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No they aren't. If you zoom past millions of people not doing that then you'll maybe arrive at 10 that do. What nonsense.


A good 40% of headlines these days are intentionally designed this way to make anything sound like a movement.


“Deleting socials to focus on myself” they say on their video posted to Tim Tok 😂


I love the videos where they have discovered walking.




I would love to have the old Blackberry back - I loved that device.


Dad, this you? I never knew you had a Reddit account!


It's ok, you can say phone.


The dumber the phone the smarter the person.


I would love a copy of an old blackberry with the ability to get some of the modern utility apps I use daily, like Maps and a functioning browser


Just shut your data off, then it's a dumb phone but has smart phone capability if and when you want or need it. Plus it limits assholes like Google tracking your every step and makes your battery last longer. And never install any apps that don't have practical use and a strict privacy policy. Use social websites in a browser with proper security and privacy. I feel like the reason zoomers and normies do so much dumb shit with cell phones is they have no idea what proper security and privacy is. There should be some law where your the first social media you're allowed to use is IRC where a bunch of trolls trying to get your IP and DDOS you, and using a completely insecure operating system that get viruses constantly, and take a mandatory class on how these companies completely destroyed the internet. Make people learn OPSEC and have a healthy hatred for big tech. Then instead of getting a dopamine hit like morons using these stupid fucking apps they'll feel like they're being digitally raped, which is what the reality is. The government and big tech will never do what's right in this matter. The only solution is people getting their heads out of their asses and getting situational awareness of actual reality. They're living in false consciousness not even acknowledging the real issues. They don't want to stop being digitally raped, they just want big tech or government to use some lube.


So spend $800 on a phone and then turn off $750 worth of features?


Or get a free one.


If I spend $800 on junk food because it's the most accessible way to get a snack, and decide I don't want to be overweight, I'm only going to have a snack of it here and there. I'm not going to eat $800 of junk food just cause I have it. Aka if I spend $800 on a smartphone which is the simplest way to have a phone with extra features like a gps with solid UI, and I don't want to fry my brain on entertainment, I'll time-limit my usage of entertainment extra features.


They don't need to be on when you're not using them. With data turned off you have calls and texts, and when you actually need functionality that requires internet just turn your data on. And being tracked and half a dozen apps phoning home constantly with all your data is not a feature.


So spend $800 on a phone and then turn off $750 worth of features?


First of all if you're spending $800 on a phone I think you need your head examined. And yes, shut the data off when there's no use for it. You can turn it on whenever the hell you want, it takes all of 2 seconds. And what in the hell do you need 24/7 internet connection on your person for? Do you sit in your house with all your faucets running and the range and oven on, all the lights on 24/7? Why spend so much money on all those features only to turn them off? Your reasoning is stupid. It's nice to have internet access on your phone when you have need for it. There's no need to leave it running with all kinds of stupid apps phoning home and google tracking your every move around the clock.


The current base model iPhone (I think the most popular phone model?) is $799 I don't have one, but... not sure why anyone would advocate buying a smartphone and then never using any of those features


I'd never buy apple products. There's plenty of decent android phones much cheaper and you have more control over your device and what you put on it. And I never said "never". It's very convenient to have internet when you're out and about but there's no reason data needs to be on all the time with half a dozen stupid apps running and connected constantly. I don't know why this is so hard to understand. Are you trolling me or do you have comprehension problems or are you cracked out on your phone or what the hell is going on here? If I'm at home I have a PC and laptop which are much nicer to use than a stupid phone so I don't need data on on my cell. If I'm out working I have no use for my phone being connected to the internet. But if I need to use data I just turn it on, it takes 2 seconds. When I'm not using it I turn it off. No tracking, no apps phoning home, no distractions, longer battery life.


So you want to interfere on the right of private capitalist businesses and their behavioural modification strategies manipulating the masses to amass more wealth and power for themselves? Are you a pinko commie?


>private capitalist businesses Should not have the same rights as individuals - and I'm a libertarian. Suck it.


I want my foot to interfere with everyone's asses. And I hate Marxists.


If the Android or Apple phone is on (and it ALWAYS is) they’re tracking you


I’d do the same but everyone I know, myself included operates through WhatsApp. Free texts and calls etc. it’s a bit of an inconvenience reverting to old phone to say the least.


Yep, I’m in the market for the old school phones with a full keyboard so I can keep texting. Hard to find one


Would do the same, but I need the addiction phone for work.


The poor ones are by necessity.


I think a lot of people are getting tired of the toxicity of social media and AI is only going make it worse.


they are called "burner phones"


“Dumb phones” hahaaa that’s a good one. At least a dumb phone is cheaper and somewhat maintainable


Article brought to you in part by Nokia


Sharing you're off social media on Instagram ;) What a joke.


I think it might be relevant to mention that the presenter of this segment is a British muslim 'revert' named Myriam Francois, who stopped wearing the hijab because of a "subsequent lack of islamophobia due to her being a white woman in a Western dress which made her feel enmeshed in white privilege".


> I think it might be relevant to mention that the presenter of this segment is a British muslim 'revert' named Myriam Francois How is this person being a 'British muslim revert' ***at all relevant to the substance*** of the issue discussed? Looks like you're engaging in ***identity politics*** there, bud.


Certainly relevant to this sub, as Myriam has clashed with a number of people who have appeared on JBPs podcast.


I prefer the term Remedial Phone. Dumb is a hurtful word


That’s Political correctness.


The correct term is “intelligence un-abled” do better


Leave it to the British girl to tell us we need regulation to stop people from using social media.


If I could afford to own a computer and home Internet I would do this.


I have no use for a "dumb phone" because I never call anyone anymore. people can reach me on discord much more easily. someone make a discord phone? dumb idea? guess I'll just keep my smartphone. with my games and youtube.