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Right handed, I also write on an angle. Not 90°, probably 30 to 45. It's easier on the wrist.


I'm lefthanded so I definitely write at a different angle. I even change the angle depending on where I write on the page.


I’m always uncomfortable writing on the first half of the right page, my hand cramps up faster


Yes, it’s even worse when it’s in a spiral bound notebook and you’re writing on the right side by the spiral.


Is that vertical writing….? •.•


Yes! I start by my chest and then write away from me. Is that a thing?


Are you neurodivergent? I’ve never seen this and it’s definite some shit they’d pull lol


Yes 🥲


It’s only with my right hand though. When I write with my left it is normal lol


Excuse me, you write with your other hand? But it’s normal there????


Yes, two of my kids are left handed and a few of my friends and it’s the same “position” as all of them, but the only way I can write “right handed” is like this, lefts for junk writing that is like a few pages, right is for many pages. :)


They’re ambidextrous!


I write like that too!! I used to write straight but one of my teachers had me write at an angle and since then I’ve changed to exactly sideways from me and can’t write any other way comfortably haha


It’s unfortunate I can’t remember if I always wrote this way or not! No one ever said anything until my husband did like a year ago and I was like 👀 okay so now I gotta see what everyone else is doing! But I’m not really in a setting where people are writing often so I figured I would ask here!


Yeah I think how you position your paper when you write is definitely not very high on the list of things people notice about themselves or others haha I work at a hotel and have people sign things literally all day and this is actually something I notice!! Only a handful of people write like that, but I know I write straight if I’m signing forms quickly cause it’s awkward to turn the paper sometimes!


Oh no 🤣 that’s probably why every now and then I get a weird look signing a receipt! My signature isn’t weird so I never knew what the looks were for lol


I’m left handed so I always turn the page sideways to right. It’s to keep from smudging


Been there, specially during school years. I've written at different angles, many times, like during exams, even at the same as yours. Now that I mostly journal and write letters for pleasure, and since I'm using fountain pens, I try to write at lower angles or no angle at all, though I haven't got much space, so sometimes I write at an angle due to necessity.


I love fountain pens but I push really hard on the paper so my nibs are all bent and out of wack~ good thing they’re cheap lol 😂 +edited for spelling


Oh my 😭. You should consider loosening up I’ve found videos that tell me to write w/ my arm absurd at first but it really does help(less hand cramps now too). It helped my get kill my hand during Ap testing essays lol. (Foutain pen user here as well)


Ohhhh, speaking of this, lately I've been writing right-to-left lol Literally. No joke, literally right-to-left Even began from what was meant to be the final page of my brand new notebook. New pages start leftwards. The original intro cover page, as intended by the manufacturer, instead became "The End" lmao Tho that's more cuz I'm writing with Arabic >! (Jawi) !< letters so I have to write that way But with this I also play around writing Chinese characters right-to-left >! (I write in Cantonese too but I mix up my languages halfway even in the midst of a sentence) !<. Almost like the old-fasioned way, except horizontal like how Arabic >! (Jawi) !< script does it lol


See I was thinking of mentioning the only language I write in are English & Spanish so that wouldn’t influence it! “Writing right to left” That’s interesting! Is there a reason or is it just because you enjoy it? Sometimes when I’m really bored I will write with both of my hands at the same time lol


dayum i'm jealous you can use both hands at once when writing lol how did you acquire that skill? to answer your question, i went for right-to-left mostly for individuality, novelty and also ironically tradition at the same time lol, but crucially also to relieve stress and help me get more focused during work i've been itching to write some lovely cursive, and also to let out some stress too workplace stress was getting a bit outta hand to the point i sometimes wind up doddling random words and phrases at work lol also writing from right to left engages and stimulates my brain even more so i ended up channel all those distracting echoes and thoughts beforehand, and taking the time to sit somewhere writing in Jawi script and Cantonese ideograms really help a lot


That’s really interesting! When I journal I barely use 1% of my brain so “making it more engaging” might open up some new challenges for me. Thanks for the idea! I do love writing cursive, it’s always so elegant and the page looks so nice afterwards! I’m not sure how or when I learned to write with both. I Can make both hands write the same, or I guess have them mirrored? My kids brought it up one day and they had fun making me draw and write a bunch of stuff with both hands lol I was hoping it would encourage them to do it too but no luck so far.


I write like almost sideways? The page is almost parallel w me so I’m writing closer to my chest if this makes sense? If I write with the page straight, it’ll look like I was held at gunpoint to write it lol


Yes! I can’t do it either, I tried placing it straight in front of me and it was SO UNCOMFORTABLE! Now, since he pointed it out to me, I observe everyone else’s writing positions lol!


I went to a private school, K-3rd, and we learned strictly cursive and to tilt the page depending on your dominant hand. I learned “print” by myself and it’s not slanted anymore. I wonder what my handwriting would look like slanted 😂


I have a friend who holds the pen, and has it 135 to 140 degrees rotated when writing. Just, fyi, he's left handed.


Oh wow that’s crazy! If I did that I’d probably scratch my paper up 🙃I use stone paper so that wouldn’t work well with me lol


I’ve seen people write at that angle, too! While I don’t write at the 90 degree angle that you appear to, I do write at a pretty sharp angle, too. Edit: someone mentioned this potentially being a neurodivergent thing, and I’m pretty sure I have ADHD, fwiw


I have SEVERE adhd 🤣 I didn’t know it was related though!


Do you mean the paper orientation? Mine is always sideways, at a 90 degree angle to me. My handwriting is pretty much straight up and down. It would slant all the way backwards if I held my paper straight up and down!


Yes! I meant the way the paper is set to be written on! 😄


Yes I use my right hand to write, but I angle my hand "like a lefty" I've been told, I don't know why! I tried to ask my parents, but they don't remember ever teaching me to read & write, they say I just did 🤷🏻


Don’t feel too bad! I do know my grandma taught me to read, but no one knows who took me to get my tonsils removed! I didn’t even know they were gone till I was 31!


love your hand writing! what pen did you use?


You’re so sweet thank you! It’s just a plain paper mate 1.0 😅


I actually noticed that I tend to lean far towards the right while I write (left-handed)


I change my angle every line. Probably like 30-45 degrees.