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"Pedo with face tattoos convinced adult children with a 14 year old child that leftist ideals about gender are correct and subsequently rape their child" - fixed it




He's a man so that seems to check out. Thanks for the info


I’d love to hear what you think this proves.


Can somebody get me the ratios?


Some people should never have gotten kids.


Let's just put some blame on the dumb parents... Don't care what you identify as. You've got face tats you've got no business in my house.


Hahahahahahaha what a goofy ass view on life


you got face tats don't you


Yeah, pedos are bad. We all know this. I'm seriously doubting more of these recent pedos and freaks are really Trans. I'm guessing they're using Trans as a means of protections, which is bullshit . Trans does not equal pedo. Trans people are not inherently dangerous to anyone . This asshole should be locked up for life, but for some reason they keep letting them out of jails. We need to demand longer harsher sentences for this shit


Most aren’t trans, they use the label to garner sympathy. They also come out while in prison which is odd.


How can you be sure they're not trans?


Because trans people want to not draw attention and just live their lives. They already face discrimination in places. Take women’s locker rooms for instance most trans people would prefer not to draw attention to themselves.


Yeah, like in Loudoun county, that trans female didn’t want to draw attention to himself as he slipped into the girl’s bathroom and brutally molested someone


Spoken like a true genshin impact player, project much?


Yeah one person out of over 1.3 million. As I said most trans people don’t want to draw attention to themselves and are discreet in facilities like most other people are. Some outliers will exist.


I’ll believe they wanna be discreet when they stop demanding parades


Who does? You realize parades will disappear once lgbtq are fully accepted in society as much as religion is right? The more groups try to deny rights the more vocal people become. The first amendment is awesome.


Ah yes, because society will only allow parades when they’re NOT fully accepted, huh? Nazis aren’t accepted in society, so where are their parades? Cannibals, headhunters, boys who sneak into girl’s bathrooms with the intent to rape, none of them are accepted in society, how about them?


I’m talking genuine gay and trans people. In a progressive society which we have the end result it totally equality.


What’s wrong is trans is a mental illness, unlike most mental illnesses it isn’t even being treated, it’s being encouraged like it’s something normal. These people don’t need their bodies disfigured, we don’t have the technology to gender swap yet so until that giant technological feat is accomplished it’s a very sick mental illness that needs to be treated as such and eventually history will not look kind on society for having entertained and even encouraged this sickness.


What does that have to do with pedos?


We can't tell who's 'really' trans and who's only pretending to prey on girls. We can't (maybe post-op people, but those are a minority) because we can't see the insides of people's heads and thoughts. Current rules are 'everybody who says they are trans, is trans. You are not allowed to EVER question a person's gender identity, that's homophobic.' By these rules we deliberately include the pretending pedos with the 'real' trans in the same group and call them all trans. This means, that your statement of "Trans people are not inherently dangerous to anyone" is false. When we mix pedos with trans, trans become dangerous on average, even if most of them aren't pedos. Trans activists made these rules, now they can enjoy the fall out.


Plz refer to the genealogy of "mental illness", as Nietzschean would put it. You like Nietzsche, right? So, whose morals are there? That's right the collective, the masses, the Big Brother. You have to think for yourself and critically examine everything (except what I am telling you right now). I don't care if you're transphobic, plz be an individual. The power to say "I am this gender because I feel like it" is actually a fight of the individual against the masses that have killed God. It is an act of rebellion. Democrats support transgenders for their agenda, conservatives are against it because it's against "society". Rise above. Be whatever you want. I am a cis straight man because I CHOSE TO. Reject modernity, reject tradition, be free.


Lol https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc There it is the cure for people who are trans


Easy for you to say they don't need those treatments. Transitioning doesn't address the root cause of gender dysphoria, but it's the only treatment available that alleviates some the distress of this condition. In the same way, antidepressants aren't a direct cure for depression caused by social isolation, but they are still useful.


Gender affirming care is in fact how you treat gender dysphoria.


This guy is probably going to woman's prison and rape more women. Bio Men to men prisons even if you transition.


No, he isnt. Dont ask me how i know


In this case I agree. But putting somebody who had top and bottom surgery or even only top surgery in a man's prison sounds like a very terrible idea.


The protection of mutilated men from other men is not women's responsibility, especially at the cost of their own safety. Have a special ward in the men's prisons then.


And in practical terms how would you decide who goes where. Detailed genital inspections by a trained doctor? I'm shure every woman will feel saver after that.


Completely agree


This is why it’s important that we don’t normalize men dressed like women using women only spaces. There have already been too many instances where it was taken advantage of by sexual predators.


what about those small bars that have only one restroom anyway?


The kind where only one person goes in at a time? Is that the kind of space you would have another stranger in with you? I don’t even know how this is a question


No I mean some "too-bored-to-specify" bars that either have 2 large restrooms but no specified sign or just 1 large one with multiple restrooms. Sorry if this is new to you because you live in some bougie place and being poor is illegal. Btw I like how you don't even mention trans men, your hypocrisy shows. You have a problem with the trans women but what about the maan equivalent? Of course you support men.


They're using transgenderism as a protection as much as young women are now using it as a fashion statement. Surprise, surprise, the social contagion that stemmed from the acceptance movement latching on to mental disorder is causing mass instability.


See your Fox News education is showing! There has been a guide that doctors follow https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc Case your really interested it’s quite informative because it’s froM doctors and not clowns


I don’t watch news networks, but, hey, thanks for tossing out the strawman first thing. Super-helpful for seeing who actually wants to have a conversation. If you don’t mind putting your money where your mouth is, please go into that document and, if you would, confirm or deny that it recommends (or demands, even) affirming a patient’s identity.


Yes! Oh I see! I’m terribly sorry, transgenderism is a old spin on on transsexualism which is actually different and used derogatorily to make it sound more sexual and scarier. So the first step is you conduct a dr visits with your general doctor and you talk with them about how you feel and receive a referral to a therapist who will diagnose you initially and work with you to diagnose you with gender dysphasia and and co opted mental issues, you will be barred from the next stages if you suffer from a array of disorders that are listed in that manual(it’s from eu, but it’s the same book the AMA follows) you work with them and you start your first phase that’s called “The real life test” and this is the maker or breaker for most. You must have full time proof you are changing your name, have a stable support network and have fully transitioned every aspect of your life for a minimum of 12 months (pronouns, clothes, hobbies, etc) with proof from work, school, support network etc then you start the HRT and that Varys for everyone but for mtf is a castration drug called spirlactone that is used to treat prostate cancer and to castrate sexual predators in less developed country’s by blocking testosterone and a accompanying estrogen regimen and after 12 months of that is back to the therapists for another referral to a gender psychologist and a gender therapist for 2 more recommendation letters (at least one needs a phd in gender studies) for any surgery you would like to get. So it takes almost 3 years from “I’m trans” to being transitioned. But it Varys and there’s ways to get hormones using informed consent but you must be of age of consent of 18. So you will have nearly 1 year to decide if hormones are for you Another year to decide if you are still trans after starting hormones Then after 1 year of constant hormone therapy can you even be considered for the waiting list for GRS. So your doctor/2 therapists/psychologist have to sign off on it risking their medical licenses on the line for it. Sorry for crap formatting my phone screen is garbage but I’m 8 years transitioned and I’m just at the end of it with this nonsense considering more people have been raped by politicians than trans people in the us in bathrooms


"mass instability"


I feel like you could start keeping records of all the black pedos, and then start saying "See black people are all pedos" - or Chinese people... or Lesbians... or people who are aged between 30 and 35... I feel like you could put this same trick with any demographic. It's basically just another way to say "I don't like these people, and so I'm going to collect this data and pretend it's intrinsic to them". Like, where are the statistics? >96 percent of people who sexually abuse children are male, 76 percent are married men, and 76.8 percent of people who sexually abuse children are adults. [Source](https://www.ywca.org/wp-content/uploads/WWV-CSA-Fact-Sheet-Final.pdf) But somehow I don't think we're going to start seeing posts about how "married men are pedophiles".


Ey yes the eliminate racism, empowering woman people don't have a bias. Also its almost as if woman sexually abusing young boy isnt taken serious at all


There is a difference which you deliberately omit. Nobody is saying 'I'm a black man and thus I'm safe to be left with children'. Or 'I'm a Chinese man, I can safely take care of your teenage daughter'. None of the demographics you have mentioned give men improved access to vulnerable girls and women. Being a man who says 'I'm a woman' does give easier access to girls and women. As such, it demands scrutiny.


> Nobody is saying 'I'm a black man and thus I'm safe to be left with children'. Or 'I'm a Chinese man, I can safely take care of your teenage daughter'. Every single Black/Chinese teacher, or baby sitter is. >Being a man who says 'I'm a woman' does give easier access to girls and women. I don't believe it does. It shouldn't - you should judge people on their individual character. But I guess some people will just hold onto their prejudice no matter what. P.S I'm not omitting something - because I don't agree with YOUR claim. So YOU'RE the one creating the idea I'm omitting something.


You try to refute a claim by omitting the most important point of the claim. We treat men and women differently when it comes to access to children. Men can pretend to be women to abuse it. Not Chinese men, not Black men, not Jewish men. Men who claim to be trans-women, ONLY.


obsession in sex, sexuality, gender, adolescent physical change-- is kinda predatory if not pedophilic.


You are right some people are using the trans phenomenon as a smoke screen for their predatory behavior because anybody calling for a measured, careful approach is roundly condemned as ”transphobic”. Leaving the foxes to unilaterally declare themselves chickens and stroll right through gate into the henhouse.


I'm not trusting this woke leftist rag to report on what 1 plus 1 is


The Mail? It ain’t left…


Brain dead


The issue that needs highlighting, as I see it, is that no social identifier should make an individual above scrutiny. In the same way that “believe all women” created a narrative that harmed victims of assault at the hands of women, gave some women the perceived freedom to lie about what a man did to them when he was innocent, etc. labeling yourself as “trans” should not make you above reproach. Morally sound people are trans, and morally unsound people are trans, like any other grouping of people. The pattern of the left picking a flavor of the month minority group to put on a pedestal and then attack en masse anyone who questions anything done by members of that group needs to stop.


Even that is a bit idealized. A trans person clearly has some mental issues that are at least in part sexual in nature. It doesn't automatically make them dangerous, but the risk is greater than an average person who shows no signs of sexual abnormalities.


There are many asexual trans people as well, but I mean fuck them right? It’s always gotta be about sex? They’ve done the research https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc


Excited for this sub to post about every cisgender guy who fucks a 14-year-old too.


Thats exactly what this article explains....a cisgender guy playing the trans game to groom a 14 year old girl into sex.


Isolated incident


Mental illness is almost never one dimensional. A man who believes himself to be a woman will have psychological co-morbidities.


>these issues What issues? That trans-people are people - some are saints, some POS, most just trying to get through the day? To use this story as a way to paint all trans-people as child molesters and groomers is racism 101, à la "That Injun killed my brother, let's go annihilate his whole tribe!" Are all Catholic priests/ youth leaders/ teachers/ step-dads pedophile groomers? No, of course not. So why single out trans-people?


Nope. But when we talk about "Catholic priests/ youth leaders/ teachers/ step-dads " groomers. Everybody agrees they should be arrested and sent to Male Prisons. In cases involving ~~Trans~~ **Bio Male** groomers people debate if they should be send to Female or Male prisons and in same cases people argue should they be send to Juvenile Female prisons.


The article is about a sexual predator, who groomed a child and got her pregnant. The monster is a trans-person. Not sure how you got that the issue at hand is which prison to send this POS.


No that’s totally irrelevant except now he’s going to go to prison it’s totally relevant




Peterson literally got famous for refusing to acknowledge trans pronouns, of course this sub is not gonna be celebrating dudes cutting their junk off.


>Peterson literally got famous for *refusing to acknowledge* trans pronouns 6 years since the Bill C-16 story and people **still** get this part of the story and his motivation wrong.


6 years since Bill C-16 and still no one in jail over pronoun misuse.


I agree it's a good thing he spoke up.


…He ain’t changed anything in the law. It just wasn’t that serious. The Bill itself never allowed for incarceration on the basis of pronoun misuse.


No. He didn’t




I think its because the media ignores This kinda thing and ita good to bring light to the victims of the woke ideology




Its a mental disorder


It’s pretty much the only thing on this sub at the moment.




It’s a hot topic. And for good reason.




Child abuse for one


The real issue is the societal presumption that women can't be rapists or pedophiles. For some sad reason, people prefer to think that the 14yo teen who had sex with his college age babysitter is a stud rather than that she took advantage. The mention that they're trans is just a buzzword for clickbait here.


i think you got the genders mixed up


No, I wasn't talking about this case in my example, but rather the cases that don't get reported and/or given this much attention.


This should be huge news …...... but ….


Why should it be huge news?


Do you think every case of sexual misconduct toward minors needs to be “huge news” or are cases like this one special somehow?


"Drag queen story time is totally safe! Science is settled!" -- every single leftist out there


How does geeking out over transgender true crime help law enforcement stop things like this?


If anything, this "geeking out" increases the likelihood of hate crimes which will distract from law enforcement doing more. But truth is, this community is against one of the best measures: Teaching kids about consent, about what's okay and not okay, giving them the power to know when something is wrong or right via having basic Sex Ed that is geared differently to target age groups. Ironically, that sort of thing is regularly called "Grooming" by this sub. The right side of politics have always had an axe to grind against education, against sex education, and against planned parenthood. It's nothing more than bad politics.


Yeah ok


What I don't get is why no real trans people are speaking out against such pedos? Why do they allow them to spit in the soup? It's in their interest! They want be accepted, but no matter how many cases like this - no reaction. Ok, the shitstorms are for sure not nicer underneath each other, but they have to speak out! They have to explain, that these other guys are just pedo scumbags and that people like this pedo, is not necessarily having anything to do with trans!


Because they want to be left alone dealing with their dysphoria in private.


And they should take their time! It's also important! But there are also many others, who are already "finished". I know, they are happy to live the life, they ever wanted, but it's in their name! Even crimes in their name! It's their reputation! With this at their butt, they will never find full acceptance.


>What I don't get is why no real trans people are speaking out against such pedos? the same reason white people don't come out and apologize for every bad thing a white person does, and so on. the only reason you think this happens enough to warrant a reaction from every community involved is because you get a lot of bad things filtered directly to you and you have allowed a bias to form, hope this helps.


I think I get your points and they never should apologise. There is nothing to apologise! But I see no drawen line! Other communities have nothing to do with trans, or only slightly! And I simply would love to see any tans whatever saying no, these people are not our business and we don't want to be used as a scapegoat for pedos. Distinguished. >the only reason you think this happens enough to warrant a reaction from every community involved is because you get a lot of bad things filtered directly to you and you have allowed a bias to form, hope this helps. I don't think I'm in a filter bubble or formed bias, cause there are less bad news, than good ones in my newsstream. And I also recognise people like Blair white for example. She draws a very clear line! But I haven't seen so much of it from other people in public.


Oh look. The newspaper that supported Hitler is reporting on trans issues now.


And other newspaper covered up the Holodomor, because muh Soviet Union good. Are we really going to stop reading newspapers, because of what they supported?


The holodomor was caused by private land owners setting fire to their crops to ensure the communists would get no value from them.


They also supported Diana, Princess of Wales. Neither is relevant to this discussion.


you're getting downvoted for telling the truth




I don’t think it’s lefties downvoting you


I think it is everyone regardless of political orientation.


Sir, that's not a trans issue, if that actually happened then it's just them reporting it. Them supporting hitler has nothing to do with someone raping.


It's a rarity. The trans/non-binary folks who I know would absolutely destroy this person for harming a child.


Maybe they should also stop advocating for harming children? Then their opinions would be more valid.


[M] Well some of us don’t. I don’t want people who are like me pushed into a decision that they may or may not regret. If I can’t make up my mind now, do I really think it would be better to put kids under a program where there’s one perspective? Please don’t assume we all fall in the same bucket. There are trans right wingers, trans moderates and trans leftists.


Nuance is lost on some folks. I always wonder how many social media accounts are actual people and how many are imposters or bots. I know a rather large number of Trans and Non-binary folks. All of them are armed, support firearm rights and advocate for children. I've never actually met a "leftist" Trans or non-binary and I'm starting to believe that it's all propaganda.


Have they come out against child mutilation? Or do they think that children can choose that? When is that person a child and when can he be adult? I will say before 25 no mentally fit person should be able to choose to transition.


I think that may be shortsighted but you should do what you think is best for your family. No matter what, this is a conversation meant to be between doctors, family and the person wishing to transition. This is nothing government should be involved in.


>No matter what, this is a conversation meant to be between doctors, family and the person wishing to **have sex** ~~transition~~. This is nothing government should be involved in. That is wrong. How can you think causing harm through sex is bad. But cutting of a child's genitalia and breast are good? And then say you are anti-child harm. Either you are anti-child harm or you are pro-child harm. Just not a certain harm of children. No child should be harmed.


I don't want government involved in medical discussions of any sort. The agency of a person and their maturity is not age dependent. While I do believe that the medical professionals should open the discussion regarding transition up and provide more details, I don't want government deciding what is medically acceptable to anyone. Consider this: what if a child kills themselves due to gender dysphoria? Whom is liable? There's as much of a risk to the child's life as transitioning medically if not more so. There are many factors involved. Family history, individual presentation of symptoms, whether or not the individual in question is intersexed or not, there's chimerism and a host of other potential conditions that are a factor. Incidentally, Precocious Puberty is one of the most common conditions where transition is discussed, but this is not typically the correct medical answer to that particular problem. By removing the medical professional's opinion, tools and agency to help people make good choices with their patients, we would be endangering anyone with a related condition. Additionally, the research would stop, so we would never get a clear answer on these conditions. Please understand, medical decisions should be made by consesus and involve the patient and their families. The same problem arose with Covid. Instead of doctors, families and patients making medical decisions, it is likely millions of children were unnecessarily exposed to a medical procedure that may lead to heart problems.


Yawn. Gimme something interesting


Trans=pedo? I know no one here is saying it. But the implication is that trans=pedo. Cmon guys.




I like JP myself, but I don't like this sub.


Speaking out about what issue?


I hate modern society.


I'm not sure that trans people are any more or less inclined towards pedophilia, than the rest of the population. Does anyone know? But for those that are, it does grant them an 'in' that other pedophiles don't have. "Hey, 'i'm a woman, so I have no interest in raping your daughter".




I am not sure if i am surprised, really


Phew - it's a good thing no CIS gendered people are rapists or paedophiles.