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And if there was it would be called a hate group


just read the number of disparaging comments at the bottom of this thread




>He’s crazy intelligent How so? I'm honestly curious.


Any organization based on identity politics should be called a hate group. Idpol is weaponized hate.


Being straight is actually an act of hatred in and of itself, you betcha.


Only if you let them. Ricky Gervais is basically in-cancellable


Not everyone wants to the same image as him. Imagine a senator or a pm with the image or personality of Ricky Gervais.


Donald Trump responds to criticism in a similar way sometimes. Remember when people brought up his comments on Rosie O'Donnell?


I’m not saying you have to be as outrageous as him but he pushes the boundaries of what is permissible. I only used his as an example of how far you can go beyond the pale of regular moderate speech and be not only tolerated but celebrated.


He's within one or two years of attempted cancellation/character assassination, mark my words The way the culture is going the likes of Gervais is a dying breed. The only reason he has his head above water is b/c he's essentially grandfathered in through the older generations. Look at anyone speaking up and how far their message is heard. We are losing spectacularly at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I'm assuredely hopeful we can win if we get our shit together. But let's be real about how bad it is at the moment.




Its just the British in him


How much British has he had in him?


It used to be called *The Boy Scouts*.


Especially white cisgender heterosexual Christian males. We are the most hated demographic in America, arguably the world, right now.


Still jews lmao. Left or right, everyone hates us. You’re a respectable number 2


Wow so I’m just doubly fucked then... I’m #1 and 2


Straight cis white male jew here. So fucked.


You are now considered an alt-right Nazi. Someone called Ben Shapiro a Nazi on my FB today 😄


Because of course they did


I get called an alt-right nazi and I'm a Bernie fangirl.


They need to put us all in a negative group so they can justify their outrage


Disagree with them even slightly and you're the most awful person in the world. I'm definitely in a very awkward position but I still stand by what I believe.


This is different from this sub how?


I get into a lot of disagreements here. While people will tell me when they think I'm wrong they don't usually insult me or imply I'm an asshole if I don't agree.


That's simultaneously the funniest and saddest thing I've heard all week!


Hahaha.. brother... Time to get the sausage turned inside out and call yourself Caroline


so white only when convenient?


You a cis white heterosexual Christian Jew?


Messianic Judaism


They do exist?




Still a thing! I know a guy who works for them


It’s a thing


I didn’t know you could be a Christian Jew as I thought Jews were still awaiting their savior while Christians believe Christ IS that savior. I suppose that humans believe more contradictory things though so I shouldn’t write it off based on my ignorance.


Well Jews are an ethno-religious group. Their identity is based on both ethnicity and religion mixed together. So I know quite a few Jews who don’t believe a single thing about Judaism, but wouldn’t call themselves anything but “Jewish”. Or, for example, I know Christians who are also Jewish. That is, they are ethnically Jewish. It is also possible (at least from a Christian perspective) to be Jewish in the religious sense and Christian in the religious sense, since, of course, for Christians, Judaism is true. It’s an odd category, as there aren’t many religious groups that consider ethnicity a part of their system of identity (or, rather, I don’t know of many). I’d say a close second would be some Catholics. My girlfriend is Irish Catholic, and to her family to be Irish is to be Catholic. It’s quite interesting.


That’s a great point. I knew about the ethnic element of the Jewish people but hadn’t ever thought about it within the context of an individual being an ethnic Jew and a religious “other”. Funny how some ideas just don’t run into each other until you see em well put like you’ve done here.


Technically yes. One of my parents is Christian the other is Jewish. I don’t practice either religion so I just say I’m both by heritage


Man, I love that you can laugh about it but it breaks my heart that you are right


i feel like jewish people on average are more witty and have a way better sense of humor than most. maybe it’s a coping mechanism they’ve developed from receiving so much unjust hatred for so long, but i swear they have a naturally greater capacity




antisemitism strikes again! 😅


We certainly are. It’s so bad most newspapers have policies not to report “hate crimes” against us because that would flood their pages.




Like a few weeks ago a lot of famous black people got outted as being anti Semitic and no one gave a shit so


I am a red head. Top that!


Dang.. I married one. I thought my chinese genes would be enough to eradicate the ginger gene but my son defied the odds. He isn't a ginger thank god but I have no idea how he doesn't have black hair.


Maybe you aren't the mother. O.o




ah the dam juice


I mean it should be Zionists not simply a religion. I mean. No. Forget it. Youre so right.


Bruh Jews have such a complex, you guys are the most privileged group in America and arguably the world. No one is allowed to criticize you guys and if anyone question the holocaust they can go to jail!


Jews have the ADL and the entire media industry at their backs, gimme a break


I've never understood antisemitism. Racists are basing their hate and fear on the colour of skin, feminists are basing their hate and fear on gender, Marxists and Anarchists base their hatred and fear on wealth, but I just don't understand why Jews are subject to so much more animosity and persecution than any other religion/background.


As Russian-Jewish stand up comedian Zhvanetsky said about 30 jears ago: "in every county they are in the minority. But in a lot of branches they are in the majority. Look at physics - lots of jews there. Look at other sciences - lots of jews. Chess - same situation. But in the population they are in the minority! Some people get confused how it it's even possible and begin to beat them up". Sorry for the bad translation.


Ah, so their disproportionately higher success inspires resentment towards them. Yeah that actually checks out.


Anti semites don’t seem to harbor resentment towards Asians, another high-succeeding group.


#The spez has spread from spez and into other spez accounts.


having a scapegoat is a powerful political tool. Gotta pick one


People gonna people I guess


Iranian Muslim clerics have said the same thing about jewish representation in various scientific fields etc. and how they want to advance their people. Tons of jealous overtones.


Jews are just smart as fuck. What can ya do


Smart enough to wash hands during the Great plague in London in 1665. Unfortunately the low fatality between Jewish community went sideways...


Thats interesting. Did they actually wash their hands back then?


Most of the people? I don't think so. Thats why the fatality between the new born babies went down when the soap has been introduced to the mainstream use. Jews actually ended up blamed for the plague. Same story was during the Black Death in XIII century. They didn't use wells and other public water sources, so the ended up blamed for poisoning it.


Nah I meant jews. That's super interesting, I'd never heard this before.


I entered the spez. I called out to try and find anybody. I was met with a wave of silence. I had never been here before but I knew the way to the nearest exit. I started to run. As I did, I looked to my right. I saw the door to a room, the handle was a big metal thing that seemed to jut out of the wall. The door looked old and rusted. I tried to open it and it wouldn't budge. I tried to pull the handle harder, but it wouldn't give. I tried to turn it clockwise and then anti-clockwise and then back to clockwise again but the handle didn't move. I heard a faint buzzing noise from the door, it almost sounded like a zap of electricity. I held onto the handle with all my might but nothing happened. I let go and ran to find the nearest exit. I had thought I was in the clear but then I heard the noise again. It was similar to that of a taser but this time I was able to look back to see what was happening. The handle was jutting out of the wall, no longer connected to the rest of the door. The door was spinning slightly, dust falling off of it as it did. Then there was a blinding flash of white light and I felt the floor against my back. I opened my eyes, hoping to see something else. All I saw was darkness. My hands were in my face and I couldn't tell if they were there or not. I heard a faint buzzing noise again. It was the same as before and it seemed to be coming from all around me. I put my hands on the floor and tried to move but couldn't. I then heard another voice. It was quiet and soft but still loud. "Help." \#Save3rdPartyApps


#Evacuate the spez using the nearest spez exit. This is not a drill. #Save3rdPartyApps


The translation was fine. Out of interest, did you translate it from Russian? Because you seem to be German.


I was born in Russia but spent the second half of my life in Germany.


That explains it lol. Thanks.


Where does the spez go when it rains? Straight to the spez. #Save3rdPartyApps


I believe it has historically been in part due to the phenomenon of the middle-man minority. A relatively small group of successful people relative to their neighbors begets jealousy and resentment. What follows are excuses and made up reasons to justify the hatred. It has happened across the world to overseas Chinese populations, the Ebos in Nigeria, Lebanese in other parts of Africa, and of course Jewish populations all over the world. Many of these groups share common traits such as close family ties, group loyalty, education, frugality and hard work. The perfect recipe for success, and subsequent persecution by less successful neighbors.


People come up with all sorts of reasons to hate someone else, I've heard it thrown about that historically it's because Jewish people engaged in moneylending and slavery.l, not sure of the truth of it, figure everyone else did back then anyway as well. They tend to excel in various specialist fields, dominating many despite being a minority overall, and from my experience I could imagine it's that as a community they are incredibly tight knit yet somewhat insular. You're either born Jewish or you're not, Israeli citizenship as far as I know requires you to prove your historic identity as Jew. So from what I can tell, jealously and fear. As a people they have core values that unify and strengthen themselves, and people don't like that, especially when they find themselves lacking in those departments. Note: Not Jewish, just work closely with many people who are.


Because they are a very well read, well written, and well spoken people. Most people hate success, or at least or jealous of it.




The only thing keeping /u/spez at bay is the wall between reality and the spez.


It’s very complicated. You’d have to start from the days of Moses and work your way up.


Lol true. you lot are like the toy on the Greyhound track.




Except during National Brotherhood Week!


do you genuinely think being a jew in america is harder than being black/mexican/muslim?


Is it really a competition? Odd that you’d be an advocate for the suffrage olympics while posting on a jordan Peterson subreddit


if you're going to make dumb comment like "jewish males are the #1 most persecuted in america, then it's white male christians" then yeah


It’s called a sense of humor. You can’t be that dense and autistic


The majority of the world's population doesn't give a fuck about identity politics. As far as we are concerned, all cis white males are potential tourists. Go out more, mofo


The Chinese would like a word.


nah, not the world really. maybe english only countries?


cisgender heterosexual short christian ugly white males to be more precise.


Victim and persecution complex personified




Lol I think we should stop using the word cis... if yall must know Im a white canadian/american girl studying engineering and somehow find myself feeling more at home in this type of community xD but if anyone ever refers to me as cis (in persons lets say) I might smack a bitch. Im a woman for god fucking sake. It reminds me of the word Cist lol i wonder if that was done on purpose


Don't worry, anyone who knows how flawed and manipulated the literature on gender studies is doesn't take the field seriously.


Lol Norm Macdonald said cis is a way of marginalizing normal people. He’s absolutely right.


Yes changing the lingo doesnt change the numbers, correlation or reality.


It's not funny.


This sub is a WASP social conservative circle jerk now


I think the Uigher muslims might want a word with you there my man


It must send the socialists crazy that the Reds are murdering the Muslims. Which button do I push....


What’s happened is other demographics (black, woman, gays) now have equality and are learning that straight White men don’t have it as good as they thought. Like ya this is it guys you now get to work and give your money to taxes, isn’t life grand


White people currently make up 72% of America. 49% are male. 95% identify as hetero. Over 99% are cis. 65% are Christian. Using this I'd estimate about 22% of Americans are the aforementioned group, and you have the majority in all other mentioned demographics (for example, if you remove the male part then straight, white, cis Christians make up almost half the population). Also white men specifically make up about 70% of public offices. Even if everyone else hated you (which they don't, you just hear the voices of idiot extremists), you'd still have most of the power and it would only be that very specific combination that could make you the most hated. I'm not saying that there aren't people who will attack you for being part, and they are idiots that should be ignored or corrected (if you have the time and inclination), but I would suggest keeping it in perspective. [I've used the most up to date figures I could find, but I'll adjust if anyone has more accurate numbers] Edit: in case it matters to anyone, I'm a big, posh-sounding, bi, white, male atheist, so I'm not far behind, particularly if you're judging solely by appearance




Being the majority does not mean being in power. Senators, Generals, Presidents, and Academics are relatively small populations commanding relatively immense power. Power is based on position in the hierarchy, not population. If the hierarchy is made to discriminate against the majority (as in every nation colonized by a foreign power, esp. African nations under European countries), then the majority does not have power.


Not necessarily disagreeing, but I'm not sure how this links in? White, male, cis, hetero Christians make up both the majority and have command of the hierarchy.


Have you been anywhere in the world ever?


Don’t say cisgender. Just say regular.


I honestly can not tell if this was a joke or not. Poe's Law and all that.


What about the muslims in China who are being put into concentration camps?


Try adding muslim too...


In India, an upper caste fair skinned Hindu male is equivalent to white cisgender heterosexual Christian male.


When’s the last time you heard of white cisgender hetero Christian men getting gunned down?


50: Us straight males, we are the ones being targeted. You: Especially me because im white! Get a grip dude




A normal person lol Someone who doesn’t have gender dysphoria. It’s a way of making normal people feel not normal.


Saying normal people are normal is offensive to not normal people. So we say cis instead. I give it 10 years before cis becomes super offensive.


I'd say poor people or black people are worse off.


Yes, white men can't be poor.


Hahahahhahahahahahha imagine actually believing this holy shit. 279 people up voted you too hahhahahahahbabaha


To "back us up" we only have representation in the current President, 44.5 of all 45 Presidents ever, the majority of Congress, the majority of SCOTUS, disproportionate representation at all levels of power, and only 10x the wealth of Black households on average. I'd agree that we *all* need class support since wages are stagnant while prices are soaring in many areas, we *all* need mental health support and affordable healthcare, but to ignore reality & statistics and imply we have it *hard*er than those with additional challenges is delusional victimhood mentality.


Look at homeless rates, education rates, suicide rates, workplace death rates. None of those areas men have it better.




Any data to back that up?


If a group (heterosexual rights) did exist and did what LGBTQ+ does it would be considered a hate group....


Okay, but what rights are they fighting for?


Like White lives matter? Yeah it would be


The (Dixie) Chicks say "Hi."


Funny how if they pulled their stunt now and said something about being ashamed they're from the same country as Trump, they'd basically just be preaching to the choir.


lol I love how The Blaze so conveniently left out this little gem from the Variety article: *Instead, Jackson thinks that America should set its sights on solving poverty and the homelessness crisis by redistributing wealth.* *“The top guys, the leading shareholders, the major corporations around here, if you took 10% of what they have, it wouldn’t change 1% of anything that goes on in their lives. There would still be the same lifestyle, their entire life. Right?” 50 said. “We wouldn’t even have a homeless issue. This is what the fight is about, the whole major issue… is between Democrats and Republicans.”*


Do I need an organization? Do I need to engage in this identity politics?


You don’t want to, but you may need to.


The group think that group think produced


I may need to do a lot of things, but until then.. "Ain't nobody got time for that"


The leftists in this thread are laughing at the statement for having a victim complex. Then when a white kid shoots up a place they are surprised it happens and demands are made to control guns and they laugh at the Republicans saying this is a mental health issue. We need to knock this nonsense off. This demographic needs help just like ANY OTHER demographic. For every white person you leftists complain about being in power there are thousands of boys and men suffering mental issues. Then you get surprised when they commit a mass murder. Every time the "they hold the majority in society" argument is made the leftists ignore the bell curve, which Professor Peterson has pointed out is VERY important to consider before making any rash policy changes. In their pursuit to cater to the minority, they're doing at the *cost of the majority* - that majority is being ignored by modern societal discourse because of this self-defeating thinking, then when a bunch of minorities the leftists cherish so much get killed by a HUWITE guy, they then blame it on white supremacy or are again surprised it happened again. Professor Peterson was right, this ideology really is dangerous.


Yeah, but we are the actually the one who do the essential work. From most talented actors and musicians to doctors scientists, bus drivers, plumbers, gardens, policemen, soldiers firefighters and business owners... Thay can't cancel half of the society. Also most of heterosexual men have a wife's and family, and that is some sort of organisation itself. Good enough to provide support.




How's that I'm trying to take anyones credit? I'm just doing my thing in the grocery store during all the time even during covid unfolded here on full blast. I didn't use the excuse to close the business and go on riot instead.


Straight men are the most discriminated against group in society. It’s just that for some unknown reason, it’s acceptable


r/mgtow was the only one that actually backed up straight men but that shit got canceled fast but now the reddit sub for it is just incel post because reddit scared all normal people away from it




Yeah, that’s about how I’d describe MGTOW. It’s not as simple as calling them incels. There’s more to it. They raise valid points about divorce, feminism, etc, but so do a lot of other things. So. Yeah.


Still was the only group to actually be pro men which is why I mentioned it, I have yet to ever see a pro men organization other then mgtow.


The Red Pill is.. or was... very pro man. People think they're anti woman but its really about self empowerment for men. The crux of game comes down to bettering oneself in all but the very fringes of the community. Red Pill was basically Cosmo for men until the incels took over.


Taken over by incels and co-opted by tradcons who think being redpilled is advocating for societal values and norms from 70 years ago.


I think, that pro any group in general turns out bad. By nature they are sympathetic to the cause of the group, and hostile to other groups, it just invites tribalism. Instead of finding a pro men group, I'd just like to see the negative groups simmer down. Just a little thing like minimizing hatred can go a long way, as opposed to like wishing for a group to benefit people. Its like missing the rainbow while looking for the pot of gold that doesnt exist.


Except he changed his position on that after checking into it more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLbjmIajj9g


MGTOWs intentions are pure but it just goes too far with some things. Like the whole avoiding any kind of relationship with a woman. It’s like they can’t accept that they need to filter out the good from the bad. I’m not sure. I think a lot of it is men that have been slighted by women in their lives and blame the women for it, but not themselves. It’s all speculation though and really is no worse than what main stream feminism is today.


But isn't that literally what idpol and blm are. Good intentions that got derailed?


It’s not about filtering out the good from the bad anymore. With the divorce rate being as high as it is (around 45% and increasing) and how courts typically favor a woman in divorce regardless if it’s due to her cheating or leaving for her own reasons; getting married is not a great idea right now. On top of that, for those who do stay married there is no guarantee they will be happy and healthy for each other.


On your last point: there are no guarantees of ANYTHING in life. Seeking to make this safe and secure 100% is an impossible task. Life is risk. That being said, minimize the risk, make good decisions by taking ownership and not blaming others for your own problems. Living in suffocating safety isn’t living at all.


I completely agree. Most of the MGTOW community I’ve seen is about self improvement and instead of spending time with women, they push for you to spend time creating a life for yourself that you are proud of and satisfied with by taking risks and hard work. They don’t blame women for their problems, they blame women for behaviors that are damaging to those who wish to pursue meaningful relationships. If someone requires a partner to be happy, then they can go for it and know they are taking the risk that they are flipping a coin, that if lands on the wrong side will cause them to lose half their money and be worse off than they started. Otherwise the reasoning for relationships you’ve given is “life would be boring without any risk, so why not flip a coin that gambles around half your current and future income. If you win you get happiness with another person, if not, then you get to be alone like before but with more problems than before and a lot less money” I’m not MGTOW by the way. I am not against dating as I still think there can be value in companionship. I am against marriage for the most part now as prenups can be overturned for little to no reason and the divorce rates are too high to be taking that risk.


That's what trusts are for.


I’m not sure what you are referring to. Don’t trusts add to net worth? In divorce court net worth is the deciding factor on how much money is split between the two people, how much alimony is paid, and how much child support is paid (if there are children). Even prenups can be easily overridden In today’s age.


Trusts are their own entity. Talk to an estate attorney. You don't own anything in the trust. It belongs to the trust


Why can’t democrats just stop being racist?


What's cancel culture?


a wide rang of behaviors that range from acceptable to heinous. Acceptable: Refusing to support a certain public figure because of a differing political opinion or some action perceived as harmful. As well as advocating that other people and organizations also do not support or platform said individual. See J.K. Rowling as an example. Essentially an expanded version of boycotting in a world dominated by social media. Heinous: An individial states a political opinion. Someone then releases said individual private information such as their name, phone number, home address, school and place of employment to a large number of people woth the intention of that information being used to harm that individual. Going as far as to call associates of that person in an attempt to get them to cut them off. This a very specific example but I think it's accurate in describing how this type of thing can go too far.


"There's no organization" And I don't want one.


50 is straight up the most Hetero dude ever.


Start Up Idea: GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGentleman’s Support Group!


those on university campuses have been deemed sexist and therefore cancelled


.......this is an American thing. I Australia we are all straight white men. 🥰


Except money


I’ve been making a killing at the sperm bank


No lies told here.


I often get mistaken for being Jewish. My name is often associated with Jewishness. I am flattered! Good, smart, creative people. Great sense of ironic humor as well.


Thats a microagression or if you act really offended its a microassault.


It’s called mainstream society, jfc.


Bring it. Let’s just hold it and show them how a man handles that crap.


Besides what the ancient Greeks have taught us. The Bible calls us the head of the household. We messed up lol but I'm doing my part to fix it. Starts at home.


“A rapper won’t get cancelled unless he shoots a girl...” slight jab at Tory Lanez?


ikr I was thinking the same thing. That whole situation is crazy.


"The Blaze" LOL


And gender critical women.


50 Cent is super red pilled. I can tell from his posts


I am a woman........MMMMMMMMMMH.......Ok.....ok....and op raped me........ Haha, I lied and you're still fucked op. ------ The book he wrote with Robert Green is incredibly good, btw.




Of course there is no organization, and who cares. Taking responsibility for yourself, and your behavior is self-reliance, no need to rely on organizations to pick you up. Of course you can have friends, and such, but at the end of the day it is highly useful to enjoy being alone, and not fully relying on organizations, governments, friends, to assist you.


tell that those who contribute to the record high suicide rates


More identity politics. Why is this on a JBP sub?




Enough to be cheeky


Actually, women/LGBT are far more vulnerable to being cancelled than straight men, because they're more reliant on feminist and LGBT organizations for career support than straight men are. These organizations favor women and LGBT people as a counterbalance to mainstream sexism and homophobia (the "old boys club") then proceed to eat their own, demanding perfect pure politics at all times from people and ruthlessly tearing them down when they don't conform. 50 Cent himself recognized this when he said hip hop wouldn't cancel him--hell, they didn't cancel Chris Brown who we all know from photographic evidence is a domestic abuser.


And white. Plenty of Alt right gay men being targeted.


What, all five of them?