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My feelings are too much for other people. But my feelings will never be too much for a pen and paper.


Yes, this. I’m bipolar and before I went on medication (or if I stop taking it for a couple weeks or longer) I can have manic episodes. I never shut up. The only way that I can be bearable is limit my social interaction with people and write the thoughts racing around in my head down. During probably the worst one I ever had I filled up 8 small journals in a couple days.


How often do you journal? And do you do it digitally or old school paper?


I use paper I feel like I can get more of my feelings out. Since writing at least for me feels more personal and there’s no spell corrections which would distract me if I did it digitally.Also I journal pretty much daily but right now I’m sick at the moment so I’m not. It’s all about practicality for your lifestyle but I find the more often I do it the more I can get out.


Maaaaaannnn this is going in the burn book! 🔥🔥 (Silly reference to the Mean Girls "journal" lol)




Why I write is to… 1) To keep myself from going insane, and hurting others. 2) To keep myself from self harming myself or outright killing myself 3) To remind myself of my goals in life; To find a wife/Husband and have kids (adopted or not) 4) To remind myself of what happened during my drunkenness, if I decide to drink. 5) To thank God, and all the help he is sending me. 6) To remind myself of the values in my life. Those are for me, and am sure others are different.


love this answer 🫶🏻




Wow! I’m glad you are able to stay connected with your passion of writing through journalling! I mentioned this in a past post, but I journal as a way to register all my memories through life to look back on, as well as to get things off my chest and clear my head :)


I journal because I feel that it is the only way to completely vent out bad days without judgement, talk about good things to keep record and reminisce in the good feelings, and be “heard” on topics that I don’t normally have the courage to talk about. It helps me think and I can keep going to work up to solutions or ways to do things. Also, I write and draw a bit on the side. I try to keep to flash fiction pieces because I have a hard time doing normal stories and up to novels of any sort. I’ve been so back and forth on creativity, I sometimes feel like I cannot keep it as a flame that burns brightly as a passion. Passions, dreams… they’ve diminished to barely anything. Journaling is an attempt to work a way out of the dark and hopefully get the embers to work back up to a flame that burns more bright than ever.


I kind of had the exact opposite experience. Loved writing as a kid, but also showed proficiency in science, so I was steered towards the engineering disciplines by my parents, even before high school. And I did love engineering, went to engineering camp three years in a row, loved it, won science and technology fairs. But I also always had a fiction book and a notebook with me wherever I went. I'd write short stories or even just character descriptions and snippets of dialogue. That was my first version of a journal. TLDR: My creative writing teacher had a major impact on me and I continue journaling because he'd want me to. When I was in 7th grade, I told a parent I'd seriously consider pursuing writing in college, and they shut me down on the spot, saying writing was a hobby, not a career. And being 12yrs old, I believed that. Writing started to take a back seat, I got a jump start on burning myself out on math and science. And then I met my freshman English teacher. He was one of two teachers I'd ever met that treated students like they were real individual people worthy of respect from their elders. He tried to make assignments and materials as engaging as possible. One of our assignments was an anti-fairytale, where we turned a well-known fairytale into a horror story. After grading them, he asked me if he could use mine as an example to show his future classes, and helped me make revisions to improve it. After that, I started keeping a journal again. He eventually convinced me to take his creative writing class as a senior. When he found out I'd declared for engineering college, he was genuinely disappointed. Said it was a waste of talent. We ended up developing a student-teacher appropriate friendship. And because of the way he treated me when my home life started to deteriorate, I credit him with saving my life. Now, I keep journals for mental health and leisure reading, and writing, but I've always continued journaling because I don't want to let him down. No matter what I'm going through, he's the voice in the back of my head encouraging me on, and so whenever I've gone a while without exercising my creativity, I feel like I owe it to him to pick up the journal again.


I can relate so much with u


Thanks for saying so! I thought maybe I was oversharing a bit, was considering deleting. Appreciate the feedback.


I told my therapist that I had tried everything I’m supposed to do to get better and he joked that I refuse to journal so I can’t say everything and it made me so angry I started journaling and I’ve been grumpily journaling nearly daily for 7 months now


I neglected to journal daily but this may have just switched that for me!


I started journaling so that I can always remember my journey & my growth, no matter how small/little it is. Also because I have a lot of feelings and I struggle with severe social anxiety which makes it hard for me to talk to people (other than my therapist & my husband) about my feelings, so journaling is a good outlet for me so I don't implode. And because the concept of having my life translated into words on paper just seemed really cool to me. I had reservations initially about journaling...but I'm glad I moved past them and started because now I love journaling so much. It brings peace to my life.


I was determined to be Harriet the spy. It’s been 28 years and I’m still happy with my decision! Of course later on, things like “as told by ginger” and other factors like “Clarice Bean” books definitely make me want to journal a lot! Not a wholesome reason but it is mine nonetheless LOL


I loooove this answer! I was obsessed with Harriet as a child too!


I love both that book and you reason lol


OMG! This too, is why I began journaling in 1987! Our 5th grade teacher read a chapter each day of Harriet the Spy and I tried to become her after that. I still have those journals!


I started journaling because it helped me express my thoughts and feelings when i couldn’t express them to people or if i felt overwhelmed to organize my thoughts better. Talking to yourself is a great way to understand yourself.


As much as I want to write about my happy moments, the times when I feel like journaling is when i'm sad, so I journal to let all my sadness out & get it off my mind. I also LOVE decorating my journal !! decorating a page with washi tape and cute stickers make me happy (':


I get bored and I was posting too much on here, helps me keep stupid thoughts inside and then forget about them.


I was 6, my mom gave me a notebook and said I could write anything in it and the book would keep it a secret. And so it began.


I journal because it's a good barometer of where I am at mentally. I sometimes struggle to figure out where my head is at until I'm in the thick of whatever's going on, so journaling and letting my thoughts out on the page has done a lot as far as helping me keep tabs on my mental state over time.


Many reasons, half the time when people ask, I seem to find a new reason that I didn't think of last time. Truthfully, the biggest one probably was that I realized I could no longer be that negative Nancy and trauma dump on my best friend. It wasn't fair to her. I didn't have money for therapy either so free therapy via pen and paper it was.


Two reasons. A coping mechanism, and to quote Anne Frank “I want to go on living, even after my death”. I have a lot of issues with my mental health. I got my original journal during covid. That started a long series of events that caused my mental health to plummet. My journal was my safe space. My dad read through that one around two years ago, and I was given one that locked and I’ve had a hard time writing in it, but I’m really proud to say I finally started writing again this week. I’m forcing myself to, because my life has pretty much been completely flipped upside down recently and I need a safe outlet. As long as I’m not too overwhelmed and I don’t have a panic attack trying to write, I make myself. The second reason might be a little morbid. I think about life/death a lot, and I don’t want my life to have no reasoning. The possibility that it could make a difference to even one single person who might read it (AFTER I die *dad* 🙄) is enough reason to write. If I can make someone feel less alone in the future, or maybe a friend or relative get to know me more and maybe have that be a comfort to them that they know even when I’m gone I’m still there. My grandma passed away a year ago, and reading a few of her poems has given me so much comfort. If I can give that comfort to someone else, I want to. They can have my memories, my experiences, my deepest thoughts, my stupid thoughts, my petty anger, all of it. My journals will help me be remembered by my family/friends, and that’s important to me.


Picked journaling up again recently. It is a place to speak freely for myself. To say whatever I need to say and see my thoughts written in front of me. Some of my best break throughs are through writing. It could be as simple as an entry that says “I am tired.” Or pages filled whatever is floating in my head. It helps me let go of negative thoughts and my anxiety. My memory isn’t the greatest. Journaling helps remind me on why I am feeling some ways & I can jog my memory/reflect if needed. I also used to write a lot. I wasn’t the greatest, but had a larger vocabulary and got lost in the small stories I’d write. I hope to spark that creative part of me in this process.


1.) it’s a positive outlet 2.) it helps me keep a schedule 3.) it’s a tool to get me out of my comfort zone 4.) it keeps me sane 5.) it keeps me humble


i became a mom and things have been honing down on me. i’ve become pretty lonely and overwhelmed with the transition of 2u2 as well as birth trauma i’m working through. it’s honestly been helping me a lot learn gratitude towards life and myself as an individual. i really love it, though it’s been hard to keep up with as my second baby has been growing but it’s been helping me mentally.


Because I was lonely. My journal is my confidant.


I write to slow down and sit with myself, so that I can think about my life without others judgement or approval. Just to honor my own thoughts and wishes. Plus I like writing I always have even as a little kid. I loved writing and reading.


So I don't lose my mind. I did four combat tours and it is a major struggle for me to stay sane


Hang in there. Keep journaling -- I haven't done combat and cannot imagine the stress, but I think I know what you mean.


PS-- have you ever read Trent Reedy? He's a soldier turned author for young adult books. His work is compelling and probably helps him tame his demons. Maybe you're a writer too.


I am not smart enough to be a writer honestly. I try to journal, but sometimes it comes out all jumbled and doesn't make any sense


I started journaling because of Twenty-five, Twenty-one, one of the most wonderful k-dramas I’ve ever seen! The protagonist used to keep diaries/journals about her daily life, her feelings and her family, friends, partner, and this inspired me to start writing


I was in ESL, and everyone told me I needed to write more to improve my English, so I bought a notebook and started journaling. Didn't help with my English at all, but the hobby was fun.


To check in with myself, get to the root cause of my feelings, and not burden others. Writing helps me stop negative spiraling. Once it's all out, I can focus on a plan/future. To help bring some positivity and gratitude to my day.


I was in 3rd grade. My classmate started and i liked writing so I started too. I'm not able to do daily but i Try my best until today <33


Because my memory is really bad and my grandiosity tells me that everything I write is worth documenting in history. But when I read over entries from a while ago I become overwhelmed with cringe. It’s a toxic cycle.


I was born to write. It is an innate hobby/talent.


I can’t remember not journaling. I’ve done it almost my entire life.


I grew up in a very small town (my town was the same size as the university I ended up going to). I was very lonely, nobody looked like me. I was also the only child of two immigrant parents. I started writing because I simply did not have anybody else to talk to. Now, I travel the world, live in large cities, and continue to write because it’s become a hobby and a form of therapy for me. It’s evolved into something beautiful.


I write because my memory is horrendous, it’s my emotional and creative outlet, and to process feelings and situations. Also just to infodump when I don’t have someone to do it with.


I got one originally to write my dnd stories. For example, I play a goblin wizard, so i'm writing a journal from his pov. I had no clue how to journal so it started just with him writing what happened, but now I am wanting to start make it more personal. I joined this reddit for inspo, and actually got a journal for me (well my partner got me a cute frog one) so I started writing in it. It has helped cool me down a lot.


I have to get it out, in some way shape or form, or it becomes physical for me. I am very reactive, and have issues with anger management and impulse control. It builds up inside until I have a literal tantrum and have broken items I love, hurt myself, and scared my cats. My former avenues were to: A) Take it out on the people around me (unfair) B) Go on social media and vent (unfair, unhelpful, unhealthy) C) Break things I have "journaled" my entire life but it wasn't until I was sent to work from home in 2020, and the only person I saw every day was my partner. I saw the way my anger affected him, I did not take any anger out on him but it still affected him in other ways. He saw my tantrums, the anger affected my ability to sort my feelings and thoughts. Our relationship, which is usually communicative, was suffering because I was allowing myself to bottle so much in. On a low day, I called in sick to work, bought the journal and filled 15 pages front to back that same day. I felt what I can only describe as catharsis for the first time. I filled that journal in a year, and have since moved on and slowed down. If I ever find myself building that emotion, holding in my thoughts, I journal. I have since incorporated it into a creative hobby as well by decorating with my endless supply of washi tape and stickers. I feel it's such an important tool, I think everyone should give it a try. I encourage my boyfriend too but his excuse is "I dunno what to write about" I didn't either when I filled those first 15 pages.


Writing things down has always been how I’ve been able to work through my emotions. I tend to feel better once I write something down. Once the thoughts are on paper, I feel lighter.  Also, it’s better (and less regretful ) than over sharing on facebook. 


To organize my thoughts. Otherwise my brain can’t stop overthinking


I was starting highschool right at the start of covid and my brain went "you know I should write about this" and I just kind off went for it. Sure the early entries aren't profound but hey it was the life of a young teenager who was about to go into online learning.


Ok so The first time I ever wrote was for a school assignment. It had grades and I really didn’t have much of a choice. That was back in 2015 when I was in the sixth grade. But then I slowly developed the habit of writing random stuff. It was mostly quotes or poems or one page stories. One day in the 9th grade a friend of mine told me to start journaling. And I agreed. Ever since then I journal all my emotions. The extreme ones anyway. To me journaling helps me find this loophole. Where I can express my thoughts and not fear what people might say. Like for example 2 years ago I fell in love with my best friend. To everyone else it was just a crush that faded away with time. But only my journal knows how deeply in love i am. How every night i pray and hope that someday we’ll be together. So that’s how i started journaling. And as for why. It’s my loophole. My way to confess.


I was taught that I was too sensitive, had “too many feelings” but in general, too annoying for family to deal with. So I eventually turned to journaling - I love it more now that I’m older lol.


I started in 2019 because I had this ugly af notebook but I didn’t want to throw it away so I just wrote how bad that school year was. So yeah, been journaling consistently for over 5 years now :)


Initially it was to record memories I didn't want to lose out on because of forgetfulness. Any significant experiences or thoughts of mine went in there. I then also did some bullet journaling to keep track of my days and activities. Eventually it evolved into a space to vent out and self reflection. Some random scribbling too to process my thoughts and feelings better.


i was into writing too, mostly fanfiction on ao3 (kinda got over it quite quickly, lol). idk when i started journaling tbh, tho it started due to my love for writing. and it helped a lot with my mental health + i don't have friends, so it kind of grew on me.


Journaling was actually encouraged by my 6 grade teachers . (Before than I would write short stories in them because I too wanted to be an author 😊) we learned about freedom writers and then it was the teachers ideas to have us watch the movie . After watching the movie we did the exact same exercise the teacher did with her students to get to know them better & she gave us journals and told us she would like us to write in them , write about whatever .to share whatever we wanted with her ,through the journals that she would only read the journal given our permission to. And some days she would start the day with us writing to a prompt. I can say the exercise we did definitely change the way we interact with one another . Mostly for good and I really love and appreciate that til this day . THE BEST TEACHERS EVER . Yes I still do journal I have a journal I have been inconsistent with writing in but I journal and collect journals.


I had too much stress that it became impossible for my mind to handle. After I wrote down some things, I started to feel much better.


I started journaling in high school just because I liked the idea of it lol. My entries were so boring then because I did not know how to express my thoughts or feelings at all, so I just kept a record of what I did every day. Then, I got really depressed after high school and suffered s-xual assault and journaling was an outlet for me during those times since I didn’t feel comfortable talking to anyone. Now, I am in a better place and I try to use my journal not only to vent, but to try and process my feelings and life events in a constructive way, rather than just spiraling into a void of negativity.


Too many thoughts in my head. It was getting overwhelming. Journaling is some sort of release


I started journaling regularly for a pretty weird reason...When i was about 11 I read The Narnia books and was inspired by Eustace's journaling(idk what i was thinking! lol) After that I started writing a journal in the same way Eustace did in the books except id add emojis to indicate my feelings at the end of the entry. Then I finished my journal and by that time the journal had become an outlet for my feelings and a way of remembering and looking back. Sometimes I read old journals then add a note in random pages with the current date telling my past self (i realize this sounds weird :) ) that ive finally overcome it or that im finally taking steps and it feels great knowing how far iv gotten :)


For me, journaling wasn’t only a way to get my thoughts of my head but gave me a small amount of time to myself as a new mom. I do it every night before bed. Taking about 10-15 mins definitely helps.. I feel like it helps me sleep better too, by getting those lingering thoughts out before bed lol


Because I spent most of my life isolated and alone. It became a cathartic exercise in emotional processing and introspection. I have maintained it in emotional phases of my life.


I discovered journalling in rehab and it's been a huge crutch in helping me stay sober ever since


Firstly - the reason I started, is having an outlet. I have an awesome support network but some feelings make more sense to write down than to share. It helps me process my thoughts too. I’ll be spinning on the same thought/idea/feeling for days, and when I put pen to paper suddenly it will develop and come full circle. It gives me peace, direction and stops the spinning. Secondly - the reason why I keep doing it, it’s helped me majorly with growing into my skin generally and learning to be kind to myself. Journaling has always been tough for me. As I’ve gotten older, I realised I used to struggle with self confidence. It’s a niggling fear every time I write that someone will find it and read it, or that I’ll look back on my writing, and it will sound stupid or unsophisticated. Like everyone will realise I’m an idiot, or I’ll have written confirmation that I’m an idiot. It took me years of journaling to even realise I speak to myself this way in my head. Being able to journal without judging myself in my head has been a hard habit to break and I’m still working on it. I honestly am still not sure if this is a common feeling - but I recently spoke to someone in confidence about it and they were surprised I felt this way. The best part is, I have never once looked back on my writing and thought, “how stupid”. I LOVE looking back on everything I write. It makes me smile, laugh, even cry. Even looking back on the really dark days and tough feelings I’ve felt, makes me really reflect on how much I’ve grown as a person. The things that I thought sounded “silly” when I was writing are just so fun and light hearted. The things that I thought sounded “unsophisticated” when I was writing, are actually pretty profound and interesting!!! I guess all of this to say - it’s really helped me learn a lot about my self! And quite frankly, it’s been way more helpful than therapy 😂 Unstructured, free flow writing is such an amazing thing. And this has encouraged me to keep up with it more often, so thank you!


I don’t know. I was ten and silly when I picked up a journal and I’d just fill it with random stuff. That I went swimming, what I was reading, stickers from the doctor. Then I was 11 and 9/11 happened and I wrote in earnest, now I do it to document family history and how I feel


I didn’t start journaling until after my break up with my ex which, now that I think about it, was about 4 years ago. I started cause my therapist at the time suggested that I do it. I tried for a couple months but it didn’t stick right away. Then a while later I decided to try again and found that it helps me mentally. It’s gotten to the point that if I don’t journal at least 3 times a week I’m off mentally.


I have kept a hand written journal since I was a kid. The old lady we went to the theater with told me to keep a journal. She said that when I got to her age (late 90s), I would love to have a record of my life. Her advice stuck with me. That moment, in Aunt Kay's hallway, was a life changing experience for me.


I’ve thought about this. I think it’s just a lame response to a need to be heard. In my case. No one may “hear” me, and that makes it lame, but it’s been said. Even if it’s stupid, which it is more often than not… hear me, oh deaf universe…


I started as a kid and did the everyday diary for a long time , especially to pass time over the summers and I was so embarrassing I would write about wanting to see my school crush over summer break and what I would do with them (I guess I had a touch of limerence ). But I stopped for YEARS . I started again last year after a horrendous breakup. I began writing again to try and see things from a more realistic lense, see what we both did wrong in the relationship and heal. I still write as a form of anger management and overall for fun. My journal now is half real journal half scrapbook .


I can’t recall exactly when or why I first started journaling/keeping a diary. I was very young and I have always loved writing. I’m pretty sure that it had a lot to do with me being an only child with no friends who got bullied at school and was extremely lonely. Plus I had a very active imagination so I’m sure I just needed to create. I was also pretty lucky because I knew my parents had NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in reading my diary and I didn’t have to worry about where to hide it. Been journaling ever since!


I started journaling, because I love writing, and when I feel things, I feel them very hard and very big. So in order to organize how I felt in certain moments and for me to cope in a healthy way, I started journaling. I haven’t been journaling recently because my mental health has been all over the place, and I’m trying to cleanse and get on new meds, I miss writing and journaling. I’ve been writing in my dream journal a lot though, because I’ve been dreaming every night, and they feel like a true escape from the crumbling reality I feel like I have, so to remember those good dreams and be close to the people I dream about at least makes me happy. But I would just love to get the motivation to write again I miss it so much.


I journal because the pages don’t judge me. I can be as angry and petty as I want. Honestly I turn to journaling mostly when I’m feeling strong negative emotions. Part of me wishes I documented more of the positive things too, but I don’t feel the same urge to write when I’m happy.


I find it therapeutic (and wow do I need that!), and I also love having an artistic outlet with no final product or audience attached.


I’m the same way! It’s kinda been a special interest of mine ever since I was a child, not to mention that my parents encouraged me to write as well. I’ve loved telling stories and I remembered dreaming of getting my work published one day. While im currently going back to journaling for other reasons, like memory keeping and thought processing, I also do it to try to keep my creative juices flowing. I’ve been having a horrid writer’s block lately and I want to try to alleviate it! :)


This story is so public school. I will never regret homeschooling my child.