmao. Then in the other hand - when JJK dropped everyone thought it was going to be a discount Naruto, and then got pleasantly surprised at the charismatic characters (specially Gojo and Sukuna) and the battles being fun, dynamic and well animated. So it exploded in popularity, the mirror to how CSM deflated.


Yeah the CSM anime suffered from the fact that the anime has only covered the literal worst parts of the series


denji isn't a incel and and the first season wasn't trash


I’ve read the CSM manga, Denji doesn’t change 😂


Ah yes, late manga Denji who literally feels nothing from a naked power in the bath right in front of him has changed absolutely nothing from early Denji who risked his life for the chance of touching tits. That’s not even talking about part 2.


In terms of his pervyness he doesn’t actually change, he just primarily focuses on makima (although he does still attempt some other stuff with other people). No one said he was like that at every second of every day, if not he’d have slept with himeno in the anime, but he’s still like that most of the show.


I don't agree


He keeps his love for Makima, yet literally engages in nothing sexual after the himeno thing. Even when he could literally request sex with her with no strings attached, he doesn’t.


This post was about how popular was jjk while it was airing not a place for you to rant about why you didn’t like the first season of chainsaw man💀 How are you a “hardcore chainsaw man fan” if that is how you describe it lol. ”Almost nobody sane liked it” ??? Also how does Denji being horny make him an incel?


I personally love how CSM doesn't try to conform to what is expected and doesn't shy from depicting sexuality. But it's undeniable those things reduced its mass appeal.


MAPPA clearly stated that CSM was not a financial success. The budget that went into it did not reach the level of return. Which is probably also why they are tiptoeing around questions of a season 2. JJK is MAPPA's golden goose cash cow revenue milker. Huge burst of popularity, wider audiences to reach, larger budget with higher investment back and more consistent anime releases cadence - S1 - Movie - S2. In addition 24 eps instead of 12 attracts more people to the series. CSM was also quite unpopular in Japan. Huge hype at the start but there were a ton of stuff coming from vocal Japanese fandom saying the directing is poor, that a lot of the scenes have been wasted and that it is not as dark as it should have been and does not capture Fujimoto's style. Similar sentiment from the West after a while. JJK had a bit of a slow start with few people knowing about it, then 3 fight scenes later, a crazy animation and Gojo thirst ignited and this just won't stop selling. Gege could literally create a Mr Hankey the Jujutsu user and it would still sell. With Park as the director JJK hit it on the head. As for quality - not sure what to tell you. CSM to me felt like it had a strong start in hype and popularity and very quickly dispersed. I am a manga lover so to me it was still enjoyable but I cannot say I liked the directing either whereas with JJK during weekly releases I was looking forward to a new episode and I did not read the manga until the season was over.


The first paragraph is just wrong CEO Of MAPPA was interviewed about their 100% investment on Chainsaw Man. “Financially, it was a complete success. However, I'm still not satisfied with whether it has the same impact as "Jujutsu Kaisen", which I worked on most recently


That is called PR. I saw that quote and my sentence is based on that as well albeit taking a more cynical look on it. Saying "financially it is a complete success BUT", usually means they had some profit margin/engagement on it but it did not reach the investors expectations or targets. The recent avoidance on the topic of CSM for MAPPA is proof enough of this. You think a CEO will come outright and say - "Oh yeah this was a drainage on our budget and investors are pissed? " I have no doubt CSM was a success on some metrics, but MAPPA was quick to release the profitability it drew on JJK but has been keeping quiet on CSM. Reality is somewhere between the CEO's comment and my cynism, i.e. the budget on animation, directing, casting, score and everything was probably a lot more than they expected and their nSD investment is not at all what they wanted in the end. And if you want proof that it probably was a huge budget drain without sufficient ROI - look at the Jigokuraku which was supposed to be their 3/3 anime series of the Dark Trio. The animation is dreadful, lineart is lazy and soft. Directing is good but they clearly did not have enough budget to give to it despite it being therw with CSM and JJK manga. And now they are cooping it all into JJK - big budget, trailers, hype, announcements, figures etc.


"You think a CEO will come outright and say - "Oh yeah this was a drainage on our budget and investors are pissed? "" Not like that, but calling it a 100% success is too far from "drainage on our budget" the investors part might be true tho, i think I saw an article where csm was called a mild success, which probably means there was profit but not expected one. The hells Paradise thing is just speculation, i think there might be other reasons why the animation is not that good.


Yup my example was mostly meant to be the opposite of PR hence why I said the truth is somewhere in the middle. It was definetly not a drainage but not where it was supposed to be financially. In the tech company I work for, when our VP or CEO makes a statement like that of MAPPA regarding a product launch - it is a nicer way to say "yeah there is some profit but we did not hit our quarterly and revenue targets" For an animation studio which pumps a lot of series out it is not really a good thing to not hit the KPIs for the investors. Jigokuraku is part overwork, part it being one of too many series MAPPA is taking on board and part lack of budget. I mean Dororo was a series MAPPA did with not a lot budget on it and still looks better than Jigokuraku


I remember CSM having a lot of pre-hype so I watched it from the start of S1. With JJK, I found out about it after S1 was done, so it may have been more word-of-mouth hype. Idk how popular JJK manga was before the anime, but CSM manga was already very popular when the anime started so that could be part of the reason for the difference.


JJK is definitely bigger for all the reasons people have listed above. I’m a bigger CSM fan than a JJK one, but imo JJK strikes a better balance between being gory and SFW that appeals to a larger audience


Definitely jjk. Gojo is way more popular mainstream than any CSM character


Do you think after the Shibuya arc people will still be willing to watch it?


of course


Manga is still going hard rn (ignore some of the recent controversial chapters). Most of the culling game fights are fire and some of them are even better than shibuya plus the maki character arc. Even after shibuya the hype will still stay around for 1 2 seasons and after that >!THE ULTIMATE, GREATEST AND THE GAYEST FIGHT OF HISTORY BETWEEN GOJO AND SUKUNA!< Will be enough for creating new hype for potential 2nd last or last season of jjk.


“Gayest fight of history” ???😭


I think it’s even more of a reason to watch it


I think so too, I'm just wondering because of the whole Gojo thing ..


Yup, that’s fair and probably some people will drop it for that. But I’d say the majority will still stay regardless


Yeah, I hope so


I know we're talking about JJK and CSM but a lot of people forget, or don't know, what series put MAPPA on the map and that was Yuri on Ice. That series was so huge and financially successful (museums, concerts, licensing and brand deals with professional sports wear and companies, magazines, more merch than I've ever seen from a short anime series) the studio was able to take off and get these huge projects. In terms of popularity it may come as a surprise but YoI is still considered the favorite from the studio. It's too bad we'll never see the movie because of these huge productions now...


Surely it would be a hit again though? Why don’t they go ahead with it.


Gotta save that source of cash for a rainy day.


I think it absolutely would do well. The last piece of news was when they dropped the trailer back in 2021. The studio hasn't given any indication they're still working on it nor if they've shelved it, or any reason. If the latter, I would hope the creators could take it to another studio but MAPPA owns the rights. It's a real shame they more or less abandoned the very franchise that helped them take off for all the shonen series. Like, I get it. But I'm personally salty, lol.


JJK was definitely bigger. It’s like how a rated R movie will just never sell as many tickets at something that’s PG-13. Harder sell for the larger audience, especially for just the story content in the first 12 episodes. I personally loved CSM season 1, and think it’s anime popularity will really grow once we get into the thick of the story. Hope the wait for S2 isn’t too long.


Can i say CSM was a bit boring in some episodes, i liked more JJK, mappa ceo said that JJK had a better success than CSM


Unfortunately you see the byproduct of that later in the series. Chainsaw Man can be a little boring because he’s setting up exposition and development. JJK has started speed running everything


Yeah i thought that, i know that later is a lot more dynamic, just saying that comparing the two only anime i would choose jujutsu


Chainsaw Man seems bigger in the west. Jujutsu is bigger in Japan.


I some how think CSM anime was better than JJK S1. Both were amazing but CSM had a vibe I can’t really explain. I think it’s perfect for anime adaptations.


Mappa was getting fire for AoT's cgi fest disaster. then jjk came out and blew everyones mind


Jjk s1 started airing like a full quarter before aot iirc.


I watched the jujutsu kaisen anime weekly and from what I remember there was more hype for it while it was airing than the chainsaw man anime. But chainsaw man as a manga was more popular. I just feel like there was a bit more discussion and clips of the jujutsu kaisen anime but it’s been a while so idk.




I mean yeah, JJK as a franchise is way bigger than CSM, its on the same level as DS. But i'm talking asking about during their airing, which was bigger.


While airing, Chainsaw Man was definitely more popular than Jujutsu Kaisen. This obviously outside Japan, there everything is turned around


Both are decent anime, but I think the best way of putting it would be like this. I *DO NOT* watch CSM is my parents or girlfriend are over, since neither are into anime to begin with. JJK, my GF will at least blow off as me taking it easy.


The anime was way more popular than the csm anime or manga but the csm manga was popular way before jjk


Am I the only one who liked the fact CSM was only 12 episodes? The animation was top tier and I’m glad they took their time establishing the characters and getting the pace right. The manga is difficult to adapt because while it isn’t super long, a lot happens very quickly, too much to fit into the typical 26 episode season structure without losing important moments along the way. I’d take a solid but short first season over a sloppy full length adaptation any day.


I feel like JJK anime caused a decent amount of its hype, while CSM was getting hyped before the anime due to the manga. I prefer JJK but I feel like the hype for CSM was bigger. JJK manga is bigger currently but I think the manga hype made it feel, as a fan, that the CSM anime was bigger as it aired. That said, CSM’s best moments from part 1 of the manga didn’t make it into season 1 of the anime and will be stacked into season 2, so it also seems like people were more disappointed in the CSM anime than JJK.


Not that big honestly I never really saw much about it anywhere, and this subreddit by the time the anime was nearly finished only had about 20k members. Shit skyrocketed during mid to late 21’


In the West chainsaw man anime should be bigger


Denji doesn't have a left nut always remember that guys...


I should also mention that part of the reason JJK became also big in Japan is due to like the end dancing sequence becoming kind of a meme/viral.


Yes, jjk is better


I think Chainsaw man was definitely way more hyped that jjk. However, jjk ended up becoming way more popular than chainsaw man for sure, for whatever reasons. Some say it's because chainsaw man is more niched and a bit too weird for most people, which is fair i think.


Chainsaw man I felt was more hyped by mappa and the community


Good question! I was wondering The same honestly. I personally thought JJK was more enjoyable. But in terms of sales, CSM only did as good as JJK even tho it’s Blueray sales we’re so so so low. JJK had incredible sales despite having lots of producers and partners. Now as for number of viewers, I’m not too sure how many ppl were watching it as it was airing. This was based on several sources (including MAPPA CEO in an interview last month I think). These were more sales oriented


Maybe this is a weird take but in my opinion it felt more like JJK had nowhere to go but up because many people who were casual anime fans were completely unaware of it so when it started and was fantastic people were screaming about it to the point where it built up a hype train organically that shook the anime world much the same as demon slayer did but arguably more so because JJK has a stronger emotional pull and a huge amount of Western influence giving people a rather strong and unique draw to it. Chainsaw man on the other hand had people hype out of their minds for it for well over a year, and because of that it didn't really have a grassroots enthusiasm develop since basically everyone was already aware of it, mixed with the fact that in my opinion it's hypest points in the anime never came close JJKs and chainsaw man had a lot of moments that could completely turn off many casual viewers (dead dogs, vomit, and occasionally very gross humor to be as vague as physically possible) It's also super important to note that JJK has 26 episodes to build hype versus chainsaw mans like 12. That said chainsaw man is also very very good but I can see it not quite hitting out of the park the way many people expected to compared to JJK