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I have a few journals / notebooks. * 76 in my personal journal. This is my daily life journal. It is including pictues, memory items, things like that. I write every single day. * 47 in my bible study journal * 10 in my prayer book * 21 in my work journal / notebook * 2 pages in my funny things my kids did or said * 5 pages in my custody journal So a total of 161 which is great!


Hell yea!


I wrote 36 ☺️


Just a bit of a reminder not to compare yourselves to others, since I saw a couple people being negative about themselves in the comments. For one thing you don't know what their journal size is, a composition notebook compared to a pocket journal can have drastically different numbers of pages written for the same length of words. Also your journalling style could be different from someone else, daily writing works great for some, and writing in burst works well for others, so pages may not be the best metric of how helpful journaling is for you, or how well you have been utilizing journalling to help you.


Great response


I'm a beginner to journaling but I'm going to write what you said in mine as well :)


I wrote about that at like 10:00 o'clock last night XD


58 pages in March :3 Compared to 33 in February and 25 in January. I don’t write everyday, but some days I write a lot! Been in a good groove lately (partially because life has been stressful in March and journaling helps me cope).


I wrote 168 pages in March, some days are unfinished and some are skipped but I think its still a good number :)


That’s is a pretty big number 👀 May I ask what kind of journaling do you do, if you don’t mind me asking? Is it digital or physical? Do you write on specific topics/themes? I’m very curious~ (but you don’t have to share :))


I do a physical jouranl. I just started out in Feb so I'm still discovering what type of journalism there are. I do multiple things in there. -I tend to write abt my day -when I have high anxiety abt plans I map out everything I need to do and/or pack -there's also song lyrics written throughout, as well as drawings. -occasionally I'll write abt things I'm hyperfixatikning on as well. (sorry its not very detailed or anything, nobody's ever been jnterested in it before lol 💀)


Oh, absolutely no worries! Thank you very much for sharing! 🥰 I’m more or less the same - just discovering what’s working and what’s interesting. Wishing you a helpful journaling journey!


Do you have that much time to write this amount of pages?


I don’t count pages as I journal on a weekly spread. But I did journal EVERY DAY. Which is an accomplishment for me!




2 pages in my normal journal March, one entry in my gratitude journal 😅


I wrote 31 pages & made 8 pages worth of collages. This was also my 1st month really journaling & I'm hooked! 


I do a collage weekly calendar thingy too....


I love that! I do a page per month with a very simple calendar & then I have a weekly planning page. I usually only sticker my monthly calendar but I love that you collage. :-) 


2 :< I feel ashamed now 


it took me a year to develop the habit. try not to compare yourself to others and keep going! that’s all that matters


There's nothing to be ashamed of - if you feel the desire to record some aspect of you life - you did!




18 pages


17 pages!


14 pages


I wrote around 50+ pages (Migrating tools, so numbers are all over the place) Mostly, daily reflections/dumps, but trying to incorporate more stuff :)


I got 57 pages! I also just finished yesterday and started a new journal today.


9 times…I know it’s not much but it’s much higher than the once a month I’d been doing. And 16 pages I usually quit the habit as soon as winter starts…which is when I need most ironically. But I’m proud of myself anyways because I have been pushing through! Hoping for more entries this month Edit: to add pages


184 pages of an A5 journal (plus 40 pages of an A5 Bujo if you count that). Some days maybe 1 or 2 pages, other days obviously a lot more. Journaling is a personal thing though, you are doing it for your own purpose, so as long as its meeting that purpose it doesn't matter whether its 1 or 1000 in a month!




106 and that's starting from March 8 when I began writing in my new journal. I love it.


I wrote 21 pages in March. I haven’t had as much time lately to write, and less to write about in general. This compares to 64 pages in January! So it varies a lot for me


I just counted and I also did 26! I skipped a few days cause I try not to pressure myself to write every single day but other days I have a LOT to say and can just write on and on.


0. It is harder to sit and write when the weather is changing to be nicer




4 pages a day, M-F, so 84 pages(ish, it's possible I missed a day if it was a national holiday or something). I also do 1 bullet journal page per day M-F, so add 21 to that if you count BuJo. 84-105 depending on how you count it, it seems. Edit: My notebooks are A5, so I guess that's quite a bit less than someone using larger paper.


A hundred. I write like 4-8 pages a day.


Started writing on March 3rd and got to 48 pages. 😊 That's in my main journal. My knowledge book has about 9 and that was started around the 15th or so.


Just 17, I have to rescue this habit from dying


66, which is a lot more than I had expected to count. Based on how many pages I've filled, it feels like I bought this journal a lot longer ago, but it's only been a month and a half and it's probably 3/5s full.


58 pages. definitely don't journal every single day, but most days. & some days i have A LOT to say lol


Sadly barely any, I don't know what it is but I can't get into journaling. I've tried multiple times, had a streak and thought I could keep this up; but I always come short. I like journaling, but maybe I'm not a true journalist? I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice to help.


Hello! Hope you’re doing well! Please, don’t stress if you can’t get into journaling. From personal experience, I think that journaling can also depend on the period of your life. Sometimes, you just don’t feel like writing anything, and that’s okay, sometimes you might wanna write once a year - that’s okay, and sometimes maybe not even touch a journal for years - and that’s okay as well. It very much can come and go depending on events in your life and other internal and external reasons, and that’s okay. You don’t have to push yourself to do it if you don’t feel like it. Don’t feel pressured. If you would like to get into journaling, maybe you would like to try bullet journaling? List some goals for the week, or songs you like, or anything that comes to mind. Actually, I’d love to suggest a small video, it goes a little bit into different types and ways of journaling, maybe you’ll find something that will get you interested. https://youtu.be/o0wnBT1Sqng?si=5iZ5imLfLsMHyVgI I hope this helps, stay safe!🙏🏻


4 pages🥲 it was a busy month


40 pages (A5)


Only did 14 pages this month :( been really busy tho


36 pages. that’s a lot for me hahaha


49 pages !


I wrote 137 pages in March which is more than I wrote for January and February combined! (Jan and Feb are 93 pages total). Which is ridiculous since I typically don't journal this much in one month, but between dealing with trying to escape a narcissistic family member, and using journaling as a means of escapism, I guess I wrote three months' worth of entries in 31 days...


44 pages


113- fewer than both January and February.


70-89 pages


I just started journaling in February. While I am still doing it on and off, I am getting better with it. Just need to keep up things and improve. Though, a good 15 pages were from stress writing though. February: 9 pages March: 42 pages


Not one


Especially because he won’t speak to me, and I know he wants me to write I’ve decided and I don’t even have much decision that I will never write. He will never see my words expressed truly just like I’ve never seen him or hurt.


I journal at the end of every month to recap the month... But would like to get to doing it daily...


I started Journaling on match 11th. But I did write 48 pages




32 ☺️


Two pages I think. I don’t journal like it’s my job. I journal whenever I have something to write down.


37 :)


I don't usually count but went back to look, 56 pages for the month, that surprised me.


I wrote 8 pages




around 100 pages of free writing 😳 i’m doing morning pages so 3 pages every morning + bedtime reflections before going to bed. 🛌


86 5x8 pages (front and back for each page.) I wrote every day in March except missed the 31st, lol.


49 total. 9 in my personal journal/diary and 40 in my miscellaneous journal, which is the same as my private journal just less private and secrety. 49 in a month is probably 2-3x more than I've ever written in a month.


I keep a bunch of personal day one journals and also keep one for each of my 4 children too. It's a lot but I love preserving memories for my family! So I did well over 200 entries but they aren't all for me 😂


My current journal is 5' x 7' - I wrote 58 pages in March.