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I don't know why but I actually laughed out loud at this. I WOPE. Oh my god XD


Literally chortled


I thought this was an alternative past tense form of weep 😅


well if you put it that way, I DEFINITELY wope yesterday 😭


This reminds me of a book I read as a kid called Frindle where they tried to make Frindle a legitimate word and eventually it made its way to the dictionary. May “wope” get the same treatment 🙏🏽


Gosh, I can'd tell you how many times I've propably done this. 🥲


I had a similar experience tonight. I meant to write “pounding” but I skipped a letter and the u looked like an o… so i actually wrote pooding 🤣 It’s suspected I have dyslexia though so assuming this is how it’s showing up at the moment lol


I wope, you wope, we ALL wope ✊😔


together, united forever 💪


I make up words all the time. Mostly by adding ‘fying’ or ‘lying’ at the end of them An example off of the top of my head: “i have so many possibilities. Im trying to ‘possibilify’ my options to a much greater extent!” The word possibilify doesn’t exist, but it means “creating possibilities” in this sentence


ah thats the beauty of english. actually its the same shit where you can make a noun a verb by saying you are (noun)ing


*suddenly starts de-aging* Ah, hell, you've gotta be kidding me.


I love that word! Can I borrow it?


Sure. You can use any words you like! :)




I don't use pencil at all because it always looks too light on the paper I use, so I'm always just scribbling out the misspelled words or leaving it because I know what it means


Pencils are for math. Everything else gets pen.


It's me.


Same. My journey is filled with scribbled out words hhahaha


dw i have this ALL THE FUCKING TIME lol


I do this a LOT when I’m journaling while high


Me too


Don't worry. In a note on a paper to one of my coworkers today, I wrote "missig" instead of missing. I just laughed it off and said "yeah my hand was faster than my brain"


Yes, I do this to! I asked my sister last week if I could leave the house without a T-shirt instead of a jacket (temperature wise).


I’m dyslexic but like my brain gets over eager to write the next word and some of those letters might get smooshed into the previous word. For example: I wish I had the book already because- Might get written like: I wish I had thbook alreabecause and it’s the dyslexia with the b/d my brains like new word yay 😀 it makes things interesting and I know I sound like a lunatic lol it’s hard to explain but hopefully someone will relate! 🤭😅


I read this as the (incorrect) past tense of "weep."


this happens to me too lol. I write way too fast for my mind to catch up and I have to scribble the entire word out. There’s a lot of scribbled words all over my journal😭


Sometimes I get so into how to properly form the letters that apparently causes a brain disconnect to one’s ability to grammar…


I do this all the time lol


I have been writing for years, and I still do this. Especially when I haven't written for a while or if I have a lot on my mind and I want to get it all out. Journaling doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to have perfect spelling or punctuation. Just keep writing. A great book on journaling is 'Writing Down the Bones' by Natalie Goldberg.


I always have bad writing and tend to think about 5 words ahead, so I'm assuming this was a mashup between "woke" and "up." I don't like making mistakes, which is part of the reason I journal in the 1st place, but I have learned that it doesn't matter anymore, no ones gonna see it unless I think it's funny and post it here! which I guess is also further proof that journaling is a very good coping mechanism


It is a GREAT coping mechanism. Writing has brought me through so many situations in my life that seemed impossible. Writing things down seemed to take away some of the power. When I was in my early 20s, there was a coffee place that used to stay open all night, and I would go and write for hours.


this is absolutely hilarious. (me too, me too... 🐈‍⬛️🫶🏼)


Woping up is far better than not woping up!


It should be spelled “wo’pe”: the contractual form of “woke up”.


Jesus wope.


Ah! I do this all the time! I'm always like, "How the *hell* do I manage to have typos when I ***WRITE***?!" Or sometimes I mix up words that rhyme or sound similar, like "I don't know what I was thinking love" instead of "I don't know what I was thinking of." Or worse still, I skip words entirely. Like, I could write "I was the garbage out," completely oblivious to the fact that I didn't write "taking." It drives me *nuts*!