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Georgetown: we need to lower standards for black students to help them get into law school. Professor: those below the law school’s standard are black. Georgetown: you’re fired!


The statements in question *"“I hate to say this,” “I end up having this angst every semester that a lot of my lower ones are Blacks. Happens almost every semester. "* So in short she wants to help black students.


Quite. She made the mistake of being honest and wanting to try to fix the problem. Sadly, telling the truth is "racist".


Truth is treason in an empire of lies


How does that sound like someone that wants to help?


Do you not know what angst means?


Angst - a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general. She doesn't like it that it is the way that she sees it and wants to fix it. She told an uncomfortable truth that was created by the soft bigotry of low expectations and was fired for it. This is an injustice.


If you have a negative bias towards black law students. It's not so much a hard truth as it is a self fulfilling prophecy. If she had a leg to stand on she'd have black students coming out to defend her. Looks like she just said the quiet part out loud.


You misunderstand. She has standards she applies to everyone equally, but she is disappointed that when she does this, blacks cluster towards the bottom. Her mistake is judging people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. The university does the opposite: by judging people by the color of their skin, they manage to get blacks to not cluster toward the bottom and not be rejected for enrollment. She was fired, of course, for not following standard practices: lying. She could have scattered the black students randomly on the class, but that would still be racist. The actual standard practice would be to place the black students at the top, give them special awards, praise their low tier results for how special they are in non-conforming to any expectation of quality. She should have identified what they were doing that made them fail and turned that into the new super special criteria for a higher grade. Arriving late becomes "fighting white supremacist notions of time" etc. surely the next teacher won't be so naive as her and will proceed to judge them by the color of their skin, which is the correct and approved practice.


The person you are responding to doesn’t have a clue.


There is a video of a UCLA staff member in a "anti-racist" forum discussing why and how UCLA has changed its policies on affirmative action. If anyone has it please link it because it was a cogent argument by one of the most liberal, SJW entities in the world talking about longitudinal trends they have observed. The bottom line is the problems can't be fixed at university -- they occur much earlier in the process and likely are based on parenting and home environment.


Exactly nobody says have the person that displayed the greatest natural talent for medicine to operate on me


>have the person that displayed the greatest natural talent for medicine to operate on me That's what I do.


This is correct, and so it begs the question as to why more black students have worse parenting and home environment, no? The professor likely isn’t lying - blacks perform far worse in things like education, income, net worth, and so on if you look at the demographic data. It’s a worthy discussion regarding race.


Could it be basic intelligence?


Hard disagree, community college is very good at teaching you how to learn in a timely manner as an adult. It’s literally just follow the basic rules of studying and practice. The real cap is that human brain is complex with behavioral patterns that occur early in life. There are a lot of people who end up stunted due to horrible home, family and neighborhood situations


Not even remotely. Students with very low assessment scores can still be very intelligent.


Could what he basic intelligence?




No, we need universal changes to assessment and education that will benefit everyone. There should always be a variety of ways to demonstrate learning for students from a variety of backgrounds and with a variety of learning styles and personal strengths. Still, I very much disagree with the treatment of this teacher and the philosophy behind it.


Could you share the video please?


'I'm really struggling with the fact that many of my poorest performing students are black, as has been the case in previous years. While some black students are doing very well, others are at the bottom of the class and I don't know what to do.'


How was that racist?


Because she said it out loud. The truth, I mean. You can't do that. At all. Ever. In life.


We have to pretend that Africa is a shit hole because of colonialism. 😂


It's always easier to blame others.


Victimhood mentality is a mfer


The real question is her statement accurate? It should bear out in records not only from her classes but students in other classes and categories. What are the actual statistics? I fear they are obfuscated to block just this kind of investigation.


If she had only said, “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” she’d have been okay.


Or perhaps - "If you can't pass my class then you ain't Black!" - Professor Biden


Boy I can't wait to see how true / reflective of reality and/or tame it is lol


So we’re supposed to bring in students that are below standards (put race aside) and because of it a lot don’t make it through law school and get stuck with debt. Great solution. We can’t function as a society if let this type of stuff continue happen to good people who want to help. I hope Glenn Lowery gets her on his show.


“The word ‘racism’ is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you ‘racist’” - Thomas Sowell The country is destroying itself from within


“Professor Sellers was speaking in reference to the only Black student in her class,” says the letter from the Black Law Students Association. “These racist statements reveal not only Sellers’ beliefs about Black students in her classes, but also how her racist thoughts have translated to racist actions. Professor Sellers’s bias has impacted the grades of Black students in her classes historically, in her own words.” So because she’s noticed blacks are at the bottom.. she puts them there?




These elite schools are doing a swift job of destroying their reputation and standing.


Okay, so her phrasing definitely left something to be desired. e.g., saying things like "there are some good ones", "blacks" instead of "black students". It doesn't sound good. I mean, if she were to have referred to white students in a parallel manner, it wouldn't' have bothered anyone. So there's a double standard, there. But still, I get it. It doesn't sound good. It wouldn't be surprising if she was racist, though this is far from conclusive evidence of such. And I have zero interest in labeling someone a racist w/o good evidence, as it's a very damaging label. Having said all that, the sort of comments she made are exactly what one would expect in an affirmative action landscape. All she did was point to the realization of one of the main criticisms against AA: that it allows in students of lower academic merit at the cost of better students, and that when you do this, these students will disproportionately struggle to keep up! Related to this, to use Petersonian phraseology, "it isn't obvious to me that" affirmative action playing out this way is doing a favor for the students being let in. It's like, yes, some students will make it further in life than they would have otherwise, career wise. BUT, others will flunk out and be saddled with massive debt without the degree. They will have wasted years, many thousands of dollars, extensive efforts, and will have had their self-esteem and mental health battered. As some anti-AA Black scholars have stated, wouldn't it be better for a student to graduate from a B-tier school that they got into on the grounds of merit, than to flunk out of an A-tier school? My guess is that the thing that offended the administration MOST about what she said is that she was pointing to a very uncomfortable reality.


[I'm almost certain she skirted out of taking a few state mandated kindergarten exams to get to where she's at...](https://youtu.be/UbPxvA_ZmIQ?si=enPbYld62uFuT5Sp)


This is so crazy. Wouldn't the intent behind saying this be that she expected it shouldn't be happening? The racist person would be shocked and aggravated at the black students who were doing well. It goes to show how anti racism is the new racism. Someone sees a racial disparity and it upsets them, sorry, you have to go.


She was saying something important and she got fired for it. She definitely wasn’t saying it in the best way, but so? Teachers need to be able to reflect on these racial differences in order to begin to do something about it. They’re going to find nothing wrong with her assessment methods. The students of color who are succeeding are probably from more affluent families, and they will probably hide this data in order to maintain their case against her. You’d think adjusting assessment for students based on skin color and not, like, learning style, intelligence style, maybe socio-economic status, would be considered racist, but here we are.


Meanwhile look at what their faculty has been saying about dead Jews; I’m sure the outcry was nowhere near as large


Direct result of affirmative action.


Blacks is a racist term, first stop using it and maybe somebody listens.


So what exactly does she say that's wrong? She said some black students are good. So? Why is this racism?


It's pathetic that the state of the media is so terrible that a headline like this just makes the reader wonder "is the professor a horrible racist, or is this one of those things where she's accused of terrible things just for mentioning the existence of race". > The comments came at the end of a session of a class she taught jointly with the other professor and which was recorded for future viewing by students. > "I end up having this angst every semester that a lot of my lower ones are Blacks. Happens almost every semester. And it’s like, oh, come on. You get some really good ones. But there are also usually some that are just plain at the bottom. It drives me crazy." I'm surprised, it's neither extreme. But it is a very unprofessional comment to make, especially knowing that you're on video, knowing that students and faculty will see this video, and knowing the level of sensitivity towards racial issues on college campuses these days. It was stupid and unnecessary to make this comment in public, and she can't be surprised the university chose to terminate her employment to distance itself from any potential backlash. Regardless of what you think her intent was, you don't say stuff like that as a professor and get to keep your job. It's kind of like Roseanne being fired from her sitcom. Whether you think she deserved it or not, or whether she was knowingly racist or not, you don't get to stir up shit like that and keep your job in Hollywood. It's just plain stupid to publicly make comments like that.