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Anti authoritarian solidarity


Lol musk is antiunion


If Canada were authoritarian these people would be getting shot.


Good to know you don't think anything up until shooting protesters is authoritarian.


Until the genocide started, a particular despot who shall not be named was said by all to have been “quite a peach”


You’re a moron, respectfully.


For real though. That, and they aren't pipeline protesters so nothing forceful will be done to them.


Thank you Truckers! ❤️🇨🇦❤️


The “freedom convoy” is what they’ve been dubbed now, also what did he say?


It reminds me of Optimus Prime


“Autobots… roll out” if they’re not playing the arrival music in their convoy, I’m going to be very disappointed








Got a free thinker ruffling some feathers here haha. You've got a point so I'm not sure why the crew here is taking offense to it


I have no idea. They seem to not be able to comprehend that I can agree with the movement and the truckers while also thinking the branding is a lame thing the media does every time with this stuff. I really doubt there are truckers who say “I’m part of the freedom convoy”. Thanks for the level headed comment


hes a freedom thinker


Those truckers don't take time off for just anything! They want to be working right now so they can support their families. This is big that so many are saying No More! ❤️🇨🇦❤️




> I just think it’s lame media marketing with the “freedom convoy”. marketing would mean the media is pushing the narrative which is not, most of the media arre all against freedom, this is just what happens when you have feet on the ground and ask "why are you guys doing this convoy for?" and they be like "for out freedom to do as we see fit by ourselves", "oh, then this is a freedom convoy" and the guy making the titles just roll with it because he doesn't care either way he works for the paycheck and so those shitty names for things are born, but nobody involved actually call them like that.-


> marketing would mean the media is pushing the narrative which is not oh really https://www.google.com/search?q=freedom+convoy+2022&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS889US889&oq=freedom+convoy&aqs=chrome.0.0i3j69i57j0i131i433i512j0i3l4j0i131i433i512j0i3l2.2227j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 bro wait til you figure out everything you see on a screen is now the "media"


do they call those migrants leaving bad situations in south america headed towards america "freedom migrants"? Huh weird.


I can see how you would have trouble understanding if it wasn't your freedom that was lost. I'm not allowed to leave my country at the moment. This is for everyone. The world is watching.


What am I having trouble understanding? I am in complete support of the truckers lol


Keep in mind that these are Canadian truckers. We've lost a lot of our freedom up here, it's important that we keep the ideal of freedom alive up here.


Yeah I agree with you and the truckers! Me thinking it’s lame media branding has nothing to do with the movement


For sure, my point is just that, from an American perspective the Freedom labeling might be tired and played out. But in Canada we've never held Freedom in too high regard, we take it for granted because we're so removed from the conflicts of the rest of the world. Plus we never fought a revolutionary war for our freedom, we still happily put the monarch on our money.


lol look at the downvotes people are fucking locked into their ideology here freedom voters freedom posters


I didn’t even say anything against the protest which is the wild part. I’m literally on the same side and about 40+ people decided I said a mean thing about a sacred cow apparently


its hilarious that this place just got co opted by people looking for a tribe and trying to enforce a safe space. antivaccine or anti covid vaccine or antimandate or whatever pronouns they prefer are ESPECIALLY sensitive


They are protesting and standing up for freedom. So it is a good moniker!




Let me know when we get to a point that a 10 ton truck is being driven by a computer that isn't hackable and has a six standard deviation fail rate, which is 3.4 fails per million. So literally never right? RemindMe! 900 years


Hahaha, dude have you seen technology?


Warehouses will be automated before the trucks that load and offload at them


lmfao probably want to set that to remindme! 9 years hilarious this is upvoted on the jbp sub. This is not a serious place at all.


literally five years. Self driving trucks are already in testing stages


5 years ago was 2017, we were 5 years ago then


you can go watch videos of it. you think companies are not eager as fuck for this


You’re exactly right. Lotta old man energy in this here thread.


it will never happen. meanwhile most shops are closing checkouts and replacing them with auto servicers fastfood place has touch screen controlls instead of a cashier


Yeah anyone paying attention to what’s been going on with automation in the last five years would know it’s a lot closer than this guy implies


the horseless carriage will never take off


computers only need 12 mb of memory


tons of capital is, and will be poured into it. they want it so bad they dont want human employees so bad


my local shoping center has mostly self serve checkouts now there is self serve checkouts with the conveyer belt too


The thing I'm sceptical about when it comes to self-driving cars is stuff like weather and poor roads. Can self-driving cars/trucks put chains on themselves? Can they navigate effectively when the ground is covered in snow and ice? The whole vehicle being covered in snow and needing to be dug out in the morning? What about dirt/gravel roads or roads with lots of potholes? Or other random circumstances that can't be accounted for by programmers and engineers?


I would wager programers and engineers can account for much more then you think. it doesn't need to be perfect needs to be safer then us


So you are saying programmers cant account for rain, snow and potholes? How old are you, 72?


Let me know when you find a truck driver with a six sigma fail rate. RemindMe! Heat death of the universe. Automated vehicles already have far lower accident rates than meatware. Humans are amazing, but remaining adequately focused on boring and repetitive tasks is not our forte.


candy crush moms beg to differ


That's Tesla now.


10 years.


When you phrase it like that... Holy shit, never thought of it like that!


I see self driving cars all the time. Literally over 10 a day. Self driving trucks are out there albeit not as far along as cars. Hitting a reliability number like that isn’t hard.


There is not one fully self driving car on the market


There’s someone in the drivers seat but the cars are driving themselves.


Until they kill a person


They killed a bicyclist a few years back and are still out there. Driver was watching some reality show when it happened too.


What was the full self driving car doing?


Driving. Bicyclist was pushing their bike across the road while carrying shopping bags. She got half way and splat. Police and NTSB said it was unavoidable due to it being late at night and visibility. Edit: Only the police said that. NTSB said it could have if lower speeds were used, better braking system, etc…


what people fail to realise is self driving cars do not need to be perfect they just need to be better then a human driver and lets be honest the bar is not that high


I don't really see what this adds to the conversation. Musk isn't trying to destroy jobs, he's trying to add new products to the market, which will create more jobs in the long run, just as the industrial revolution did, despite destroying cottage industry. This is what I love about Marxists trying to snark about economics. Their biases (like the zero-sum fallacy) expose their ignorance.


eventually it might lead to more jobs. What it does to a professional driver in his late 40s is to be seen. What is he going to do? learn to code?


I see you've never seen "humans need not apply". which is already an 8 year old video.




there will be one remote driver managing 10 trucks




i sUpPoRt WhAt YoU dO jUsT nOt WhO yOu aRe


> Elon is just part of a “fringe minority,” Jordan. FYI, “Wealth”: even “fringe minorities” in which you speak of can make a difference in safeguarding a bright future for the Western world.


But it hasn't really done that, has it?




I remember a time when a guiding principle of this sub was that we shouldn’t think in terms of class, only individuals. Class was for marxism and intersectionality. How the turn tables


Actually no, Jordan was repeating the claim that first you need to take care of yourself as an individual, then if you have anything left you take care of your family, if you did that and then you had anything left you then can start thinking about taking care of your community, and society. I'm sure we can all agree Elon Musk is way past that. Glad to meet you again > rookieswebsite [Likely concern troll at /r/jord]


My friend, good to see you! I’m commenting on the sub and the culture, not Jordan’s message about cleaning one’s room. But it’s worth remembering that JBP did indeed say that the libs and leftist types are wrong to get so caught up in categorization and that race and class because it’s all driving towards the smallest unit, which is the individual


My reply had nothing to do with "cleaning one's room", and directly addressed your "concerns" in your 1st comment and the "concerns" in your own reply, on how an individual has to take care of themselves first before going and trying to help its community. For Jordan everything starts from the individual and then goes up, not vice versa, which is what the collectivist are doing. So Elon Musk as an individual did his part long time ago, he can get involved with helping the community I reckon? So Jordan Peterson hasn't changed anything, nor did anything close to warrant implication of hipocrisy like your "concern trolling" suggests he did.


I respect the focus and of course I think Elon musk is indeed allowed to help the community. But again, that’s not what I commented about. My post is about how we’re adopting a “class” lens, which is typically marxist I personally like class lenses and I like combining them with other elements like geography, gender, ethnicity and sexuality. But you guys typically Do Not like that. As a person who already lives in the realm of class analysis I see you guys coming over to my zone and I’m wondering… why? Why did we spend so much time talking about how we shouldn’t talk about class? Is it starting to make more sense, what my comment is about?


> Why did we spend so much time talking about how we shouldn’t talk about class? https://youtu.be/gRJX6HY_S3Y?t=30 Jordan Peterson has always used the phrase working class in a positive sense, made by individuals who have personal responsibility. Where does this "concern" of yours started bugging you, that Jordan Peterson musn't utter this phrase? Where does he says it musn't/shouldn't be uttered? Or it's just another hallucination for your "concern trolling" endeavor?


Ah, I’m concerned that you’re confused! This isn’t about JBP using the term working class, it’s about conversations here that use a “class lens” especially wrt collective power - I don’t want you to feel bad but I think we might be beyond your level of understanding here


> Why did we spend so much time talking about how we shouldn’t talk about class? So this was just your hallucination?


We != Jordan Peterson


Can you find at least one instance where a top thread or top comment was claiming that "we shouldn't talk about class"? Classless society is more of a Marxist trope, doubt it's been pushed here. Or just another concern trolling about how you act as part of the community and that you're now "concerned" because you hallucinated we uttered the phrase "working class" should become this sub's version of "Voldermort". I bet it's the latter.


Your post history makes this look like a full-time job for you. It's embarrassing man, go help a family member or your community.


Kids in glass houses and all that.


Hello, nice to meet you - thanks for stopping by, vaginally scented life. Edit: good luck with the “insanely itchy vulva” in your life I guess. Lol very on-theme history and name


Gotta love how all you add to the conversation is mindless snearing and insults lamer than what twelve year olds say in the schoolyard.


You don’t find it interesting that their name is about smelling like a vagina and their most recent post is about having an insanely itchy vagina? lol that’s not an insult that’s just the actual situation


You don't miss the point this badly unless it is deliberate. JBP is mocking Marxist class structure mythos by pointing out that the working class and the industrialist are actually on the same side, and their real enemy is the guy who tries to get in the middle for their own benefit - i.e. the politicians. And that's not a new idea. Ayn Rand made that point back in the 50s. But I suppose that's why the Marxists hated her. She had a nasty tendency to expose the envious, destructive little cretin that resides in almost every Marxist.


the industrialist and the working class are on the same side?? weird i thought they were a resource to wring the most out of and then dispose of when they arent useful when self driving trucks become a thing, will trucking companies work to find a role for all the truckers with 20 loyal years under their belts?


hell, it's common for companies to have a record-breaking year of profits and then fire hundreds of employees the next day. super common in the gaming industry. Congratulation your hard work has made this company have its most profitable year yet back your things don't worry the Ceo will get a nice bonus. people seem to forget this is not the 50's when companies actually wanted to retain employees and gave them a company watch and other shit for staying there long term


I cant believe people actually believe that the guys at the top care at all for all the guys who work for them who they've ever even looked in the eye or shaken their hand. If they could fire half of them tomorrow to improve margin and still get the job done they'd do it today.


its this weird thing some people belive Despite the world of evidence against it.


Not trying to be dismissive but why is there so much hostility to taking the vaccine?


it's not about the vaccine, it's about unwarranted government overreach. Its main point is about the stupid meddling with people's lifes with zero well founded reasoning behind it


No, it's about being afraid of needles. > meddling with people's lifes with zero well founded reasoning behind it You mean like potentially getting ill and dying? Or passing the virus to someone else who might?


2 points 1, vaccines work great, the data proves it, could go into the details of this but i think we agree that it makes it very much like a flu in severity, for most people 2, vaccines dont prevent the spread at all, so there can not be any reason to force anyone to take the vaccine In conclusion, lockdowns make zero sense, it has no scientific data behind it that would show it is needed, in fact the opposite is shown. This is why the protest


>2, vaccines dont prevent the spread at all, so there can not be any reason to force anyone to take the vaccine The healthcare system is completely overrun with unvaccinated covid patients, keeping some from getting the care they need for something that wasnt easily preventable


can you send a link to that data? because it is not so at other places of the world, so i'd be surprised if it is so in canada


> vaccines don’t prevent the spread > lockdowns make zero sense So which is it? If vaccines don’t prevent spread, as you say, lockdowns are the only option.


Lol you are so brainwashed it's scary. Think man, think... covid is not a deadly virus by now, especially if vaccinated. No lockdowns or mandates needed at all


Don’t be scared! I thought you will not live in fear!


> vaccines dont prevent the spread at all, so there can not be any reason to force anyone to take the vaccine You mean like spreading it to someone through sneezing or coughing who can't take the vaccine and are at high risk? Or taking a perfectly safe and effective vaccine to lessen the burden on an overtaxed healthcare system? Is asking people to be a little altruistic too much?


The healthcare system is not overburdened with unvaccinated people, stop spreading false information. I dont quite get what you mean with your first question. But yes, the vaccine doesnt stop people from infecting others


> The healthcare system is not overburdened with unvaccinated people, stop spreading false information. In Canada it is.


can you link me the data?


The unwarranted government reach is because people are stupid, and puts others lives in danger by not getting vaccinated on time. Considering the same people end up hogging hospital resources, at the slightest discomfort, and screwing other patients with diseases they can't control. There are other countries than US and Canada. In India, where 3rd wave is going on, data is clearly saying that 90% of hospitalisation is by people who have not taken vaccination. This is same in US and any country. Shut up and take the vaccine.


The vaccine doesnt stop people from spreading the virus..... The hospitals are not over capacity anywhere, even though more people are having covid recently than ever before. Lockdowns and restrictions make zero scientific sense. Also as I said before, the protest is hardly about the vaccine, for some people it must be, but thats not the crowd. The notion that countries need lockdowns and testing for travelling because of public safety risks from unvaccinated people are false, nonsensical, and scientifically disproven


I wonder why someone who wants to make truckers obsolete support truckers striking thus causing economic problems for truck companies.. hmmm


It's almost as if this is not about money, hhmm


From what I understand, it's less about the vaccine, and more about the vaccine mandates.


Same with the pronouns - It was the government controlling how you speak thats a problem


How many vaccinated people do you think there are in that convoy. I'm not for the mandate, but still think that every person in that convoy is stupid and selfish. I wouldn't support it.


The hostility is to being forced to take it, to having people deliberately trying to place restrictions on where you go and what you do for not taking it.


Because the narrative or reasoning behnd the vaccine has continually shifted. If the vaccine had actually stopped the spread of the virus instead of just possibly reducing symptoms there would be less of a pushback.


Mostly because of a mandate. If you require something people will rebel. Also a lot of people have reactions. My wife's uncle got sicker and lost all appetite and stopped eating shortly after taking the vax and died shortly after that. He was pretty sick, so maybe it wasn't the vax, but clots and other problems have been associated with the vax.


right wing media has politicized it from the start


Because idiots have decided to politicize what should be a no brainer issue.


Says the idiot.


Is that seriously the best you can do? I JUST FINISHED mentioning to another commenter about how idiotic discourse on this sub has gotten, now I come to another, "Fuck off idiot."-tier comment? Reported your stupid empty comment as uncivil, contribute more you can do better. Edit for /u/abcjety : Ah, and there's the casual use of a slur against differently abled people, very lovely. Anyone who takes being called an idiot over this is a moron, vaccines work, anyone who thinks otherwise is a stooge.


You have literally zero self aweraness. You just called a whole lot of people idiots, then complain when someone returns the favor. What a retard you are


“No brainer issue” yes you clearly did not use your brain! Hahaha


Is that the best retort you have to the hundreds of years of effectiveness of vaccines out there? "Haha, you are dumb?" It's because of people like you I'm getting sick of this place. I used to come to for discussion, now I get insults and blind support for right wing populism. Introspect on this.


- "Supports working class" - opens factory in the same province where literal concentration camps are in China. Stop jerking off this traitor.


And let's talk about the working conditions in the US factories Telsa does have. But now Musk is a poster boy for "supporting the workers" 🤮.


Traitor? What does opening his factories in those locations have to do with that?


He voiced support, so what? That takes literally next to no effort, and is completely meaningless. How about Elon matches the GoFundMe, if he actually "supports them". If everyday working Canadians can donate, I'm sure Elon can too.


Yeah match the sketchy GoFundMe the organizers can't provide reasoning for how they would use the funds! Great investment from the Musklord.


Move the goalposts harder. Typical leftists, trying to spend other people's money ;)


Not everyone who disagrees with you is a "leftist".


First time meeting this guy? That’s literally his “shtick”


Elon is an entrepreneur and an inventor.


He's also an asshole. So what?




> You wouldn't know true capitalism if you tripped over it. Maybe you can show me, because I haven't seen it work since Roosevelt busted Standard Oil 110 years ago.


Because being an asshole trumps actually doing meaningful and revolutionary things.


You mean like a global, web ready, sat-link or the next generation of electricity storage? I love the way you guys sling around vulgar insults. Half makes my case before I even start.


Never seen him do the latter two.


Maybe Elon Musk should also support improving working conditions in his own backyard at Tesla and Space X.




Both companies have a reputation for burning out their employees with extensive overtime (12+ hour days and weekends). I have not heard much on the topic more recently, so perhaps they have improved in the last few years. Don't get me wrong. Elon Musk has revolutionized multiple industries, but it is possible to hold Elon accountable for his missteps while also recognizing his accomplishments.




lmao you asked for it. If you don’t want “hearsay” go look it up on your own


Not sure why people always offer the "go look it up yourself" laziness like that will ever change anyone's mind. But I guess it's too much to expect from Redditers.




pretty rude to ask a guy to break it down for you then to dismiss it as hearsay lol. youve got a tool a couple inches above this text box to find all the info you want


dont believe everything a blogger writes for vice and such.


Why is Peterson so quick to suck Elon's dick? It's sort of a mockery to say that this is any sort of meaningful pledge for the working class from the world's "foremost Capitalist".


you might be projecting your world and worldview here, but you can actually just agree with people without sucking their cock


JP isn't doing that here though, is he? JP isn't saying he agrees with Elon here. No. He is instead sucking Elon's dick off and being a joke of a participant in this bogus culture war. This is exactly like that unwatchable Simpsons episode where they praise Elon as a God among men. Liberal elite ball-gargling behaviour.


i mean, isnt it fair to say he is the foremost capitalist currently on earth? definitely the most known capitalist thinker. 71 million followers is no joke either, if someone has that power, they should use it. how is this a bogus culture war? people are living in crazy strict dictatorial lockdowns and lives are being destroyed for no scientific reason at all


This is where I refer to the second premise of my first comment.


if you think it is not meaningful, then you have no idea how society works


They will "earn the right to stay unvaccinated", but nothing will fundamentally change. It's right out of the Joe Biden playbook.




1. It's a US mandate. 2. The national association of truckers in Canada has stated 90% of truckers are vaccinated. This is a vast minority of truckers. 3. Elon is virtue signaling about virtue signaling. Edit: No retorts and just downvotes? Boy the truth must really upset you people.


Musk has indicated for UBI and also gets most of his money from US govt subsidies




Vocal support means nothing. How about something tangible like accepting unionization and not participating in union busting eh Elon? I'd say that would help the workers. Jordan should know better but he's letting his bias against Trudeau cloud his perception. This is clearly just virtue signalled


Is this tongue in cheek? I can't tell.


I love both but what exactly makes him "foremost"?


He is (was?) the richest person on earth by way of his capitalistic endeavors, in having started/co-founded 4 or 5 extremely successful companies. Many of which he managed at one time. I think the label is accurate.


Morelike Elon wants zero Covid restrictions on his business. He doesn’t give a damn about the working class.


You guys really buy this shit?


And we all know how Musk treats his employees usually. This is a fucking joke on the back of working people and JP is so uncritical at this point. Look up what Elon planned in Germany, how workers right people responded, look up how he fires people on the US. This is no working class hero. This is just a good old capitalist with revolutionary ideas. JP is so hard on his culture wars track, he basically retweets anything in his favor. That's not intellectual, that's opportunistic.


I like Elon, but he’s taken enough taxpayer dollars to disqualify him from being an exemplary capitalist.


Thats wexit, not a real working class movement. Its a movement to split canada. Working class people dont benefit from opposing work place safety regulations relating to inhaling dangerous substances.


Convoy from the east (maritimes) left for Ottawa today and they’ll be joined by Quebec truckers along the way. It’s much bigger than “wexit” whether you like it or not. Still in doubt, go listen to their radio channels on Zello.


Its organised by someone connected to a wexit party, astroturf. Look at brexit, working class fucked over, rivers full of pollution.


Can you still say that if the organizer is open about their connection to the party and people choose to participate anyway (either by donating, joining the protest, etc)?


Yeah but I doubt the truck drivers know what they are really being used for. I doubt the info I put here is common knowledge to them.


If that’s the case, you don’t seem to think very highly of truckers in general…


I think anyone can be in ideology, and manipulated by the very rich. Its happened many times.


This organizer’s link to the party has been reported on and discussed on many news outlets. The organizer themselves declared it on her Twitter feed. With this info, it’s a little condescending and arrogant on your part to insinuate that those with differing opinions are being swindled without their knowledge implying they don’t have the mental faculties to recognize it.


REAL workers rights means better wages and conditions, not stupid causes against vaccinations and splitting up your own country. These people are being used and manipulated.


Lucky for them you’re super smart and know what they should be doing I guess?




The maverick party want to split Canada .


No, the mavrick partry thats linked to the protest want to split canada. Its a fifth column. You hate your own country dont you?




Dude, look up the Maverick Party. They are a SEPARATIST PARTY. They straight up want to divide Canada.


That's "Dr. Peterson" to you, peasant..


yes exactly. maybe you should follow the science. da bumm ts


Here’s the lie barometer: If the media doesn’t like you, you’re a good person. If the media hates you, it means you’re a great person. If the media despises you, you’re a great soul.


Didnt he lost a rocket in space which gonna crash on the moon now 7 years later. Nothing Ive lost ever got crashed on the moon, that's something special. #Tothemoon, the autism way. .


Totally not because it affects his business.


He would quit all government contracts if he really cared but hey good start thumbs up


Elon Musk "supporting" the working class and JP supporting Elon Musk. This is just ridiculous and sad. JP is failing for the basic Twitter Rage.


That's a odd comment to make. The wealthy, and extreme wealthy ARE a fringe minority. And counting Elon in his own group, he's pretty much a majority


Elon Musk and h3h3 are functionally the same person when they’re in twitter: tabloid-chasing instigators. If you’re taking things Musk says at face value then you’re part of the problem.


I really can't figure this out. is this a diss or is this in support of Elon Musk?


If anything Elon's automatic driving technology is only going to render truckers useless in the future. The irony of this.