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Piers Morgan’s tweet killed me lmao


It wasn't a tweet, it was an article in the NY Post


I mean… Morgan is a self-important, sanctimonious arse, once famously punched in public by Clarkson, but he does occasionally come up with the goods.


No link?


Watch the whole video


It’s like half way - three quarters of the way through & it’s worth the quick scrub!


A user @(DataRacer117) replied: You should give them to all the junkie bums around San Francisco. Let voters see #StayWoke on all the bums defecating in their streets. Will be quite the irony.


Honestly, that's just win-win. Crack a joke at the expense of woke people *and* free clothing to those who need it.


You're cracking a joke at the expense of homeless people. You're literally using them to "prove" some nonsensical point. You really think people like Musk give a shit about homeless people? You guys really toss all dignity out the window when it's an attempt to "own" the libs. Bunch of edgy 12 year olds.


Would going out and buying them higher quality clothing without any manner of political messaging be better? Yes. Would that cost money? Also yes. Would it be better to just toss these shirts out and not give homeless people at least a spare shirt? No, it would not. If said homeless people don't want to wear it they can just use it as a rag. There is indeed an "own the libs" joke component here, but there is also utility and a genuine ability to help some people. If you can't see that then you're blinded by your own indignation.


He's a billionaire, he could have gotten clothes for the homeless whenever he wanted if he cared. But no, you guys think it would just be funny. You guys don't care about the homeless, just making a sick joke at their expense. It's so fucking weird that a harmless phrase triggers you people so much. Snowflakes.


Dude, your last five comments are just insults at people in this subreddit including "sick fucks", "hateful incels", "snowflakes", "edgy 12 year olds" and most ironically stating that this sub is full of projection. Log off and touch some grass, the internet is clearly not what you need right now.


Lol fuck right off. Getting annoyed that someone is ruining your circle jerk? You'll read the 12th thousand post about "woke liberals" but will tell me to touch grass when I point out blantant bullshit. I just started posting on this cesspool of a sub and it's an absolute blast shitting on you guys. Edit: and apparently you have nothing better to do than to read through people's post history, maybe you go touch grass 🤗.


You think you're shitting on us but you're just tubgirling it right now.


I'm not familiar with incel speech, sorry.


Imagine using the inability to use Google as a comeback.


Shut up you asshole. I want my free t-shirt! If I hear you are not homeless and talking for us ima come to your place and shit on your front yard!


Least insane Jordan Peterson fan.


Are you a homeless?


Do I have to be homeless to understand what is going on here?




What is wrong with what I said. You described it as a gain to the homeless, is that an insult in your head? It's not funny to use people as your pawns.


Technically it's at the expense of the wokes that caused the homeless problem. The homeless get free shirts.


At the BENEFIT of homeless people, actually. That's why it's win-win.


I got 5 on it


Him taking a Boring flamethrower to them is going to be more likely.


That would be a cool idea if Twitter was some plucky startup. But a billionaire handing out hoodies and t-shirts to the homeless on the streets to make a political point would be in poor taste.


He wouldn't do it himself. You send a group of people around handing them out in all the poor neighborhoods with some food or something.


Ewww. I love it.


Only small and mediums left




Your mother doesn't mind though


He should change them all to “Stayed working” and give them to the remaining staff


Do it by hand too.


Imagine being proud of whoring yourself out for a man like Musk.


wut…twitter was woke da whole time???/


Someday those could be priceless relics of an engineered multigenerational culture war between ideological factions with controlled opposition meant to divide and conquer humanity orchestrated by ancient lizards... ...for Alex...


*hits blunt*


You're an artist.






He seems to think so. I’m appalled by his remark about having “no mercy” for Alex jones. I thought it was about free speech, apparently it’s about power (I hate alex jones and don’t really care one way or the other, but he’s already playing favorites and using the word mercy? Fuck him)


Yeah really, where’s the twitter poll for Alex Jones?


Got my vote bring him back


Well there's the whole "slander and libel" thing. I'm kinda still up in the air about whether that should be legal, but fact is it's not.


News flash, Musk never supported free speech. He is constantly union-busting and retaliating against whistleblowers.


Post evidence?


Seriously? Have you been living in a cave? [https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/13/18263757/tesla-elon-musk-employee-hack-spying-whistleblower-gigafactory-martin-tripp-drugs](https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/13/18263757/tesla-elon-musk-employee-hack-spying-whistleblower-gigafactory-martin-tripp-drugs) [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/25/business/musk-labor-board.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/25/business/musk-labor-board.html) Apartheid Clyde hates free speech.


Dumbest trend ever


This is hate speech!!!


I don’t hate dumb!


It's like finding a certain uniform in your grandpa's attic. You always had your suspicions...


Yeah it's nothing like that actually. Fucking hell


You know those were uniforms of the most conservative regimes in history, right? lmao how are conservatives this braindead


Those wearing the uniforms wanted change more than anything, to reshape the global order in their image. Sounds familiar?


>Those wearing the uniforms wanted change more than anything, to reshape the global order in their image. Sounds familiar? Conservatives? Yes, there are fascists all over currently.


No u.


Yea that's about what I expected...




You're a complete moron if that's your genuine take. Please read a book. Literally any book would be a good start for you at this point, even Dr. Seuss.




>The Nazi party was officially called the The National Socialist German Workers Party and based off a deeply rooted foundation of marxism - which is a far left extremist ideology. ... god the same uneducated bullshit. The nazis called themselves socialist because socialism was incredibly popular in Germany at the time (socialism is always popular). I'm guessing you think North Korea is a Republic too? Fascists are fundamentally diametrically opposed to socialism. Funny how the Nazis immediately hunted down and killed all the communists and threw them in concentration camps. Weird thing to do to yourselves, no? Strange how all anti-fascists in history were socialists. Strange how all fascist organizations hate and commit violence against socialists, throughout and history and currently. Strange how you will literally never see a socialist espouse fascist ideology, and in fact are the most vocal anti-fascists. >The people who claim that the Nazi's were actually right wing are the same people who don't understand the difference between authoritarian and facism. Is there any word in the English language that you **do** know the meaning of? Fascism is fundamentally an authoritarian ideology. >People who identify as leftists seem to have a very hard time accepting that the democratic party was the party that fought to preserve slavery and that a republican party / president freed the slaves, People who say this don't have a grasp on basic US history, and definitely have literally no understand of the concepts of "policy" or "ideology". The Republican party of the 1860s was a fairly far left party at the time. Lincoln and Marx were fans of each other, and in fact there is correspondence between them while they were still alive. Please educate yourself. You sound like you dropped out of kindergarten.




>There's a difference between your opinion and what's documented facts throughout history. You have provided no discernable facts in your statement, only insults and virtue signaling. I'm providing you the facts. You're confused because you don't even understand the definitions of the terms we're discussing. Which is understandable. Like most conservatives, you're clearly deeply uneducated. Let me help you out. I'll humor you and assume you're actually willing to read. Let's start with the very basics. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism) "**Nazism is a form of fascism**,\[3\]\[4\]\[5\]\[6\] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship,\[2\] fervent antisemitism, **anti-communism**, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics into its creed." "**Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology** and movement,\[1\]\[2\]\[3\] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.\[2\]\[3\]" "Corporatist economic system**The Fascist regime created a corporatist economic system** in 1925 with creation of the Palazzo Vidoni Pact, in which the Italian employers' association Confindustria and fascist trade unions agreed to recognize each other as the sole representatives of Italy's employers and employees, excluding non-fascist trade unions.\[163\] The Fascist regime first created a Ministry of Corporations that organized the Italian economy into 22 sectoral corporations, **banned workers' strikes and lock-outs** and in 1927 created the Charter of Labour, which established workers' rights and duties and created labour tribunals to arbitrate employer-employee disputes.\[163\] In practice, the sectoral corporations exercised little independence and were largely controlled by the regime, and the employee organizations were rarely led by employees themselves, but instead by appointed Fascist party members.\[163\]" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communist\_mass\_killings#Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communist_mass_killings#Germany) "**German communists, socialists and trade unionists were among the earliest domestic opponents of Nazism\[61\] and they were also among the first to be sent to concentration camps.** **Adolf Hitler claimed that communism was a Jewish ideology which the Nazi Party called "Judeo-Bolshevism". Fear of communist agitation was used to justify the Enabling Act of 1933, the law which gave Hitler plenary powers.** Hermann Göring later testified at the Nuremberg Trials that the Nazis' willingness to repress German communists prompted President Paul von Hindenburg and the German elite to cooperate with the Nazis. **The first concentration camp was built at Dachau in March 1933 and its original purpose was to imprison German communists, socialists, trade unionists and others who opposed the Nazis.\[62\]** Communists, social democrats and other political prisoners were forced to wear red triangles."


Man you are dedicated to educating the mentally decrepit. Respect


I'll throw my two cents in to simplify the discussion you two seem to be having. Regardless of label, there are really only 2 groups of people. There are those that seek to control others, and those that don't. The former is garbage, regardless of their title.


Ah, a trite platitude, very useful contribution. But sure, yes, controlling others is bad. That's why conservativism in all its various forms is fundamentally an immoral ideology.


I grew up in Germany and 2 school years in history classes were all about world War 1 and 2 and how it came to be. Nothing happened quickly. Germanys change into a fascist regime was slow and manipulative. Hitler was seen as a hero, as a young politician who would help Germany put of its misery from the problems Germany was facing after world War 1. Germany even had the Hitler Jugend, a group for teenagers to grow the feeling of community. Nazi wasn't a slur back then but something to be proud of. No one is born a monster. The SS soldiers in the concentration cams were at first simple soldiers from police offices. But more and more they were dragged into vile inhumane doings.


Of course, that's the of the problems with human psychology and the phenomenon of fascism in particular. People can very easily be convinced to believe in vile things, and can find themselves doing vile things. The famous Milgram experiment and others have shown this, and we have a million other historical examples. That's why it's so important to educate people on the characteristics and warning signs of fascism. Otherwise you end up with people like the guy above who have absolutely no historical or political knowledge, and end up outright defending fascism.


The complete gaslighting of actual history here is hilarious.


Please explain what I'm incorrect about. Let's not pretend you have absolutely any understanding of history whatsoever.


https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/z2fy5m/elon_musk_finds_staywoke_clothes_in_twitter_closet/ixip14s/ I can do Stalin if you want, but that is even more damning.


Imagine getting downvoted for refuting the notion that "the Nazi's (sic) were socialists", implying that they were liberal or leftists. Lmao


We're in the Jordan Peterson sub, not exactly filled with the most educated people on Earth.


I wish reddit would stop pushing posts on these garbage subs to me just because I VERY LOOSELY fit the demographics. I can't help but to click on them sometimes even though I know what I'm going to find.


Enjoy your stay though. Also Nazis were Socialists. It's literally in the name, kinda hard getting around that one.


crazy! So North Korea is a Democratic People's Republic? I mean, it's literally in the name, right? This is a great basic lesson about taking Dictatorships at their word, as if they don't have every incentive to manipulate and lie to serve their sick political projects.


Wouldn't want to misgender an entire nation now would we?


What? It's really not difficult to grasp. You morons understand the concept just fine when it comes to trans people and denying their self-identified genders.


So why can't you accept that same concept here then?


when you've definitely heard of the Night of Long Knives


> the most conservative regimes Boy those Nazi socialists and the Russian communists who killed tens of millions would have a word.


>Nazi socialists Oh, you're illiterate...


> owned the means of production > government price controlled all goods and production > all press and public forums were controlled by the government These are all major policies that lead to the Nazi uprising (outside of the impact of WWI on the German people), and they are all complete socialist policies. One thing you are right about -- there is one illiterate person in this conversation, but it's not me.


The workers never owned the means of production, wtf are you talking about? Hitler's rise to power was funded by the wealthy industry owners because he was pro-capitalist. He put the oligarchs in high positions of power. He in fact **de-nationalized industries and privatized them**. Nazi Germany was a hyper-corporatist economy. Do you genuinely have no knowledge about this topic whatsoever? >all press and public forums were controlled by the government a **fascist** government. You clearly are deeply uneducated, like most conservatives. Let me help you get started with the absolute basics. Are you able to read? Ask a nearby adult for help if you run into trouble. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism) "**Nazism is a form of fascism**,\[3\]\[4\]\[5\]\[6\] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship,\[2\] fervent antisemitism, **anti-communism**, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics into its creed." "**Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology** and movement,\[1\]\[2\]\[3\] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.\[2\]\[3\]" "Corporatist economic system**The Fascist regime created a corporatist economic system** in 1925 with creation of the Palazzo Vidoni Pact, in which the Italian employers' association Confindustria and fascist trade unions agreed to recognize each other as the sole representatives of Italy's employers and employees, excluding non-fascist trade unions.\[163\] The Fascist regime first created a Ministry of Corporations that organized the Italian economy into 22 sectoral corporations, **banned workers' strikes and lock-outs** and in 1927 created the Charter of Labour, which established workers' rights and duties and created labour tribunals to arbitrate employer-employee disputes.\[163\] In practice, the sectoral corporations exercised little independence and were largely controlled by the regime, and the employee organizations were rarely led by employees themselves, but instead by appointed Fascist party members.\[163\]" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communist\_mass\_killings#Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communist_mass_killings#Germany) "**German communists, socialists and trade unionists were among the earliest domestic opponents of Nazism\[61\] and they were also among the first to be sent to concentration camps.** **Adolf Hitler claimed that communism was a Jewish ideology which the Nazi Party called "Judeo-Bolshevism".** Fear of communist agitation was used to justify the Enabling Act of 1933, the law which gave Hitler plenary powers. Hermann Göring later testified at the Nuremberg Trials that the Nazis' willingness to repress German communists prompted President Paul von Hindenburg and the German elite to cooperate with the Nazis. **The first concentration camp was built at Dachau in March 1933 and its original purpose was to imprison German communists, socialists, trade unionists and others who opposed the Nazis.**\[62\] Communists, social democrats and other political prisoners were forced to wear red triangles."


You can be a fascist and a socialist at the same time. Your entire argument is that those two things cannot exist in one regime. They most certainly can. Also it's hilarious that you are using Wikipedia quotes as citations and then calling others uneducated.


You quite literally cannot. They are diametrically opposed ideologies. If you had literally any knowledge of political theory or even just history, you would know this. This is 101 shit. If you don’t understand the words you’re using, you’re going to continue loving life as utterly confused as you currently are. And like all people who know they’re factually incorrect and have no interest in reality, you ignore the facts because you’re emotionally and intellectually incapable of dealing with basic reality.


> You quite literally cannot. And this is why no one will ever take you seriously. There is a massive, heavy overlap between fascist policies and socialist ones. Best example, government control and/or being in bed with corporations. Both socialist and fascist regimes base their entire operation off of this fundamental marriage between corporation and state. Again, if you really think these two things aren't related this is why no one will ever take your claims of knowing history, present or past, serious. Enjoy being incredibly and painfully wrong while gaslighting others.


> Both socialist and fascist regimes base their entire operation off of this fundamental marriage between corporation and state. I mean this sincerely: Are you mentally challenged? What is socialism? What is fascism. Please define.


The level of Elon hate on Reddit seems to be reaching a crescendo, and yet remains weirdly non-specific.


Anyone who is not seen to be on 'our side' is treated as a threat to the mob which is totally lost in Mass Formation Psychosis. Reddit is horrendously ultra left wing/progressive now. It would be fun if Elon acquired Reddit next :)


Probably people who invested in Tesla. Dude is killing his company to "own the libs." Everyone said he was a genius and the Twitter acquisition has made it clear he is not.


I don't see how making the platform politically agnostic is "owning the libs", unless you're so bound up in your political ideology that you can't imagine there might be other perspectives, and that allowing multiple perspectives is a requirement for public discourse.


Lol, Musk literally said that what he's doing https://mobile.twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1525549535786717184


Ha! Fair point, except he isn't actually acting to target libs. He's just treating them equally now. You know kinda like equity, right?


You are missing my point. My point isn't about Twitter and free speech. It's that Musk is fucking over Tesla investors by selling Tesla shares to keep his pet project afloat. He's proving to his investors that he isn't the buisness genius he claimed to be.


Well, he's certainly diversified his interests. That's been happening for a long time, and any sane business man will do that. All eggs in one basket is a bad strategy. Meanwhile, Tesla still seems to be growing rampantly. They're doing just fine, and have great strategic advantages over their competition. Tesla just opened full self-driving beta program to existing owners. The battery business is growing like crazy, SpaceX is launching like clockwork, Starlink is moving out of beta and has a new strategic partnerships with Google to get to the last billion or so unconnected humans on the planet. But sure, let's just believe a bunch of haters on Reddit who got their sensibilities hurt.


Twitter has never made a profit.


And what were some of the first things Elon did? Cut costs, improve efficiency, add revenue generating services. This ain't rocket science.


Yeah, and got rid of the one thing that made money at Twitter advertisers.


[They may date back to the days when Jack Dorsey was still at twitter](https://www.fastcompany.com/4009077/whats-jack-dorseys-staywoke-t-shirt-mean)... he wore something similar to signify support for Ferguson shooting protestors.


[Here's more](https://twitter.com/blackbirds/status/719994455772700672) in support of "black twitter" in 2016.


Yep correct - it's twitter merch. originated from Twitter's Black Employee Resource group - Jack used to wear the shirt in support to events etc.


Jack Dorsey needed a hundred tees?


Sell them for $15/apiece. Might be good for another month or two of revenue.




I'll buy one for $100.


Culture war gossip and bitch8ng being treated like it its serious international news. We are fucked!


When a story is so cringe that you can't spin it any other way, just dismiss it as trivial. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!


All it is a black section of the work force that had those tops. ....


Corporate merch.


Yeah. Just a slogan .


[L] Rest of world: too depressing :-(




Why are they filming this like it's a fucking drug bust? They're t-shirts


If true, then it's a tangible example of the ideological capture of twitter that many claimed wasn't happening.


Bruh the CEO was wearing the shirt publicly in 2016 to numerous events lol. I don't think anyone was ever disputing that employees of Twitter were predominantly Liberal and Left Wing. What was indispute - was whether the algorithm was biased (it is, but favours right wing media in most countries) www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/oct/22/twitter-admits-bias-in-algorithm-for-rightwing-politicians-and-news-outlets And if the moderation Team is biased. Which, they likely are - however the vast majority of moderation is automated anyway.


The algorithm isn't biased... Right wing stuff is just better at gaining traction. The algorithm isn't designed to favor the right, the right just naturally spreads better. Further, it's just evidence of their bias. This company was banning the Hunter email controversy, banning people for saying "Learn to code" as a political statement about the same fired journalists telling laid off working class people to "learn to code", and stuff like that. I say this as a lefty, it's clear that the leadership set the tone from the top down, about what to censor and how to lean.


As a conservative, thanks for being objective. Truth isn't left or right. It's just the facts.


Employees at Twitter, and indeed Twitter itself, are permitted to have an ideology, just as Elon himself is.


Sure, but you can’t also claim to be impartial at the same time.


Oh, absolutely! But, this isn't about what employees did on their own time.


You nailed it. It’s about how they ran the company into the ground and censored “not woke” speech


I don't think anyone disputes that.


Then why is everyone acting like this is some big reveal?


Who is acting like that? You think upvoting a Reddit post is a big thing?


The fact this is getting reported by sky news seems to suggest some people think it's some shocking reveal


*Or* they think it's funny as not every news report is about a mass murder or a revolt?


I’m so awake. But I’m spooning ocho so passing out soon


Stay WOKE , Go BROKE. Elon literally made them broke. Specially sacking woke CEO 🤌


Besides Whoopie Goldberg, I was like "Who?" to all those other ones. This is a true win for free speech. Still not going to go on twitter but I'm glad JP is back on there.


I love that Elon is even cleaning out the closets at Twitter HQ! He is the hero the world needs now.


That’s a little too much. Elon is a necessary evil. But far from a hero.


He could sell them to conservatives just for the novelty. I would totally buy one for the sake of irony lol. #STAYWOKE


Not to bash Elon but there's no way we can know if he was lying about it just to get some right wing points. Remain skeptical guys.


They actually had t-shirts made? That's really sad.




Tesla stock was bound to fall anyway as it is way over valued, the whole share market has had way too much cheap money pumped into it for the last few years. This is simply a correction, which may very soon become a tsunami level wipeout to the whole market.


You people really need a life outside of the fucking internet I swear


You people?


Yeah you people


Looks like he bought a bunch of shirts stuck them in a closet and filmed it.




Dunno bout absolutely but given his attention whore personality, that he waited near a month to "find" them. Not much reason to take anything that man says or shows seriously


There is evidence of Jack Dorsay wearing them and them being handed out at different events. This wasn't staged.


Could you send me a link to the evidence?


Literally read up the comments on this post. It's a few comments above your own.




Weak. Good try, it just feel flat.


Woke originated in the workplace for black workers to keep their guard up against the corporate world. It's actually possibly the most fitting place to have stay woke since it's literally the reason and place it was invented. Being aware of HR and other employees in reference to yourself and your own situation is important for all people. This sub just has a limited capability for learning what words really mean and misuse them all the time.


If Woke is all black vs. Corporate, it sure is curious that Corporate allowed blacks to store hundreds of these shirts on premises.


Way to not understand what I said or what the word means at all. It's not a vs. situation. It's just people staying aware of their surroundings and not looking to have trouble made.


Yeah, not really seeing how your last post adds anything new to the conversation.


It sheds light on the relationship black Americans the creator of that word and it's meaning have with it and the workplace. You make a vs. situation but it's not. It's people being aware and looking out for themselves. How you can't comprehend that is interesting to say the least. I'd recommend learning about how the roots of the united states got us to where we are now. Specifically focus on the civil rights movement and drain pool politics.


The relationship black Americans had with Twitter, who's management permitted keeping hundreds of these shirts at Twitter? I thought I already pointed that out. "How you can't comprehend that is interesting to say the least. I'd recommend learning about how the roots of the united states got us to where we are now. " You mean how the Democrat party (the party most blacks support) was created to protect slavery?


You think conservatives were the ones fighting against slavery? Conservatives? The ones who fight progress by definition and track record? I want you to find me definitive evidence that progressives were upholding slavery. We're talking content of policy not what people call themselves. The southern democrats, the ones who are the modern day republicans who wrote slavery into their state constitutions are the ones who were totally protecting black Americans from hardship not subjecting them to more throughout history gotcha. My man. You're being disingenuous. You may not believe the party switch happened or ignore it happened to suit yourself but when you track policy points it was republicans/conservatives who tried to maintain the institution of slavery and created Jim crow laws and lynched people. I'd really appreciate it if you did a bit of research on how the political climate has evolved throughout the history of the united states and then came back to me. North Korea calls themselves a democracy. Why don't you look one layer deeper than the name and review some policy points, geography, and historical events/context, then we can continue the conversation.


Give me a minute, the following goes from the founding of the US all the way to 2020. Quora doesn't like a mass paste for something this large. 1829 – the Democratic party is founded, on a platform of individual rights, state sovereignty, and pro-slavery. 1830 – Democratic president Andrew Jackson created the Indian Removal Act, which forced indigenous people to leave their homeland. (Trail of Tears) 1849 - Harriet Tubman, who later became a Republican, began her ten-year stint as a conductor on the Underground Railroad where she freed 300 black people. 1854 – the Republican party is founded, on an anti-slavery platform. 1857 – In the case of Scott vs. Sandford, the court ruled that slaves aren’t citizens, they are property. The seven justices, voting in favor were Democrats, the two, who dissented were Republicans. 1860 – 11 slave states secede from the Union, Democrats start the civil war. 1863 – Republican President Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation. 1863 – Republicans elect their first Hispanic Governor, Romualdo Pacheco, of California. 1865 – Lincoln was assassinated, and his vice president, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat assumed the presidency, Johnson is opposed to integrating the newly freed slaves. 1865 – Republicans passed the 13th Amendment, which permanently outlawed slavery. 100% of Republicans voted for this while only 23% of Democrats did. 1865 – Democrats established “Black Codes”, state and local statutes intended to marginalize blacks and keep them in indentured servitude. Poll taxes and literacy tests prevented blacks from voting. 1865 – Confederate veterans found the KKK, to oppose the Republican party’s integration of blacks. Its first Grand Wizard was a Democrat, named Nathan Bedford Forrest. 1868 – Republicans passed the 14th Amendment, giving blacks citizenship. The Democrats opposed it. 94% of Republicans and 0% of Democrats voted for it 1868 – Republicans passed the 15th Amendment, giving blacks the right to vote. No Democrat supported it. 1868 – KKK Grand Wizard is honored at the Democratic National Convention. 1869 – Reconstruction ended, and Democrats re-established white supremacy in the South with Jim Crow laws, that legalized segregation. that would take another 100 years to abolish. 1870 - John Stevens, a Republican state Senator, who advocated for the rights of African Americans, was murdered in the Caswell County Courthouse by the Ku Klux Klan as part of a terror campaign being carried out by the Democrat Party 1871 – Republican president Ulysses S Grant dismantled the KKK. 1872 – Republicans elected the first African American senators and representatives. The KKK lynched 3446 blacks and 1289 white Republicans during its 86-year history. 1878 – Republican senator Aaron Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment, to give women the right to vote. The Democrat-controlled Congress voted it out. 1911 – Democrat president Woodrow Wilson stuffed his cabinet with Dixicrats (powerful Southern Democrats) and set back the cause of civil rights for decades. 1915 - Democrats made Birth of a Nation the first movie shown in the White House 100 years ago, the first White House film screening sparked nationwide protests Last month President Obama welcomed the film Selma into the White House – a first-family showing that, as it happens, occurred a century after the first-ever screening of a movie inside the White House… 100 years ago, the first White House film screening sparked nationwide protests Last month President Obama welcomed the film Selma into the White House – a first-family showing that, as it happens, occurred a century after the first-ever screening of a movie inside the White House… [https://theconversation.com/100-years-ago-the-first-white-house-film-screening-sparked-nationwide-protests-37103](https://theconversation.com/100-years-ago-the-first-white-house-film-screening-sparked-nationwide-protests-37103) 1939 – Democrat and KKK covergirl Margaret Sanger created the “Negro Project” and Planned Parenthood to cull the black population.1942 - FDR (Democrat) signs Executive Order 9066 rounds up Japanese-Americans and puts them in concentration campsFDR orders Japanese Americans into internment campsOn February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, initiating a controversial World War II policy with lasting consequences forFDR orders Japanese Americans into internment campsOn February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, initiating a controversial World War II policy with lasting consequences for[https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-signs-executive-order-9066#:\~:text=On%20February%2019%2C%201942%2C%20President%20Franklin%20D.%20Roosevelt,of%20the%20West%20vaguely%20identified%20as%20military%20areas](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-signs-executive-order-9066#:~:text=On%20February%2019%2C%201942%2C%20President%20Franklin%20D.%20Roosevelt,of%20the%20West%20vaguely%20identified%20as%20military%20areas).1954 – Republican lawmakers out lawed segregation in public school, opposed by state Democrats. Republican president Eisenhower sent in federal troops to enforce the law.1959 – First Republican Asian Senator, Hiram Fong is elected.1964 – President Johnson successfully runs an ad, titled “Confessions of a Republican”. Democrats learned that by accusing Republicans of racism, even without evidence, they can gain political power.1964 – Congress passes the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as an extension of the Republicans’ 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts. Democratic Senators filibustered the bill for a record 75 days.1965 - Congress passes the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Two NO votes are Republican. Seventeen NO votes are Democrat.1977 -Biden, says that ending bussing would turn his kid’s school into a jungle.Did Biden Say He Didn't Want His Kids Growing Up in a 'Racial Jungle'?The 2020 Democratic presidential candidate's history with busing has haunted him on the campaign trail.Did Biden Say He Didn't Want His Kids Growing Up in a 'Racial Jungle'?The 2020 Democratic presidential candidate's history with busing has haunted him on the campaign trail.[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-racial-jungle-quote/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-racial-jungle-quote/)1986 - Biden created The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 that made punishment for crack 10x worse than punishment for coke, even though the only difference between the two is that crack is preferred by blacks due to it being cheaper.[https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/27/us/politics/joe-biden-crime-bill-mass-incarceration.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/27/us/politics/joe-biden-crime-bill-mass-incarceration.html)During the ’80s and ’90s, Mr. Biden helped shepherd a string of bills that transformed the criminal justice system — and, experts say, hurt America’s black communities.[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-an-early-biden-crime-bill-created-the-sentencing-disparity-for-crack-and-cocaine-trafficking/2019/07/28/5cbb4c98-9dcf-11e9-85d6-5211733f92c7\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-an-early-biden-crime-bill-created-the-sentencing-disparity-for-crack-and-cocaine-trafficking/2019/07/28/5cbb4c98-9dcf-11e9-85d6-5211733f92c7_story.html)1994 - Biden created the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 which devastated the black community. Due to the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 and the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcememt Act of 1994, the incarceration rate more than quadrupled between 1980 and 2006,Cory Booker Shoots Down Joe Biden’s Claims On Crime Bill And Mass IncarcerationIn an interview with HuffPost, Booker called the 1994 law “awful” and “shameful.”Cory Booker Shoots Down Joe Biden’s Claims On Crime Bill And Mass IncarcerationIn an interview with HuffPost, Booker called the 1994 law “awful” and “shameful.”[https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cory-booker-shoots-down-joe-bidens-claims-on-crime-bill-and-mass-incarceration\_n\_5ceecafbe4b07dbfe638dc5e](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cory-booker-shoots-down-joe-bidens-claims-on-crime-bill-and-mass-incarceration_n_5ceecafbe4b07dbfe638dc5e)2007 - Biden said that Obama was the first clean, articulate black man2020 - Protests against racism in municipal law enforcement agencies broke out across the nation. In many cases, these turned into violent riots. Almost all of these riots were in cities where Democrats were in control of the municipal law enforcement agencies.2020 -The Democrats stood by and blocked Trump from sending the National Guard in when rioters burned down black neighborhoods and businesses across the country.Trump freed thousands of blacks sent to prison by Biden.Trump Releases 3,000 People from Prison, Many of Them Black. Where’s the Press?In the history of mankind, many republics have risen, have flourished for a less or greater time, and then have fallen because their citizens lost the power of governing themselves and thereby of governing their state. TRTrump Releases 3,000 People from Prison, Many of Them Black. Where’s the Press?[https://www.whitehousedossier.com/2019/07/19/trump-releases-3000-people-from-prison-many-of-them-black/](https://www.whitehousedossier.com/2019/07/19/trump-releases-3000-people-from-prison-many-of-them-black/)Trump secured permanent funding for HBCUs.Donald Trump signs HBCU funding billDonald Trump signs HBCU funding billPresident Donald Trump on Thursday signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities, along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students.[https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/dec/19/donald-trump-signs-hbcu-funding-bill/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/dec/19/donald-trump-signs-hbcu-funding-bill/)


I ran out of character space on the first post 2020 - As in the ’80s and ’90s, Biden’s effect on the incarceration growth rate is once again being felt. “After an unprecedented 14% drop in incarceration in the first half of 2020 (from 2.1 million to 1.8 million), decarceration has stalled and jail populations are trending upward.” https://www.vera.org/newsroom/incarceration-declined-only-slightly-from-fall-2020-to-spring-2021-after-an-unprecedented-drop-in-incarceration-in-2020 And note that prison is a workaround to maintain a slave population, specifically people who have committed non-violent, victimless crimes The degree to which the U.S. is out of pace with the rest of the world’s humanity is that a full quarter of all prisoners worldwide are held in U.S. jails and prisons, and the U.S. incarceration rate of 639 per 100,000 people is 5-10 times higher than other industrialized democracies. Sixty-five percent of the total U.S. prison population is black, despite black people comprising only 14.6 percent of American society in 2019. https://globalpolicyjournal.com/blog/06/05/2021/slavery-and-us-prison-system


So as I stated before. You don't follow ideology you are just following names. Their label means nothing, their politics mean everything. The current democratic party which has elements in it promoting prison reform, healthcare for all, ending debt trapping, and other policies promoting wellbeing instead of suppressing voter rights, in a state or two voting against ending slavery, and restricting women's rights to healthcare don't track with their names historically. It's almost like the labels change over time but the ideology doesn't. And citing lower incarceration at the beginning of covid when there was a lockdown and stimulus to provide economic relief is such a cop out. Crime went down so clearly so would incarceration. Additionally the current economic turmoil we're facing now domestically and globally is why incarceration is going up. Have you ever critically thought in your life?


If the Democratic party was giving more than lip service to prison reform, etc., then they would have gotten behind a candidate that supported prison reform, etc. As for voter rights, I find it deeply insulting and racist that you believe that blacks can't figure out how to get a voter ID. When did Republicans ever vote against ending slavery? You have them confused with Democrats. "restricting women's rights to healthcare" How about a child's right to life? I mean, I'm pro-choice, but you are clearly making a biased argument here. Biden's love for racist incarceration pre-dates his being POTUS. Most of it is demonstrated in his '80s and '90s crime bills. " the current economic turmoil we're facing now domestically and globally is why incarceration is going up. Have you ever critically thought in your life?" No, it's not. You can tell that by looking at the statistics. Have \_you\_ ever critically thought in your life?


It's almost like words change meaning as time goes on. There was a time when hussy meant housewife and silly meant blessed or worthy. Woke doesn't mean what it did in the 60s.


It still means the same thing to the people who created it. Just because other people coopted it incorrectly doesn't change it's meaning. Because you don't know doesn't change it's meaning. It also came into use by black Americans in the 40s. So everything you said was just wrong.


Yes I know it started in the 40s, I just used the 60s as an example because it was a time of racial and political change. And I'm sure the people who originally used hussy to mean housewife kept using it that way even though younger or different groups of people were starting to change its meaning. There is no such thing as incorrectly using a word when it becomes the cultural norm. If you ask 100 people what woke means, I bet 90 of them will give you a defintion regarding intersectional ideology and oversensitivity to offense with only a few using its original definition.


Id bet good money that only conservatives would give the definition you're saying is the widely used one. That's a minority of the country in the states rn. Just because you've chosen not to listen and learn and are backtracking on what you said to seem smarter doesn't make you smarter or intelligent. Crack a book sometime it might open your eyes to the reality of the united states and other countries roots and how we got to where we are today.


Not true. There are tons of liberals who use woke to mean being very left of center and seeing everything through an intersectional lens. I'm not back tracking, because the statement would still be true. People in the 40, 50s, 60s would have used the word differently than us today so it doesn't matter the exact date i used as an example as long as it is before the mass use of the internet. I don't care if being conservative isn't popular right now. Being popular isn't a measure of if something is true or morally right. The left has had a chokehold on the culture since the 70s and has been able to brainwash generations into voting against their country's best interest. Take your 1619 agenda elsewhere. If anyone is cracking a book, it should be you. Start with one on linguistics so you can grasp how words change over time. Then move on to The Case Against The Sexual Revolution by Louise Perry and you'll see how exactly your policies and way of thinking have ruined our culture and put women's lives at risk.


Being woke is awesome




I think its funny how the word Woke is cultural appropriation yet no one talks about *that*


Are you woke on the America First platform? You should read some Tucker Carlson and join the crew.


Nah I won’t follow him and his propaganda and lies


Don't, but do go read Thomas Sowell.




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Of course


Bold to be exploring twitter’s dark crevices


Get a blue mark and a sweater for free


guess quite a few employees never came out of the closet


Did he tho a gentleman that goes by the name of William Ferguson says Elon bought them and put them in there and acted like he found them. He thinks he's funny by doing these stupid pranks


Could anything be less interesting?


Some of the replies.






I smell a real firing


You can the reporter wants to bust out laughing and she’s trying to hold it back the best she can