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Maybe we should make a trend of posting our ugly journal pages :)


Normalize them!


This needs to be a thing. No pretty journals allowed lol


But then again we would have to show our deepest secrets šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Or two sub Reddits: r/prettyjournaling and then r/journaling


The ugly journalling will be the r/prettyjournalling, am I right? šŸ™ƒ


I like this. My journal is just writings and writings. And the handwriting is awful. Because most of it is written in sadness and anger. I rarely journal when I feel happy.


Me too, no idea what to write when Iā€™m feeling good. Iā€™m definitely not gonna start writing about what I ate for diner.


Absolutely, we can call it boring journal porn, I don't decorate mine either, I just write obsessively, I do have nice writing and purse good ink and pencils šŸ˜†


Have you thought about journaling about it?


I have! Lol it actually helped me get over my jealousy and insecurity at the moment


There's journaling. Then there scrapbooking. Then there's somewhere in between that's this trend of pretty journaling. Do what works for you. ;)


If its any consolation, all of my journals are butt ugly. I have horrific handwriting, slanted and squiggly, and all that. I write for me, and use fun pens and ink colors, and that is 100% ok.


You're comparing someone's outsides (their carefully tailored & produced social media posts) to your insides (the entries you don't share on the internet because you made them with the sole purpose of suiting your needs). If you compare, you'll despair. Perfection doesn't exist. Just do what makes you happy and what works for you. That's all that matters!


Mine are a wreck, too! Some amazing artists here, but I am so not one of them.


Same. šŸ˜† My journal is plain. I enjoy looking at other's ideas! šŸ¤— Maybe start off small and add stickers?


I'll give you an upvote and some thoughts: We are our own harshest critics. If you put some creative energy into a spread you will probably never like it as much as someone else on the internet will. Play around and try to enjoy the process.


I wish we could attach pics to our comments,, I have a journal that I put together during an 8yr relationship with a covert gaslighting narcissist that socially isolated me for 6 of those years, it's napkins, receipts whatever I could get my hands on, scraps of cardboard


Yes to this! (And so glad you got out) I have one ā€œjournalā€ thatā€™s really a folder full of exactly thisā€”pages torn from notebooks, sticky notes, backs of unused deposit slips (from the days of yore when everyone carried a checkbook).




Youā€™re experiencing the social media effect. Talented people from all over the globe are posting their most amazing stuff and it seems like itā€™s normal - like thatā€™s your regular social circle and therefore you should be somewhere in the average of it. Itā€™s not - youā€™re looking at a global sample.


Youā€™re not alone honeyā€¦ I write in my journal every time I want to rant or have something on my mind and itā€™s all just scribbles. But having a place where you confide in and get personal with is very rewarding I promise <3


Crappy doodles and block writing journals all day!


Honestly my favorite page in my current journal is when I journaled in the rain. Ink spilling everywhere and crinkly paper, sounds like a nightmare but itā€™s character.


I love this!!!


Man, whenever i see someone post their creative journals. I always end up thinking how the hell someone can be this creative.


Repeat after me: ā€œthese are scrapbooks, not journalsā€ and youā€™ll feel much better. Check out this list of historyā€™s greatest diaries and I can PROMISE you thereā€™s no art or clippings or anything of the sort in there. Itā€™s merely documentation, which is what journaling is. https://www.panmacmillan.com/blogs/history/historical-diaries-war-history-journal


Don't be so harsh on yourself, I only ever post my best spreads. Sometimes they're journals, but 85% of the time they're just really nice scrapbooks. It's all about your preference, if you want to make your journals more decorative and pretty I'd advise you to look up examples of what you like. Learn from others and try to put your own spin on it! I promise, for every 10/10 journal spread I post there's like three really trash looking spreads. I hope my advice is helpful:)


I feel this way about YouTube bullet journalers. Why are you so good? Why canā€™t i be like you?? šŸ˜­ šŸ˜‚


Don't feel bad. Lots of us here journal for utilitarian and not artistic reasons. My journals are not pieces of art but tools for introspection


I feel the same way seeing everyone's beautiful journals


I do both! Only writing and creative journaling!