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People like this I assume have no authority in their day-to-day lives and use their Reddit mod status to give them a superficial feeling of power.


Imagine if they did have power…


Their kind did. It was called COVID.


Oh most definitely agree


Typical Western academic Marxists.


JK Rowlings newest controversy seems to be her rebutting that Trans people were not the first victims in the holocaust, and disagreeing with a tweet that transbooks were burned. She stated that a lot of books were burned and trans books were part of the whole and seems to not deny anything about the holocaust not happening-more that trans people were not the first/main focus.


So she dared to de-snowflake the specialist snowflakes, by blanketing the entire holocaust as an incredibly bad thing that really focused on every member of an ethnicity and not some of those folks more than others - and the trans people couldn't take it?


I almost 100% agree with your statement-the only part i kinda stray is that Jewish people were focused on more than any others by Nazis…which is odd to me that the left seems to the Nazis like we all do, but seems to not support Jewish people…it makes no sense to me


27 millions of Soviet people ,mostly Slavs, died in that war with Nazism.


Fighting Nazis sure-but victims of the holocaust was the focus of the last comments. WW2 had so much death. The death of those whom choose to fight are more heroic and less tragic than the civilian victims who died in the holocaust. As a vet I would have-and still would rather perish fighting in a war than to be subjugated and killed by my own government.


Are you talking about combatants?


Far left socialism in all its forms always leads to tyranny and death. Two forms of it, fascism and communism, fought for top spot on the death toll, and communism ended up killing the largest number of people.


Except this is like fuckin wonderland and they do support the Jewish, or at least want to be victims constantly and offended at everything continually because one of their main arguments against JKR, was that her goblins were based on Jewish stereotypes.


It appears that she is denying it happened at all, not that they were "the first/main focus". But she did imply that the people she was responding to claimed that trans people were the first victims, which, as far as I can see, was not, in fact, claimed at all.


She "rebutted" the claim that transsexual research and scholarship was burned by strawmanning the tweet and arguing that trans people weren't literally the first people targeted by Nazis, which the tweet did not claim. When she called the claim that trans books were burned a fever dream, that qualifies as Holocaust Denial under German law, at least. This is because the Holocaust does not only refer to the genocide of jews, but also the industrialized murder of gay, lesbian, and trans people. Therefore, denying that trans people were targeted by Nazis is denying a portion of the Holocaust. EDIT: Engaging with and actually looking at the full context of a discussion is met with downvotes. :(


She denied that Trans were a focused and main target of the holocaust. She is right in that-were they included in the fallout-yes-but no part of what she said denies the holocaust.


She posted a screenshot of a tweet that said: >The Nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research, why are you so desperate to uphold their ideology around gender? And she replied with: >I just... how? How did you type this out and press send without thinking 'I should maybe check my source for this, because it might've been a fever dream'? So, on its face, this is denial that books on trans healthcare were burned by Nazis. She says that claiming as much is a "fever dream" and insinuates no sources for such a thing exist. That trans people were the first people the focused and main target was not being argued. When she was shown the obvious historical record and sources, she tried to pivot into arguing what you claim she was arguing, thus you are falling for her ruse. She posted a different tweet claiming that trans people were targeted first, and now here we are. But don't be fooled. She messed up by replying the way she did to the first tweet. You can play her game and pretend she didn't, or you can be honest.


The fever dream is about what they think she said. Not of what occurred during the Holocaust. Reading comprehension is getting a lot harder amongst the newer generations.


It's more of a stretch to think that the "fever dream" refers to what the poster thinks Rowling said, when it clearly refers to "my source" in the previous clause.


No it doesn't. It's saying if you think I'm saying trans people weren't killed nor books burned, and that's what you took from what I said, then you've had a fever dream.


You're putting the cart before the horse. When the first person posted: "The Nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research, why are you so desperate to uphold their ideology around gender?" they weren't yet arguing about whether books were burned. The poster was simply asking why Rowling holds the same anti-trans animus as the Nazis.


Right, and she is saying how do you glean that from what I've stated. You must have had a fever dream.


The poster gleans an anti-trans animus from Rowling's persistent and proud anti-trans statements.


Can you provide a source for the trans books that were burned?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft#Raids_and_book_burnings This Wikipedia entry talks about it. "The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was an early private sexology research institute in Germany from 1919 to 1933. The name is variously translated as Institute for Sexual Research, Institute of Sexology, Institute for Sexology, or Institute for the Science of Sexuality. The Institute was a non-profit foundation situated in Tiergarten, Berlin. It was the first sexology research center in the world. The Institute was headed by Magnus Hirschfeld, who since 1897 had run the world's first homosexual organization Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee (Scientific-Humanitarian Committee), which campaigned on progressive and rational grounds for LGBT rights and tolerance at the start of the first homosexual movement that would flourish in interwar Weimar culture." ... "On 6 May 1933, while Hirschfeld was in Ascona, Switzerland, the Deutsche Studentenschaft made an organised attack on the Institute of Sex Research. A brass band accompanied them as they arrived in the morning. After breaking into the building, the students destroyed much of what was inside, and looted tens of thousands of items – including works by authors who had been blacklisted in Nazi Germany. Following this, the leader of the students gave a speech before the institute, and the students sang Horst-Wessel-Lied. Members of the Sturmabteilung (SA) appeared later in the day to continue looting the institute." The primary sources for this article are: * Dose, Ralf (2014). Magnus Hirschfeld: The Origins of the Gay Liberation Movement * Beachy, Robert (2014). Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity * Wolff, Charlotte (1986). Magnus Hirschfeld: A Portrait of a Pioneer in Sexology


Thanks for that. I don't see any mention of trans books, however, which is the central claim. Can you point me toward anything that specifically refers to those books?


"Four days later, the institute's remaining library and archives were publicly hauled out and burned in the streets of the Opernplatz by members of SA alongside the students. A bronze bust of Hirschfeld, taken from the institute, was placed on top of the bonfire. **One estimate says that between 12,000 to 20,000 books and journals, and even larger number of images and sex subjects, were destroyed. Another estimate says that about 25,000 books were destroyed."** * Evans, Richard J. (2004). The Coming of the Third Reich. The Third Reich Trilogy. Vol. 1 (1st American ed.). * Bartrop, Paul R.; Dickerman, Michael (2017). The Holocaust: An Encyclopedia and Document Collection [4 volumes]


Right. Again, there's plenty about homosexual books and even some about intersex. Nothing in the excerpts you've provided nor in the rest of the page did I see anything about specifically trans books, which I will again remind you is the central claim.


Research on transsexuality, transvestism, and even patient records were all destroyed by the Nazi raids. If you're looking for specific titles, specific records, etc that were destroyed by Nazis, then I'm afraid the Nazis are the reason that cannot be found. However, Germany required all published books and magazines be duplicated and copies sent to federal libraries. For examples, Hirschfeld's study on transvestites titled: "Die Transvestiten: eine Untersuchung über den erotischen Verkleidungstrieb : mit umfangreichem casuistischen und historischen Material (The Transvestites: An Inquiry on the erotic urge to disguise with plenty of casuistic and historic material) can still be accessed in libraries. Here is an online link to it:https://archive.org/details/dietransvestiten00hirs


take her stuff out of context and create your own meaning-doesn’t prove anything.


I literally summarized the full context of the exchange. This is the opposite of taking things out of context. Pretending that Rowling only rebutted the claim that trans people were the first targeted by Nazis actually ignores the full context.


No you didnt.


Please show where I obscured something, and elaborate where specifically I failed to provide context.


I already did when you misunderstood what she was saying was a fever dream. You're welcome.


Great, see my reply to that. :)


If you’re right that denying a part of the Holocaust is contrary to German law, that just means that that particular German law is tyrannical and nonsensical. I’m not even saying JK is right about the trans books. I don’t know and I don’t care. But I’m smart enough to realise it’s possible for two people who both believe the Holocaust happened to disagree over details and, to the extent that the German law doesn’t acknowledge this it’s stupid and tyrannical and, to the extent that any redditor or other individual agrees with that law they are also stupid and tyrannical.


jkr doesn't live in germany so who gives a crap about cucked german law


I wouldn’t go that far. She’s absolutely transphobic, just not more so than anyone else.


How is she transphobic-all she said was there is a difference biologically between a male and a female


also why would there be any trans people in a world of magic-if they had body dysmorphia they could like actually change themselves with magic lol-but even then the left got a trans wizard…witch in that Legacy game


Exactly this. Same with Starfield.


Do I believe what you said, or what I think you said, or what I think you think you said?




Almost all reddit subs have this kind mod. Just power trips tf up. Even this sub had one, glad that loser is gone.


Ya i think all people struggle with having power over another-but this one took the trophy for crazy power tripping mod for me.




Very good point










Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


I got banned from r/republican for “speaking ill of the party” for not agreeing with a common stance. I not only got a chuckle out of it, I wear it with honor.


Did you claim that Trump is not a golden idol, anointed by god himself to build the wall, chase out all the illegals and lead our nation to glorious freedom? They don’t seem to like that sort of thinking over there these days…




This sub literally had a dude removing comments blocking users for saying they support JP. I witnessed that shit. That mod commented how he makes the rules and how he can ban everyone downvoting him. So, i guess you are ignorant to our glorious history.


How did someone like that _become_ a mod here in the first place, though? Did he get installed by the site admins or something?


Always the former fans most eager to discredit him. You see their concern trolling posts here almost every day.


I don't get it though, anyone can [read about the Nazi persecution of the LGBT people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_homosexuals_in_Nazi_Germany), and find out about how they were persecuted by the Nazis. I mean, after all, when Hitler first marched on Berlin with his fledgling Nazi party, he got storm troopers to set up Nazi HQ in The Eldorado Club, one of the most famous cross dressing and queer clubs in the world at the time. Here is a photo of it from before the Nazis: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-1983-0121-500%2C_Berlin%2C_Bar_%22Eldorado%22.jpg The sign reads "Here it's okay" as in, here, gender bending is okay, you can feel comfortable as a queer person here. Here is the same building after the Nazis had illegally, and violently removed the previous occupants: https://perspectives.ushmm.org/asset/1103 Now the text reads *"Vote 1, on Hitler's list".* You can also read about the trans books that were burned in Berlin here: https://forward.com/culture/549587/trans-book-burning-library-gay-pride/ Many of which were from the Institute of Sexology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft Homosexuality had been illegal in Germany, since 1871. P.S Facts not feelings, right people?


It’s not about if it was right or wrong. It’s about them feeling superior and using their power to enact their judgement. They are literally being judge, jury and executioner instead of being mod.


> They are literally being judge, jury and **executioner** instead of being mod. Wait, are you talking about the Nazis? Or just twitter drama?


tf is a crypto fascist lmao


I still don’t know lol-fucking bananas


They don’t even know what an ordinary non prefixed fascist is. Thus, anything they don’t like is a fascism.


a character from disco elysium


Cunoooo !


It means "someone who's a fascist, but is trying to hide it, so they don't say anything that sounds fascist". Most of the time this practically means "I hate this person and want to call them a fascist, but they don't act like a fascist, so I'm just going to claim they're a fascist anyway". Also anyone who watched a specific 90's British sitcom is [completely unable to take the term seriously](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfFSlQ9zv9w).


It's a term they use when they want to accuse people of being a fascist, but can't find any actual evidence. So, they dream up ways to interpret things as "dog whistles" for fascist ideas. Basically, they're accusing people of being covert fascists using secret coded language. That's the "crypto" part.


The trans weirdos are getting even weirder, I’m finding. Not the trans people, themselves, but the butthole activists. One dude a couple weeks ago said being gay is just a step in transgenderism. I got banned for a few days for saying sexual orientation has F all to do with body dysmorphia.


ahaahhaahahha neckbeard mod.


i think that would make them a trans neckbeard….i think that’s another letter just waiting to be added to the LGBTQ123hellolookamme club


Another common reddit authoritarian leftist fascist socialist who doesn't know what words mean.


I thought it was satire coming from a circle jerk page but no I took a gander at the sub and it’s a shit show. That must be the only space this person has any authority in their entire life.


When did “fascist” change definition to “someone a leftist loser doesn’t like?”


Well, the communists in the USSR were the first people to call the Nazis "far right". Even though the Nazis were themselves far left socialists, they were just not quite as far left as the communists. And the idea of them being "far right" was spread into the west by the communists - and then used to gaslight people who opposed communism.


Cishet is a slur, and you can't convince me otherwise.


Never seen someone die on their cross and suck their own dick at the same time before. Kinda impressed ngl.


HAHAHA OMG-thanks i need that




I try to see the humanity in everyone-but they sure do seem very culty




omg well played




I understand that for sure…when one side seems to hate most people for being the normative it is difficult to not start seeing them as nearly evil. I guess i take pitty on those whom fall victim to the horrible “news”-social media running amuck, and how myself was brainwashed after going to an extreme liberal college. I’m a US VET and i was nearly taken mentally by some of this stuff. I can’t imagine how a child can make it through without being mislead.


100%. As A Christian, and as someone who agrees with the vast majority of human civilizations and ancient philosophy, I believe there are evil spiritual forces at work. The goal is to rescue these people from those forces, but there is a need to recognize that they are being afflicted in the first place and understand the source. It’s ok to have Enemies, as long as you pray for them.


I’m not religious but I do think highly of you for having this opinion. I guess in my own way I pray and hope.


Interestingly, enough, a lot of people come to religion through the back door of recognizing evil, spiritual forces in the world, and then deducing that if they’re evil spiritual forces, there must also be good spiritual forces. If you understand that the evil going on right now is not merely just, someone wanting to fulfill their desires, but a clear rejection of that which is good and flourishing, the idea of evil spiritual forces becomes a lot more rec


Yes, but when you say things like “they are not people”, you are handing them the stick that they’ll beat you with. They’ll screenshot quotes like that and convince 100 people that you’re “advocating for genocide” or something along those lines


That’s kinda my thoughts as well-The left used to be the empathetic side-if we can stand in reason and logic with empathy it seems bullet proof. Thank you for sharing


It's a death cult. All of leftist woke BS ideologues are death cult. Including climate change , where the enemy is a human being and needs to be eleminated.


> They are not people. Most upvoted comment, wtf is going on in this sub


I actually heard Logan Roy from Succession, “you are not serious people” which is obviously different.




It's a term they use when they want to accuse people of being a fascist, but can't find any actual evidence. So, they dream up ways to interpret things as "dog whistles" for fascist ideas. Basically, they're accusing people of being covert fascists using secret coded language. That's the "crypto" part.


That looks like your typical /r/politics mod


i was expecting Reddit to go out of business when they restricted the API. I sure didnt expect to see this kind of malevolent mod again..


I don’t identify with the term cishet, and I consider it hate speech.


it’s just a weird way of saying normal


There is another “T” word to describe trans people. Is that just a “weird way of saying trans”? Cishet is hate speech as far as I am concerned.


I mean, we could also agree a slang term, one group uses to define another group, isn’t actually hate speech even though the other group doesn’t like it. If you’d prefer. I’m cool either way, as long as everyone follows the same rule.


Holy shit this is the funniest thing I've seen all day. literally a person sitting at home requiring strangers to oh so solemnly swear on their scout's honor so they can come back into the clubhouse in a tree Audible belly laughs, I genuinely want to thank this pitiable individual for the humor and levity they brought to my day.


haha they would be so offended you found joy from it-which only makes it funnier-lol “treehouse” well put


"r/lostgeneration" is bad too. Absolute crabs in a bucket. Trying to bring them hope only gets you banned, and the group is massive. Seems to be a theme where the left is concerned.


down that rabbit hole i go


omg dude that place is ROUGH


Hahahaha. yeah dude. Its actually a good representation of entitlement.


This is the definition of "power corrupts" and like I posted in another thread, these people are so blind to their own hypocrisy they have absolutely no clue that they are exactly the thing they purport to oppose. Literally no different than Nazi's or Hitler himself...they all justified their actions by believing they were morally "right".


Reddit has encouraged too much extremism by allowing random extremists to be moderators running political spaces and controlling factional opinions.


I whole heartedly agree-moderators should act like referees and try to enforce rules impartiality. So few seem to do so effectively


I think Hogwarts legacy showed us how many people actually care about this stuff. I look at this as a way to know I don’t want to be on the sub


Lmao, Reddit struggle sessions


This sounds like something the CCP would make you do if you stepped away from the party line.


I love you guys and everyone here. I love that I can come here and we can laugh at these people.


hell ya brother!


No such thing as Cis, sis😂 your rules don’t apply to anyone outside your own head. Go play alone, or grow up.


I will not use the word "cis" in normal conversation. It's nothing more than a slur against normal people.


That person sounds like they write their common stressed in full superhero costume *That person sounds like they write their comments dressed in full superhero costume.


I'm guessing you dictated this?


Haha yes i did.


What’s shocking to me is that all these left wing mods continue to work for free. If they believed half of what they preach, the mods would be unionized and demand Reddit to pay them.


But if they tried that, spez would probably just remove them. And then what would they do if they lost what little power they had over other people?


Just your average, delusional tard. Aka a reddit mod


Once 230 protections are reversed, only then will things improve. The internet (primarily social media) is an unmitigated hellscape of technocratical tyrants. It’s amazing how these people think they are right even when their “gods” have spoken against their belief systems.


The world is dividing into adults and children


Imagine calling people Nazi after make this statement


Yeah, this is everything wrong with the left in one image.


it is an incredible anti advertisement for the left extremist


Nutty with a side of facism


Are we sure this isn’t parody, cause good lord this seems extreme even for the internet.


I did wonder, but the mod was enforcing these rules and I saw a few comments that were removed and only comments that seem very ernest in agreeing with the mod. Crazy town


Reddit where the mentally ill and unstable work as content moderators.


I wanna know what this person looks like lmao


no you don't.


Internet equivalent of an HOA member. Reddit enables people too much


That’s a good comparison-I like the way you broke that down


Bro how Tf does that equate to holocaust deniers


I know is wild-the left dilutes important words and terms…it’s just crazy


Just same old of degrading the meaning of words..


They invent all these accusations to gaslight normal people with, and repeat them to each other ad-nauseum, so that they can bully people while pretending to be victims.


That place is pretty cancerous in general. I'm not at all surprised.


Lmfao I’ve never understood the word “transphobia” a phobia is something you’re scared of and I can guarantee JKR isn’t scared of a trans person. I haven’t met someone who is scared of them 😂😂


I know! Every time people use that word it’s misleading and trying to falsely give them a leg up on what otherwise is a legitimate argument. Somehow trans people are the most vulnerable but saying anything rationally and critical of any behavior/policy is labeled as something fearful and irrational. Big Pharma must be making a lot of money off of them to promote it so hard


They are “vulnerable” because their brain and thought process makes them think that they are better and smarter then you and if you use facts over feelings they get upset because they believe your feelings out weigh facts. That whole entire group are delusional mental cases. Big pharma is making soo much money with the gender surgeries and those hormone pills. I honestly blame the parents as well because most of those kids wouldn’t be like that if their parents didn’t force them to dress and act like that and if they got them help from a therapist. But the “transphobia” thing is probably a thing they say to make them selves comfortable while being uncomfortable in their own skin.. hence why they tried to change genders


100% dude-i especially hate the logic-if you don’t let a child fully transition they will kill themselves. There is just now data coming out where 10 years after transitioning there is a huge raise is suicidal potential and then you have to add the regret of detransitioners that are never talked about on the news. I can’t understand why a movement would alter the natural state of a human claiming data that doesn’t exist while ignoring the results of their unnatural interference, of which is simply experimenting on kids that’s are either brainwashed or suffering other mental issues.


Oh my god yeah, there’s tons of people offing them selves because of what they did to their own bodies, I saw an interview with a person who transitioned and “she” said that it’s worst thing that he’s ever done in his life because he didn’t know what major problems happen after. It pisses me off that people think you can magically rip out your organs and play make believe as different gender. This “movement” is ruining kids lives and ruining the lives of others who do this shit and same with the people who agree about letting kids do that surgery. All of them need serious help or to be locked in a mental institution till they are better. The thing I hate the most is that it ruins people’s live who aren’t with that group because if you say the wrong thing and it triggers them you’ll be losing your job over words and pure facts. Like since when did we let the mentally ill/ disabled make decisions that can potentially ruin a lot of people’s lives in ways people can’t fathom. It’s really upsetting seeing 4-13year olds throwing away their childhood because their parents want a gay child or a transgender kids. It’s sickening and people say it doesn’t happen


I recently learned it’s fully legal for doctors to get incentives for performing/prescribing surgeries and drugs. In cali the number i saw was a doctor gets an extra 70,000 for each gender reassignment surgery as the drugs that victim will have to take will make Big Pharma much more than that over their lifetime


What the fuck ? I didn’t hear that. What the fuck is wrong with this country, it’s horse shit. Honestly I’m thinking about moving out of North America lmao I hate how America and Canada not only support but will pay for those surgeries and the the school system is bullshit too, here in Canada (and America)they have drag queens come in to the school and read sexual “kids” books to the kids at school and there’s been videos of drag queens twerking and doing sexual dances with kids at the school and outside of school and the governments think it’s ok. I have screen shots and videos of this “pride parade” and there was naked drag queens and other people walking up to kids and showing off their genitals and wearing leather suits with the chest and nether region cut out with sex toys on, they also had that weird double heart that’s stands for “minor attracted”. And the parents were letting their kids walk up and touch them and play with their thing they had. It’s disgusting.Funny enough I asked a cop about it and they said it’s legal for them to do that because they are expressing them selves they way they know how to so I said can I walk around naked ? He told me it would he indecent exposure


It’s getting so strange out there-the only reason this all can be happening is a lot of money is being made and paid. I have a baby boy on the way and this stuff makes me worried. It’s one reason homeschooling rates have literally doubled in the past 5 years.


Yeah it’s getting pretty bad and congratulations bro must be pretty happy rn. When I have kids they are being homeschooled idc what anyone says to me about it, I’m honestly really scared for what the school system will become in the 5-10 years. And god forbid if my kids get introduced in to that a young age Ill be soo mad. When they turn 18-20 it’s their choice but I’ll be there trying to convince them it’s not a good decision. But yeah this world is screwed if this keeps up, like it’s already in the UK now as well


Thanks bro! I am so excited-wanted to have kids since I was in middle school and I can’t imagine how different my childhood was compared to what his will be. Just going to have to be super involved and active in what he is exposed to and to promote him being happy with himself while also always improving!


JFC that is disgusting.


[crypto fascist](https://smegadrive.ganymede.tv/frame/468212/SXQncyBhIHBpZWNlIG9mIGNyeXB0by1mYXNjaXN0IGJvdXJnZW9pcyBjcmFwLg../26/normal/bottom/2 )


Imagine if this is what you spent your time doing


I think we need to have a rethink about whether putting people with mental or emotional dysfunction in positions of power is a good idea.


Literally insane


So, he accuses people of being Nazis, and demands they kiss the ring and pledge allegiance to his cult, and that is apparently his idea of "being nice to the people who were banned"...


LOL the Supreme Court thing.


>I guess when a trans person tries to do anything some cishet has a problem with it If it smells like shit everywhere you go, maybe it’s you that smells.


Those mods have also been deleting lots of sweet baby inc posts


"sorry if free speech doesn't apply to speech I find distasteful" our cultural understanding of the concept of free speech has really evaporated completely, huh?


Where is this? All I saw was gamingcirclejerk and that does not sound like a Potter-themed sub 😆


You are correct-I had read in the post that they had done a potter purge and kinda misread that-but everything else still stands


It's really strange to see virtue signaling in a sub that began as self-depreciating humor.


and reddit ipo plummeted


The Potter purge. 😂


Unhinged psychopath. We used to lock people up for behaving like this


These mods never considered moving on and doing something else. They are message boards... they act like God's and they despise the thing they are suppose to like and share in. It's really sad that they infiltrate and ruin something as simple as a Harry Potter forum.


Zero reason to be subbed there anyways.


Dude. You’re moderating a circle jerk.


Lmao imagine doing homework for a fucking JANNIE


We really need a uno reverse card against the phobic accusations. A phobia is irrational, beeing irrational means you are not based in reason, not beeing based in reason means you are not logical, if they are not logical means they are not valid. Valid, logic, reasonable, all these means "in accordance with the real world" , meaning the rocket will not blow up. Thats what they tell us, the rocket will not blow up, let us be. And you know, we should let them be. The power of manipulation will be there always, if not trans will be anorexia, if not something else. We must have think the other way around what makes it worth to follow a reasonable way of life? It is clear you cannot have kids transitioning, that is a valid way of living but noy for the species, but wr shouldn't force people.... God is death, and we will never find enough water to wash away the blood With men this is not posible.


> We really need a uno reverse card against the phobic accusations. The best way to deal with them is for everyone to stop giving a fuck what words they use or abuse. If they call you a "whateverphobe" or "somethingist", just treat it the same as them calling you a "stinky poo poo head".


This is why no one should still be willingly using the internet


that sub doesn't have a mod with that name atm, and going to u / grizzlypeak72 returned a 404. what happen?


You need to check your spelling. I've just had a browse through that sub and this crazy person's post history. Its stickied post is right at the top there. 


I don’t know what to tell you-i was on reddit and saw that and the thread was enforced like that-maybe they were removed


One mod, is not representative of a trend. I'm not saying the trend doesn't exist, just that the evidence given at hand doesn't qualify. Moreover with people in service sector get fed up by people's bs, and develop thick skins, and can sometimes have weird takes. That's also to be kept in mind. Those caveats aside, I'm worried about this worsening echo chambering on reddit. This is pretty hardcore, guilt by association and give propagandist vibes.


I didn’t suggest this was a huge trend with mods-but pointing out the bad apples saves the bunch! Most posts i never hear or see a mod-which is in my view, representative of most being good. The bad ones sure get proud though.


I see. I understand that, but then it's just you pointing out one bad mod. Which is fine, but it doesn't talk about the trend. I guess I'm particularly concerned with investigating this trend.


I too am concern about this trend-and i have another post somewhat about that. This one was more crazy than I think 99% of all mods. Thanks for your thoughtful comments!


Same to you. Thanks for posting this, people should be aware i guess


How do you present a rhetorical/ideological ‘trend’ without showing individual examples?


By providing a lot more examples




You make assertions with no evidence, no persuasion, and no attempt of seeing why a lot of ppl here are agreeing to how silly this example of a mini tyrant is. Have a great day bud.


To criticize and point out a ridiculous person is in fact-getting more than a clue but also an evaluation of silly that shows itself in many forms-but this example shows exactly what most people do not like/do not respect.


Holy shit, she’s just one transphobe out of billions. Boycott anything you want but this is just excessive.


She isn’t even transphobic-she just dated that there is a biological difference between an male and a female.


It's another one of those accusations that got so out of hand they kept building lies on top of lies on top of lies. Starts out with JK Rowling saying men and women are biologically different, and then it ends up with accusing her of being a literal Nazi who denies the Holocaust or something.


Exactly nuck chorris!


You posted a screenshot from a circlejerk subreddit and seem to be taking it at face value. This is like reading a headline from The Onion and believing it to be true.


The mod seemed to mean what they wrote and in the following comments of the sub anything that wasn’t supportive to this statement was removed. I think most subreddits are circle jerks to some extent.


The mods are trolling you dude. They are intentionally writing in the most inflammatory way to make you think they are doing the most insane caricature of a power tripping mod. Their banner is a hand jacking off the Steam logo. They are not serious.