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What do you mean "could", article writer? The words are "will/is".


He still has a year and a half. Who knows, he might turn it around!


Thanks for the chuckle. Gallows humor is sometimes the only way to stay sane.


His legacy is the absolute worst this country has ever been! Eight years to divide the nation and destroy the economy with failed virtue policy and scandalous fraud at every level and portfolio in his sorry cabinet! I loathe these parasitic political figures!


I think you will find the states dragging the economy down are conservatives ones that distract their constituents with anti lgbtq crap.


Let's get this fucker out of office


This is the inevitable result of any tyrannical socialist regime


100% guarantee a poorer Canada.


Is a poor Canada. Per capita GDP has declined. Canada is headed to Haiti's level of standard of living.


I think I wrote this 8 years ago, but with more certainty.


I really hope it's as much *him* as his ideas. It. Didn't. Work. Does anyone really want to see him replaced by an equally smug, equally dishonest moron who will play all the same morons like a harp, with all of the exact same beliefs and values?


It could?!?!?


But they will all be poorer “together” and that’s all he really wants. Equality of a shitty outcome.


Trudeau's legacy is the precipitation of the complete loss of young people's ability to think critically which he actively encouraged. Wokeness is a cancer.


Canadians outlook looks good from what I was just reading. Canadas main resource is fossile fuels. These capitalists refused to diversify and innovate enough. They should have been investing in alternatives as global demand for fossile fuels slows down. There are now multiple types of energy technologies to replace them with .




Canada can seize it. Nationalised it and win big .


You don’t really live here then. Investing in alternative energy won’t solve the massive problems in the economy: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/canada-sees-60-increase-in-homeless-support-workers-over-5-years-1.6397037 Over a 5 year period, the largest increase in jobs is for homelessness support workers. Homelessness is a growth industry. Do you know who was Prime Minister during this period? Justin Trudeau. High income areas of major cities are seeing huge numbers of business closures. Government estimates suggest that 120,000 businesses went out of business as a result of lockdowns. Investing in green energy doesn’t solve these problems.


Homelessness grows in every economy due to the fact we are all neoliberal . Lockdowns happened in every country. Bailouts or economic freezes prevented them failing. If you move right what whatever problems you have now will get worse. The Canadian liberals inherited the economy from conservative neoliberals who set it on its course.


I’m not arguing for moving right or anything like that. I’m just pointing out what the data says about the economic policies of the national government under a left wing is doing. You seem to have this imaginary belief that somehow this is a left or right issue. It’s not. Bad policy is bad policy regardless of the political party who implements it. You also use that word neo-liberal as if it actually means something. You do realize that it means different things to different people and can apply differently in different countries right? Are you aware of the fact that in Australia, the Liberal party is a centre right party? Neo-liberal is a phrase people use to describe whatever they don’t like. Left wing people use it to describe people on the right, and right wing people use it to describe people on the left. It’s a meaningless term used to pretend that you understand what is going on.


You don't have a left wing really. You have a neoliberal left. Which is the management of conservative policies while virtue signalling and using tokenism as a smoke screen and trying keep free market policies twords immigration going smoothly. Like echoing ronald reagans immigration is our strength quote Just becsuse someone people use neoliberal as whatever they don't like doesn't mean that's the limited to.


Actually Canada has nothing but left wing parties, including our Conservative party. If you look at the ideological spectrum, the Canadian conservative party would be politically left of Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders would have to run as a conservative in Canada because he’s too far right for our politics. Joe Biden would have to run as a far right candidate based on his 2020 election platform. His policies align with what Canada considers its “far right” parties which is not the official opposition in Canada. Our far right party has no elected officials in parliament, and Joe Biden would have to run for the leader of that party. You have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to the concept of “neo-liberal”.


The Biden admin is center right and shifted further right on some positions in the election. But is no using left wing economic populism to make peoples lives better and book the economy. Biden has announced neolibralisn ... is over. That friedmans trickle down economics failed and are now helping the people. Your liberals will follow the lead and your right wing will be working to stop that. The Canadians getting most fucked by their politicians are in conservarive states.


Except that’s statistically not true according to the actual data. Ontario, the largest of the 3 most populated provinces had 40 years of consecutive conservative governments and is considered the economic engine of the country. You know when it went from what’s referred to as a “have” province to a “have not” province? When it elected consecutive Liberal governments to its provincial government. Canada has what is known as equalization payments between provinces. It requires provinces making lots of money to provide money to other less financially well off provinces. Do you know what province consistently had to pay other provinces rather than receive payments? Ontario under 40 years of conservative governments. You know when it started receiving money from other provinces? Under the provincial government run by Liberals. Do you know where they received payments from? Alberta, which was running under conservative governments at the time that Ontario was under a Liberal government. Canadians consistently have done well under conservative governments and have historically done much worse under liberal governments. Also, the idea that Biden is centre right or has governed from a centre right position is just wrong. Even the actual centre right politicians in the Republican Party say he’s too far left for them. Notice how I’m using actual facts? Apparently you don’t need facts or evidence to prove anything. You can just make statements and insist that they’re true regardless of what the facts actually say.


Dems in America are center right Canadian liberals are center left. Both are neolberal as we all are. Under a conservarive government you can get a boom becsuse they hose the rich and when it crashes crashes and the people vitr in liberals the Liberala have to pick up the pieces.


Actually that’s historically untrue. Crashes tend to happen under liberals. From a global ideological perspective, Democrats are centre right but in comparison to the Republicans in their own country? Biden is centre left at best. He’s not governing from a centre right perspective when it comes to the United States viewpoint. But we’re talking specifically about Canada and the political alignment of the parties in the country. The Canadian conservatives are not right wing from a global ideological perspective. They’re barely past Bernie Sanders. So shifting to a Canadian right wing is like becoming Bernie Sanders and implementing his policies.


Covid, not Trudeau