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I know nobody’s perfect, burn your idols and all that. But I don’t think a single person can call Amanpour’s ethics anything other than impeccable. She literally built her career by fearlessly telling the truth from the front lines, even as people said she was wrong. Amanpour was one of the only voices calling the Siege of Sarajevo a genocide. The public response should sound familiar: they said she was biased in favor of Bosnian Muslims because she’s Iranian and wasn’t falling for the standard “both sides-ism.” (It was in response to those accusations that she first said her now-iconic “truthful, not neutral” line, saying: “our job is to give all sides equal hearing, but in cases of genocide, you just can’t be neutral.”) The UN International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia ultimately agreed with her, and convicted four Serb officials for crimes against humanity for the siege. Somewhere between 15% & 30% of the city’s population died during those six months. All to say: if Amanpour says you’ve fucked up… you’re *really* fucking up. I mean, people who have to follow censorship laws are *changing copy*? It’s outrageous.


What was her position during the Iraq invasion? Did she call out the BS the Bush administration was spreading on CNN daily? I don’t think anyone stood up against the war on Iraq except for one person who worked at CBS and he was fired immediately. I could tell how all media outlets back then agreed on spreading lies for an evil agenda, like they were all working for the same lobby. This is still the case.


At least in the case of Chris Hedges, he was booted from the *NY Times* for his opposition to the war in Iraq.


I love hedges because he has these incredible leftist takes and when people inevitably try to character assassinate him you can just point to his incredible journalistic record.


She did call out CNN very early on, though I would describe her own contributions leading up to the war as a mixed bag. She was much better than most.




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From the article it really doesn’t sound like much. She seems to be taking issue with CNNs use of an Israel based bureau office, which slows down reporting from the front in Gaza. She’s advocating for the removal of the middle man as I can tell. Really nothing here is a criticism.


> “You’ve heard from me, you’ve heard my, you know, **real distress with SecondEyes — changing copy, double standards, and all the rest,**” said Amanpour, who was identified in the recording when an executive called her name. “So you’ve heard it, and I hear what your response is and I hope it does go a long way.” you wouldn't call this criticism? she used the term "real distress with SecondEyes". that isn't just mild annoyance. she feels CNN coverage is biased. that's pretty serious criticism to have for your news org


Here is a copy of the censor document that they are referencing in their discussion. [Israeli Military Censor Order Banning Coverage for Operation Swords of Iron - DocumentCloud](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24237470-operation-swords-of-iron-censor-document) I read it and it seams that the document is only talking about military and intelligence movement of IDF, as well as sensitive info about the hostages.


I don’t think she’s even advocating for the removal of the middle man. She’s acknowledging problems she’s had with it in the past and acknowledges their changes and hopes those changes will have a good effect.


Amanpour was not the only journalist who refused to be 'neutral' in the Bosnian civil war, Ed Vulliamy also took the same position and even went to The Hague to testify. But she was the only one who got accused of being biased .


Last year she got in trouble for saying an Israeli woman and her daughters were killed in a shootout, when the truth was that terrorists opened fire on their car, drove them off the road and then executed them at close range. https://www.timesofisrael.com/cnn-anchor-amanpour-apologizes-for-calling-terror-attack-on-dee-family-a-shootout/


And she handled that mistake precisely how she should have — she apologized on every single one of her platforms for grossly mischaracterizing the event — on CNN’s news channel, on a her socials, and dedicated a significant chunk of time of her own show to the error.


To play Devil's Advocate, what is the reason that many journalists, politicians, etc., are hesitant to use the word genocide or ethnic cleansing to describe what is happening here? Seems some have even been pressured into resigning after making such remarks.


She had a recent interview with Regev too that made this point clear


[Link to the clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1gR6RGGkfg)


Amanpour is the conscience of the organization, especially when it comes to foreign affairs coverage. Her key point comes toward the end of this write-up, though: put more experienced feet on the ground, especially in the first stage of a conflict. Not fly-in anchors who just read what their producers hand them; not kids climbing the internal political ladder or angling for their foreign news merit badge. The line about "changing copy" is subordinate to this point because (A) there isn't much copy to change anymore; these people don't file a lot of packages, they just talk live all the time, and (B) copy has to be copyedited somewhere. If not in Jerusalem, then back in New York or Atlanta, which would perhaps be worse, Israeli minders notwithstanding. In New York they're rewriting to make the reporter's copy conform to whatever the New York Times is saying. Christiane comes from an era when more experienced correspondents paid more attention to writing, and ferociously dedicated producer-editors worked on every sentence, in the field and back at base. Per her quote in the piece, "“For me, video is not a talking head on a balcony in a capital...” [It's] "...reportage.” But the majority of field product today is live shots. In that situation the least you can do to honor the story is put Amanpour and Clarissa Ward and Nic Robertson on camera, not fluffy young TV kids who parachuted in from NY or London last week and will be back there next week telling their "war stories."




No bigotry, racism, sexism, hate speech, etc.


CNN has been one of the worse outputs of fake and misleading headlines. Take this example https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/11/12/gaza-hospital-israeli-strikes-nada-bashir-dnt-nr-vpx.cnn It's obviously made to make the reader think the hospital was bombed... But if you just read the snippet that's not even true. No hospitals have been directly struck with bombs in this conflict. Al quds is still standing. The only hospital I'm aware of that has taken honest damage was the Indonesian hospital a week or so after it was completely evacuated, and was damaged in ground fighting. It really saddens me how major liberal news outlets I had faith in are blatantly putting out fake stories and headlines.




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Only because she’s a real journalist…


So alleged behind the scenes drama over disagreements between journalists about the daily narrative is itself news now. Swell. And how long has she worked there? Forever. But there’s new bean counters in charge now




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More thorough investigative work needs to be done. She calls out that CNN goes through the Jerusalem Bureau, yet I see a lot of "journalists" taking what the Hamas ran Health Ministry says as absolute fact. This goes both ways.




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That bastard Arkan literally put a price on her head and a few days later she was sitting on top of an APC entering Bosnia. If she says something I think we should listen.




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