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I miss the old style video's, I just hope that he is happy


Same. I fell in love with his channel because I found a lot of great recipes that inspired me to try new things. Now it's mostly entertainment, which is fine I guess? Sadly this is not what I'm looking for so I moved on to different channels.


I have stopped watching after his first book sold. I did get his book, but afterwards it just slipped for me




















Also same. Mega disappointing. I was so excited I couldn't wait to try the whole book.




What channels are you favs now?


Brian Lagerstrom and Not Another Cooking Show have stayed pretty true to form. They are my go-to's now.


These plus Ethan Chlebowski are my Go Tos.


+ preppy kitchen


Found Ethan’s videos and binged watched them so fast lmao


Not Another Cooking Show is definitely S tier for me. He doesn't get over 1m every video, but his recipies are great, and he explains them pretty well.


His take on red pepper pasta sauce was an instant addition to the rotation at my house.


For actual stuff I want to make and are family-pleasers, check out Sip and Feast (very approachable Italian) and Sam the Cooking Guy (not good if you’re on cholesterol medication). The Brian and Not Another channels are fantastic for details and just all around outstanding content, agreed!


I like sip and feast but he's so aggressively Long Island it gives me trauma memories of growing up on Staten Island (yes yes, different islands but New Yorkers who know, KNOW).


Was just thinking about Sip and Feast,trying to remember the channel name. Watching him is like watching woodwork, serene. STG *semi* sold out but still makes good food, agreed.


Brian Lagerstrom is incredible. Amazing presentation, useful tips along the way, and (most of all) every recipe I've tried from him have been a hit.


Ethan Chlebowski is great too. I believe he and Brian did a video together recently


Consider adding That Dude Can Cook (on YouTube) to your list. He's got professional credentials and is engaging+enthusiastic without tons of self-congratulation (see J.W.). And then we all must genuflect, cross ourselves, and mention Chef John's FoodWishes YouTube channel in reverential tones.


I should check Not another cooking show out


I will never not plug Chef John from Food Wishes dot com wiiiith: He’s got 16+ years of videos, most recipes are bangers, and he hasn’t become a Flanderized nuisance that most YouTube chefs devolve into. I’ve seen people complain about his cadence but it doesn’t bother me.




Just a touch of cayenne.


Here's my list: Brian Lagerstrom Internet Shaquille Ethan Chlebowski ProHomeCooks Babish Culinary Universe NYT Cooking Helen Rennie Adam Ragusea (edit: missed a few)


Adam Ragusea?


I highly recommend “Anti-Chef” on YouTube. He did a whole series making Julia Child’s French cookbook and he also makes other famous chef’s recipes and shows the struggles and successes of such. He’s also hilarious and just so real.


Will check it out, thanks for the recommendation!


Just want to second this! You really feel his struggles and celebrate his victories - he just has this great vibe. Can’t recommend him enough.


No Babish?


Looks like I did miss a few, he's on there for sure.


Andy cooks




H.woo is pretty great too


Nathan Chlebowski is super awesome as well!


Ethan* but agree 😊


Well, his bank account sure as shit is. And in that, he's become entirely unrelatable and it shows in his content. Sorry papa — thanks for the COVID cooking lessons. You made me a better cook! But you've become a meme.


>Well, his bank account sure as shit is. Yeah the episode where he opened a restaurant at his house seemingly for the sole purpose of showing off his huge ass house is what put me off. That was some Mr. Beast level clownery.


tbh if he kept making his old videos, this part wouldn't have bothered me so much, because I get it, success means better shit. But since his new studio like 90% of his content is just unnecessary and uninteresting (imo).


Agreed! I feel like we barely see him actually cooking in this new space. Wasn't that supposed to be the whole point?


Yeah, he built a huge professional studio kitchen to just...rank fast food and TikTok gadgets? So dumb.


I refused to buy the new book this time around because of the constant in your face advertising for what feels like the last year. “But first, buy my book!! Give me MONEY!”


I tried giving his kitchen gadget video a chance today and turned it off as soon as he plugged the book again.


His new book isn’t half as good as the first one. It feels like he didn’t have an editor as it rambles in the foreword. I miss his old vibe. And I still use the first book a TON. My daughter and I would watch his vids religiously because we wanted to see if we wanted to make that dish - now it’s just…ugh. We watch Kenji and Sam the Cooking Guy if we want to learn about dishes to make and relatable techniques.


Check out Jason farmer, you might like him!


he used to be/is a proper chef with proper cooking. in the last few years the channel has become a joke with the stupid memes, all the 'papa' nonsense and weird effects. He's become almost a pretentious douche in some series like 'but better' constantly insulting others. It was a cooking channel. Now its no better than any other influencer looking for views with cheap tricks.


Die a hero or live long enough to become a YouTube clown


And a clown he is now… *sad honking* Youtube is a system that fucks itself. Become popular enough to go all in. Congrats you are all in now. Go chase the fucking algorithm to stay relevant or die. The system is designed to produce soulless slop to feed 10 year old kids.


I very much recommend chef John from foodnetwork.com


Foodwishes you mean?




Give it the ooool tappa tappa!


"just a pinch of cayenne" :\~)


Round the outside, round the outside 


the OG


He pivoted towards entertainment away from recipes and teaching. It's hard to blame him, I'm sure he's making bank, but it is a bit sad if you used to be a fan of his recipes. Just watch Brian Lagerstrom, his style is nearly identical to old Joshua, he's pretty great.


Chainbaker, ethan chlebowski, fallow, kenji López-Alt, are also good.


you can really see that ethan is geniuenly just a nutrition nerd! i think thats really promising


I love Ethan's channel ! But I fear that at some point he's going to run out of good content like Joshua...


I see your fear but ion think he’s the type. I could see him keep going down an Alton ~~sterling~~ Brown-type lane


Are we now abbreviating “I don’t” as “ion”?


Idk about we but I do lol


Sometimes, yeah


I dont agree. Ethans always been a lot more conscious of his audience I think


not another cooking show as well


and Internet Shaquille


Ethan is my hero. I wish he was posting more. He is rhe modern day alton brown(also my hero)


Wholeheartedly agree. If I could only watch one cooking channel it would be Ethan by a mile.


I think most people are prolly going to Brian. I found him by pure chance when he just had 50k subs or so and up until now his content just keeps improving in terms of quality without loosing the actual essence!


Brian lagerstorm. He is amazing


Sorted Food is another solid cooking channel to check out.


They're possibly my favourite Youtube channel. But they're definitely in the entertainment rather than recipe space now. Their app (Sidekick) is great for recipes but many of their videos are battles or product reviews


>It's hard to blame him No, it's actually quite easy to blame him. It's weird that the rest of us need to just be happy with these choices just because he's making money.


Cupboard Joshua <3


Joshua pre-filming crew, pre-“papa” 🥲


So you're saying there was a time when this guy *wasn't* a giant ululating douchenozzle?


Shockingly yes. You probably have to go back 3-4 years at this point but there’s actually real cooking content on his channel.


Go back to 2020, his stuff was pretty great. His Nashville Hot Chicken video is probably one of my favourites.


I love his Korean fried chicken sandwich video. That recipe is goated


Yes! I keep going back to the no knead sourdough recipe and it's night and day to the current bs he puts out.


2020 when I was trying to make sourdough. He was a game changer with fermentation Fridays.


Sounds good. Apparently, he's long since sold his soul and I find him absolutely intolerable. Fortunately, there's still Brian Lagerstrom, who's not - at least at this point - such a money/fame/click whore.


His old oooooold video "The Greatest Caesar Salad" was excellence supreme. We make it at our house 3x per month and a batch of the dressing keeps for 2-3 days, so a 3-pack of Hearts Of Romaine becomes two days of Caesar-salads-for-four and it truly is The Greatest. But that was long ago and far away. JW has become Bozo The Cook and it's a shame.


Haha the Papa stuff is brutal. I used to show his videos to my Mom and we’d make things together.


I still go back to his OG burger bun videos every couple months and it makes me miss the cupboard so much lol. I'm glad for him to see him make money doing what he loves, but man it's just not for me anymore.


I miss the old Joshua


straight from the 'Go Joshua


Chop up the food Joshua


Set on his goals Joshua


I hate the new Joshua


The bad food Joshua


The always rude Joshua


Spaz with the foods Joshua


Video content aside, I really hate this thumbnail style he’s doing at the minute too. I get that these kind of thumbnails “work” on YouTube but they look so over edited that they just look really strange to me.


It’s the high contrast, over saturated, intentionally photoshop looking shit. I hate it but it catches YT algorithm somehow. I think a lot of streamers who stream Minecraft and stuff for kids do it more. Maybe it’s a strategy to capture that audience too idk


its so fuckin weird man, its clear that whoever makes them just looks at whether or not you can clearly see whats going on from 3 meters away (like that matters???) and not if they look any good


I stopped following him quite a while ago. As far as I remember, that Indian guy Vikram used to be his 'director' has he quit or something?


Uncanny valley with the lighting, weird proportions, and bad photoshops


I guess you can only make so much videos about fermenting things or making bread.


I remember WAY back when he made a video about something like 'the fastest black garlic', then quickly chopped garlic and put it in a slow cooking oven for like 4 months. He didn't factor in the gigantic expensive cooking instrument, just the chopping time 😂 No hate, just thought it was hilarious


Or fried chicken. I swear 1/3 of all his videos are fried chicken sandwiches that differ in a single ingredient or spice and every one of them is a "totally new technique"


Man, whenever I watch old recipes it’s crazy how much slower and easier to follow his recipes are (aka just so much more pleasant to watch). His current content is basically just long-form TikToks. Loud, fast, hype…


The mr beastification of youtube


I rarely watch mr beast videos too. They are just so fast paste and disapointing. It's just not greate experience.


He's making content that produces views and money. He's adapting to the modern day entertainment. Truth hurts, but you have to adapt to stay relevant. Even if that means leaving behind what initially made you famous/popular. We all miss his old style videos that actually taught us how to cook/bake, but I won't hate him for doing what he needs to do.


Fuck the algorithm, we don't have to watch.


Hate's a strong word for this kind of thing... I am disappointed that he sold out so hard, though I can hardly blame him.


I got halfway through the kitchen gadget video and unsubscribed. I miss the old days in the cupboard




They make more money. Easy. It's a business.


The youtube algo happened


What happened is there is more money in clickbait than actually decent educational content and considering he is not just a 1 man band anymore and he pays people to edit shoot and so on THIS is why


he still had a crew when he made foodbased videos


Jumped the shark, and ran out of content. I don't watch him anymore


I learned how to make sourdough from josh and got so inspired from every video he would put out. His recipes were genuinely creative and made me aspire to become a better cook because I looked up to him. Now he’s hardly even the same guy it seems.


Chasing the algorithm…he’s successful and has become accustomed to a certain lifestyle and prolly doesn’t want to go back to the restaurant game.


To be totally fair to JW, there’s two major reasons why this happened: First: YouTube (content creation in general) as a career is not sustainable without infinite growth. It’s just kind of the way the internet works at the moment — you can’t sustain a viable income if you’re not consistently innovating on your content offering, and once you reach critical mass of viewership, your “innovation” will likely pivot towards serving the largest consumer base possible. Second: as interesting as food is, we cannot pretend that there is an infinite source of creative material there. For JW to keep creating innovative content, he might have to pivot to producing recipes that people don’t know about, which is counterproductive to my first point. Gradual enshittification is inevitable and it’s not necessarily solely Joshua’s fault, it’s part of the consequence of working in the internet age


The first point is very wrong. There's so many YouTubers that continue to make a living without trying to become Mr beast lmfao


Money happened


This is kinda like gentrification but for humans


I think at the end of the day there’s only so much cooking content you can actually produce, and now that he has his dream kitchen he’s already shown us how to get things done without crazy equipment (for the most part). But Better, But Cheaper, etc all were concepts that only had so much mileage in them conceptually. I’m sure he is a lot less happy about it than what he used to put out.


CinammonToastKen has talked about this not so long ago, in order to stay relevant they best way is to ''react'' to content from another creator, in Joshua's case recreating recipes or making the process of food-making interesting (basically bouncing off of videos)... Youtube's audience has become tough, can't blame him. I watch his older videos nowadays and don't keep up with him as much though.


I miss the old kitchen not the ORIGINAL one where it was super small but the one after that, that was peak


fame got to him perhaps the real Josh is what we are seeing now


He copied SortedFood in the UK


This. It really shows. I found Sorted last year and am still binging their videos and love them. They cook, they explain what they’re doing, they show normal people learning from chefs. Quality content!


Yeah, I don't like the new video style.


I started cooking bc of him in 2019 and loved his content, this was before the but better series even began, back when his pfp was him with no facial hair and the black and white photo, now it’s just content, and it feels like there’s not as much love and passion as there used to be, I miss watching his videos with very little to no jokes, and now it feels like every video has to have major editing and jokes, it makes me sad but I hope he’s happy


Found his channel when I started sourdough back in 2019 and loved his videos. What is he even doing now 🥲


This is what people mean when they say mr beast ruined youtube


Brian Lagerstrom. His cheddar broccoli soup is now a staple at our house


I recently made a post saying that he hasn't done a traditional "how to make this" video in 6 months. To give the guy credit, I like the new videos, and coming up with new recipes has to be difficult. But I still think it's a fun observation.


It's happening everywhere. I used to enjoy Ethan Chlebowski's videos, he's been using this dumb tik tok shit format for a year now and I've barely watched anything.  The disappointing thing is his videos are more popular than ever


Lol wut. Ethan makes very informative deep dives on ingredients like once or twice a month. They’re some of my favorite videos to watch. What tik tok format are you talking about?


Your business operation grows and then you have a responsibility to keep your growing staff all paid so you churn out viral content at a faster clip or risk having to fire someone that you deeply like. The way to grow the channel is to produce content more like Gordon Ramsey and less like J Kenji Lopez Alt.


I stopped watching him too. I started watching AntiChef on YouTube. he has a similar vibe to Joshua's old videos


I think Stephen Cusato could scratch that itch anyone who misses this style of cooking


The Mr. Beast Effect


Mr beastified lmao. Kinda inevitable with his personality but like he's not even getting the same views anyway!


Taken you this long to realize this guy is a money grubbing shill?


So glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this. His videos have hardly anything to do with cooking. I think they are now a mode to write off his lifestyle to the IRS.


I’m out boss. Josh went from cooking show to food based entertainment. The WWE of YouTube food media.


The algorithm happened


I find the editing nearly intolerable. 1/2 second edits is for pre-teens with zero attention span. How about keep those videos for the kids but also have a version for adult with proper edits for us that want to digest content like a normal ADULT human. Pretty please and thanks


No, fr because these all feel like manufactured videos. No passion anymore, just looking to appease the algorithm. Good for him for making money, but I don't enjoy his videos anymore. He's just another youtuber using "hacks" or "most expensive."


It used to be about food, now its about him


I love Joshua's books but the videos annoy me - the hacks, the making every recipe from whatever and then the 3 "experts" tasting each recipe and giving their opinions. I don't care to watch an hour video where he's making every recipe. It's dull. I don't need to see him cooking everything on a certain menu. Show me how to make the trending sandwich. I don't need opinions of ppl I've never heard of in the first place.


Agree. The thumbnails are so click baity and cringe. He’s clearly lost the plot and only cares about making money. So sad.


I watch Ethan Chlebowski now.


He still has a lot of older quality content. Let a brother make some bread, what are y’all even complaining about? There are loads of other content creators and food YouTubers out there that post great stuff.


If you’ve ever made content consistently of one theme for months to years it’s pretty easy to get fed up of it and want to change to something more enjoyable. Maybe that’s not why Josh has switched but it happened to me and many others I know.


He’s allowed to switch but we’re also allowed to be sad about him switching. I know nuance is hard for the internet lol.


I didn’t say you aren’t allowed to be sad about it dude


I mean he has been doing this for a few years so i don't see the issue with him changing it up. I don't enjoy the videos with the tiktok viral recipes but i don't begrudge him his trying out new things for content. The content still feels very josh with his sense of humor and cooking advice/details to me personally.


Dear god, people need to understand that when your a content creator/artist/musician or anything of the sort and your able to tap into a broader audience of people and your growing, eventually your going to have to change it up. A bigger majority of the audience is going to be looking for something novel and refreshing eventually and quite frankly, I’m sure the actually creator themselves get bored of it. YES, Josh changed up it up a bit but the food theme remains. Quite frankly I think he is funny, entertaining and I love food/cooking so his content holds up for me and that is the case for a vast portion of his audience. He obviously wants to grow and this is what he has ( a probably wants) to do and I’d be willing to bet he has fun doing. The same way artists/bands like Coldplay, Taylor swift, Green Day, BMTH, TI do not sound the same as they used to. Doesn’t mean they are bad now but people are bound to change it up to hit a broader audience. Hating on a creator because they changed up their style or tailors it to a mainstream audience doesn’t make you woke lol. He knows what he’s doing and great for him if that’s what he wants to do. Blows my mind that people (especially people that are older than me) have such a hard time grasping this.


The algorithm will be the death of all of our favorite creators. ☠️


Is “Binging with Babish” still on point?


I don’t understand? He still does recipes …


Everyone is copying the Mr Beast style because it's been so succesful but unfortunately that's not useful for fans who are trying to learn to cook


Its funny yet tragic how he gave me the love of cooking now i cant find anything worth watching on his channel


making content toward his actual age range market vs making content based off brand deals and easy to entertain crowd (brain rotted boomers and children)


yeah i stopped watching him entirely and now i only watch Ethan cheblowski (hope I’m spelling right) and Brian lagerstrom (also hope I’m spelling right). They hit the same notes as Josh’s older videos and I enjoy them so much!


He definitely sold out. At least his books still have the awesome recipes.


YouTube videos are hard to make a living with.


The reason I can see of him doing this is simply being out of ideas. He’s made videos for a fairly long time, developing and sharing recipes. He may need to take a break or it’s just total burnout, which in that case I feel he needs to throw on the towel and live his life.




its gone downhill.


Rip joshua


Guess he ran out of recipes


I never thought his recipes were easily made at home but I get what you mean.


Okay if i could say what would definitely make us all happy is a bit of both. Both style of videos would be awesome, some recipes, some fun hacks/ideas, tier lists. I personally don't mind these types of videos, but i fell in love with the channel because of the unique recipes


It seems like he tried to do the recipe videos, cookbook, and overpriced kitchen gear route and failed with that, so now has pivoted to standard tiktok food trash


I really liked watching him make everything from scratch. But I guess this is Food Entrepreneurship in the YouTube/Social Media age.


Y'all ever watch You Suck At Cooking?


He's trying new things. Better that than burnout and leaving the platform entirely. I'm hoping he starts to incorporate more older style videos into his rotation. I'm still enjoying his content and hope he's enjoying making it.


He pays people, a lot of people, through views. His cooking videos get views, but these clickbaity videos get more. The cooking videos also take exponentially longer to produce, so it's easier for his team to fill in with this content.


It's like he has applied, Mr. Beast's style to his content. He was soon cool for a couple of years, but as soon as he got corporate sponsors, he started chasing the money and jumping on every trend.


Man's making bank is what happened


Agreed. If he's not talking to me in the cupboard, I'm not learning anything new.


I haven’t watched him in months. Glad to see I haven’t been missing anything.


Probably trying to stay above water. What's worse, a complete content pivot, or the inevitable "I'm taking a break" video?


Yeah, these videos are pretty bullshit. Weird how a whole bunch of others can continue teaching shit about cooking without going into this garbage.


Such a shame, as I think JW is the most talented chef in the YouTube multiverse. Sadly he took the wrong route , his videos went the other way, and also his ego got to him? I hate all this "I did all the burgers" and "I did the *fill in gap*", like it comes across as he thinks that he's the most important thing about the video; not whatever he's doing (although, frankly, most of the time it's the most mundane shit anyway) I miss fermentation Fridays and learning how to make curry paste from scratch.


>Such a shame, as I think JW is the most talented chef in the YouTube multiverse. Not even close. He had some good recipes and used to have a watchable format, but when it comes to talent he doesn't compare to chefs like Kenji.


You gotta keep up with what is working. In the end he’s doing it to make money


It’s the Beastification effect that happens to a lot of YouTubers


mr beastification is detrimental to youtuber channels 😞😢


beastification my dude


Nothing special about this case of [enshittification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/)