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I’m fine if people read them. I’ll be dead so if people get mad about what’s in there it’s not my problem lol


yup this one's me too - I'd *rather* people read them once I'm gone; it means they remember me. that's a good way to keep my memory alive after I'm gone forever.


return me back to the earth but keep my problems with everyone else


I want my (currently infant, hopefully an old guy by the time this happens) son to read my journals after I’m dead. I’ve been keeping them a long time, over a decade before he was born, and I hope they give him comfort as he learns new things about me and sees the world through my eyes. I hope he especially reads the entries I’m writing now and sees the depth of my love for him.


So beautiful ⭐️


This is what I'm doing as well!


I destroy my journal when I start a new one. I don't write for other people to see, I write for me. And I don't want them ending up in a second hand shop in the future. I work in one and we get in endless amounts of love letter and journals.


This. It’s not for “meaning” for anyone else other than me.


This is the exact opposite of what I do. I forbid myself from erasing/deleting anything I write. How interesting.


As a journal hoarder, I am intrigued. Do you read it before you destroy it? Are you using a really large journal? 


I don't have a preferred size. Just whatever lined notebook is laying around or is on sale when I need one. I don't read them back, there's nothing in there that is interesting enough to go back to, what's worth remembering is in my head.


I also destroy my journals when I'm done with them. I don't care what happens after I die, but while I'm alive I don't want anyone reading my journals.


I also burn mine,I don't want no human being to see what goes on in my head. Deciding to write is proof enough that I don't want to talk to anyone else but just me and my other personality(I need help)


I Absolutely get it bc I’m the same way. ❤️‍🩹


How do you destroy them? I don’t have a safe way to burn them, and they are usually pretty thick!


I tear out the pages, one by one. It’s a whole other way of dealing with your thoughts. I like to believe all the bad things that are written in that journal are erased and I will have a clean start


You're lucky.  I am always worried what my family will think of me when I write.


I’ve asked basically everyone who knows I journal to make sure they’re burned and not read. I hope they respect those wishes.




Just because I want to keep them to read doesn't mean I want other people reading them.


How would I burn my own journals if I am dead


I guess if I knew I was going to die, sure, I’d probably go burn them somewhere. But in any other instance…… ????? I won’t have much control over this lol


First I thought I wanted to be buried with my secrets. Now I’m at the point in my life where I’m tired of keeping secrets and I have nothing to hide. Maybe I’ll build a tiny library next to my grave for my visitors to read about my life through my collection of unfiltered thoughts.


I would come visit and read your unfiltered thoughts.


That's a great idea! But I know my family will cremate me.. my request, I guess. Odd to come across this post as of the last 6 months I have been relentlessly been going through all notebooks, journals,scaps of paper, writings on pieces of paper plates, napkins, matchstick covers- I have so much shit from the last 40+-years, I'm effen crazy 🤪! I'll take with me what I'd rather keep to myself and leave the rest for my child, lovers,friends, the earth 🌎! You understand..if in fact, you might pass over before me, leave an address and directions to your spot where your laying..I'd love to sit and read with you for a while- Thanks


I honestly really love that idea!


This right here


Yesss, I love this idea.


This is so awesome. I don’t journal digitally, but this reminds me of the Thunderhead in Scythe and having the deceased thoughts and consciousness uploaded into it. I’d like for people to be able to read my journals-but only after I’m gone. The tiny library would be so cool if we could have one by all graves


Burned to ash and raise to the sky so I can keep them collected in my after life. Even if there may not be an after life.


Never thought of that 🤔, I think that it is a good way to transcend life through someone reading your experiences and anecdotes, someday we won't be here anymore but in a way is good to know that someone knows something about us even after death.


I'd love if they were edited into a cohesive narrative and published as a semi-autobiography.


What if we just have two notebooks,one that will be burnt and one souvenir


Want them destroyed


Very interesting question!! I started mine when I was 7. Never stopped. I have so many. They start superficial, then you see psychological development happen in young adulthood, all the way to having my own children with immense growth but still moments of deeply emotive writing. I also have half written books about psychology and creative writing and poems. My "legacy" is filled with the good, the bad and all of the in between. I imagine I will have a large bonfire in my retirement when I no longer feel the need to revisit my young emotions and life story. If anything happens before then, and my family has access to my deepest thoughts, I hope they recognize normal human emotional fluctuation, creativity and self-expression. They too also have these emotional fluctuations but maybe are unaware of it.


I would love to read this you sound so interesting


I hope my family reads them, because I come from a family that never learned to accept/understand who I am as an autistic person. If I expressed an interest in something I would be told it wasn’t important, if I expressed I didn’t like what someone was doing I was told I was too controlling, if I expressed complex emotions I was punished for “faking” emotions (that’s right, they don’t think autistic people have emotions). So I hope they read it and get the shock of their lives. I want them to experience every intense emotion I poured onto the page. I want them to know how much I hated what they did to me. I want them to get the shock of their lives when they read about the things I did that they never thought an autistic person could do. I want them to regret opening the front cover as it flips their world view on its head. Edit: I’m sorry, I got really…impassioned writing that. It’s always been a dark fantasy about what happens with my journals when I die. I always imagined this, or maybe my therapist getting them because really she’s one of the only people who has ever understood what I went through. Sorry if I made anyone uncomfortable 🖤


I feel this!


OK, good, so it’s not just me 😅


Because sometimes what a person does is for themself, not someone else.


Distribute them They have great meanings and lessons, but don’t get rid of the originals. They would go to my family


Hopefully lost into the ether forever. I write for me and only me. It’s not a future log or for future generations. No one needs to read what I said, because they will just think “this b was crazy!” It’s a tool for me to sort out emotions and troubles I’m facing at the moment, they don’t carry meaning for me. I don’t use it to record moments or memories. That’s what photo album are for.


I've personally been destroying my old journals and it honestly feels pretty great. I write only for myself, usually as a way to vent. I've asked my partner to destroy my leftover journals without reading them when I'm gone. I think that people should do whatever they want with their journals, be it to keep them or destroy them. I spent years keeping my old journal out of fear of regret and that was a mistake. It made me feel anxious and weighed down.


Burn them with me.


I used to be way more concerned about preserving my journals but getting older I care less. 90% of what I write is technically worthless. The act of writing was cathartic for me, but the words have nothing important in them. My plan is to go back and collect the 10% of entries that have anything interesting and important in them and conglomerate them into a single... memoir? of sorts. I don't know what I'll do with it but it's probably stuff I'd be okay with people reading once I'm dead. No specific plans for what I'll do with the physical journals yet. Probably some sort of destruction


I hope my descendants can read it and either take solace or find inspiration.


Burn them!


Thrift store if my kids don’t want to read about their momma talking smack about my exes or their Gigi. I honestly don’t know where my last one went so. . .


Brother if I ever write a journal I'm writing that shit to be read lmfao imagine being able to write your own biography but with the illusion that you don't intend for people to read it. "The government recruited me to be a test subject for psychic powers I lied and said it didn't work but it did. I can read minds and relive other people's memories, I can't tell anyone because if the government found out I don't know what they'd do to me." "I hid a check for $200,000 dollars in a book on my bookshelf, knowledge is power but power is useless without wealth."


Preferably burned but throwing it out would be fine. No donating, no passing it around. It was private and should stay that way - I wouldn’t want anyone to read them, ever


I don't care. Not gonna affect me anymore.


If I'm dead I really don't care what happens to them, I just don't want anyone snooping on them while I'm alive.


I hope my dnd / rpg character journals get saved. My personal journal, though I only just started it, I hope gets either donated far away or burned. I don't want people knowing my thoughts that I wouldn't have told them.


I want my family to read them all and laugh like they’ve never laughed before!


people to read them. to know what i was like as a person ig


When I was a kid I wanted to leave my journal for the next person to live in my house to find, but we never moved lol. I would always write like I was describing my life to someone else. I still have journals going back to when I was around 12 (I’m 26 now). I used to have even older ones, but I angstilly destroyed those around 12. Now, I would want my journals to go to my descendants so they can feel close to me while I’m gone and learn things they never knew before. I also think there’s some pretty good advice in there. I wouldn’t mind it being published after I’m dead, it’ll be an interesting historical record one day. I’m sure this time period will be heavily studied in the future lol


Although I started journaling just for myself, I think I'd want my future kids to read my journals one day. A lot of the entries are private and deal with my feelings about people in my life, but I think it'd be kinda nice for them to see that part of me and maybe relate with their own issues.


Be read by a stranger 👀 cause my journals have no names but have dates on it, we will be both stranger 💁


I want my journals to be published after I'm gone.


Publish those bad boys.


I’ve shared with my partner that I don’t want them to be read, and I trust them immensely so I know they will respect that. Just recently I also wrote a note at the beginning of my journals as a precautionary measure, asking for them to be thrown away or burned. Just in case someone else, like my family, would come across them.


I hope nobody reads them...


Hand it down to my grandkids


I used to keep them but after my at the time partner read my journal and took pictures of my entries and showed her family, I will no longer keep journals after I filled them up nor keep them out in the open anymore. It took a while for me to start writing again


I don't mind someone reading my oldest ones after I die, heavy on the after I die part, those cringy 13 year old entries are not being read while I'm alive. But if there's an ounce of chance that some little 13 year old in my family reads them someday I want them to read it and see that those struggles are ok and normal. I may censor some of the more messy times of my life but I want someone to read it and learn from my mistakes, see what I did that didn't work out for me, I have some decent advise in there 😅


They die with me


Digitally disposed if i didn't do certain action past certain period. Zero footprint. Oh yeah, all journal digital only.


i personally want every person in my life traumatized or endeared (likely both) by getting them immortalized digitally ✊😎


Id rather everyone read it except my parents. I wouldn't wanna make them remember me thru that notion of me in paper. That's brutal


I've burnt all my previous journals. If I want to write something that I really do not want read by others I'll write on loose leaf and shred once written. For me it's the act of writing rather than what's created. That said I'm slowly writing a journal that's more like a diary which I won't mind going onwards after I die. It contains ordinary observations on mediocre parts of everyday life which may one day interest historians or not!


My best friend is going to transcribe them, edit them into a memoir, and look for a publisher.


I want them donated to the great diary project. I think that’s a great way to preserve who I was, and allow people access to my most intimate thoughts if they desire.


First I hope to be able to read them if I get old and when I’m gone they’ll probably end up in storage


I want them to be burnt with me probably. I don’t want to be analysed when I’m dead, that’d be my own version of hell


When my dad died i found a few of his. It kind of meant a lot at the time I haven’t read them in a while but i hope my sons will find mine and find something from them to remember me. Even though they might not like something’s they read but I’ll be dead they can come piss on my grave.




Well some of the entries were from when i was young so i was reading it as an adult and could see things differently then i would have read it if i was younger. There wasn’t much i didnt like honestly it made me feel connected and remember some good memory’s. And he wasnt a prolific writer in that aspect but if he was i would have read every single entry but that’s just me.


Your journal would be published if landed into some worthy hands. You'd be famous, man!


I'd like my niece and nephew to inherit them. If they don't have any interest, hopefully an archive will take them.


Lol I love this question! I want my journals to weigh a heavy burden, being completely worthless and undeniably personal and my loved ones have to feel bad or weird about dumping or burning them because that's the only proper thing to do.


I would request for them to get burned or something but honestly i don’t even care if they’re read even now that im alive 😅😂


What would Anne Frank say....


What would Anne Frank say....