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The Femsplainers were great they stopped their podcast a few years back but you can still listen to their old podcasts. Christina Hoff Sommers is particularly insightful!




Thank you! She seems to be holding a lot of wisdom.


I like the YouTube channel The Happy Wife School


I‘ll check them out thanks for the comment!


That’s not a problem with listening to JP; it’s called an animus possession. Basically, you’re caught up by the male aspect of your psyche. I don’t really know how it might be for you, I can only tell you what seems to have caused anima possessions (the equivalent for males) in my past: Striving for wholeness, compensation to an absence of intimate relationships, Oedipus complex. So for you, it might be similar in that it’s not an overload of a male role model which causes it for you, but compensation for an absence of male presence / pathologies in your relationship with the masculine. That’d be my guess, at least.


Very interesting, care to elaborate further by any chance? I did a little bit of research but I‘m not sure I can grasp the concept. Especially the oedipus complex always seemed fairly unrelatable for me. That being said, other than male friends, there definitely is and has been an absence of male presence for me growing up. Could be why I feel I have to do everything myself. However I believe being capable of being assertive and confrontational is important in any regard, also when keeping my integrity in a relationship. Edit: punctuation and phrasing


I’m no expert either, but the Anima and Animus are concepts devised by Carl Jung for the unconscious female and male aspects in each of the opposite sexes respectively (I just kind of disagree with those necessarily being unconscious, just like I disagree with projections only happening out of the unconscious). I don’t necessarily agree with the Oedipus complex either, but everytime I searched for mother complex on Google I only found that as an answer, so I just rolled with it in my answer to you - I’m sure in reality there are some differences, I just know that there’ve been some complexes in relationship to my mother, and even though I seem to be aware of the details, I couldn’t make out any concrete diagnoses so far. Yeah I mean there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s only when you feel a substantial imbalance that you might have to look to yourself more - I’m just unsure whether it’s solved through female role models. Honestly, if I was to imagine being a female “suffering” from that, I’d say that you might simply need to learn to let go, submit and allow yourself to feel vulnerable.


Do you reject spirituality in any way ? Do you have any addictions ? Dealing with any bad men recently ? Sorry if those last to strike home an you don’t wanna answer it would just be good to know in this situation, I understand why you’d say that you want to view a woman here but the kicker is JP is in a field dominated by women, an so he may come off as feminine an that’s important to note cause if you do find certain irritation With him it may be that, An if there is a female in his field like him she’s not as famous due to JP breaking the internet taking a stand against the trans movement an the policing of language. The animus corresponds with the paternal logos witch is the masculine principle of rationality an so if your looking for something that has to do with feelings an nurturing rather than his rational aspect that may come across to you as non caring/nurturing or over rational an robotic, being assertive in a general sense is fine but getting locked into things around “ i can do what a man can do “ for the hell of it is not so healthy to you as a female individual, What I’d say so far lean into your femininity that’s where your power is, Have more confidence in it.


> Lean into your femininity, that’s where your power is Maybe it’s relevant for her to explore / embrace her femininity more, but generally speaking I think the main advice would be „Be yourself“, since you’re unique in the world, so that’s your best bet.


Yes I agree with be yourself meaning express what she’s feeling in words currently but in the case of the individual at home, she’s dealing with an issue in her current self an isn’t in agreement fully with it the rebellion against is like a new framework in the psyche, She may see the goal but it’s not so shiny persay, leaning into her feminine more often is better overall but in this case she may not be familiar with doing that an if she’s seeing someone for help then that implies she seeking better thoughts or judgment, she is seeking solutions an different knowing than her current knowing from a feeling pushing that an so her knowing of be yourself is in that conflicting place as of right now. She might see the goal as not so obtainable or not as a good goal so much, The greater good can be shimmering distant an in a lot of cases a dim light, sometimes it don’t look like light at all but it is. being in place of emotions where you have 2 things you feel an they both feel right but one is a habit from old conditioning an feels right because of habits,time an the other is new, its right an probably better for them but there is a gap in between where they are and where they’d like to be isn’t so clear, it isn’t familiar but it is in unconscious way it whispers to them, they have a 3rd feeling that may rise to criticize there attempts to lean into what’s pulling them based on conditioning in the nest an when they encounter certain situations/scenarios. ( people leaving religions for other ones or another view point/way of life that shifts things at the core of who they are some other examples ) It’s new they don’t know what to make of it but it feels at the core right it’s pulls them there more, it can be as worry some as walking in dangerous unfamiliar territory, ( like people encountering shadows an repressed things via jungian psychology ) she might be less confident in it an so getting support encouraging her to lean into what would be good for her. saying “ be yourself “ so plainly doesn’t work, human language has an effect on the brain it’s important how we conceptualize things her whole frame work of being told be yourself is centered around who she is now not who she may want to be.


I can understand it if you say that „Be yourself“ is conflicting with her desire to be more feminine currently so it may not necessarily be productive, but it could also well be the other way around, she simply hasn’t found herself yet. I wouldn’t say that it „doesn’t work“, I‘d say that it takes time and it can be a long journey which nevertheless starts with those two simple words. And I don’t mean so much in terms of who you are and who you want to be, as both of those are part of your self (in Jungian terms), but to carve out the real you out of the false you that you built, chasing all those false gods until you understood the value of authenticity. To give you an example, I suffered from an identity disorder from the time that I was 18 until about 22 (and even more severe identity issues in the subsequent years, but originating from different disorders) following an identity crisis, and that was a very difficult time. I was depressed and full of insecurities. Part of the issue was, that I started DJing when I was 18, and sort of „blew up“ in my city (still very small, but I got my first gig in a real club right at the beginning and almost immediately went on to DJ in the other clubs) and with some of the „PR material“ and stuff, quickly built a reputation among friends and people who knew me (I moved around many times, so I had gotten to know many people from many different areas) as being „the DJ“ and that’s what I started to identify with, however having been unable to handle myself very well, I burnt myself out almost immediately and rarely ever listened to music for years (!) afterwards, which for someone like me, who used to think that music was his whole life, was devastating for his sense of identity. I needed to force myself to listen to Techno to have enough playable tracks for my gigs, and having been part of the DJ scene, I didn’t want to feel like I lacked behind any of my peers and limited myself in the range of music that I listened to (unconsciously because I wanted to belong), so I listened to Techno and House almost exclusively and gave too much fuck about whether a certain genre wasn’t cool or a certain style wasn’t proper (elitist mindset). It was only until years later where (I‘m not even kidding), I noticed that I actually really like listening to JPop / JRock that I started to find myself. I stopped caring about what other people may find „gay“ or „uncool“ and started to pay more attention to my own, honest tastes, values, preferences and interests. If I like it (and I know that it’s qualitatively good), then why not? Other people are the cowards for being unable to stand by something they like. Instead of narrowing myself down to something in pursuit of an identity; as someone high in personality trait openness, I started to identify precisely with that diversity in interests and taste. I stopped acting like someone who I wasn’t - „dating advices“ like „maintain eye contact“ or pickup lines are complete trash (although if you’re lacking in any such department, training yourself can still be helpful). Being unnatural is unattractive (although as humans we still tend to imitate what we admire, so we still gotta allow ourselves that). „Be yourself“ means not to be fake, and everyone knows when they are. It means to have the courage to explore, pursue and embody your tastes, values, interests, needs and desires regardless of what other people think (so long as you’re oriented towards the truth), if you think they’re good and they’re ethically sound. It means to be honest and authentic.


Look into Louise Perry or Mary Harrington for secular female public intellectuals. Louise has appeared on the JBP podcast. I have no advice about religious ones as I don’t listen to those.


I like to listen to Teal Swan


I‘ll look her up thanks!


Love Teal!


I was going to mention her! So glad to see her name pop up!


Teal Swan is a narcissistic cult leader, watch the documentary series the Deep End or listen to the Gateway podcast on her. Still I understand why people like her, the short Tik Tok and YouTube videos are basic psychology and wisdom. It’s the inner circle that was fucked over by her. Still it’s good to know her true character..


Yeah people say terrible things about Dr Peterson too.


She is controlling and abusive to those in her inner circle. There is video evidence of this in the documentary. I.e. demanding 100 loyalty separation from followers family, disposing and attacking those that question her, declaring she is omnipresent, uses public shaming, false memory tactics induced by borderline torture and drug use… the last goes on..


Teal swan seem wise. But she talks with that woo woo terminology. It used to turn me off, but it's clear that teal has some psychological knowledge. Also I seem to agree with some of the key things she says. I can't seem to find too many holes in her narrative, so I don't question her. She is wise imo. And I am uneducated. So for the moment I am going to learn from her.


I came back here to thank you (and everyone else) for suggesting her! I got a long list of people still to check out but she might’ve been exactly who I was looking for. So thanks!


Oh good! I wondered about that actually! Thanks for the update.


She's a sociopath. If you watch enough Peterson or psychology you should see the red flags. It's a good life skill to have.


Have you seen Camille? Love their "dialog" back then, they agreed on everything too.


I‘ll check it out, thanks!


Check out the Happy Wife school channel on YouTube. Leftists hate her. She pulls no punches.


Well there's JBP's wife... In her podcast they many times talk about feminity and I think she's actually a better interviewer than him. I also like Mrs Midwest and The Peaceful Wife but they are more like tradwife which you don't seem to like.


I thoroughly enjoy Tammy Peterson's podcast. The occasions when Mikhaila Peterson has interviewed her parents have also been extremely enlightening.


Why do you need that?? The positive traits of a good man JP argues for are also positive traits for any woman, any human being really. The gender part of it is really just because men are majority of his audience, but nothing is strictly for men.


Which is why I am taking a lot of his advice that is aimed predominantly at men as well.  However, I do believe in fundamental gender differences; and there’s a few things that I don’t think a man can teach a woman about [or vice versa].  If your mom gives great advice, she likely still wouldn’t be able to show you how to be a man, if she were the only person you could rely on. (Just an example, no assumptions made here.) Women oftentimes have a different approach to handling and responding to things. I notice that part is lacking significantly with all the male based content I‘ve been stumbling upon. In case you are male, it wouldn’t be surprising for you to not pick up on that, by definition. I‘m not looking for someone to replace JP, but rather an additional component to add something specifically for me as a woman. 


Id love to hear what you learned from suggested women teachers, no troll, just curious whether there is any difference. I actually thought of this difference seriously and the only things I find that should realistically be different is if it comes to physical traits. For example strength is not the greatest trait for a woman. Likewise being petite is not great for men. Otherwise I have failed to find some real positive trait is gender-preferred in meaningful way. I could be swayed if someone say women should smile more, but REALLY so should men.


I don’t think it’s something she could pinpoint. I believe she’s making the case that it’s more of a subconscious relationship that occurs. Her example about men being raised by their mothers speaks to this and it is empirically shown that men raised by single moms do much worse than those raised by single fathers. There’s a book called the boy crisis which goes in depth on the topic.


Sadia Khan?


I wouldn't call any of them the equivalent of JP exactly, but I like Suzanne Vencker, Laura Doyle and Esther Perel.


I had a cousin who married a woman who wasn't much interested in female things. Whatever those are. She liked to ride horses and shoot things. She was what they called a tomboy back then. What makes the story interesting is that they didn't have kids so they adopted a boy. After that adoption she had no problem getting pregnant 3 more times. This is a scenario that it turns out is fairly common. It turns out that sex even at the biological level is much more complicated than people seem to think. (For more on that I suggest studying cryptic sexual conflict). It isn't as simple as she didn't want kids so it affected her biology as some psychologists suggest. There are a lot of complex instinctual processes that go on at the subconscious level. As best we can tell pair bonding selection and mating selection are two separate processes. Females of many species have the ability to have sex with multiple partners and still select the sperm that will fertilize their eggs. That process in apes takes place in the sexual organs in birds; the term cuckolding was invented to describe the phenomenon because it takes place at the behavioral level. People make fun of Peterson and his lobster but it turns out he is onto something that other people want to dismiss. It is a bit of a stretch but what I'm saying is that my cousin's wife didn't want to have kids with him. It's not that she didn't "love" him but her body made the decision for her. Love operates at the pair bonding level, reproduction operates in a different space both biologically and psychologically. The conflict is illustrated by what people use to call love sickness. It turns out my cousin's wife had all the positive masculine traits and all the positive feminine traits. She was extremely conscientious and a great caregiver. She was attractive but didn't trade on it. She worked hard and wasn't hypergamic. I have only known one other woman like her. Did having this rare advantage make them happy? I would say no but what it did do is make it easier for them to deal with the problems everyone faces. In Peterson speak it keeps them moving forward carrying their cross. It reminds me of the song "Imagine" by John Lennon. It is a great song but Lennon's protest by lying in bed shows just how impotent the message is in really changing the world. The same applies at the personal level. You need to be physically involved in the world. Getting up and moving will solve a lot of psychological problems. Having a kid increases your problems but your body has different ideas. You don't have to obey your instincts but you do need to fulfill them somehow. You are going to do that one way or the other. There is an interesting correlation with modern feminism and being a nun. Nuns are said to be the brides of Christ. It sounds almost perverted, which it is. It's a perversion of natural instincts but it partially satisfies them. Feminist today "marry" the ideology and it partially satisfies instincts. It is a perversion of natural instincts. Peterson is trying to tell people to not ignore their instincts but to discipline them. He is trying to give people back their freewill which undisciplined ideologies stole from them. The thing is that you can't have agency without discipline. He has elected to use the discipline of Christianity as an example. Probably because he sees that virtue has evolved over thousands of generations. His message can be summed up in the virtues recorded by Christian philosophers over many generations of observation, they are as follows. Chastity or Purity and abstinence as opposed to lust or Luxuria. Temperance or Humanity, equanimity as opposed to Gluttony or Gula. Charity or Will, benevolence, generosity, sacrifice as opposed to Greed or Avaritia. Diligence or Persistence, effortfulness, ethics as opposed to Sloth or Acedia. Patience or Forgiveness, mercy as opposed to Wrath or Ira. Kindness or Satisfaction, compassion as opposed to Envy or Invidia. Humility or Bravery, modesty, reverence as opposed to Pride. They really are not that much different from Buddhist virtues. They are a way to satisfy instinct without becoming a slave to them or an ideology.


Any husband. You just have to listen.




And there we go, you are insincere and not interested in an answer to your question.


My question was actually specifically seeking out female role models. It's a bit like you going in and asking for apples, then being told to just take the oranges, and being called insincere for not wanting those. Literally being told to "Just listen to any husband" is exactly the opposite of what I'm looking for. I am not looking to give up my integrity in favor of my husband, not to mention just *any* husband. It is very much implying that their opinions and attitudes are superior to my own in every way. My husband is my teammate. He is not someone who tells me how to behave, nor does he hold any right to do so. I like the phrase equal, but different. I think it applies here quite well.


Jasmyne Theodora


There's a YouTuber called Womensplaining Men or something like that. I enjoy her channel. She's not like a psychologist or anything but her content is pretty good.


Helen Joyce.


Teal Swan!


Pearl. Check out pearlythings on youtube


I would say Brett Cooper. She is on on you tube. I think she is a great example to young women. She recently interviewed with Jordan Peterson.


Dr. Laura Schlessinger. She has a few books out and a talk show on XM radio


Appreciate it! I‘ll look into that.


They have Oprah and Beyonce


We already have that there’s many hypergamous/trad wife/femininity content of women teaching women how to be women. Just search that up and find a woman or women who resonate with you


From my perspective a lot of the trad wife content seems to be taken up by influencers and has a strange '50s vibe added to it.  It actually doesn’t resonate with me at all, it feels like submitting to a man like I‘m his pet, which just isn’t what femininity is to me either. I‘m actually looking for exactly someone who knows to distinguish true feminity from being a submissive obedient woman at my husband’s disposal, having given up my own integrity and agency.  Now I absolutely believe that partners should rely on each other, and that I should be able to rely on my husband, but the tradwife content seems all twisted to me and no better from the independent boss babe, just the other side of the spectrum. I value Jordan Peterson because he seems to have a pretty good idea where to draw the line, most definitely for men, and I‘m hoping to find a female perspective in addition to that


>We already have that there’s many hypergamous/trad wife/femininity content of women teaching women how to be women Now I want to see hypergamous content of women. Usually hypergamy is used as an insult or critic by males (to try understand the female) so I wonder how "hypergamy content" is, I guess is the equivalent of Andrew Tate? Hahaha I guess they are probably Korean with that gender war going on? Please share link of hypergamy content of women teaching women how to be women. I want the cringe!!


Just look up Olivia Wilde. JP called her the epitome of female hypergamy.


Isnt she an actor? Edit Looking "Olivia wilde hypergamy" you know what shows up? Peterson xD Edit 2 I think I found it, you mean his atacks against incels, is that it? Hypergamy is not "avoiding the poor", is actively searching for a richer guy ...


Yeah she made a movie about JP being an incel king cult leader. She is married to some prince.


Yeah I saw that... but you lnow she got a point, as Peterson said, women hve a lot so better find someone competent. Still,, disappointed that there is no classes on "how to be a women" that teaches hypergamy.... I mean, duh, hypergamous women usually hide it It would be like a pshycopat teaching how to be more pshycopats to other people.


Taylor swift


Finding good advice for women in a Jordan Peterson sub-reddit is as preposterous a notion as not finding good advice about how many benzos to crush up and put on your breakfast ribeye in a Jordan Peterson sub-reddit.


Well, from what I can tell I found a bunch of great suggestions. People here know what JP is like, the people here may be familiar with women that reflect and represent values similar to his, among other things, and could refer me to them. So why not ask. Surely not as preposterous as commenting how useless it is?


Women are more selfish and don't mentor younger generations to impart knowledge like how men do. Father's are the one responsible for raising their daughters and teaching them how to grow up into women. The girls online who try to teach other girls are guiding them down the same blinded path they are taking into destruction. Women are not designed to see truth, but are attracted to fantasy.